Dredging On A 10 Inch Dredge with Huge Cleanup. Chicken, Alaska

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[Music] town of chicken chicken down over here [Music] there's a big chicken over there [Music] so [Applause] [Music] cool landing so so two more miles here we are in the 40-mile river we're here on the tennis street we got gary dub we got gary down in the river he's stretching going forward we're just eating this right here we go forward all right okay we gotta go forward so we gotta release this take up on this one move the whole thread forward we control where the dredge is by that stake that's in the water if we hammer that down we've got a winds going to that line same thing go as far as we can this is the main box coming through the main box there's a screen all the fines come on the side boxes you got two here and two on that side and for our last chance and these right here these are glass chains or second chance looses and the very end of the dredge there's a sub there's a big hole and all the fines uh sand gets sucked back up and into these side boxes so this is kind of like free gold goldbee would have lost just collected in these two boxes so pretty cool this thing's a beef this thing moves a lot of material here we are up and running look at this bad boy this thing eats some dirt gary's down there he's running right now and uh we've been going at it for a few days so i'm standing on the tailing pile there's uh more tailing piles on there this whole thing's all one big tailing pile we moved a lot of dirt but yeah yeah we're running we're on some good gold those boxes are all lit up uh yeah everything's great so we got a 15 foot hose right here so gary just went forward a foot so he's just gonna do like a half moon all the way like this and just keep sweeping and once it makes that cut move the dredge up another foot and then we just keep going so yeah that's what we've been doing uh last three days we did this whole thing all the way down there there's uh you can see the tailings here second pile and the third pile we started weighing up right where that stump is so in three days we ate this whole section right here right here the bedrock came up so we had to skip that and the bedrock's kind of forking back so we're going back in so hell yeah we're getting gold let's go over here and check out uh the slu system so what we got we got two side sluices right here there's a boiler box on each one so what happens is uh all the material comes in there's a little hole right here in the front of the dredge with a very fine screen on it and just the very fines come down they go into the spoiler box and then it lifts up goes under the vortex mat and then we gotta expand the metal over miners moss same thing with this one and then uh same thing on the other side we've got two boxes there two budgets here about 60 percent of the gold in these boxes right here and the other 40 percent the main boxes so then we got the main box there's some big ripples here and then there's expanded metal right here and then right here is a big sump so all the fines will go down into that sump and it gets pumped up through a hose [Music] up into here and then it goes through these boxes on each side you got one here one here these are the last chance so everything that would have went up the dredge it gets caught in here and we can see some uh you know these have probably 30 hours on them so you can see some gold in there so yeah i know it's really cool uh this thing's working great um this morning we saw a bunch of gold in here we did a quick clean out and uh it's already golden here you can see a whole bunch of gold in here already right there all right who's hiding around the corner oh we got don hey what's going on time cleanup day huh yes it is today's gonna be a good day fun day awesome everybody loves seeing gold yeah we're gonna we're gonna go clean out the 10-inch all right gary so uh yeah we've been dredging a week on the 10 inch huh week on attendance this is six days actually of uh six days eight between eight and ten hours a day yeah so uh this is our first cleanup we're gonna see how we do it first clean up i'm gonna say five all right just because i don't want to be disappointed but i really think there's gonna be more in here but sweet i'm gonna say five all right just to uh just to keep it keep my head straight i think we're going to light up at least one tray full oh we're definitely going to light up one tray i think i think minimum too but still i mean how many is two how much how many ounces is two i don't care what uh i don't know i i forgot how many ounces i think it's seven ounces of tray seven oh then we might only light up one i don't know all right we'll see we'll see we'll see yeah well i don't know we're just gonna we're gonna get as much as there is in there yeah yeah definitely cool whatever it is yeah i'm gonna be happy because just being out here is better than what the alternative is yeah it was a good time and i won't say what the alternative is little goal the big goal that was a good time yeah oh yeah it's always a good time yeah we still got three more weeks three more weeks yeah hard work though yeah yeah but i mean it's it's been it's been great so far yeah we got three weeks to go three weeks ago oh we got look we got two smashed fingers see look yeah beautiful and uh that's my uh that's a result of a rock slamming into the tenants that's yeah that's gnarly looking dude yeah yeah we're all beat up it's only the first week only our first week judging eight digits to go yep and hopefully i don't hopefully i don't finish off all of them i hope not probably i'll finish all of them on this hand because this is the one i always use grabbed rocks with yeah yeah yeah dredging's hard yep all right so we're gonna we got a huge bucket down there we got two buckets here we're going to run them through the gold cube and see what we get all right how's the cube looking all level ready to rock ready to go what do you think excited first clean-up all right first clean out of the all right we're going to break ground first scoop and there we go off the releases here we are running so we're using we're using the gold cube with a little uh classifier screen so we put the scoop in gary he's uh brushing all the rocks down we go down the screen into the tub and we've got the trailer just going to this white tub here we're going to take those tailings through the buckets we're going to run it again just to make sure what do you think guys you're seeing gold already on the first one yeah we're seeing a lot of gold we got the first trail already covered and we're on bucket two we're working on the second tray yeah yeah we still got another bucket there i think a bucket there we got the whole half a tub right there yeah it's like another bucket there so we still have a lot of material over there well we're working at it just using the gold's tube which is a free stacker and uh yeah we're gonna [Applause] we're gonna get some gold today [Applause] how goes it clean out don looks good what do you want you're on the eight inch right yes eight inch uh and we just cleaned out after one day because we're doing a test doing a test drive on the new uh ripple system we put in there uh it seems to be gold everywhere just uh some places there's a little more a little more than others yeah yep very good awesome great to have you here brian yeah yeah it's fun good time yeah we're doing our first clip we're almost done we just cleaned out the bucket then a big tub right there we cleaned that out and we got these two little buckets left to run but so far looks like this whole tray is full the first tray is pretty full working on the second one there's a definitely gold in the second one but not a big line like the top one but we'll find out in a few minutes what we've got yep good time well gary's back back to work oh just doing a little pause here took a look at the first trade the first race full we're pretty close to it and uh working on the second one so what does that mean it means uh i don't know if there's gold in there okay we got one more bucket to run yeah pretty much one is this in here yeah that's uh yeah we're gonna run these two that's it okay and we're done and then we're gonna clean out run it through here and then uh yep we're gonna take this we're gonna run it through a 20 mesh screen and anything above the 20 mesh will pan out anything below the 20 mesh we're going to run through the little miracles there and that thing's gonna be lit up it's gonna be lit up lit up all right cool yeah so uh back to work back to work we go that was the last bucket yep last bucket let's book it let's see what we got just letting it clear out a little bit [Applause] we could take uh here we go we're gonna take the top plate off and there should be some gold in those trays all right let's see let's take it out over here oh yeah look at that see that get in close see all that is it uh focusing yeah oh yeah yeah like so these are these are all full three of them it's all gold nice cool yeah look at that side to side loaded yeah it is all right cool so that's uh the top tray oh no that's right there we go look at that all right well one tray i mean it's not all the way completely full full but pretty good yeah look at that too straight to it hey man that's looking pretty good actually yeah not too bad look at that there we go looks good looking sweet hell yeah how do you clean up bro pretty good oh yeah yeah we're gonna okay do you want to revise your ounce total or no no i don't know five i'm thinking five to something seven five to seven i guess yeah all right what it is what it is we'll find out i'm saying seven you're saying five so we're getting uh we're right in there [Music] well cool so this is tray number one looking pretty good he can feel the weight on that trade number two let's check out tray two tray two is not too shabby it's gold all the way down all the way down let's see if you can get gold on tray number three you got it right there is gold on 23 but not a lot there is a line coming down and there is uh it's just barely some gold at the bottom here so we did save all our cons we're gonna rerun it just to make sure but yeah obviously a lot less but there is still quite a bit of gold in this third tray and who knows what's in these troughs these straws are probably pretty damn good too all right so uh me and gary are gonna rinse us out feeling good payday yeah i'm definitely feeling good i think seven you think it's seven all right we'll find out yeah i have no idea yeah yeah i'm thinking between five and so yeah i think so we'll see anything more than something would be better oh yeah never know all right let's clean her up let's do it so don you're all set you're all finished yeah yeah right ready to clean out let's check out here so again this was a test spot on the eight inch dredge testing the sluice box as well as testing the spot okay so this is a double test so you said the sluice box worked great oh junkies you got bigger pieces than that that's our hopes that's hard there we go some rows of gold [Music] look at that that's awesome all right we're gonna see what don got on his first mat nothing here it is how many hours was this um like five eight oh eight eight hours eight hour run on an eight inch i like those chunky pieces though oh yeah there's a couple of really nice let's see what this little tray holds right here well i don't know i think that's a really great test if that 10 inch goes in there it'll eat up that whole area well there's a thousand thousand yard thousand feet of geez river edge right there to get and you can go all the way up to the tundra here cool well we're gonna continue with our clean out we're gonna just take a little break and uh get some lunch cool ready to clean out the gold cube ready to clean it out all right top tray there's the top tray let's see what we got that thing's loaded huh loaded noted completely full look at that looks like the sun yeah pretty cool there's a lot of gold in there yes sir there is all right can't wait to see what this looks like all right we're gonna wow look at that that's pretty cool so we got these three trays we're going to clean out and uh go to the miracle mat okay here's this was a the last tray so that was the first tray second tray is pretty loaded look at that a lot of gold in that one and the third tray even got quite a bit this is the third tray right this one so the third tray even at the bottom look at that that's the bottom there's still a lot of gold at the bottom this wouldn't be considered three trays full right no just the first tray we were hoping that we filled three trays that's a lot that's a third dre the second tray is that considered full that's pretty full and i mean so we we filled up two whoa what do you got oh chunkies that's from the hate cleanup yeah it's only some of them there's some more in here that's your oh so there's your chunkies yep plus close from a few hours on the eight wow a little test spot that's that's really good i don't awesome nugget i didn't see any chunkies on those all right so tray three look at that we're gonna definitely have to run those tailings because we need awesome i mean this is pretty exciting what's this plus 20. this is your plus 20 screen yeah wow that's as good as any i saw last year just a few hours yes eight hours jeez you're going to catch up with us wow yeah i shouldn't show yeah you should get kicked off my spot we should have kept that a secret because we're gonna move in wow that's really cool that is good yeah i like that i mean as small as this gold is when you can get a bunch like this it adds up sides really really fast i'd rather take those than the small stuff cool those will add up really fast awesome don's killing it you guys ever use one of these no what's that it's a um a way to put the classifiers in and stack them up yeah yeah obviously biggest on the top smallest on the bottom right and then all your fine materials in the bottom and it's got a it's got a drain in it so you just unscrew the drain and it drops right down into your pan oh yeah or your bucket if that's what you're watching oh that's cool so you just can stack up your classifiers put your material in so you you'll have all your different plastics it's all right there and it holds the water for you just like you have to have a full bucket full of water does it actually work pretty cool i saw matt using it yesterday i said i need to get one of those yeah let's see oh yeah that's pretty cool easy all right so we got that this was the very top if we do have any trunkies it's going to be in here hold on let's uh i want to do this a little bit slow okay let's go this way turn it like this all right you got it hold it okay of course squared it let's see what it looks like huh there's no way you can't let's squirt it see what we got okay let's just full i don't see any big couple little chunkies look at that dude that's just slow look at that that's so much gold wow okay do the second try that's like an ounce of each one that's cool see all right slowly lift it up oh easy oh go uh down a little i'm gonna squared it okay ready yeah look at that big huge pile of gold man wow that's all the stuff that didn't go on the trays yeah if we didn't have this thing then we definitely would have filled three screens yeah definitely yeah for sure you know see that's that's why i'm telling you man i think we're gonna have between seven and eight ounce cleanup all right let's see what we get yeah give that baby a good rinse last tray this was tray number two tray number two is pretty full yeah all the way down good stuff brother stuff good stuff awesome really cool we're gonna finish cleaning this up and put it through the miracle bag wow gold slide look at thick dude there's a pile of gold that's a pile there's a pile right there so next step we're going to classify it see it all dropping look look yeah might be an ounce of two in here this is loaded it's loaded it is loaded so you ain't got oily fingers and all this just float right out good okay all right so now we're gonna run it into here so we're gonna do that uh don jotis is really cool yeah we're gonna trick the weather know what it is this is our first try this is our first time doing this so we won't mess it up but dawn's here to show us that you know we're messing up on anything so we got what screen is that 20 so we got a 20 green on the bottom so whatever falls through that 20 screen we're going to put through this loose here and whatever's up here we're going to pan and then whatever's up here we're going to pan okay so all right let's let's do it there's a little bit of extra water y'all hold the tub you want to win something in there yeah look at this man this is scary hold this tub don't drop that i'll be panning this whole campsite hey [Applause] can't stop it's water in there there's a pile right there we got on this bird oh is the camera running sorry bird that's my hand that's just look at that just gold that's cool there's a lot in there all right look at that dude hard work pays off man that was a lot of hard work though a ton of hard work that's hard work this ain't easy this is a reward of rack back breaking work it seemed to have been getting easier though as the days went on so yeah you can use a snippet yeah uh so i'm gonna i'm gonna need two i'm gonna need two hands for this job so we'll get back to you all right here we are ready to classify we're ready to classify before we glide in there top of the clouds it's just piles of it that's all right we got ounces and plus there's a lot more that already fell through so we got yeah we got ounces and ounces i don't know how many ounces i'm saying between seven and eight brian's saying around six so we'll see who goes where we go oh man i have absolutely no idea i just i just set the bar low so if we do get seven or eight that would be like super happy well i'm kind of judging it off of what we do in gnome yeah and what i've seen with the gold cubes and and right so you know we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll tell us all right even so it was fun as hell we're getting exercise feeling strong look you already lost 10 pounds probably all right let's do this yeah just uh you want to put some water in there or do you want me to do it here i'll hold the camera brian's gonna put water in now start rinsing it down nice and slow we don't want to splash it up yeah i hope that was a clean bucket under it was it i hope so so this thing i guess first time you use this i don't know what it is yeah this is our first time [Applause] [Music] so i guess we can go like this right there there we go that works this works out pretty good i guess yeah yeah yeah it's pretty cool actually you know in this bucket and see what it's a little easier oh yeah seeing gold in there yeah it's golden here but uh there's not a lot of big stuff all that gold that we see is all small yeah i mean there's some some big one yeah i mean not like don on his side of the river he's on the opposite side of the river he's getting more chunky here there we go make sure this is clean yep it's an empty bucket so we just pull the drain and that should be all our small group [Applause] let's see what it is that is always small there we go look at all it's like an inch and a half of just fine gold wow cool so we're going to take all this stuff this stuff's going to go through that's loose we're going to pan this and pan that this this goes through this stuff here we'll go through this loose box and then this gets panned out yep all right all right we're gonna rinse it down and uh all right time to pan huh we're gonna take those two screens and took them over here to the panning station you got the big stuff yeah you see any big chunkies in there no not yet no no there we go this is the the plus plus 20s yeah not very many uh the gold here is real small no no not at all did you suck any up yet no i'm just going to clean it like this okay so that's all the plus 20s we got all the plus 20s wow very little very little strange but there is a ton of fines yeah we're gonna do the finds next there it is this tub 99 of our gold is in that bucket yeah i know we did we didn't have uh very many big stuff no we have two grams of uh chunkies yeah and uh this is what we got left yeah we got a big bucket oh boy there's a lot of gold there's a lot of fine gold there's definitely a lot of gold in there so we're gonna use those little uh keen cleanup sleeves it's uh we leveled it out actually looks like we got a level again looks like it's a little crooked oh that's works i leveled it let's see nope what happened oh that's pretty scary all right uh bang we got a bang down um well it's level up there yeah okay well that's level but down here oh no the bucket's uneven man okay the bucket yeah all the way up so so here put more sand on this side or uh actually a little those little green things yeah work right right these little green tabs just put it underneath the sluice [Music] yeah i definitely have to make sure this is level i think once we put water in the bucket it kind of sank in the sand that looks really good we're level now nice water nice even water flow yeah check the top again perfect yeah top looks good okay we're ready to rock so yeah this is the money tube and we're ready for the first scoop yeah here we go first scoop first scoop first scoop oh that's just one teaspoon one teaspoon wow this is going to be dude it's too heavy it's not even going to the ripples there's too much going on this thing's going to that was one teaspoon of all that material and there's probably 30 40 teaspoons left look there's almost like the ripples are almost packing up already all right okay here we go one more teaspoon i don't want to drop any of this now there's a there's too much gold in there dude there's like four hundred dollars a scoop right here there we go look at that's just too heavy it's leaving that's crazy come here check this out though two one two scoops only two spoonfuls two teaspoons two teaspoonfuls is that awesome two teaspoons [Music] yeah done yeah he's showing us off yeah it's all right so we got 40 more buckets to catch it yeah there's a butterfly yeah we're running anyways i cleaned uh both out so all right there's two scoops 40 more to go yeah at least probably 40 more i'm i'm freaking out all right we're gonna uh we're gonna scoop away we'll get back to you yep [Music] cool we're halfway through what do you think through it halfway through what i mean i'm looking in here i've got some beard going down here i got to get my gray beard shaved off uh looking good though look at this box there we go look at this look first let's go to the dirt so we got about i did maybe a half a little over half three quarters maybe three quarters of it is done and there we go that is great look at that almost all the way down that's the last ripple right there i'm very thrilled with this guys that's all gold pretty cool huh yeah that is that's that's awesome we still got more to go look there's a bunch of gold still in all that we might fill this thing all the way down to the end and then we got to redo it because uh yeah we got to redo it obviously we're going to redo it because you know the last couple times we're going to clean it out and redo it maybe you'll fool it two times all right cool we're gonna keep going and we'll show you the final result yeah damn we're close to ten man all right we're done what do you think we're close to ten there we go take a look we are close to 10. okay let's start with the last dribble that's the last ripple [Applause] right there [Music] they're all full [Music] we're close to 10. i don't know that's full i mean yeah we're very close we lost we lost a few ounces in the yeah we lost yeah we lost another ounce and a half whatever but uh yeah we're close to 10. i don't know how much each riffle holds but there's a lot there's a lot of gold in there yeah all right payday hey dave love it this has been running for a little bit a lot of the black sand washed out shut her down there he goes look at that that is so cool this riffle is completely packed each one wow there's a lot of gold awesome from here we're gonna take that mat out we'll put it back in the bucket there rinse it off and then uh the hardest part comes on done getting the black sand out of it there you go there you go that's where don comes in uh don's a superstar with that stuff that can be bought yeah we might have to bribe dawn to get the black sand out of this even though it's a nice bright yellow there's still a lot of black sand that needs to be cleaned and that's super hard so it looks like it's clean and it really still has right no matter how good all the equipment is shaker table whatever you still at the end you got a pen and uh don don's really great at panning he knows how to get all that little stuff up nice and clean and uh just takes experience to learn how to do all that crap all right cool so obviously we have a lot of gold that fell into the bucket here so we're going to get that stuff and rerun it in the meantime we'll take this all very carefully we're gonna roll roll roll wow there's a lot of gold we got a gold roll up all right make sure we don't drop any a little bit boom there you go look at that just a big mess of gold pretty cool still a big lineup right there looks still gold all the way on the sides too and even up here looking good huh look at on the bottom that man we are killing it on the 40-mile guys look at that that is so sweet [Applause] look at that that just came [Applause] see what that looks like that was just that's just the stuff that was in the bottom of the the box after we pulled the carpets in now there's like a half phones right there yeah now here let's see you really see some exciting stuff look at this we haven't even rinsed it off yet wow that's great [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll just do this roll this bag up and just do the dunk tea bag and all that stuff comes off that mat really easy so look all clean back for another run and look at this beautiful right there look how thick it is guys look at this i can run my finger through that that's not flat it's it's thick you start mowing and growing look i can i could i could actually write my name in it see see oh there you go yeah anyway yeah i'll turn it back over well i gotta grab this bucket this is okay because we lost a bunch of gold yep that's right we gotta run one more do one more run and uh we definitely lost i would say at least an ounce ounce and a half off the back that's because the riffles were so full so full couldn't capture no more at all so this is what we got out of the out of that bucket this is what we lost this is the gold that we have to rerun look at that that's just loaded at the top lots and lots of lots of lots of gold there's probably another ounce in here for sure at least we'll find out we're gonna do it right now and that's what came out of the mats right there [Music] and uh this is a really good sluice it's not that it loses a lot of material it's just it was so packed full of gold that obviously didn't catch at all so i'm not dissing this piece of equipment it's a really good piece of equipment but just uh the riffles are just packed which is a good thing all right i'm gonna put that right there and we're gonna do this all over again okay let's take one scoop see see what one scoop looks like yeah like it's already building up in the that's just crazy boom boom boom boom boom boom it's going to look that's considered great before yeah that was like a yeah that's i mean if people say that they think this is this is great but we might even have to do it a third time i know it looks like all right we're done with the the all the stuff we lost in the little bucket we ran and this is what we got this was all our losses on the first run and all the way back down but actually the last ripple has very very little which is great but we're still gonna have to run it i mean uh it's probably only a few grams in there but you know fifty dollars a gram it's worth running again it only takes a few minutes yep so uh yeah we're gonna clean this up add it to our pile and run it one more time yeah one more time all right but i'm thrilled yeah you happy let me see this real quick let me put the boom let me show them your finger oh yeah this is what happens when you do this this is what happens when you dredge with the 10 inch look at that that is gnarly and you know what i got a couple myself but there is look oh look at the meat yeah look at the meat the meat's popping out see the meat popping out but that's what happens when you work your ass off on a 10 inch i mean these things happen but uh this is the results it's well worth it all right so we're uh yeah let's get rolling so we just did the third run and finally finally we're not down to the end there's gold coming down here so just some specs there's a couple of stacks uh there is a two three little times like again definitely not worth another run we got 99 percent of the gold but still third run look at that three grams probably so uh 180 bucks yeah yeah not bad i mean there's probably three there yeah stop take a look all right we're getting there we just uh did a second run on the gold cube uh all that cons that we had we ran again and here's the result right here and look there's still uh quite a bit of gold just sitting right on top so we're gonna run that three little cleanups loose take two actually we already did it three times number four but yep that's just a little pain that was one pinch it's a yeah a handful here yeah and we still got some down here but i'm going to run it through there but yeah so this is the hardest part is getting all that black sand out so gary's painting away and i got don over here thumbs painting away tap tap tap dawn he's doing what he does best how much you got here oh geez there's a lot in there already you're gonna need another bottle [Music] oh cool over there and you take over there see i can see it it's pretty clean man i mean you know all right we're gonna run this let's see uh but the gold cube missed all right cool so yeah this is uh the stuff that came out of the second run of the gold cube uh the third tray was kind of full so obviously we're gonna have a lot of loss so that's why we ran it again and we're going to run it through the cleanups loose again pan full of gold cooking it off what do you think what are you thinking i'm thinking seven seven let's see what it is eight and a half eight and a half eight and a half i have no idea i don't know [Laughter] he's not in the game he's not in it he's not it it what it is all right she's sizzling up playing the long game all cooked up dawn's drying it that's a nice pile ten no yeah we're hoping for a camp record but we're just number seven we're shy we're gonna be shy it's a little hot yeah there's a little magnet trick would you put a magnet in a was a one of those super magnets yeah just get the last little black sands out and stuff there goes all of our weight yeah come on now we're losing weight nice that's a cool technique though it must be one hell of a magnet this just puts on the plastic and it's the last little bit of black sand here it is final layout time can you get the screen a little warm-up yep there it goes 80 90 100 120 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 200 213 215. i don't know told you seven ounces 216. come on seventeen seven ounces two oh one back down seven ounces two grams we got another gram looking coming in there well hey you 217.4 pretty good cool well uh we're gonna go judging tomorrow we're gonna break 10 this one next week yep that was a week one yeah we got to get the break in next week yeah yeah i mean uh the first day geez we had to go learn how to use the damn thing yeah yeah that was a huge learning curve i mean there was a lot of stuff we had you know yeah so this week uh everything's ironed out we're gonna nail it 10 10 ounces this week no problem [Music]
Channel: American Gold Prospectors
Views: 90,121
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Dredging, dredging for gold, sniping, sluiceing, keene, proline, prospecting, gold, nuggets, pickers, flower gold, american gold prospectors, gold show, gold rush, panning, big nuggets, Gold prospecting, chunky gold, bedrock gold, 40 mile river, chicken Alaska, 10 inch dredge, huge clean out
Id: RPYXM7_mvn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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