I’ve broken my gold sniping record again!! The most GOLD NUGGETS I've ever found in a single day!!

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g'day everybody and welcome back to the channel my name's levi i'm a prospector in tasmania i've got a very exciting video to show you guys today we're going to be sniping for gold underwater sniping for gold is one of my favorite ways to search for gold it's certainly been the most effective way in my experience and if you're into prospecting but you've never tried it i certainly recommend it in this video i'm going to be joining up with my mate ron we're going to be prospecting in one of the richest gold deposits we've ever found [Music] [Music] so [Music] can you feel that [Music] all right i don't think we're too far getting close [Applause] the location that we're working here is an extremely rare gold deposit it's a place where we found a lot of gold and some of our largest gold nuggets for most prospectors including ourselves this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity ron called me over to have a look at a large seam running through the bedrock and it was absolutely littered with gold foreign i spent some time filming ron collecting gold but it was now time for me to go and chase my own [Music] every time i moved just a little bit of gravel there was gold pickers sitting underneath i knew it was only a matter of time before a good sized nugget would show up [Music] i was finding piece after piece i didn't spend a lot of time grabbing camera angles or anything like that i was so excited with the gold i was getting i just focused on working and finding as much as i could [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the camera mounted on my mask and snorkel these pieces look very small but in reality these are nice size pickers i was finding clusters of gold everywhere every time i moved gravel there was more and more gold [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ron called me over again to show me what he was working on and he was having the same experience it was just unreal to see the amount of gold that was hiding in this location [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] take me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ron called me over for an awesome gold nugget that he'd found it's a nice nugget bloody good job what do you reckon three two two point it's just like it's actually the same shape and everything as one of my two grams yup i reckon we'll go 2.9 that's my guess [Music] oh [Music] oh the gold continued to show on for the rest of the day i began to find gold in deeper water but without my dive belt i was having trouble staying under so i started using large rocks to keep myself under the water it took a little bit of extra effort but i was able to get to that good gold [Music] [Music] oh ron called me over again to have a look at a massive cluster of gold wow here we go what's she gonna be i reckon that i reckon it's in the three zone all right oh easy three 3.28 the camera is not picking up i don't know if you can see that or not people oh yeah there we go 3.28 a nice chunk well done mate oh thank you beautiful interesting you've yeah let's see if you've got let's uh see if i've got my first uh three grammar i've got lots of twos and fours but what's that say oh that's bigger than more three three point four that's wicked and here it is so some very very chunky gold and uh just amaze it just amazes me how good this location is i don't know why the gold sticker there doesn't come along like this every day as you know it's got some iron stone up inside of it too [Music] quite a unique little nugget these were the bigger pieces from the trip it's a nice uh cluster of nuggets [Music] all right away some of the bigger ones [Music] so i have heaps of two grammars i've got uh four gram nuggets that and one gram nuggets but this is the first three that i've found so absolutely pumped i can add that to the collection let's see what this other big one weighs [Music] so that one's over a gram so a very nice piece about this one this one's got a little hole in it which is pretty cool 0.62 i'll show you [Music] yeah a little bit of a hole some other big ones there decent pieces 0.66 have a half a gram very chunky gold 0.42 [Music] and 0.42 another one and the total yeah i have a new record this trip has put me over the top with 13.44 grams which is only 0.2 above my previous record for sniping it's a shame i didn't smash my previous record out of the park i don't know what is going on with these 13 gram days it seems like that's about all levi's got in him but this time i have tipped over the top and come out with a new record and looking forward to seeing what i can do next you
Channel: Tassie Boys Prospecting
Views: 70,236
Rating: 4.930706 out of 5
Id: S2bbS_7MT0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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