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this mod allows us to play as the contingency can we use all these new mechanics to liberate this galaxy before the 25 times crisis spawns anytime from year 50. and of course we'll be playing with the hardest AI possible so today we'll be using synthetic Gods which means to be starting a star cluster outside the Galaxy but don't worry there's a link to the Bane Galaxy this time we get Interstellar overclocking available for Unique crisis part and we're designed to play as crisis against the entire galaxy which is the whole point we didn't get any new traits we did get a new Civic spectrals which we had to use for synthetic Gods we get a new bombardment start on X Technologies they'll know what that is pops killed by bombardment or Purge generate living metals and we can use an edict that costs living Metals we get better jump drives and range more alloy upkeep but less energy upkeep and we've just picked the Terminix stimulator it just goes with the theme let's jump into it so here we are around a spectral Ring World this poetry is hilarious on the background we only get two different districts which one gives energy minerals and Alloys and the other gives science a Unity very interesting oh we get some op own X quantum computer reality storage oh my well I'm glad I made this as hard as possible because this does seem like a very strong start and we get just a few of these sections you know just a couple so we do start on the edge of the Galaxy but we get a Gateway that connects to the core of a galaxy now I've not played this mod so we'll be discovering all the insane things that this adds but from what I've seen this spot looks sick the first thing we're gonna do survey our home systems because who knows what's gonna be here I mean there's even inactive spectral ring worlds here I'm not sure we can actually even do anything with this yet but we'll see do we need five Hunter secret drones no I don't I don't think we do I'd rather you guys work calculator jobs booster Tech to the Moon please thank you 254 already a limiting factors looks like it's gonna be pops so I'm glad were mass produced there are no New Traditions but what I did notice is a bunch of Ascension perks I like menu Ascension picks and this is the Ascension pick it was talking about with the crisis path so we're definitely going to go down this when we finished a tradition but now I mean we've got to discover the Galaxy before we can kill it and I just started colonizing these sections already no current route on others well it's time to mass produce Colony ships but by the max Alloys we can as well I maybe should have gone down expansion if I can colonize that much oh well you know what it's not too late to go expansion let's get expansion so we get an additional pop and then the pop Groove speed and another planet so what does Galaxy's Elemental Force do we get more Mega structured build speed ships alloy upkeeps reduce and we get less Empire sized now that's pretty good we currently don't have any living metal but once we get the Persian we will and we can get even more Mega structure builds lots of Mega structures then I believe we start with rare resources that's absolutely crazy and you can only start with one more pop I love the look of these systems I mean look at that that is just insane let me get my now with no ugly face blocking it look at it oh the physical only has been settled oh we're gonna be so op this is insane and we're gonna grab an analytical leader because more science we love science but one of our patrons has somehow hacked into our system and renamed one of our Governors good thing it was the analytical one if you wanted to name Governor's fleets like the parakeet Fleet or even ship names check out the patron and YouTube membership you also get to submit Empires that can appear in my game that I can Purge and get access to monthly multiplayer games and it starts at only one pound it's much appreciated all right we're gonna finish off Discovery now that we have the pot and the pop assembly when I'm slacking with the colony ships there we go but I've almost colonize them all we got three left to send out I just queued up building the discovery of alien life this disgusts me oh yeah I was meant to build one of these wait these can stack oh no Empire limit of one ah well we're gonna just build them yup keeps 20. oh it gives jobs as well it gives resources from jobs plus one percent I'm building it let's see what happens oh and here come the planets this is stupid the first one shall be resources oh here's the galactic call Guy worlds ocean worlds we can settle them all and Discovery is complete we can now there's so many there's four new Ascension picks and lots of building assimilation sender which converts one to ten Bops into the own main species own X and Matrix we can convert undesirables into catalysts which produce Tech that's quite cool Stellar engine we can make a giga structure which can teleport the distant stars or the crisis path we're gonna do the crisis path because that's the whole point of this video but there's so much in this mod if you have ideas for videos using this mod if you've played it let me know let's go Beginning of the End already Evolution has its limits which need to be removed our goals and motives are beyond the understanding of mere civilizations not that we know if any exists there's no way around to secure a steady evolution and with new elements that aldia has to vanish we will turn all of these creatures into Immortal Consciousness Begins the interstellar overclocking event chain issues special project the time crap 74 months the term crack provides a bridge to many galaxies and dimensions each Harvest begins and ends here fish all steps of the event chain the Harvest the entire galaxy with unique tools of Destruction so that's our aim before whatever has chased us to this forbidden land appears could be another contingency a 25 times crisis we must finish Interstellar overclocking 74 months I don't care what are we researching at the moment food who cares about food oh my gosh you can upgrade the quantum computer look how many jumps this is just insane okay my third Colony we'll just space them out this will be tech oh the Paul's a mega structure oh whoa that looks so cool look at that oh we can actually repair the ring worlds there's a lot of Alloys there what the hell is this Compass Citadel this is insane oh dear there's an asteroid somehow it's fine the parakeet Fleet can deal with it a bunch of minerals that's what we like to see these are expensive to build the next Ascension pick oh there's new stuff Egypt Empires enables the building of smaller economic Mega structures that does sound quite interesting all the Emperor as well it's military Mega structures I think the most applicable one will be Age of Empires let's try it out I don't have any Mega structures I guess it will be attack yeah Nano Factory 82 okay I maybe shouldn't have gone it yet we're quite weak we need more deck first we have found someone Sky catches orbital hydrospheres Apex Industries they take years to research we're going to doing a bit of tech rushing first and then we can try and do those cool Mega structures our Arlo production is probably not good enough for it yet even I'm gonna go manufacturing Focus for more output to our scientists we've got so much production on a lower resource end we just want to get more Tech like destroyers and I guess we go Supremacy next a science academy this is so tempting produces minor artifacts improves the Espionage system and decrease the upkeep of researchers there's an increased science this We're not gonna go out yet all the other ones are trashed though it's fine we finished the time crack anti-spectral we're gonna get a Mega structure that helps us finish this what wait this gives us no building upkeep so we can just use these really expensive things here are we meant to resettle everything over here because that could be op we get 50 output here we can actually go settle on Compass Citadel hopefully nothing goes wrong I don't have an idea okay I'm gonna do something a little bit ballsy and just resettle all of our Pops from all of our planets except the replicators over here I cost unity and energy though oh well oh no I just reset them off okay I think I broke my economy but we have 2 000 signs now let's not have that many researchers yeah Federation Builder Target identified Seek and Destroy it looks like we're getting way more out of it by doing that we just had to shuffle our jobs around a bit but by killing off all the jobs we can actually make them automatically go to our Capital which gets insane bonuses we just use these for pop growth and I mean you could say oh you can destroy the district bar we might need it in the future and there's no point in getting rid of them and there's no designation that increases pop growth speed colonies actually give more settlement chance so we should put them all to colonies then I don't have to settle them they will all automatically resell I'm a genius at this game we should probably get rid of the buildings though they just have an upkeep so do the districts Gordon we will all completely optimize these planets such a waste of minerals because uh I had to eat so many to build them up and now we just Spam upgrade these op buildings that give us massive housing no dbvency Inari Council die and just more resources from jobs goes from two percent to five percent oh we need living medals though we don't have any and then we can just fiddle around with the numbers to get the most out of our one planet oh these can't automatically migrate oh that's annoying we'll have to manually do these ones but these pops should just migrate five percent chance per month oh here it is the anti-spectral construction produces living Metals that's what we need let's grab that so what is this technology for the ship plus a near Battleship requires the DLC apocalypse for the new weapon type of the ship Army type spectral wall form available let's go more crisis stuff you know what's so busted this planet has no upkeep because of minus 100 building up oh we have decisions we can get plus free assembly but less production all of these planets only produce pops oh I'm breaking the game I can't do it to the planets though but look at that they all get more assembly and three is a big deal so here I can give more research but more energy upkeep who cares look at our energy speaking of let's go Max researchers why not okay maybe we can't afford Max researchers it was a joke it was a joke I'm sorry oh here's the anti-spectral which is giving us insane dark matter um we have living metal now actually what did I want living metal for oh yeah the upgrade here so now we'll get five percent more from jobs oh we can only have two codexes on each planet but we can get more Alloys and more research and I forgot to put artifact of relays on which gives us insane stability and menial drone output we should be we can have a few more drones complex calculator drones yeah it's almost free gay science I kind of need some Alloys so let's oh what is this the near design red math all answers yes I can go project upload I've even gotten to build this yet and we got the max quantum computer now mental we can actually get another Civic I'm gonna go Master Builders more Mega structure build speed and it's a cool new Civic and we can actually go to stage two of the anti-spectral the compass space Prime this is just nutty this mod is nutty just going to use it to make pops because it's just infinitely better to put everyone on kernels okay I've not really been paying attention to what's happening outside I'm going to let them build up a little bit maybe that will be bad for us we'll just man the borders for now I want to hit them when I'm at my Peak I don't want to end the game Galactic nightmare so we've got the upload now we can harvest the Galaxy via upload all pops get digitized and generate living Metals we get the Titan and a Planet Killer weapon cool we'll get that then I need to make sure I put these edicts on massive megastructure build speed we just need the Allies now I've actually researched some of those Mega structures we got from that Ascension pick Let's Go Science Academy I don't know where we build it yeah it has to be around a star so good thing we got some star systems over here okay so that ship we got it literally just has the Lance with large Dark Matter deflectors and a darkish reactor yeah let's upgrade the anti-spectral so we can get more living metal because we're actually negative slightly overclocking the my overarmodix stands across multiple galaxies technology for the megastructure super computer the last stage is repeatable where we get declared as crisis each time and by bonuses jump drive range weapon range fire rate upkeep less Target peace capacity sub base capacity Plus 50 War exhaustion minus 75 well I mean we'd have less than 25 years we may as well go for it not that I even have style technology but there we go I want to build this new ship it only costs dark matter and I have an unlimited Supply I'm selling 500 a month I'll call that Mega strictures done at Science Academy reduces how much we pay on scientists I think which we have quite a lot of the human Empire boo it's a research the Galactus signifier sure but this commit will become the flagship of her entire Navy what does that mean we have Max Alloys this game oh my gosh these are strong and we have access to Galactus which gives two Titan weapons and the cracker component wow it costs so much living metal though now the banana corporate here is disgusting but someone died oh they have another thing coming they think they're internal squabbling is a problem I really want to get the Stellar engine let's get the seller engine the end of the era you United resistance of the coolest nations against the inevitable future requires a further counterweight which can face them all at once we get the end time the super computer needs to reach at least stage one what was the super computer is a tech for it somewhere maybe they need to re-roll we'll see them there it is super computer 50k Fleet that's purely made out of these weird ships with just Titan Lancers okay we can make a mega structure now we just need so many living medals now we can get that through anti-spectral or we could just murder people that's also a thing so I think we gotta go murder people it is time let's do the upload War goal and we want to try and land on their planets and build the Onyx converter it gives Better Living Metals when we need living Metals so we don't want to bombard them really time to see our weird ships in action oh my they're probably going to be quite bad against Corvettes I imagine this could go horribly wrong no we managed to pull through I mean it's 50k against 10. this steady have been found well this is the problem with your patreon member it's a bit Empire I might just have to go and kill them well they might kill me you never know okay so we've taken this planet if we build our next converter it's gonna have an up to 100 energy but we will purge them and get so much more living medals hopefully another planet another converter another converter another one the issue is these die way quicker than we can build converter maybe I need to build in my home oh am I meant to build it here and then it applies everywhere I think that's what happens there's an Empire limit of Breeze I'm guessing it's empire white oh I'm an idiot it will build those on these planets we're going synthetic age I completely forgot to customize my robot Pops from all the texts we got so we can just make them perfect no more negatives contingency doesn't have a negative oh this is I forgot we did sell our engine as well let's research that then okay so I may have finished the the end of year the mission to live has now opened up and arrival of the spectral the final Vision Begins the whole galaxy be lost if the empires don't unite uh so they're all gonna you know you know we still can't unlock the end time because we need the supercomputer which we're working on it's just living metals are hard to come by okay these pages should now produce a bunch of living medals for a 2K oh it's chemical processing not extermination we need extermination Ah that's why it's not working okay I don't get it it's not working all pops pitched with pitch type extermination generate 25 living medals after death I've not gone up from 2K at all and they have extermination on there I'm so confused let's just keep killing more I guess maybe it has to be cleansing like I don't get what the upload or goal is even all pops of a colony get digitized in January living metal that's only if we use Galactus right oh maybe we need to build one of those but they cost living medals which we can't get any of okay let's try bomb because apparently bombing gives living medals obstacles by bombardment or Purge generate two living Metals even though this one says I am so cute one let's see if it goes up quicker than ten it does yeah no it does it just goes up very slowly okay he's gonna kill more and the crisis can spawn in four years so we better hurry up I am sorry it's DD but you must be uploaded not that I have that ship that can do that yeah we're gaining them we're actually gaining quite a lot of living medals now oh we can get what is this the intermepole accelerator we need to build apparently another Victory the hunt for the living Metals continue the banana cult Must Die well here's the accelerator we need so many energy credits for 40 000 to sell a bunch of stuff there we go and we need Alloys I've inherited far too many stars why okay let's upgrade this it takes so long do we even care about the living Metals now if we can just blow up the Galaxy with that I'm assuming we can anyway well we're gonna just whack on everything that gives Little Speed there we go much better all the Stellar engines here uh this mod has so much random stuff I saw like it's just massive Engine Systems yeah let's just do this on the back end and I can make the super computer construction site finally oh this requires so much living metal okay this was a mistake how are they meant to get that much living metal I'm losing so much now it's not a corpse is dead so purging isn't really helping with living Metals I realize I can upgrade this small which gives us more sometimes like the last upgrade did but this one isn't ready to fire what the hell is this gonna do I really can't be bothered I like these I hope this just kills everything the micro fire destroy all three coins in the system with the locator oh I shouldn't have built it in a middle of nowhere then and I rebuild it I cannot well we'll test it on nothing for now so it's over here oh okay it's like a nuke the safer instance wait this sucks I literally can't build it anywhere because everyone will have those borders with me that was the big oh no wait it needs to be passed oh I think I need intel on them first I have a hundred on this Empire I mean it looks cool well I think this is everything the mod contained it would just be me going around just cleaning up these weak Empires I could have done it by now I just really don't want to micro it I was hoping a megastructure would just win the game for me it's a shame about the living metal I'm just constantly using so much of it and the passive game is literally negative so I'm just never getting living battle stuff and when I'm purging I'm barely getting any living medals maybe I'm doing something wrong maybe I'm not if you enjoyed this video then you like the time I tested out planetary Ascension on the new 3.6 update
Channel: Ep3o
Views: 90,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ep3o, stellaris, paradox interactive stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris playthrough, Stellaris, Stellaris gameplay, stellaris edited, ep3o, stellaris game, stellaris modded playthrough, stellaris modded, stellaris modded let's play, stellaris gameplay 2022, stellaris playing as crisis, ep3o stellaris, stellaris contingency, stellaris contingency lore, stellaris contingency ambience, stellaris contingency sound, stellaris dark space mod, stellaris dark space
Id: 10KHbWrpNWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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