Gravity powered highbanker catches GOLD

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hello and welcome back to the flower gold wizard channel i'm jason that's rigby we're part-time gold prospectors based in wisconsin we've got some company along today everybody knows ryan you guys and we got sam here today me and sam worked together he wanted to go mining so we took a mining and we're down here we didn't know what the water was going to be like and apparently they got a flood look at this grass here that's a good six foot drop down there the water came right down around the creek here and smashed up and over the top of the bank right here there's a lot of water here so i think we're gonna have a whole new pile of gold to play with today and i brought some really cool new equipment we're gonna give that a try wait do you see that back in a bit all right we made it to our location and there is a lot more water here than there has been here in the past uh even couple of months oh this was dry land right here there's a little bit of water running right over here and uh there's really good amounts of gold here uh we just haven't been able to find any larger pieces here but there's plenty of floor and i brought with me today a gravity fed high banker system and i'm going to go ahead and get that thing hooked up right now rigby's looking for a really good deposit i can work and he always finds that it's been a few weeks since he got he's gotten out it's been so darn hot so let me take a few minutes and get this baby set up wait do you see back in a bit all right now i'm starting to get this thing set up here that's just a few legs and a couple of this and a couple of that but i want to make sure i have it in the right spot now on past adventures here like ryan caught a fish what kind of fish is that a little sucker it looks like yeah yeah so anyway i want to make sure that i'm set up near the spot that i want to find gold and we have found pretty good gold here in the past it's really floor flooring gold no big pieces like i said before but i still want to have it close to the the high banker i'm going to set up and i want to make sure i'm close to water because of the way this system works which we'll see in just a little bit so let me get this thing set up right here where i'm going to dig so i can just shovel right onto this baby back in a bit all right we are ready now let me show you this thing here now what i did is i just have my high banker here and a five gallon tail sitting on these arms just like that see this here and i just screwed a fitting into the bottom and water just drains on out of there at about six to eight hundred gph per hour now i have my my silicone mat in there see he's dumping a pail in there and it usually takes right around 30 seconds for the water to make its way through the pail onto my high banker here down the mat and i have another set up underneath that one oh it's got it's a little the water is a little bit underpowered for this particular mat but i do believe that we can make this happen with just a little bit more pitch and i have room to play with the adjustments on this system right here as you can see and that's their seven inch mat six to eight hundred gp each an hour is going to work like i said we got a lot of water here so in the long run i think if i need to i could just set this loose up anywhere i want over in there but the top mat is going to work just fine you can see it's cleaning out real well and like every 30 seconds or so he's got to dump a little pail in there and he scoops and the more water you have in the pail at one time the more pressure is coming out of there and down onto my system here but i do notice that the material is starting to turn dark color in there so this might not be all the worst here it comes again so we're gonna get to work here give this about an hour see what happens back in a bit so i think it's working not too darn bad is it fellas yeah see it's not just running out of there and you get about 30 seconds in between pales yeah i'll take a little walk down here we've been running a little bit not very long at all and that material is definitely turning black so i'm not concerned about that one bit one bit at all i don't know if i want to let it sit too long with uh full of black sand but i'm thinking we'll be able to get an hour out of this at least before all these are filled with black sand and we could take a look at it but that is absolutely running fantastic ryan's down here digging in the hole we left off in last time here's a look at that material and then it goes just like that now two guys can run this but it takes three to film it [Laughter] isn't that right rigby i learned a thing or two from him all right i almost broke my own rule again test test test now ryan he's taking a break from the high banker here and he's been doing a little poking around here and poking around there and he says he's not finding a whole lot but then again he said that last time we were here so i'm gonna do a test pin right out of the same hole that we're digging here we got a pretty good sized pile of tailings building up here and i just want to make sure we're not shoveling and dumping buckets of water for nothing right that's right so let's do a little test pan see what's in it and i've got it down to a manageable amount of material here or i can film and pan at the same time we'll do that together just to see nice having all this fresh water in here no black no no brown stinky water nothing it's nice and fresh and it's cool out and i haven't been hit by a bug yet i do not have bug spray on all right we've got that down to just about where i want it let me get this out of the glare or we can take a little look at it and we'll take a look at it well so far that's running really well but my test pan is not i've only got maybe three or four little tiny pieces of gold in there let's see one two three four five five in a test pan here and it might be a couple more i wash back but they're really small but this thing has been running really well so i think uh any gold that i have been shoving into it did get caught in the system and as you can see i thought it was going to be just a little bit late on flow but the pitch seems to be pretty good and that material turned pitch black all the way down to the very last of these little spinnerets this whole thing is jam-packed with black sand so i'm 100 positive that if any gold what got past this part of the sluice that it got caught in here so what i'm going to do right now is take that small section of mat out of there and i'm going to pan it out just see what everything is looking like because it's still early and we can always move to another spot if need be back in a bit all right i've got a pan of water here i'm just going to take that i'm going to slide it right out of there right into my pan right here just like that and we'll bring it over here somewhere stable right over here and we'll give it a little rinse just like that there we are nice and clean and here's our material and there's a fair amount in there but a lot of that is blonde sand and that'll wash right off with the with the baby in the bath water so let me get this stuff panned down and we'll see what's in it and the results now we didn't run all that long maybe what do you think 20 minutes if that if that here's what we got for gold just in that little top mat we got quite a few specs in there actually uh but same as always when we come here no bigger ones i mean there's a couple of bigger flakes in there bigger than some of the really really small stuff but there is a fair number of pieces in there um i don't know if the if the storm messed with the hole because i started out in the same exact hole i did when i was here last time but as you can even see up in there the the water was up so high it pushed all those branches and weeds right over that's that's five feet all day up in the air so there was a tremendous amount of water pushing through here so it just might be a matter of poking around and see if we can't find another spot so tell you what we'll do we'll try another half an hour or so in another whole say downstream just a little bit maybe one of these uh upper elevated sections of the creek right here and if it doesn't get any better there well guess what we've got some really good spots not too far all right let's get back at it sam's over here pointing out gold he sees in the in the green mat here all right matt right up top there is so short it's never going to catch at all yeah there's a piece in there sure enough now i'm sure there's there's more pieces of gold down in there i i would guarantee that that top match catch a majority of it this kind of a safety measure and it just looks cool so i hooked it all up together then here's that gold we just found here i'm going to go ahead and snuff her that up with my new xp snuffer just like that all right i shut her down got another nice pile of tailings there and my mat is absolutely jam-packed loaded with black sand look in there so we're gonna do a whole clean out top and bottom just to see because uh ryan's chomping at the bit to get to a a spot we like to call alpha bravo with all that rain that one might be feasible today because usually there's hardly any water there and it stinks but i think we'll be all right don't you just love watching newbie panners [Laughter] and i think i'll do them separately i'll pan out this great big bottom one and there is quite a bit of material to go through in there that's going to take me a little while i'll save the best for last well sam's still learning [Laughter] i'll give him a couple pointers in just a minute uh now i did all all the concentrates from my big green hauler here my vdr mat i get that from infinity prospecting and that was two runs right there two short runs but two runs anyways and there's only four pieces four little tiny dots out of all that black sand that i pulled out of that mat now i have yet to clean this up yet so i'm going to go ahead and clean that up and if there's really good uh spec count in this mat like there was the last time for the short amount of time we were running i don't even have to run that darn thing because this thing is catching it all then i'm going to go ahead and clean that all right now we'll take a look at it and the results from the black one about the same as we had the first time pretty good spec count in there i'm pretty impressed with the amount or percentage i should say of the gold that that little mat right there is catching compared to this big green one here so that system is running quite well i must have just the right pitch and 9 or 10 degrees was working real well on my testing at home and uh there are a couple little bit bigger pieces in here i'm quite happy with it so i think what we're gonna do now that we got this thing tested quite well is uh we might poke around here a little bit longer but we me and ryan know of a good spot where there should be plenty of water today we can go and get some pretty big pieces of gold ryan do you still have that big nugget you found there the other day yeah here let me show you a piece ryan found the other day he's got it in his pocket probably on a on a padlock or something look at that big little chunk that's where we're headed i think we're gonna run our high banker in a spot like that and see if we can't fill up a whole pan full of those that's a great looking piece back in a bit all right we made an executive decision but the amount of water that we've had there's going to be guaranteed water at alpha bravo so we're headed there right now got our gear all loaded up as you can see off we go all right we made it back to the truck it's snack time this snack time is brought to you by wenzel's farms quality beef sticks naturally smoked you want one rig all right let's get the show on the road [Laughter] all right we made it location alpha bravo this spot here when the water is running and i can effectively pan etc i've done better than any spot anywhere ever more bigger pieces more smaller pieces more and more and more and i really thought the water was going to be running a little bit more than it is but it is still running i mean we'll have access to fresh water uh perhaps if i just dig a little hole over there a nice panning station and that's enough water for my little baby sluice which i did bring just in case to set up a sluice in here if need be so we're going to get to get to work locate in the exact spot we want to find and there is plenty of spots to choose from around here look at all these gravel deposits and it's all sitting right on top of that clay layer right there this is a really good spot and we're going to find some big pieces today that's guaranteed find it rigby okay all right it's been determined that we might have enough water to run my baby's loose we just got the dam built up there and the water is starting to come up just a little bit so sam here is going to do a little bit of classifying with russell there we're going to fill them up pale water we're going to find some big gold sluice is up and running ryan's up and running he's grinding away over here look at this material just chock full of clay oh yeah look at this clay layer right here that is really thick dense clay nothing's getting through that stuff there and i'll show you what he's working here this gravel layer right on top of that clay he's just skimming this top right here he's been working this line right here for what looks like to be about a year straight and uh there's some really nice gravels on top of this stuff but just because you scrape this gravel off even even like this all them big pieces of gold little pieces of gold they're stuck in that first quarter inch or eighth inch in this clay right here so it's important to get this stuff classified down and shake it around in your pan or whatever you got to do to loosen up those gold particles to get them into your pan so we're grinding away i'm going to do a clean out in another i don't know half an hour or so and see see how we're doing back in a bit and we just did a quick little clean out here and look at these pieces those are nice big chunkers way better way bigger than the last spot we were at and i just did a quick clean out just to see if we were on it and we are and i can feel three of these in here i can roll them around with my finger and actually roll under my finger pretty handsome looking stuff for sure so now it's just a numbers game let's run the numbers now these guys are grinding away ryan's finding feelers and pokers and a little bit of this a little bit of that he's working that edge of that bank there and all that gravel on top of that clay sam's up here running the sluice he's finding some gold he's doing some classifying over here and he's got all the fresh water up here [Laughter] i'll tell you what i'm gonna do a little exploring there's a couple of spots down there that look pretty darn tasty that i know ryan hasn't been sleeping over here and camping on i'm gonna go down there and see if i can find us a nugget come along william much better i got to keep my voice down look at the spec counts in there and look how big they are look at this nice piece right there i can feel that one too that's the ticket to this spot right here i think you got to get down through some of this forest degree into that debris into that uh original gravel deposits underneath all that stuff and that's where the gold is over in this area that's right we're not gonna tell those guys though all right now i'm getting mad me and rigby are running around the woods exploring everywhere he's getting ready to leave yeah sam's over here the rookie working by himself and i come over here and he's panning his sluices he's got himself a darn picker look at that thing that thing is as thick as all get out and i just picked it up a second ago see if i can get that thing again there i got it look at that nice little chunky wisconsin picker you son of a gun you and he's got some other nice gold up in there as well look at that underwater there's some nice chunks lying in that black sand yet he didn't get it all the way panned out but that that picker made a clunk when it hit the pan there on the on the backstroke so we're doing all right we're going to keep plugging away at it how's your back feeling better now that i got a clunker i'm leaving yeah oh we still got time in the day that place is just so darn spotty we're moving all right me and sam got sick a little bit here a little bit there nothing in between too many times ryan left so we came down to a spot i know has some really good gold we were here well i don't know probably over a year ago last since i've been here and the water is up a little bit uh just like it has been everywhere else we tried except alpha bravo gold darn it but there are some really nice gravel deposits here and the crick is wide enough here that uh the current isn't going to blow everything off our shovel while we're shoveling so let me take a great big huge test pan right out of that random spot right there and i'll show you some gold all right i'm glad we moved nice clean water you can see what you're doing and there's gold here i just did a little quick pan eight inches down there's ten pieces in there there's nothing larger yet but i just started scratching the surface and i've been here before and i've gotten up to 40 pieces of pan here so i'm gonna scratch around here a little bit and we're gonna show you a little something cool pan number two new spot look at them all i love this spot well my back's killing me how's your back feeling a little tight a little tight ah we're gonna wrap it up for the day but i just pulled out the last panda today and it had 35 pieces in it i'll show you that and then we're going to do a snuffer dump we're gonna get the heck out of here and there it is right there 35 pieces in that pan scattered all over the place we're getting it right off the right right up next to all these big tufts of grass and the gravels built around them and great clay underneath them and there's spots like this hundreds of spots like this all over the place i took a walk down the creek that way's a ways and there's good gold down that way too so uh you're definitely gonna see me and probably sam back at this location again let me grab my snuffer we'll do a little dump clean it up see what it looks like and a snuffer dump we did pretty darn good today for screwing around a couple of unproductive spots there i'm never going back to that little shallow spot ever again it's just it's too spotty and the water stinks but there's great gold to be had nice clean water material everywhere you look and there's great gold to be had i wish we would have just sat right on this spot all darn day look at that nice piece right there that's a big old picker all day long let's see if i can focus in on that thing once here oh yeah there's some great gold in there nice well that's gonna wrap it up for today's episode of flower gold wizards if you win some you lose some i wouldn't call this a loss but i'd say we did lose some time uh next time we i come out to this part of the state i'm gonna stick to my guns and i'm gonna run the equipment that i brought all day long because we could have put 10 times the amount of gold in that pan if we would have just stuck to our guns today but we still had fun it's beautiful out i didn't get bit by one bug today you believe that no bucks no blogs it's unbelievable so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build my channel flower gold wizards and sam oh
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 44,010
Rating: 4.9180012 out of 5
Keywords: Wisconsin, Gold, Prospecting, Wash plant
Id: zqYfU93LpL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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