It Just Keeps Getting Better and Better as we go Deeper and Deeper

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[Music] previously on abandoned and forgotten places episode 106. oh this is a skinny one i feel like i'm back into my speed lunking days where we're going we don't need ropes [Music] wait now i jumped i jumped down in here how am i going to get out yeah wait [Music] [Music] well hey everybody welcome back okay if you missed last week's episode let me get you up to speed as to where we're at so we began last week exploring this hill which has multiple attitudes and shafts and we started exploring this one right here it was rather small didn't go in very far mostly exploratory then we walked across the side of the hill and we explored this haulage added here again is about three times larger than the previous one but it did have some interesting things in it where uh there was a raise and an ore pass that intersected into one higher up on the hill right here and that's the one we're getting to ready to explore right now okay as we fly in here to the horizontal haulage at it you can see more workings directly above it and that's because this one has open stopes as i was talking about before the miners were finding values right next to those dikes so they started digging down vertically higher up on the hill dropping that ore down and bringing it out the horizontal haulage at it you see right here that was often a tried and true method by the miners for easier removal of ore from a mountain or a hill okay so as we continue to fly in here let's explore this old mine yeah all right let's see if we can point out this raise first of all we need to get some light on the situation there we go oh wow this is a lot bigger than i thought it would be yeah they got into some values here look at this randy maybe so huh uh-huh yeah they wouldn't went through all this trouble all over the place unless they were finding something look at the size of this room this looks cool [Music] and uh right above me here is the skylight looking back outside that's the sunlight we saw moments ago and jump down in there get an idea of the size and we had a yeah if you could if you can do it safely be careful climb back down get over here everybody wants to see the randy gymnastics go for it my landing point is at an angle randy you're no naughty not what was her name natalie coleman each the the russian uh 1970s russian uh whatever okay what do you see down there well it just keeps on going goes down that below some uh some boards there's a ladder yeah we got something going off to the side here does it look like it's going to connect into that lower level we were just in i can't tell already you really can't tell you can't see around the corner okay okay this one yeah that's definitely that's definitely the one that we were looking up yeah yeah that's at that same angle i think yep then there's one going this way over here yeah that was another drift level another one up here looks like it keeps on going another one over there but i don't unless i free climb that wall i'm not gonna get over to that one and then i got one right behind me here let me uh show you guys this real quick just a bunch of boards down on the floor here and what is this up here is that a oh oh look at here we've got a chisel yeah there's what's left of a it's a chisel with no handle and a bic lighter right there probably had some 70s or 80s miners in here and all turning looking back this direction that all that material is coming down from an open stop above well it looks like this is going to be as far as we go on this one what do you think yeah there's nothing else there's really nothing else and no place that we can go all right well so what we have to do now is work our way over to the uh west facing side of the big hill we're exploring today okay and uh head off and go on that one and see what we can find so we'll see you over there okay now that we're back outside let me reorientate you as to where we are this is the mine we just came out of right here and now we're going to walk back down the hill hop into old bob and take that road you see there in the foreground over to the west side of the hill and explore this mine here this one was a lot of fun let me tell you a little bit about it okay so here we are on the west side of the hill and you can clearly see two large waste rock piles from vertical shafts this one here and we have another one over there the second one is the one i'm going to be talking about at the end of the video for a future explore now i believe that these two are somehow connected because of the size of the waste rock pile i feel as though as as the miners got deeper they found better and better ore and wanted to remove it faster so they connected two shafts on either ends of the hill to extract large quantities of ore now as we work our way towards the halogen added here we noticed something when we were exploring this mine and let me tell you a little bit about it so we worked our way down a ladder to a level took that level over to the south then back down again to another level which brought us over to a winds which might just connect into this shaft right here now as we begin our fly-in to the next college at it we're going to explore this one caught me off guard i was quite surprised as to what we found in this mine despite some graffiti left behind by an earlier youtube mine explorer we got pretty deep down into this one and i think you're also going to be surprised by what we found i never would have guessed that this mine would have been as old as it was and the artifacts that we located were pretty cool too okay guys let's explore this old mine [Music] okay guys we took old bob and drove around to the west side of the hill for what is looking like is going to be the very last added of the day now higher up on the hill there you see that big pile well that's from a vertical shaft and so what we have here is a horizontal haulage addict intersecting into a vertical shaft it's going to be interesting to see what we find in this one probably another skylight keeping on the lookout for snakes this is the perfect snake territory here okay lots of cool air blowing around this one as we carefully work our way past the velvet rope all right now put some light on the situation come on there we go and let's look for critters here hopefully i don't really see anything there we go oh is that real no that's not real that's just what's left of an old board yeah okay well let's see what this old mine is all about once again going through the same type of material as we have been all day andesites rhyolite now look at this rhyolite look at immediately how dark it got yeah yeah we're clear into the uh into the dike right now it looks like we're coming up on the shaft lots of wind big debris pile interesting okay so as i carefully around it here let me show you what we've got randy look at all this stuff that's come down from that shaft let's look up there collapser what people are throwing down oh there's a bat there's a bat hanging on the wall right there and uh oh okay that's that uh board we saw from the drone footage over the top of the shaft up there oh yeah that's that that's what we saw we were wondering what that was okay all right so off to my right here the drift keeps going let's see what we got okay keeps on going yeah a bunch of fragmented wood on the floor here look at that's uh that's see that notch in there randy that's the top part of what was a windlass that's the axle for a windlass went into that notch what would it have been used for uh we probably have a winds up here here we have another board oh it says something on it mine explorers on youtube well we aren't the first ones in here so which mine explorer is the question hmm huh oh wait wait wait look over here look over here another one oh okay it's foxy dan you know who that is don't you foxy dan and three amigos and uh yeah boxy dan and the three amigos they've got their own youtube channel um mine explorers he's been out he's had his channel up and running even before i had mine let's see what else we have up here all right looks like more graffiti from boxy dan and his three amigos yeah uh a symbol of uh well so i'm just gonna keep it family friendly and he pointed out right there here we have even more even more graffiti from boxy dan on that board down there and where it says commonwealth youtube you just they just went went after it in here didn't they yeah that's shameful what kind of well what's up with that see that's that's why i don't leave calling cards mark the walls and do things like that because it takes away from the experience of the next explorer that comes in here and that's exactly what's happening right now instead of coming into a nice pristine mine you come into one with all of that garbage marked on the walls and the boards well this is a sketchy place yeah well 360 camera battery just died so guys i'm going to take a moment right here and i'm gonna change that up because i do want to have that camera while we're doing this so just give me a moment okay back again yeah i had to put a new battery in the 360. so uh dan was down here i'd like to see what's down here for myself also so let's see uh let's see what the dan's flashlight review channel found down here yeah dan i'm giving you a hard time you made fun of me you made fun of me on your channel selling rocks on ebay i'm gonna make fun of you by calling you the flashlight review channel i'm just teasing don't take it too seriously geez all right what do we got down here oh this might go to a yeah this might go to a drift and okay randy hand me the camera here all right let's show everybody now we got a vertical ladder that's really on there super duper good sure is and it goes down to i can see a drift as well as there's an idler pulley on the wall right there see that okay well we have a kind of a crazy looking ladder here you gonna attempt it yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna look at this here grab the let me get a good spot get rid of that that rock needs to go uh throw that rock down into the hole would you i'll show you hold on do it as carefully as possible without making a ton of dust yeah otherwise that's going to fall on somebody well just drop it drop it down here in the hole does it look like it won't hit the ladder yeah yeah just right to the middle right to the middle go ahead good shot i heard it hit metal yeah it went down that uh that little winds looking thing well at least they ain't gonna fall in our heads now here you go you got the camera loose gravel here so hang on a second okay spot let's see how good this ladder is shall we looks pretty decent that ain't coming off nah yeah this ladder is in great shape let me get down to the second part here and see if the second part is is uh climbable without causing us issue looking that way it's kind of inverted a little bit oh no it's in great shape yeah we're fine all right here you go grab this rope well i'll tell you what no i really want to show everybody what's down here um you want to come down physically randy or you want to tie the camera to this rope um you want the camera yeah i need the camera all right let me come down okay ladder's in good shape it's it's fastened extremely well but i'll stay right here just in case i'll catch you randy yeah i'm doing a glide right here holding the camera in one hand yeah look at there you're climbing a ladder with your baby you're being this is probably not very smart ah you're doing fine man i'm gonna have to use my other arm here yeah once you can step on that cross member there you'll be fine you're getting there good job almost there as soon as you can get that camera to me i'll take it and then you can hold on to the rungs the western way down i gotta use both hands okay here we go got it good job randy nice all right let's see look what we have in here there's that idler pulley i was telling you about what would have that been used for uh because they're using a cable to draw the ore bucket up and out of that hole and so it keeps the cable from rubbing on the rock so it's made out of metal but it's got like a sand coating to it uh well it's abrasive or something obvious it's rusted do you think that's all it is it's rust but but look what it is it's an iron pipe with a wooden dowel yeah on the center see that interesting um okay i'm gonna start exploring this drift first it doesn't go very far but we have uh what do we have down here two thousand pound rope hoist there's uh somebody's gatorade bottle and that's as far as it goes okay turning back oh wait well you know i can see why they went off this direction look at that beautiful looking vein of lymanite running in there see that it has lots of iron in it for sure okay i'm going to hand you the uv here you go if you can if you see anything that's a fluorescent let me know okay heading back over to this other drift we're gonna see what's up here there we go and then we'll go get a closer look at that winds and again chasing it after the same vein area here all right turn it back around nothing up in there let's get a closer look at this winds without actually falling into it interesting you know that look at the notch randy that the that's in this rock here from pulling that ore bucket up and out up and out up and out they actually there's a notch he wrote it out from just the haulage sure is well i don't know if that really goes place it just it looks like this as far as they took this winds is right there so i don't know what they were talking about as far as being an out well it's obviously been collapsing look how buried that ladder is down there it sure is yeah yeah i don't think uh there's any real reason to go down there not that i can see but it's not that far here hold this camera if you would i wanna i wanna see something real quick here okay i'm just not seeing any kind of an out yeah let me look here no that doesn't go anywhere there's no air movement and there's there's no there's no air movement well there's only one way to find out randy if need be i'll get this rope there's a there's a dead rabbit and uh [Applause] well i'll be darned if it doesn't go around the corner would you look at that maybe it does connect to something huh maybe maybe maybe it was a good idea coming down here well um pretty dusty yeah i gotta get uh i gotta get that camera from you all right somehow give me a second here but i'm gonna all right yeah i got it so i'm gonna find out well i'm gonna follow you if there's not yeah first let me do a little bit of a recon no sense in both of us going here if it doesn't do something interesting let me recon it first okay okay randy i'll be back all right all right hang out there for just a moment see i was i was just about ready to give up and then look at here lo and behold it does go down and turn the corner all right so uh drift went off that direction and stops right there down here we've got a bunch of vent pipe two re-uh purposed kerosene tins and the smell of sulfur is getting pretty intense look at here some animal came in here and made a little tiny house for himself right there all right turning around here what do we have up in here oh wow look at all of these uh sacks of ore somebody was down in here screening look there's a screening pile they left their sacks of ore they never brought them out of the mine over here is a classifier right there with a where they were classifying a quarter inch minus then this one here they were classifying it even further something that goes down right there okay turn it around here let's take a look up here what do we got there's a shovel there's what's left of a shovel here's some what is that oh that's not clothing that's just a um canvas tarp is there anything up here yeah it keeps it keeps going guys look at this look how they clean that out right there yep okay there we go oh wow this indeed it keeps going deeper and deeper well okay i'm gonna have to go help randy because this mind is getting more and more than i thought it would so give me just a second as i work my way back to help randy be back in a second there you go go ahead there we go we're going to turn you into an abandoned mine explorer yet all right you're going to see some neat stuff down here i've got repelling experience u.s military all right looks like everything's still running yeah we got vent pipe down here but that's not the cool stuff the cool stuff is right over here first of all take a look at that hole that's some kind of an animal or something doug that is kind of odd isn't it isn't that odd and there's another one over here there's three of them here i i think there's sampling uh looks like they're sampling yeah there's tags and stuff here yes we got another one over here now look at what they were doing in here there you have a burlap sack that says sugar on it repurposed sugar sac they filled up six sacks of ore they were screening it see that why are they digging in these weird spots like that and look at the classifiers they were using yeah uh-huh i wonder if they were working down here it looks like you were just working right in this area that doesn't make any sense wasn't that crazy nice shovel yeah well when you get up here you'll see what they were digging at keep looking straight up and uh they're going into that boundary line right there the boundary between the looks like between the royal light and yeah so like i said when i first started this video they're looking for places or the the margins or the boundaries between the um hydrothermal material and those dikes that's exactly what we're in right now okay we gotta the uh drift keeps going off this direction i do feel a breeze i i think i feel a breeze getting stinkier that's for darn sure we're getting into that sulfur smell very dusty thanks yeah oh wait no i was here already yeah this is where i saw the broom okay so from here forward this is as far as i've been randy okay yeah all right i can see dan and his crew's footprints on the floor what do we got down here okay we got a little bit of a a raise going up and off to the left but stops right there another burlap sack it looks like we just might be getting down to a main haulage level and indeed we are yeah we sure are okay we got a main haulage level randy all right with compressor pipe and everything wow oh holy cow this thing just keeps going deeper and deeper i've got a feeling it's going to intersect with that main shaft i i i'm starting to agree with you okay hold that let's look down here yeah that letter's fine okay i'll take it there we all right what do we have oh my gosh this is turning out to be a much bigger explorer than i thought we were going to be doing today wow oh this is great wait till you see this randy all right let me uh get out of your way here i'm gonna find a good place to look around okay i'm going to go over here and there's a little tiny drift to get out of your way go ahead come on down oh is this still the way out cardboard box here that says lee and perry's sauce the original sauce right there but that drift just goes right up there and stops okay turning around we've got something else over here yeah but in order for me to get down there i got to set my camera rig down there because i gotta i gotta get over to this ladder okay oh good job randy here we are moling around in the ground yeah like a couple of moles all right i'm headed down to the next level here on this old ladder there's one broken rung but other than that good shape okay so we have we have a a small shaft going all the way down there into the bottom these are non-traditional diggings aren't they they are pretty sketchy what do we have up in here old dynamite box yup and that's a trojan cardboard trojan dynamite box right there all right turn it around anything over this direction oh look at here nice artifact we got a jug how in the world that says coca-cola on it on the side of it no way that label had been stuck on there after the fact let me change the lights down here see that that's a pretty old label though oh and it's it's filled with oil sure is nice artifact though all right what do we got up in here ah we got a raise going up that direction and anything over here another old tin can and we got an ore pass going down to lower levels right there wow that's pretty pretty wild okay it's turning more and more into a recon mission where i may have to come back to this at a later date even more prepared than what i am right now let's look up here i can see randy must be on the other side of that that must make a circle yeah i'm shining it down the shaft can you see light i'm going to bring this back to you randy i think you'll like this could you see light coming through over there when i change over here i sure could look what i found now don't tip it over because it's filled with goo nice there you go what do you think it is they stuck it they stuck a different coca-cola label on it yeah they did didn't they i don't think that's original label is pretty well deteriorated sure is well maybe not oh no it's uh kind of greasy i do have a brush in my backpack and i don't have it with me so what were they i mean look at what we've got going on here where is this thing is that the way out well you know there's only one way to find out you know is it possible that's it's not going to go to a haulage at it next saturday on abandoned and forgotten places episode 108 if if this ties into the larger workings then this would be one heck of a find wouldn't it holy cow look at all the fuse you be careful randy markings on um you will not recover from a stick of dynamite going off in your face oh it's a badger look all right [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 219,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: 4C4iho1uc8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 25sec (2485 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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