Gold Mining Season 2021 Kick Off!

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[Music] hey guys my name is jason with mount baker mining metals and on this video we're going back into our mine [Music] just working our way through the snow getting back into the mine and here's our roadway got her all open he's just about to finish up there we'll zip on down to the mine and see what she looks like okay we've made it into our mind we're starting to dig out our little trail cat road over here the the vein i've been working last year is about right here so he's going to work his way over there and we'll get her exposed and see what she looks like [Music] we're almost dug out working our way along the little cat road here [Music] moving some big snowballs [Music] all right guys it's been a couple days since we dug out it's pretty much all melted out behind me you can see the cords vein there um and so we're getting ready to to go mining again in uh mining season 2021. uh so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to do a little recap of what we did last year i'm going to kind of go through and high grade some of the videos from last year give you guys a quick recap and then uh stay tuned for uh more videos shortly of us mining on our new season hey guys my name is jason with not baker mining and metals and today we're going gold mining so this is an old mining property and i've just acquired a lease on it and so right now we're up here sampling some old uh piles kind of cleaning up what the old miners left behind and doing some bulk sampling to see where the gold is and what kind of grade we're looking at grind size uh but it's our first summer and right now our goal is kind of to get our feet under us we're taking out a bulk sample our uh our plan is to get about 30 tons or so down this season and then over the fall and winter run it through our turnkey system and uh recover the gold see what kind of recoveries we're getting and then make a mining plan for the underground veins in the next couple years but there's enough left over uh that's easy to get to and you you literally just come up with your truck and dig it up and put it on that uh we wanted to get that first and get some cash flow going get a little gold produced and then we can really get our feet under us and make a plan for next year all right so now we're actually underground in some of the old workings on the property that we've leased and i wanted to talk through a little bit about the geology here and the gold vein and some of the structure this is the quartz vein that the old timers reminded the the foot wall is somewhere down in here it's a little bit hard to tell because the veins all oxidized but somewhere about here's the foot wall and then you have quartz all the way up through to about here so the vein that you're looking at is probably about three feet wide uh the main minerals in this vein are pyrite pyratite uh and a little bit of calca pyrite the gold is typically free milling so when you crush it up you can concentrate it out on a shaker table or sluice but this is this is what the miners were after and we're standing in the old stove and it's really hard to get a shot of it in the dark here but uh there's it's essentially a big room that the old miners blasted and mucked out all the the old uh all the vein material they took it down to the mill and this is where they stopped this was their working face and they stopped here because you know they ran out of money or the mill burned down or whatever there was some problem they had and this was as far as they got uh but you can see a little bit of the mineralization here uh again the light's pretty bad in here but um there's a little bit of that uh pyrite stuff the gold is typically associated with the the other minerals when you have barren white quartz like this it usually isn't very high grade um but yeah this is this would be a candidate for us or a target to come back in and mine the grade in this vein averages somewhere between half and one ounce a ton and the the width it pinches and swells but typically it averages about two to three feet and it's more or less flat lying kind of dipping to the south about 20 25 degrees and so here's a little up close look at some of the stuff we're working with and this is uh the host rock or the wall rock and uh this is like a a metamorphosed shale or a slate uh and then here's the the quartz the ore that we're going to be um looking for and this is this is where the gold is going to be here's that purity i talked about that iron sulfide it's it's a end member of the pyrite family essentially it's just uh iron and sulfur that's the main mineral there but the anytime you have that purity that mineralization you see there in the quartz it typically is running pretty good with gold so to process our ore we're going to use the 110 per hour turnkey system behind me and we're going to crush the rocks down to gravel size then we're going to pulverize them in our hammer mill to liberate the gold from the rock then the material is going to flow down onto our four foot by eight foot shaker table the gold and the heavy metals are going to come across into our concentrate buckets and then afterwards we'll take our concentrates hand them out smelt them and recover our gold uh [Laughter] music so so all right so we got our gold panned out here and the lighting is not great but there's our there's our gold and now i'm going to take just a little snuffer bottle and get it all sucked up and then we'll strain it through a cloth and ring the water out and then we'll melt it all down into a little button okay now i've got our snuffer bottle here i don't know if you can see i can chase this gold around but there's gold in the bottom there it's hard to see but anyway we got all our gold sucked up in our snuffer bottle there and now i'm going to take uh the gold and put it in this rag it's just a blue shop rag i got a cup underneath i'm going to take out the straw here and if you guys have watched my other videos you've probably seen me do this before i actually discovered this by accident you can see the gold coming out of there when i wanted to try and clean up my gold here i i was going to try and cue pellet which is mixing it with lead after you've smelted it and everything and i had a bunch of gold and it was almost clean and i didn't want to smelt it because that just takes a long time and not a long time but it's a little bit of a hassle and a little bit of an extra step and stuff and so i tried just direct compelling and i cleaned it up as best i could got it in this rag and uh coupled it and ended up with it with a really nice little gold button here's our gold in our rag and now i'm gonna take our rag pull it up and i'm just going to ring the water out of this rag and all the gold is going to stay down here in the bottom in our [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so there you go not bad for a couple hours of running this morning let me get the scale out we'll see how much it weighs all right here's our gold the stuff i panned out ends up weighing about 19 and a quarter grams and those bags are somewhere probably around a ton and a half maybe two tons um so we're somewhere in the range at 10 to 15 grams a ton with that stuff and that's stuff i could pan out now let's go and smelt the stuff i panned out and then we'll also smelt some number two and see how much precious metal we have in there all right here's our number one panning concentrates i left them in the frying pan last night let them dry out and now we're gonna uh roast them i'll heat them up to about i don't know 800 or thousand degrees fahrenheit for about 10 minutes and get them roasted drive off all that sulfur and then we'll smelt them [Music] so so so shhh so all right so we got our lead button here uh knocked off the bottom of our slag i'm going to put it in one of these cupels and i'm going to put it in our little electric furnace and drive off the lead and see what kind of precious metal button we got left so all right guys so we've done all our experiments all our smelting and stuff and wanted to let you guys know how much gold ash recovered so here's the stuff that i panned out that's that 19 and a quarter so grams this little button is the stuff that came out of the number one panning tailings the stuff that i panned out that's the gold that i lost and i smelted it down and got a little button out of there so all together in the number one we ended up with about 21 and a third grams and then i took some of the number two high grade that we had and smelted 300 grams of the number two and ended up with this little tiny bead here which weighs right around a tenth of a gram and i've dried out and weighed the rest of the number two concentrates and i have about three kilograms of that stuff so multiplying uh this number by ten which i have about ten times as much left there's about a gram left or so um in the in the number two high grade that being said it's not probably practical to uh smelt down three kilograms worth of stuff to get one gram of gold it's just it takes too much energy and and flux and time and all that stuff so um but i wanted to share with you the end result from running our two sacks of stuff through our 110 per hour turnkey system we ended up with right around that 10 to 15 grams a ton even when it was all cleaned up and and smelted down so i think that was a pretty successful run and today we're running our little truck mill on-site at our gold clay so on the left side there is a 6 by 10 gas powered jaw crusher and on the right is one of our 16 by 12 hammer mills both powered by a honda gas engines we have a little generator down in front which is powering our little water pump here we're pumping water up into the hammer mill and up to a little hitter there and running everything out of the hammer mill down a little 12 inch popping sun sluice [Music] i back [Music] uh [Music] foreign so [Music] so uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] bye [Music] do [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh so all right so we just finished our buckets here we're going to pull our sluice out and clean it out and see what happens what would we run like 18 buckets ran 18 buckets at 70 pounds apiece i don't know what that math is it's a lot 13.50 or something 1300 pounds but yeah we'll get that in a bucket and we'll check out our first little sample here all right so we just got to clean out our sluice here real quick and i just pull these three wing nuts off the top i don't need any tools which is nice and a lot of people ask about how good is a pop and son sluice for recovery and we did a video earlier about the recovery versus a shaker table um and if my memory serves right the pop and son sluice got about 80 percent recovery and then we ran the tailings on the shaker table and got another 20 so it does pretty good the shaker table is better but this is much easier to bring up and to test with and the jaw crusher and the hammer mill sit right on the back of the truck and so it's uh it's a lot easier than dragging a whole shaker table up here just to run a couple couple times so the dull the dull black gray stuff is the purite and then if you look real close you can see a lighter gray stuff that's just above the gold that's that stuff we were looking for um underground yeah where it's at it's that that mineral the gold hangs with all right okay let's gather around here we can see what we got wow [Music] there you go there's our little bit of gold or a lot of gold depending on your viewpoint but there's our gold from uh what do we figure 12 1300 pounds and that's that's literally stuff i just went by and picked up off the road like it was stuff that the old miners spread in the road or fell off the truck or or whatever so all right guys here's our gold i've uh rung the water out of the rag here and it had some rusty junk in the bottom of that snuffer bottle but that's about half gold half black sand so now i'm going to take it over and put it in our furnace in a cupel add a little bit of lead and that'll all melt down and refine into a nice shiny gold bead all right i just pulled our cupel out of the furnace and there is our gold bead so i'll get it cooled down and pop it out of there and we'll get a weight on her and see how much gold we got and a little more than three grams and again we ran about 1200 pounds of ore um and so that i think if the math works out that's right around five grams a ton uh with our sluice recovery and if you figure you ran it all on a shaker table you'd get about 20 percent more um so you're looking at somewhere in that uh two tenths maybe even up to a quarter of an ounce per ton uh and that's pretty good for just stuff i i literally walked along the road and over the bank and just got some float and we threw it down the crusher and we're back on our gold claim today um i'm up here by myself and we're gonna my plan is is i'm gonna run this truck mill again um i've got some different material i want to run it's some float from one of the veins here um but uh so we'll get that set up and start running but first i wanted to take you up and give you a little tour of some of the veins we have um and some of the underground workings we got but i wanted to show you some of the float we're going to be running first here's uh the material it's uh so what float is is it's quartz that's broken off the vein the hard rock uh and and rolled down the hill and i just went along and um picked this stuff up off the talus i got a pile here there's another pile right here uh and it's it's gold uh vein it's right from the vein it's just uh been uh weathered out so um this is from a little bit higher grade vein than what we ran last week so here's a good spot i wanted to show you an outcrop of the quartz vein right on the surface and uh so here is the the white quartz vein this is about two or two and a half feet wide and it's bound on either side by the wall rock or the host rock and how this was formed is there's a magmatic pluton a big body of magma that was underground or somewhere near and uh as that magma cooled it concentrated a lot of the uh sulfides and the gold in particular is what we're interested in and as it cooled it became under a lot of pressure and it shot the water and silica and a lot of those sulfides off into the host rock and that's why we have a quartz vein with with a high concentration of metals in it bound on either side by by rock that's not worth anything it's just the host rock that the fluid was shot into and then as that fluid cooled uh the the quartz and the gold and all the metals precipitated out into the rock and the vein we have here so um that's a real quick kind of basic geology lesson for you um but here's a good example of what the old miners would be looking for or if you guys are going to go out prospecting um you're looking for these these quartz veins and that's where the concentrations of those precious metals are going to be well sometimes you just got to do hard work in the rain so uh right now i'm going to load these small piles of quartz that i have all this quartz float i collected onto the back of the truck and then we'll drive down and get our system set up uh put it plug in the sluice and get the pump going and we'll start processing our float all right guys so we're all set up we got our ore on the back of the truck there uh our our literal pot of gold um and uh it took me about 15 minutes to set it by myself so i put the sluice on and i got the pump in i left the generator right there on the truck because i can't lift it off by myself so it really literally took me about 15 minutes to get set up and uh now i'm going to start the jaw crusher and i'll crush uh as much ore as i can into buckets i think i got about 12 buckets worth so i'll crush as much as i can then i'll turn the jaw crusher off and then i'll start running the hammer mill [Music] yes [Music] [Music] so okay i crushed uh 10 buckets worth here and i've weighed a couple of them and they average about 70 pounds apiece some are those over 75 some are a little under at 65. um but we have uh figured about 700 pounds here i'm gonna start up the hammer mill and get the pump going and we'll run our stuff down the sluice box and into that bag and that bag is just to collect the tailings um i'm probably gonna come next year and uh bring the bag down there's probably still enough gold in there that you want to save them and using those super sacks it's really great because they can contain it all it's easy to move and the water leaks out of them [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so we just finished up uh i ran a total of 18 buckets and it took me exactly two hours to uh from set up to tear down so i've i've got everything uh pretty much put away now we'll go over and take a look at the sluice here um and see we can see there but uh i at 70 pounds uh a bucket um i think that's right around 1250 pounds in two hours um i was screwing around with the hammer mill a little bit i actually learned something um it kept getting starved for gas and dying i did it two or three times and i realized i didn't have the vent open on the gas tank so that cost me about 15 or 20 minutes but um i think that's pretty good i mean for one guy to come out and in a couple hours set up run uh you know half to uh three quarters of a ton of material and then tear down and and get as gold in the sample is pretty darn good um but let's go take a look at the sluice box and we'll see if we got any gold showing in uh behind the diamonds all right so a little bit of reference here uh there's the hammer mill here's the discharge chute and it comes right down here uh onto the diamonds and if you look real close right in here and along there let's see if i can get this to focus even up close but right where the finger right right there is full of gold there's some gold gold here it's kind of all up along the top here um and then as you come down i don't see a whole lot there's some over here where's my finger there it is there's a little piece come on focus so there's some gold there's some gold up here um there's a little bit it looks like over here along this side there we go so there's some gold down there but as you come down the sluice and i know you guys probably won't be able to see this but as you come down the sluice you don't see any gold at all behind the diamonds it's just just black sand uh it's actually that that uh pure type sulfide that we have in our ore okay we're down here we got our bucket of cons i'm just gonna pan these out here in this pan and catch pan so far into this project i have uh three hours i've got an hour to pick up float i've got two hours to run the material and then here i'll have about another half an hour screwing around panning and getting the gold cleaned up um and i've i've i've used probably about a gallon and a half of gasoline so um that gives you guys some idea of the time we got in it but let's uh pan out our gold and see how much we got all right guys so here is our gold there's still quite a bit of black sand in there but i got impatient and wanted to take a look and uh unlike the a previous video i did here a week or two ago this gold is a lot coarser it's a lot bigger uh size pieces and hopefully that means we got quite a bit more weight here okay guys we got our cons here and this is a little cast iron griddle i picked up at like goodwill or salvation army or something and i'm just going to wash all of our cons down onto this frying pan i'm just going to dry them out and i haven't done a smelting a gold smelting video in a long time so i am going to smelt down all this gold into a button and uh and then we can cue pellet depending on the impurities so i've got all our stuff washed into our pan i'm gonna shake that around a little bit get it all spread out just going to pour the bulk of the water back in here and there we go we got our concentrates in there now i'm going to put it over our furnace and i'm going to just dry it out we'll probably roast it a little bit but that's not really the intent and then we'll mix up a flux recipe and smelt this down pour it into our cone mold and we should have a nice pretty gold button [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] all right guys here's our cooled off slag in the cone mold we'll knock her out [Music] and hopefully right here on the tip of the cone we got a little button let me go little hammer we'll knock it out of there [Music] so there's our little button it's still got some impurities it's it's still pretty silver colored so we'll have to cue pellet with some lead and get those impurities out of there but there's our initial nice cleanly smelted metallic button all right guys here's a little button we'll get a weight on her before we pell it looks like it's right about ten and a half grams uh so now we can figure out how much impurities we remove uh by weighing the gold button when it's when it's refined and here's our little magnesium capel we're gonna use i'm gonna put our gold bead in there i'm gonna add a very little bit of lead maybe 5 or 10 grams we'll heat it up to about 1900 degrees uh the lid will oxidize and start being absorbed by the cupel and it will carry any impurities with it just leaving the precious metals the gold silver uh and any platinum palladium stuff like that one oxidized in our gold button all right guys here's our button we got it all cooled down this one actually turned out really really nice um so let's get her weight here oh we lost quite a bit actually i'm surprised we lost that much um so we lost i don't know what's that about 20 percent of the weight so we had quite a bit of impurities in there but now we got it just down to the gold and silver and uh at what's at almost nine grams nine grams from about two-thirds of ore uh that stuff was probably running about a third of an ounce maybe a little bit more a ton so that was better float than uh the first video i did with the truck mill so i got sick and tired of carrying all my supplies up and down this hill so i ended up putting in an aerial tram here and that allows me to pull up material from the truck or send ore down to the truck without having to hike it up and down this hill and right now we're bringing up these wooden rails and we're going to put a real little wooden rail system in down to the spot we're working and then be able to pull up our buckets on this wooden rail system and send them right down to the truck so i'm i'm working my way out of moving buckets up and down these hills all right guys we're underground and we're getting our rails set up so we can work our buckets up this stope on a little cart there's a couple of guys helping me put the rail system in but we just got uh two two by fours with some 2x4 cross pieces and i'm going to make a little a little cart thing [Music] it's just going to run right on those rails and with the rope i'll be able to pull up the buckets all the way up there i don't know if you can see the light coming out of the portal but there's portals right up there and then here's a look at our vein we're working and this is this is actually real rich right in here there's actually a lot of visible gold in the courts and uh we've done a couple little shots made a little bit of muck here but that's our plan and so let me get back and we'll get a closer look at what these guys are doing with the rail here so what do we got here we got oh there's our last one right yeah what do you want you want to do a leg in the middle here too somewhere we got a pretty long going through there we go but here's from the top looking down our little rail system here and it goes down to the bottom and we can do it all in one straight shot so there won't be any curves or nothing here's where we're at and there's where we're going right up there to the light all right so we got our wooden rail system in and we're down here uh in this ridge zone of the vein and right now i'm working along the ground here i'm just hand mucking some stuff we're putting it into buckets here and uh once we get uh once we get about 10 buckets we'll slide them down the rail on a little sled that i made shoot them up the wooden rail out to the portal and then we'll send them down to the truck on our aero tram system so all this stuff here on the ground is all loose and uh a lot of it right here is a good piece it's still real good coarse ore with uh with a lot of sulfides in there and so that's the that's the good stuff so we're just hand mucking this out [Music] [Music] so there we go a couple little sticky spots there but um this is just a two by four cart that i made and we're using the existing rail and i just got a couple of teflon sliders underneath but this works right there's one here's two buckets [Music] and then i got a rope going up the rail so i'll go outside in the portal and i'll pull this up and then i'll put a hook a bucket on and send it down to the truck there it goes hopefully the bucket isn't dumped out good all right so we improved our system we got a little tower to get our cable up a little higher now i can just send this bucket down to the truck nice and easy there we go it worked out pretty well all right we've got our bags down now and we're back at the shop i've actually got two bags i figured we got about 1500 pounds maybe 2 000 pounds all together uh and you can see here it's it's mostly quartz uh we didn't get very much wall rock which is good because you don't want to dilute your stuff but you can i broke up a couple pieces here and see if we can get this to focus you can see a lot of this stuff has quite a bit of sulfides here big blobs of sulfide so lots of metal lots of mineralization uh i'm pretty excited i'm gonna run the stuff today yes my oh so uh uh uh [Music] [Music] so so so so [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here's our number one off the shaker table and this is our number two high grade all right we've got our stuff all dried out i'm gonna take just a simple cow magnet and a bag and i'm gonna run it over and see it's not picking up any iron or steel and just get that out of there it's not it really just gets in the way everything when you're smelting and uh there's there's quite a bit in there so let me run the magnet over a couple more times grab whatever steel i can get you want to put it in a pan and make sure you pan it out to make sure you don't lose any gold or gold doesn't get sucked up on a piece of steel or something but usually you can get get rid of all this junk and stuff you just don't have to smelt down and deal with all right guys we got her down to about a hundred grams uh so i'm gonna do 75 grams of soda ash 25 grams of borax and about 20 grams of ammonium nitrate and i'm going to add a chunk of steel rod in and i'm going to put it in here in this crucible we'll fire it up and uh pour it into our cone mold and then we'll keep pellet we got her all mixed up there's our three quarters of a ton or so concentrated down to about 100 grams and now we'll get it moved over here to our furnace put it right in there put the top on and we'll start smelting her down all right guys there's our little pour it's cooled down some now knock it out of there [Music] and there's our there's our little button there in the bottom i'm gonna let it cool down some more and then uh knock it off there but man that's that's pretty big all right guys here's our little cone it's uh it's really really heavy um so that's a good sign so i think there's quite a bit of gold in there okay let's pull our cupel out of here see what we got cool we'll get it cool down see what she looks like here's our little piece after it's been cooled down and the finish on it isn't great but uh it's what we got so just shy of 16 grams and i figured we're doing somewhere between two thirds and three quarters of a ton and so what's that about 20 grams a ton or so so that's pretty good here's the spot we're going to be portaling off at you can see the the vein right here this is what we're going after and it pinches quite a bit right there but then it swells pretty good up here and up the hill but uh we're gonna portal off probably right in here somewhere we'll portal off at a little bit of an angle intersect that vein and then follow that vein down along in i don't know 15 20 feet and uh once the once we get underground here the vein has been leached all on the surface here it's it's real wet here um and all the all the mineralization is leashed out of it and that's really common for some of these surface veins here on our claim and so uh even though we've acid it doesn't acid very good going in 15 or 20 feet and getting some of this stuff that's uh that hasn't been leached out will show us kind of the true value of this vein so we're just going to portal off here at the end of the season get a few rounds in test the equipment out and see what we get all right guys so i think we got everything we need on our truck here we got the air compressor here a couple of jack legs and some steel i got a bunch of air hose where's my finger right right here under the compressor and then we've got the the job box here um that has all our tools and stuff in it so we'll get this all spread out i'll get set up and uh we'll get to drilling on this thing okay we're all set up we got our little green pump here it's just gonna pump out this three-quarter inch hose over our work spot i got the air hose hooked up to the air compressor there and now i need to do is get this jack leg over there get her hooked up and bring some steel with me and we'll start drilling [Music] [Music] so here's uh here's the face after it snowed and you can see there's one of our holes there's another hole there's one down in there so we got to get the snow brushed off of here find our holes and then we'll get this loaded and shot all right guys here's the destruction it shot out of there blue stuff all over the hillside here but here's our here's our new face and it did just about exactly what i wanted i have a nice flat face here the veins on one side and we can see this vein is it's pinching as it goes up but it goes down it's getting a big belly here and it's it's really fat right across here is probably about two feet and so our next round i can drill a face round right here blast it and then i can split shoot it and blast this vein once i've blasted and mucked this waste out then i can put a couple holes in the vein blast it in muck it out and then we can have our our sample and get back in there probably another two or three rounds and see what it looks like well i got lucky and the snow has all melted off it warmed up it's been raining for the last week or so and so i was able to get back up here and my goal is to get a pretty good size sample off this vein and i'm just going to take the scaling bar here i got to dig some of this out a little bit but i'm going to try and break off some of this stuff here and get maybe 500 000 pounds down that we can run in our in our turnkey system and i got this pile here which is probably i don't know 250 pounds or so then i've taken i've already taken 10 10 trips over the truck there and i figure i'm averaging about 50 pounds a trip so i've got somewhere between 500 and 750 pounds of uh of muck here off this vein so let's go figure out how much gold in it so [Music] snacks [Music] so oh yo i got it panned down there's some gold in there um some of those bigger pieces i think are copper uh but leads pretty nasty stuff and so i've got um another metal here i'm gonna try today this is bismuth and it has very similar properties to lead same melting point uh the oxides melt about the same temperature but it's it's not nearly as harmful to humans and uh so i'm gonna take a little chunk of this and uh i'll show you let's go ahead and get a piece out it doesn't need to be very much like even that's probably too big the bismuth is going to melt oxidize all the base metals and when the bismuth is completely oxidized we'll be left with a little gold button all right guys i've got our cupel in there you can see down here the temperature is 15 30 fahrenheit or so and so what that's that's plenty hot enough to dry out our cupels so i'm gonna open this up place our little shop towel thing in there there it is so right now let me take off my glove get it focused here right now it's drying out it's going to burn that shop towel up and then i've got our little piece of bismuth here i'm going to put in there but i want to let that burn up as much as i can first and then there it goes flame on so let me come back to that in about a minute and we'll put the bismuth in it all right guys let me open it up here i got my bismuth i don't know if you're able to see this there's our whoops there's our ash in there and place our bismuth right on top let's watch it as it melts come on focus there we go so our bismuth has that little pool of silver metal on the left-hand side there and as that warms up and keeps getting hot the bismuth will essentially alloy with the gold and then it will start to oxidize away the base metals so we'll check back on her here in a couple minutes and see what she looks like all right guys so here's our little gold button and uh you can tell it's real nice and yellow shiny yellow so it's pretty pure gold we get it weighed up here and this is from 750 pounds we have right right around five grams all right so i did a little math on this 750 pounds is a little more than a third of a ton and uh at five grams and 750 pounds that's about 13 grams or so a ton so it's actually running pretty good on that vein so we did good and i look forward to getting up there again next season and doing some more drilling and blasting on it so thanks for watching our video if you have any questions or comments you can find our contact information in the description below thanks again and we'll see on the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 208,932
Rating: 4.8400941 out of 5
Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc, gold rush, gold mining, gold processing, gold, gold mining process, drilling for gold, mining for gold, underground mining, gold mining underground, gold veins, gold mine, gold ore, gold in quartz, silver mining, blasting quartz, gold sampling
Id: MsofYHh2bpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 48sec (4908 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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