Met Gala 2021 Fashion Review

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[Music] had to get the fits on the two most fashionable people in the world enter the room yet again these are our met gala reviewing outfits outfits this is these are our reviewing met gala outfits outfits yeah that's what i meant yeah that's what i meant to say and i think we did pretty damn well this is i hate this outfit like i actually do i just came straight from work and now we're working again because we never stopped working and that's the life of a fashionista it is it is that's true fashionistas are literally always working yeah also we got a lot of dms from people yeah wanting us to do this yes and so here we are we're doing it because we want to but also because you want us to and so let's just jump right in here is the most important fashion review of the 2021 met gallon oh was there a theme by the way yes what's the theme american independence okay first up first up we have lupita and i mean yeah i like it i love the the denim you know very american there's denim on that it's it's literally made out of the whole thing is he just wearing jeans yeah fancy jeans but she's right i mean like denim is so american she's wearing one jean yes she's wearing one leg of jean but as a dress exactly and it's like pant leg this is like but it's like when you get new jeans but you still have to get them hammered but you're like too lazy to do it so you wear them anyways and it's just [ __ ] like this right you know at the bar right with 16 feet of gene behind you quick side note like i think every year when we do them at gala people are like they didn't meet the theme or like listen we're just too average joe i don't care i don't know i don't know about that i know there's a theme and i think that's awesome some people i think look good regardless of the theme yeah some people i think look bad regardless of the theme anyway and some people wear jeans yeah and that rhymed let's move on to the next one ella imhoff oh that's kamala hair is his stepdaughter that's cool she kind of looks like just you know she looks like she went to like a fancy aerobics class or something yeah like she could be like a gymnast yes but i also think she looks like someone at the gym that does a little bit too much you know you see someone at the gym and they're wearing like you know they is always wearing like a crazy matching fit you have just like something in your tooth sorry i was saving that i get that i think she kind of looks like she kind of reminds me of like a character on step up like i feel like she's gonna like do a good dance routine yeah i like the matching sneaks what do you think she was going for peloton instructor oh my god like peloton instructors night out yeah absolutely yes yes that's perfect that's perfect which very american very american yep 10 for 10 on the american so far okay here's a little nausea now i have seen a lot of these outfits i don't know if cody has he was trying to like savor his viewing until i i mean i it's like you can't avoid it he's like all over twitter it's every single picture he is a master a master of getting people to talk about yes of being seen he he woke up one day and he said let's give him something to talk about and he's done that can you sing it with me let's give him something to talk about why don't you want to sing that i'm feeling a little bit shy okay so he he started out and he was wearing the robe okay he felt a little bit shy too yeah and then bow that scared the [ __ ] out sorry but i mean that's that's i feel like it went from robe to bow but then so it went robe it was at this it's not like this is an understated robe though he went robe to bow to cool street performers oh absolutely [Music] they're like is he looking at me and he goes like this there's a little next little sex right here right here right here he's like that was really good thank you mcgill 2021 this one is hot figure skater as well kind of yeah it is um like the guy looks good you know you'd think that the theme so far was figure skater but it was america i saw someone that was like i [ __ ] hate these shoes and it's like they're kind of just black shoes you know i don't mind it i don't mind him i think he looks cool this is absurd yeah i guess it's a halloween cast costume cause he looks like he's cp3po i don't know it's kind of like sexy c3po c3po went to vegas yeah you know and put some jewels on yeah fair i kind of think it's hot ciara i have like a big bone to pick with this one it's like a football yeah so that's her husband's like football jersey oh okay like i get it like american football it's a big thing it doesn't have to be so on the nose yeah there that's that's right absolutely there's just like it's like you can still be sierra representing football which your husband plays instead you just dressed up as your husband and i just there's just something i just don't love about it does he play for the seahawks yes okay russell um oh russell no not russell west wilson you're wrestling wilson it's like i totally get it and i and i appreciate it it's just a little too on the nose you know yeah i agree she doesn't need to be dressed up as her husband sometimes i always shed day you got it like if this is halloween that'd be like a sick costume yeah kristen stewart i kinda i kind of like this i had a like my hairdresser hair cutter hairdresser my style no my the the woman who cut my hair grinding she was in a rockabilly band she played stand-up bass okay and she was very this and it kind of reminds me of her so that's kind of sweet i didn't know anyone that was in a rockabilly band so for me i don't like it is it cash it's not jeans i you know i guess i guess that's true and i like the hair maybe she maybe maybe i absolutely love it rosalia i feel as though she's always wearing something similar to this i don't know i feel like the last time we talked about her she was in something similar that's leather it's leather yeah i mean that is a lot of leather that seems like it'd be warm warm and then like the fringe is kind of just like getting all over the place you know like it's kind of getting in between your legs this is getting like while you're walking it's like wrapping around you excuse me yeah the caption says i hope she doesn't plan on getting on any escalators which i think is very funny because picturing that her getting like stuck yeah and it's like slowly like oh god no like she looks good still obviously you know lily rose depp lilly rose depp i love i love that it's super y2k yeah it is okay yeah i get it and i think that that's cool i get it now y2k prom queen who is the lily rose depp johnny depp's daughter that would make sense they do have the same name dan levy what is this this one's pretty insane i like the message it's um pretty intense yeah like um visually yeah it's like i mean just like all the colors and the maps and it's hard to like wrap your head around at first yeah i mean you know people a lot of people this year you know had some sort of message just fashion wise when that when i just scrolled to this i was like ah but then once you like kind of look more at it you're like oh so it's like love is love all over the world that's what i'm saying the whole world yeah love is love that's what i think which i agree with yep we've got big wings he does he kind of looks like an angel all right i'm patrick adventurous it's just so unnecessary it's so unnecessary it's just like that filter on tick tock yeah that like turned you into she should have taken a she should have done a tick tock in this dress yeah and then she could have she would have been a horse inside of a horse wow i'm kind of like a converted guy now in terms of horses you're a fan of horses now i've always liked horses i would never wear this but i've always liked horses yeah this is ridiculous hair's cool though the hair is pretty cool that's supposed to be the tail all i have to say to this is nay i'll laugh i have to say this kim kim look over here look over here how do you feel about the 2021 metric met gala so [ __ ] stupid frank ocean i think this is um the doll's name is cody because he needs to know he knew just franco should watch our videos it's a little flew around the room before you came excuse the mess of me that's it yeah thinking about you honestly i think him and cody are both dressed to the nines everyone thought this was kind of strange i kind of love it i think it's cool as hell i think it's super dope just to confuse people to do some [ __ ] like this and everyone's like why does he have that what does it mean and it's like and he's like oh i don't know i just i saw this when i was walking in someone on the street was selling these things yeah it doesn't mean anything at all i don't know i just kind of love it i love that he's matching with cody and it was like a robot too it was like moving and [ __ ] yeah cody is so cute and that little robot's cute too thank you it would have been hilarious if the baby just started like having a temper tantrum in the middle of the met gala just crying and screaming he's like sorry sorry he like runs out with it yeah and he's like just cradling it and rocking it in the middle of the thing changing its diaper yeah everyone's inside the gala what is the gala like do they do dinner or speeches maybe do like performances and dinner okay i don't really know we've never been um anyway i love this i think it's awesome and obviously he looks good and both of their outfits are dare i say on fleek yeah like the prada i mean he's i like the green hair yeah all right all right we got timothy timothy i like it but the converse i don't know kind of throwing me off it's kind of like okay but that i guess that's american did i just crack the code what on what this is is this an ode to the pandemic life where all of us were on zoom all the time so only the top half was in a suit and the bottom half was in sweats yup you nailed it that's it that could have been what he was going for honestly that might be i understand you sweet little timmy now kim kardashian this is i think it's kind of cool honestly i don't know why is it how is this american i people were saying that like her body has defined a lot of like american culture and so she doesn't even need to show her face people recognize her from her body something else like that it's real actually really if that is what she's going for like it's genius and i'm kind of obsessed with it i couldn't that might not even be her i mean it's pretty insanely genius i think that that that this is cool it is and you know plastic surgery is pretty american so right and i think it's i just think it's badass i bet you it's comfortable it's [ __ ] badass to go to uh event where that its main purpose is like worshipping celebrities and what they wear like wealth yeah and she's like i don't give a [ __ ] about the pictures i'm just gonna show up i mean like obviously it's a little bit ironic because everyone's gonna be talking about it but right i still think it's kind of cool in that way totally big ups kim um i wonder how she ate jamming food into the into the spandex like she leaves and it's all like all over she like just stained like ketchup and she just smells like [ __ ] and she's all stained pete davidson i think this is sick i think it's cool too i mean i think he's a very fashionable guy i think it's like punk rock in a way um i just think it's dope it reminds me of like dropkick murphy's for some reason it's like heart it's like you know like if i just saw maybe like the skin from his legs yeah up to his shoulders yeah i would think it was like an elderly woman yep grandma like a nun grandmom oh that's kind of cool she kind of looks like she's on fire she's like a little flame she looks like um like the fire fox what's this like logo firefox logo she does okay let's talk about it so this one's [ __ ] toxic this one and um asap rockies both are super dope because they're just like i was just really comfortable i'm obsessed i'm obsessed i love that it's like a blanket jacket but it also is like a dress at the bottom and then like the diamonds popping out from the beanie yeah i mean it's it's so [ __ ] good yeah this is really cool you could just drop down at any moment and go to sleep absolutely and you know what like just tired from paparazzi shots yeah yeah her an asap just like this on the red carpet florida's like this [Music] hey sam asap asap hey seb what do you think about the med california just and then [ __ ] kim petrus walks by like i was there first thing yeah olivia rodrigo let's [ __ ] talk about it this is so good i'm obsessed with this yeah it's pretty cool i think she looks so great but it's not really like themed out at all she said it was a nod to american punk music yeah like i guess it's kind of like um no doubt sort of gwen stefani style yeah i just i think she looks really good and it's her first met gala and that could really go awry and it didn't oh i love this one barbie ferreira it kind of reminds me of like no i don't know i don't know 20s like in a gallon or something gatsby gatsby yeah yeah 20s sorry like what's the word for that um flapper yeah flapper it is right yeah flapper yeah flapper flapper flapper barely know the gown anyway i think she looks great and like really stunning and um it's just a beautiful beautiful the detail yeah barbie you look like one okay billy eilish it's just almost too too much no it's it's so i'm saying in a good way it's so chic and you know like she was talking about how she finally feels more comfortable with herself and her body and so now she wants to go into this like now she wants to embrace that yeah and she is crushing it and she looks beautiful i mean she does she looks like a barbie she said i saw that interview where she said she was inspired by holiday barbie and like she really looks like holiday barbie oh [ __ ] the hair is wild this is dope i actually like it a lot yeah i mean it looks like pretzels on the top which kind of got me a little bit hungry sorry we were entranced okay yeah jennifer lopez i she's like indiana jones i just i just i don't know like this style we've said this before so many times because it's just so hard to get away from texas mom when you do this style this is like indiana jones i know but hunter and i get it like cowboys american like i totally get it i get it i'm just saying it could also be someone's mom at stagecoach 100 100 that is a an influencer at coachella it's not someone that stage coach that's like a girl at coachella okay coachella that is true yeah that's true well i hope she wears this to coachella with ben affleck this year yeah she looks [ __ ] hot and he's going to be wearing sweatpants she's dressed as ben affleck's back tattoo she looks [ __ ] hot i know that's what i just said she really is she's like 60 and she's still [ __ ] killing her like 50 she just turned like 52 i think she was like she tried to do what billy eilish did by coming in and trying to wow people i mean it's working i'm not sure if i'd say yeah she does how does it like how does this even work like where is her body she looks like a big fountain because like this is the carpet down here like you can see through this dress you see what i'm saying oh it's a slinky oh it's like a construction this is like does it like bounce and [ __ ] so i'm assuming she's in there somewhere but is she wearing stilts is she really tall i don't know this is like a it's an optical illusion that's what it really is she came dressed as an optical illusion it not only turned heads it cleared the floor because everyone was scared i think because it looks like a duster yeah yeah oh [ __ ] it's over they're cleaning up the carpet she comes slinkying by holy [ __ ] she's jacked she's always had like kind of the most insane body in the world oh my god and she's it turns out that she still does dies because i think she looks really good um no i mean it's kind it's i mean it's like actually i don't have many words like did her vagina come out oh yeah cause she's not even wearing underwear she's absolutely not wearing underwear that's like what i look like when i like cleaned the house yes oh my god cody that's exactly what i was about to say i also wear a giant dress when i clean the house i mean guys 10 out of 10. 10. well i think a lot of people saw the megan fox photo from the night before and they were like [ __ ] let's switch it to whatever she did cody what you think that she saw megan fox the night before the met gala and she copied megan fox the night before the met gallery i don't know that picture that picture was [ __ ] everywhere i don't think kendall jenner has a single [ __ ] this is from audrey hepburn did you wore a dress like this oh audrey hepburn with a dress or not for the exact dress but it was like an ode to that and i think her and givenchy were probably planning it more than just the night before when she saw megan fox at the vmas with machine gun kelly fighting conor mcgregor kendall was like that's what i want to be yeah she was like holy [ __ ] this picture is really blowing up it's beautiful it's flattering it's i get what she was going for seeing like the pictures that she posted on instagram story before i mean i just i really love it i really love it i really do all right get off her nuts diamonds are forever emma chamberlain i think the hair and the like the makeup is sick the dress dress is great emma crushed it i mean she looks amazing we've known emma for a very long time so to see her crushing it like this proud moment for us yeah it's it's 10 out of 10. she she crushed it looks great and uh that's wild that she got invited to that she did all the interviews like liza did oh nice oh cool i know and she did such a great job we love you emma oh this is sick kiki palms this is sick love kiki palmer she was the host of the night this kind of is my favorite one really yeah i don't know why it reminds me of that like i don't know it's so cool it's like sparkly chain mail yeah yeah it is it's really stunning and i like that hair here yeah wait where's her body wait she didn't come wearing a body camouflage she's camouflaged try to keep up guys get in line try to keep up okay she looks good she looks like an eagle as well i don't really understand it she looks like an eagle with no body okay we gotta go next hold on where's her body seriously anna wintour at least she's got a body boot is so big what santa winter the lady of the night who's the lady of the night like she's the lady of the night what does that mean like she is the editor-in-chief of vogue [Music] vogue i've never seen her without glasses on she looks great [Music] yeah we love you just in case we ever have to be and get invited just because you got any extra invites laying around for next year i love that dress awesome awesome tom ford who the [ __ ] is that he looks like [ __ ] who made his outfit tom ford in louis vuitton i'm just kidding love you tom i love you tom texas back by the way yeah i did i love eva chen she's one of my favorite people in the world to follow on instagram is this nascar is that what this is i don't really know it looks like nascar doesn't it kind of does i like it a lot i don't know why i like that but it's like because you like nascar maybe that's what she was going for i like nascar like an ironic way i actually kind of like it honestly heaven mock this one stresses me the [ __ ] out so much like it's scary what is that the reason why i hate halloween oh [ __ ] ah this is [ __ ] freaking me out this is why i don't like when people dress up for halloween and he just did it at the met gala if he was just wearing this outfit without the mask i would think it was really really cool i like the safety pins i like the shorts i think it's an awesome outfit it just kind of scares the [ __ ] out of me yeah okay grimes the sword is crazy that was yeah made out of an ar-15 it's like a project from mischief they take ar-15s and make them into swords instead okay which i think is kind of cool i like that um i mean it's pretty wild i like the mask like do you think she had to get that sword like pre-approved probably like to bring in a full-on full-on weapon very on the nose with the theme very very on the nose i mean i appreciate that and she's killing it yeah i mean she said what's the theme she did it the night before yeah yeah yeah she just there's i mean there's no more obvious outfit you could choose except like dressing up like the statue of liberty like they should have done something with different with the hair yeah the pink is clashing a little bit for me that's her thing though isn't it doesn't she always have dyed hair but she could have dyed it like red white and blue as well yeah that's true that is true she's gonna go like just go for it go for it so there you have it folks another fashion review i hope you guys enjoyed it remember these are all jokes and we don't know what we're talking about we don't this is just surface level impressions cheers thanks for watching guys usa usa [Applause] [Music] okay bye
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 1,890,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen, met gala 2021, met gala fashion, fashion roast, fashion, red carpet looks, red carpet, jlo, lil nas x
Id: JDUyiplf-j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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