The best GOLD found when misfortune leads to fortune!!!

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g'day everybody and welcome to this channel my name's levi i'm a prospector and adventurer of gold in tasmania my prospecting adventures take me into some of the most remote parts of tasmania in search of gold feel the weight in that we're not even halfway to the lodding river yet [Music] oh slippery i've said it before but this has to be one of the most beautiful creeks i've ever been to definitely one of my favorites so today i'd plan to go to one of my favorite rivers but uh when i arrived the water was murky and we've had a lot of rain the last few weeks so i wasn't able to go work it but i'm down at one of my favorite creeks i have got good gold out of this creek in the past so i'm looking forward to today being high water because it's winter we might be able to find something up on the edges and have a bit of luck with it so i won't hold you up we'll get into it we'll see how we go hopefully we have a good day and we find some nice gold so i spent a bit of time searching for cracks and crevices in this pool but i didn't have any luck so i headed further upstream in this larger pool i found a crevice that looked very promising i was almost certain that i would find gold here and just as i'd expected i started to find really nice pieces [Music] it was an exciting feeling because this was a large crevice i knew that there was going to be a lot more gold to be found [Music] i soon came across another nice piece [Music] there were multiple pieces in this section of the crevice [Music] cool [Music] [Music] it was shaping up to be a very good day especially for a cold day in the middle of winter in tasmania [Music] i suddenly came across a big brown trout hiding behind a rock i see a lot of smaller trout when i'm out prospecting but it's pretty rare for me to see one this big [Music] um this piece was a nice chunky little [Music] nugget and there was more uh [Music] days like this are so much fun anything that you're worrying about just completely slips away from your mind and you can find yourself just losing track of time another really nice nugget for the snuffer bottle so [Music] i'm working here behind a ledge in the bedrock for those of you that have watched my videos in the past you'll know that i've had a lot of success behind ledges like this locations like this create low pressure zones and because the gold's heavy they don't wash away and they get stuck in such a spot it was back over to the original crevice where i had some unfinished business [Music] oh so oh [Music] [Music] this was becoming a very rare day almost every piece was a nugget and just when i thought i couldn't find more well they suddenly got even bigger [Music] that's all big [Music] okay [Music] so so so it was starting to get dark on me i was finding so much gold that i just didn't want to leave but this location is quite remote i didn't want to be hiking out in the dark so it was now time to go and here it is an absolute ripper of a day for the middle of winter here in tassie the funny thing is i thought i'd work this creek heavily but now i'm starting to realize that there's probably going to be a lot more gold there every time i think i've figured out prospecting i learned something new and everything flips upside down and i'm suddenly finding that gold deposits in places that i originally wouldn't have expected it to be i think that's part of why i love prospecting so much is that there's always something new to learn here we have some of the bigger nuggets one of those pieces looks as though it's been stuck in a crevice on one end and the other end's been pounded by rocks traveling over the top [Music] we'll put some of these on the scales give you an idea of the size do this bigger one [Music] 1.59 nice one grammar [Music] 0.86 so nearly a gram nice nugget one with the flat edge nearly half a gram that one surprised me another 0.43 that's a good one very chunky pieces very happy 0.37 0.34 that one's like a tooth shark tooth or something like that this one's really cool shape one two one maybe this one here 0.17 all right we'll put the total on there okay the total 9.23 wow so an absolute cracker of a day that's about it from me thanks for watching and i will see you all next time
Channel: Tassie Boys Prospecting
Views: 212,635
Rating: 4.8919215 out of 5
Keywords: gold nugget, gold nuggets, gold rush, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, tassie boys prospecting, nora svet, vougus prospecting
Id: R35NdvKHCkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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