Campers, What's The Scariest Thing You've Seen In The Forest? (r/AskReddit)

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campus backpackers and park rangers of ridet what is the weirdest or creepiest thing you have found while in the woods not me it's a buddy found a young kid 16 I think in the process of trying to hang himself about five years ago he was hooking a makeshift noose up to a tree upon seeing my friend he stopped my buddy talked with him and they walked and talked they lad was gay and his parents and family had disowned him when he came out to them my buddy and his wife let him stay with them for a few weeks until he moved to a family member's house they are still firm friends stories like this make me love read it Moore was camping in Norway during summer a couple years back one morning while I was half asleep considering to get up or not the tent suddenly started to shake violently but first thoughts in my mind was that it was a random hiker freaking around with my tent so I shot out of the tent in my pants to confront the foe I was greeted by over a hundred Carolus surrounding my tent turned out the bravest reindeer tripped over the lines of my bright orange high-visibility tent you were lucky it wasn't a troll I found two squirrels huddled together dead in the middle of a field it was July I still think about what must have happened and drawled blank maybe the lightning got em mid-coitus not me but one of my friends went on a sullen fly-fishing camping trip for the weekend he was in the middle of a creek fly-fishing and kept hearing the weird garbled sounds from up the creek so eventually he decided to check it out when he took a break for lunch it turned out to be a guy that had tried to commit suicide by shooting himself but he was still alive my friend hauled butt back to service to call 9-1-1 and had to hike back in to show the cops medics where the guy was never found out what happened to him but my buddy was so freaked out that he had been that close as the dude was just laying there for hours deer snuck up within a couple feet behind me then suddenly coughed sounded just like a human and I knew I was the only one out there gave me a Dagny heart attack this one made me laugh just to imagine that deer trying to be so quiet and there coughing like that sounds like something out of a cartoon but I'm sure in the moment I would have crapped myself when I was a kid in the mid nineties my friends and I were hiking around in the woods behind our house on some warehouse a timber property and found an abandoned farmhouse the weird thing was that the house had been left very suddenly there was still an opened mail and magazines sitting on the coffee table all dated back to same date in the 1950s sheets and blankets still on the beds clothes still in the drawers pantry full of canned and jawed food half of it exploded or leaking after so many years dishes in the sink dishes on the table unburned candles still sitting out waiting to be used a fridge outside full of food that had turned to muck and dust after exploring the house for a while we checked out the farm the chicken coop had dozens of chicken skeletons wrapped in desiccated skins or picked bare but there were two pig skeletons and a pen and the remains of a horse and several cows in the surrounding pasture the tractor was parked in the garage and was in great shape for its age it didn't occur to me as a kid at the time but aside from the house having been left so suddenly it was really remarkable that the entire place was undisturbed and there was no vandalism no sign of entry and as far as I could tell we were this first people to set foot and there in 40 years I was like 12 and lived near the sand dunes we used to hike there all the time my grandmother came to visit so we both went on a hike and I see this weird circular Rock in the sand I pointed out to my grandmother and she goes over there and starts removing the sand around it and she notices blood on the rock she then pulls it out of the sand and it's a human skull we reported it to the police so what happened was that this dude was killed by his roommate and he cut him into five pieces and buried each part in a different location in the sand dunes we found the last missing piece his skull we were on the news pretty cool memory I have of my grandmother I was hiking in sir woods on a property my father rented as farm ground with my older brother after a while we noticed a sickly sweet smell being firm kids we knew what it was something dead and left to rot as we kept walking we entered a mash like area soft squishy ground and very tall grass we had walked through Marsh like areas before so we walked on the large grass clumps being very careful where we placed our feet after making it to a light clump of solid ground I look up and find a massive pile of skinned animal carcasses the pile was easily over ten feet tall with a 15-foot circumference it comprised of every animal you could think of rabbit Fox coyote deer weasel cat dog raccoon and others I couldn't recognize the old man that owned the land trapped year round for anything he could get he just kept throwing the carcasses in the same pile year after year after we left the area it dawned on me the marsh was not in a lowland like most marshy places the group was just saturated with the decaying fluids of all those animals that's also the reason the grass was abnormally tall in that area I've been homeless a lot I lived in some distant family's land where they have an old cabin up on stilts due to the local woods flooding heavily sometimes Illinois is weird anyway I spent a good amount of time in this old cabin wood stove porch swing hanging from the ceiling that I used as a bed overall it was an okay place and it wasn't too far over drive to town for food you just had to tolerate the half mile walk to your car one day I am out walking around the woods and in a smallish clearing in the path I see easily a good 50 60 dead geese every one of them is mangled in horrific ways necks ripped off of the body bodies splayed out over old Timbers and fence posts feathers everywhere bones sticking out of the dirt it just looked like a straight up goose genocide the ground was dry and there was a lot of dust but I saw no prints and there was no other evidence of anything being in the area aside from what one can only assume was some sort of strange breed of exploding goose I also found a torn open old backpack and a great deal of candy wrappers strewn about it way to moldy to identify anything about it I decided to turn back and see if I could grab a camera when I start hearing this god-awful shrieking noise as if it were coming from every possible nook and cranny within a 30 foot radius I took off pretty fast when that started to this day my best guess is some sort of massive communal Fox's it really is the only rational solution I can come to still scared the crap out of me when I was a boy my father and I came across a full set of women's clothes in the woods shut pants underwear even the shoes we thought it was pretty creepy and reported it to the State Police but I don't think anything ever came of it it was fairly close to a river so maybe the person went skinny-dipping and couldn't find their clothes after her but it was an unsettling discovery she's naked out there somewhere not really camping but as kids we lived in a new neighborhood it was next to about 400 acres of woods and old farmland there were several abandoned houses and barns equipment and random junk it was great to grow up there as we spent nearly every day exploring the area but there was one house off the main road but about 200 yards into the woods it looked abandoned but a woman lived there we found out the hard way by trying to get into the house one day and she came out screaming at us to get the heck off her property if she was scary-looking as heck she wore a dirty dress and had gross stringy hair and looked like she hadn't taken a shower for years she looked to be in her 30s needless to say we stayed away from her most of the time we also never told our parents because we knew that they wouldn't let us play back there anymore we did go back some time though we named her crazy Mary and we'd Spile here and dare each other to get as close as possible even then we never got closer than 100 feet from her house about 10-12 years later I am home from college and my mom tells me about how they took this woman to the mental hospital apparently she lived there this whole time with her dead mother and father propped up in their chairs in the living room they figured the parents were dead Phil 10-15 years but died of natural causes and Mary had propped them up in the chairs after they died that meant there were probably freshly dead when we got chased away by crazy Mary backpacking solo during the springtime Minnesota so it was still kind of snowy during my first night I noticed that it was quiet not just quiet but completely silent like no sounds whatsoever I always thought noises at night were scary but nothing compares to utter and complete silence I could hear every beat of my heart every inhalation and every twig snap in a two-mile radius also it seemed very creepy the Windigo was out camping at Yellowstone Grand Tetons a few years ago he set up our camper at an actual site and decided to do some two-day long back pack trips in some of the longer trails the second one we went to was Cascade Valley Canyon absolutely beautiful so get about ten miles into the 22 mile loop and decide to set up our tent here since it was getting dark we cook some food and chill for a bit before heading to bed around 2:00 a.m. we are all awakened by something just outside the tent my mind immediately jumps to bears or wolves or something then it starts talking I will never forget it I think there's three or four in the tent let's just get out of here none of us could sleep the rest of the night at the crack of dawn we hightail it out of there made excellent time hiked the 12 miles in about three hours and got two ranger station reported what happened they said they had received a call similar to our story in the middle of the night they sent Rangers into the trail at dawn never found out what was going down didn't hear of anyone getting hurt but then again I didn't really look into it a large plastic storage box bound by bungee cords filled with flies and bones hiking with a group in a subtropical mountain range about a 40 minutes drive from civilization it's a night hike pitch-black but for our headlamps and all of the sudden this guy wearing headphones and a hoodie just walks past us like we're on a suburban street it was pitch black where the heck was he going what was he doing out there it creeped the heck out of us I was hiking in Slovenia when I turned the corner to see two sheep going at it I was at about 2000 meters elevation and hadn't seen any other people all living creatures in ours so this certainly startled me this also made me aware of how dumb I was being hiking alone in a country I was unfamiliar with there are bears and crap up there and after that I got all paranoid that the next creature I would run into wouldn't be so kind last spring I went fishing on a lake in northern Minnesota on that annual spring trip we always walk in the woods around the lake and look for morel mushrooms which are in season at that time while looking for mushrooms I came upon two big deer skeletons in the horns were locked together the bones were chewed on by rodents but the horns were locked together and in great shape we figured they must have fought in rub the autumn before and got locked together I have no idea how long these two enemies will lock together before they died as a native Minnesotan this happens a lot the Victor odd fights is often the only one left alive and depending on how big the loser is he can't always drag the other guy away with him sometimes they figure out how to unlock before one dies but frequently they both die as a result was in Montana we saw a park ranger and asked him which way would be the coolest he points down into a beautiful-looking valley we head on down the trail and a couple hours and the valley starts to funnel and get tighter and tighter the cliffs looming up next to us another 20 minutes pass we hit a clearing and my heart drops through my meds going across the clearing was displaced grass similar to if a pickup truck had been driven through it turns out the valley was called a nursery where mama grizzly bears nurse their young naturally we turned around in gtfo making noise the whole way out Grizzlies generally avoid people making lots of noise me and my father were camping on a small lake in Canada my father said that all through the night he could hear what sounded like large rocks splashing in the middle of the lake several times he left the tent with a flashlight only for the noises to stop immediately my father is an avid fisherman and was sir that it wasn't fish breaking for flies on the surface of the water I slept through the whole thing apparently copy pasted from a similar question I found a dead guy hanging from a tree out in the woods of a Korean national park really scared the crap out of me and the two guys with me we were looking for a point and walking up a very steep hill when we rounded a bush and pretty much stumbled into this guy who hung himself from a tree my sense then back down the hill and called up the duty desk for the nearby post standing up on the hill looking out at the last thing the guy must have seen just left me feeling incredibly lonely not creepy but a bit weird I took my children camping at a state park with campsites around a lake it wasn't primitive camping more like set up your tent with the car park 20 feet away camping we are sitting around the campfire after sunset making a s'mores when a car pulls up to the campsite next to us it's about 35 yards away and it's dark so we can't see who our new neighbors are I feel a little bad because they have to use the headlights on their car to see what they are doing while they set up their tent I wanted to offer to help the with children and an open fire I thought my attention would be best used right where I was at so later we put out the fire and everyone goes to bed in their tents I don't think about the campsite neighbor anymore in the morning just as the Sun is rising there is beautiful music coming from across the lake it was a solo performance using low brass the musician plays three lengthy songs maybe 15 minutes of music this gets me out of the tent so that I can enjoy the fresh air by the lake with an unexpected live performance once the music ends I look over at the neighbors campsite I guess they are deep asleep or not impressed enough to come out the tent I start anew far to get ready for breakfast about 10 minutes later I see the campsite neighbor hiking back to his tent carrying a tuba I'm in the middle of cooking so it takes me a few minutes to go over and thank him for the nice early-morning concert but I genuinely enjoyed it by the time I get over to the campsite he has already put away the tuba packed up his belongings and had his tent half put away I tell him that I'm both impressed at his playing ability and grateful for the nice surprise and then that is when I noticed it this guy only has one arm all of this would have been impressive for just one person to do setting up a tent in the dark hiking with a heavy tuber in the dark so that you can perform a sunrise serenade and tearing down a campsite in minutes but this guy did it one-armed hats off to him TL DR one-armed man set up camp and get a sunrise concert with a tuba my son's aunt is missing one arm she cleans houses for living and does a ton of outdoor labor at her home she makes me look like a lazy pose when I was a kid I went to a summer camp that would take older campers 1214 on excursions like a canoe trip and or a hike for about a week at a time it was located in Massachusetts so we did a lot of hiking along the Appalachian Trail one hike there was a group of about seven girls and two counselors 19 stroke 20 yo I'll never forget one morning we are hiking along the trail and run into a random guy who is alone sleeping stuck naked in the middle of the trail now you can't camp on the trail on the at everyone who hikes it knows that you've got to camp in designated areas this guy clearly didn't get the memo so we carefully sidestep him and continue on our way about 12 miles later we get of our site for the night and this dude is already there weird considering we didn't see anyone pass us throughout the day the whole night he's real friendly telling us things like my father owns these woods oh yeah yeah he's your father too weird crap at one point one of our counselors mentioned that the site axe is missing it was there when we arrived and when she went to use it for firewood it was gone the guy had a knife collection he was keen on sharing with us so it was pretty clear he was the one who took the axe I didn't sleep a wink that night the next morning he was gone terrifying I live in Alaska and less than two months ago I was hiking throughout the woods on my way duck hunting I was probably less than 100 yards off the trail when I found pieces of an extremely decomposed human body obviously I turned around immediately and called the police the body was torn apart by animals and decomposed enough that it took a week or so to identify it turns out it was a 53 year old lady who had gotten lost hiking a mountain a couple months earlier what amazed me was that even with an extremely extensive search for her when she went missing she still wasn't found and she was so close to the trail Oh God that happened to my ex in Colorado he and a friend went crawling around in a cave and came face-to-face with a guy that had become wedged between two very large stone sides in this cave and died there he has been missing for months and there was also a pretty extensive search for him poor guy : I was kayaking down a river and got to bend where the river widened and slowed down I stopped paddling and was enjoying the Sun and the view what I thought was stick floating down the river was actually a snake swimming across who decided to climb up on my kayak and son itself I went camping with my girlfriend at a very large Provincial Park a week before Canada Day several years back when we arrived we were delighted to find out that we basically had the whole park to ourselves as we were told by the Ranger who issued our pass at furthermore we were camping on an island that took about one hour to canoe out isolated with no other sights really nearby a couple of days into our trip we decided to take an extended canoe trip around the lake upon return from a distance out I noticed something on the shore of our campsite as we got closer we realized it was another canoe which was very odd as there were no one else occupying the other Island sites and the park was essentially empty finally as we were about 30 meters away we saw three people poking around our stuff they hadn't seen us yet and would just sort of enjoying looking at our campsite after a bit they noticed us rushed into their boat and launched into the lake we were only a couple feet apart as they came out and we went in I was feeling super weird obviously at this moment and just said hey what's up not in the friendliest tongue I got a good look at them all at that point and they were a bunch of team straight out of the movie deliverance slack-jawed toothless and generally unpleasant to gaze upon they didn't say anything to us but sort of just stared very very intensely we got to our sure and checked our stuff out to make sure they hadn't stolen anything which they hadn't but after the inspection I looked back to the lake and they were just sitting there a way out looking at us eventually they left my girlfriend and I had a really uncomfortable day thinking about it we slept with the hatchet and the tent and barely caught a wink as we were waiting for them to show back up thankfully we didn't see them for the rest of our trip a guy standing outside my cabin looking through the window welcome to PA folks just an Eagles fan looking for his team's Super Bowl trophy still looking after all these years while hunting an Eastern Mississippi I stumbled upon an old farmstead foundation complete with the family graveyard and a collapsed well all the gravestones were dated from just after the Civil War and most were women and children no combat aged males were buried there so I assume they died in the war and the family couldn't survive the whole area was super creepy especially the well these kinds of threads are what got me addicted to read it I usually hate seeing repeated ask reddit questions but anytime it's the creepy stuff in the woods I'm like yes give me this crap years back in the Rocky Mountain National Park there was a search for a park ranger whose car had been left at the parking area overnight when he didn't check in for work the next day they knew roughly which set off trails he was intending to take and my dad said I bet I know exactly where the body is if he took trail X there's a spot that I've always been terrified I'd fall down so for the heck of it we decided to hike up a different trail where we were pretty sure the body had fallen unfortunately the waterfall was a bit too slick so we didn't get all the way later that day though they found the body exactly where my dad thought it would be it was a pretty clear situation where the guy died impact so the delay didn't really matter me and a buddy of mine were camping in the Pisgah forest a dusk while we were tripping our balls off on some ego killing mushrooms an albino guy walks into our campsite with an albino hound puppy pretty crazy crap I think he was expecting us to freak out good since we were already floating in the ether anyway we just took that crap in stride but we chatted this dude up and I offered him some chicken tenders and a beer I think he was trying to have a laugh but didn't get the desired response maybe long story short we made fine friends of a shotgun carrying albino fisherman and his matching puppy he strolled off into the dark after hanging out for a while fun was had by all moral of the story is people begin to look like their pets after all I guess lol park ranger here snow mobile patrol in the backwoods past veiled pass and came across a pair of snowboard boots and a butt print at the edge of a drop put search and rescue on standby before getting to the bottom to only find a helmet and nothing else still no idea what happened that day reverse heli skiing park ranger here first around 11:00 at night I was outside our ranger base when all of a sudden I hear the barking and howling of coyotes multiple them all around me I can see and hear them running it's odd because they don't usually band together as night at least not in this park I flashed a light on two of them snarling and they all ran off to the same area howling I think they had a kill and were trying to fend me off there was like five of them second I have walked into the woods and it was dead silent someone else mentioned this in an earlier post it is horrifying it just doesn't fear it-- it sunsetting to not even hear a bug in a pitch-black woods third not much to this but we have a couple buildings and it's always freaky when a security alarm goes off we have to clear the buildings and call it in to dispatch sometimes animals or even the weather will set them off occasionally actual break-ins good night shifts are always freaky are some less harmful animal stories but there isn't much to that half an alligator corpse maybe three days dead by a small creek behind a developing subdivision in SE Pennsylvania I was maybe nine and there was an empty sand bank by the creek where my friends and I would particularly enjoy playing around this day I was alone I pushed through the heavy foliage as usual only to find myself eye to eye with a goddamn alligator I froze in place I was heavily into nap Gio and Animal Planet at that age and vaguely thought alligators to be somewhat lazy they were always just lying around and mass in the documentaries that doesn't mean I was good in emergency situations yet I must have stared at it for at least half a minute before I realized it wasn't moving and it also smelled pretty bad this is when I looked away from its head and realized its back half had been violently torn away but there was no blood few flies and it had definitely not been there the day before just half a dead lizard unceremoniously deposited in my favorite Creekside place but I didn't know how to process it at all so I slowly backed out of the brush the instincts driven idiot part of my brain screaming are we sure it's dead and ran back to my nearby hidden bike I rode straight home and played super mario 64 all day instead I never told my parents or my young friends about what I had found none of this returned to the creek bank for at least a week by which time I suppose it had disappeared all that was left was a foul aged odor of rot which my friends attributed to Creek scum I knew better though my husband is a ranger in charge of trail maintenance at a 1,000 acre park and spends a lot of time doing trail work deep in the woods he makes Blair Witch twig hangings and puts them in remote spots think scraps hilarious I think it's pretty tell them thanks was camping with a few friends in high school and there was another family in a campsite next to us the parents seemed normal but the kids looked acted weird we were probably awake until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning with the fire going and hanging out I go find a place to pee with my headlamp on and then out of nowhere I turn my head and two of the kids are right behind me with the creepiest smile on their faces I immediately go off the trail and find a spot as far from them as possible still on edge I make my way back to camp and sit back down and then all of us see those two kids walk back to their tent hand in hand at 3:00 in the morning scared the heck out of me then all of us see those two kids walk back to their tent hand in hand at 3:00 in the morning buddy system yo I consider myself a master outdoorsman I have been camping hunting fishing hiking my entire life and almost feel more comfortable out in the woods than I do in the city we have the luxury of some of the best backpacking in the US where I live tons of beautiful high mountain lakes very few people lots of wilderness you get the idea two years ago my friend and I were backpacking up to one of the higher lakes on a 16 mile loop we found a great spot to set up camp at the end of the day and started exploring to find a good fishing hole not more than 100 feet away from where we had set up camp we see a white object sitting in the middle of the woods we walked over to get a better look and lo and behold it's a toilet and not just a toilet there is a wooden platform and a deep hole dug at the bottom it was one of the coolest things I had ever seen out backpacking how and why someone managed to lug a full-size toilet and plywood up that far is beyond me but we asked around if anyone knew about the origins of the mystery forest toilet but no one seemed to while not really creepy it was definitely weird especially given the proximity of the toilet to the lake on a bad rainy year that toilet would be underwater but it looked brand-new and didn't smell at all it was one of my most favorite dumps I have ever taken no walls no windows just me sitting on the Conn staring at the lake hoping a bear didn't come up behind me and eat me the best part of this story is that you actually use it ha I walked straight into a ring Kyle's ring necked spitting cobra once it reared up and we just kind of frozen stared at each for a moment the snake then turned and went the other direction and I got my breath back heart just stopped one summer I was a camp counselor at a Girl Scout camp I was in charge of the canoes one day we were going on a trip to this little island in the river two canoes off girls two canoes off counselors lifeguards one of the other counselors sticks her paddle into the water and hit something within some of the weeds that's a bit stiff so she looks close and see a fricking hand tangled up in the weeds needless to say she was freaking out but trying to not freak out so the kids wouldn't catch on they were within eyesight but busy doing kids stuff some frantic whispering quickly filled all the adults and on what was going on and we decided to well just go ahead and go to the island and have lunch like we planned later that night when no kids were around we came up with a plan to have people go out and check without kids the next day also lots of talk of OMG how could a body get out there what if it's real lot's of crazy hypothesizing the next day we get out to the same spot still see the hand sticking out of the weeds and after some time punishing herself up to grab it she does only to find out that it was an empty black industrial rubber glove pretty anti-climatic screw the kids you should probably try to pull someone out if you find them under water but could have been a person drowning and already unconscious this past summer I was working on a project monitoring amphibian larvae and vernal pools many of them were in the middle of wide expanses of state land largely unpatrolled technically with no public access but plenty of old logging roads and ATV trails people don't usually use for poetic strolls and Sun rise through nature or bird-watching I stumbled onto a lot of illegal dumps with weird things sofas construction equipment hundreds of two cans baby clothes not to mention plenty of abandoned camps hangouts for people to shoot up plenty of disposed paraphernalia but without a doubt the creepiest thing I found while all alone about five miles from a paved road following only deer trail's was an upright gently used baby stroller if there were toys in the storage areas and the blanket still in the main area I have a picture of it on an old phone I just stood there and stared at it like any moment something from The Hills Have Eyes was about to step out from the woods I've posted this story on Reddit in the past I do night photography in the wilderness when life gets too hectic I pack a bag and head out into the most remote County I haven't visited yet and hiked until I find a spot I like very relaxing to be out alone in the middle of nowhere doing some night photography enjoying fresh air and peace and quiet I was on some BLM land in California in the desert had a nice evening slept in enjoyed breakfast and started to head back to the car on the trail back I see two M heads with a makeshift campsite and jungle around I hiked in another way they see me approaching and I wave and say hi being polite and hoping they mind their business they don't both step onto the trail and begin to approach me one pulls a knife I immediately pull my revolver from the side of my pack dong it and point it at them loudly I tell them to back off they leave the trail and I make my way past while they give me a menacing look I face them backing away on the trail until the sight line vanishes I then run to my car when I get there I Drive off and call the authorities about the incident glad you had the capacity to shoot more than film pink panties stuffed in a cow skull backed when I was into Boy Scouting we would go on high adventure trips all the time one year we went to the Black Hills in South Dakota and went on a mountain climbing expedition the trail up tehani peak was pretty long and exhausting though it wasn't terrifying we found a broken concrete stairs slab in the middle of nowhere on a fricking mountain nonetheless this was also at least four years before thats our story from mono lab even existed not a Boy Scout but I to go on high adventure trips some buddies and I did a road trip from Alberta to Alaska at one point during the trip we went for a walk in this little abandoned gas station cafe it was at least 400 kms from any other town we rounded a corner and my friend who was walking ahead of us turned and sprinted to the car I looked around the corner to see a super rough looking man leaning against the wall of the building shaking with his back turned to us it would have been neat to hear what his story was but at the time I had never run too fast I would have rather come across a grizzly I was camping in the Columbia Gorge and the next morning while me and my boyfriend at the time were making breakfast four people came walking down the mountain wearing business suits they were maybe 30 feet away and didn't even look at us as they walked past that night our car pulled up to our spot and told us that we had to leave because a lot of people go missing in that area he stayed there while we packed up and followed us until we got to Hood River even though I experienced it it still seems so out there that I hesitate telling that story because it sounds so ridiculous another time I found a deer spine on a rope that's just some organized crime mother suckers returning from a hit for a camping trip a few years back a friend had brought some smoked venison for everyone we heated it on the fire and all took part in what was a delicious meal but had quite a bit of meat left after some heavy drinking and other avenues of getting as high as possible we all passed out assuming my friend had packed the leftover away for another day he did not in reality he took what was left and for some stupid reason threw it into the creek right beside our campsite around 4:00 a.m. I woke to a screaming that appeared to be two wild animals fighting over food turned out that's exactly what it was like Noah's Ark every animal from miles around had smelled the meat in the air tasted the meat in the water and tracked the meat to where we were the eyes staring back at me from every direction I shined my flashlight was the creepiest thing I've ever seen in the woods but technically they found me I'll just mention that the dozens of times I have found clothes in the woods always freaks me out often women's or children's clothes why are they there how did this happen really another pile in the woods who is hiking and leaving half-buried clothes in all every nature area I've ever been to if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 68,842
Rating: 4.8978391 out of 5
Keywords: campers, backpackers, camping, in the woods, weirdest, scariest woods stories, scariest camping stories, scariest camping, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: y3PTAKpz-qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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