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French Onion Soup

  • Three large yellow onions
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 3 cloves crushed garlic
  • Kosher salt and ground black pepper
  • 3 tablespoons Sherry (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme
  • 4 cups beef broth
  • 2 Tbsp soy sauce
  • Grated Gruyere or Swiss cheese (enough to cover whatever dish you will be using)
  • French baguette loaf
  • Chopped Italian parsley

Slice baguette at an angle to create the perfect size slice you will need to fill your oven-safe dish. About 1 to 1 1/2 inches thick. Place slices on a baking tray. Bake at 350ยฐ for 10 minutes to dry out the bread.

Thinly slice the onions.

Add butter and oil to a large saucepan on medium heat. Stir in sliced onions. Sautรฉ for 35 to 45 minutes, until golden brown. About 15 minutes in, make a hole in the center of onions, add a splash of oil, and add crushed garlic. When the garlic becomes fragrant, stir into the onions.

Season with salt and pepper

Add Sherry and mix.

Add fresh thyme and mix.

Add beef broth and stir.

Add soy sauce and stir.

Simmer for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Taste as you go, add salt to your liking.

Grate cheese.

Fill your dish 3/4 of the way with onion and soup. Place bread on top of onions, and cover with cheese.

Place your dish on a baking sheet and bake at 350ยฐ until cheese has melted and turned golden brown.

Top with a sprinkle of chopped Italian parsley, and serve.

Donโ€™t burn your tongue!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mitchfewell ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Made it this morning!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/pickledlepper ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is the sherry necessary, who the fuck has sherry? Anything i can replace it with?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MrWallis ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] french onion soup [ __ ] in french even [Music] there's a belief in many parts of life that if something works you don't fix it that being said our episode idea generating process is well it's not broken but i don't think it's perfect what i'm trying to say is it wasn't until about oh an hour and a half ago that uh max and i decided to do french onion soup and why did we settle on french onion soup max because it's epic yes it is epic anything else i don't know am i forgetting something because we couldn't come up with anything else for today oh we have plans but today i don't know what got in the way and our heads weren't in the right space and it doesn't matter wait no no you will still benefit you rejected every idea i gave you two ideas yeah too often two ideas i rejected wait a second maybe that has something to do with it do i need to bring out my texts from i don't know one day last week when i suggested like six things and i didn't even get even a little oh nice all i got was a brand new idea how about this i didn't love those ideas well maybe i didn't love your two ideas from last night the point is you still win because this is so good and if you haven't made it if you've only had it in a restaurant and you thought oh well because french is in the word it comes all fancy looking i couldn't possibly pull it off let me tell you something about french cooking they're trying to intentionally f with your head they're trying to keep you from making it so you're forced to go to their restaurants because no matter how much you get your head wrapped around something you think i couldn't possibly ever make this it's french they're special they're gifted they have that uh oh you say accent and uh they're trying to trick you let me tell you something all their stuff ain't that complicated oh yes there's a few things but french onion soup everybody can make follow along and you'll be eating large like we will after this is over okay let's cut some onions as the name would imply french onion soup requires onions and i'm using these these big guys this is about three pounds maybe two and a half almost three pounds it's fine and remember they shrink down to nothing so you need a lot here's what we're gonna do we need to peel them so i'm gonna cut like this all the way through i don't want this nonsense cut this clean up that end by getting that off take off these one two jeez three another layer four layers of skin again everything goes away what you're left with is this and now i could take the knife because i know how to use a knife and cut like this because that's basically what we want or i could use this mandolin that i was given as a present about four years ago never used and somehow managed to lose one of the feet but i think it'll still work so that's what we're gonna do i'm just gonna get rid of this because that will impede and then this cut side down let's see if we get the pieces like we want perfect this kind you can adjust the thickness just by turning this little guy but that looked they'll look pretty good to me actually maybe a tiny bit fatter like that uh perfect or as they say in france pafe but i don't want to use my hand because i'm going to cut myself for sure so i use this guy put it on stab it and away i go and then when you get down you do that and i don't need the butt end of it be careful these things are super dangerous but it's nice right so do this and just get rid of that and continue on trim the rest of them slice them up and by the way to flatten it out i'm taking off not this root end this root end right here will hold the thing together if i chop here it's just gonna start falling apart just this little piece right here like that and continue on oh my god is it getting you yeah it's totally kidding me i don't cry when i cut onions with a knife but this thing there's just juice going all over josh last one oh i'm so mad at this right now you have no idea okay don't buy this whatever stupid oh my god i'm crying i'm gonna smell like onions for a year that's it i'm done i'm done with that and with that that's in the garbage now uh pardon my tears i get emotional when i think of french onion soup as delicious as it's gonna be these are gonna go in the pan but not before we put in some butter and some oil we're gonna go with about a quarter cup of butter and a couple good tablespoons of olive oil yes this is about richness ladies and gentlemen so when this melts it doesn't have to melt all the way yet it will definitely melt under the weight of our onions that i will now put in i know what you're thinking that's a lot of onions sam and it is folks but remember we've used onions in a couple episodes recently deeply caramelized them and they shrink way down oh look there's a few little pieces of skin in here i'm not going to let it wreck my day i'm really not so for right now right this minute our heat's on medium low and we're just going to be getting these guys all coated with a little bit of the butter for now and letting them soften hey hey no escaping take your time time is your friend here this soup will be a thousand times better if you take the time to pull out stupid pieces of [ __ ] like this it somehow got in if you take the time to let the onions caramelize slowly and you're looking at somewhere around oh 25 minutes i will be adding some garlic about halfway through all right so it's been about 10 12 minutes approximately halfway through and you can see how they're softening beautifully but also you can see how they've shrunk down there's a big mound of them before now it's way way less so now i'm going to add a little garlic make yourself a little hole in the middle and we'll give it one little splash of oil and two big cloves of garlic oh my god that was huge well where do you see this next clove that was so much that's what she said look at the size of this one it won't even fit i got to cut it in half that's a beast that's a beast and squish down and the other one so this is more like three big cloves of garlic good good little mix remember wait till you start smelling it do you smell it yet max not quite not quite chance just starting there we go takes about 45 seconds but now we mix it in with all our beautiful onions okay these need about another 10-15 minutes in the meantime let's deal with our bread and here's what we're dealing with we have a little baguette it's actually called a batard which in french probably means little baguette i don't know and this is a roasted garlic one once again i find myself saying if i need an ingredient for whatever i'm making i could buy the plain version which would have been just plain baguette or if i can buy a roasted garlic baguette it's just an extra layer of flavor so use the extra layer of flavor use ingredients that have more than one flavor in them to your advantage still one ingredient we all get this yes mr sam thank you okay so uh this is fresh a day or two old would be better i don't have that so let me show you what i like to do with this all right that's my uh little batard and this is what we're making it in and so in a typical french onion soup situation the bowl would be smaller you'd cut one slice from here it would sit on top with all the cheese and everything but i think i'm gonna want two in here if i cut this guy on a diagonal like that i've widened the area nicely and they'll fit better like that beautiful oh yeah that's gonna be that's gonna be magnificent okay just let me make a couple safety ones just in case something happens max eats them i drop them these now i'm going to put on this baking sheet into the oven to dry them out a little bit uh 350 maybe i don't know 10 minutes or so just keep your eye on them you don't want them to burn you just want them to dry out a bit all right 30 minutes after we started this is what we've got beautiful onions that have just like given up all their flavor to the group we'll call this herd flavor mentality it's going to be amazing but we have to do a couple things first season with salt and pepper and you can do you know like a decent amount here because well because we're going to add a lot of broth and it's going to thin out and we don't want to give up any flavor mix that in right after salt and pepper we're going to add three tablespoons of sherry one two and three wow and this will be good this will be good so mix this through oh the flavor this will bring and this is not expensive sherry don't go crazy don't rob your grandfather's liquor cabinet to get a 300 bottle i don't even think a 300 bottle exists but now the smell is starting to really get fantastic one more thing in before our broth and that will be some fresh thyme love love love love we give this a mix and this will really start to impart the beautiful flavor of it as it simmers away in the broth which we will now add so this is a four ounce ladle so two of these are a cup and i want to start with well i think i'm going to put five cups in and two more ladles and we're at five so we want a pretty high onion to broth ratio see what this looks like boys this looks about perfect to me you want you want you want onion in every spoonful hey you want onion and every spoonful and doesn't it look like that will give us doesn't it look like this is right three pounds of onions five cups of beef broth fantastic i got one small thing to add i know somebody's gonna laugh at me tablespoon of soy sauce two two tablespoons of soy sauce and what's this gonna do chance gonna give some nice umami flavor that's exactly right a little darker color won't taste like soy sauce won't taste like chinese food get that out of your head we add soy sauce to our carne asada that honestly is some of the best carne asada ever ever in fact i had the fedex driver today stop and tell me how great the carnate side was so you should make it but the point is there's a little soy in that so wait did the fedex driver really say that absolutely that's so funny seriously out friend as i was bringing it as i was bringing in yeah he's a huge fan as i was bringing in the garbage cans he came by oh that makes me so mad i'm excited damn you all right so this we're just going to let simmer away here for oh 25-ish minutes we'll bring it to a simmer low simmer we're not boiling anything like that boys this gonna rock [Music] we all just had a spoonful of the uh soup oh my god like no seriously like oh my god simple ingredients here's what making this simple ingredients but here's what making them so spec simple ingredients but here's what's making them so spectacular the time it's an easy recipe it just takes time to the it's an easy recipe it just takes time to develop the flavors i'm stumbling over my words i've just repeated eight or nine lines like three times each i'm so sorry it just takes time to go see a doctor it just takes time to develop the flavors and when you do that my friends you gotta be so rewarded okay we're right here we're knocking on the french soup we're right here we're knocking on the french onion soup door we need to grate some of gruyere cheese swiss cheese get everything in a bowl and then in the oven into holy [ __ ] gruyere shredder thing what's this thing called greater greater thank you greater and greater greater and greater and we'll use the big holes that's what she said are you kidding i have to wait for that and we're off swiss gruyere absolutely traditional see the soup is so rich so deliciously rich that if you put like a mild cheese on top monterey jack monster something like that oh yes it would work it would melt beautifully but you need some sharpness to contrast that richness and that's why we're using this gorgeous gruyere right now does that look good yeah i think that looks like a beautiful pile all right so let's make this happen oh deborah could i have a pair of tongs like the silicon tipped ones would be great wow look how tremendous i can turn the heat off now look at what we're dealing with here that's just the smell and see how dense it is it's it's there's you want all this onion don't cheap out so now up and in up and in goodness gracious so we'll do one more because i want lots of onion in this you know some broth bread time max then cheese time bread cheese oven out eat so our bread now out of the oven and decidedly dried a lot more it's not fresh we'll lay these two kids right on top they voila look at this now it's a simple matter of cheesing the top and yes we don't want to be cheap here folks this looks fantastic oh i smell this the sharpness of the gruyere already oh my god okay this goes on a baking sheet and this now to the oven and a voila what hang on there son let me take this off put this guy on here for you and dang it it's gorgeous and it's nice to top something if you're going to with something that's in it and so just a couple little time leaves look at it it's really something else boy the smell that's coming up right here while this was cooking i made minis for uh the boys boys ridiculous unreal look it's such a simple thing it's such an old school thing that absolutely deserves to come back it really does well here's what it's all about crispy cheesy melty look under here what do you got you got all that beautifulness just sitting there waiting steam escaping oh my gosh here what if you pull this kid up look at this cheese pull watch this isn't that gorgeous isn't that gorgeous isn't that gorgeous isn't that gorgeous not bad isn't that how [ __ ] okay but here you do this you come in come down here that's good you can't escape the cheese if you were trying to you can't so let's try it by itself first just broth and onion oh oh that's hot you know sometimes we end an episode it finishes the cameras go down and i look at the boys and i go i don't know how to make sure that people make this stuff i want to make sure people don't think i'm going ooh ah it's delicious just to try and say that because it doesn't benefit me to do that if it sucks and you make it you find out that it sucks you're not gonna watch us so when i tell you how good it is i'm telling you that because it's true and i know maybe french onion soup isn't in everybody's wheelhouse but damn it it should be these kids loved it that one's 23 four he's 20 chances 24. what'd you say about it it was unreal here you go he's not getting a lie i don't think he's gonna lie you're gonna lie it's not gonna work insane so now f cutting this here's what i want i want this bite oh my god oh my god that was terrible i'm coming back in oh my god you see and that's why you want dried bread not old 500 days but you want it to be mostly dry because it needs structure if it doesn't have structure by the time he gets cheesed on top of it and sits on the broth it's just going to be soggy oh my god it is so good this is the best thing ever a lot of cold weather out there that's what you want yeah look it's it's cold here in san diego it's like 64 or something we can imagine in places like buffalo and and i don't know there's places that are called buffalo in the winter it's brutal oh god okay thank you for hanging please make this just put your hand up and go sam i promise you i will make this it's cheap beef cheese onions a little bit of thyme it's grier cheese this is nothing recipes on the website send us your pictures god we love you guys you're too much we do we love you guys thanks for being here you
Views: 532,650
Rating: 4.9443846 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, french onion, french onion soup, ultimate french onion soup, french onion at home, french onion soup at home, sam the cooking guy at home, sam the cooking guy soup, sam the cooking guy ultimate, sam the cooking guy french onion soup, cooking french onion soup, sam cooking soup, sam the cooking guy french, ultimate comfort food, comfort food, sam the cooking guy comfort food
Id: E8-95Ssseiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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