Most Violent Chess Game In History

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welcome everybody in this video i'm excited to  share with you a pretty epic historical chess game   the setting is 1912 and we're in london with the  white pieces we have edward lasker with the black   pieces we have sir george allen thomas of england  now edward lasker is not emmanuel lasker the   world champion one of the greatest players of all  time early pioneer of kind of this dominant chess   they're like distant cousins and this is a  casual game but it's a pretty epic game and   it's a pretty short game um so i'm gonna show  you the game first and then after that i'm gonna   have a whole segment where i just kind of talk  about the opening and give you different opening   ideas just for your enjoyment so edward lasker's  got the white pieces he begins the game with d4   now we get e6 from george allen thomas who by  the way was like a badminton national champion so   crazy anyway knight to f3 f5 okay pawn and knight  in the middle we got this now black is playing   a transposition to something known as the dutch  defense and this move e6 there's a lot of ways to   play the dutch personally i like to put my pawn on  d6 that leads to something known as the leningrad   variation now white plays this move knight c3 it's  a bit more standard with queen's pawn positions to   bring in the c-pawn they tend to work together in  queens pawn positions but knight c3 is completely   fine and white basically turns their focus instead  of this square back to the middle white wants to   play e4 at some point and expand in the middle  of the board because the one drawback inherently   of the dutch defense is the weakness kind of  of these light squares to the king black plays   knight f6 and white enables the move e4 once again  by developing a piece for any beginners watching   notice that white has played a knight a knight  a bishop that's the way you want to develop in   the beginning of the game now black plays bishop  e7 so now that pin to the queen is blocked and   if the knight moves the bishop won't be taking  the queen it will be taking the bishop instead   but what does white do white takes  takes and then gets this move e4   so we have the successful transformation of the  position and at this point black should probably   castle right i mean you probably got to get your  king out of the way black plays a move that's not   bad b6 uh not worried about knight takes bishop  because it's defended black wants to develop the   other bishop as a sniper from the corner on the  left side to pressure the center when in doubt   what does white do knight to e5 um do i like this  move uh not really not the best move uh it has a   very direct threat the threat actually has nothing  to do with the knight the knight is more like the   fake of the jab right and then you want to come  over the top with a stronger punch uh what this   knight does and in general something useful skill  we all have to keep in mind in chess when a piece   moves other pieces open up so by moving there  wine has opened up the queen wanting to go to h5   black plays castles because now queen h5 doesn't  come with a check and white plays bishop to d3   white is also not really worried about this trade  because that will trade off black's only active   piece everything else that black castles on the  back rank and now white has better development   and will still go back to this attack maybe castle  and have a good position black plays bishop to b7   and now white plays queen to h5 so why is delaying  castling uh we're taught as beginners that you   know if you have a chance in the opening like  white could have castled right here really i mean   this is kind of the only moment that you could  castle but even before you play knight to e5 you   know you want to play bishop d3 and castle bishop  d3 is the best move in this position objectively   but this is 1912. this is the wild wild west of  chess no one's got an engine no one's got any   backseaters you know in their chatter in their  comments section being like that's the best move   they just played chess you know by rolling  up their sleeves and then having at it right   no one really knew objectively what the best way  to play was back then but white has got a pretty   nice position now the other thing remember i said  that thing earlier about doors opening for pieces   when they move if this knight moves the bishop  and the queen see that square so what does black   play black plays queen e7 because black's logic  was well knight takes bishop but now pawn takes   and that opens up the door to my queen and i guard  h7 and now i'm gonna go here but here black made a   mistake the mistake that george allen thomas made  was a move order error he was thinking takes and   then takes but he never inversed it because it  was such a ridiculous thing to think say what   am i talking about well you could pause here  i'll take a sip i got a little coca-cola today   not a sponsored uh video keep saying stream  um well ladies and gentlemen the move   is the absolutely beautiful queen takes h7  and this is why i put a graphic warning um   on uh on the thumbnail uh this is the most  violent chess game in history queen takes h7   what so you have to take the queen  now we begin the extraction process   knight takes bishop double check the most  violent the most deadly tactic in all of chess   black's got two choices go back and get mated  look at that nightmate look at the geometry on   that oh my god or come forward right now  the craziest thing about this position   is that from here on out every single move is  forced every single move if you want to you can   pause and try to calculate it out in your head  i'll let you do that but white plays knight g4   and every single square is occupied except this  one bringing the king come here and that's why   the nickname of this game is fatal attraction now  we get h4 check defended by the rook the only move   king to f4 now we get g3 the only move it's like  there's nothing you can do it's like a riptide all   the pieces bring the king closer now we get bishop  to e2 the only move is to come now we get rook   h2 and the only move is king to g1 king to g1  and in this position well the coolest move in   this position in my opinion would have been long  castle's mate but edward lasker played king to d2   delivering a checkmate to this king which just  got taken from there to there a one way ticket   it's a death sentence for the game i've never seen  something like that ever i mean i i really hope   that this was a legitimate game and you know some  further thoughts on this game before i talk about   specifically the opening and give you different  different opening ideas um the if you ever look   up this game and i've put all the moves in the  description this game is considered a casual game   i'm like what dude that's amazing like back then  you could just play a game not in a tournament   just like with your boy who's the batman champion  of england and that game could become historical   and some idiot in a maroon hoodie 109 years later  is covering the game on a youtube channel i should   pay royalties to the estate of edward lasker by  the way look up edward lasker fascinating man uh   actually invented a uh an uh uh an infant um  mechanical device uh well the official name is   a breast pump but you know you guys are gonna  take that out of context and it saved a lot of   premature babies it's actually pretty crazy  um absolutely brilliant man a lot of people   back in the day in the early 20th century  were like all sorts of you know fascinating   people but don't go don't leave i know that's  the end of the game i know it's a crazy game   um but i want to give you some ideas of how to  play against the dutch defense so this is the   bonus of sticking around for gotham chess videos  like when that when the band has left you know the   concerts got played and then maybe they'll play  you another song if you stick around or you know   you stick around in the movies after the credits  you get an easter egg about the next movie so the   dutch defense the thing about the dutch defense  is it's very non-standard right it's it's fighting   for the center with the f-pawn and in a perfect  world what black wants is to play knight to f6   and then fight for the center some way so if  you just play like normal like normal queen's   pawn setup black is a choice do they play d6 and  then go for a position that looks you know uh   like this with the kind of fianchetto bishop on g7  and castles this is known as the leningrad setup   and then there's a different you know there's  different ways to play those positions uh another   thing that black can do is play on the light  squares so for example like this kind of similar   to this game but you'll notice that in this game  black never played d5 like for example bishop g5   black could have stopped white's expansion in  the center by playing d5 and getting this kind   of you know light squared blockade this is known  as the stonewall dutch and the stonewall dodge is   actually very easy to play because black basically  just puts out this wall has this powerful bishop   and if you castle it's actually white who might  get under attack the one drawback of the stonewall   you put all the pawns on one color square this  bishop is not very happy with you but you know   every opening has its pluses and minuses and  there's other ways of playing the dutch defense   there's the stonewall there's a leningrad kind  of the classical dutch there's there's all sorts   of different ways to play it now personally  uh the way that lasker played in this game   i want to even expand on that my favorite weapon  against the and i'll make a video a separate video   on this in the future my favorite way to play  against the uh dutch defense is known as the   staunton gambit named after howard staunton uh  e4 just play e4 right away so the point of this   is that they have to take they i mean they  really don't have a choice if they put their   knight into the center like this you just attack  it and if they go here you attack it and i mean   you get four wall of pawns knights come behind  it and you're you're just doing very well so   uh the other thing that they can do when you  play e4 is maybe do this and this is actually   like not it's not completely terrible but this  simple trade gives white such a big advantage   this pawn is totally out of place and if you just  play normal chess with night out and bishop out   just being able to put that knight there at  any moment this pawn always being weak along   the light squares um white is always better  here but there's still a game of chess to be   played you'll develop you'll castle you'll put  your rook on the open file and dominate it and   if they take on e4 first of all there's a  fun trap that you can play in bullet but   you know please don't try this at home you play  queen h5 check and then you pre-move bishop e2   why do you pre-move bishop e2 because after  g6 bishop e2 if they take your queen it's mate   so if you ever beat somebody like this  in a one minute game that will be pretty   epic it's not very good because if they just  play knight f6 you have to move your queen   but don't say i didn't you know give you this  option what you do normally is you play the   move knight c3 and you just try to win this back  and you try to get a position that actually looks   very similar to the position that we got in this  game with this pawn on e4 and this bishop on g5   right like you take the bishop for the knight  and then you get that big center because that big   center will lead to an attack on the light squares  on the king side later down the line uh as you saw   in this game so knight c3 is considered the best  move d5 big mistake because now queen h5 check   hits the king and this pawn so for example g6  takes and if takes takes you threaten knight c7   um black is already in serious trouble because if  they play knight to a6 you just take it actually   this bishop takes knight and that has no guard  that leads to a fork of the king in the rook   winning a rook within eight moves in  the opening is good welcome to chess   so that's not very good the best thing for black  to do is to play knight to f6 there's a few other   moves but knight to f6 is very good now there's  a few ways to play this um the main line the best   way to play is to go here kind of similar to  the game actually and then if black plays e6   well then you take with this pin and you actually  get the exact position that we had in the game   and you saw how well that worked for lasker so  bishop out maybe try for this knight in queen   position looks really dangerous for black um  but there's other things that black can do for   instance if black plays d5 wait wait wait wait  wait wait gotham said to go he way but tonight   oh take and then it takes it's the same thing  that's the whole trap that's the whole trap   to the uninitiated against the the uh stunting  gambit the finding the best move here is nearly   impossible one of the best moves here for black is  c6 to try to get the queen out and pressure like   this um against this there's a few ways to play uh  my favorite is to add another layer to the gambit   actually and bait them with another pawn if  they don't take then you just take and you have   two very strong pawns in the center uh if they  do take then you're very happy because you can   develop another piece and they've got all these  weaknesses still and that's obviously very nice   and the other way is to just castle queen side  so go like queen out and long castle and the   position you can get very early looks so nice  i mean it just looks so nice black's got this   pawn in the center it's the only thing that they  can hang on to and you'll just chip away at it   take take bulldoze them down the e file double up  activate this bishop bring in the rooks position   is very nice i have a very nice record against  the staunton gambit um probably something like 75   sorry with the stunting gambit like 75 80 percent  uh i don't know i don't know my exact stats on but i know over the board um i score  quite well with with this e4 lines and the other   thing that you can play is knight c3 now the thing  is if you don't rush with e4 they might play it   themselves um and they might play d5 and they'll  stop you from going e4 but still you're doing   quite well here because all both these pawns are  on the light squares and you have a good control   of the center but if you get the dutch defense  hit him with e4 uh and trust me if you add the   stanton gamut to your toolbox you will melt people  who play d4 f5 against you and that's basically it   relatively short video historical game fun game  and i guess i'll go full screen mode to sign off   uh if you're new to the channel this is one of the  earlier uh videos that you've watched uh welcome   to the channel i've got a lot of different  playlists on openings middle games end games   uh not so much end games gotta gotta build up that  content i've also got seven chess courses six of   them are openings for white and black one of them  is known as a beginner boot camp at least i have   seven courses at in march 2021 whenever you're  watching the future i might have some more link is   in the description and if you're a longtime viewer  uh listen let me know in the comments below other   things that you'd like to see that you haven't  seen famous chess games concepts i haven't covered   i like to read the comments i like to read through  what you all have to say positive and negative   uh the negative ones make me laugh and and the  positive ones are just you know we have a very   good community here on the gotham chess youtube  channel so yeah i'll see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 897,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess vienna, lasker thomas, edward lasker, emanuel lasker, lasker capablanca, lasker trap, lasker vs thomas chess, lasker vs thomas chess game, famous chess games, famous chess games analyzed, famous chess matches, historical chess matches, best chess games ever, best chess games, dutch defense, dutch defense chess, staunton gambit, staunton gambit chess, botez gambit, queen sacrifice, queen sacrifice chess
Id: Apbs8auwPl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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