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what's up YouTube welcome back to my channel it's been a long time since I've made a video especially a gold prospecting video if you're new to my channel my name is Kyle Kyle theme in my channel name actually so yeah I make a lot of gold prospecting videos and most star in Missouri and I make a lot of random videos as well so if you're new to my channel don't forget to hit that subscribe button because I will be making a ton of new content a lot a lot of videos are coming soon yeah so I apologize it's taken me this long to get back in the creek yeah it's just been hectic with work and injured my back but I'm still going we're gonna go find some gold today all I'm bringing is a gold pan just enough for bottle couple crevice ting tools and the whole homemade nugget sucker that catfish Jim made shout out to catfish Jim call me buddy miss Tia we need to get back in the crew together so yeah I'm gonna go ahead and drive down to the creek and I will see you when I get there alright guys I made it down to the creek well the other side of the creek I'm on the opposite side of the valley I used to work and I had to stop my truck because I thought I saw a turtle I saw this nice old lady over here got to talking and she gave me permission to prospect her area and it looks decent especially with these guys here I see bedrock I'm just looking for uh you know just the basic materials that I need to find to find the gold which is all the heavies so we have one spot down I'm gonna go ahead and drive down a little bit further and see if there's a better spot with a lot of exposed bedrock so I could use those crevice tools but yeah I'm gonna hop in my truck and drive down the road see we get fines yeah guys there's a lot of bedrock here I'm glad I came down here I could probably Park up the road and walk down here if I wanted to but it looks promising check all that bedrock guys look at that we have a nice drop off there's a crack right after that drop off I don't think I could pass that up alright guys I just couldn't pass it up I'm literally part 4 right off the road but uh take a look at this stuff it's beautiful nice drop offs I don't see Oh actually I do see a little bit of hematite this one's super nice everything flows down in here and there's a nice crack in here as well as up here it's like a natural sluice box in the creek you know this is gonna be a good one anyways enough talking let's get some tools out and try to find some gold I think today I'm going to show you how to find gold wherever you are so let's just hope I found some gold alright guys if you're new to prospecting this is what I call a and reg you could make these there's probably plans on Google or whatnot but yeah all you do just put it in the water and just pull this thing and put it right in your gold pan and there's other options with these things - they can come with the hose and a bucket so you just pump and pump and pump and it just go strain to your bucket but anyways so when you're in a creek you're gonna try to find the lowest spot because gold is heavy it's heavy like lead you got to understand the stratification process with the materials to understand where the gold will go most likely the gold will go as deep as possible pop yeah deep as possible it'll be wedged in cracks at the bottom of all the cracks and yeah so I'm gonna work this crack until I get to the bottom of it and we'll do some pans test pans and stuff like that as well throughout this crack that we did but yeah let's get to it you make a little easier on yourself getting the bigger rocks out and you tell these big guys have been stuck in here for years but after this we'll get a hand dredge in here and I don't forget about your crevice tools and makes it easy to you just break everything up loosens up those big rocks pretty easy and here's our first chunky hematite so this is a very good sign alright let's clean this up and do a test pan after I get some material we're just gonna go crazy on this thing that's gonna take a look I don't see that much hematite but you never know let's go ahead and pan it out so the stratification process I was talking about earlier this is pretty much it you're shaking this the materials and all the light material is actually going to the top it doesn't matter if you have a BB the size of well a BB it's gonna go to the bottom and rock this size that's lighter it's gonna go to the top so you just want to shake it in all directions pretty much after a few good shakes your Gold's already at the bottom really not too worried about it some people will say oh you're painting too fast blah blah blah nah it's on the bottom so then you want to gently get that top layer off but when you get that top layer off all the bottom stuff moves too please shake it back down and repeat when you go faster to like this so we did not get skunked let me fix this camera again my finger up to it right there yeah I see that it's a little bit smaller than a pepper I'd say so what I do before I leave my house is uh I get my snuff or bottle and I'll put a little bit of dish soap in it because it seems whenever I bring jet dry in my bookbag it explodes in my bookbag every single time so you try to find my snuffer bottle really quick stay tuned already so yeah here's my Sonora bottle it's just a basic snuffer bottle find on Amazon or wherever probably like a dollar but uh where was I oh yeah so yeah look we have already found our first piece of gold it's not bigger anything but we do know there's gold here and as you see we have hematite and gonna go some nail yeah so that's that's a nice nice little drop off that we have here I'm interested to see what else is in it so I'm gonna stuff this up and we'll get back to work and one more thing to you beginner prospectors if you guys go on someone's property or ask property like I did pick up your trash and if you find any lead or nails screws any sort of metal or anything that you don't think supposed to be in the creek just take it out of there the homeowner will appreciate it and you're doing a lot for the environment as well I hate seeing trash and creeks I saw a TV down the street just laying in the water earlier so I might you know I might even just throw that in the back of my truck just to get it out of here but yeah people can really be disgusting but uh yeah so I just keep all the metals all the toxic stuff out of the creek just make a little pile and and throw it in a water bottle or something at the end of the day but uh yeah let's get back back to the gold the water cleared up a little bit and you could tell and nowhere near the bottom all I'm gonna do next to just pull out some more of these bigger rocks [Laughter] okay when you have our mud soup over here or should I say clay soup if you have any clay balls in there just break them up with your fingers just be careful there might be glass that's why people wear gloves you know they sell those things at stores wait there's more check it out one two three three pieces so far there you go my finger up to it there's one there's two and there's three they gradually get smaller and then you can see all the heavies that were in here see the hematite on these nails so toxic for the fish all right go ahead and clean this up get the trash out and we'll get back to the hole see how deep that hole is getting probably gonna do this whole crack all right I'm gonna work where the waterfall goes right over this crack probably the best spot in my opinion just because I would feel if this Creek was flooded this is the center of the creek obviously and there's a crack right here and Gold's heavy so just fall and stay let's see if I'm right I got you guys on the headband for a GoPro so sorry if it's not lined up correctly I'll try my best here I'll just shoot it like that and believe I saw a little chunky piece of gold in there interesting [Music] but I do still look at that big chunk er that's a nice piece of gold right there yeah buddy we're on it and all this trash all the nails put them all in a water bottle all right let's snuff it up there's a super super tiny crack in here I'm gonna have to get a thin little screwdriver to get in that this is a nice deep pocket this might oh you got something big wow that's been in there for a while looks like sandstone there's two sitting right there another one now that's a twig jeez that's so dangerous look at that well I thought it was recording the whole time but uh yeah I just got to the bottom of that little crack I was working go take it over to the painting station [Music] flip it back just for the heck of it just to see what's in here see little piece of gold up there there's a lot of blinds in here still alright it's time I flip it back now there's a lot of lead as you can see there a lot of lead thought we didn't get to count again we've had golden every single pan and the reason I wanted to do this video because I wanted to show you pretty much fine gold anywhere what I usually do look for the hematite the black sands obviously everyone knows that quartz is a good indication because it's also heavy and lead and I mean look at this spot it goes like this drops off it feels like that again drops off and a game so this is just a huge sluice box and a lot of work to do still I'm gonna sift through this hopefully we can find another little flake or two but I'll get that trash out go ahead and make my left side let's just take a look at the material I see some movies oh my goodness and this is what we're looking at it and I see gold up top I see quite a few pieces there's about five little colors up there on two three four five six and who knows what's a mess so I'll snuff that up clean it up and I got a count on its crack I'm going to do that obviously do a pan when it's full but once I get down to the heavies I'm going to start filming I am down to the heavies oh there's that piece of gold right there all right let me clean this trash up and then we'll get back to it just gonna do a little surface run here I was just doing this pain and I thought I got skunked and then I swirled it around a bit and check that chunker out I'm gonna roll that around and feel it nice and snuff that bad boy up yeah but this has quite a bit of lead in it look at all that guys that's a lot just for one pan what's up guys I'm back alright so remember when I was explaining how you could find gold everywhere now I'm in a non bearing gold state right now so all I have is glacier drift from up north but I looked at those mats and I've heard of people are actually seeing people find gold where they say the glaciers we're not so gold is where you find it and don't listen to anyone but uh whoa almost ate it again what I want to do is find some low spots in this Creek such as these little pockets where you can see here they'll just collect heavies I'm gonna do some test pans there and also I noticed this drop-off in bedrock so I bet you I worked this line right here I'll be able to find some gold there's just so many places in this Creek to a prospect obviously not gonna get it get through it all today I'll probably be back here every single day and be making videos but yeah let me go grab my pan and we'll head back down and we'll test those spots out see if the low spots have gold okay I am in the spot I have decided I'm going to dig down right here in this area straight down and just keep doing test pans we'll see how deep do the bedrock is on this side first thing to do is just go get the camera to stay upright anyways first thing to do is just take off all these big rocks okay whoa the other side of that bedrock is about three feet so we're gonna need a dredge to get down to the bottom of that Jake I'm gonna stay to my original plan it's gonna come back up here and work some cracks there's a tunnel at in Lamoni ICU haematite everywhere i am down to the heavies see a lot of hematite so far i'm gonna try to get a little bit more blondes out now you know what never mind let's just flip her back a lot of lead a lot of iron hey we got some gold oh wow got quite a few pieces actually all right I'm gonna try to clean this up just a tad bit more it is some more gold I bet there's more in there I sit a quick little pan I'm gonna snuff those up and then go through it again I don't kick this thing over look at all that stuff cool we got a pan with about ten colors in it and some of them are pretty chunky we're not to the bottom of this crack yet at all so I know there's bigger gold down there it's a tight one all right so this is where I left off and I shoved my finger down there and I feel clay it's not that hard hard clay it's mixed with all the sands and heavy so that's good well I'm on my last GoPro battery so that sucks I'm gonna work as fast as possible and find as much gold as possible in the time being I have so let's get you all righty I'm going to get some more material out of that crack nice enough for bottle all right eh we got some pay dirt I see a bunch of lead metal there's gold right here gold right here and right here nothing significantly big a few peppers but I'll go through it once again usually in areas like this the gold is superflat and it'll stay with all this heavy stuff that's what happened earlier with that that flake I got yeah there's a couple pieces up there yeah I think I just have to get to the bottom of it alrighty look out trashy this is a bunch of Filth a lot of heavies though here's another paydirt pie see we got a bunch of lead oh we got a bunch of color too this might be our best parent of the day let me make sure all that gold stays up top oh there's a chunky piece that came down here there we go nice oh yeah look at all that bring it all to the top sure there's more in here too I'd say that's about 20 colors total see if I get close-up on for you guys all them right there not too bad not too bad I'm gonna clean it up see if there's any more see the amount of stuff that pulled up getting pretty heavy take the lead and metal out of the creek if it is in your pan there we go I just moved this big rock out of the way it was on this Bank line on the inside of this band by this tree with a lot of roots I'm gonna do a couple scoops in the pan see if there's any gold in it so what I'll do here is grab a bunch of roots throw them in there oh my goodness I won't just fell backwards into the creek oh yeah this is a nice piece right here what do you guys think if there's gonna be gold in it well we didn't get skunked we have one piece up there all right back to the track all right trying some milk here just spraying this bedrock down there's a little dip in the end of it right here where I could suck everything up thinking maybe there is some gold laying on top of this I mean it has to run over it first look at this guy's look at all that metal just nails and lead that's a lot just for one crack can you imagine if I cleaned out every crack in this Creek how much trash there would be yeah ah what's up guys I just got home and I had purchased brand new black pants for you beginners when you buy a new pan it comes with oils on it from the manufacturer so I will show you what to do with that or you could just take sandpaper to it or I don't know whatever you clean dishes with that steel wool stuff so yeah we'll be able to see the gold a lot better with these things and I also bought a brand new macro lens so it's perfect perfectly clear and everything so I have the gold and the it's been drying out I'm just gonna transfer it over and another thing if you don't know where to buy a gold pan if you can't get online for some reason I got this from Bass Pro it was like six bucks I just wanted to let you guys know just be careful with this sticker because you know get stuck and everyone hates when that happens yeah I'll get this off and just put the gold in it I'm not gonna scuff this up yet because I don't have any water in it it's not going to cause the gold to float or anything so uh yeah I'm gonna transfer it over and we'll see we got all right guys we're going in see if I get some more light down here remember what I was saying about those those little gold bee bees there's one right there I'll took the pain a little bit and watch how it acts see if we could do it again there's that big flake it's pretty crazy this gold traveled very very far to get here [Music] yeah guys that's that's it and some Missouri gold for you one piece is uh enough to make us happy okay here all right well I'm going back out tomorrow for sure and hopefully we get some more of that stuff guys I hope you enjoyed this video I sure did enjoy making this video even though it was a hot one today tomorrow I'm gonna be going back for sure I should be okay there I got permission I'm on private property so I think I'm a-okay I'm pretty easy access just Park on the side of the road and yeah just walk there but yeah hope you guys enjoyed it and don't forget if you're new to my channel subscribe boom sure the ones appreciate it and yeah I guess see you guys
Channel: Kyle Thiemann
Views: 1,342,242
Rating: 4.6759396 out of 5
Keywords: gold, panning, howto, dyi, homemade, dredge, handdredge, dredgingforgold, bedrock, nuggets, placergold, glacialgold, canadagold, creek, crevicingforgold, goldincracks, proline, keene, garrett, snufferbottle, hunting, midwestgold, wherisgoldlocated, howtofindgold, hugegoldcleanout, microgold, goldflakes, snipingforgold, sniping, prospecting, howtoprospectforgold
Id: U70lhTElr_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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