Amazing Most Expensive Biggest Pure Gold Bar Production Process. Incredible Melting Gold Method

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gold's gotta be 1064 degrees to the liquid and so that furnace theoretically supposed to be 1200 you've got your nitro in your borax over there to get your purity's output and pour it and obviously you see we're quite slow because if you try to measure you know actions you know so we'll go pretty slow and i know he's doing it he knows exactly what i'm doing so there's no surprises they're making super sample uh three grams we'll go to the lab and they'll give us a system tomorrow make sure so we've poured the bar and ice going through the gas off and then we'll bring it up to level you want to see me run over the profits and make sure it is solid enough [Music] so i'll pick it up bring it over to the table flip it out because it goes solid real quick and i'd say 30 seconds or so you've got accessory so we aim for 95 security and we do that via the reagents so we're sticking in sand borax soda and nitro you know those combine we'll keep the heat keep it flowed draw out their impurities and that's what all that black slag is coming off the top so it's not gold it's black it's like obsidian i don't want us to put it in the water bath but only needs a few minutes to cool down right now so you can touch it and then we'll pick it out and give it a good clean we're quite lucky uh most of the bars we do are quite quite clean some of them if they're doing low grade through the toilet they look ugly and they look hard to clean they're all quite black so they're still 95 ish but they just don't look so pretty but today we're pretty lucky you would have seen a few little balls of gold so just make sure they don't fall off in transit or get lost on the floor whatever just bang them down flat very soft so to make a bit of a plane put the number on it and that's basically our recording that is how many bars we've made since 1919. there ain't too many mines in the world that have reached 10 000 so they'll make more gold per day their weight is 400.100 our weight 400.096 [Music] crucible now this crucible is going to go into the furnace and the gold sponge is going to melt and we're going to pour out a pure gold bar now we're going to put this crucible in the furnace this is a gas-fired furnace gas and forced air and this furnace is burning at about 2000 degrees between 1800 and 2000 degrees fahrenheit now this is going to take about probably about 15 minutes for that to become completely molten and ready to pour see the molten metal changed a little bit as the gold comes through but it okay right at the very very end running fill up the first one ah good golf oh this is our gold bar getting ready to be poured jesse has opened up the furnace he's going to grab the crucible with the tongs very hot and inside is all the molten gold and he's going to pour it right into this graphite bar mold and there we have a red hot pure gold bar we're gonna let it cool for a second and we're gonna tip it out of the bar mold solid gold [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] you
Channel: StarTech TV
Views: 5,188,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StarTechTV, StarTech TV, machine, factory machine, machines, production, process, manufacturing, manufacturing process, production processing, technology, skillful worker, worker, Most Expensive Biggest Pure Gold Bar Production Process, Biggest Pure Gold Bar, Pure Gold Bar, Gold Bar Production, Melting Gold Method
Id: IgsJ5aLWyoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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