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Edmonton thanks you ๐Ÿ’ฏ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Winterzdawn ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I appreciate the french intro so much!

Now I want poutine.. but I ordered some yesterday. Why you do this??

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Misskwy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Notice the new / different knife?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/THYATIS ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] if it wasn't obvious from what you just saw i said ladies and gentlemen from my homeland we're making poutine two different ways because you got to have the traditional proper poutine you have to and then we're going to make another version that you'll see when we get there but i think you're gonna like this look as a kid growing up fries with a side of gravy to dip them into was absolutely something that we did all the time restaurants were accustomed to asking would you like a side of gravy with your fries so so poutine is a step up from that adding cheese curds but we'll get to that but we'll start by making our fries and oh by the way we're double frying them we want them extra crispy when they get the gravy and the cheese on top they could sog out right away we don't want that crispy double fry that's the way to go and here we go two regular everyday old idaho potatoes we do this we do this and then we peel nice and even little bits left over are fine but no gross parts get a good peeler if you don't have one they're very useful and they're not expensive you don't want to peel everything first because if you do you're going to end up with them going brown so try and go one at a time and here's how this is going to work we're going to cut like this into planks and try and keep them fairly even that was not even sam what are you doing it's okay it's okay now that they're in planks but i want them i want little stubby guys so i'm doing this remember anything that we're putting in oil we want to be the same size so they cook at the same time good good good good and now these we're going to put into cold water to keep them from turning brown on us while the other ones are cut and by the way the extra starch will come off you can already see the water starting to cloud slightly so while i do the rest of these potatoes i'm going to do three more max will play some fun music and make this interesting because it's kind of boring oh by the way if you want to do them with skins on doing with skins on remember cooking is what you want not just because i tell you [Music] and we're there let me just clean up a bit and we can start frying and of course before we fry we have to dry the potatoes because oil and water don't mix we can't do all of them at once and hence they're sitting in water to be ready so we'll take out about half really let them drip as much as you can and then put them on the paper towels separate them if they're stuck together i'm excited already about how damn good these are gonna be i love fresh fries love them right everybody's good a little more blotting on top and now lads we're ready to go to the fryer so first into the basket and then into 325 degree oil we start at a lower temperature get them going for five or six minutes take them out the second fry is when they get golden brown and crispy let them do their thing and while they're doing their thing hey we might as well start some gravy for the poutine huh our gravy begins with a uh about a quarter cup of butter we're gonna let this melt we're starting with the roux we've done this before boy that sounded like my mother-in-law we're starting with the roux and when the butter melts hello hello butter i'd like you to melt now oh geez all right i can't take it anymore that's gonna melt in a second so we'll now add about a quarter of a cup of flour remember equal parts fat and flour so four tablespoons and we mix and now without major heat underneath this we're just gonna let the heat we're just gonna let it cook out the raw flour taste start to do its thing lovingly okay so the buzzer's gone off we've done six minutes on our fries for the first fry we'll bring them up let them drain and if you've just tuned in no they're not done this is the first of two fries two frank sessions and one they've mostly dripped off we'll put them on a baking sheet with a rack put them on spread them out a bit put the other batch in and they go and they're down give these guys six minutes as well now back to our gravy so poutine is traditionally made with either beef or chicken gravy i find the chicken gravy a little light and i find beef gravy a little heavy so i'm combining both i'm going to put a cup of each in first the beef one more and then the chicken we can now go to a whisk we're gonna let this start to heat up it's gonna thicken a little bit but we're gonna help it by making a little cornstarch slurry and that looks like this so i've got uh like three tablespoons of corn starch i'm going to add water to and then mix and then this is going to go into our gravy parts as it starts to just come together and thicken a bit we're going to help our color a bit with a couple teaspoons of worcestershire sauce looks like one and two and when it starts to bubble a bit come on man i'm just asking for a little bubbling and this batch is ready so same drill here these guys are going to drip get rid of most of the oil and then they go right on your baking sheet and now we finish our gravy and with our gravy bubbling away we'll take some of this cornstarch slurry put about half in see how that does get right away it thickens it up wow beautiful so this is now up to you how thick or thin you like it i lean more to the slightly thicker side and we're there for me let's season with a little salt and pepper mix gorgeous i suppose we should have a little taste right so let's that's what i like that to me is beautiful gravy oh i could just drink a freaking glass of that but i'm not going to i'm going to be reserved and hang on for the fries and the cheese curds in fact we can start our second fry might as well right right max right right chance right right and before we fry we're just gonna cook some bacon it's very simple very simple we'll gently put our first batch of fry hey god i know it's us it's our fault for being here at this time anyway so we're putting a batch of the fries that have only been cooked once in the fryer fryer's now at 370 and down we go and all we're waiting for now is for the gardeners to stop and for these to get golden brown and crispy this is probably going to take five minutes give them a little shake a little more violent than that there you go and how's their color just cook i'm standing in the air conditioning nice getting there getting there okay so the bacon is about three quarters of the way done i don't need all this grease so i'll remove a bunch of it and now we'll add one more thing for big flavor diced jalapeno this is gonna be good we'll let that soften we'll check our fries not yet max chance not yet in england they would say we'll check our chips because that's what i have chips oh your english accent's coming out again and when they look like this and sound like this you are so ready so let them drip a second double frying ladies and gentlemen the way to go when you've got most dripped off put them in a bowl listen for the sound of tumbling rocks a little kosher salt and pepper wow now we can play here's how we do this we're going to take our fries and load up our pan it's like a perfect amount huh wow oh good this is gonna be it's gonna be insane okay but now the important part the cheese let me show you what we're using my cousin peter zion owns well my favorite brewery in san diego a very very successful one called ale smith they win awards all the time peter is a cheese aficionado and started cheesesmith and that's where i bought my cheese curds from i asked peter tell me exactly what cheese curds are and here's what he wrote a cheese curd is formed when the milk solids are separated from the whey in cultured coagulated milk trained and pressed curds bind to make solid wheels of cheese his simpler unscientific description is a tiny piece of young cheese that tastes delicious and squeaks when you bite it so if you don't have cheese curds because they're not always easy to find fresh you could use a white cheddar so we're going to open up our pack of cheese smith cheese curds and take a bite to test its deliciousness there's no way you can hear that the bite squeaked in my mouth between my teeth it's still squeaking the curds go on the fries that should be obvious right if there was ever a time to get out of your old routines it's now if there was ever a time to start working on something you've dreamt about it's now the point is if there was ever time to start working on you it really is right now and this is precisely where skillshare comes in skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people look you can explore new skills develop existing interests and you can get lost in creativity and lately i've been following street photography by someone called trash hand a chicago photographer what i like about it is they're like bite-sized lessons two minutes five minutes ten minutes i can watch one go back watch it again there's how to take street portraits how to shoot night 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with the cheese because you want to get some in these bites but the key the key to this fresh hot fries cheese curds that are squeaking in my mouth as i'm eating them crazy but hot gravy because it will start to melt the curds and the gravy going on looks like this gravy gravy gravy on the fries gravy on the curds gravy on everything take me back to my canadian youth right now it really is then tiny bit more can't have too much gravy can you and then i'm always a fan of just a tiny bit more salt and pepper on top like that that ladies and gentlemen is a gorgeous cast iron pan of twice fried french fries fresh cheese smith cheese curds and our homemade gravy half beef half chicken broth i would have picked up the most awkward fry to get in my mouth look the squeaking is crazy i um we'll tell you this it's a match made in food heaven the noise in here the gravy is so good and these twice cooked fries get out of town jack amazing but what did we say we didn't promise one we promised duh let's quickly finish off the bacon and the jalapeno and then we'll add it to this for a second very different also most delicious poutine now that the jalapenos have softened beautifully we add one more thing and that's a ton of garlic because this is going to do something beautiful to the top of our poutine and for the flavors it's going to be strong it's going to be amazing it's going to be pungent it's going to hit you in the mouth and the nose like it should and that's now oh all right this may be changing poutine lives everywhere a little here a little here and that's it uh hell how about a little bit of that garlicky bacony grease on top now we're talking now that's a poutine you can get behind look at god so do this get get some of the nonsense some of this goodness and then get a get a damn it get a fry and eat that fry with that nonsense and that curd before i uh eat this just a reminder subscribe like hit the notification bell uh we want to be your friends max told me to say that you wanna know how hot it is out here it's this hot we don't like it hot we love this though wiki no comparison oh my god i didn't use the seeds from the jalapeno so it's not that hot but the bacon and it's just way freaking garlic forward oh damn thank you that one canadians will hate me for it but but that one that's the one [Music] you
Views: 932,987
Rating: 4.9116106 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, poutine, sam the cooking guy poutine, cooking poutine, sam poutine, classic poutine, canada poutine, canada sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy classic poutine, sam the cooking guy canada poutine
Id: 6Rr-HvUvzis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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