Finding BIG GOLD means moving BIG ROCKS!!

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g'day everyone welcome to the channel my name's levi i'm a prospector in tasmania and i'm going to take you guys on an adventure today back to one of my favorite creeks i was here in my last video and i sniped almost 10 grams in just under a couple of hours i spent the whole day looking for gold and just before dark i was able to find a crevice that i hadn't worked in the past and it was loaded with nice gold nuggets and had an awesome day so i'm going to head back i have some unfinished business i want to double check that that crevice has been cleaned out properly as it was getting dark when i was there and i want to see if there's more in the pool where i found it because there was quite a few other spots that looked quite good before i started on that one so we'll get down there now we won't waste any more time we'll see how we go hopefully it's a good adventure and i hope you enjoy to be one of my favorite areas this part of cassie temperate rain forest it's an absolute beautiful place to be [Music] [Music] usual bush bashing oh it's slippery it's a slide [Music] so [Music] getting close to the creek now okay there she is okay so i want to show you guys the crevice from the last video now it's about it started out as just a small little crack and i started finding little bits of gold down in the deeper water here and as i followed it back it turned out it was all buried in gravel before i got to it obviously um but it ran for four to five meters it goes from down there all the way through and it went under this uh little bit of soil and roots that was hanging out of the bank i managed to work my way underneath that and it kept going all the way right back into the bank there so it was a huge crevice and uh had a lot of gold in it and sometimes that's the way it goes you might work all day and not find much uh like i did the other day and uh then you you'll find just a little lead or something that turns into something quite significant but this was a this was ground that i've been over in the past i'd obviously walked right past it hadn't spotted it so it does pay to keep your head when you're sniping especially to keep your head under water as much as you can and you'll see things that you won't see from above the water line so what i want to do is i'll have a quick look make sure i've cleaned it out there might be a little bit that i can get to down deeper in the deeper water and then after that uh we'll head a little bit further upstream look for that chunkier gold and uh look for some uh other crevices upstream i forgot to mention though i'm going to give it a quick go on the uh real shallow edges of the bedrock with the gold monster and just double check there's nothing to hiding up high i hope there is [Laughter] double check that one it's an iron target but uh it's quite zippy not that zippy should have broke my pickaxe i'm sitting there where'd it go yeah so there you go hot rock all right so we came up with nothing again i'm gonna get in the water now and uh try the sniping that's what i do best in this location i started removing the rock and the gravel to test out the bedrock beneath but for whatever reason the gold did not deposit in this location so i headed back to my original crevice just to check that i hadn't missed anything all right so i'm just going back over the same crevice now i haven't had anything this morning it's just been super slow so i've come back to the original crevice just got my first bit and i'm just going to make sure i've cleaned out this last section because it was getting dark i must have done a pretty good job because i only found this one piece okay i've done it all now i think i must have done a pretty good job of it so i haven't got the one piece it's time to move on and find some new ground and the new ground quickly started to pay off [Music] in this spot you can see clearly that the gold has plenty of places to get caught and get stuck in the crevices [Music] [Music] down behind this ledge my first nugget arrived a gold nugget like that certainly gets me working faster [Applause] [Music] hmm i'm working here in some higher flow in amongst the rapids some very large rocks have dropped off here but underneath i was starting to find really good gold [Music] so [Music] this spot was turning out to be awesome the more rock i removed the more i'd find gold sitting on the decomposed bedrock below [Music] the gold i was finding was all a good size most of it was pickers and some were even small gold nuggets [Music] you can see where the main flower water comes down here there's a vortex of cloudy stuff where i've been working all the gold's getting trapped in there [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] apologies guys for the quality of this footage i know it's very dark hard to see what's going on but this time of year in winter when everything is dark and the canopy of the forest is hanging over there's very little light and it's really hard to see even when i'm sniping [Applause] [Music] this spot here had a lot of gold in it it was a little low pressure zone or a pocket behind the bedrock in the bottom of it there was a thick layer of sediment and as i moved it all out there was gold hiding in underneath [Music] so i've had a lot of fun this morning it started out really slow and then uh started to finally get some gold and the last uh maybe three hours i've probably been going i've just been getting piece after piece it's been unreal the uh spot that i've been getting the gold has all been in a little pocket from up there you can see where it's light colored where i've cleared it away but you can see where the water comes down here so it's obviously created a vortex and dropped it all down this edge but uh just a small section like that and i reckon there's probably three or four grams that have come out of there all from uh below that so it's just incredible and i was starting to get a little bit more just in over here behind this ledge here and that's that slowed down so i've just stopped for lunch now getting pretty hungry i got a little bit cold as well just then it's uh been a good morning we've uh off to a good start and uh hopefully we get a bit more after we've had something deep after lunch i found a relatively small crevice but it was starting to show a bit of gold yeah i know i really need some new words for my excitement vocabulary this piece only just fit up the snuffer i think i found something here that's going to pay off again [Applause] i'm doing again and as quickly as i thought i was back on to the gold i was suddenly back off it again i thought i was on to a winner here underneath this ledge it was beautiful decomposed bedrock but i only found one piece and that was it right oh so i'm about done i didn't get much after lunch it slowed down dramatically i only got a couple more pieces and i was working right near where i got the bulk of it this morning so it's funny how it goes but uh we have a good amount of gold i've had an awesome day uh what a beautiful spot this is check some of this out it's just unbelievable jurassic looking uh countryside but it's time for me to head home now we've got quite a hike out of here i've uh got a head basically straight up you can see the contour of the land there uh i'm not sure if i'll jump up through here but uh yeah that's my problem you guys will see me at home so i'll see you soon okay and the gold from the trip here it is it's a little bit dark in here we've got a lot of cloud outside at the moment we've had a lot of rain the last few weeks um and i haven't been able to snipe but this video was shot the gold from this video was shot quite a few weeks ago still winter and still very cold but a very very good day nice chunky gold i know i'm very very spoiled to be able to get gold like this um this time of year especially tasi's a wonderful place once again it's uh quite chunky gold little pickers they're probably not nuggets but uh decent sized pickers and they certainly will add up put these larger pieces in my hand for a bit of scale and uh drop them under the window seal so i can get a bit more light going on now i'm going to guess this i'm going to guess this is the largest piece but i could be wrong there's a few that are fairly similar in size we've got 0.4 0.42 nice chunky little piece 0.35 so they're all very similar and there's a few more there as well but i'll drop it all on now 6.47 nearly six and a half grams so really really good day once again absolutely pumped there's a piece right there on the screen that's bounced over see if we can get that six and a half i doubt it it's very very small yeah oh took it up by 0.01 another great day thanks everyone for watching to this point um i appreciate the support we'll see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Tassie Boys Prospecting
Views: 25,642
Rating: 4.9696794 out of 5
Keywords: how to find gold, how to find gold in rivers, how to find gold in creeks, how to find gold in rock, how to find gold in victoria, how to find gold in australia, how to find gold deposits
Id: 4hflUvZ0Ujo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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