An Iced Up Gold Mine Melts And Finally Reveal Its Secrets

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this one is quite a journey up into the mountains and you'd better have a four-wheel drive and some good hiking boots if you wish to reach it i think you'll like this gold mine though it's been sealed off by ice for a long time so we've been watching and waiting for many years as the ice slowly very slowly started to melt away and then finally the opportunity presented itself definitely one of the more challenging minds we've entered we had to hammer away a lot of ice to be able to squeeze in and it was very tight even with that now it's uh i'm hunched over completely and you can see we're getting the crawl zone up there on the ice um i've got the waiters on so i'm going to try scooting on my butt and see if that'll work my buddy went ahead he's crawling but i'm going to try scooting there are not even words to describe how much this sucks that is solid ice and scrambling over this has been absolutely miserable it's been exhausting i'm soaking wet with freezing water it's uh got it's embedded the ice is embedded with sharp rocks that have caved off the back i mean this is freaking miserable anybody that wants to get into my exploring should definitely not start with a mine like this because you'll never want to do it again that's what we've come through on the way in it looks nice and fluffy like snow but trust me that is freaking miserable that's solid see case you don't believe me i have solid ice horrendous ah i'm gonna keep going though i wanna know what's back here the flashlight looks kind of cool like that huh it's just illuminating the ice so i finally reached a point where the uh ice has diminished enough to expose an area to walk along the side you can see the rail there which looks pretty cool uh even the ice has kind of a cool pattern uh looking ahead there that's where we're going it looks like i can sort of go back and forth across to uh walk here at least that's my hope see uh looks like an airline on the side right there the ice has cool patterns back here see what i mean it's pretty cool looking and then looking back that pattern is repeated pretty cool looking i'm gonna leave the camera running for a little while at least um so i think yeah it looks like i break out of this right up there thank god that was not fun at all i sure hope this one was worth it there it is the last of the ice thank god oh so much better so much better cool looking track in here nice beefy uh ties and everything this is pretty cool and just stretches out as far as i can see ahead i've been hiking through the miserableness for a while through here uh you can see on the water line how high this gets it was actually much higher when i started uh possible vein right there regardless i have arrived where an horseshoe was based on how that looks up there and by the amount of piled up jumbled timber the boards on the ground in front of me here this miserable awful line continues there and doesn't look like it gets any better so of course let's keep going i've been hiking in from that way and it was a very very long walk through that i've turned the camera on because i've arrived at a junction with the water coming in from there and there's also a drift running to the left here or straight if you want to look at it like that there looks like there's some dynamite boxes right there a bunch of ventilation pipe right here drift keeps going where they add it i'm not sure if this is a drifter attic i'm not sure where it goes yet anyway it keeps running straight a bunch of dynamite boxes stacked up here they have the storage stuff in them after they are used for dynamite not sure which uh there is a something up ahead i wonder if this was dynamite storage danger no smoking matches or open lights and it looks like it ends right here yep i would say this was explosive storage so let's head back and start going down that at it or i guess this was a drift and they actually added ran off to the right so what i am trying to say is we'll just keep falling at it we just came from looking down that section i am back at the junction i know something interesting here where it looks like the bottom of this box was full of nuts or screws or something like that and now they're all actually i have to say it's kind of beautiful beautifully outlined in the mud here looks kind of cool meanwhile we've got it running off this direction so we'll head this way and see what fresh torments await us we've got another junction here you can see the rails take off the left and to the right large tank right here if i can film it without falling down got that wooden barrel back there that's really cool to see that i'm actually amazed that's still intact in this mine given how wet it is back here the chamber running off here i guess we'll look back there a little water is coming down from there there's an oar chute right here huge timbers my buddy just around the band that's the light you're seeing i was just standing right there and i've come back in that little chamber we saw wood dynamite boxes ventilation pipe i don't know if there's any more back here and that's the end right there so storage for junk i guess that water is pouring down from whatever's up on top of that ore chute it's pretty impressive stuck in the mud right now but i just got out out of the mud and it's at least quieter up ahead but still pretty muddy that's just hard going i'll walk on the rail can't tell what this is up here yet some of the timbers have failed here as you can see ah wow there is a big blower right there how cool is that sorry guys i'm a hard time walking in the mud it's that sucky mud that is difficult to walk through it looks like they had a little uh work bench here so maybe they uh had taken the blower here to be worked on otherwise it seems kind of odd it'll just be sitting there but you never know that's pretty cool huh and then you've got some interesting wispy uh i guess that would be mold looks like uh cobwebs but i'd be very surprised if there were spiders this deep inside the mine now i just noticed you can actually see that stamp right there but i can't make it out maybe a buffalo buffalo forge company i think i can't see what it says below that but that's pretty cool we've got one of those old-school timbers i like where they just cut the tree down from outside and slap it in place i don't know why i'm a fan of that but i think it looks cool i guess we're looking back and what we came through a little pocket ahead overhead speaking of a head this is what we've got ahead interesting uh shape to the edit here looks like it just keeps running ahead for a while colors are interesting back here see what i mean looks like sulfides more timber supports it looks kind of the same for a while so i'm going to turn the camera off again and i'll probably pick up back there if it gets interesting i've come to another junction here so i'm resuming filming the water and such is flowing from that direction so i suspect actually there's another junction right there see the rail right there anyway the water starts coming from there so i suspect that is the main way to go but we'll see where this goes really quickly it's dry so probably doesn't go back too far it doesn't look like it goes back very far at all that's it and they actually have a rail running back here too it's kind of surprising huh okay well let's go back and hit that one next going off to the right this one here this one looks like it might have gone somewhere at one time but it's all backfilled and blocked off there's some boards and bits of pieces of wood back here anything too interesting yet [Music] it looks like that just stopped right there anyway actually i don't know if we're missing much here so let's continue down the main creek oh excuse me i mean the man had it oh wow that just is a long straight featureless nothing so i'm going to turn the camera off spare you me sloshing through the mud i will resume filming the next interesting thing we've hit the next interesting thing so there's a lot of interesting stuff pot along the side here [Applause] look at all those pipe fittings right there looks like some old gloves right there dynamite boxes some kind of tank oh that's a cool wooden barrel that's a different shape than i'm used to seeing that's interesting huh that's a little skinnier and taller than i'm used to seeing a bunch of hand tools back here this is neat got a pick right there another wooden barrel another wooden barrel another pick uh maybe fuse cord up there it's pretty decayed it's hard to tell looks like a looks like a single jacking drill bit right there actually and possibly right there in front of me it's my friend coming up behind me these barrels are full of i can't tell those are so rushed it's hard to tell what those are that one's empty and a bunch of spikes in that one how cool are these picks that's really really neat there's a good stuff here man yeah there is indeed and then they add it keeps running ahead this way another long featureless section this one's a little bit more colorful than the last one as you can see i do hear russian water somewhere off in the distance but i'll spare you to walk there and i'll pick up when it gets interesting again okay i turned the camera on sooner than i expected because look at the vein right here how clear is that i mean you couldn't ask for a more clear vein than what's running right there and interestingly they took out this top section of the attic or back as the miners call it see a nice quark stain running right there and we followed it to here and then stop but that's pretty courtsy through there see what i mean [Music] the rushing water is coming from right there so i'll leave the camera on it's like a rack for drill steel or something like that getting pretty muddy back here again another draining horseshoe that would work that is just massive no exaggeration that is massive there's the other side of the ore sheet and this is actually really interesting the timbers are even bigger here there's a pulley there and there's some kind of skip system here see a skip car here here's the bottom of it and it's full of stuff and ride up on that on the wooden uh platform right there see the ladder the main way there and that rides up as far as i can see up that way i've never seen something like this skip before this is really interesting i mean i've seen the tool skips before but i've never seen the uh the skip car in the tool skip so this is a first for me this is cool i've always wondered what that looks like this is really cool they'll put the tools in here and haul them up there's that tool skip right there there's some interesting stuff floating around here in the water old dynamite boxes over here is a big jumble of dynamite boxes and cable and penetrant first time i've seen that before some quark samples old shovel here more spikes back there more shovels here pretty interesting bad ground up here as you can see you see the remains an ore sheet right there and there's a big stoke running up here [Music] uh over my head bring it up a little bit i'll get a better view of that that's looking up into that stop as you can see this is hard filming in here so bear with me the uh attic keeps running ahead past this or shoot here tons of stuff down on the ground there it looks pretty messy i just came from back there and thought that arch right there is kind of cool you see the stop carries on through here there's another arch in front of us right there and then the attic keeps running will be another arch right there possibly uh the attic keeps running back to where it gets pretty wet there interesting rock back here must have had something good in it for the miners to be working it as intensely as they did on the ground in front of me you can see the remains of a pick which is cool i love all the hand tools in here that's really really neat it must have been another horseshoe right here based on that twin uh support those twin supports right there the stop actually i kept running up that way but no way to get up there now and then it gets pretty wet here i see another horseshoe up there don't say anything else interesting for a little way i'm gonna plunge into the water and push ahead and i'll pick up again when i get something good all right i've arrived at those shoots i thought it was an a shoot this actually shoots plural as you can see there's a timberwork connected to those as much as i hated this mind in the beginning after that i'm actually starting to like this mine now there's enough impressive stuff back here that it's one meal i said that just as i was tripping and possibly throwing the camera in the water but i haven't fallen down yet so i'm gonna forgive mine for that there's looking up that goes way up there wow that's a good 80 feet or more up there that's impressive and of course there's the other horseshoe here this is just enormous it's interesting looks like they kind of bounced the ore off the side right there and it would have spilled out here i hear dripping water up ahead looks like i could hopefully get out of the water again platform right there another ore sheet right there actually maybe that's not in the water just as much as stuff floating in the water it looks more like that now another ore shoot up there man there's a ton of junk floating in the water here look at this there's a ton of stuff i'm tripping over to you i'm stumbling all kinds of over all kinds of timbers back here which is not fun looking overhead it's all timbered up through here which is interesting and actually keeps connecting your worksheets so probably don't want to think about what's overhead especially given how rotten everything is yeah i thought this was solid ground instead it's just a bunch of stuff floating in the water see how it's rippling i'm not moving the camera that's what's moving so that's where the dripping sound was coming from it's off the end of that horseshoe right there some stuff shoved back there all right so now with those metal pieces in the side of the ribs that they added were they would help support the ore sheets that's clever another one there this shoot is plugged you guys have been go when i'm walking under it yeah it's all plugged up messy messy there's looks like some more quartz there obviously fall into veins you can actually see it pretty clearly now through there the water is getting more shallow which is nice another ore shoot right there i told you i was tripping over stuff that's the kind of thing i'm tripping over the water is folded and you can't see anything because it's how murky it is looks like just a whole gallery of horseshoes back here wow we're shoot after or shoot after or shoot back here [Music] that one's not plugged and see how it looks there this is full of horseshoes back here [Music] looks like we've got another junction right here in front of me so looks like the main attic continues straight maybe some blast sheets right here very dark rock back here a little side drift right here just stops right there got dynamite box right here dupont explosives that's in really good shape actually considering where it is another what's this one another dupont explosive this looks like 40 percent a lot of wood dynamite boxes stacked up here [Music] looks like dupont was the brand of choice in this mine ah that one's still loaded this one's full of dynamite yep you can still read the uh label on the side i'm having him shine as less intense light in so you can read the uh dupont on the side of the dynamite right there that's pretty cool i don't know if these others have anything in them or not i'm really going to toss them aside to find out uh they cracked it open from the bottom yeah it's empty from the bottom lots of timbers stacked up there more of those cool barrels i like all right oh now there's a bunch of stuff in there too all right now i i do have to admit this mine is definitely one me over that's where we are coming in from and we still have this ahead of us given that the blast sheets are here i'm thinking this may be getting near the end of this part of the mine but we'll see [Music] kind of cool seeing that i guess that's flowstone on the blast sheets i have not seen that before how colorful and cool looking is this wow [Music] is pretty neat all right i'm gonna admit it this mine really has worn me over as much as i did not like it in the beginning keeps running ahead got some ladders tossed to the side here kind of soul fighty back here and what do you know look at that quartz not at all surprised this area was so heavily stoked out you got the iron you got the sulfide it's got the quartz this must have been a good section it's got all the ingredients they're looking for that might be well i don't have my water i thought that might have been the end but i guess not a bunch of dynamite boxes tossed here can't tell if testy plots still or not more ladders obviously those ladders before this stop here i told you that meyers would have been attracted to that rock we're seeing and i think we might have faced out right there let's see yeah that's the face right there we're done at least for this section a little bit right there that water pouring out of the drill hole right there and scope [Music] it's all scopey overhead there is that scope extending down down down and over there that is it this is pretty awesome
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 512,663
Rating: 4.8257456 out of 5
Keywords: An Iced Up Gold Mine Melts And Finally Reveals Its Secrets, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Ghost Town, Mine Exploring, Ice Climbing, Abandoned Mine, Lost Gold Mine, Underground Mine Exploring, Underground, Mining Equipment, Historic Mining Equipment, Mining History, Glacier Mine, Ice Mine, Adit, Stope, Winze, Gold, Gold Mining
Id: 0YeMC5h7Gc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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