The Prettiest Queen Sacrifice Of All Time

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welcome everybody to another deep dive into chess  history here on the gotham chess youtube channel   today we are taking a look at the american player  frank marshall he was the u.s champion for over 20   years and i believe over that same 20-year span in  the early 20th century he didn't finish anywhere   below top 6 in any international tournament  so a very creative and imaginative player   who frequently liked to partake in the intake of  certain liquid substances during his games and   just basically generally have a good time today  we are looking at his game number one against   levitsky uh and this one is known as the gold  coins game because at the end of it apparently   the move was so gangster that they showered gold  coins on the chessboard then i will show you   another part of his genius but i will save you  that for part two but time stamps on the video   player let's go we have d4 e6 e4 d5 what's known  as a transposition to a french defense you'll   notice that the game actually does not begin  with e4 which is normally how the french defense   gets played uh d4 e6 is kind of an invitation  for white to go back to the french black play   uh white place knight to c3 this is known as the  classical french maybe back then it was known as   the i'm developing a knight to the center of the  board french defending my pawn and black plays c5   now it's pretty interesting because nowadays c5  is is known as a sub-optimal move because here   there is just a very quick kind of refutation of  this setup where white can play e takes d5 takes   and even take again and basically the problem  is that you've just given yourself this weakness   when all the dust settles now i'm sure mr  marshall didn't just you know he wasn't   just going to lose this pawn maybe he was going  to play d4 and attack the knight maybe he was   going to play knight f6 and kind of wait to  recapture the pawn on c5 but uh it's pretty   well known you cannot play c5 against knight c3  but you can play c5 against knight d2 knight d2   in the french is known as the terrace variation  or terrace variation here you can play c5 because   the queen no longer you know occupies that that  center that center file so c5 knight f3 knight   c6 we have one trade and again dc5 here may  be possible but y just develops calmly bishop   e2 knight f6 white castles bishop e7 bishop  g5 and short castle so both players have now   more or less completed the kind of necessary uh  developing moves they've gotten their knights   out they black still has to get the light sword  bishop both kings are castle now at this point   again for white you need to play this in a more  positional way you basically need to take on c5   i need to you need to maximize your pressure on  this now isolated pawn this would be a position   if white played d takes c5 uh well rather white  did play d take c5 tr making it a position where   black has an isolated pawn now when there is an  isolated pawn the drawback of it is that it's weak   in all end games actually the guy playing against  it in this case levitsky wants to make trades to   then remove the defenders of that pawn whereas  frank marshall wants to make this pawn very   strong he wants to reinforce it make the right  trades in the position to reinforce that pawn   and oftentimes you can move around an isolated  pawn easier does that make sense because you have   more open lines and files because you've traded  off its neighboring pawns so there's a little   strategy lesson for you uh here he plays bishop e6  not recapturing yet because he needs to reinforce   this first and white plays knight d4 trying to  take advantage of the you know he think about that   he just took now he transfers the knight right to  the open square now here again this is a situation   where you you got to think about the future if you  snap take here then white develops the queen and   now guards this you know if you go to try to win  this pawn back maybe why it's just going to go b4   and all of a sudden you're like running out of  moves you're not going to be able to attack that   pawn enough maybe you're going to have to play  b6 and create chaos on this side of the board   so for that reason you shouldn't snap take things  you have to evaluate what trades are good and bad   and now and now we get knight c bishop c5 inviting  the knight to take the bishop now normally   giving up a knight for a bishop without a good  reason is is not recommended in this case there   are multiple good reasons to make this trade  number one you're no longer isolated in fact your   pawns are together which is what i just said right  i know what i'm doing you know prefacing and then   you know intertwining the current position listen  it's part of the job but something else happens   very small change but for my beginners and my  intermediate players listen up you got to evaluate   what else changes in the position first of all  this pawn moved which means this rook is open   if the knight moves in the future right see and  this is open so maybe the queen can transfer   out this way that is how the board changes when  trades happen but white also sees how the board   changes when trades happen white immediately goes  for that weakness and you can't just take that   because you lose your queen losing a queen is bad  that's the only thing you learned from this video   mazel tov queen to d6 out of the pin defending the  pawn white goes back to h3 because white doesn't   want to get the bishop taken now rook to rook ae8  basically just taking a moment to get the only   piece that has not moved yet to join the party all  right get over there stop being a wallflower right   is that what that's called wallflower  i don't know it's like the person who   doesn't dance at the party this video  is all over the place queen to d2   i now bishop to b4 essentially frank marshall is  saying okay i'm gonna pin the knight to the queen   and then i'm gonna play d4 and you're gonna have  a problem right so that's why we get bishop takes   f6 an immediate reaction by white but the thing  is that pawn trade way back when solidified the   center and now we see the point now the rook is  going to get involved now white plays rook to d1   okay queen to c5 increasing the pressure you want  to go d4 you see why well you levy you said he was   going to go d4 why didn't he do it because in  chess my favorite concept is danger levels the   queen is worth as much as a queen so you can avoid  a trade or rather you can avoid material loss   by attacking something of equal value so bishop  takes will result in knight takes queen you say   well that's easy i just move my queen then i yeah  but then white takes with check because the king   is also worth more than the queen and then i move  the queen out of the way so that is why he didn't   rush he plays queen c5 stay patient y'all some  of y'all play chess like you're you know late   for a business meeting queen to e2 bishop takes  c3 pawn takes c3 queen c3 and now white plays   rook takes d5 nice idea here utilizing this pin  on the undefended rook on e8 it's one of the   reasons you don't snap take in fact if he takes  here it's white to play and win in three moves   check now black has only one move and  now the bishop comes in as the hero   you have to go to the corner and you get  mated how quickly a chess game can turn right   i'm winning i'm winning and all of a sudden  you want to throw your computer out the window   so rook takes d5 and frank marshall plays knight  d4 nice move transferring the knight in remember   the queen has to stay pinning so the queen moves  to h5 doesn't stay pinning but you know it attacks   the rook here if the queen had gone here this  would have put some pressure on the knight   uh here there's a cool move for black rook f4  guarding the knight by attacking the queen and   you can't take because i would fork you so  that's kind of a cool trick but queen to h5   using the concept of danger levels and black  plays rook f8 so now again we see the benefit   of fe 6 because the double rooks on the f file  pressuring here white plays rook to e5 now here   frank marshall has a choice between two wins win  number one is impressive it's you know it's a   normal win it's a nice clean conversion of the  position uh but win number two gets gold coins   showered on the board and gets a gotham chess  youtube video made about the game 109 years later   because i believe this game was played in 1912.  i will be extremely embarrassed that this game   was not played in 1912 it was played in 1912  i just checked my other monitor so clearly   frank marshall was thinking about making  it into a chess youtube channel 109 years   uh from then in 1912 when he played this game so  the routine win is the very natural rook takes f2   why is that winning because you're threatening  to take and if they take you you have a bank you   have a back rank infiltration because this rook  covers the f1 square it's called x-ray right it's   not this because that hangs a queen but it's this  and it doesn't matter who blocks whether it's the   queen of the rook or this rook it's mate but frank  marshall like i said wanted to end up in a youtube   video and played the move rook to h6 that attacks  the queen you say what's so good about that the   queen just moves let's say it just goes to g5 well  here frank marshall shows you the reason kabam   now frank marshall trust me if he had  the option of crazy win uh uh routine   win number one and crazy win number two he's  gonna go crazy one number two here's the point   you can't take because i fork everybody frankly i  mean my horse just forks everybody so we got rook   to c5 and levitsky must have thought okay i'm  gonna attack the queen queen's gonna move maybe   i can play rook c7 and this and this and if you'd  like to pause here and find the move although it   was on the thumbnail uh please feel free to  do so i'm going to take a sip of my seltzer ladies and gentlemen one of the coolest moves  of all time i present to you queen to g3 i mean what more to say one more to say queen  to g3 white resigns mic drop game over here's   why if h takes g3 you've now opened up my rook's  vision to the h file and knight to e2 is mate   if f takes g3 you've opened up my rook's vision  to your rook knight e2 king h1 and rook f1 is made   okay queen takes potentially the funniest one   knight to e2 king to h1 knight takes  and there is a double pin situation   king to g1 knight to e2 check king h1 and you know  probably this and we have an end game where i have   an extra night which i trust that will they will  win and then last but not least if you don't take   like i don't know you play like here for  example then i would play knight to e2 check   and by the way you can't mate me queen h2 is not  mate because i'm defending you from the other side   knight to e2 or potentially the cooler one knight  to f3 when have we ever seen something like that   king to h1 and rook h2 is checkmate queen h2 is  one move more because the rook and the knight   would be integral to the attack i mean have you  ever seen something like that no you haven't   that's why you're happy that you clicked on  this video and that is why 10 minutes later   you are uh well no actually i was gonna say the  same thing never mind but yeah now that was 1912   frank marshall played against and defeated many  many strong players and i told you that after   i showed the gold coins game queen g3 by the way  there there is one kind of funny thing about this   uh some of them some people say that it's because  people wagered on this game so they just threw the   coins i mean i like to believe that a game was so  boss that people literally just took coins out and   you know nowadays we all got some you know  cryptocurrency debit card what are people gonna   throw their debit cards on the board they're gonna  throw their amazon gift cards on the board like   relax so the la you know the the second thing  that i wanted to show is uh is a game not really   a game as much as just the playing style of  frank marshall that last game was amazing   uh and the move was amazing but i just want  to show you the contribution that frank   marshall made to chess which might amaze some  of you so frank marshall you know allowed the   uh the ru i always say rue lopez that's not  how you say it rule lopez he always allowed   the spanish and one of the open main lines of  the spanish involves b5 bishop b3 and castles   and here black plays d6 solidifying the center  and then deciding you know are you going to play   uh knight to a5 for example are you going to play  uh what's known as like the chagor and the briar   although back then not a lot of them had names  right the zaitsev system with bishop to b7 but   frank marshall invented theory in this position  which is played to this day over a hundred years   later it's been worked out to be good the best  adaptation it had was boris baskey uh the later   part of the 20th century he adapted it and that is  the immediate move d5 now according to computers   this is still playable for black and this is  the idea takes takes and you sacrifice the pawn   in the center of the board but white has no queen  side development right and nowadays people play   c6 and what they do is they move the bishop to  attack the king they bring the queen out sometimes   they bring the bishop out and it's pandemonium  and like with optimal alpha zero preparation   maybe white has like 0.2 advantage but  oftentimes you know the game's end in draws   uh but of course the unprepared opponent not the  super grand master will get absolutely destroyed   in the martial positions these positions are a  disaster for white if you're unprepared because   you're going to deal with four very angry pieces  maybe five very angry pieces further down the line   now back in the day we got knight to f6 but this  is kind of the point look we're talking about jose   rajablanca one of the greatest players of that  generation arguably in history um and this is   the year 1918. now historically frank marshall  did not score very well against cup of blanca   but nobody really did but it shows you look at  this look what frank marshall does knight to g4   watch what he does you can't just i mean  you can't just take because then i go here   and i hunt you down with my bishops right so  kabablanca shows discipline and plays queen f3   and frank marshall says bro i don't care if my  rook is hanging i'm gonna hit you with queen f2   so now we get d4 the only move to keep advantage  say why isn't he taking the knight he doesn't need   to but frank marshall shoves that knight down  his throat now again the only move rookie two   what why can't you just take well then bishop g3  frank marshall is making actually i apologize not   bishop to g3 bishop to g3 is wrong because i just  realized wheat takes f7 is mate rook f7 rookie oh that would have been bad i would have gotten a  comment oh oh levy you hung maton 2 here probably   bishop to h2 check i would imagine but then king  f1 oh but then you can play this because now this   comes with a check oh god okay frank marshall  you're insane i mean are you kidding me are you   kidding me frank marshall so that is why he plays  knight f2 and that is why capoblanca doesn't take   it i'm learning as i go here right then he's  he sacrifices a bishop right hg2 any any and he   hunts the king he's down two pieces right now and  he's hunting the king look he takes the rook uh   and now this is hanging so capablanca has to once  again find the only move which is bishop to d2   right we get bishop back to h4 like this is the  playing style that this man brought to the game   and in this game kama blanca it took every bit  of resistance not to succumb to this pressure   look he is throwing everything at this  guy he's just shredding the position open   destroying the safety of the king and camablanca  just covers up like this weathers the storm and   he ultimately wins the game you say what's so  impressive about this he just lost all his guys   i mean come on show some respect to frank  marshall this kind of creative play took like   10 only moves of resistance and we're talking  about capoblanca who was the world champion so   this is the what the man brought to the table  frank marshall has uh long lasting contributions   to the game of chess in terms of the theory that  he brought uh there are many martial gamuts there   is also uh this martial gambit in the uh in  in in the queen's uh the queen's gambit d4 d5   c4 e6 and then here when black plays the triangle  defense you can play e4 this is known as the   marshall gambit because there are lines where for  example after check you lose the pawn on d4 and   that this is very much a frank marshall kind of  thing and it's incredible that the stuff that they   played in 1915 1920 1925 has been perfected to  this day and is still played very frequently that   always blows my mind because those guys did not  have the answers the fact that they were able to   pave the way in frank marshall's case in multiple  variations and openings uh for the openings that   we see nowadays especially in an opening like  the rui lopez which is just so popular at the   top level incredible just incredible to  see uh feel free to read a little bit more   about frank marshall and his you know he brought  a real new yorker swagger to the chessboard now   obviously the martial chess club is named after  him in new york city uh a club that i've played   many many tournaments at all the way from i don't  know i was about seven years old i'm 25 now so   yeah once again hope you are enjoying these  dives into chess history and taking a look   at some games as always if there's a player or  a game that i have not yet looked at do let me   know in the comments below or upvote some of the  other top comments so i do see them i do read them   i frequently take ideas and then ultimately  make videos about them as always if you're   new welcome to the channel i've got tons of  playlists for you to check out and enjoy chess and   learn i've got courses link is in the description  and that's it i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 650,816
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Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, frank marshall, frank marshall chess, marshall gambit, marshall gambit chess, frank marshall agadmator, gold coins game, gold coins game chess, golden coins game chess, famous chess games, best chess games, historical chess games, best chess games in history, chess history, best chess games agadmator, famous chess games explained, famous chess games analyzed
Id: 0c0fbJnutao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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