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Someone tell Max we didn't get the link for the chef spoon in the description. :)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/StormShadow13 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 26 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Looks delicious! The hair pluck was hilarious!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/drunkdaze šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 26 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

I want a clip of just the behind the scenes segment.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/idk_whatever_69 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 27 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Where do I get the recipe?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Buoy_Fritz šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 02 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Hate to be a downer here but 26 mins is a bit long. Old videos used to 11-15 mins and were a better watch imo. Now Iā€™m just hitting the arrow key repeatedly.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/BroncosFan19 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 27 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
stick diana is one of the greatest things that ever happened to a steak and we're making it and you are going to love it [Music] think back way back to before most of you were born to a quieter gentler time when when people wore suits on airplanes frankly when people smoked on airplanes I remember that that was some crazy I'd like a seated non-smoking please you were right behind the smoking section the crazy thing is the smoke didn't know not to come back towards you but a gentler time people dressed up when they went out men wore suits and fedoras and and ladies looked proper and didn't show belly okay maybe that was a mistake I shouldn't go there but Mad Men have you seen Mad Men you watch Mad Men yes well you're you chance young chance didn't watch because you're part of him I know but I know couples tend to watch things together he was right I wasn't dissing you because because you're a [ __ ] bong I was missing you for watching Mad Men because max said he did [ __ ] bong my daughter-in-law I'm so proud all I'm saying is there was another time when certain foods were a thing they're not that much of a thing anymore and sometimes it's worthy of revisiting them Steak Diane is a is a is a wonderful steak dish with a cream sauce that has beef broth in and in in Dijon and cream and and there's mushrooms and and shallots and it's delicious it's not complicated I'm going to make a complicated oh I could have made it easy but no no I had to be like up let's make it complicated but it's great you're gonna love it so first take a look at what I have here the sauce part of this requires something called Demi glass which is a combination of two French sauces we're not doing that I do have a couple cups of beef broth tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of tomato paste in here that I have reduced down by about half I'm now gonna take about a teaspoon of cornstarch mix it in with like three tablespoons of water oh boy and we're gonna add half of this to this little mixture and allow it to thicken a little bit I don't want to turn this into a super thick Thanksgiving like gravy it's gonna come together a little bit why do I do that you know I do that because it's fun it's my chef's spoon what's the stuff in this might be my new best friend look there's a thing called a chef's spoon you see chefs with them in the pocket of their their chef coat mixing tasting they want to have a spoon at the ready and it's a slightly oversized it's sort of like a tablespoon not tablespoon in the exact measurement world but in the like the soup world right this could be a soup spoon but the size of it the feel of it there's a little grippy thing here I just I saw it on Amazon and I fell in love and now I always I always want it to be with me just in case I need it whip it out at the last minute somebody goes Sam will you taste this I go yes I have my spoon needs more salt Sam could you help me here yes I'll stir it because I have my look if you like a spoon this could be your new best friend we'll put a link we put a link wait I know you don't know about this super-secret location and you to say these words yes in the description max wants me to say will put a link in the description you know by him leaning in and making me say that he doesn't think you're smart enough to know where the link is max thinks you're stupid I on the other hand do not think you're stupid I give you credit I can say we'll put a link you're gonna go up he means in the description but enough effing around let's cut what we have to cut we'll start with some mushrooms so I've got creamy knees the stem in the middle comes out we cut keep going until you have what you want you've got a pile big enough for what you're gonna make move on to the shallots now on to our steak no oh Jesus Christ what did you do I grabbed your hair you should be happy I'm not happy at hurting people don't grab any more than on camera there's one more to get there's this one you kidding me come on go ahead go ahead here's our beef steak is the center of Steak Diane and here's normally what you do you would normally take a a fillet a tenderloin from a big piece cut it like this and then pound it to a half-inch ish thickness but I said let's make a big-ass one you can't do that even with even if you made this piece this it's hard so I'm gonna try and do something with it this is a piece of a whole tenderloin that normally be round or looking like this this is Angus beef almost 3 pounds 2 and 3/4 pounds is about 50 bucks let me show you how I think I can make this work think I don't know full experiment full disclosure it's a full experiment so let's go so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cut this open here I don't want all the liquid so I'm just gonna get rid of this I'm gonna put a couple paper towels here and then take this kid out and just dry them off like that so nice like a piece of beef huh be nicer when we're done with them okay now let's look and see what we've got shall we so here's what it is you can see I don't know if you can tell but right here you just cut here a bit open this up this on a whole filet is called the chain you can see how it separates look this is probably not how you'll get it but but I thought I would show you in case in case you you buy this and then you'll know what the hell to do with it it's much less expensive buying a whole filet and turning it into individual fillets but for this I needed to start with a bigger canvas so that's why I have this and if you find yourself in this position you'll know what to do so this chain that is I will end up using it for making a stock or something this lives down the side of this imagine like a main freeway and this is the off side road this you don't look at you can see there's little bits in here of meat that are good but there's a lot of this fat and muscle and junk like that so just with my hands I can separate most of this and then I could turn this into you know little bites a little stir-fry or something okay but we won't deal with this now we have this in mind so here's what we want to do this is called silver skin that's nobody's friend at all so we just want to clean this up right so we're gonna get off the excess fat bits like this you see these guys they just almost just pull right off to clean this up this piece is another side piece just because we got this end it's another side piece and this is a nice beautiful little chunk we get this fat off right here now this guy almost perfect for almost anything you know you've got like a couple baby little steaks in here or you could open this guy up flatten it out put it on the grill stir fry whatever so that's gorgeous and now here's our boy here's the piece that we're gonna try and turn into something I'm just gonna shorten them up a bit cut that and now we have this this nonsense silver skin that's right here and this is that you do not absolutely want so just take the point of your knife put it underneath and now you hold it taut and you pull along right and you see what happens you get this long piece of silver skin off and it clears up a path so just just continue along that route make sure you have a sharp knife like sander cooking you guys essential pre-order now so I want you to see I'm holding it taut yeah and as I do this it's taking just mostly really just the fat off this silver skin piece like that right so we collect these guys where they go we'll come back and we'll look and we'll see how we've done right this this you know what I say little fat is an okay thing this silver skin here but don't like that is different than silver skin this this is nobody's friend man that'll just jack up your eating experience and you don't want to do that so here's what we have these little bits of fat here yeah you could take these guys off but it was sort of okay with a little bit yes it's alright but now here's my challenge here's what started this I had this sized pan in mind thinking a big-ass steak Diana would be fine so how do we get there I need to open this kid up a little bit so I'm gonna try and just go doo-doo-doo-doo ting and widen him out I don't know if this is gonna work so I'm gonna cut a boat here just keep going get what I'm doing it's good just look good so a little sticker right and that's okay and again here's my pan and here's my piece right now so I got a little more to do so here's my thinking parchment on top and using my bottle of chosen foods 100% pure avocado oil I'm gonna try and get this to about a half an inch all the way across which by the way will help spread it out you can see underneath it's getting bigger as I beat it that didn't come out the right way I apologize for that you know what I mean it's widening now we're doing okay okay so as I'm pounding away with this bottle of avocado oil it occurs to me that some time back someone sent me a proper meat pounder I think that's what they're called it's like a handle with a round heavy disc on the bottom that lets you flatten things I apologize I cannot remember the name of the person that sent it but more than that I apologize that I cannot find it is in this house somewhere and I fear that one of my children one of them your only one there's two more may have turned it into utensil to to to be used if I'm like each afternoon I don't know where it is I'm sure somebody looked at it one day and went oh my god do you know we could do with that homework are creative they are creative little guys yeah so so but I think we're good we've gotten where we need to get to and I didn't say that I don't need anybody to send me one I just I want to apologize to the person that's sitting there going oh didn't we what so let's check this out and then we can start our cooking and we'll pull the parchment curtain back look it ah Mamma Mia is that beautiful it's an even thickness there's a couple low spots I don't know what is that half-inch mostly all the way around and again what do I say it doesn't matter if it's a half inch 3/4 or a quarter it matters that it's even because when it's even it cooks evenly this piece will cook the same time that piece cooks so let's do this tiny splash of avocado oil and then just a simple kosher salt and cracked pepper great and so into our hot pan we'll put our meat curtain I take that back meat blanket meat blanket works right that meat blanket here we go I love that sound that's the sound you need that must happen or your pens not hot enough and it's not very thick you want it to cook quickly and if it's not doing that you're gonna be sorry so don't touch it yet just leave it we're gonna give a little more over caught of oil to this side and of course more kosher salt and pepper and that's it and that's spin because you know the spin is very important all good stick Diane comes out of the pan after the spin it releases the Judith seriously just like just let it happen and look when you have a steak you can always just look and see how it's cooking right see it's like is it about half way up max so we're hoping to keep it a little bit rare in the center so I'm ready to give it a turn if max is ready to watch me give it a turn there we go you're gonna be able to watch here and see how it cooks it's gonna end up going back into the sauce for just a little bit and that's fine but what it means is we don't have to overcook it on this side and by the way rare medium rare that's where it's at there's just more flavor there and when you think it's where you want it there we go if she comes and put it on a rack go ahead a rest give it a quick cover with foil and now we attend to the shallots and mushrooms the splash more oil we drop in a large shallot sliced lovely and max if you didn't have a shallot what could you use yes what else yes could you use red onion max could not you know I think you could it be all right and as they start to soften we throw in some mushrooms Carini's that I've sliced and by the way you see this it's on the bottom its part that's called fawn fo Andy I talk about it all the time aha I am very fond of it that's where the flavor is back we want to keep that so we soften the mushrooms I'll throw one more little splash of oil in this is awkward because I'm trying not to use my right hand with my terrible cut burn oh my god this is gonna be epic so here's what we do the best way to get this stuff off the bottom because you want it because this is major flavor we're gonna do what's called deglazing the pan and yes you could use water you could use apple juice you could use beef broth but it's all about flavor it's all about intensifying flavor so we're gonna use a little bit of brandy we're intensifying these flavors as we go and it's a classic Steak Diane thing so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna pour the brandy in I'm gonna roll it around a bit and then I'm gonna light it and up it goes and we just let it do its thing burn off the alcohol but what will remain will be the delicious flavor and you can see the liquid is helping to pull off this stuff on the bottom flames out we give it another 30 seconds or so to heat and then we add the following whipping cream that's gonna help create a beautiful sauce remember that beef broth tomato paste a little bit of that are we fans of mustard so little Dijon I didn't have regular I just have grainy design and almost not even any of that a couple good glugs of Worcestershire and sad max Haley mix absolutely as our steak is doing its thing and this over the next few minutes will flick it into a gorgeous sauce what's it need max what's it need salt and pepper absolutely give it a little of that work pretty close to it being perfect [Music] and to our core giuse sauce we're gonna do this we're gonna throw in some parsley and a little green onion sliced one quick mix then we come in with our gorgeous steak oh look it oh my god that's crazy and there we go look at it but here's what you want to do you feel lovely it is this get it covered this is what it's all about now you're talking look at that deliciousness right so now right here now we can give it a little bit more green onion who's Diane don't she's the innkeeper's wife that invented this don't question the smell are you guys smelling this Jesus I don't have a fork but I have my chef spoon so I can deal tell me when you want I see a bite happen oh my god oh yeah oh yeah what's that that four people is gonna be oh dude what the [ __ ] how can you do that no here's how I can do it because this is gonna be one crazy-ass epic frickin steak dizzle bite oh the steam the mushrooms the onions duh I don't know what to say oh I do holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my god it's delicious is that a proper Steak Diane I don't know I don't know that I've had a proper stick Diane I know the components I know the pieces I know how it goes together Lois but here's what's ultimately the only important thing it's [ __ ] delicious sorry for your younger children it's delicious it's crazy good and we made a big one fine make individual ones [ __ ] doesn't make any difference they're all amazingly fabulous go on get out of here with this the brandy full confession but the absolute cheapest brandy of the store that I could find it was like six bucks for a 25 6 ounce 750 I don't know it's still Canadian what is it down here 715 how many how many L Mel and how many ml's is a 750 750 milliliters yeah okay there's one American here that's looking at me going like this oh you're a natural American no I'm saying I bought a I bought the cheapest bottle of brandy there's a twenty six ounce bottle in Canada we call it a two six in Canada it's no fit here never say the fifth and then the only will ending so I forgot you're an actual American you're not 40 and this went over here yeah I'm sorry I'm just like I'm sorry I'm just looking at chance I'm getting nothing from him but his gorgeous eyes see he's Sam can you go get us the 40 from the story okay by the way the don't forget the 206 when a date with chance is coming up come here for a second you don't say anything you might forget up just look into the camera you could win a date with chance 23 years old 135 pounds something like that one apparently I need to put on some pounds 135 pounds I need a date with Diane he doesn't want someone to cook for him he wants someone to cook with you could win a date with chance we haven't figured out the details yet I promise you in an upcoming video there will be an opportunity for you to win a date with our boy here chance an H did I tell you not to talk I just said just do the dreamy ice thing into the camera there you go they're calling it thank you thanks for being here with us what are we saying oh we don't say what you want to say no thanks for liking subscribing hitting the notification bell I'm not gonna say that stupid youtuber thing that max wants me to say ever [Music]
Views: 1,286,027
Rating: 4.8321939 out of 5
Keywords: steak diane, steak recipe, old school steak recipe, recipe, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy steak, sam the cooking guy recipe, old recipe
Id: nTe_44ao82w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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