1 In A Million Chances Of These Things To Happen (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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what is a one-in-a-million thing that happened to you that will never happen again was at Dave & Buster's for a friend's wedding reception probably 10 or so years ago I wanted to play skee-ball I'm not really good or anything just liked playing and their machines were in really nice shape to get five dollars in tokens and the very first game I got a bunch of 100's and ended up beating the score to win the jackpot I had like 860 points or something flashing lights siren going off everyone looking at me it takes about five minutes for all the tickets to spit out of the machine it was a giant pile on the floor meanwhile I just wanted to play some skee-ball it finishes in the teenager minding the counter climbs up to the top and resets the jackpot counter I put in another token and Lam did it again bunch of 100's another jackpot much less this time the kid working gives me this look like I cheated you can't play anymore I gave all the tickets to my friend's daughter and she went on a shopping spree as many rubber balls and plastic trinkets to last her a lifetime when I was younger the first time I had ever been to Dave & Buster's I was doing like some electronic fishbowl Plinko and I got the 2500 ticket jackpot first try it was a lot game but still I ended up getting a very soft and big stuffed animal I actually still have it I took a job in a somewhat remote area of Northeast China about 20 years ago I had two roommates one American and one Canadian and we were part of just a handful of foreigners out of about two million Chinese in that area fast forward 10 years and I'm back in the USA I was dating a girl who was going on a girls trip to Mexico she and her girlfriends went out to a bar and got to talking with another group of people one of the guys there started showing photos from his travels and lo and behold there I am he was my roommate from China a decade before and while chatting with these girls decided to share the pictures of his travels after a few of those prove that you know him questions they both flipped out small world if I stuck my hand out the window to feel if it was still raining and a bird shot right on it doing that again that bird was talking to his friends later that night like so I'll let one loose while flying and when I looked down it landed on some random hand stuck out a window what are the odds definitely doing that again I was about to fall off the staircase at our flat but my reflexes kicked in and I was able to do a handspring and flip forward to land on my feet it won't happen again and I sure hope I don't come close to falling like that once as a kid I was running down a steep hill tripped did a full flip and landed on my feet still in mid-stride without even slowing or losing my rhythm it was so fast and smooth I still question if it even happened sometimes I don't know the actual stats but I won one of those gold ps4 sets back worm Taco Bell was doing their sweepstakes I won a ps4 from a sketchy video game history quiz and they shipped it all the way from India I have no idea what company even sent it only that to this day the ps4 still holds up and it's been like four years of near constant use I was playing beer pong years ago definitely passed my limit on drinks this really pretty girl shows up to the party and asks how to play beer pong I start explaining the rules and when I got to trickshot she asked what they were never breaking eye contact I threw my ball up which hit the ceiling fan blades which were going at full speed and went straight into a cab after laughing for 10 minutes we all tried to recreate the hole-in-one never even slightly close I was doing a hike in Maui and at the top of the hike was a large waterfall on a sheer cliff face the moment I got to the waterfall I heard this earth-shaking rumbling I could feel the sound kind of like heavy bass through speakers when I looked up at the waterfall a couple of huge rocks were falling down if I had been a minute faster on the hike I would have been right below those rocks as they were falling terrifying but also breathtaking to see the power of nature that's like some final destination stuff right there I bet you were crapping your pants when you realize that could have been the end one time I pointed if the sky one night and told my little brother watch this and a freaking shooting star came and went dude when I was young me and my good friend were looking and were talking about shooting stars and so one right away it was wild ran into passenger doing a street performance in Adelaide promoting his new album in 2015 two weeks later I ran into him again doing another street performance in Sydney I did not know of either of these performances before just stumbling upon them I had a boyfriend in high school tell me of this man he met in Florida who called himself backpack Jesus and said he planned to walk across the country a couple years later I meet a kid from California and he tells me he met a guy on the beach in California who called himself backpack Jesus and just walked across the country sucker actually did it I fell off my loft bed did a mid-air flip and landed on a corn cob and got a corn cob shaped bruise on my hip so close I was struck by lightning twenty-second story of John Hancock tower in Boston the big glass one through a conference room window the storm was very pretty but I don't go near windows during storms anymore I bought a house in a small town in Ohio about two hours from Columbus my wife and I decided to go to a random Ohio State game since we have never been and got tickets off StubHub when we got there we ended up sitting next to the people we bought our house from my husband and I met in our late thirties in Indianapolis Indiana both living there we were born in the same hospital and lived in the same housing edition as children in Riverside California and our fathers worked together I kicked a basketball into my basketball net from roughly 50 feet away my driveway is on a 40 degree angle so the ball came rolling back on my second attempt I shattered one of the windows on my garage door was smoking outside a hotel in a place a few cities over from me homeless man comes and asks me if I can buy him some food got to talking over some cheesy chips homeless guy was my estranged cousin not quite me but my dad he was diagnosed his a brain tumor about a year and a half ago the doctors said he literally won the lottery of brain tumors it was a meningioma right on top of his brain right under the skull they got 99.99% of it out so it would be a real surprise if it grew back I cut a fly in half while it was flying with a set of scissors I do have witnesses I was more surprised than anyone it's dangerous to have flies flying around with scissors you should always try to take the scissors off them not quite one in a million won a car in a newspaper competition picked out of 82,000 entries though : that's pretty good I want a solid chocolate football at the liquor store once I was standing outside listening to my friend tell me how he had been fired earlier that day he had just finished the story and said so yay man being a rough day when a bird pooped right on his head it's hilarious and depressing at the same time now I feel guilty laughing hope your friend has a cool job now ray my malik spoke to me while we both were eating dinner sitting at the bar he said my Knock he looked good I read your knock he looks good in his voice and I can't stop laughing ran into a neighbor from when I was a kid in a small Canadian town in Belgium I was paid $20 by a sheriff that pulled me over for a broken headlight I knew it was out and hadn't had time to fix it I had one left over from replacing the other side a month prior I let him know this when he pulled me over turns out someone in the county donated $300 for these kinds of incidents and he still gave me $20 even though he knew I had one there's a program around here where cops will give you a gift certificate for $20 I tried three different auto parts stores and none of them would take the thing so I just spent the three bucks on a new light bulb I was cutting vegetables in my kitchen and a fly was buzzing around my head so I swung around with the knife in my hand and sliced the fly clean in half it could happen again if only you study the blade was at the Texas American Legion convention a few years ago they had been selling tickets all week for door prizes as a fund raiser I was talking to someone when they called the first number and got a winner while the winner is going up on stage to get his prize the guy I am talking to says I better get my tickets out and they make all my numbers I pulled five tickets out of my pocket until one off I said it both of they're going to call this one next they did I won a stupid baseball cap really freak event like that and I get a ball cap dang I was in Vegas playing roulette being somewhat drunk and a bit of a goof I was saying I was psychic and that the next number was going to be seventeen it hit there was some groaning bill I'm an amiable guy so it was good humoured I then predicted that it was going to be 17 again my psychic vision said so Pitts again haha it was hilarious third spin yet 17 again boys my vision was clear hit again the whole table was silent you could hear a pin drop I'm thinking that was a one-off type of thing though the odds aren't quite one in a million I ran into Bill Murray at the Dallas Museum on a school trip and he gave me wrong directions to the aja exhibit this sounds like the best possible answer he could have given to me I met my wife for Chinese food at a time when we were living separate and she had already served me papers for divorce we both opened our 14 cookers mine said you have a lot to offer to the right person has said give him another chance I saw the first hint of consideration in her eyes we ended up not divorcing and unhappy 12 years later dang how much did you pay them to do that I was substitute teaching a gym class the class was sitting at the three-point line I was facing them telling them what we were doing that day had a basketball on my hip kid raised his hand I bet you can't even shoot a basketball I stared at him and tossed it backwards over my head with one hand they held in shock apparently it went in I never broke eye contact with a kid all right line up cool caps don't look back bruh once upon a time my brother and I were arriving late at night to a little cabin in the woods but it was winter it was pitch black outside and it was freezing we needed to get a fire lit ASAP but the firewood was stacked outside the back of the cabin under the porch now my brother and I used to watch a lot of horror movies together and again it was the middle of the night at a cabin in the woods it was winter and it was freakin freezing and pitch-black outside we decided to flip a nickel to see who would venture out to get the firewood and here's the part that answers the question the nickel landed on its side nobody went under the porch that night monsters hanged nickels the power went out in my house so I walked into the living room and said to my family why are you sitting in the dark knowing there was no power as I said it I flipped the light switch just as the power came back on imagine Ben not sitting there anymore meeting David Lynch and Isabella Rossellini at a Denny's in Emeryville CA one day when I was walking around downtown where I lived when I found some money on the ground it was pretty windy that day and I saw what looked like a bill coming towards me so I did my best to catch it when I finally got it it turned out to be a $100 bill not a crazy story but it made feel like that bill came specifically to me for some reason I don't know if it is one in a million but my wife started leaking amniotic fluid of 21 weeks he they told us there was nothing they could do for the baby we were so anguished at the thought of losing him the fluid was very low and she was constantly leaking they wouldn't even admit us to a hospital until she was 23 weeks it was about 10 days out it was the longest 10 days of our life we were going to the doctor constantly just for them to monitor and get a sonogram the day before she hits 23 weeks my wife says she dosent feel like she is leaking anymore our fear is that she has ran out of amniotic fluid on the morning of 23 weeks we go to the doctor and get a sonogram the plan all along was as soon as we hit 23 weeks we go to the doctor's office to confirm fluid level and then they were going to send us to the hospital straight from there that somehow the amniotic sac that was ruptured has sealed to everyone's surprise the fluid was back to normal range we are all in shock the doctor tells us to just take it easy and we can head home my wife delivers our son a full-term with no health issues everyone at the hospital tells us how lucky we are to have the amniotic sac seal after the birth the doctor tells me that in the 40 plus years of delivering babies he could count the number of times on one hand that he has seen amniotic sac ruptures he'll I don't know the odds but I do know my wife and I are incredibly lucky to have our little man he is 10 months old today as well attended Lincoln Park concert managed to get right on the barricade and while singing in the end I had both my hands up in the air both Mike Shinoda and chester bennington jumped on top of the barricade fans held my hands to keep their balance for about 20 seconds I felt like a rock star I was upgraded to first class for free ten minutes before boarding I've always wondered how that happens honestly bit of context I have lived in Sweden for the last two and a bit years with my soon-to-be wife I am originally from Wales UK I went to Stockholm to visit a friend for her birthday party pretty fun on the way back home on the train an old man is sat next to me talking to his wife who was sitting on chair directly in front of him he was speaking in Swedish so I asked him if he would like me to swap seats with his wife so we could sit together I noticed in his response that he had a Welsh twang to his accent I asked if he was Welsh and he said yes turns out he grew up in the same area as my father and went to the same school I was amazed at the coincidence and say fairly loudly it's crazy that the first Welsh person I meet in Sweden is from a small town where my father grew up at this point a guy from the other side of the carriage stands up walks towards me and says hi I am X X X X this freaked me out because we have the same name turns out it gets weirder not only do we share a very uncommon name we also went to the same school and weirdest of all his best friend is my best friend's big brother and there have been times when we have been in the same house together but never interacted beyond basic greetings this really freaked me out anyway if you have any questions feel free to ask I have alopecia universalis so I'm never going to grow hair again plus Seidel I never lose it again neither before Google I am old deal with it when I was in college I was trying for about 12 hours one day to remember the name of the instrument you used to take your blood pressure Fignon manometer I was obsessing about still when I went to pick up beer for a party that night the store didn't have the beer I wanted so I grabbed some random seasonal mix pack helped myself to one when I arrived at the party and opened the bottle only to find that the bottle caps had riddles and trivia on them and mindset pressures on on the top and sphygmomanometer on the inside I've had weird moments like that and it really makes you wonder about the universe a wasp flew through my bedroom window one day I reacted by kicking it across the room and out the window I was driving behind a large truck which threw up a rock from its tire cringing in anticipation as I hope my windshield isn't damaged I feel a sharp pain on top of my head I found the piece off gravel stuck in my hair on top of my head came over the car and fell through the moonroof I can't help but feel the two are related out in a boat on a lake trying to catch fish not having any luck see an osprey dive out of a tree into the water Osprey comes up with a fish and starts to fly away a bald eagle dives out of another tree and attacks the osprey in mid-flight Osprey drops the fish eagle continues to rip into the Osprey pretty cool right not over yet a huge Raven drops out of a third tree plucks the falling fish out of midair and flies away with it no one believes this story I mean it is a fish story right I'll never see that again dang smart raven a my cousin had kids with this woman I only met once she lives in Boston he lives in Jamaica I live in New York City one morning I was running late from work and decided to take an alternate route I got so confused l'm stressed out transferring to different trains I got myself lost and ended up at the stop going to the ferry which is ridiculously far from where I was headed anyway I was walking on the platform toward the map and this small kid runs up to me and jumps into a hug I'm confused I look up and it's my cousin's baby's mother and his three kids on fire first trip to Nick to the Statue of Liberty I was in my small high school's band and my senior year we marched through Disney World various high schools are selected to do this on a regular basis but we only went once in my four years about 20 years later I returned to Disney World with my kids on the first day we were at the park within the first tower there my high school marching band came marching down the street I bumped into my teacher on Thunder Mountain and Disney World we are from Boston I ran into a teacher from my high school on the street when I was in Singapore for a day layover on the way to India we are from Canada one time during a thunderstorm I was looking out my window and I saw lightning strike the electric wires and blue streaks of electricity shot down the wires it was incredible to see I woke up one morning well rested and refreshed I went to college in a major city with public transit my city also has a big homeless men health issue as the trains are relatively cheap and many run 24/7 unfortunately the mentally ill tend to use it as shelter I was riding to work early one morning when a young obviously homeless man approached me I thought he was going to ask for money instead once he stopped in front of me he reached down and hugged me I was 19 years old at the time it was gross he wouldn't let go I promptly clonked him over the head with my water bottle eventually he let go and walked away I thought about calling the police but they never come in this city five years later I was taking the train again a man approached me and something about the situation felt familiar I looked up and sure enough it was the aggressive hugging man I recognized him right away we've been through this before I said do not hug me the aggressive hugging man got a memo and left me alone which then began approaching other women on the train trying to hug them I had enough and decided to report it to the police they didn't come as expected so I stopped by the station the detective I spoke to showed me some pictures apparently this man had randomly grabbed hunt 75 other women back when I first encountered him in a period of a few weeks most of who were underage he spent some time in jail but was apparently back at it the next time I saw him I gave him my friend's business card who is a social worker and this dude now has housing a part time job and I don't think he's going around hugging random women anymore my guess is he wanted to go to jail for housing and food but didn't want to cause any harm so he just hugged people until he was thrown in jail read it what was your best I could never do that again if I tried it a million times moment I was taping some tracing wire to a natural gas line we were installing when I pulled the wire tight it snapped against the pipe and I ended up hitting a wasp that was on the pipe perfectly beheading it , beheading I ran out of gas while driving full speed ones and managed to coast over a mile and come to a stop right at a gas pump I had a lot on my mind I was going through a divorce and simply didn't think about filling the gas tank I didn't even notice I was out of gas until I felt that the acceleration was no longer working I turned down my music just in time to hear the engine sputter out I quickly popped my car into neutral turned on the hazard lights and began coasting as long as I could by the time I reached the gas station I was going about four miles per hour and had just enough momentum to make it up the embankment and to the pump I didn't even break until my gas cap was adjacent to the nozzle freshman year of high school I was talking to a friend walking in the hallway chewing gum gum flew out of my mouth accidentally I panics and kicked my foot hacky sack style and kicked the gum right back into my mouth my friend said it was gross to keep chewing the foot gum but I said it was an act of God God wanted me to have long lasting flavor Denise I was playing kickball in my neighborhood street with a bunch of friends and a few cute girls around I was always pretty good so people always backed up when I was kicking I got pitched the ball and when I kicked it it soared into the air up the street and straight into my friend's basketball hope it was a good 35 yards away the sound it made was the best swish I've ever heard to this day I have never made that shot again I was sitting in a bar one time next to a pool table they guy knocked the cue ball off knocked the beer out of my hand but I caught the ball all was good the guy bought me another round I was playing mini golf and we got to a hole that was in the corner of the course the hole was in L shape and you had to get the ball in one of two pipes and the pipes were at right-angles following the L shape the pipes would let the ball out and you would try to get him from where the ball exited the pipe it was impossible to get a hole-in-one because the pipes wouldn't let the ball out near the hole and there was a block between the entrance of the pipes and the exit of the pipes so I go and I end up hitting the ball in the air and it bounces off this tree that was in the the court and it bounced over the pipes and I got a hole-in-one I'm probably the only one to ever get a hole-in-one in that hole I was playing beer pong with some friends at the shore the bull got a dent in it so I thinking I'm Hart crap try the old lighter trick to pop the dent out well as it turns out if you get the lighter to place the ball catches on fire rather quick so instead of dropping the ball or blowing it out I tossed the ball and sank the final cup with a flaming bull of glory it may not be a one-in-a-million shot but it sure felt like one I was shooting at two liter bottles in New Hampshire with a BB gun with little success I decided I'd gang stir things up a bit and turned the gun to the side and fired I hit the bottle at just the right spot so that the BB bounced back and hit me in the forehead also one time my cousin threw a boomerang and it came back and hit him in the forehead we have big forests I was playing baseball when I was around 10 I think I was playing first base and I wasn't paying attention and all of a sudden a ball landed in my glove without me realizing the pitcher threw it in the batter hit a line drive straight to me I will never be able to do that again I was miles away from home I crossed the road behind a bus when a car came down the other side of the road and nearly knocked me over I was okay the car was breaking I hadn't looked where I was walking and just popped out behind the bus so I expected the owner of the car to yell at me I looked up and lo and behold it was my dad driving home from some shop it must have been a million to one odds that it was him as I live in quite a large city PS I learned my lesson about crossing behind buses I flipped a coin in my garage and it got stuck in the rafters I walked away disappointed five days later I was walking to my car and it fell down into the shoe I was wearing I had my phone connected to its charge in cord once I was holding it and accidentally dropped it the cord caught on the corner of my end table making the photo an Indiana Jones style vine swing on the court then when it reached the apex of its swing it detached from the court spun in the air and landed upright in the seat of my chair facing me I actually thought it was sentient for a second I'm very glad this will never happen again I was walking into the pool room of a pub to join my friends sitting in the corner as I opened the door time slowed down I noticed in exquisite detail just how the person taking their shot mocked heads up sending the ball flying I saw the perfect parabola of the cue ball in the air tracing the curve of its majestic flight right into my nuts that was beautiful man I was waitressing and one evening when carrying out food I tripped and fell one play just dropped all over the floor smashing into a million pieces of food and China the other plate slid across the floor and came to a stop right next to the foot of the customer who had ordered that meal in middle school my friends and I were joking around I forget what exactly about but for some reason I had said something about hiding a body in a locker and turned to the nearest Locker the kind with the combination lock built-in and playfully tried to open it up as part of the joke I randomly twisted the lock and pulled the handle and the dang thing just opened and inside was a black garbage bag with something big inside I was completely floored by my dumb luck they thought I planned it I was acting in a play and whipped my head to the right to react to what another character was saying this was something I did every night in rehearsals but for some reason on opening night my glasses shot right off my face they just went flying I have no idea how but I immediately caught them with my already outstretched right hand the audience ate it up they applauded like this was a tricky maneuver I had practiced every night but it was literally something I could never do again two minutes later I whipped my head to the left to react to another character and the glasses went airborne again the actress in the face and falling behind a prop so that they could not be easily recovered I want you to know that because of this I picked up a pair of cheap aviator knock-offs bend the frames to fit loose and have spent the last 15 minutes perfecting this maneuver I believe I was 13 years old at a time so this was approximately 10 years ago but I was fishing off the dock of my parents beach house I went to cast and released the fishing line into the air a seagull was flying by at the exact time and the hook got attached the bird I caught him a thief rocking seagull with my fishing rod I tried to reel the seagull and to remove the hook from its mouth but the bird was having none of that it was kinda like flying a kite until I decided to cut the fishing line years ago I was ice skating when I saw a group of my school friends they were obviously there for the first time and kind of shuffle sliding out to the center of the rink and a group of four without taking their feet off the ice I was still knew what this - and not very good but I skated over to say hello as I came up in front of them I realized I was going too fast and tried to slow down and over balanced I fell forward with my hand out the heel of my hand landed on the ice and I did the perfect circle about eight foot wide around it with my skate opposed to each other before I managed to remove my hand and stand upright again the show-off one of my friends grumbled I was playing dodgeball and you know how there's always that group of girls who just stays at the back and talks cuz they don't want to get hit well on the other team there was this blob of like six girls and I threw a dodgeball and it bounced between two of them only for a third to try and catch it and instead knock it into the air hitting yet another one freaking Quadra kill the first time I ever played 2048 I won I thought that was incredibly easy and didn't play a game for a while since then it has become increasingly popular and I realized that what I had done was actually quite a feat I've since played countless times and am convinced that given a million tries I will never win again I was walking into the men's room whilst chewing gum and realized I didn't want the gum anymore I spat the gum out and kicked at midair into a tiny aspen at least ten meters away made me feel like slashing this is my single greatest achievement in life when I was just a young lad I was eating a meatball when my friend said something funny a chunk of meat ball about the size of a small marble was thrust from my nose like a cannon my friend's dog caught the meaty marble midair and ate it I peaked early sounds more like the dogs achievement than yours sorry when I was in high school I was talking to a friend in the gym after school while chewing gum she turned her head while I was talking and just as she did I accidentally spit my gum directly at her temple I snapped my hand out in front of me caught the gum and put it back in my mouth just as she turned back to me didn't notice at all I silently applauded my sudden onset spidey reflexes and went on with the convo I kicked a volleyball into a trash can about 100 feet away there were witnesses casually dropped two coins on a table when the one coin started spinning on top of the other slowing down to a halt still standing sideways I've tried to do it again but it is absolutely impossible 4 a.m. I'm hungry so I go to Dunkin Donuts I grabbed whatever money I have in the car turns out to be 4 dollars and 63 cents so I go make my usual order completely oblivious that I have no money the register shows my total 4 dollars and 63 freaking cents I just emptied my hand to the dude at the counter he knows what just happened and gives me a nod off approval I Drive away with my donuts and raps like amethyst can boss oh I was carrying two punnets of raspberries to the counter in the supermarket when the top one slid off and fell it rotated 360 degrees and I dropped to my knees and caught it on the top of the remaining planet I got a house under contract to buy it at 42 K on the drive back to my office I stopped to let a farmer know that one of his house was out of the fence by the highway he thanked me and saw my shirt that said I buy houses he asked me if I had any houses for sale I said yes it was the one I had just gotten under contract sold it to him for 60 K I made 15k in about three hours of work two things for me first I was driving on the highway after a very bad winter storm lots of ice my car started doing the wiggle next thing I know I am spinning i screen out of reflex and saw the guy driving and the car next to me with his shocked face I landed perfectly straight and kept going I'll never forget the dudes face and never forget the pair of pants I lost that day second playing World Series baseball on Sega Genesis I'm thinking 1994-1995 my cousin was kicking my butt he had the bases loaded and was down by one point zero outs hits a line drive and I made my shortstop dive for it but instead of diving forward he did this dive where his body was facing the wrong direction so he sawed off dove backwards towards the ball then proceeded to get a triple play I ended up winning we watched the replay of my triple play for like 30 minutes it was so unbelievable finally my brother we went to a house party and got hammered we were playing quarters the game way you bounce quarters off a table into a shot glass I don't even remember the rules I just remember doing that looking around the table there was a dude with a paper bag on his head and her mother dude with a lampshade on everyone was hammered my brother says if I land this you all have to chug hard liquor if I lose I'll do it and proceeds to fill glasses with hard liquor he puts down two shot glasses and everyone is thinking no way he'll land two he then tilts his head back and puts the quarters over his eyes slams his head forward and lands both quarters in both shot glasses table erupts chairs are thrown backwards and broken eruption of screaming I ended up blacking out thanks to the large amounts of Beefeater I drank that night was playing football soccer in a park with about 6-7 friends when a family walked by and the eldest daughter who must have been at least 20 shot that if that fricking ball comes near me I will pop it I considered this to be completely rude and uncalled for as we were just playing a nice game in the middle of a park as the family walked away I could see her walking like she was some frickin awesome bee for telling off a group of kids so I thought to myself I'll teach that bee so I took the bull in my hands and kicked it towards her assuming because I'm not a tall athletic or skilled at sports that it would go nowhere near her but by some divine intervention it conked her straight on the head from 50 yards away the rest of the family laughed really hard at her so she was too embarrassed to steal the ball and pop it and her dad threw it back to us back when I was new to Street Fighter my friend invited me to a Tony the thing is I didn't know how to play I won by mashing buttons $200 I can never do that again even if I try a lot of times people who are very serious try to counter other strategies with fire own you don't have one it throws off their game in a game where every combo has the counter someone just flailing around can't be predicted I guessed an activation code for a flight simulator 98 game I stole no joke as kids me and a friend did this for Warcraft or something we had a used key code and changed some of the characters by 1 7 is greater than 8 e F when it worked we thought we had cracked the code for life and tried it on a bunch of other games never worked again one of the first times I played zombies Call of Duty online I made it to level 40 I tried and tried many times later and never made past 30 I don't even want to think about level 40 in zombies once you get to about 22 it's just point forward and hold the trigger until the round ends i swatted at B with my hand and somehow removed it said I am the king of the north as a side note the body kept moving for like another 15 minutes that twitch made me nervous I live next to a golf course so when golf balls fly into our yard I hit them back one day I had two Bulls flying so I took my 7-iron and instead of flying over back to the golf course I smacked it right into telephone pole then the ball came flying back at me I had to swat it away with my left hand I kinda chuckled and hit the second ball and same exact thing happened not me but I was in a musical a few years ago and one of the characters had to drop some coins Paul goes well for the first few nights then one night he drops them and one rolls down the stairs and halfway down the theater to the audience whereupon it stops at the feet of a three-year-old girl who at this point realizes that she is the chosen one and his magic powers and screams loudly and excitedly for quite some time yay I played hockey when I was younger and I was terrible I was a fourth line forward who maybe scored one garbage goalless season I was skating out of my zone and I shot a puck from center ice to go on a line change and I ended up sniping at top right side I didn't even see the puck go in because immediately after I shot it I was skating to the bench to complete the change I was sitting at a park with friends when a group of kids pulled up got out and started throwing water balloons at us somehow absolutely none of them popped I grabbed one that landed beside me as they were speeding off I hurled it at them from about 30 yards away it went directly through their sunroof drenching the interior of the car I was about 5 years old and was on a total kick told my mom I wanted a baby turtle she told me to go find one it was more often go play outside kind of thing to keep me busy walked down through the woods into the creek came back five minutes later with a baby turtle about the size of a half dollar still remember the look of shock on my mom's face when I walked back in the house with it I was probably 13 or so I had my right elbow on my desk in school with a pencil between my fingers and I was half raising my hand a friend of mine was digging around and decided to throw a pen at my pencil holding hand the pen he threw knocked my pencil out of my fingers and stuck between them essentially replacing the pencil with the pen he was probably about 15 feet away or so my mouth five saliva out like water gun once no idea why I thought I was a Pokemon at my ex GFS new loft apartment two storeys with the main living area kitchen etc' downstairs at the bedroom upstairs with a half wall I used to throw things off her upstairs wall at her cat sucks primarily one day I had a nickel in my pocket and I noticed in open half full Snapple bottle on the other side of the room damn stairs about 15 feet away and ten feet below me I asked if she bet me I couldn't make it in she humored me and said sure what's the bet I said if I missed I'll never throw anything down stairs again and if I made it she had to blow me in swallow she hated it right then and there on the couch also hated doing anything on the couch she accepted I fully expected to miss be buyer lined up did a couple fake pumps and through it two seconds later you heard the perfect klinken kersploosh I ran around the apartment celebrating like I got the game-winning goal in OT in game 7 of the Stanley Cup and she even paid up what is the biggest coincidence you have ever experienced I was living in CA my best friend lives near Portland we both got out of our car at the same cafe at the same time 250 miles from his house and 700 miles from mine at first we were both like hi then we realized that we weren't meeting each other there and it was a massive coincidence a buddy of mine and I were helping a good friend of ours move from New Jersey to Los Angeles by car we stopped at Chili's in Barstow California we ran into my friends not the one moving first girlfriend from seven years prior it turns out she was also moving to Los Angeles from New Jersey met a guy at a brewery in California we both grew up in the same city at the same job at the same connecting flight and had the same name my wife and I got married in 1990 it was quite a small wedding just family and close friends including my wife's former history teacher retired in 1994 we went for lunch at history teacher's house he had some local books about our county during d-day preparations June 1944 in which I showed interest he said I could borrow them if I wanted to I said no thanks cos my mum had told me her recollections of d-day from when she was a child and lived in a small forest village in southern England he asked me what village and it turns out he was a catted there is a child at the start of World War two we found out he was my mum's next-door neighbor in the 1940s in this small village and had a crush on one of my mum's elder sisters at the time the sad thing is that he and that particular aunt were both at my wedding in 50 years later in 1990 but no one knew of the connection I changed jobs and knew if I didn't change my number employees of the old job would call me whenever they needed help like a year later at my new job a new girl here's my less than common name and says is there any chance you used to have the phone number xxxxx xxxxx I'm like uh yet she says she gets like five calls a week off people asking for me crap that means you are good as freak out your job good for you back in the 80s when I was in college my roommate and I are sitting in our apartment listening to an album by the police you know that band sting used to be in our neighbor from two doors down knocks on our door and I open it he gets a weird look on his face he asks me to step outside the guy who lived in the apartment between us had his door open we could hear the same police album same song at the same point in the song the album synchronicity of course snowboarding of pissed on the wrong side of a mountain located about 500 kilometers from my hometown we end up on a small road in the middle of nowhere and have to walk 2 kilometers back to the lifts and civilization to the only car we meet on this road was my art teacher honking and waving 15 years ago and I can still remember the what the Frick moment my friend and I had the bastard didn't even give us a lift best ending ever wore a dota2 shirt to a convention random artist says he does dota commissions as I walk by strike up a conversation about dota heroes mention my friend Mike plays juggernaut a lot he also has a friend named Mike we met at college who played a lot of juggernaut it turns out the random artist who decided to talk to me as someone I had been playing dota with for months but never met in person this is awesome when I broke the screen on my phone when I was in secondary school about 12 years ago I took it to this little independent phone shop to fix it the guy fixed it perfectly but unbeknownst to me he stole my SD card being an awkward teenager I didn't want to confront him also I didn't really need the SD card so I went about with my life couple of months later I got an SD card in my Christmas stocking and my dad explained he got it from the shop it was my old one with all my photos and videos still on it it also still had my collection of piece still on it when I was in college this really stupid joke spread like wildfire in my dorm do you know that whenever there's an awkward silence someone thinks about Abraham Lincoln really no but now you will the next week I went to a religious conference in a different City I was making small talk with some new acquaintances and the conversation ran its course leaving us in an awkward silence of course I remember that dumb joke and at that very moment from across a very large and rather crowded room I lock eyes with an Abraham Lincoln impersonator and know there was absolutely no reason for someone dressed as Abraham Lincoln to be there and yes he was unmistakably supposed to be Abraham Lincoln from the stovepipe hat to the beard to the old Timmy claw that's hilarious I lost my 8 and it was returned to me in person by a stranger at a party in a different City a few days later we both happen to have some mutual friends there and he recognized me from my picture sounds like you got the enn I said my girlfriend from high school in Ohio walked up and said hello to me completely out of the blue eight years later on the street in San Jose Costa Rica I went for a job interview with the company next door to the company I was supposed to have one with by accident they also happen to be recruiting they interviewed me despite being a little confused by my presence and it only emerged afterwards that I had interviewed at the wrong place they were in the web development field and the company I was supposed to interview with did mainly mobile app dev and a bit of web on the side so the stuff I prepared and portfolio was suitable for both really pro tip employers list your actual company name on your ads not just the address especially if multiple businesses are based in the same building flying back to Florida from Tanzania with a layover in New York I had to open my suitcase as I went through security on top of the clothing pile was one of my shoes instead of two I took everything out of my suitcase looking for the other shoe it was nowhere to be found I haphazardly put my stuff back into the suitcase resigned to the fact that I would have to discard the lone shoe when I arrived at home and opened my suitcase right on top of the pile of my clothes side by side were both of my shoes lost mired in a jacket once three people looked over all of the various pockets and compartments of my jacket and didn't find my it six months later I put the jacket on and check the pockets MyID was there my connecting flight was delayed so I found another flight that one was supposed to take off two hours ago but a delay allowed me to catch it once I got to my seat my ex-boyfriend who lived in another state and I haven't seen in 80 years was seated next to me very awkward flight yikes I can picture the awkwardness of this vividly I was on a backpacking trip and I came across a couple of people doing a horse packing trip in the backcountry I stopped to chat with them for a minute and realized that one of them had been my best friend in junior high until her family moved away we were multiple states away from where we grew up into the middle of nowhere and this was decades after we lost touch it was a little surreal in high school I walked into class saw one of my friends snapped both fingers and did a double trigger finger point at her while making a popping noise with my mouth she also did the exact same series of motions to me at the exact same time it was like it was our secret handshake or something except I had never done that before nor saw anyone do it nor know why I felt compelled to do it but it happened a friend and I have figures routinely had similar aches pains injuries that one of us can't account for how we achieved them these include examples are from mutual friends of our scene or hearing us comment on an injury then seen or hearing the other comment on similar injury around the same time all in last month or so but most recently I gave blood she had what looked like a big bite on her arm she gets horribly sick I felt woozy I get a huge bruise on my ribs from Long's Ward fencing she gets large mysterious bruise on her ribs she hits her shin on a coffee table I comment to my girlfriend that while my shin hurts I hurt my finger falling she called me to ask me if I had hurt it because her finger have started hurting badly as a kid I had this imaginary friend named Kelly that I would talk about all the time I come home from my first day of kindergarten and my mom asks me if I made any friends I start telling her about this girl named Kelly and of course my mom assumes it's this imaginary friend she finds out my friend at school is really named Kelly and we had never met before the kicker was we found out we had the exact same birthday we were born about twelve hours apart in the same hospital my best friend and I were about to board a flight home from Florida and she told me she heard someone say my name which is very uncommon so I thought she was kidding nope turns a kid from my homeroom who is also her next-door neighbor was on the same plane I met my wife a year before I met my wife running into somebody at a local gas station that was commenting on Myra did thread sorry but that's gotta be BS PS hurry up and decide if you want the promotional 2x I was in the psych ward a couple times when I was younger the first time I was there I made friends with a girl named Bethany a few years pass and I end up in the psych ward again Bethany was there she arrived the day before was looking through a photo album at my 10 new girlfriend's parents house came across a photo of her dated the exact same day I was born she's three years older not one other photo in the entire album had a date on it that was neat we've been together 23 years married for 19 many years ago I went on a night out with a friend and on the way we stopped off to pick up one of his other friends we hung around in his lounge while we waited for him to get ready and his wife was watching the newly released Terminator on VHS fast forward to about 15 years ago and I went to view a house that I was interested in buying I got a feeling of deja vu and it took me a while to realize that it was the same house we had picked the guy out from all those years ago I ended up buying the place I still live here today and on the day we moved in I got the TV set up and switched it on to find the Terminator playing from the same point when we left for our night out I remember the part because it was the sex scene and we all waited for it to finish before we left so it turns out you would be back what next this person at a small dental lab for about two years got along great even though the job was crappy she got let go then me about a year later five years pass and I'm at this much better company one day they tell me I have a new coworker and they'll be right next to me it was the same person I was living in London and my best friend came over to visit me from the small town I am from in Canada we were sitting in a pub and lo and behold it walks a guy from our childhood soccer team in Canada we ended up having drinks with him still blows my mind I met this girl at a party and asked for her phone number this was about 30 years ago she gave it to me and I thought she was joking around because her number was just one number different from mine my mother didn't know I was dating Gil mum accidentally dialed the wrong number Jill's and asked to speak to me I was there at the other end of her wrong number I never really called my brother not that we weren't close we'd just catch up a few times a year when I went home for a visit we're a very close family who enjoys each other's company one morning I decided to give him a call one of his roommates answered and I asked for him they asked me who was calling odd but okay it's JB silence for a few seconds JB he can't come to the phone I'll tell him you called okay go out for the day get home and my roommate tells me in a somber voice there's a message for you this was before cell phones check the message JB its mum your brother died went to back home for the funeral and met with his friends I told them I called that day why didn't anyone tell me apparently the police had just arrived and they took the call when he told them it was JB they thought it was a friend with the same name didn't even think it was me since I had never called him before call your family folks there may not be a next time my parents met in India twice they were both travelers my dad was in India ran into my mom they were friends but lost contact my mum went back to the Netherlands my dad flew to Indonesia mum went back to India three years later where she and to my dad again who had been in Asia for three years they met in the same city twice on a school trip to Italy 2009 some background information I am originally from Bermuda but I attended High School in a small town in Pennsylvania my school organized a school trip to Greece and the Greek islands for spring break however since our group was not big enough our trip was changed to Greece and Italy I was a little upset about it because I really wanted to see those islands now for the story on the Thursday before my group would head back to the States our scheduled visit was supposed to be the Colosseum however when we got there it was closed because the workers were on strike or something anyway we hopped back on the tour bus and went back to the hotel my teachers decided that we would head back there on Friday but since it was our free day we didn't have our tour bus I really did not want to go I was considering faking sick and staying in my room the whole day however I begrudging Lea headed down to join my group I really did not want to go anywhere on that day I was exhausted and I needed to recharge we took the subway to the Colosseum but had to wait because one of the guys from our group got stuck behind a turnstile and missed the Train I was still pretty salty about being there we got into the structure and it was beautiful there wasn't a cloud in the sky I took some photos I pictured what it was like during its heyday I was less salty by this time but still very tired as we were leaving I had to go to the bathroom the rest of my group went ahead to take more pictures and I dragged myself to the restrooms when I came out I felt kinda weird i recall i went to rejoin my group and i saw this boy who looked familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it then all of a sudden I heard this high-pitched blood-curdling scream from a girl making a beeline toward me I returned a scream and threw myself at her it was my best friend from middle school and Demeter she had just arrived in Rome that day with a school trip group the boy I recognized it was a kid that was on my debate team many years before in primary school that moment made my entire day I picked up and happily walked all over Rome with a smile that day I was riding on high off such an awe-inspiring coincidence that TL DR came straight from BuzzFeed I moved to a new school my junior year and when I was walking the halls to get to my next class I bumped into my biology teacher from the previous year we both moved to the same school but for different reasons different reasons yet you probably went there to learn and he went there to teach went to rehab in Florida not exactly a fun time in my life so you make friends with those around you who understand what you're going through and don't judge you I made friends with a cool guy in my house we hung out a lot while there and we're actually pretty good friends got along well I got discharged before him and we promised to stay in touch I was going back home and he was planning on staying in Florida I started using again almost as soon as I got out and I was ashamed to contact him because I didn't want to tell him I relapsed didn't talk to him a game after I left that day about seven months later it was time for me to go to rehab again this time I decided to go in Pennsylvania when you get there it's a very dark time at least for me feeling so alone and kicking yourself or getting in this situation again basically life is pretty crappy I was still in the detox unit so I didn't get out much in the community I walk outside for a cigarette and I see a familiar face smoking near me it was my friend from Florida he had started using again also obviously it made me feel so much better to see him and I have stayed in contact with him this time and cleaned my life up significantly it blew my mind the odds of us running into each other in another rehab over 1,000 miles away must be astronomical it was crazy my friend and I rented an apartment together I let him have the parking spot in exchange for the master bedroom he asked me what is the parking spot number so I told him he looked super confused and asked me again then he took the leasing papers from me it ends up the parking spot number was the last four of his social - stories that actually originated to the same camp story one last year I studied abroad and didn't know anyone on the trip I was pushing my boundaries this way because I needed it fast forward to the point I land in Prague for the first time I get off the plane and my program has arranged for buses to pick us up from the airport the buses pick up a group of 1015 and we're all pretty much strangers basically when we got to the airport about 50 60 of us were split into groups of 10 15 to take us to our apartments on our bus we are all making small talk asking where we're all from me being from the Northeast I was pleased to meet these people from all over the country then one girl who is super attractive mentions she's from Massachusetts which is close to where I'm from naturally I was drawn to her so we begin talking more and I find out we went to camp together like 10 years ago we literally went to water parks and stuff together ten years prior but we didn't recognize each of her story - about a few weeks ago I'm in Burlington VT purchasing a snowboard I was shopping around about five strokes six different places trying to find the best deal when I land on this small but great shop I end up asking one of the workers to help me find the best snowboard for me because I have wide feet and I'm a little on the larger side we spend about ten minutes just going back and forth about snowboards and stuff when he noticed my necklace I wear a Star of David around my neck but I usually make sure it's hidden because you never know who you're going to meet I've met my fair share of anti-semites so when he pointed out my necklace I kind of shied away and put it under my sweatshirt and then he goes oh no I'm one of you Brewin showed me his necklace after he showed me it I recognized the necklace and him we went to camp together 10 years ago the same camp as that girl it's weird to see him again because the camp served kids from all over the Northeast from New Jersey to as far as Canada I asked him what he's been up to and it turned out that after high school he took a year off and try abroad and was now going to UVM it's just a small world as long as you poke your head up every now and then so cool to see old friends doing well what is the rarest thing you have ever come across in your life serious I saw two blind men walk into each other in the street apologize and carry on without realising the other was blind slightly related I saw two people in wheelchairs do the awkward go left go right try to go around each other but both accidentally go the same way dance on a crowded street ones in wheelchairs it was funnier knowing that they're both accustomed to people making room for them on the sidewalk we moved around a lot as a kid my sisters and I went to an elementary public school and then a Catholic school for a few years then moved about 300 miles away and went to public schools for the rest of our school ages I always remember this girl with glasses who wore her hair in a bun no matter what school we were in I just always thought a girl that looked like this existed in school when I was about 21 or 22 I was in a university of film class in a San Marcos Texas and I get to talking to my group partner turns out she was the girl I remembered she went first to my public elementary school then to my private Catholic school then moved 300 miles away and attended the same elementary middle and high school and was now in my class in college as in the old Aztec legend I once actually saw an eagle snake in its talons land on a cactus immediately I thought yes I must build my Empire here I used to live in a student City where a lot of bikes get stolen when I was 16 my bike was stolen and when I was 19 another bike was stolen because my father was P about it I was constantly on the lookout for my bike lo and behold four months later I spotted my bike in the city near the train station it had someone else's lock attached to it called the police and waited they showed up fairly quickly confirmed from the police report that it was indeed my bike and cut open the lock I had my bike back yay now with bike in hand I keep walking not 100 meters further I spot the bike that got stolen several years ago same procedure call the police they return there a bit suspicious the due to the unique characteristics on the bike that I described in the police report after it got stolen a crack in a certain place tires different brands etc they have to admit that this too is my stolen bike they cut open another lock and I walk home with my two bikes crazy wonder if the two thieves called the cops to a coin from the reign of Heraclius emperor of byzantium 610 640 one stroke to ad it was a fragile little piece of metal so rusted it appeared black every time I held it I had the overwhelming urge to snap it in half for some reason so I moved it on quickly I brought my kayak to the Indian River Lagoon in Florida long Memorial Day of 2013 the iral during the summer months can become bioluminescent Danna flageolets in the water glow bright Bluegreen when disturbed and last year it was an aquatic like ow as I was paddling of 2 a.m. there was a fin that came straight towards my boats and then disappeared underneath me and slapped the bottom of my kayak that was a shark but later there was a pod of dolphins that started teaching a baby dolphin how to fish along the shore these dolphins came within two feet of me and I could see them perfectly glowing bluish green in the water I actually watched the Dolphins herd fish and with every paddle of their tail the water exploded like lightning they hung around and fished for hours as I marveled it was a natural phenomena that I don't know if he'll ever witness again but it was certainly the most rare and beautiful thing I've ever experienced in my entire life I have one of the original great wave prints done by Hocus I saw chunk of rock enter the atmosphere at 3 a.m. one morning it came from the South then about 1 stroke 8 across the sky 20 red and lit everything up in an eerie red it looked like an incredibly massive firework a massive pillar of smoke trailed behind it as it was traveling north it was amazingly loud and broke up into about 10 pieces towards the north side of the sky and faded into nothing the sound the brightness I only wish I shared that moment with someone no description will ever do it justice I've commented about this before but as the kid I interviewed Neil Armstrong as part of a project he rarely gave interviews and the only way I was able to do so was because he was friends with my grandfather he was a really nice guy and was really willing to help my mother has an old coca-cola glass syrup jug that lists cocaine as an ingredient while backpacking I got to see several of a bird that until recently was thought to be extinct a friend of mine was showing me pictures of a trip of his to New Zealand and I was in the background of one of them this was around six years before we even met not something I can collect but definitely something that will probably never happen to me again this reminds me of that the couple that found each other in the background of a childhood picture from Disney World I saw the sigmoid volvulus when a portion of a colon twists around itself and starts to die which is rare to begin with in a lady that had it for over six months it was necrotic and in a shell of fibrous tissue and for some reason the dying portion had interrupted thanks to the fibrous shell and was still able to move along stool from the pressures of the unaffected part of the colon the 70 year old surgeon that was operating with me says he had never seen or heard of anything like this and convinced me to do a poster presentation on it at the conference I presented at every single surgeon that saw my poster said they have never heard or seen of one before and some were hesitant to believe me until they saw the pictures after an extensive four-month literature search I couldn't find a single case that came close next stop is the annals of surgery which already expressed interest in this case so technically I've seen something no one else has seen before I've seen ball lightning I can only describe it as a camera flash but moving in ball form it was dried by me I am a coin dealer and collector I think the lowest mintage coin I have owned was 950 it was a mad proof Lincoln Cent I have held $300,000 to $500,000 coins those are always fun a fully intact coral horn fossil from the Ordovician era that I found in a stream last set of cams from Ferrari factory for 1967 275 gtb/4 a perfect and intact ammonite fossil about five inches across my father is big on fossils this story always makes me happy and I hope it doesn't get buried a few winters ago in the aftermath of a super shitty snow storm I found a dog a tiny Chihuahua mix very nervous and a little aggressive seemingly abandoned I knocked on the door of the house he was in front of without even asking any questions the guy who answered immediately said he wasn't his dog boss I felt bad for him so me and my ex scooped him up and headed for an animal rescue center nearby shout out to Bobby in the strays in Atlas Park mall they took him in and that was that until about two years later when I see an insanity similar dog in Manhattan I went up to the owner and asked where she found him she mentioned how he was found abandoned in Queens and was brought in to a shelter for rescue I told her I was the one who actually found the dog and how glad I was that she opened up her home to him a craziest twist of fate ever an original Edison wax cylinder record the speaker cone thing and several wax cylinders as well we were tearing down an old barn on my grandma's farm property and found it in a tack room among some other cool old things like school desks and an icebox which my dad and I restored and turned into a bookcase I guess I don't know how rare they actually are but I would assume it's rare to find them in pretty good condition along with cylinders that aren't cracked or broken many years ago a friend's mother owned one in excellent condition said friend decided to pull it apart to see how it worked ended up getting tossed also had another friend who bought a Model A Ford and cut the top off with a hacksaw to make a convertible without silence ease the engine some people have no idea what they've got I went on a trip to Australia with my parents when I was 13 we took a plane to Alice Springs we took a camping car we were heading to Darwin and went to Kings Canyon before going to Delarue and then heading north after walking for hours we get to a waterhole to swim in who do I see my history teacher min blur probably not rare but as the kid on vacation with family and Yosemite Park there was a massive cloud of big ass butterflies we were hiking then all of a sudden just tons of black and orange butterflies so many that I couldn't see my hands in front of me it lasted maybe 20 or 30 seconds but never again have I ever seen so many butterflies at one time I always assumed it must have been a yearly breeding thing but I really don't know I had this happen once I was driving home from school and all of a sudden thousands of butterflies went flying by sadly we were on the freeway we were headed west and they were headed south wasn't as pretty as much as it was disgusting and sad splat cringe splat splat splat I used to go fossil hunting on the Isle of Wight a well-known place for this sort of thing but I went in this group of people searching for the fossils and one of the kids must have been under 10 went up the cliff a little bit did some digging then came back with something he asked the tour guide what it was and the guide became speechless it was an extremely rare fossil and I remember hearing a news story a couple weeks later saying that it was something that excited archaeologists I like to think that they named the fossil after the kid I've seen a dropped penny land perfectly on its edge me and my then-boyfriend watched a movie called spin along goner only to realize we had both been extras in the movie five years before we met we even sat next to each other in the background I heard my guinea pig singing and not their usual adorable weaking I thought the bird had gotten into the house and was chirping after owning gp's off and on for 10 plus years I had never heard their song apparently it is pretty rare to hear double some event as a kid I used to go to this village where some of my family lived in Greece it was up in the mountains and one day I got incredibly bored and decided to go fossil hunting with my father but we were just looking at some rocks at the side of the road when I saw something that actually looked interesting it was fairly big rock that looked like it had tubes of stone coming out of it turns out it was part of an ancient sea animal burrow from the Cambrian five hundred million years ago we found loads of other things more burrows ancient coral and shells just as we were about to leave we saw another rock in front of us and collected it and I was nearly bitten by a 10 centimeter long bright orange giant centipede thing fantastic working on my dissertation at uni I did paleontology and while sifting through sediment I'd broken down came across what appears to be a Late Jurassic avian tooth you don't see a lot of those in southern England an albino male deer horns and all standing on a hill the white stag beware the wild hunt I collect vintage Pyrex kitchenware mostly from the 40s through the 60s once at a church rummage sale I found a seven inches square clear glass baking dish with an unusual primitive Pyrex logo on the bottom for $1 I bought it and after doing some research I was able to date it to around 1915 it is approaching its 100th birthday I love imagining the women who use this throughout the decades my mom has inherited the cookware of my grandma who inherited the cookware of her mom we still use all of it Pyrex doesn't get used up but I sometimes think about how many dinners and holidays that stuff has been involved in I have a small piece of agate probably used as a seal or on a ring carved with the symbol at one of the members from the Order of the Garter but I do not know which member as I have not been able to find any info about it I have taken it to antiques dealers who say it is likely genuine the stone itself is worth several hundred or dollar sign I believe it was looted during World War two today I went to an old engineer's house had got to see a kurta calculator a Norden bombsight an Edison phonograph and Edison lightbulb he also had a few million dollars of machinery in his workshop including a water jet cutter CNC mill CNC lathe jig borer brake press hydraulic press laser welder spot welder induction heater and a bunch more things I didn't recognize my friend has heterochromia and she was born on the 29th of February I always saw that as a pretty rare and cool combination when my husband and I were snorkeling on the Barrier Reef the guide became really excited he didn't notice that a particular fish was engaged in a mating ritual and he said that witnessing this was really rare he was beside himself with excitement I don't even remember the name of the fish we saw so many awesome fish that day that the scaly bastards all melded together oh I couldn't think of anything until you said this when I was very young my parents took me to a zoo with a white tiger and a normal tiger my dad has footage somewhere of them beginning to mate either realizes what he's recording and quickly stops I've made fun of him for this a couple times you have been visited by the dog Oh be a master comment delicious so you always have beer in your life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 336,318
Rating: 4.7822313 out of 5
Keywords: never tell me the odds, one in a million, one in a million coincidences, coincidence, coincidences, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, fresh
Id: mVzNhLHt45k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 4sec (4444 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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