The Best Cringe Of Reddit (Classmates,Crushes And More) [Compilation] (r/AskReddit)

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girls over did what things do guys do to impress you that make you cringe ha one time a guy was showing me some picture he took on his phone as he is scrolling tons of nudes from other girls pop up in his camera roll like WTF dude this is our first date I don't want to see sketchy pictures like that at least save them to another album he wanted to show off how much a player he was so you'd be jelly when they try to impress me with their knowledge without taking my own into consideration for example this guy recently tried hitting on me in a parking lot he then started giving me bad car advice and it was obvious I knew more than him in mechanics I'm a grad student I've had guys try to explain my own research system to me immediately bragging or showing off within 5 minutes of conversation that includes how much you make your job etc one guy at a bar last week grabbed my arm to shout in my ear I had cancer when I was a kid yeah don't do that I think you would enjoy the movie fifty stroked fifty tell me how many girls they have slept with most of the time they are lying and if they aren't then tww willy pics I'm 37 or not Cupid and two days ago and do tried to send me one a day after we'd exchanged phone numbers to arrange a date he is in his late 30s early 40s seriously dude we haven't even met WTF bash on women it literally makes no sense but it's so common crap talk my so as if that will make me change my mind and hop on your William stead hey baby lose the zero and go with a hero winks and makes gun gesture with click sound he wore a shirt with two arrows pointing to his biceps that said welcome to the gun show a cringe and laugh flaunting their wealth I'm sure that is a 10 on for some girls but for me and most people I know it just screams douche bag crazy driving maybe once I've known you for a while and understand that you have total control of your car it'll be more comfortable with you driving fast and reckless but until then showing me how you can drift around the corner just makes me think you're being reckless with my life please stop but the handbrake turns I was told it worked the biggest one for me is lying about the things he's into just because I said I said I was into those things if you've never seen Blade Runner for example don't say you have just because it's my favorite film I can always tell when they're lying about this and I don't think it's sweet another thing is demanding to pay for everything I appreciate when guys pay but I like to pay once in a while too this isn't the 1950s and I have a job so let me treat some times I love Blade Runner Wesley Snipes is such a badass I once went on a second date where the guy who came to pick me up I live in apartments and try to be super considerate of my neighbors all the time as soon as I gets in his car he starts revving his engine super loud Hey I'm not impressed by that will so ever Aunt Bea I'm sure none of my neighbors appreciated the noise that was our last date when they say I could be with any girl right now look I chose you god bless you oMG so blessed when guys give me a resume or tell me why I should date them I'm real buff I'll treat you real nice I make lots of money I'll buy you gifts like I'm some sort of a shallow brainless twit that is looking to hire a boyfriend I got my Magnum condoms I got my wad off Android's I'm ready to plow I dropped my monster condom for my Magnum dong a man once bragged about how many women he had slept with and without transition asked me out on a date he went from talking about pound town to asking me downtown it was sadly not a joke I don't like loud obnoxious skies sure if were at a bar and you're drunk and yelling that's one thing but to just be loud and obnoxious all the time embarrasses me if were getting coffee the people at the other end of the patio shouldn't know what we're talking about went out with a dude I got set up with he seemed okay albeit not my type but I'm like whatever we'll eat and have an alright time nope we get to the restaurant and as soon as aa Latina waitress leaves he starts spewing all of this garbage about Mexicans saying they are lazy and that he wanted a new server thoughtful I just looked at him went lament oke T's sinta sassy and broke out of there TL DR racism does not make me hot translated I'm sorry you feel that way stone cold they ask me if they can help me with my math homework because I'm holding a math book I then explained to them that I'm a college professor and don't need their help equating their worth or validity as a human being with their car in any way whatsoever it's make its model its size etc I once had someone introduce themselves to me as I'm soon so I Drive a Lamborghini he was bright intelligent charming successful and didn't have a clue about himself I was trying to figure out what kind of names and so is for a little too long if a guy is trying to impress me I'm probably too busy being impressed that they're making the effort having said that the last guide to chat me up kept bringing up the fact that he's read all the Game of Thrones books and so is never surprised by the TV show I fail to see why this was such a huge point of pride but I guess literacy is never a bad thing oh my god Lana read a book I once had a guy tell me way too many giraffe jokes but I forgave him he was hot I try to avoid giraffe jokes not just on dates either because I'm always worried the joke will be way over someone's head and then I would feel bad one for some reason at the university I go to it's a really big thing for guys to brag about how broke they are this is almost always at the bars where they are spending copious amounts of money on drinks oh man I'm so broke I have like no money and that's why I am drinking hams all night it's not impressive and coming from a low-income background it pisses me off no you are not broke and if you are it's only because you're walking around in expensive clothes and going to bars every night people who are actually dirt poor do not brag about it why is this a thing to brag about to trying to act like they know more about a subject than they really do people know when you're boasting I respect people more for humbly saying I don't actually know very much about that so I can't comment in the same thing acting like there's no possible way I could know more about math or science or politics than them because I have tea and of vagina the three wow girls who look like you usually aren't this smart good for you why would you want to worry your pretty little head with grad school negging is not a good strategy for picking up quality women move on to the fall over drunk ones who are barely coherent enough to notice how awful you are if you want to continue these actions the hole that I'm a nice guy act if you really were a nice guy you wouldn't have to tell me that there was a guy at my college for a semester that would lift his shirt and show girls his third nipple we all thought he had Asperger's so it was really painful to watch follow me around the gym and strategically place yourself where I can see you left I'm busy bro also too the one guy who found it necessary to do one-armed rows right at the foot of my bench with 100-pound damn balls you drop it on my foot I'll end you not impressive annoying as Frick try to sound too intelligent in conversation texts by throwing in an excess amount of uncommonly used words usually this happens discussing things I like as if they're trying to one-up me on their knowledge of the topic or impress me with the fact they like it too guys at the gym that start grunting and thrusting dramatically while working out when a female is present pick up a guitar during a party and play Wonderwall for your information I am NOT a girl but I cringe when guys thinks that that would actually impress a girl this might just be me but talking about how much you work out sometimes it's not even subtle in the middle of a conversation about Harold and Kumar please don't shout and I can benchpress like 130 pounds I just thought you should know also sending a friend over to talk to me for you I thought that sort of thing would stop well after high school I'm amazed how many guys my age still do this shyness can be sweet but really I'm not going to eat you all so please don't tell me that for a girl I'm actually really cool if you bench 130 you are not telling anyone about it when I didn't have a 360 I played the Mass Effect series at the Rec Center at my school in the heat of a battle in me2 this bespectacled young man sits next to me and informs me that I'm using my sniper rifle wrong it's okay though because he's here to help actually people have paid him for his video gaming advice before so I'm lucky I'm getting it for free spoiler as if that weren't obnoxious enough though he talked all the way through the cutscene where Legion joins your party what's the most uncomfortable situation a nice guy has put you in a nice guy took my suitcase from me as I was walking down the stairs under the pretext of helping he wouldn't give it back to me instead saying he would help take it to my bus I kept telling him I was fine he could give it back I got it from here but no of course he sat me in holding my suitcase in the aisle as I was forced to take a window seat he kept telling me he could get me booze I was underage and didn't give a crap I just wanted to go home I even tried getting off a stop or two or three early but he insisted we take the bus to where he parked his car so he could drive me I was terrified luckily I texted my uncle who met us at the end of the bass line air force guy the nice guy couldn't give me my suitcase fast enough the hole I'm going to help you even if you never asked for it or straight-up said no thing pisses me off but the rest of the story got creepy real fast second date a nice guy surprise proposed me in a mall surrounded by too many people Oh God too soon at least wait until the third date I was trying to leave a frat party and the two guys guarding the closet claimed it was house rule that a girl has to give them her number to get their coats this was not a place I was familiar with and it was a narrow hallways tucked out of the way from the rest of the party they were larger than me drunk AF and kept trying to sweet-talk me into staying upstairs with them instead because they're so nice since they had been so nice to make sure no one stole our things at the party we had to pay them back one guy even said I could just flash him instead I gave them my number and when a guy started to text me I only responded with spider-man memes until he gave up literally never saw them again I only responded with spider-man memes until he gave up best thing ever last semester of college I had a class with this weird and obviously desperate but super awkward and negative guy he acted really fake to boot he always tried talking to me but his intentions were super obvious aka women are not human they are this elusive thing and I need to catch one of them one day I ran into the guy at the College shuttle he said hi to me and I did respond with a simple hi I didn't really know him so I left it at that he sat behind me and starts audibly and angrily muttering to himself about how girls don't pay attention to him in that he just tries and tries so hard yada yada yada that he's being nice but there just be etc it was so uncomfortable and he kept [ __ ] in the whole time I wasn't physically reacting ofc the guy was probably around not only when the dinosaurs were born but when dirt became a thing he was super nice and calm but no was not an answer for him let me walk you to your car I didn't drive you shouldn't walk alone there's some crazy people out there I'm waiting for a friend I can walk you to their car we're actually going to the restaurant they're five steps away and no not really to any of this but I don't do strangers walking me to my car especially this guy who insists on it come on I can't walk you to your car and if anyone tries to stop you I've got a 12-gauge in my truck I've used it on so many people before I'm not going out to my car I'm waiting for a friend I know how handcuffs are used as well I don't care leave me alone don't you want to no not really you use the cuffs on the feet rope to tie the hands up and then hang people I've done that once or twice my friend just went in the restaurant goodbye guy uses other entrants of the restaurants to come in and stand behind me as I'm telling hosts about the situation him and another big dude walked me to my car after Aldi leaves I drove home with 911 typed in a phone I also didn't drive home immediately because someone followed me I quickly turned off and drove to a public light turned off all lights and sat on Janelle the car drove past then I waited doors locked for 10 minutes and pitch dark before driving home intentionally going in circles on the way we were friends until one day on Valentine's Day he brought out his guitar and sang to me in front of a crowd and ended up asking me to be his girlfriend I had a boyfriend of two years so I had to say no to him in front of all those people thing is I had mentioned my boyfriend in almost every conversation and he still looked completely shocked that day when I told him I had a boyfriend he was the nicest guy and I really appreciated our friendship we stopped talking after that day though I felt terrible I have a boyfriend Dart anyway his Wonderwall I was at a party when nice guy shows up he's an old friend of the host who's known for being nice on paper but a complete butthole misogynistic I roll I tried to keep my distance from him as I'd had scary run-ins with him before when he was drunk he noticed my avoidance and would not leave me alone Sylla when he took off to pee in the bushes I quickly went inside to the spare bedroom and shut the door behind me so I could have a minute to breathe not even 5 minutes later the door swings wide open hey buddy I was looking for you he comes in and latches the door shut behind him stomach sinks then sits down behind me and starts aggressively rubbing my shoulders why are your shoulders so tense buddy after a beat I stand up and say dude this is super creepy I'm out he responds massages are creepy to you no wonder you're single I don't know what needs to happen to a person to make them this oblivious to their own [ __ ] oblivious people don't lock the door behind them let me sleep over because I'll live the narrow way and we'd been drinking and he pulls the ill a you're really lucky I'm a nice guy most guys would force themselves on you right now but I don't because I'm nice you're really lucky despite us having been normal platonic friends for a few months before this and me having established a few times that I wasn't interested in anything else with him wouldn't leave me alone while I was working kept saying it was a shame I had a boyfriend because you're so pretty and I'd treat you right over tipped like way too much because you're so beautiful I work at a busy music venue so he basically had to yell all of this at me while I was helping a hundred other customers I eventually had to tell him to buzz off which just meant he stared at me all night from the crowd waving at me after the lights went up he came over and launched in two visits a shame you have a boyfriend bit so I gave him some shitty excuse and booked it why come to a show if you're just going to creep on someone while she's working dudes creep on me sometimes but never as a self-described better than your boyfriend guy I think it is funny how the default seems to be that every boyfriend is a douche and treats his GF badly all while they are the ones portraying girls like first boyfriend a socially awkward 16 total a shat who wanted a girl to be a total virgin and innocent but also know how to be a total dirty sob I was just innocent hath this guy wanted stuff to happen between us but didn't want to initiate crap I was so not tuned in to sexual stuff and he obviously didn't realize I needed to be hand led through this he would hand things to me but they would just fly over my head like I went to South America to visit family and I was online talking to him and he said a girl made him an offer fight to this day have no clue what he meant he never said what she offered him 16 year old me was like what even decided to attack me for not giving him a bj the minute I met him he started the rant off with guys in my class have done stuff with girls and I finally clicked and lost it on him the only thing I got from that relationship was a backbone experience is a great teacher met a guy at a gathering at a mutual friend's place and ended up getting stuck talking to him all night night ends and I don't give it another thought couple weeks later he calls my house I didn't give him my last name or phone number since he now has my number he also knows my address and starts showing up at my house at weird times sometimes with his equally creepy sister fast forward a few years I haven't lived at home for at least a year he shows up dead answers the door and just tells him I'm not in not that I don't leave there or anything later that same night dad lets the dog out for a pee before bed dog disappears into the backyard chasing something she really wants to catch thinks it's a skunk or something until he hears the gate on the neighbors fence open and close quickly dog has chased a person out of the backyard my old bedroom window faced our backyard we don't know for sure but I think my dog chased that freaking creep out of our yard Frick you Adam that's a good dog Oh I considered him a friend stayed at his apartment when visiting his town he slept in the living room I in the bedroom when it got late he started making jokes about how he had hidden the bedroom key in that I should get ready for him I spent the night half awake and fully dressed from sheer fair in the morning I packed and wanted to leave but he wouldn't let me go without having a goodbye kiss he physically blocked the door so I couldn't get out I tried to play it off and somehow managed to squeeze by him without getting kissed but it was a terrifying experience and that was the end of our friendship well that is just something else holy heck teachers of Reddit what's the most cringe-worthy thing a student has said in class my dad's a teacher and he said a student once asked him what he did for a living teaching 10-12 year olds is a gold mine of cringy comments I can't pick if I liked girls I'd like you I mean not that I don't like girls well I don't not because I'm gay not that gay is bad but I'm not gay but I don't like girls I think because I haven't gotten to puberty yet made even better by the long pause between each sentence and the confusion on the poor girl's face I think that poor little boy gets a pass on swearing when I was in CPR class my freshman year in a suburb outside of Boston back before the Red Sox had won their first World Series in 86 years and Sox fans were rageful and hated the Yankees with more passion than they ever will again anyways class was almost over and the principal of the school came on the loudspeaker and said we have news and out of New York during his short pause I yelled out New York sucks September getting ready for playoffs and then he said two planes have crashed into the Twin Towers obviously I felt horrible and had no idea that was the day that would later be never forgotten oops I am a jackass the day before my wedding a student yelled have a great wedding ms linguist wear a condom kids got sense I'm a teacher who also works at our after-school program so I have kids from across several grades one of my third-grade boys was arguing with another boy when he shouts oh yeah you can just put your penis in my blood he was clearly serious and seemed to be under the impression that it was like a freak you type insult the other boy fell into stunned silence and some of the 5th grade boys who'd heard started snickering it were kind enough to tell him dude don't say that ever again I'm using this now my mother runs a small farm with chickens and roosters among other animals so I was volunteering in my daughter's first-grade class and they were making words with the Ox spelling pattern like sock Rock etc a kid made the word Willy and the teacher said that it was another name for a rooster my daughter suddenly yelled oooo my grandmother has a willy a friend of mine had to send a boy home from her kindergarten class for saying freak the police kindergarten showed my students a picture of the Titanic on its end beside the Eiffel Tower to give an idea of scale a student asked how they got the big boat to balance while they took the photo the whole class cracked up and I gently explained things to her but icebergs can't melt French beams I remember in high school one girl was giving a presentation on something and kept mentioning the shiites but pronounced it shapes for her whole ten-minute thing this one kid was laughing his ass off the whole time while he kept asking her wait oh she had no idea and just kept saying with a straight face the shibez in my college biology class last fall a fellow student asked if cobwebs were living creatures a student in my college bio class asked if we can get healthy and improve our AI sites by looking at plants I know him and he is a physic major who had the highest GPA in the physics department teacher Dave can you please write x and 9 on the whiteboard Dave how do you spell X x ofc the H is silent I asked one of my preschoolers what was for lunch one day during circle time she told me chopped liver and Jack Daniels another time I told a little boy he did a great job using counters to add he looked me square in the face and said yo B I'm the frickin man he was five oh one more I asked a five-year-old what rhymes with store he yelled on the top of his lungs W in the middle of the playground he sounds like a freaking champ a student raised his hand and asked to go to the bathroom during a lecture in geology 101 with about 200 other students to be fair we have had to ask to go to the bathroom since we were about four or five it's probably so engrained into his process in school that any deviation from that set standard is a surprise I have told this before but it fits I was teaching English at a university in Japan and I assigned the students the task of translating a Japanese folktale into English and presenting it orally to the class one young lady chose mama taro it's the story of a baby boy that is found when an elderly couple sees a massive peach floating down a river they retrieve it cut it open and find the baby he then grows up to fight monsters Momotaro is usually translated as peach boy but this young lady chose to translate it as the boy who came in my page she kept saying it over and over I nearly died trying not to show any reaction he's not my biological boyfriend what does that even mean means she has a mechanical boyfriend halfway through Animal Farm a student says wait a minute this book has talking animals in it no the French Emperor decided to become communist in a barn I have called several teachers mama more than 50 occasions through idk did that to my boss yesterday I want to die not a teacher this was me a school counselor came to her health class and did the presentation on suicide he brought a bag of hide shoes and whoever answered a question got one it was a boring presentation but I wanted to hide you really bad so when he asked his next question why do you think suicide is illegal I raised my hand and answered because no one wants to clean up after you that's also hilarious in a rather dark way just before the end of the class on the day before winter break I wished my students a Merry Christmas happy Chanukah or blessed Kwanzaa my German exchange student asked Chanukah what is Chanukah I explained it was the Jewish holiday that falls in the winter she said oh I've never heard of that we don't have many Jews in Germany she was a sweet girl if a little airheaded sometimes she wasn't making a joke my lab partner for my ninth grade year was one of the popular girls well since we had to spend the year together in class we talked a lot and got somewhat close now the table behind us had one of those typical neckbeards he was overweight unkempt had greasy hair in a ponytail and oily skin he was also the type that expected girls to flock to him and he was crushing hard on the popular girl but she had a boyfriend so he never said anything and well one day popular girl comes in crying so naturally I asked what's wrong she tells me that she just found out her boyfriend cheated on her as soon as neckbeard heard those words come out of her mouth he came to our table and started saying how he'd never mistreat her how a fine lady like her his words deserves a gentleman like him and how he'll beat the crap out of her now ex-boyfriend for her once he was done professing his love to her he grabbed her hand and attempted to kiss it she quickly pulled back her hand and he started yelling at her saying things like if a gentleman like me can't get to you what makes you think any other guy will and how she's gonna regret turning down a gentleman such as himself he sounds like an butthole one girl in an English class a few years ago 16 - 17 years old didn't the word crater or the existence of the Grand Canyon that's a problem my group of friends once had a soccer game with a bunch of teachers it was a cold rainy Tuesday night ten miles north of Stoke my group of friends did what we usually do post pay get changed as quickly as possible avoiding removing the underwear with the intention of showering once we get home our teachers did what they usually do post pay get completely butt-naked and use the school shower having been able to close my eyes before seeing a multitude of teacher Willie I was lucky enough to see nothing I did however jokingly give one of my teachers the nickname Big John Doe and it kind of stuck three months later a friend who wasn't part of the match asked for an explanation of the Big John Doe nickname I explained it as he got naked in front of me I saw his willy its massive next lesson the above friend and I have Big John Doe as our teacher that friend decides to ask him so kW 13 calls you Big John Doe because he saw your willy and it's massive care to comment I don't know if it's the most awkward cringe a worthy thing for him but it was for me a little girl kindergarten drew a picture of herself then colored the whole page red when asked why she colored everything in red the kid said that's what I'm going to look like when I blew myself up our unexpected jihad I teach math at college one semester I'm teaching a bridge course where students who have previously done poorly in math are given the opportunity to prove their potential the summer before they will begin proper classes basically if they fail the bridge course they don't get accepted to college one student is particularly defined to the idea of this class she fails to turn in homework even when directly asked and offers no excuse or reason eventually I directly tell her that she will surely fail the class at her current rate she gets defensive and claims I'm a criminal justice major I'm going to be a police officer I don't need math all I need to do is point and shoot needless to say she failed math saved a lot of people's lives that day men offered it what's the most pathetic ridiculous seeing another man has done an attempt to assert his dominance over you I always feel like the guys who refused to make room for you when walking by in the other direction are trying to assert their dominance and make themselves feel like hot crap I never understand why people do that he tried to drink water faster than me no one drinks water faster than me no one drinks water like Gaston literally last weekend some really drunk dude who I had never once met or interacted with tried to fight me to impress the girls he was with it was completely ridiculous and his way of trying to initiate it was just repeatedly bodychecking me on the dance floor which I ignored because I thought he was just being drunk and dumb turns out one of his friends had to stop him from blindsiding me with a sucker punch to the face assuming he was able to aim that well some people do not mix well with alcohol apparently I used to tend bar in Milwaukee and there is nothing that triggers self-conscious wine is more than seeing someone drinking something they don't like I cannot tell you how many arguments began with some dude always unsolicited unprovoked mind you feeling compelled to judge and educate other guys about what they are drinking or not drinking you drink that PS you pee and it goes downhill from there no one cares drink what you like and shut up in junior high I remember this one bully that would get on his tiptoes and bail out his chest like a gorilla and get all in your face whenever he felt threatened it was such a funny stereotype maneuver a former coworker he would just stand in the way and refused to move even if he wasn't in the way he would purposely get in the way I work in a narrow kitchen so you can imagine how annoying that could be at one particular moment I was carrying a bulky 20 pounds box and he decided to do that I pretended to not see him and barreled into him he fell over and got incredibly mad at me started talking about how I have no muscle it was pretty funny it was a display of the most fragile masculinity I've ever seen one time at a house party a few of us were talking to some of the girls there and one of the guys randomly started talking about how he does MMA then another guy joined in and those two started wrestling in front of the girls I don't think their shirts needed to come off either but what the frick do I know taking your shirt off his proper MMA procedure and culture leaving them on could have dishonored their whole family flick my monty generally guys purposely bumping into you when you walk past them especially if they're with friends then they get real aggressive and act like you intentionally bumped into them I work in a grocery store and sometimes help unload the delivery trucks and our delivery comes in on what we call cages like a six-foot cage on wheels and obviously one that's full of toilet paper we'll be really light and one filled with two-liter bottles of juice are the heavy ones the lift that lowers them from the truck has a patent metal floor and you have to pull the heavy cages hard to get them off now I am 5 feet 8 inches and don't have a lot of weight on me but I can call these cages off just fine but there's a guy who's like 6 feet 2 inches and is always trying to show how strong he is so whenever I am helping and he's there he always insists he gets the heavy cages and that I get the little guy cages everyone agrees he needs to grow up guys like that are great though because you can just chill and let them do all the annoying work if they feel the need to prove something talked about the MBA program at his alma mater was superior to where I was getting my MBA for clarification he doesn't haven't isn't working on an MBA but wanted to be sure I knew he was better because he went to a school with a perceived better program a friend tried to make himself look good in front of his crush by literally putting me in a random chokehold for a laugh turns out it was because I was talking to her I had a girlfriend at the time we were just talking it wasn't a chokehold though it was basically just a headlock so I decided to correct him I was fairly oblivious and didn't realize this was a failed alpha move creeped the crap out of his crush that he would do that out of nowhere and she stopped talking to him apparently she quite liked him up until that point so he kinda shot himself in the foot was out having a drink started chatting to the guy next to me when I learn Lee to is a musician he then tells me you're not a musician I find it offensive when people tell me they're a musician when they haven't put in the time and dedication that I have a que dude come down off your ego trip Christ I had someone stand on their tippy toes to seem taller when we were talking so when I was in the eighth grade threat was this one kid who hated me for no reason I was really big for my age so there was no way this five feet one inch his guy was going to fight me so he did something so cringy i have no idea what he was going for I was sitting at lunch with my friends and this kid walks up to us and spits in my glass of milk and says in a very commanding tone drink I just stood up and the kid belted got a good laugh out of it with my friend though earlier this year my boss asked me to do something and then leaned over me and said you are going to do it he was like literally leaning over me because he was six feet eight dude acted like a cliche high school bully from an eighties movie and was like 40 years old so I assumed he was at some point anyways II quit I worked in Residence Life over the summer at a moderately sized college campus the pay was good but there were tons of broken furniture and even more pissed stained mattresses anyway I was good enough at doing this that I became sort of an on site supervisor but the supervisor would tell us what building we would be evaluating emptying that day and then I will basically take over as soon as we left one day we had a five story dorm to go through and all of the mattresses were due to be replaced I told the group there were seven or eight of us that the easiest way would beat a former a lay down the stairs two people would go to the rooms on the topmost floor and toss em down the steps to the next level and then they would toss those down the steps all the way down until the last two people on the bottom would put the mattresses in the truck and then every floor we'd swap off so people could have the easier jobs we are moving along ridiculously fast under this system cleared out a whole floor in just under an hour and then the supervisor showed up and told me that no everyone needed to carry out their own mattresses because he didn't want lazy people on the team in other words he wanted everyone to go to a room on the fifth floor and carry a mattress down five flights of stairs to the truck all through the day he told us that it was an easy job and then proceeded to make a show of lifting up two mattresses on his shoulders and jumping down the half-light steps onto the landing he did this two or three times complete with loud grunts to this day I have no idea how he didn't get injured and then berated us for being lazy he didn't make us jump did he make sure that he stayed to watch us do it the right way we finished the next floor by the end of the day when asked about what his hobbies are he responded with hobbies offer children and single women I work was on a four-hour flight in a two-person row the Guide Lomond had to have full access to the middle armrest would push my arm off it if I ever got near it I was walking to my car after school and this guy getting in his car just yells at me you ugly F bro I flipped him off without even looking at him and he yelled B and drove off how petty do you have to be to tell someone minding their own business that they're ugly people that shout out of cars are cowards we once had a candidate come into the interview and lidget say he wanted to sit behind the desk because he was going to be asking the questions to decide if he wanted to work with us I think he'd gotten some bad advice about having confidence I laughed but our HR manager flipped her crap the only time I have ever seen her call security one guy I know tried to get everyone to whip out their willies and compare sizes and honestly it came across as one of the most insecure and childish efforts to assert dominance ever because Willie size has nothing to do with dominance also this is the guy when we were getting a house insisted we've all gotta be equals despite always trying to run things maybe he was just a clever gay guy had a dude get mad at me for talking to his girl all the time I was her econ tutor was at a party and was given the task of handing out beers to people this guy flipped a crab screaming saying he only drink real beer dude it was cold and free that is the best beer there is peace super forcefully directly into the water so that the lesser males know how powerful my stream is a guy was mad at me while sitting at a light and was revving his engine it sounded like he held it at the redline and there was a big crack sound and smoke started coming out of the front of his car the dummy blew his engine that's when you throw your head back and laugh as you slowly accelerate forward in your 2013 Dodge Dart my neighbor in front of my I'm a guy house had a boyfriend that would literally rip his shirt off and come outside every single time I was in my front yard it could be 7:00 a.m. or midnight but it wouldn't matter to him I could be walking to my car and here comes mr. Globo gym flexing all around his yard he would immediately go back inside when I went back inside this went on for almost half a year until one day I saw him hop into his mega lifted truck and drive away never to be seen again he did have pretty sweet pecs though I would have spent a day fricking with him go outside for a while and wait for him to come out then just go back and until he leaves then do it again the overly firm handshake is always annoying I'm not a freak show of strength but I have a good enough grip that I can get em to back off what was the quickest thing you did in your first relationship was walking her home anticipating kissing her for the first time at her doorstep and kept licking my lips because I didn't want to kiss her with a dry mouth halfway to her house she looks at me and says stop doing that I realized I probably looked really creepy did y'all get a kiss though we were in seventh grade and had been dating for maybe two weeks I printed a marriage certificate and showed it to her the first time she came over to my house she called her mom and asked to go home immediately this reminds me of when my first girlfriend gave me divorce papers when we broke up well she said that she thought we would be better off just being friends so I decided that I needed to do some big grand gesture to prove my love it always worked in the movies so what could go wrong I practiced singing the song for weeks on my ukulele and figured that I would wait until after her softball practice was done in surprise her I sang your beautiful by James Blunt it's a freaking miracle anyone talked to me after that we took a break and I posted a video to creep by Radiohead with the caption for that special someone hug I almost cringed off my chair writing this could have been worse you could have posted a video to karma police by Radiohead with the caption girls are not to be trusted by Kevin let my mom purchase custom matching airbrushing shirts of two people kissing with my girlfriend and my name on them I'd report my mum for child abuse if she suggested that after I saw Eric proposed to Donal on that 70s show I went out and got a 25 cent ring from the local Pizza Hut in proposed at school in front of everyone I was 16 he French kissed me after eating a bacon double cheeseburger with onions and all sorts of other stinky stuff I told him I had a bad experience with french kissing with a guy before him lies he was my first kiss at v-- and I would appreciate if he never did it again bonus cringe I rubbed vapor rub near my eyes to make myself cry when I broke up with him and told him I was overwhelmed and needed to focus on school I was in eighth grade bonus cringe I rubbed vapor rub near my eyes to make myself cry when I broke up with him and told him I was overwhelmed and needed to focus on school I was in eighth grade a +4 production value though she started to ignore me at school this was like maybe one or two weeks after we started dating I called her house like six or seven times one afternoon after school until her mom picked up who was basically furious because I had been calling I explained to her that Alexa was ignoring my calls I hear in the background Alexa why aren't you answering the phone to which she responds because he's weird and he just keeps calling I hung up the phone and went to my room I carved her name in my wall with a pen I still cringe about it to this day I was too immature to talk about us one day having naughty time so I'd giggle and say do you know I licked her face to be random God that hurt to Rea imagine please don't mention hybridised eating utensils broke up with her because my best friend told me to we were perfectly fine together but I guess I kinda worship the guy and his advice he later tried asking her out when we split we were all 14-15 what in butthole the letters I've wrote all those letters fifteen-year-old me thought he was deep and romantic he washed I hope they don't exist anymore in the fourth grade I wrote anonymous love letters to a boy I liked and left them in his desk I saw that he threw them away so I started writing my name on them he still threw them in the trash was walking her home in our neighborhood she says her parents not home I say cool you have the whole house to yourself and walked back home wondering if I'd ever get a chance to touch her boobs he took me to Olive Garden and bought me that meat lovers lasagna I'm pretty dang sure that's what it was is called and when we got back to his place I wanted to show him how appreciative I was so I gave him my first bj turned out I was not ready for that job and threw up the entire lasagna on his penis God helped me I can't believe I'm finally sharing this story that is horrible but I am sure there is the meat lovers joke in there somewhere I was 17 we had just had a fight I drove to his house and blasted scars by Papa Roach from my car and just stood awkwardly at the end of the driveway waiting for him to come out I really wish this weren't true told her I loved her within the first 24 hours at the school parking lot my friend accidentally whimpered I love you as he climaxed whilst losing his virginity talk of the school apparently I hit my girlfriend with my car it was a complete accident we are still friends and it is a story that still comes up in conversation every now and then please start using the line year I hit that I was super shy back in the day and I really really liked this guy who had weirdly flirted with me in one of our classes he told me I looked like some random celebrity when I wore my hair down in how hot she was so I never wore my hair up again for the entirety of school I replied later by slipping a note in his locker but didn't sign it a few days after that I threw in a t-shirt I thought he would like he didn't know who it was from until weeks later when he finally wore it to school to see if anyone said something to my BFF at the time dill and he realized it was me super creepy on my end we ended up dating for a day before we broke up because we were stupid kids now 15 years later we reconnected and are now married so totally worked as planned while ratata Lee did not see that coming I love this my first makeout session with someone was with my first girlfriend we were in her bedroom turned out the lights and went at it on the floor of her room after a while I feel something wet on my face I didn't want to stop so I just ignored it and carried on but she notices it too and decides to turn on the light because something is really wet on our faces light comes on and turns out I'd had a massive nosebleed and there was blood everywhere I was covered in it she was covered in it and there were blood stains all over her room if that wasn't embarrassing enough when she went to the bathroom to clean up a mom caught her in the hallway she sees the blood and immediately screams her assumption was that I was beating her daughter up and I get chucked out the house took a long time and explaining for me to show my face there again also lost my virginity to the same girl too Kool & the gang's celebrate that was cringy as heck - I let him finger me at school with no idea the people at the next table could see after the first date of going to the movies I never put my arm around her because I was too scared we sat in my driveway and she didn't say goodnight because she was waiting for me to kiss her I did nothing so she finally kissed me in defense mode I lick my lips all the way around with my tongue like scooby-doo does with the cotton candy in the theme song and I even did the really kill me had to save this comment on FeO I got us matching dog tags with our anniversary on its after dating for around six months and would secretly get very sad when he wouldn't weigh his decline staying the night because I was and I quote wearing a skirt and didn't wanted to ride up while I was sleeping I used to take laps around the playground and slap stickers on her ass I don't know what I was thinking sounds like some weird arse anime crap tried to defend her honor I got the crap kicked out of me by three guys I earned credit for taking a beating but she thought we should just be friends after witnessing that TBH there's worse things to have three guys beat the crap out of you for that was a losing battle from the start unless you're some Jackie Chan looking Punk lawl we finally had done it when at a party at my friend's house whose parents were home the mother knocked on the door and said what is going on we did not stop [ __ ] I had honestly forgotten this until I read this question first date to a movie we see Titanic because that can only end well we as horny youngsters aren't watching the movie but instead making out and moaning in probably the third row of a packed theater I'd never made out before I assumed moaning was involved ugh so cringy and gross my first kiss was in the movies at the Bounty Hunter it was interesting because I also got my first BJ a few minutes later in the same spot I remember four things one my parents and her parents were two rows in front of us to the looks of disgust on the old couple's faces four seats down three she swallowed and it was way too much sensation for 16-year old me three Jared Butler was in it a girl that I was about to start dating mentioned she really wanted to go to New Zealand at some point in her life to a group of people not even just to me so I immediately priced plane tickets and lodgings to New Zealand for a honeymoon then unbelievably before we had actually started dating I told her I had priced our honeymoon my defense was that if things did work out New Zealand was so expensive I'd have to start saving then we still dated but only for about two months and neither of us have been to New Zealand I was so nervous on the way home being 14 his dad drove us to my house to drop me off I leaned over to kiss him on the cheek a quick Peck and then I threw up his mom's for heaters all over myself started dating three months before sophomore year ended once summer started I completely guested her skipped the first week of June of a year I thought we were still together you can imagine how she reacted when I approached her for a kiss the shame is still real to this day made an account just so I could finally tell this cringe-worthy story high school girlfriend and I used to make out on her bed with the door locked while her parents were out there under the impression was studying heavy kissing and at some point she says cut it out your breath stinks start kissing her neck and she slowly wraps her legs around my thigh couple minutes later starts breathing heavily couple minutes after that her legs tighten around my thigh couple minutes after that she suddenly goes rigid eyes roll up till I see wipes rapid breathing exhaling heavily I panic and this is my [ __ ] thought process since all the Bloods left my brain she's choking I should give her CPR but she said no kissing for her mouth so I close my lips around her nose and blow it like a trumpet she starts coughing immediately that she's too polite to cuss me out says she needs a drink of water and leaves the room we continued to go out for six years after that this was with a girl I dated in high school my dad was getting drunk at a block party so I got the idea to take his ski boat and go for a romantic boat ride so we park in the middle of the lake start making out in staff we notice our feet getting wet the boat was sinking so I start freaking out bailing water out with cups sopping it up with my shirt and wringing it out of the boat you know just frickin panicking right after I accept the fate of my dad's twelve thousand dollar inboard motor skip out and calm down I remember that I didn't put back the drain plug before dropping it in the water so I replaced it drove back tailed my first real GF that I'm glad she wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world so I didn't have to worry about every guy trying to steal her speech 100 I met the love of my life at age 17 aka I started getting my brains ripped out for the first time she was not shy talking about her prior boyfriend who had a super-huge Willy that she claimed was very painful of course there were other details about their relationship that she shared - and she was complicated and we had a lot of fights which I couldn't get my head around at some point I decided it would be a good idea for him and me to talk and compare notes so I wrote him a letter proposing this mutual friends reported that he was utterly flabbergasted by this but he approached me and said what would you like to talk about I think I babbled for 20 minutes after that but I have no further recollection looking back what the heck was I thinking the entire 20 minutes you were thinking about his huge hog I lost my virginity to my first girlfriend I was about 16 at the time and was invited over to stay the night because her dad was on a business trip I was excited because we have talked a bunch about doing it and I was ready to finally lose my virginity I get to her house and we are straight to action she pulls down my pants and my willy is as limp as top ramen noodle she sucked me off for about 30 minutes until I could get at least half a chub I put it in missionary and started humping I didn't really know what to do with my hands and at the time I knew that people pull hair during noir time so I crap you not I stare at her missionary position and take two handfuls of her hair on both sides and just pull in a downward thrust while I'm humping I sometimes think of this moment and want to disappear lul a guy almost completely erased this memory so I was young and I had my first boyfriend we were experimenting and I really wanted him to think my pee tasted nice so I would literally rub strawberry frickin flavored lip gloss in my vagina there's no way he didn't know I thought it was such genius idea that I had to Garet with my fellow women so I wrote it down and passed a note in class to one of my friends it dropped on the floor and all the boys read it and screamed laughing strawberry lips was my new name and I cried for a week photographers who do school picture days what are your most cringe-worthy strange stories of your career I'm not a photographer but I probably gave the one who took my second grade school photo a weird feeling I just moved from a third world country and didn't speak a lick of English I had no idea what a soda-can was much less the hallowed tradition of picture day so when my class was directed to shuffle down the hole in an orderly line to the gym and I saw all those abstractly bluish background canvases that look like x-ray images all over the gym and that we were all going towards a spot directly in front of it one at a time in this solemn fashion I thought we were all one by one having a medical procedure done to us and that's why I look a little teary and very very stoic in my second grade photo go to dress my little boy up nice for surgery day I did senior portraits in this railey nerdy looking kid wanted photos with his two samurai swords I tried my best to make it look cool but I just couldn't another senior did couples photos with her boyfriend they specifically earnestly requested a pose where the girl posed all cute on one side of the couch while the boy sat on the other side of the couch staring at her while stroking his beard that one didn't turn out well either every awful school photo becomes timeless you created art and you should be proud of it spent 15 minutes with a guy because he blinked every time I took the photo I tried everything in my book making him close and open his eyes before snapping the picture delaying the flash shooting without flash taking the picture while talking to him so he'll be distracted nothing worked ended up taking his picture with a cell phone because apparently what made him close his eyes was the shutter mirror sound somewhere out there is a kid with a story about how he made his school picture last 15 minutes cause he kept closing his eyes on purpose when I was having my graduation portrait taken the photographer pulled me aside afterwards and for like 30 minutes was talking about all this new Photoshop and airbrush techniques they could do now I played along being polite I didn't really care but he seemed super hyped about it and how cool it was turns out it was his subtle way of asking me what I thought if he airbrushed out my pimples I had pretty awful acne at the time but like holy crap lunar lander couldn't find a decent spot to put down in he eventually gave up and I left thinking to myself how where that dude was I got the pictures a few weeks later he did a good job and completely airbrushed everything out I showed my dad who took one look and said who the Frick is that they airbrushed my freckles off my face for my senior portraits before that I was always told they were cute knocked my confidence down a peg I work as a photographer one of the people I work with was shooting a little girl per request of more she tried like heck to make her smile but she refused she wasn't rude or upset just very shy and quiet and uncomfortable taking photos mom told the photographer that a week prior photographer at her school told her she had a weird funny ugly looking smile and to learn to smile better too since then the little girl refused to smile in any picture mom brought her in to see if our photographers could change that I think she got some decent shots but man I remember what it was like getting shut down like that as a kid it was devastating in his freshman year my brother a white dude switched his picture card with an Asian friend office they figured that the picture guy would notice that it was weird that a white guy would have an obviously Chinese name and they would tell them to switch back nope for the rest of his time in high school on every form and computer system my brother was an Asian guy confused the heck out of substitute teachers this somehow happened to a few kids in my school our pictures were swapped with the primary kids across the road I was a little blonde 6yo girl for about three months can we do funny when I was a school photographer to amuse myself I tried to give each kid in class a unique word to say fuzzy puppies funky monkeys et Cie etc so I get this little girl at my chair she's got the thickest glasses I've seen an overbite and as pale as a vampire but whatever a kid is a kid so I say okay safe fuzzy kitties and she gives me the most irritated look I've ever seen I'm allergic to kitties like it was the dumbest thing anyone had ever said to her and she felt sorry for how done I was I was photographing a third-grade class and I got to an adorable little boy and went through my list of instructions now turn your head here shoulders here oopsie you're right on there wait please move your right arm he gave me the saddest little look and showed me the stub on his right shoulder he had no right arm I felt like a terrible person we were doing photos of a special-needs high school guy comes up in a windbreaker corduroy high-water pants velcro tennis shoes and the thickest glasses I've ever seen I asked him whose class he was in so I could make sure he was in the right group and he said he wasn't a student he worked there ha ha that's hilarious that makes me remember off when I was in elementary school my mother volunteered to come do surveillance at school during lunch breaks and the sixth graders kick her out of the class and called her names because they tough she was a student she ended up yanking two of them by the ears and dragging their asses to the principal's office photographed a class of one in two-year-olds I mostly did preschool their teacher had written herself thank-you notes as if they were coming from the pre verbal children like dear Me's Judy thank you for changing my diaper a dear mais Judy thank you for giving me snacks every day she had written one for every kid and hung them up all over her wall later as I was trying to navigate my tripod through a hallway she felt I was in her way and threatened to bash my face in with a door dear Miss Judy thank you for not murdering me some kids showed up in a fursuit like full-on fursuit a bright blue fox and he ended up having a half-hour long argument with the photographer and assistant principal over it my school has a kid who shows up in a fur suit every day and doesn't take it off and for some reason nobody questions it maybe I'm just more crazy than I originally thought so I'm in kindergarten getting my picture taken 1980 the flashbulb pops and explodes catches that umbrella thing on fire all the teachers scream and I crapped my pants awkward when I get picked up by mom wearing underoos and holding a plastic bag but the teacher said I was brave a simpler times you handled that situation the same way I were today I do Santa photography had a 12 year old boy common with his family he was extremely excited to meet Santa so excited he decided to pee his pants as I was setting the shot up didn't see until I took the first photo with some clever hand positioning I was able to hide it for the most part parents didn't even notice I worked for a company that did this didn't work there long but the worst thing I encounted was multiple notes on the forms parents sent back to the saying don't make my child smile or they have a bad smile don't make them smile how terrible is it to tell strangers you hate your child's smile I understand some didn't want big toothy grins because they were missing teeth but that's part of childhood they'll never be like that again why not enjoy it I'm a studio photographer and this is one of the most heartbreaking parts of the job worse than telling strangers is when they let their kids hear it I've seen way too many five-year-olds having sobbing breakdowns because they don't know another smile mom I'm sorry for one lifetime it was for a middle school there was this young lady having her portraits done she wasn't doing anything bad in hindsight she was just very well developed for her age and be sure she was wearing had a little cleavage I'm sure her parents sent her out of the house just fine and she probably felt very pretty and confident young lady having photos done no big deal class portrait time out of nowhere this middle-aged female school administrator comes up to her she Yanks are out of the photo and chastises her for her outfit then she makes her wear this oversized baggy t-shirt and we redo the photo I can only imagine what this girl was going through kid I went to high school with showed up on picture day wearing a giant afro wig he had won a wig the year before that it wasn't as noticeable so our senior year he decided to push it these one tear book shots just glides he gets to the front of the line and the photographer tells him to take the wig off he argues it was he real hair and even breaks out that my dad is black argument finally the guy just lets him take the picture with the wig on guy at my school had a reverse mohawk which is where you shave a line down the middle the photographer actually asked him if he'd like to wear a hat our grade school principal got a pink inverted mohawk one year at a school assembly because we met our reading goal for the year really cool principal I asked a fourth grader if she hurt her foot oh I have a prosthetic leg she was wearing sandals and sure enough rubber foot I asked a seventh grader to sit up straight spinal problems his doctor bought a copy of the photo as a before shot for a textbook he was writing whatever the doctor did it worked like a charm a kid told my assistant that they ate their pet rabbit the night before I asked a kid to sit down he sat down on the floor I told him not on the floor on the chair please point your knees at the computer he got up and touched his knees of the computer I said no sit on the chair and turn your knees point them at the computer I asked a kid if they wanted their hoodie to be in the picture number okay take your hoodie off no do you want your hoodie in the picture number if you don't surely to be in the picture you have to take it off or it will be in the picture oh I want my hoodie in the picture I tapped a kid on the shoulder from behind and asked where the teacher was she was the teacher and I had known her for almost 20 years by that point asked a teacher if a severely disabled student could sit by themselves on the bench the student couldn't and there was a pretty hard thump on the gym floor hoodie kid was stone-deaf at school I'll try to remember some stories later but there was one shoot I'll never forget first off we were expected to do three sets of pictures for each student one for the yearbook tux for boys draped for girls one for cap and gown and one set of casuals casuals usually involved hand poses with a table we'd bring in some cutesy stuff like holding a rose up to your shoulder or like full body pictures meant to show off their clothes so a girl comes in she looks out of it like really not connected to the world I take the yearbook pics I take the cap and gown all the while her smiles are so obviously faked and her eyes are just gone it's okay I was used to dealing with students who didn't want their picture taken I'm pretty good at loosening them up and making them laugh but she was barely paying attention to me she seemed really distracted I tell her to change into her regular clothes to take her casuals and she's like okay all monotone she comes back and has huge bandages on her arms clearly this poor girl had tried to kill herself rather recently and was just taking these pictures out of obligation or something every casual photo I'd take off her would have those bandages and there would be no mistaking why they were there instead of taking them and having them show up in the proof snap would go out to the parents I tell her okay you're good thanks for coming and she just shrugs and leaves just as apathetic as before this was like six years ago and I still think about her sometimes and I hope she's happy now probably the most awkward moment I had was working with Life couch and photographing a girl's senior portrait when I was 23 she went on and on about how she was 16 and skipped a grade because she was so smart I told her that was good for her but could be hard when it came to college responded with a story of her spring break in Mexico where she did a wet t-shirt contest and was in the top three contestants most Awkward conversation I've ever had doing senior portraits in the top three means I got third being a young female photographer probably having to photograph male high school seniors is the most awkward I've been asked out on dates hit on went that and straight up had any and all requests for them to smile nicely stop goofing around or take their hat off ignored in photographer there was a very small country mountain high school we used to take senior pictures at every year only about 15 or 20 seniors each year if there was no other photo studio or services for a few hours drive so when we came to town to take pictures it was a big deal I did several sessions where I was taking entire family photos newborn baby pictures and Bridal portraits during their senior portrait sessions yes Bridal portraits some were for upcoming weddings but most were for the wedding and all children they had already had during their junior year that they had no other pictures for oh my when I was in great school a photographer kept telling me to open my eyes even though my eyes were open I didn't know any better so I was struggling to open them super wide while having a smile now that I'm older I feel like he was just making a racist remark since I'm Asian had a similar thing happened to me except that only slightly Asian I asked a kid to please look at the camera like three times then I realized he had a lazy eye dang ha I had a lazy eye have had multiple surgeries to correct it and this happened to me in like second grade my teacher butted in telling him about my lazy eye and he tried to apologize I didn't care though because picture day meant I got out of doing a little bit of work a guy at my school demanded to have a picture of him with a Microsoft painted spacesuit on as his senior photo but the teachers wouldn't let him but so he paid an extra to have himself as an ad in the final part of the yearbook with a photo of him in a spacesuit the photographer accidentally over wrote my picture with a picture of my boyfriend picture of boyfriend followed me around all through senior year obligatory I am NOT a photographer but my senior year in high school I almost ended up with my boyfriend's picture above my name in the yearbook instead of my own we had to go in for pictures about a week before school started at a specific time depending on last name so a names went at 10 B names at 10:30 and so on my last name and my boyfriend's started with the same letter we lined up together and the lady gave us our barcode cards with our names I got my picture taken and then waited just outside the picture area for my boyfriend I watched as the photographer neglected to scan my boyfriend's card took the picture overwriting my picture realized the mistake scanned the correct card and took the picture again I asked him if I needed to do my picture again but he waved me away a few weeks after school starts we got our rid cards well everyone but me one of my friends was an office aide and he was cracking up every time he looked at me at lunch when asked why he said you'll see I was called to the office and shown my card which had my boyfriend's picture on it but they wouldn't let me just take it and said I had to do picture retakes throughout the year the picture of my boyfriend was associated with my name in the school's computer system I got a lot of double takes from new teachers who would look at the name and picture when calling roll and then seen me and be confused somehow my row take picture ended up on mine but nowhere else the yearbook only ended up with my correct picture because I had a friend on yearbook staff who caught the mistake before it went to print the picture company did send me free copies of both my pictures in the ones of my boyfriend though which was nice the Wicked Witch of the West is coming to to steal all of your Halloween candy like this video in 2.1 seconds or shall take all of it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 218,855
Rating: 4.7306733 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: WSr55rLFeNU
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Length: 70min 41sec (4241 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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