A Full Guide To ACOT! | Ancient Cache of Technologies Mod Showcase #stellaris #acot

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the Stellaris Galaxy is filled with many Secrets behind them lies fathomless power outstanding inventions and possibilities never before imagined what if an Empire uncovers said Mysteries Embraces the knowledge of the past and forges a new future I'm Michael and today we are finally gonna dive into Asian cache of Technologies a humongous mod which adds a ton of new content to the game this includes over 520 new technologies new ships weapons buildings and more so make sure to watch this video till the end and without further Ado let's see what this mod has to offer to get started with a card you need to have researched at least 5 Technologies from the fifth tier and you also need the ability to harvest dark matter if you meet those requirements a new event called the darkened side will allow you to investigate the properties and possible ways of utilizing dark matter in total there are three ways you can acquire dark matter based tag first you can develop it on your own once you finish the internal analysis special project you will need to use your scientists to proceed further in each field of research you have to assign a level 6 scientist or higher I also recommend that the assigned scientists have some of these required traits as they will make it easier for set Technologies to appear if a scientist meets this criteria you will have to research three new technologies one for each field of research they are very crucial and without them you can proceed further once the mentioned Technologies are researched you will be able to unlock the Dark Matter dimensional reactor as well as two additional components keep in mind that they're not the final product they are still prototypes and even though they give you some benefits they impact other ship starts in a negative way if you don't feel like developing the reactor on your own you can reach out to the curators instead by asking them about enigmatic Powers you will have an opportunity to ask them for help in understanding Dark Matter to purchase their services one of your level 5 scientists must join the curators in exchange all of free Technologies required to proceed further will appear as research options decorators will continue to play an important role in this mod with their trust becoming a currency which can be exchanged for knowledge the creators now have additional dialogue options and you may ask them about different things related to the mod's lore once you research the Dark Matter dimensional reactor and you ask them about their order you will be able to hire a narcon in exchange for one hundred thousand energy credits archons are the highest ranked members of the curator order they are Immortal and they have several traits that significantly boost their capabilities they're also at level 10 which makes them especially valuable the Creator station has also been redesigned and they now have a small fit consisting of precursor ships if you feel like you have a decent military and you haven't found the curators you can also obtain Dark Matter base stack by declaring a war on a fallen Empire if you destroy about 10 of their ships this event will give you the same free Technologies required to develop the reactor as you dive deeper into Dark Matter base tag other Empires might ask you for help in gaining Dark Matter Technologies and they will be willing to pay a lot of energy credits you may give the Empire The Dark Matter prototypes or level up their scientists to level 6 in order to help them study Dark Matter on their own or reject their proposal this however can lead to them hiring Pirates to assault one of your science ships and grab the dark matter based Technologies once you have the reactor another event will appear which introduces you to Dark Energy a new resource that will be used later in upcoming tears with the dark energy drawing technology research a new event will add the Delta reactor as a research option this allows you to dive into acot's first tier code Delta a combination of two dark Powers dark matter and dark energy the invention of the Delta reactor marks the beginning of a new era in which dark matter and dark energy opens up previously unimagined possibilities at the start of your journey with Delta you may choose what technologies interest you the most and if you pick one of the following options you will gain some progress on certain Technologies from that point on you'll be able to unlock a lot of different things such as new energy weapons kinetic and explosive weaponry strikecraft and the new utility components as well as new scholarship components keep in mind that each technology from Delta has even a prerequisite so for instance you won't unlock Delta lasers without researching gamma lasers first all Delta components scale by 1.3 times from the highest vanilla components and some offer additional bonuses for example Dark Energy Shields and hard light armor also increase your whole points and some weapons have reduced negative modifiers almost all vanilla buildings get the Delta counterparts and in order to play days then you have to build the enigmatic Palace first this can be done with the superior constructs decision which replaces your capital building with the palace vanilla buildings cannot be upgraded into the Delta variants instead they need to be built separately the buildings that you will need the most are the Dark Matter converter Dark Energy piling and the dimensional Harvester as they will be your main source of dark matter and dark energy the delta science complex is also important as it also produces minor artifacts that are going to come in handy later on you might think that Asian cache of Technologies only revolves around new tags but it also completely overhauls armies vanilla Army units have been replaced and now you have three Army types available for recruitment infantry units are cheap to recruit and they have good moral stats battle tank divisions are lightweight vehicles with more health and higher damage at the expense of their morale land cruises are Corvette sized ships designed for planetary assault they are the toughest out of the three units but they are also of the most expensive all units will also receive upgrades with each tier and each time their stats will continue to improve with the Delta tier you can also unlock ethos armies each fanatic effect has their own army unit that can be recruited once you have the Delta version of the stronghold building there are also special units called heroic armies and once again each fanatic ether gets their own unique Hero Academy to recruit Primitives now have their own armies with their strength depending on the error they're in and each Fallen Empire has their own armies as well Hive mines and machines get their own ones as well and by choosing either psionic synthetic or genetic Ascension we'll also get new Army units a new decision is also available which boosts your forces and you can also build defensive walls and later equip them with defensive batteries to upgrade your defenses besides that acot offers additional tags which boost your Army's morale damage and health as your scientists study precursor designs instead for new improvements they're gonna discover that Fallen Empire legs are extremely downscaled and simplified versions of their original prototypes they will come across the term precursor data bank and you will have to obtain the set data Bank to improve upon your enigmatic Technologies the first way to acquire it is to have good relations to Fallen Empires if one of the foreign Empires is patronizing towards you there is a chance that they might give you the data bank and if you enjoyed the Fallen Empires talks about their history the data bank will be officially yours if you don't want to do anything with the fall Empires you may ask the curators to create a new data bank for you but keep in mind that this will not be cheap another way to acquire the data bank is to assemble it yourself this can be done with a new artifact decision which costs you only 50 minor artifacts as well as some Alloys dark matter and dark energy if you succeed the data bank will be yours but consider the fact that there is a lot that can go wrong your attempts might also yield nothing or cause the data back to go Rogue and in the best case scenario takes some of your fleets in the worst case scenario the Rogue Data Bank takes control over some of your star bases and colonies as well as somehow manages to bring in very powerful fleets that will be impossible for you to defeat the last way to acquire the data bank is to take it by force at the same time as the mystery of the epicursor event happens a newcastle's belly becomes available which can be used against foreign Empires if your kind wins the war the Fallen Empire will be humiliated and the data bank will fall into your hands with the data Bank acquired the precursor Data Bank analysis will appear as a research option it unlocks a new Star based module that will allow you to construct precursorships in the future after you research the aforementioned technology you will be able to communicate with the data Bank this is the moment where you will get the chance to meet Sophia d a Data Bank personality that is going to help you with later projects Sofia can be contacted at any time in the contacts menu and you can ask about all sorts of things for instance you can review your Technologies or tell you about different elements of vehicle's lore however there are other more important things you can do with her assistance you can reimagine precursive designs forever Lost In Time the whole process is very simple first you choose which design you want to replicate second you have to allocate a certain amount of your resources each allocation has a certain chance to increase your progress and once you select one of the free options a special project will be issued if you get the required amount of points the design will appear as a research option if you don't have enough points you need to try again until your combined attempts add up to the required amount if the fifth attempt still isn't enough the Prototype turns unstable and you have to start over now that you know how the whole project Works let's see what designs can actually be unlocked up first we have the precursor escort a small ship which functions as a hybrid between a destroyer and a cruiser the ship can house a total of three sections at first glance you don't have that many sections to choose from but once you unlock the modular escort Design Technology a bunch of new sections become available and with the making specialized the precursor escort in all sorts of different ways next we have battle Cruisers that are essentially the precursor version of battleships those ships would become a crucial part of your fleets and an armada of battle Cruisers will be unstoppable during battle originally battle Cruisers only have three sections but with the modular battle cruiser technology we'll also get two additional core sections as well as five different section types to specialize your vessels that recursor Garden is a small defense platform designed to deter smaller ships and provide Point defense it can be built normally like a vanilla defense platform at your star base the guardian can house three sections in total the primary section can be equipped with an artillery or missile defense system the secondary section can host a gun Cannon or another missile system while the tertiary section can be supplied by Point defense or hunger section hyperions can be reimagined after you have unlocked precursor battle Cruisers they were the original attempt at a capital ship by the precursors which was discarded due to high maintenance they have a similar role to Titans and they can host two Aura components the Hyperion has three core variants to choose from one for regular weapons one for missiles and one for strikecraft ships it has two Wings which can be equipped with either artillery missile or Carrier sections as well as an additional third slot with sections sharing a similar purpose this ship cast will also be an important part of your Fleet as it's very durable and it can deal a lot of damage the affirmation designs are some of the simpler ones and if you want to delve deeper into Fallen precursors ships you will need to pick the pursuit of the past Ascension perk which becomes available right after you start the reimagination project the Ascension perk also increases your diplomatic weight and gives you an additional attempt which is going to come in handy with more advanced designs the precursor Oracle is something that we all thought about before and something that will be very useful especially in the early game it's basically an armed science ship the Oracle Wing has some small weapon slots while the Oracle antenna provides the ship with Point defense the ship also has similarity slots so you can equip it with some Shields or armor and as you go through more advanced tiers you'll be able to fit an even more components the Oracle also has a special Oracle plot device which serves as an advanced Waypoint system that generates an artificial wemble for a quick Retreat and with later tears the device can be used more often and the chance of your scientist teleporting to your Capital increases the precursor Emissary is an advanced Colony ship with some additional features it has three W slot weapons all of which have different purposes the arrival message can be used to invade or colonize any habitable planets the Emissary framework that comes with the vessel determines the amount of Spawn pops and armies on the planet into the number increases with each tier the blessing message is a terraforming gray which can be used on any planet with it you can turn plants to any habitable or uninhabitable vanilla plant classes you can also transform a plant into Gaia Wells Hive Wells machine Wells arcologies tomb Wells as well as fractured and enigmatic waves that I will talk about later the farewell message on the other hand is able to remove shattered broken or shrouded wells in addition to that the Emissary has some weapon and utility slots if upgraded to Alpha tier the ship will also gets some additional auxiliary slots which can be equipped with new modules that spawn new pops or create buildings upon colonization the celestial forger is the newest addition to the precursor reimagination project and it is a ship designed for solely one purpose and that is building celestial bodies to use the celestial 4G you simply need to click on a celestial object and use a new decision which is going to replace the photo of a Barren weld which can be later Bond the initialize there is an armed construction Ship piloted by combat engineers The Vessel has three section slots which can be equipped with either utility or weapon components the initializer has a special device called the initializer Codex with a de-initializer can be used to increase planetary building speed if you order it to orbit a planet the initializer can also build Special temporary turrets the instant pilot is a small structure with two sections that contain X weapon slots while the instant repeller has L slots instead the turrets can only be built when there is no hostile enemy within the system and their longevity is determined by the codex's tier regular construction ships can also build them however the lifespan is much shorter the precursor assault carrier or PAC in short is a ship designed to sustain information at long distances and launch strikecraft at the enemy the PAC can carry four sections the primary section slot can be equipped with a spinal or forward artillery designed to defend the ship from incoming attacks the remaining sections are hangers filled with age slots and some additional Weaponry the precursor Sentinel can be reimagined after unlocking Guardian defense platforms compared to the guardian The Sentinel is more durable and it's suited for countering tougher vessels the station has three sections the eye carries d-class weapons while the winds are fitted with X slots the precursor city that is one of the most expensive designs as it requires 600 points it can be reimagined after unlocking Guardians and Sentinels the studio has to be built in two stages like a megastructure and upon completion the star base in the system will be replaced with the one you just build the star base also has its own modules and buildings you can turn it into a giant Shipyard transform it into a humongous Anchorage or an uncomparable Bastion you can also use it for other things such as generating resources or research just like any regular star base it can be upgraded two times to a precursor Nexus which can be filled with 20 modules and 7 buildings once you advance to the sigma tier you can upgrade the star base once again to do that you must build a sigma Fortress megastructure which is going to replace the star base upon completion the Enigma Leaf is also a mega structure and it also requires 600 points to be reimagined this Mega structure will greatly help with producing resources such as dark matter and dark energy and as you progress through later tiers the Enigma lift can be upgraded and its resource production will change depending on its tier if you visit the precursor design archives you will notice that one design is still missing and that is the precursor colossi how do you actually obtain it in my task once you unlock the precursor Citadel two years later the Everlasting Legacy Event will appear and you will find out that the precursor colossa Is Not What It Seems the so-called Herculean is an everlasting Legacy a massive mobile megastructure which can make an Empire I live forever if you decide to take on the project and you insist on Sofia to give you the required information you will be able to undertake this tremendous task first you will need to study its design plans and in order to do that you must research Three Special Projects all of which require 5 million research points as you research each individual project you will find out more about the Herculean and once they are finished the technology for its design will appear as a research option the hercuin is such a ginormous vessel that it needs to be built as a mega structure it needs to be constructed in four stages with each one requiring 500 000 Alloys and 50 000 dark matter and dark energy as you go through the required stages the creators themselves will get interested and they will give you resources and increase their opinion in exchange for a chance to study the Herculean once you reach the final stage the airplane will finally be completed and the mega structure will turn into a ship in total the herkulean can host six sections the her Korean heart is the color of the vessel it has several t-slots and it can cause plant clear components the Titan pillar is designed to carry Titanic weapons The Siege pillar contains xlots while the assault pillar can carry large weapons the carrier pulls a dedicated hanger section with h slots and additional large weapon slots the hercuin has unique courtship components and an entire batch of tactical computers which determine the ship's Behavior it can also be equipped with four Aura components once you reach the alpha tier you will be able to unlock new weapons and components meant for the Herculean only spectral projection is the most powerful of them all and because of that it can be equipped only once Herculean weapons also have their Sigma tier counterparts and their strength only increases aside from that the hercuin comes with a bunch of auxiliary components that have different functions for instance you may use new hercurion garrisons which spawn additional ships when the harakurian engages in battle or equip new automated as skirt or battle cruiser stylecraft ships besides that the hercuin also serves as a mobile Shipyard capable of building precursor designs and with adequate Technologies it can also produce resources on its own the hercurion also has a unique W slot weapon the resonant Cascade to use it simply right click on an object within a hostar Empire's system and then wait for the herkurion to arrive this weapon is so destructive that it causes a total dimensional collapse of the system star and not only does it completely obliterate the targeted system it also affects other adjacent hostile systems one blast can essentially kill a whole empire in an instant so use it wisely as a side effect all plants within the targeted systems will be transformed into Ultra fractured or unstable fractured Wells unstable fractured bursts can be stabilized and later colonized once usage the fractured it and shattered technology it unlocks a new decision which issues a time special project if completed the plan will turn into its stable variant and you'll be able to colonize it each fractured weld is inhabited by anomalous entities and each one will have at least two out of 5 modifiers which represent hostile creatures that need to be taken care of you better have some armies on the planet or else these creatures will periodically attack your colony to defeat them once and for all all you need to do is choose a special decision corresponding to one of the modifiers and then kill the enemy's ground armies the Hostile entities have varying strengths each time so be careful because if you lose the plant will become so unstable it's going to blow up if you succeed the modified will be removed and that the plant will become more stable fractured Wells also have their own blockers with massive penalties and they can be removed after researching specific tags you can build 4 new District types however each one is locked behind specific technologies that need to be unlocked first later you can upgrade these tricks so that they don't take up extra space with the Enigma erase technology on enigmatic based buildings have their upkeep removed and the output from jobs producing dark matter and dark energy is increased by a hundred percent which makes the plant perfect for resource production once you have the alpha tier and you research the Twilight soils technology the districts will be upgraded and they will have better statistics and more jobs to offer this technology also allows to stabilize Ultra fractured Wells and turn them into fractured ways that can be colonized the plant can be improved upon even further ones to have Twilight soils and all district related texts mentioned earlier with the enigmatic word creation tag you can turn your fractured value to an enigmatic world to the new decision and a special project the enigmatic world is basically reconstructed and more stable fractured World meet easier to navigate for its inhabitants however the plant is still far from being perfect if you have enigmatic World creation the precursor data bank or District rated text and these miscellaneous tags will be able to construct a void sphere before you do that how however you need to construct a fully upgraded precursor orbital ring they can be unlocked after the research because of citadels and they have three stages in total once you have the precursor orbital ring and the plant is clear from any anomalies you may use the decision to build the void sphere the void sphere is basically an advanced sticky monopolist capable of housing hundreds of Pops in fact you can probably move most if not all of your pops onto it the plant has some very powerful districts that will have the booster economy research production Etc fractured Wheels may also spawn naturally and thus we explore the Galaxy you may stumble upon a fractured West guarded by a precursor Sentinel the specific fractured well stand out from the others due to the fact that they have existed for a long period of time and as soon as they're settled you will detect a massive graveyard of ships on the surface and the new archaeological site will be created if you finish the site with a perfect outcome by lighting the artifacts and selecting the Delta reactor as a power source you will acquire the blueprints for Picasso escorts battle Cruisers and hyperions as well as additional attacks which increase their whole points a group of Fallen Empire ships will also appear and you will be able to restore the America with a special project this Mega structure is an ancient research station which produces some research as well as additional resources and it can be upgraded over time to produce even more you will also obtain the America restoration beam which upon activation may give you some resources or uncover more precursor ships fractured and Ultra fractured Wells can also be created with new bombardment stances using their punishment bombardment stance will result in a plan becoming an unstable fractured well or I would have fractured with depending on the random outcome The exterminatus bombardment Stance can't be unlocked at Alpha tier it has the same effect except it is more efficient if you have the final words technology you'll be able to use a new decision any plans within your space to turn them into a fractured or Ultra fractured weld however with this method the plants have to be stabilized eyes it also allows you to control the bombardment process and before a plant which is 100 Devastation an event will allow you to choose its fate aside from new ship it designs the data Bank also allows you to dive into the next steel called Alpha all that you need to do is ask Sophia about Alpha experiments and if you decide to continue what the precursors originally started Sofia will transfer all the necessary information you will need to research free Technologies each from a different field once you do that the alphanigmatic reactor is going to appear as a research option now you might be wondering why is it marked as a dangerous technology by advancing into the alpha tier going to outstack the foreign Empires and they're not gonna like that there is a chance that Fallen Empires will send a transmission in which they demand you to give them the Alpha Project or else they will intervene there are three ways to handle this situation first you can tell them to go away but the Fallen Empire will not be pleased immediately they're going to Clary war in hell to take the Alpha Project and they will also receive additional Feats to win the war if the war happens there is no going back and if you've got what it takes to defeat the Furious awakened Empire you will be generously rewarded you may also give in and let them confiscate the Alpha Project but this will only delay the inevitable the Fallen Empire will also awaken and it's only a matter of time until they re-establish their Supremacy the third option gives them a chance to think twice before they do anything stupid although it is only available when your feed power is higher than that of the Fallen Empire The Awakening will not occur and they will only get mad that they can't really do anything once you have the alpha reactor you will gain access to new upgraded components buildings and armies if you have research the Delta counterparts Alpha weapons and components scaled by 1.3 times from their Delta variants each because the design will also receive new alpha-based sections all of which offer additional slots you can also unlock new things such as the Giga Fortress this building is a giant military Fortress that heavily boost your army and adds a lot of Naval capacity The Fortress also has some other features for instance you can deploy it as a ship with a new decision and land it on your planet you can customize it in the ship designer and use it to defend your colonies the next tactiers don't follow a single path in fact they are cycles that can be acquired independently defy and or neutera connected to a new paramilitary function called the Fannin corpse you may stumble upon their job point system while exploring the Galaxy and inside will find an armada of very powerful ships the final corpse will be friendly and they can provide you with various services in exchange for energy credits and influence you can hire new leaders and the higher their skill level the more expensive they become you may also hide a Feats consisting of various ships and commission new Army units as well the process of obtaining their Technologies is fairly straightforward you simply need to attack them however this is no easy feat so grab your Hercules as well as your strongest fleets and send them towards the job point the final corpse will immediately notice your hostile activities and you will no longer be able to use their services a new adventuring about them is going to start and in this situation you can monitor your progress in reverse engineering their attack the fighter is basically your attempt at reimagining the corpse technology with dark matter and dark energy to do that he must gather fun and fragments by destroying as many fellowships as possible to get started with the fight here you need 50 final fragments the First Technology gives you some standard energy kinetic and point defense weapon types you also get the fire reactor as well as small and medium fire Shields and armor the intensify analysis becomes available once you have two hundred funny fragments and once it's researched you will get new auxiliary and ship components as well as drycraft ships large Shields and armor new Torpedoes and other additional weapons the last fight tier technology appears after obtaining a thousand fun fragments with the Surplus fragments being turned into Alloys you will get new ship auras extra weapons 40 and X slots and additional utility components which increase your weapon damage compared to the previous Tiers 5 components scale roughly by 1.3 times from alpha there are also no five buildings and the no five ship sections to research once the job point is cleared out all that you need to do is to invade the fan command hold if you succeed the Vault will be yours and your next move will be to fight the remaining fan and defenses hidden deep within the Vault this will also be an opportunity for you to unlock the new next year which is basically what the final cops normally use to investigate the numerous sections of the Vault you need to have researched all five tags and you need to have Army stationed on the surface if you meet these requirements you can use a new decision to start the onslaught an event is going to appear and you can take on different approaches to attack the finance defenses with each one having their own pros and cons once you pick one of the following options new hostel armies are going to appear and if you emerge victories the outer corridors are are going to be cleared out and your study of the finance technology will begin if you fail the final cops will take over the Vault and they will take control over the system's star base also make sure to always have some armies on the vault as the fan might surprise you with retaliation from time to time the first assault gives you the runic reactor some basic energy kinetic explosive and point defense weapon components as well as new Skycraft ships as research options after the fun and Vault lockdown modifier expires you can continue your Conquest the second race takes place in the middle corridors you can attack them normally but with additional defenses or release experimental xenomores that will assist you for a short period of time or drill through them with a new device the metal corridors contain even more unique Technologies and you'll be able to unlock new ship components Shields armor weapons and utility components besides that you can also unlock new fun and Duty main units the third assault goes even deeper into the Vault and and it takes place within the inner corridors this section contains both mechanical and organic defenses and you may choose which ones you want to counter first or strike at them both the difficulty Rises once again and in total the final kinemas roughly 100 000 Army strength if you persist though you'll be rewarded with even more Advanced Technologies more ship components become available to research and the new X and t-slot weapons appear as research options aside from that you will also unlock one of the finance ship designs the star Chaser Squadron Finance ships can only be built from their drop point star base and they already come with predetermined designs so you can't customize them the starches Squadron is basically a bunch of tiny ships equipped with Point defense weapons and missiles they are incredibly fast with good evasive capabilities and that they are meant to strike first the fourth assault is the last one and it's also the hardest of them all the fund will throw everything they've got and they will fight to death to protect the vault in Toledo their armies May will have over 200 000 Mercury strength and if you haven't defeated all their forces from the inner corridors the remaining armies will join in as well if you succeed The Vault will be finally free from fans forces and you will have the ability to disable their dimensional mirror with a special project upon completion the funnel will be cut off from your Galaxy and this concludes the final event chain as a reward for winning the assault you will get some additional key slot weapons a new army unit and the rest of the fans ship designs I'm not gonna describe them in great detail As You Can't customize them anyways Star Destroyers are an equivalent to Cruisers and that they are meant to stop enemy Feats from reaching heavier ships their design mostly consists of kinetic weapons the star Devastators Finance Battleship equivalent it utilizes mostly projectile weapons as well as energy and kinetic weapons the star decimator is a giant carrier sniper ship equipped with mostly explosive weapons it also has the igne maternum a very powerful energy weapon that deals a lot of damage the star Dominator serves as either a flagship or a support command ship it has a lot of X and L slot weapons and it's heavily armed its second iteration can house even more weapons and it is equipped with a Yamato Cannon to make it more effective against hostile enemies you can actually get it earlier in the game if you're lucky enough by using the restoration beam Relic the start Annihilator is the most powerful Financial ship out there equipped with multiple Yamato cannons and two igne maternums this ship can take out basically anything the star overloads a defense platform that can only be built at the drop point star base it's a large platform designed to counter large Capital ships they are equipped with multiple x l and t-slot weapons as well as multiple strikecraft hangers that start OverWatch on the other hand is a smaller and cheaper defense platform made to take out smaller fleets the Run exterior is the second most powerful tier from this mod and compared to the 5 tier it scales roughly by 1.4 times there are no our next year buildings in base a card but if you really want them going still acquisition of Technologies which adds a neuronic tier buildings as well as more fun and related content the sigma tier can be unlocked approximately 20 years after you have the alpha reactor your scientists will hear a rumor about a nano energy source called star ride later Sophie will provide with more information and if you decide to learn more about the source of power Sofia will give you the Starlight reactor as a research option as well as some style right to begin exporting this new resource Starlight cannot be found anywhere within the Galaxy and in order to produce it you have to build Starlight generators which are basically artificial stars made to produce more steroid for your needs later you will have the possibility to convert dark matter and dark energy into stellarite with the Starlight energy conduit eventually you will unlock more advanced generators capable of producing even more Stellar ride it is important however that you don't get created the way of your style right production and monitor your stockpile as the there is a chance that a style right anomaly is going to spawn you can invent 5000 Starlight units to prevent it from spawning or you may also do nothing and allow one of the four outcomes to happen the anomaly can fail to spawn allowing you to gather a small amount of Starlight the anomaly can fail to spawn but you will find a way to encourage it to form and you may let it be until it dissipates on its own or you can hunt it down kosiki to turn hostile in third and fourth outcomes the anomali spawns on its own and if the fourth outcome happens you can keep it as a pet and feed it with Starlight so that it won't dissipate or you can destroy it and get starvite instead once again you get more upgrades for ship components armies and the new ship sections with even more slots the sigma tier is the most powerful out of all of the tiers from this mod and when it comes to components it scales by 1.5 times from the fight here once again there are no Sigma tier buildings but you can install acquisition of technology which adds more Starlight related features aside from that you can also unlock a newborn Batman's task called the nihilates which is basically a built-in Planet cracker you can also crack your own plants with the honorable discharge decision if they start by generators present on the surface if you don't like some parts of this mod for instance you might think that something is too overpowered or you simply dislike some of its content you can select which features you want in a configuration menu that appears at the beginning or can be accessed to the new edict you can enable or disable installed echoed sub mods select which text should or should not appear or which tactics should be available to research you may also disable certain events determine the amount of assistance the AI receives or disable certain contents such as void spheres Hercules Etc acut also offers 3D Origins that are supposed to give a head start in the game each origin has a configuration menu in which you can determine how much you have expanded the amount of your colonies the number of readers and their skill level as well as how many ships you want at the start depend depending on the origin you have chosen you will get either vanilla tear 3 or tier 5 tags or if you have picked Legacy of the Void you will have many Delta tier texts already researched if you feel like the game isn't challenging enough then go ahead and install the override sub mode which has new crisis components rebalanced throughout echo's final component tiers and overall makes the crisis more challenging to defeat this mod also gives Delta components to fall Empires it improves many other things so that Vanessa's becomes more challenging with a card you may also install the extra device in changes mode which Alters several vanilla values to make them fit with a card features such as dark matter habitats the production core project War Bridges and buildable Gatekeepers are not present in base a code as they come from acquisition of technology which is a sub mode made by frackjacker this mode also acts as a Patcher between acot and the dawn of Ascension it also changes how Tech tears work and with it the Run actor becomes mandatory to acquire steroid go check out the modern steam I really recommend when you guys try it out it's a lot of fun and it can make your game a lot more interesting you can also visit Shiro's patreon page if you want to support the most development and if you like this video go check out my other modulated content and click that subscribe button I put a lot of effort into this video and this project was by far the biggest I've made on the channel if you want me to cover a specific mod or if you have any suggestions in general or I missed anything let me know down in the comments I will see you in another video and goodbye
Channel: Michael~
Views: 12,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris modded, stellaris, stellaris mods, stellaris modded playthrough, stellaris roleplay, stellaris playlist, stellaris console edition, stellaris human, stellaris mod, stellaris mods 2023, stellaris modding, stellaris modded ep1, stellaris let's play, modded stellaris, mod showcase, mod review, ancient cache of technologies, stellaris mod showcase, stellaris 3.7, acot
Id: kStDKYFxS3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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