The Gold Gypsies find gold near to the most Famous Legendary Gold nugget discovery of all time.

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[Music] do [Music] that's nice i've had a bit of a scratch at it already [Music] [Music] these muller kids can be a bit of a pain sometimes especially with your detector sitting [Music] down [Music] one thing i'm not used to in victoria that's the weather [Music] now this sounds like rubbish really does [Music] yeah i reckon this is going to be a bullet a bullet casing [Music] or not at all [Music] [Music] um we'll go for a second time eh [Music] it's a bit of lead i was right it's a bullet [Applause] lead well that means that nobody's been here before me [Music] don't forget to check your hole [Music] and fill him back in so that's a good thing that no one's been [Music] here [Music] bit of tin sitting there i think [Music] but got two inches of vegetation here [Music] the little gold monster would work really well here amongst all this top soil [Music] you can see the clays in the bedrock that the old timers were digging out this is really nice stuff really nice hopefully you might be able to find a bit of structure in a bit of rock today there's a lot of rocks on the top still so maybe something will show well we've got that bugger out even with a scoop it's hard to find always pick the big one out hoping it's going to be in the big one there it is there yep another bullet that definitely shows nobody's been here definitely [Music] this is a nice noise viewers a really nice noise [Music] all right [Music] all right finally viewers finally what we have here is gold in structure unfortunately the poor old timers that work this bit of mine here this might have fed them for a couple of days okay it's a really nice piece with this daylight in the cloud we're not gonna be able to spot any gold here right now but i can tell you right now there's gold in this [Music] now it might not be enough to actually warrant a nugget but it could be enough gold in there to warrant and initialize the detector to set it off nice little find we'll crush that up but in the meantime i'll rake this out a bit see if it's not another piece deeper [Music] that one might have noise in it too well it's got a nice piece of quartz on the end of it you know viewers i actually think that i'm talking ourselves into this [Music] [Music] this one can't go on i'll take me home and bash up pile [Music] that's just movement of the coil i don't think so [Music] i don't think so [Music] yeah that might be all you're looking for is just a break in the threshold that's all it is with that threshold is that constant whoo noise all we're looking for is just that slightest little break different machines run different thresholds the sdc is a set threshold you can't change that unless you change the volume [Music] nope however i have not finished with this pile yet maybe the 7000 will bring over i'll be able to use a 14 inch coil and i might punch that extra couple of inches i need i've only got the 10 by 5 coil tech on it at the moment good coil don't get me wrong just doesn't have to punch capabilities though i think i'll take these specimens back i'll put the 7 000 on and i'll come over and i'll have a look then catch up you soon viewers g'day have i got a product here for you a few weeks ago we were on a couple of tours and i had a gentleman have one of these what we have here is the travel buddy marine model now this here is the best little invention i've had dead set and what i'm going to do today [Music] [Applause] because it's a cold day is we're going to put chris's dinner in and i'm going to put my dinner in i'm going to turn her on for about 60 minutes set it to 130 degrees and i'm gonna come back in an hour i'm gonna have lunch nice warm lunch [Music] i got the zed on now the 7000 [Music] a lot of you will recognize with a 14-inch coil on it [Music] hmm i use the term especially because it's got a bit of quartz it's got a bit of calculator in it a bit of einstein and hard rock clay maybe a little bit of basalt but most of all it's got gold hopefully our mate would have left to something again but he hasn't [Music] you know there's always that benefit of dow day [Music] sorry about that noise viewers excuse me nope that would have been a bit of damp ground and having my coil on a slight angle and so that would have been giving me a false signal [Music] still not happy about that though definitely not definitely not definitely not oh well we shall wander in a bit more it's a wobble [Music] that's something the stc never picked up before i think we've got multiple targets here i think we have that's a really weird signal that one all right it's out [Applause] oh here's our telly what viewers she's quite cool out here today that'll be it there nope that'll be it there yep you know you wouldn't see me doing that if it was gold [Music] welcome back viewers i'll tell ya it's cool down here let's see where a little project went oh yes just like the straight out of the bakery and chris's we'll try this oh yeah whereas dinner's on [Music] sorry viewers travel buddy get yourself one today welcome back viewers i've got the rock we found the other day what i'm going to do is use a pinpointer and see if i can locate exactly where this is in the rock this should give me an idea of where the gold is exactly come on working there it is in there so that means it's just in that fracture in there it's not a very big line at all so what i'll do is we'll give it just a little tap very gently and see if we can't just loosen off this corner just a little bit at a time so well it's getting a bit louder that's a start but i can't see any in there myself and i'll give it a another crack and we'll see what happens ah you can see here if i can get chris to zoom in here what's happening here is excuse me what's happening here is we're getting caught starting to break off with the iron stone and the way that's sort of breaking out there i would say that that might be gold bearing it is two there's gold in that piece there there's gold in that bit that just broke off because the way it's not wanting to fall off at all very quiet you can see the erosion here it's got to be four or six inches there that's where the water's just washed it all off and pushed it down inside the mine or inside that one there high hopes so now that is an interesting little signal still be there to be there that's nice that's a really nice signal that oh that means to me there's no rust or any um foreign objects on the top of the ground it could be there ah this is when it gets exciting because you'd like to have it deeper if it's deeper it could be on [Applause] [Music] ah no it's out [Music] that was lucky [Music] not in that half it's in that half come on this is a nice signal oh it didn't clunk oh there it is there yes [Music] that's a nice little nugget that that's probably a that's probably 0.6 or 0.7 that one it's a beauty little nugget that one like i said the 7000 doesn't miss much it's got a bigger coil for coverage and you've also got that depth oh i'm real proud of that chinaman's gully weather burn good place to be hello um that time we got back on channel sorry about the delay but i'm not a very good editor and as a film as you say as a filmer flash director slash everything we suck but he doesn't manage the weather out it's been pretty bad weather it'll be raining and cold and gloomy and so yeah sorry for the delay but anyway here we are this is lolly remember her from tv from the other show she's a little girl she turned 12 this year she will be true yep she's not gonna pass yeah you would have seen them in the show and we've had a lot of people on facebook access about our dogs and you know this is just nugget yeah strange name nugget but they're very woolly because they're now in victoria and they've been with the coats you've never seen them with this woolly before they look like sheep they're doing well and fine and quite happy down here and they get lots of lots of cuddles and snuggles and yeah no they're very healthy welcome back to the show as i said it's a little bit long-winded this show but um we thought we'd give you a longer one and have a long one but anyway we'll um do a bit of crushing this time from the rocks we got out there at um away it's a big fish big specimen that's correct finally we'll crush that up and we'll see how we go lolly's got something interested in the paddock oh yes there's a visitor down the next site it's not a kangaroo not this time no but we'll do some crushing chris will get into the do some crushing and we'll do some pounding out and see if there is actually any gold in that specimen we brought back also just gently i'll just zoom in show the people what you're actually doing okay come on over all right i'll come out over people as smooth as i can go all right here we are alrighty you ready for this one see see what i mean it just some of it just shatters to a million pieces i'm trying not to do this oh my god oh geez what chris is trying to say is is the more that splatters the less gold we have but we have to break it up into smaller pieces to go into a mini crusher that might fit oh the crusher turns it down the sand oh i can sit probably that bit no it won't do you don't think so half that size sorry there you go did i put it a little bit there that's what will fit that's still too big that that bit there's still too big okay here we go oh my gosh this is really you see how hard this rock is crack it in the center of the brick please there yep oh you've got to be kidding me all right leave that one there because that would nearly hit me okay oh we're all we needed that'll do for now these are pretty good we'll go with that okay we'll go with that next stage rock crashing two bags two bags full yeah right dummy we've got two pans is what we got and the idea is let's take this over here hand it out into that we will place this here power this up about the way please you show them a little mini crusher i'm just panned back people let me just get around here as you can see let's come and have a look at this but the size it's not very large so we have to make sure that we'll adjust that they fit in this it's got a bottleneck in it so it sort of doesn't help with the bottlenecks so the stones don't ricochet from the crusher which is there and from the crusher it goes down to the drop and we'll drop into a pan down there and basically it'll come out like beach let's sand sure this is nice and clean because this is going to catch all the gold dust i like that name gold dust hopefully in the dish once it's all crushed let's get into it there's a motorbike here pair up okay [Music] so hi guys just on my own today so i thought i'd finish off the program by the results we got from the crushing really excited i'm not sure if you can see it's a bit difficult i don't want to tilt it too much because the gold's going to fall out but if you can just see that in the sun okay i'm doing my best oops got about uh better crams with the gold actually i haven't weighed it yet but i'm pretty sure it'll be about a gram love that sound yeah so that was an excellent result and we're so excited out of a couple of rocks we've got a few grams of gold terrific detective for grip go give him that one like i said he's not here today he's off doing something else so it's my job to finish off this this second episode of ours i just got to say thank you all for following us and especially subscribing we we read all the comments and we're getting some lovely wonderful comments so keep them coming and any suggestions you want to throw at us or um let's see new ideas i mean we're always open to new ideas we want to sort of mix it up a bit more and not have us just walking around detecting in every video it can be a bit boring but the next one stay tuned for the next one because we've got something really special to show you we're we're in the process of uh will i say acquiring new property and we're just over the moon about it and you'll be so excited to see what we've got coming up we're going to videotape it we're going to get the drone out and spin it around take some nice shots it's it's going to surprise you that's for sure and there's a really tricky finish to the video well i won't tell you now but you watch the next episode and you'll see it all come true thank you guys again i i gotta say thank you for subscribing to us we're really excited about this this is our first shot at filming ourselves and now we understand how hard it is for the directors because we've made a lot of boo-boos along the way and had to refilm some shots and yeah typical goings-on of the inexperienced film crew here but anyway um we hope you enjoy you've enjoyed it so far to date and i can't wait for the next episode to come out stay tuned guys love to you all and stay safe bye-bye
Channel: Forever Prospecting with The Gold Gypsies
Views: 141,048
Rating: 4.8691859 out of 5
Id: yY-0NtEZjL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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