The Best Hot Dog Recipe - with Homemade Garlic Fries! | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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Max, if you see this, please let us know what oil Sam uses for frying. I’m very curious.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FlightOfTheShortGuy 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
a hotdog and fries is a pretty classic combination but it becomes a crazy in combination when it's a sour cream with garlic sauce hotdog and garlic fries today it's all about the garlic yeah garlic in both things today is crazy delicious how could you not like this are there people okay let's a poll question are there people in your life they do not like garlic no not yours should we word it like that or do you do you like garlic in your food yes or no and part of me feels like we should take all the knows and unsubscribe them okay maybe that's a little mean but I'm telling you I'm telling you if you hate garlic maybe it's because it's been it's it's been abused on you it's been over used on you and scale back but a little bit even if you don't like it it's gonna make your better I promise that but the hotdog part is the easy part of this the still easy but slightly more complicated part are the fries that we're making ourselves look it's the return of the the suckle it's the return of the deep-fryer I said when we made the fish dick burrito which by the way if you've not made or watched your crazy because it's so good I promised when we made the fish dick burrito we're doing two things is the second thing with the deep fryer and fries will be part of it we peel we slice we deep fry it's that simple and here's how we start one big-ass russet potato I like to take the ends off and then use a peeler to take care of this and when you've got it peeled all the way around and no we don't want this they call that an eye or something it's just a bruised thing that I hate some of these little guys are okay but clean it up as best you can and then when you've got it like this you have to decide what size do you want do you want thick ones do you want thin ones do you want restaurant style do you know whatever so take this guy off what are we feeling I'm feeling thin we good with that yeah okay fine so we like this and then we do this so these are gonna be our fries everybody's happy with this right look if you're gonna do just a [ __ ] ton of them once you cut them you would put them in water so they wouldn't Brown but we're gonna do not too many so our timing will be fine and our oil is fine so actually we are freaking ready to go so we take this new pile we stack it up and then we make fries out of it like that these guys are gonna go in our basket let's go so based on their size I think we'll call them McDonald style fries my oil is at 325 degrees we're gonna deep-fry them twice for optimum perfectness and in they go with freshly cut fries there's the potential they stick together so when you put them in just give them a little love to separate and they're gonna get about three minutes ish here we're not trying to make them golden-brown we're just trying to make them very light brown it's the second frying at a higher temperature that will bring all the magic and while that's happening we can prep our hot dog nonsense a little [ __ ] never hurts halfway through and after about three minutes or so when it's just starting to get some color on it we take it out we let the oil drip off we increase the temperature to 375 we let it heat up we continue we'll come back to these point out something I was asked about this because on a recent video we put a link to a deep fryer that I don't know was exactly this one but when I went to look for it the other day this is a Cuisinart I couldn't find this model as a Cuisinart but I could find the virtually exact same thing but it said wearing it didn't say Cuisinart so we'll link to that just know it does the same thing and we're very happy with it next we need some garlic for two things one in the sour cream sauce for the dog sour cream hot dogs holy Sh just you wait and for the garlic fry so I have my garlic press here and I almost did that like a cowboy right should try that again that was that was not we just forget it so I need a bunch of garlic we'll just squeeze this up there we go all right it's a temperature we get it we get it so I probably want a couple cloves for each so I'll do like four great and our sour cream you're looking over the top like at the 90 year old librarian our sour cream sauce is next I feel like I look really old like that do I look real old like that come up with the right answer quick or I'm gonna be not you lying sake and this silly little sauce will start with sour cream and then of course it gets some of the garlic we just crushed some parsley little salt and pepper tiny squeeze of avocado oil and we mix I smell the garlic from here we're standing right beside each other oh I smell the garlic from here sour cream innocent-looking sour cream on the outside oh no that's gonna be ridiculous now we cut a little red onion or red onion we'll cut in half and then we'll peel it so I cut a little strip this way and peel off this outside of course why why should it be made easy for me why why make me struggle son of a beyotch come on man all right this is a few red onion you got to be so difficult here's my guy but I want these beautiful little thin strips so I'm gonna take this back end off and then I'm gonna cut this way because I want stuff like this I want those pretty little pieces and that's enough we'll just break him up go pretty those are right put them in a little bowl and after the red onion little green onion it's a double onion dog boys it's gonna be good you know there was a comment about those knife lines somebody was asking about the cutting board if it holds up really well because they see those lines as we're cutting and then these lines yeah and in the next episode they say that they're going well here close up on those and tell me if they go away when I do this who's out they mean and they're still there I think if this dries a bit you'll see them but but they kind of wear away but look this is a this is wood this is what you want to cut on and in somebody asks so this is a wood board and it's what you want to cut on we've had this conversation before in fact somebody asked if this was metal because apparently in some shots it looks like it no it's not you want to use wood that's the thing and I know people freak out thinking oh if I cut a piece of chicken or steak or something on wood it's gonna contaminate and I'm gonna get sick and it's gonna be terrible and I've ruined the board not true here's what is true we've been many universities and scientific institutions that have done Studies on bacteria on different cutting surfaces they'll take plastic and and and and I don't know what the other things are I can't remember but they put bacteria they wipe bacteria they make a cut they wipe bacteria and the different cutting surfaces then they they come back and they measure in five minutes in 30 minutes in an hour and the first surface that the bacteria leaves completely is wood and the reading that I did and I'm not a scientist and if you get sick don't come to me but the reading that I did said look bacteria needs moisture to survive and on a wood board when you make a cut any moisture that's there operates much quickly err oh boy much quicker did I really say that look okay I know that's not a word please don't make too much fun of me much quicker than it does on on composition materials and plastic and stuff like that so get yourself some way he's gonna cut this green onion a little smaller and then we can move on to the hot dogs so just an extra little chop through we'll make these two the size that I want if you had any idea how much chopped green onion like this we go through at my restaurant not not tacos you would be blown away it goes on so many things these guys here now the hot dogs and here's what I'm using natural casing all beef on cured hot dog and look we could just throw these on the grill or the flattop and start to cook him but it's not what I like I like to put little cuts in them like this all the way down I mean you know this is a weird shape one it doesn't really have all the sides so we'll just go kind of three sides worth but what happens is we're gonna give these a quick little boil and they start to open up along these slits then they get badass-looking but they also get extra crispy when you then throw them on the flattop okay there's one let's do two and you notice what's happening here my knife is not going too far down but it's going in beautifully and why is that sorry because it's sharp thank you max and actually you've been around long enough to know all this and I preached all the time folks if you don't have a sharp knife get a sharp knife take it and have it sharpened you can do it you can do it you and now these guys just like they are they go into some simmering water for about three minutes and then they go and you'll see over the next two three minutes the little slices will open up and they'll be ready for hot dog Stage two okay so you can see after about three ish minutes the slits have opened up they're ready to be finished on the flattop but before we do just a touch of oil we'll go like this I don't want them to stick and it'll help with the browning and then they come out and on they go lovely where do you see how gorgeous these guys are gonna be what color already beginning and since they're not gonna take very long we might as well finish off our fries the oil is now up to 375 and in they go I love that sound I love that smell and let's look at the dogs not you're just trying to get this little touch of crisp all the way around amazing we're almost there max maybe we should prep our bun buns lovely soft gorgeous yes of course you could serve the dog just in this but why would you when you could add another layer of texture and flavor and how are we gonna do that Sam you want to no but just here's what we're gonna do we're gonna add a little butter just a little to the inside of these because why not because you only live once because I don't want to be on my last day on this planet and have a dog that somebody's buttered the bun and I went wait what you put butter on the vine you mean I've been missing that deliciousness all these years I'm not saying eat 75 [ __ ] hot dogs I'm just saying when you have a hot dog or a hamburger or a sandwich or something make it the best version you can you feel me I know you feel me we're wine with each other let's go it's finished come on so before I throw those buns on can you just admire what has happened here I mean here's the deal this is a crazy-ass [ __ ] amazing hot dog the people that just take them out of the package and boil them for two minutes and then throw them in a soft on crispy bun they're just not trying it life this is about making everything better these little craggy crevices look at this I mean even if it didn't taste any better look at it looks a thousand [ __ ] times better so do this now the buns will go on I just gonna throw a little oil here cuz I really don't want these things to [ __ ] burn up in so tell me when you're ready you know already thanks and the buns go on and the buns after a very little bit of time or golden where you want them and ready to go max are you ready I'm ready can we dress these [ __ ] up you're just not gonna respond are you here we go oh ho do you have any idea what's gonna happen here do you so this is our garlic sour cream right down the middle holy ass if you get if you could just smell this part I've got the crispy buttered bun that I can smell now I've got this garlic sour cream that honestly I just want a little bit more of here and now next max let's go with the red onion shall we [ __ ] I'm telling you ladies and gentlemen what is happening here is on a whole nother hotdog level I've done this hotdog before with one onion the green one with no garlic and this is gonna be stupendous hello super dog this guy comes in and then the second onion goes like this and you're not being cheap folks I mean come on you got an onion dog you got it on your dog this is a double onion sour cream dog cooked better than pretty much any dog I've ever seen and while those are waiting for somebody to throw them in their mouth and just chew the F out of them let's finish our fries so here they are let them let them just drip for a second I'm so anxious you have no idea they go to the bowl now we finish them off okay so here's what they get they get salt they get parsley a little bit more they get the garlic you get a tiny shot of oil that's it and they get some Parmesan cheese Oh find a little bit more and we mix oh my god the smell the crisps penis if you only knew what was going on here come on let's plate this up shall we our dogs first you have no idea the self-control that I'm displaying right now because I cannot wait for this and then our fries oh my gosh and wait then here's what you do get some of the extra parsley in the parm and the cheese you just do that I mean is this insane or what perfect dogs perfect crispy crispy effing fries with the garlic the parsley the parm please and by the way if it wasn't obvious July 4th is right around the freaking corner and I don't need to paint a picture for you but I got an idea of what would be amazing on July 4th jillee reminds me we also have July 1st coming up that would be a nod to our Canadian fans who by the way have been commenting and emailing like crazy all right so I guess you'd have a fry first right off the garlic crunch double fried that was a little piggish but so worth up mmm you don't want to make your own fries don't but just do all the rest of this nonsense to it and now that the super crispy little cuts in their garlic sour cream underneath red onion green onion holy [ __ ] look
Views: 1,216,153
Rating: 4.9304886 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, garlic fries, fries, homemade fries, best hot dog, hot dog recipes, hot dog, hot dog recipe, hot dogs, hot dogs recipe, best hot dog recipe, best hot dog recipes, recipe of hot dog, cooking hot dogs, how to make hot dogs, best hot dogs, how to make the best hot dog, homemade french fries, how to make homemade french fries, how to make homemade fries, how to make french fries, make homemade french fries, best homemade french fries, garlic fries recipe
Id: RcQR3hNc2mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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