The Aeternum - The Threat In THE CORE! | Full Modded Playthrough Stellaris 3.3

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greetings you squishy organics in need of immediate protection and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough once again using the gigastructural engineering mod now originally i wasn't going to do this full playthrough since the overlord dlc is arriving very soon but then i've noticed a lot of people asking me to cover the other other endgame crisis the eternum i believe they're called the super precursor civilization at the center of the galaxy which acts very much like a fallen empire eventually waking up and wanting to take the galaxy for itself but unlike the other fallen empires it starts with behemoth worldcraft and millions upon millions of fleet power and is basically the endgame crisis and similar to the catson we have events to try and keep them asleep or weaken them before they finally wake up and hopefully using this empire and uniting the entire galaxy under our militaristic rule we can stand a chance against them so who exactly are we we are the voidborn unifiers the last remnants of a galactic militaristic superpower which was wiped out by the eterna some many many thousands of years ago we are the last little tiny bit of that empire and we were spared purely because we are the enforcers this species was not the main species of this empire they were simply used as shock troops and to maintain order on the worlds and were almost non-sapient but after thousands of years of the empire being wiped out we gained sapience we gained dominance of our section of the ring world we live on and now finally we enter the galactic stage to unite the galaxy against the oncoming threat they seem to be blissfully unaware that any of this happened and we need to remind them by showing them how scary we are and then reminding them that we got destroyed so the reason why i want to use this type of empire really is twofold first of all i haven't used a litho empire in ages they can pretty much go on to any world they want but they're very slow growing and i just find them very fun because of that we do have void home here which is our penrose ring world so we don't have any guaranteed world so obviously high habitability is good but also i haven't got access to any of the militaristic megastructures yet within gigastructural engineering i haven't done the super shipyard which i think has something ridiculous like 90 shipyards in the end or something like that i also haven't had the admiralty stations that we've seen the cats and build recently and on top of that it's actually a third reason i haven't had a more militaristic federation in ages just going more standard militarist rather than going with a psychic side of things or the genetic stuff or anything like that we're just going to go very step very standard very heavily just into military and lots of alloy production so a lot of megastructure research is going to be key for us and yeah the military federations we have the marshall alliance or whatever that's actually called the pure military one but then we also have the domination version which is the i can never remember the name of that thing i'm gonna just quickly google it while i'm talking to you this hegemony that thing so the martial alliance is really good because lots more firepower but it's a bit more difficult to expand that federation and the domination version is really good because you can force people to join you very easily so you can quickly dominate the entire galaxy which is the whole point of this run i want the entire galaxy to be one giant federation i want a huge federation fleet and i want to be the custodian and have that fleet as well so massive fleets all under our control just the basic ships though so no attack moons everything else maybe i'll end up get with them because the enemy we're gonna face is ridiculous but just mostly focusing on things like that also i want to go with kinetic weapons missiles just to be on theme with all that kind of stuff so i think these are the settings we're going to go with we have the end game start here at 230 so that's when the eternal will kind of wake up we have the mid game start yeah a little bit early again which will also be how quickly we can get into the galactic core we have a few more ai empires than usual and other than that it's all pretty standard so with that let's get going and let's unite the galaxy against our common threat which i don't even know about but we do hey there everyone as is tradition with these four playthroughs to design future lathrix just saying that this video took a ridiculous amount of time to make as they always do and it was incredibly fun so two things i want to say about this whole playthrough first of all stick around for a while when it seems like the game has ended because it hasn't and there is loads more to see with the psionic capabilities which we'll get into along with the birch world itself on top of that i keep on changing how i pronounce the empire's name in the center of the galaxy i think i've stuck with eternum and eternite but i will pronounce it in a myriad of different ways throughout this video that's just the classic dyslexic dyslexic dyslex future future lathrix here apologizing for future lothrics and his inability to speak there because of course he is dyslexic and has a speech impediment and also apologizing for future future laughters which will not even be in this video for his crimes now i do want to say if you do like this video please give a like and a comment it helps out massively i hate chilling for these videos but it's what allows them to do so well on the channel they are algorithm poison unless it's interacted with then it becomes absolutely fantastic for the channel and as we've seen some actual channel growth for once lately it has been massively appreciated by me now i do hope you enjoy the video i clearly need some sleep so do all of the lathrix's give me a like and i can sleep please i now realize i didn't even cover our ethics or civics okay so pretty simple we are xenophile since we do want everyone to join us and be our friends we will only go to war with them if they won't join willingly and honestly maybe we'll leave them to lighter to become a protectorate if they're not particularly egregious to us anything which is a threat to life we will attack pretty darn quickly fnatic militarist for obvious reasons we are distinguished admiralty because again fits the empire and masterful crafters was more of a ply style choice than anything else i think we're going to end up with lots of artisans i want our population to be happy so probably social welfare and stuff just with this kind of theme of empire and yeah the extra consumer goods are great extra tried value's great especially since with xenophile we've actually tried value anyway and then engineering research i just really love masterful crafters i just find it makes everything smoother even if it's not one of the more powerful ones i just really enjoy it and we are at the very top of the galaxy oh yeah and our species is dumb there we are like no intellect slow learners but strong okay so for this we don't want the captain to be allowed we don't in the blockades that's not our goal at the moment so you can go away so yeah no cats in no blockades unlimited megastructures because it's more fun uh fallen empires all allowed that's absolutely fine galactic federation sure i think that's pretty much everything oh no no there we are the eterna so the eternum i think i can guarantee it there's the default there we go the galactic will always be occupied by the tournament ancient powerful precursor civilization residing on a birch world that is our goal so it's definitely going to be there and it will wake up near our end game i'm also because people said this can cause some funny things with the normal empires i am going to allow unlimited construction of the regular vanilla mega structures because honestly the ones you get from gigastructural engineering i'm stronger anyway outside of the science nexus i can't see why i'd build multiple of these however i guess it would be really fun to build multiple where are you multiple interstellar assemblies to get ultimate diplomatic power quite quickly all the art installations for like unlimited uh amenities or lots of coordination centers but they all cost like 300 influence so yeah i can't see it was already taking advantage of this but apparently it does make the vanilla empires a little bit more likely to build them and build multiple of them which can be weird to see and that's it i think so with that i'll see you all soon when something interesting happens we are we are on basically just like normal ring world but with extra districts and we have two of them around our relic penrose sphere which we can repair later but for now we need some aggressive expansion and we need to focus on getting our alloy production as high as possible we want to go to war very quickly to make some vassals which can then join our federation later in terms of our traditions we're probably going to go either expansion or military and then diplomacy of plan we're going with domination first it makes our workers more efficient which isn't the most important thing but it gives us more to our edicts funds it gives us more influence so we can spread faster and gives us access to the federation type if i choose to go down that route so domination into diplomacy also clear blocker cost being reduced is good because we do have very unique ones are those like every other ring world yeah that was a smart choice i think so not the most insane start just yet but a decent one yes we have one two three four worlds already which is great obviously we have the second section of the ring world and we are rapidly taking away all of the unique um tunnels yeah since they give us all the resources whereas the rubble is just purely for districts so we can build up our specialist stuff as soon as possible now what we really need is robots i don't think i'm going to go down the synthetic route because i don't think it fits the theme the empire personally and i've done that so many times but i do think i'm going to go cyborg the reason is it makes our army damage higher and increases our lifespan so it makes the enforcer units stronger than they already were which i think is the whole point of them they're going to be perfect but still non-machines they use cybernetic implants but not that that also means though that we get oh it's so annoying we also get access to um decent synths which we can build quickly so which is good because that population is going to suck for ages i don't really want the other species with us although saying that we could go with xeno compatibility that is actually pretty good since we are gonna have lots of friends maybe we'll see how it goes there's lots of options for us but i don't think i'm going to go down any normal ascension path fully just change the voice from lithuania over to soldier this channel is now under military control since i never get to use that options transmitted here and report any insurgent activity to the nearest occupation officer our neighbor is fanatic authoritarian which i don't think we particularly have a thing against as long as they're not slivers i'd imagine and they are militarists which we do love so yeah i send over all my envoys so hopefully we'll be friends with them so we are going with diplomacy let's see if we can make a really early federation between our two militarist empires so we have the high kingdom here we also have the monopoly the monopoly are fanatic egalitarian militarists so naturally they're already at war so i can't make a federation just yet well it wasn't the original plan but honestly i just want this to get sorted now there's a lot of options here i can't remember the last time i had a martial alliance i also current blaster had one of these i think martial alliance because it will just increase our power level and we're getting it so early we can get a lot of the really cool stuff at the end so yeah let's go with that so going out with our neighbors here to the left construction complete rather than the right for now because honestly these two will not stop just warring with each other and i'd imagine us looking down on that just these pointless wars doing nothing but losing lives and not even uniting or anything i'm hoping you'd have a problem with them right no okay so i'm hoping yes associates association status is allowed here so maybe we can get at least the authoritarians on our side but we'll see we will see oh you in control of this okay looks like you're winning the war so we're choosing the right person here obviously i want to increase the power of our federation so yeah so near the end we get twice damaged end game crisis factions i don't know if the eternam are included there the amount members contribute towards the federation navy capacity is increased they also get access to i think that's the highest fleet contribution you can have and it's quite early as well which is quite nice vote white diplomatic is what we want we honestly want president decides as soon as possible because we want full control uh same with succession type what we want is a martial challenge thankfully that's only level two so i think after a very short while we will have pretty much total control so for those unaware there is a very simple way to exploit the federation fleet system however i probably don't have enough resources to do it right now but essentially the game doesn't register a federation fleet into its well ship until it's fully created so yeah i can't really do it now but definitely do this later it allows us to make federation fleets far larger than you expect by just cueing up loads so we can only have 13 if i had more resources i could queue up 30 or 40 and they would all still go through the construction process and be created and be added to the federation fleet remember the federation fleet does not cost upkeep so that's where you want all of your ships so that's definitely something for later for now it's not recently i can redo so there's a waste of resources but you know i need the alloys of things anyway it's not a big deal such as grabbing more worlds so the funniest thing just happened which makes this start go from good to utterly brilliant theme wise these two squabbling kids next to us basically knocked out each other's fleece but the authoritarians lost the war and because of that they got really scared and they became our protectorate because they could see the end of their lives approaching them they're stuck here and their knives want to kill them well the monopoly is also weakened if not by as much i couldn't offer protectorate status for instance so i'm going to see if we can go to war to vassalize them hoping yes ships refitted i think we're going to win this one fairly easily because they're just in a really weakened state right now and i'm taking advantage of that zoom and once that happens they'll also join the federation not just as our out as our vassal but also join our federation so then i have this entire section of the galaxy already in one hyper federation unification i've managed to get a lot of influence from events like the bunker butt event etc so i'm spending all of it almost all of it just to grab this system here because well there's this i want that that's my future right there at the very top of the galaxy that's going to be mine also we have the ghost robot here which actually do anything but there's also a tundra world and a desert world on the way there's a really cool system over here behemoth is it yeah with the shrouded world crystal infused world i mean that just looks so cool i won't be able to get that though as well but as long as i get um these three i'll be really happy the war's going well uh they had a bastion which did take out a lot of ships but that was pretty easy our allies are actually following us which is so rare and so beautiful so i am certain they're gonna come out vassal it also means we can get access to all this because they won't be able to expand naturally so i'm going to try and grab all this stuff also i don't know why they they gave up their independence so easily their origin is the dragon they had this thing protecting their home world you know what sure oh yes influence any event which offers me influence at the moment i'm taking his influence i need to grab as much as i can before our federation expands too much maybe i'm not xenophon enough to see this event much but this was from the event where you accidentally kill the life which was starting to form around one of the gas giants you actually get a negative modifier if you're a xenophile for doing that but when you fix it you get plus 10 happiness and plus five stability for five years which is really insanely good so i didn't realize that the enemy were attacking the monopoly were only on habitats and i thought they had at least one of the world so was fine allowing a neighbor to claim their home system we've destroyed their home system on the upside a lot of their species did just flee to our empire so we do have a secondary species now oh a good secondary species okay you're only going to stay on the penrose rings but that's great so habitat preference and void dweller yeah of course they are their void dwellers pop output and habitats plus 15 uh oh only habitats it's just that the negatives don't happen if they're on artificial worlds oh that's a shame that is a shame yeah you're not getting a bonus right let's just check yeah okay so we need to remove void dweller if we can but they are still intelligent and strong weiss was annoying but they're not particularly bad in terms of their empire type and we have side of them so yeah and you can't grab systems anyway because you're my vassal so all this is up for the grabs brilliant okay you're going over there i'm taking all this territory i just need to make sure to grab this system to stop them going like that because i want this i want that i want that on there okay there's a lot of stuff we're grabbing at the moment i'm gonna need loads of influence i need to build more ships we're now going to war with the empires over here and i'm realizing something i don't particularly want to absorb many more empires in fact after i absorb the high kingdom making them into us i don't really want any more after that because i like the idea of having more vassals and everything but vassals are good tributaries if i don't plan on absorbing them might be better now sadly i did go to war to vassalize this empire but i think it's um its friends the other federation members i will be simply absorbing now so far i have no idea what their fleet strength is i know they were just at war which is what prompted me to attack they were attacking the mandate over here and um i think they won yeah they kind of was a bit neutral so i'm hoping they've lost a lot of their ships so i can just run in take all of this space over here and quickly vassalize them then of course the federation has weakened and will make tributaries of everything else pay me so that i may save the galaxy okay finally we should get the win here that took a long time we lost our federation fleet but basically twice over but thankfully all of our forces kept on replenishing it for us so thank you to my allies okay so now these are my vassals wow you just obliterate what you actually had uh so it's left the u2 who are now a lot weaker yeah combined it was actually a very close fight i mean that was so much bigger okay return home you isolationists yeah you're gonna be quite tough to destroy them but you are our next target do you just go straight after you right now maybe it's hard to tell what i should do you know what yeah we're gonna go straight after you since our forces are here it's gonna move on attack the mandate hopefully this time i'll remember to make them my tributary that way we can get their minerals and their energy which will help to fuel our war efforts trying to go more and more into alloys now i'm now being able to make the very basic megastructures that's the particle accelerator etcetera now i know that i really shouldn't be building these around the larger stars but the thing is i have so many stars already to use and a lot of them i don't really mind too much and we're probably not going gonna go super super heavy into mega structures in this run hopefully soon i can build the military one since i've just got galactic force projection plus 80 navy capacity plus 20 fleet command limits and then the military bastions which i've never actually built before because i've never had that right turns out they're actually very very strong uh they have like 10k plus fleet power minimum from what i've seen oh sadly didn't get that because i forgot to nominate ourselves but they have split up so there's a 4k here if we quickly run this down there we are i don't know where the rest of them went i think they moved off this way so we can just do that and hopefully that's the majority of their fleet of the other group everything else is looking pretty good now here's the thing i'm actually getting the tech right now which will allow us to have mind over matter fact i may have just got it do we go down the psychic route um i think that actually makes sense for our empire it makes us stronger and able to make psychic warriors we're already floating rocks and there are psychic megastructures now i do already know a spoiler for one of them i know that there's one called the hyper siphon i think there's a weapon variety as well but the hyper siphon will essentially force the unbidden to spawn but it is really powerful so loads of energy and research i think is what it gives you i think it might just augment populations either way very powerful megastructure if you have i don't know if it's mind over mata and transcendence so i'm not quite sure if i'll actually go for that but it would be fun oh it would be fun because we are becoming strong already we could go cloud lightning that would be fun though i like my own kinetic weapons i don't know uh i think i might actually go with the psychic option regardless though something different i do like my covenants maybe we can even go with the eater of worlds thorns which is the more military one but the cost of a few population here and there this empire has fallen and now we get 25 of its monthly energy and minerals which will help to fund everything we're currently doing now currently the hierarchy over here is actually superior to us fleet power wise so is consumer products over here so the real question is what do we do do we just charge on ahead and hope our allies follow us which honestly they have been take point has actually been working or do we hang back for a while also how do we even get to them what oh this little section you're a tiny little empire aren't you uh demand tribute sure let's take this small empire first then then decide the empire which was next to us originally has been completely devoured by us a new empire has formed i don't quite know what happened here they were going to accept protectorate status okay still uh but i'm currently at war to take over the authority which is one of the two remaining forces of this old federation oh and they're actually hurting us quite badly interesting okay go this way so you can reinforce from our allies and that's it really just grabbing these small things because these fellas are currently at war so i can't actually demand anything maybe i should start building up my own fleet rather than federation fleet for once but the same time i could be spending all those alloys on more and more macro engineering sides and more and more stellar particle accelerators which increase our armor and our shields which is pretty cool ooh and you i'm gonna scrap thanks to the diplomatic efforts of the empire to our west the league the confederation has just joined our federation and they're actually more powerful than that they are superior fleet power wise to us which makes our federation now considerably stronger so next will be the hierarchy now they've stopped going to war and honestly our neighbors can take them by themselves they may have a um oh actually they may have a ceasefire for now so it might take a little while but soon the hierarchy will follow i'll make them my tributary as well and then half of the galaxy is already following our orders i'm now also researching the hyper lines to get to the center of the galaxy so that we can find out about the big bad when the first survey drones ventured into the newly revealed galactic core we expected them to find a supermassive black hole surrounded by a myriad of stars but the truth of what lies within our galaxy's heart is both fascinating and deeply troubling it is already inhabited indeed it appears that a tremendously old precursor empire from which we've been able to decipher calls themselves eternum occupies the innermost portion of the galactic center long-range survey beams have revealed that their entire civilization is seemingly centered around a gigantic construct built over the galactic core itself a birch world which likely houses a vast majority of their population interestingly surrounding systems have been rearranged into a hexagon because it is indeed the bestagon presumably by them and contains an array of advanced and sometimes decaying megastructures that most certainly serves to support the central birch world this ancient civilization is undoubtedly light years ahead of both of us of both us and even the fallen empires in terms of technological developments and it would appear and it would most likely be best not to disturb them fortunately for our own sake they appear to be relatively decrypt and stagnant and will likely consider the rest of the galaxy to not be worth their attention that was actually attempt like number 12 my dyslexia was hitting me like a hammer then okay so we're being greeted by a robot do we get to see the virtual there it is birch world with mega structures oh hyper siphons that's all i want to be able to make so we have hyper siphons around it stellar particle accelerators we have i think that's a yeah i ruined orcid complex okay they're functioning one we have worlds obviously this is a ridiculously powerful empire indeed and then in the hexagon we have a star lifter with loads of asteroid manufacturers ruined dyson ruined dyson sphere ruined gigaforge oh a functioning dyson sphere with shielded worlds that's interesting asteroid manufactures around something which was a mega structure at some point and finally a brain greetings unifiers i am the automated psychosynthetic diplomatic unit deployed to serve as an interface between eiternum and the rest of the galaxy in accordance with diplomatic particles the scan will now be conducted of your civilization due to your current level of technological development your request to communicate directly with the a tonight forerunners has been denied in order to quench your species desire for knowledge and ensure non-interference in a tonight's affairs we have compiled basic information regarding our civilization within a data bank which you may peruse at your leisure or peruse if you so desire or something eternum consists of a civilization residing on iondia a virtual constructed around the galactic core the original iceland homeworld of that is no longer inhabited of all population currently residing on the birch world in accordance with the protocols they did not we should be disturbed and under no circumstances should the the external galaxy be allowed to meddle in outer night affairs the population is currently 10.6 quadrillion occupying roughly 0.014 of the structure's habitable area the estimated age of eternum is 1.2 million standard cycles 231 000 which have been spent on the birch world this galactic cycle is the ninth cycle to re-establish the galactic core hyperlines which will be automatically disrupted within the next few centuries by automated tachyon disruptors please do not attempt to meddle with the 89 civilization while the lines are opened the hierarchy managed to lose the war last time with our new federation member so i'm now going to war and honestly i'm probably not going to intervene too much i need to upgrade my ships and everything else before we attack the consumer products which are vastly stronger than hierarchy so i'm hoping that all of these here will be able to take out the hierarchy and make them my tributary for me our first analysis of the atonites have revealed that as expected their technological development and fleet strength far surpass our own as such in order to closely investigate and monitor the activities of this potentially dangerous precursor civilization a new branch of intelligence has recently been created known as the itonite intelligence agency this specialized service will keep a watchful eye on these foreigners and will allow us to conduct a variety of projects related to them it will also help us ensure our civilization is prepared for a potential conflict with the attorney as such the intelligence agency will collect all data regarding eterna as we can possibly find in the form of itemized technological intel and analyze them in order to best learn to counter their ancient ships hello plus 5 damage i can go up to plus 150 percent how do we acquire more uh special projects i'm sure will happen in the future closer to when they awaken defeating them as a chance defeating their biggest ships as a higher chance and unforeseen opportunities okay so for now it's pretty dormant but hopefully as time goes on we'll be more in the know once again that took absolutely ages so i did have to intervene in the end although it was definitely not a loss by our allies it definitely wasn't a win either so it's just constantly stalemating science division well at least now they are tributary so who next and i guess next will be the i'll put them here the consumer products over half the galaxy is now painted blue so there we go the admiralty operations it's a very cute it's very cute it's a very cute small mega structure and he's also very cool can't zoom in any further annoyingly how about if i grab that planet there we go i really like that very humanoid uh no very mammalian kind of um ship design not to it which is very nice so i'm now attacking the consumer products they do have a defensive pacts with bliss over here which is weird they are almost equivalent to us consumer products are a lot weaker than us so we're going to breeze through consumer products i do have my federation fleet also moving down here this is a quick um corvette fleet i've made to do a quick attack strike here this is pretty much all of their fleets so we'll deal with that nice and quickly hopefully my allies over here are going to help out and attack bliss so it should it should be a pretty clear victory now annoyingly our allies have made loads of claims which is really irritating so we'll probably not get everything in this first war but get a good chunk of it hopefully okay we're getting there now they've retook a lot of this territory but i've almost pushed them completely back out of myspace they still haven't got their worlds back uh you've just grabbed all that so you're going back on yourself now yeah things are looking fine i just need to make sure they have no worlds then we can status quo whenever we want to also a lot of the stuff i started building up ages ago actually just as you've just seen is finally finishing off i've put a lot of alloys and a lot of my resources just into things which will eventually give me bonuses and they're all starting to finish off now so soon we're gonna spike in power greatly i mean we're already plus 12k tech so that's good our rare resources are about to solve themselves it's all looking good for the future that was satisfying lots of verbs more fleet than is getting obliterated oh so very close starting to run out of alloys though now i am building it like my max capacity i really really need to get the tech for the um the alloy mega structure the gigaforge i desperately need that now you can't really do much more with the spice we've got especially if our slow population growth since we've gone with the psychic one there's just so much more we need to do we're kind of kind of weirdly gone so heavy into into like the mid game megastructures so we have loads and loads of things like the macro engineering sites we now have multiple science next are just everywhere but that's kind of the top of our tech we also really haven't built up a proper super military just just enough to keep up with the demand so that we keep on well i'm hoping i'm investing correctly with the art structures and the science nexus this one i can't afford i'm hoping that's gonna make it easier later on well also writing around i'm gonna send my meager forces to take out some of these leviathans lovely division report success okay not quite what i wanted that's fine uh down here we have the ether drake over here we have the dimensional horror currently upgrading our federation for elite loads i can actually jump soon now i say mega forces obviously good enough fleet power now to take out the remaining other normal empires in comparison to the fallen empires of their ridiculous just ridiculous strength and the things we're gonna fight later we're very weak for how light it is in the game light quote unquote uh but again it's just purely investing i'm constantly building things which are gonna keep on giving us more and more bonuses hopefully by time it hits 2350 we are just going to be steamrolling ahead with power that's the plan it's also very boring there's very little footage i imagine actually getting into the video at this point is just i'm building another one of these i'm building the same thing over and over again because extra research speed extra unity it's all very important very dull but really fun to play just still to watch i think well here's a choice so we could go with transcendence this will instantly upgrade our people and would allow us to hopefully get a it's very light now but get a very light covenant or we grab gigastructural constructs now i'm fairly certain transcendence is what's needed to make the hypersiphon whatever it's actually called the psychic siphon the thing which allows us to summon the unbidden because whoopsie dies it would also give us loads of bonuses but we're mostly going for the military aspect and gigastructural constructs will give us access to that really big shipyard i've never been able to build before i really want to build that because i think i just cement military might now at the moment our neighbor capacity is actually dreadful i haven't really been going into that but i am going to start going into that now so i think gigastructural constructs and start working on some of the bigger um megastructures we have loads of science nexus now we don't need any more of them really so i'm not gonna build any more uh we have three art installations going down so i think now we should start focusing on other things like the star lifters and i'm sure i'm building one somewhere somewhere i am built there we are and the forges and stuff like that start really elevating ourselves now we have like plus 200 research speed we don't need any more of that we just need the actual resource amount we are now dragon slayers which is actually something i'm probably gonna activate constantly that plus 10 happiness will pretty much give us full stability in almost all of our worlds now people already very happy this is just gonna make them happier it's annoying everyone's so happy that we killed the beautiful spice dragon but you know apparently our people are bloodthirsty is there any other ones i can go for i think there's somewhere over here yeah there's the dimensional horror and the void spawn only day science vessel for the void spawn one so take out those two then really we should start thinking about going after one of the um fallen empires not the catson you can stay there because you're scary but these have attack moons and everything i don't i don't really want to go down the route of attack moons just yet but i could i mean i have the money for it and i do have the tech but they have the asteroid artillery everywhere they have super strong fleets they have attack moons of their own having a couple of them in the fleet would be really beneficial maybe only just now getting our final tradition tray as you can probably see by our unity i'm now going why heavier into unity because i need all this finished uh so this is giga construction i think you need macro engineering to unlock this one plus of course the ascension perk might be wrong there but that's how it feels so straight to my adoption effect mega structure build speed plus 20 straight away fantastic but then we can make it cost less unity influence megastructure influence upkeep reduced unity output increased diplomatic way from economy increased it's all well and good that'll increase the power of our behemoth planet crafts and attack of course since we've got gigastructural oh we could just go with the attack planets yeah maybe that's the goal try and build our first behemoth worlds and then go after the fallen empires ah so i am going with the worlds anyway but they are so much fun energy production increased upkeep reduced and then extra damage oh damage to the atrium okay perfect so yeah this is definitely going with them our relic penrose sphere has been fixed it's amazing how in this mod having plus 4k almost plus 5k alloys is just nowhere near enough so now i'm focusing only on building the hyperforges and everything else making sure we get as much resource as possible as many alloys as possible because now i have loads of half finished megastructures around because i had enough resources to start them but not to finish them because i'm not a smart person so now i've got the question do i start building the hyperforge here as well or do i start building the hyperstructural assembly art construction site now this is what i was talking about earlier the super shipyard i didn't realize however it also gives minerals which is pretty awesome because we are desperate for that we do have a single star lifter currently being built actually no we don't so i'm currently waiting for alloys for that no yes i do i do have it being built just the basic level of it it's fine i am building it got way too greedy building stuff can i put it here okay so how big does the star need to be it's gonna say the requirements a b or i class now i am building a well i've got this star here which i want to turn into a dyson beam aha dyson beam next to the shipyard right next to the scary thing i don't really have many a or b uh b class stars in my little bit of space it's kind of annoying actually so remember earlier when i was saying about how oh i'll just build the uh the partial accelerators anywhere that'll be fine that was silly of me that's an f and yes i know i can do the whole um survey thing i did it earlier but i didn't find any so oh this is going to be a very um important bit of space for us i'm gonna build a bastion here i think and maybe some asteroid defenses yeah i never build the asteroid defenses but i really do feel very um vulnerable here oh come on stop finishing everything now i don't have the resources yet i'm still building everything else okay good that's just you finishing yeah i'm just there we go i'm now hitting five cares i'd say i'm just shy of five thousand dollars i'm now getting five thousand hopefully six 000 when some of these things finish off it's fine we'll harvest stars to build ourselves some ships now what i could do for my final ascension perk is go with not you though you are so fun but no where are you there we are celestial wars warship assembly i've never really gone with this it allows you to print moons by just harvesting planets and i don't really know exactly how it works fully but basically you don't have to find the moons every time you essentially have the ability to just build them but since we're going so much into just regular ships i don't think i'll go with that that's fun but we don't have that available to us we could build the giant solar system but i've done that so many times i am thinking about going down transcendence so we can get the psychic stuff i think that would be more fun and it would be silly as well because suddenly the unbidden will appear but by then we should have behemoth planet craft so it should be a big issue i think that's all i'm going to go with the great khan has awoken honestly i don't particularly um favor their chances here my ally next to them is definitely stronger than them and i'm facing ballistic stronger than them so i'm gonna just watch and see if it gets any ground old now of course we could defeat it because i think that gives you a relic though doesn't it uh i guess i'll send in my fleet which still don't have jump drives how i've upgraded them so many times they definitely do have jump drives in the um thing oh i guess someone sent a reinforcement yeah which didn't have jump drives yet these ones do but i guess the ones which are sent didn't okay as soon as i have jump drives i'll go down there and try and help is his name void spawn void spawn okay get that please and then go after you meanwhile so we have a gateway there my homeworld gateway at the shipyard i'm currently building which already looks really bloody cool still saving up alloys right now over here i am building a new star lifter i have one building over here but it's too big and talking too long so i'm building a smaller one everything is on its way also now i have over plus 300 research speed which is really cool they're probably going to get a little bit of ground then the empires will respond in time anyway go and kill the horror science division reports a new breakthrough there's always something silly about watching one of these spin there we are okay so there's both of those leviathans down i think that's actually it i might just clear out some of the other groups that i guess with this fleet a lot of them are just amoebas which are actually really annoying so keep on taking out the federation fleet reinforcements because that's just where my allies are sending them because they're dum-dums oh yeah there is the automated dreadnought that's not particularly interesting okay you grab that then grab that science division reports so from the void spawn i got this gargantuan evolution giving plus five percent energy credits from jobs our hyper-structural assembly our dinner ring has been completed housing fast fusion reactors and specialized refining facilities it will process the plasma extracted by the not yet built stellar lifting pumps part of the process plasma will be turned into alloys to maintain the structure while the rest will be exported as minerals keep in mind that the structure will have a hefty engineering upkeep due to large amounts of scientists oh okay interesting yeah minus eight sorry minus 180 for that we don't quite have the alloys but i want them right now probably just you know white a month but still ta-da at least it starts producing minerals which we desperately need what a cool concept just this shipyard built around the star just harvesting the star to build everything ah you see this is what keeps happening i keep building loads of projects and the smaller ones are easy to finish but these ones take so long and i'm building too many ones this is the priority though if we do get the dyson sphere up and running that's gonna be really powerful meant to say dyson beam there okay so we're now on the plasma pump stage this is giving me plus 500 navy capacity and 500 minerals per month at the cost of 400 energy and 180 research the next stage is wow a lot more research and a lot of energy but it does increase our what's the second one oh okay so extra storage and even more native capacity construction complete i've been spamming reverse engineer um well we've got loads of artifacts now since we have since we got one of the other alex yeah i've been spamming this one i've got quite lucky lately getting a lot of engineering research but this is better just plus 10 to everything i'm glad this now scales properly though at least i'm getting like hundreds of thousands of research i think every time i get it so that's lovely has been keeping things flowing a little bit faster inbound message traffic since i've been patient once and you know waiting until the light game start using them okay giga construction is now finished this is good for a number of reasons first of all because now it starts spending unity elsewhere scientific revolution giving us plus 20 research speed and extra alternative we can have a grand fleet which we don't really need too much right now so will to power and u for extra megastructure build speed and u for more minerals let's make sure that our unity isn't completely dead after that it's going to be hurt but not dead hopefully come on there we go yeah plus 2k that's enough or is it uh no it's not okay which one can i do without i really do need the influence for a lot of things right now i guess really just our minerals we are building star lifters as you can see in fact that's what i want the the unity for to build this bigger star lifter almost 8 000 alloys per month now which is pretty insane so yeah definitely need the unity but with the extra research speed it's going to be fantastic this will likely be the last normal war um i'm going to war now to take out bliss bliss controls kingdom so once i take one i take the other i think that's how it works uh we do then have the carnot the great khan died and then well this happened they're pretty weak but that's that's it they're so weak i'll probably befriend them and then just make them our protectorate willingly our allies are pretty strong so i'm not too concerned about this war i am sending in the federation fleet of course and that should be it yeah we should just crush them and this time they're not everywhere since we're not also fighting the consumer products in fact they're fighting for us we're not going to have little fleets absolutely everywhere and i don't control any of the more annoying um wormholes so all is good no idea why i started building this honestly oh i just finished it that's good it compresses the other stuff we're doing that is nothing i mean the extra sublight speed is nice i guess we could spam them no we will be spamming everything else you see as soon as i have any alloys stockpiled instantly all i want to do is spend them all let's try and resist that for once i know i said i wasn't going to spend it but i am i'm building a behemoth planet craft at least one of them it's so difficult to resuspending all these alloys i could be building more worlds or something right now but i know that the next values of this is gonna be super expensive and same with this one i need to make sure i can instantly start them meanwhile my federation fleet is just destroying some space over here i'm just gonna grab everything i can really should go for the stations more if i just make a little protective bubble over here that's going to make everything easier for my allies the completion of the yards outer ring brings our dreams of endless fleet production one step closer to being a reality connected to the inner ring by a massive truss structure this construct houses the necessary infrastructure to fuel the future shipyards with all the resources they need now we must finish the project once and for all by finally constructing the shipyards themselves so that's the final stage giving us 1 500 extra naive capacity 1 650 minerals 40 000 extra resource storage and plus 75 i think that's ship build speed and of course having shipyards themselves monthly upkeep though is kind of insane 2400 energy 900 research and one influence soon okay you're still being built so actually that didn't cost as much i thought it would so what do i do next um i could start building another behemoth i'm building one there the behemoths cost influence i think they do right i'm not going crazy they do but not that much okay let's make two behemoth planet craft we'll have almost unlimited ships soon the eternal going to be waking up really soon though okay you should start moving soon right wait because you're my tributary and i didn't let you into the federation you're not actually fighting with me are you ah you are though so that's good yeah we'll be fine we'll just have to protect this area a bit more i've stopped allowing my protectorates to be part of the federation recently just because they were really messing up a lot of the stuff i will re-allow them soon i just needed to make sure i had complete control now i do it doesn't really matter so yeah they can join maybe later maybe last except we'll slow down this and i don't want this to be maxed oh maybe they will stay away i've become a bit more brutal than i originally intended but it's for the good of the galaxy worrying reports are coming in from our intelligence agency that eternal the ancient foreigner civilization currently residing within the galactic core has started to slowly yet steadily increase its activity both within its own borders and outside of them indeed small ionite scout ships have been spotted venturing through the galaxy and sensors are picking up increasing amounts of encrypted transmissions emanating from their birch world indicating that a subtle yet impactful shift might seemingly be occurring within their civilization we are currently uncertain if this is merely some sort of regular a tonight protocol conducting so conducted to potentially learn more about the rest of the galaxy or if it is a warning that something more drastic is to come it begins at last after decades of gruelling work and hundreds of thousands of alloy spence our hyperstructural assembly yard is complete and its gigantic arrays of shipyards are capable of assembling immense quantities of vessels in a short amount of time which will ensure our absolute naval dominance over the galaxy fueled by six this immense star system spanning shipyard possesses unmatched production capabilities granting plus 90 shipyard capacity and plus 35 percent ship build speed they're actually saying plus 75 here i'm not sure which one is true but still so how do you actually use the shipyard then do you need to make a shipyard out of the starbase next to it is that how it works because right now there's no option to actually you know use it i'm assuming that must be how it works similar to some of the other mega structures they connect to the starbucks so i really should have built that first but for some reason i thought it would be similar to the mega shipyard which is just straight on that okay my allies can deal with some of the smaller fleets i jumped you to ambush one of the fleets moving that way i missed one of them that's fine go back i want to take out all the stations i can stop reinforcing following a series of intensive studies and surveys conducted on eternum's peculiar behavior as well as cross-referencing their current behavior with what little data the galactic archives possess on them our researchers have concluded with 99.7 percent certainty that an a tonight awakening is on the horizon would a ternite sound better that probably also makes more sense okay a termite as we speak the eternites appear to be reactivating ancient shipyards restarting whatever remains of their industrial centers and preparing their population and society for a grand return to the galactic scene potentially for the first time in a hundred thousand years considering the sheer size and strength of their ancient armed vessels this has led to some panic within our military high command fortunately asylum just assure us that this rumored awakening is not imminent in fact they believe that since aitchinum's population has been stagnant and hedonistic for several hundred thousand years fully readying their nation for a galactic war will take several years of intensive restructuring and reorganization of both their society and military command as such they estimate that we currently have 10 years before the eternites make their grand return to the galactic scene which may give us some valuable time to prepare for the coming storm in order to keep tabs on the eternites our intelligence agency can now do a variety of new projects investigating the eternam okay it's not there yet but i guess that stuff will pop up soon right yes there's the estimated time i think we'll eventually get things to slow that down along with just weakening them currently we can just get more damage from stuff but yeah hopefully this war will be over by then it's going to be a long drawn-out war and hopefully we figure out how to fully activate our i need some more ships following additional study of eterna some of our scientists have started to believe that as it stands there exist a number of glaring flaws within eternam's precursor infrastructure and communications networks which the eternites are either overlooking or outright think they are too advanced for any younger species to exploit these flaws but much like the fallen empires their arrogance might very well be their downfall as given enough resources we might just be able to pinpoint these flaws and subsequently exploit them this would thus allow us to stall a ternite awakening and effectively by valuable time before they ultimately rejoin the galactic scene we may view the various leads that our scientists have regarding these flaws in the monitoring screen okay we have a lot more now available to us what do we have them yeesh a lot of stuff 50 000 energy each by the way just first thing i've just seen here the eternity use advanced loop quantum entanglement to instantaneously communicate over long distances while the actual technology is far beyond our understanding it might be wise to investigate the underlying principles behind said tech so we can disrupt it we have investigate eternity structural engineering and then intelligence collection it might be possible to now trick them into believing we are stronger or weaker than we actually are and find some flaws in their designs i think the the communication ones most heavily hint towards slowing them down i'd imagine eternity communications report loopholes so we issued a special project which cast quite a bit of physics research but thankfully we have lots of tech right now so that's fine following our analysis of the eternity communications methods our scientists have concluded that as expected well the actual technology itself understanding the underlying methods it employs is actually remarkably simple the eternites employ networks of specialized particles linked via quantum entanglement oh yeah completely simple allowing for instantaneous communications regardless of distance while they have enhanced these methods with copious amounts of psyonix and quantum field manipulation our scientists believe we might still be able to disrupt the basic entanglements which connect these particles together indeed by emitting a powerful focused pulse of energy through both subspace and hyperspace simple again directed at the galactic core we could effectively scramble the entanglements which the eternites devices rely on to function this process was that would of course be stupendously expensive dyslexia there and energy hungry but it might very well buy us the valuable time we need in order to stand a chance against the eternites i think i scramble currently his operation will cost 500 per month for three years and will delay the awakening by six years once it completes additionally the eternites will permanently suffer from minus 15 ship speed every time the operation is done well yeah definitely want to do that then meanwhile i was correct here so we have the hyper structural assembly yard uplink which gives us the plus 90 shipyard capacity to this tiny little starbase here the ultimate starbase so really now i need to start making some fleets some proper battleship fleets i wonder how the planet craft are doing the planet craft are slowly moving along i can't remember where the other one is but there's two of them currently being built our engineering report has been finished and with that what we have found out is that their designs are incredibly ancient and likely created when they had more industrial capacity so now our scientists have speculated that by bombarding the core of the sort of storm consisting of small projectiles at a incredible speed we could potentially inflict some damage to eternity infrastructure forcing them to delay their awakening in order to repair it if we do it correctly potentially by passing the projectiles through a network of wormholes before they reach the core their source might be incredibly difficult or impossible to track considering eternum is likely relatively unaware of what happens outside of their cluster this may well let us act with total impunity so of course let's have a look see how expensive that is as well i wonder if it gets more expensive over to ooh okay so it costs a hundred thousand to do this and then 250 minerals and 100 alloys per month for three years and then at the end they will be delight anywhere between two and six years it cannot be cancelled until it's done and it'll be and it'll get progressively more expensive should we attempt it again i didn't read that last time as i turn and we'll rapidly reinforce their shields and point defense systems to counter it this can only be done four times i didn't read that on the other one though it could have been there i just missed it so once i have the energy then we'll do the last one as well we currently have plus 20 damage against them at least because of everything we've been doing and our two worlds will soon be operational they're definitely gonna need more i'm starting to think i might have more um alloys honestly so i don't know how long we can keep them asleep and of course once these two first ones are done he's gonna keep him asleep for at least four more years because i think it's between two and six on both maybe i don't know sorry two and four two and six two and five two and eight okay yep we definitely need more alloys now thankfully i'm building a new forge i have to say gigaforge here i'm building the hyperforge i have two other hyper forges just constantly more alloys hey there we go our return light intelligence agency reports that our operation to disrupt the communications has been successfully carried out thanks to our disruption efforts the eternity awakening has been delighted by a few years buying us valuable times to prepare our own forces this will also have an impact on the coordination of their fleets slowing them down significantly as we've seen with the catson reducing sublight speed is so important we may carry out the operation again if we so desire which of course we do this i'm actually going to read it properly okay we've done a total of six times and it will always okay yeah always be six years a thousand per month that's more than last time right so it's more expensive each time but again um reducing their ship speed is my primary concern it really is now i still haven't chosen the final ascension perk because i can't decide warship assembly is awesome i've never had slice of life ever um i love the idea of making the um oh so i can't do the solar systems and since i don't have the colossus one i do like this idea if nothing else mega structure build speed increased by 35 build cost minus 10 that's insanely good and then just stronger planet craft that's also incredibly good and i've never done this one before but if i go the psychic route i get the psychic megastructures which i've never had before either and i could get a covenant printing attack moons covenants and psychic megastructures oh i don't know i don't know i honestly don't know both are so awesome uh i just don't know psychic megastructures because i do like the idea of focusing on um on our normal fleets even if it is against the planet craft of theirs and just having a few planet craft and i do really want to see what the psychic megastructure is like and it would be hilarious to randomly see the unbidden pop-up oh because this is more interesting i've never seen the psychic megastructures i don't even know what they are but the printing thing i've definitely dabbled in before i've seen the basics of it this is completely new to me that's my logic at first i'm in the shroud and we get nothing report success so we've had our first two bits of shroud tech sadly the recording software crashed then for a second but we've had this which is plus five percent energy credits from jobs then we have this one deep shroud network giving plus fives and happiness plus five percent research speed and plus five percent unity which is really nice our agency reports that the bombarding campaign was a success we've impeded them and that's four years delayed at this point it's gonna be ages actually so this doesn't really do anything except for impede them right like it's not giving us a bonus for instance that's a shame yeah the ship speed one is definitely the most important then i guess i'll do this one one more time 100k straight away that is very expensive i mean we may as well as long as we can get our worlds up that's the main thing really i'm tempted to try and make this into a super bastion place maybe set down a habitat there habitat there a stronghold you know what sure oh saying that though i need the influence um maybe i say sure what i actually mean is perhaps i also really need more alloys i need more everything right now everything's still being pushed to its absolute limit to make sure we're ready i have made some fleets finally they're all made at once which was weird but yay normal ships all cramped into one little space surely this war will be over soon annoyingly though there's claims everything over here i have got my ground forces moving along every time i can jump i'm just jumping them to the next place actually this time it's so close i think you can just oh no that's what he's taking good good i think over here are most of the claims though so i'm slowly making my way claiming everything in the process science division reports a new breakthrough i know it's just a little thing it's actually one of the vanilla things but arcane deciphering waiting way longer to start doing this i never do this and i'm so glad did this time yeah it's almost 400 000 research so i can now build the shroud capacitor which takes 10 energy and 10 unity in return it gives plus 10 energy credits from jobs temps and minerals 10 of all sciences and plus 5 happiness sure now the scary thing is the psychic hyper syphon so this is the dangerous one i believe this is what will allow the unbidden to spawn and i am fine with that because we'll definitely be strong enough to fight them i'm not sure how long it'll take for them spawn i just know it causes an invasion eventually i did very limited reading on this that's the only thing i know about the psychic one i think there are other things but i've never seen this one or technically i have i guess now sadly since the um the eternum had one not quite sure it actually does though so oh loads of energy loads of research on a rando rare resource well now i know we are victorious that took so long but yeah there we go what a bluetooth what a beautiful blue what a beautiful blue indeed once our world craft are done i will be attacking this fallen empire all will join us actually what we will do is wait until the beam is completed because then we can do um total war and we don't need to spend influence on claims we have our first planet craft so let's actually see what the planet craft is like where are you there we are can i stop that for a cannon uh no missiles okay well we have loads and loads of the cannons which is obviously a very important thing there we could give it more weapons to be better at short range gone back but i think for now let's leave it in its normal state okay move over here this is where we're gonna attack from once the beam is finished as well the other world is now finally on its final stage but it took so much resource it was it's quite behind we can now build the hyper siphons so i don't know if the unbidden spawn where the siphon is i don't know it's mechanics at all i'm gonna put it right here inbound message traffic near the other empire okay i don't want to wait this long before they awaken um i think at that point it's gonna get dull because i'm already building uh world chips myself and although they are ridiculously strong that is too far for me so this is my plan i am going to allow them out myself in because i can do that as they're currently preparing their awakening they'll be more powerful the closer oh okay so they will actually be stronger than they are now ah that changes my plans a bit um i didn't realize they could get stronger if they awaken well the later they get into awakening maybe 20 or 30 years at most honestly just because i do want to fight them i don't want it i mean oh there's the thing though isn't it i feel like it's going to be one of those wars which is going to be all or nothing it's going to be either utterly obliterated instantly or utterly victorious how about i finish off all of the scrambles then once all of the scrambles are finished i release them because that's going to be way shorter than waiting until they're going to release themselves i think that's the plan yeah that sounds good to me for now so the most annoying thing is the protectors are now declared war on one of our allies so we have to protect them so i'm not on declaring war right now on the upside my world was my world well yeah i guess my world was already there i don't really want to go in against everything because it is just the world on its own right now and that can be overwhelmed so i want to just pick off the fleets when i can how bad is this not bad at all okay oh that's irritating so my allies are also my clients could you be more annoying okay i guess we have to build our forces to attack the cats instead i do have just attack moons okay no worlds i'm about to get a third world as well once we go toward the cats what we can do is use our dyson beam to take out the homeworld actually if we just take out a planet will that destroy ships in here still because we could open the war by obliterating the system now of course that is like the majority of the things we want from going to war in the first place but it's actually not all that much just a few gaia worlds yeah gaia gaia um a few ruined things here and there actually i don't really care i want the tech okay that's how we're going to open up war then open war by destroying their home world home system home everything hopefully my world can deal with this the second world is now done but it's miles away just a few more than miles away i suppose this is what i mean by can be overwhelmed by smaller craft thankfully they don't really have enough smaller crafts so we still won but that's a lot of damage against the world science division report success the moons are a lot more vulnerable to that i think okay so i had some more alloys spare at one point i built some more of the um science next i can't resist i've got a weird addiction to building science nexus we now have access to the doomsday weapon so with that now i believe if we go to war even against a fallen empire hasn't woken up yep total war but how we're going to declare awards by obliterating their home system which i am now looking maybe everything they have anyway do you have any other worlds oh sorry catson if there's anything unique about you i do feel rather mean about what i'm about to do remember our entire species was created as a result of this empire in the center of the galaxy obliterating all life as a precursor i don't think we're gonna um feel too bad about what i'm about to do although it may break up the federation what we can do is once it happens we can check how much everyone hates me and if they're ooh why does one give me more than either and if they do i will change it so subjects can join the federation so we don't lose the federation well that crashed the game [Laughter] okay try to and oh that's what it is that's what it is oh no i can't do it because that stupid um primitive civilization that lives there well good to know i can never do that then curse you i still wanted to do it somewhere and honestly landing ground forces there would have been a nightmare so goodbye to the other um civilization breakthrough i have successfully became the galactic custodian and with that i'm now trying to push the galactic defense force so that we can build the super fleet i'm now moving my two attack worlds over to here as well we're going to be attacking the cats very soon and we're sending out battleships as well basically acting as corvettes and meat shields for the battleship so i don't get hit by all of the moons all at once well is that all that's left and of course it'll be in that system as well oh coffee the amount of research speed we're getting now is just insane i still have stored research as well because of those um stellar accelerators i've had over a million now anyway i'm starting to convert some of our stars into neutron stars because there's not much space for me to climb and honestly i like the fact our empire is only this little blob here i'm turning some restaurants neutron stars so we can have more and more alloy production so can you please move your butt over here then we'll start the construction of our stuff the great portal linking our reality to the shroud near the star has been fully activated pure energy is now pouring out of this artificial gank to the psychic realm and our telepaths are already feeling the great boom that this direct link is granting their psionic abilities some skeptical elements of our society are worried that this portal could attract unwanted attention but our scientists have proven that interdimensional travel is strictly impossible and they assure us that this portal is too energetic to allow any organized level of being to pass through it right pray so it's giving us oh it's plus research speed oh it seemed better than expected then plus 15 cents all research speed extra ftl speed a sensor range increase habitability increase and minerals it gives us research just as a bulk loads of energy and a rare resource i've never seen before which is called uh that psionic sublimate sublimate seby substeps ah so the unbidden the arriving almost instantly then that's how fast it causes problems okay okay sure sure yep yep yep i'd have spent all my alloys building battle trips because of that yep yep yep yeah the battleships will be good please okay where are they gonna spawn is the question is that them right now that's the guardians which i really need to deal with at some point um am i gonna have to look at the thing yes i am oh no i think that's it there they are can i destroy this system can i destroy the system this system can i destroy it surely that doesn't work right okay if this works i apologize okay look i'm going to win this fight regardless i can make battleships just so ridiculously quickly i have two planet craft and third on the way i have done this fight before and i've seen how it plays out we win basically but i need to know if i can just nuke the unbidden from space science division reports a new breakthrough because their fleet stayed hit uh science division report success okay so good news bad news good news the warp has been the rift has been pretty much closed now so they can't bring reinforcements the bad news is they moved out of the way so they're still in existence okay can all forces please muster over here we'll go through the center of the galaxy to get to them oh wow i wish i checked this i didn't i obviously didn't know so there's options here to do with the eternum cooperative intel gathering we get three technological intel after five years establish the anti-alliance which is a federation okay it could invite empires into it fallen and awakened empire so that's really cool the pan galactic federation that means we'd lose our galaxy though our federation right i don't know i might google that um if we launch a preemptive strike instead of manually declaring war every member will gain 30 extra damage and 60 extra ship speed for two years after war declaration additionally every non-player member of the alliance will automatically move their combined fleets to war oh that is so cool oh i wish i knew about this okay i think it's a bit light now but that's a really cool aspect i've kind of just missed i will however start to um to do that because well yeah it's gonna be out six seven years i think now before we might might declare walks i think then i'll finish off all the communication stuff so that'll be really nice a few extra bits of intel mean a little bit more extra damage okay i missed part of this fight because they weren't doing anything and suddenly they kind of just activated uh their brains that apparently broke from the portal being destroyed but actually i don't know if the portal is destroyed i'm gonna have to jump into that system to find out yeah i hadn't had all my fleets ready yet so that's worrying did you just build a station cause that's unfair well all of our regular foods got obliterated which made sense there's only a few of them there the rest of them is all on their way but good to know that the planet craft can still um do their thing oh dear but that's a bit much that is a bit much i don't really know what i can do to help you out honestly um uh let's say extra armor extra shield boost i guess i don't need the extra damage from your things but sure ammunition you are using cannons as well i guess just running as far away as possible and we'll see that in just a moment i wanted bigger fleets so i tried building some of those again i've been focusing on energy weapon attack speed so we can use that mine attack more often other than that it's just been kinetic damage and shields we should focus a bit on missiles there are a lot of missiles imagine jumping into this galaxy you are the apex predator and then just the planets themselves start shooting you oh on their own i think they would have had some serious trouble remember that the unbidden devour armor and hull very easily but they're not very good versus shields that got all of our shields down really quickly now let's see if the portal is that no we'll do this first then we'll jump then we'll jump well i am incredibly nervous about this but this is it that was the last of the communications being disrupted they are now at minus one sorry minus 90 ship speed we go to war our purpose will be fulfilled standing by to commence offensive operations weapons free warning non-compliant primitives exhibiting hostile behavior during recons re construction protocols initiating defense protocols we have four behemoth world craft we have lots and lots of regular ships of course gonna take that out naturally but let's see how they have so much i'm hoping they split up so what we'll do is we'll go around taking out the systems oh hello who are you so that's what the species is okay voidborn unifiers i am alice big number undisputed empress of eternum your quaint declaration of war has not gone unnoticed and i have come to issue a final warning to your species we are giving you a chance to stand down and realize the gravity of your mistake before we deploy our defensive protocols and erase your civilization from the galactic map like the thousands that had the audacity to defy us in the past and proof they destroyed lots in the past for your own sake we recommend you do the right choice too bad have you ever wondered what the great filter was your kind is about to find out voidborn they're the great filter oh dear engaging enemy station oh okay so we're now super award them the grand awakening our recent and bold declaration of war on the eterna has forced the ancient precursors to prematurely halt to their preparations and thus even though their grand awakening was not completely done eternum is nonetheless starting to move their colossal fleet towards the rest of the galaxy their ancient industries and shipyards have been restarted and although they did not produce quite as many ships as eternium likely planned to have they still managed to assemble a significant amount of ships before our declaration of war even if they are not performing at full efficiency eternal has now returned to the galactic stage and seems armed conflict between them and the rest of the galaxy is unavoidable inhabitants of the galaxy the time has come for the eternites to reclaim their place as the sole rulers of the galactic stage the only peace we shall accept as your complete and utter destruction make no futile attempts at delaying or negotiating with us and perhaps some of your captured populace will be allowed to settle on our world alongside us they're pretty mean aren't they science division reports a new breakthrough oh wow that lag okay yes they're declaring war on each of our tributaries so we're multiple times of them apparently oh no okay so the awakenings actually increased how many fleets they had i thought they were just building up fleets in the background anyway i didn't realize they'd all be added now right okay looks like we're not actually gaining these systems which is annoying okay let's go around and hopefully these fleets will be left on their own oh they are very slow out there it's perfect for us just keep going obliterating all of these and um and thus regardless of how ready we were eterna and their armadas are now upon us we must now hope our defenses and fleets are enough to handle the storm fortunately our in our intelligence agency believes that if we possess enough intel we might just be able to reverse engineer oh okay so we can get their tech while this would be tremendously expensive and quite dangerous the benefit doing so is undeniable in the meantime we should attempt to gather as much intel as possible in order to increase our combat capabilities against them yeah so currently we're doing plus 25 damage uh okay so to reverse engineer them it requires so 12 for that and the planet craft is 20. okay yeah we don't have they weren't near enough yet hopefully some of their fleets will split oh it looks like they might be slowly moving if we can ambush a couple of their fleets we're going to win this just because we're going to keep all of our planet craft together if possible on what's in these worlds these shielded worlds wish we were gaining these that'd be good okay next one down and let's oh hopefully we get that before it does anything else it seems to be confused about where it wants to go which is good for us science division report success oh our worlds went through first annoyingly because how big they are they kind of jump before reaching the end i didn't realize they'd do that oh oh i thought we hit their world i haven't seen their world use its huge attack yet maybe it did not missed it there we go owl destroyed their world this gave us two technological intel yes we don't have the system yet it's kind of annoying that we don't get the system so i can't make it our own right it's united planet refurbishment okay so i need the um the intel then still that gave us some intel which has increased our um damage oh and a bit more okay cool cool okay so we got i don't know if i was lucky or unlucky we only got a little bit of intel from the main fleet but we got a lot from the planet craft we destroyed that's wonderful okay continue going around i was hoping that maybe this the starcraft the starcraft the star bases would count but apparently not just stick together and hopefully science division just hopefully they'll move out don't know what they're doing right now they seem very confused i mean we have been cutting off all of their communications for the last like 50 years so maybe they're suddenly shocked they can't even tell what's going on yeah what a shame we didn't get these systems i guess that would be too easy when it would have all that right now yeah we can't just jump in right now so i'll move to the starbase to heal up and then i'll keep an eye on them to make sure they're not bunching up yeah what i'm hoping to see is looks like they're heading towards some of the exits hopefully they will if we get some more intel of course every piece of intel is more damage against them it's five percent damage in fact oh their weapons are kind of cool kind of point blank this time there's only way to jump oh it's three fleets okay i thought it was just like one or two but nope it's three yeah battleships go down like there's a couple of hits but they're definitely acting as good um screens for our worlds i don't do as much damage as you'd expect okay two more intel cause the planet craft went down that's from just one of the regular ships like we are losing ships but just nowhere near as much as i thought we would science division reports a new breakthrough they have a lot of health though okay could you please move to that starbase there's another group over there obviously you're going to want that so what are we at now after all that we're at 12 so i can i thought that requires 12. would you have destroyed an analyze ooh okay okay sorry to a special project okay so apparently i was misreading things um dyslexia has been hitting me hard today like all day and that's not too much of a surprise okay there were construct atronite psycho fabricators around shrouded worlds oh we saw those early didn't we was it here starbase not a few of them though are they no see i misread that as one of the world ones okay so we're probably not gonna have to do that one at least the other one's just a matter of intel which hopefully we'll get soon just keep on going around every time we see a flit on its own just take it out i mean it's their ai right now it's a new breakthrough oh yeah they jumped anywhere i don't think has it just been no loss it has been just contained right all these gaps are just standard border go office dolores and me got it meanwhile we are making one more planet craft which is good because i think the playing crafts just went ahead of everything else delightful look how many cannon shots we have i love the cannons i still think the cannons on the fire weapon they're just so satisfying to watch one off and now we've been doing plus 95 damage are you attacking oh a fleet must just jump through okay unless it was just that last fleet being annoying which it could have been okay so now we can do reverse engineer the planet craft research option gained refurbishments huh so now we can research how to fix them up uh i didn't expect their planet craft to be significantly weaker than ours that's a bit disappointing but also i mean good for the run i suppose but not the most fun we almost have the tech as well it's a very um expensive attack oh they're still making fleets we've destroyed so many but now there's just more and more of them pouring out just constantly still haven't destroyed one of the ones with um needed to though yeah not yet i guess because we haven't allowed them to keep the shielded world for any amount of time the science division reports success okay go back to there to defend these we're now repairing their planet craft hopefully we can check what it's actually made of i am really curious now we can make them hours using that thing but we don't have the resources for anyway so sure whatever we could just charge in now i honestly think we probably could i mean these are strong things the guardian units but we've destroyed most there are fleets i think i'll wait until we have their world up and running the research has included giving us that 15 extra damage and one year until we have their planet craft and hopefully we can see what it's made of if not what i will do after i finish recording all the normal footage for this video i'll go into a new world a new save and i'll quickly um figure out a way to take a look at them i think if i use observe straight away i might be able to check it to them check them out excuse me game we've had this okay i'm assuming what just happened is that the last one may have been from our mega structure then this one is from the normal end ga i don't really know but for some reason now we have them bitter reports now of course thankfully you know how to deal with this i'm going to deal with it as fast as possible so i don't end up allowing them to spawn in okay so where are they there i just said the name but uh where are they dimensional portal it's currently located here wait that's the same portal where's the new portal okay this time that has got obliterated now annoyingly as well the captain have just woke up uh because i want to try and save the galaxy apparently ah so now let's have even more attack moons it's still no real threat to us but more than anything it's just irritating okay you look go around again please okay can we check out what you're made of we can't okay so i'm going to insert a clip here a future lathrix wants to play a ball actually taking a look-see at what this thing has it doesn't seem to have the super-powered main weapon so despite being terrifying it seems like our planet craft are levels ahead and if i knew that to begin with i wouldn't have spawned in uh planet craft because it had made some really cool fights but i just expected them to have planet craft weapons so it'd be fun planet craft versus planet craft please future latricks behold the benevolence of future athletics so yes they do have these super weapons here at the end i'm not quite sure how their stats compare to the behemoth version but they are plenty strong and here's all the unique weapons and everything else which the eternium use overall a very very strong craft i'm not quite sure why they seem so much weaker than our craft it could have been repeatables it could have been just a matter of loads of fleets versus less honestly i am thinking that perhaps it is just a matter of the reduced cooldown from all of that tech which makes our one seem so much more devastating anyway back to the past and back versus a more active eternium our armed vessels have finally reached the heart of the eternite civilization the colossal birch world constructed around the galactic core it is hard to fathom the sheer size and scale of this unbelievably ancient construct which spans the better half of a lightyear and dominates the system surrounding it is an array of various eternity built megastructures as well as some fearsome highly equipped defense platforms intended on guarding this gigastructure but perhaps the most striking feature of all is none other than this one a monumental energy barrier which wraps around the entire structure protecting it from orbital bombardment naturally while the shield will not block ground invasions it will definitely prevent our fleets from assisting our ground troops reducing our capabilities on the ground fortunately the intelligence agency believes that like all shields there might be a way to disrupt and deactivate it if we possess enough intel we might be able to do so remotely okay science division report success looks like we're attacking the heart itself though obviously we're attacking the units inside looks like we're just attacking the birch world like ah never mind we'll just go straight into it spaceport lost to enemy action look your little traitor world following along okay we're losing a lot of our battleships yeah our fleets are being diminished rapidly that's bad because remember uh nope destroyed theirs okay i thought it was our one the reason why our worlds aren't being destroyed so quickly is because they're not being focused on there's so many ships a lot of their attacks are being diverted it's really difficult to see what's going on here just numbers okay we're now moving out to this section we've still got battleships alive there's still a lot of cannon fire from us the world's still mostly inside the birch world which is interesting to see very weird fight very weird indeed can you please focus on things i'm looking at for once okay so it takes three years but we are going to bring down the shield now we do have quite a few ground forces we don't have 41 000 worth though we have like how many do we have if 16k that's nowhere near enough i honestly thought that might be enough so i didn't really go mental making them uh maybe i should have so i'm just gonna spend all those minerals we currently are losing okay on as many psychic units as possible sorry psionic units as possible they're nice and strong they're good versus morale they have low collateral damage they're kind of just what we want so just gonna spam those on every system nearby to try and start bulking up our units and then once the shield comes down we can begin bombarding that as well the massive energy barrier surrounding the world begins to flicker as the very processes enabling its existence are disrupted from beyond recovery by our focused beam of energy fired through subspace within mere hours the shield undergoes catastrophic collapse and eventually completely unravels into the blackness of space the world now lays there for the first time in a million years bereft of the barrier which had protected it for untold eons which basically means we can now bombard it right in conclusion we can go boom oh there it is yep bombardment now begins science division report success still again psychiatrist at least now weakening it as well as making more and more and more armed forces okay it's funny landing by itself don't really know if this will win or not but we do have loads more forces on on its way we have our allies around us and even if we lose it doesn't really matter too much because they're being bombarded they can't heal yep this is going to be this number for a while so back in a second finally the shroud gave us something one of our admirals is now the chosen one i think an admiral being a chosen one really fits this empire well and we attacked and failed now we're just bombarding a little bit as we get oh no it landed by itself again i don't think it's gonna win but yeah every time it does it it's weakening them a little bit it's just a waiting game i'm also making um xenomorphs now i don't think they're quite as good as our sonic armies but they're far faster to build and they do a little bit more damage but they have no um well it's less morale damage which might be better honestly looking at it i know that one's morale has been broken so it's doing less damage yeah let me have a quick look see at the stats so the xenomorphs do that much wait no the sonic armies do more damage the xenomorphs do more morale damage huh i thought that was kind of the sonic's main thing xenomorphs does very very good oh so now i'm about to win now you're here to help me with your gene warriors well you are nowhere near as strong as we are of all our upgrades okay they're all disengaged now so doing almost no damage back to us just a matter of finishing them off the war is over following intense ground combat across the birch world our forces have managed to overwhelm the eternite defenders who despite their incredible technologies were not able to withstand our might with the loss of their one and only permanent settlement the eternites can no longer sustain their war effort and whatever remains of their empire will soon disappear as we are the ones who have finally ended the eternity menace once and for all we have acquired a significant amount of diplomatic influence both in our empire and the rest of the galaxy giving us extra influence per month plus 10 diplomatic white birch world very very poorly understood technology out of um modifier added giving the following effects less resources from jobs there's pop growth etc and also giving birch world vastly unexplored modifier given the following effects clear blocker time plus 200 and cost plus 200 percent well to get the world now inbound message traffic the end of the eternum now we have the system so surely we should we should be getting all these soon and these but for now at least we have the world so we'll have to clear whoa okay that's a truly ridiculous amount the thing is we've already had the birch world we know how all this system works it's clearly just have to clear all this first and we get lots of stuff anyway get to work though i don't know okay you are producing something despite all the negative modifiers in fact still producing quite a lot including just a ridiculous amount of energy housing and happiness entertainer jobs amenities happiness again empire modifier research speed plus 100 loads of energy just ridiculous amounts of everything beautiful now the only thing left then really is the cats who are currently awake now if i just bombard their home system they will be destroyed but the game will crash and is there any more beautiful way to end this run precursor birch world but 17 yeah so it's all just utterly insane rural world yeah that's what this is it's a rural world now how do we get control over these mega structures now i know normally you can go to the star in the system and climb them but the problem is there's not one that's how it normally works isn't it you go to the star it's like claim everything in the system yeah there we go um climb celestial warships but there's not a star in the center of these systems for that oh actually some of them there are no you can't actually click on it oh there we are and that didn't work on the um the mega structure anyway huh how about if we just head to the oh so there is more stuff then i'm glad i didn't bombard the world just yet okay once we get some more intel we can activate the shield i'm just waiting around for some more events to happen uh right now there is nothing really to do as we insert control over the world the former attorney capital and establish ourselves as the new masters our local settlers slowly come to the realization that the birch world is fast extremely vast indeed it appears that the eternal's entire civilization and industry has only occupied less than a single percent of the megastructure's colossal habitat habitable area as such humongous swathes of the virtual surface are quite literally completely uncharted these areas have been left without any supervision for the last several hundred thousand years initial surveys of these unknown lands are revealed that they likely contain a true treasure trove of ancient technologies and abandoned infrastructure presumably built by the eternum in a distant past subsequently many prominent elements many prominent elements of our scientific community are urging us to mount expeditions sure we've charted one percent five years four years three years let's just do the small one for now we can send an expedition to shut the surface it'll cost monthly energy and alloys expeditions can bring back certain amounts of intel and artifacts oh and also some other stuff sure send the small one wow there's so much to this and this is all like at the end i mean you have pretty much won the game here i would like a weaker version of this to be such a cool um origin a weaker kind of this world we have to figure it out and map it all out that'd be really interesting okay so there's a lot there oh since i have formed a covenant with that entity science division there's actually another megastructure the psionic beacon success okay this immense facility is used to house millions of skilled engineers and particularly powerful telepaths working together in precise harmony houses a shroud entity to grant significant boons sure let's put it on this um brown dwarf that looks pretty cool so there we are um the expedition was attacked thankfully we're strong enough and we continue on along with getting some resource antique ruins having a higher practicality compared to the anomaly's complexity increases chance sure so that was the scientist then i do not care about pink custodian all that much meanwhile we are building the beacon okay for free to read these if you wish there's so many events now i'm not going to be reading them all out loud because the videos are going to be multiple hours long i imagine we've got loads of artifacts and an intel spaceship uh let's not then too risky i'm just gonna want you to finish it off to see if that'll allow us to um clear the world a bit easier the spire has been installed next to conduits you know i actually may have seen this one before ages ago now i'm seeing it our expedition is now returned in addition to whatever they've encountered they brought back two intel and some relics this expeditions have explored five percent of the virtual bringing the total area to six percent so does that affect the world all year so does it need to be higher ah there we go this debuff will be progressively removed as we explore 25 50 75 and 100 of the surface that will enable you to remove all those other things so you can actually have a functional birch world once again with all the other bonuses okay so we've got that so the only thing i want to do then now is build this spire then i'll have a quick check to see if we can get any other mega structures but it's playing for a little while then we're going to bombard the cats and crush the game which is of course my equivalent of destroying the universe so a little silly thing here because we actually have the resources to build this thing uh it just goes to minus one never actually builds until we've um cleared some of the stuff the complete sonic beacon now housing a powerful navigator entity will light the way throughout real space for our ships and may eventually be used in other ways our telepaths are already immersed by the immense power eager to use the device with full potential the beacon can be activated at any time by upgrading it or using an edict and the production may be enhanced by sublimating either pups with a specialized purge or telepaths with a decision a complete sonic beacon a galactic lighthouse home to the okay the effects currently fdl speed increased sublight speed increased hyper jump charge time minus and jump drive range increased it gives us research and a bit of that sublimate which we've been gathering for a long time now we have yeah quite a bit of it despite only just getting this so what happens when we activate the beacon then hello the beacon activates its sonic light can be felt all across our empire the navigator is waiting expectantly whatever we'd like to do here it looks like it will enjoy its part in it its voice begins to resonate within our telepaths minds what is it you wish to do illuminate illuminate throughout the world making it colonizable the shroud will give us the ability to travel vast distances temporarily so we can jump anywhere dominate ooh mind control an entire system by flooding it with sonic entities requires require us to control or own at least one planet in the system are to shame the system will be transferred to us regardless of if we're in total war or not its inhabitants including those on the planet we own or control will become psychic and become comatose oof completely removing their ability to produce any resources whatsoever all armies spawned from these populations will be practically powerless okay we can turn a world into a shrouded world a horde of sonic avatars on enemy planets who will fight on our behalf imprint an admiral with the mark of the shroud has a chance of granting powerful traits to the admiral but may also destroy him control this one planet to the system oh never mind then we're going to fight with the captain and then use dominate using our new um our new friend here to control the entire system so all we need to do is control at least one of their worlds is there one which is a bit weaker than the others there we go 12k perfect okay all forces please go towards the cats can you just still jump there already that's pretty good any who can jump please do and you can't get there soon all ground forces also move over that would be great with our world crafts and everything else currently here it really won't take too long to take out everything we even of course have the eternium um world craft with us science division reports a new breakthrough of all the ground forces we made up during all of our wars over here we definitely have enough to take them out as well at least that weaker world but as soon as we have the weaker world we're going to use the dominate ability and see just how that works no there's some of their moons science division reports a new breakthrough so that was pretty much everything you have to have one moon left and that's it all of our worlds are closing in there's nothing they can do to stop us now inbound message traffic select the system you wish to dominate so annoyingly the starbase is owned by our ally but i think it still works oh very well this system's inhabitants shall be cast into us into eternal dreamless lumber oh it happened straight away enthralled members of the species are in a comatose state unable to contribute to society at all yep that's it every single oh but they resisted look huh i wonder if we can destroy this world you know i bet you can't even destroy this world the grand bunny is defending after all so that's pretty much it there's a couple of worlds left we'll just quickly um jump to those and take them out but i'm gonna see if you can destroy that world so let's go back to our super weapon select target oh this is an event with literally the world i was just talking about huh it made them stronger that's why they're so strong fascinating let's see if it'll survive this thing though so what type of star are we currently in we're type k gatso planet and you destroy it i did click the right one yeah there we are science division reports the new breakthrough oh it started being destroyed there's less now there's less of a garrison did it just do damage it didn't actually fully destroy it are they gonna say anything about that am i gonna get an event saying oh by the way that doesn't work either and that is it every single member of the galactic community is now part of our federation the cats have been removed the only thing left are the psychic bunnies we accidentally empowered but that's it i wonder if we tried to shroud the world if it would do the same thing then since it was talking about that let's just see what that would do or we could try and break it again okay what i'm going to do is i'll wait for this to cool down we'll have one more go at trying to break it's if it weakens it again and after that we'll try and shroud it which i assume is only going to empower it further okay firing again reports a new breakthrough any second now there it is so it counts as a shattered world briefly there oh and it's back it just pops back every time oh so all is happening so what happened then is it reset to its original strength before we tried to um dominate it okay that's what happened so i wonder what happens with the others if we can even target it with the beacon it says hostile ah it does understand it's a hostile world even though it's not classed as hostile right now where is it oh i've lost where everything is right now as you can imagine all that actually happened was the exact same event before it simply popped up saying your tomfoolery simply made a stronger haha and then they're back to that strength that is it so with that i think i've done everything i wanted to do in this run i think the eternum are a really really fun crisis and of course i didn't realize the normal endgame crisis still spawns so it's more of an extra threat not the main threat i do think it should be a little bit more difficult to keep them asleep maybe i should have set the end game earlier but then the normal in-game crisis would have also been a bit earlier perhaps i think maybe they could be considered the mid-game crisis how earlier i said it i'm not too sure either way though they are super super fun i can't believe how much detail is in the birch world itself this this mod will never cease to amaze me how much detail there is in it but this is going to be the last play through and especially last modded playthrough for a good while now the overlord dlc is coming out it normally takes me a week or two to make these four playthroughs so expect one of those hopefully by the end of the month with the new dlc either being a poor little empire being controlled by another or a more dominant force colonizing the galaxy in true british fashion so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continue in the future thank you so so much for watching and goodbye now it feels weird not crushing the game to end it but perhaps this is a better way thank you and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 343,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dpDsupkIFG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 43sec (7603 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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