Try Not To Cry.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlackSuitDaredevil 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was with her the entire time lol

The concept of spending the day with you dog before theyre put down is sad in concept. Filming it for clout? That's cringe.

The part where theyre stroking the dogs paw I couldnt stop imaging how they had their phone in between themselves and their pet. Put it down and spend time with them for gods sake!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YesIsignedupforthis 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
guys i'm in a little bit of a rut right now i'm feeling a little bit emotional because i can't guys i'm in a little bit of guys i'm in a little bit of a rut right now um i'm feeling a little bit emotional because i can't go see my family for christmas and it makes me sad and in order to confront those emotions i'm gonna do how men do and i'm not gonna face them directly on instead i'm gonna cry about something else that is totally unrelated right and i'm going to get rid of the tears clogging up my stupid eye holes with these tick tocks that i found is that fair oh yeah are you ready to cry oh i'm literally always ready to crash yeah she loves crying i really do i thought you're gonna get mad at that why would i get mad at that i do like crying sorry i know how to show emotion okay okay well i'm about to today all right you know what really makes me cry though oh geez what when my [ __ ] isp sees my websites that i go to [Laughter] yeah me too guys every time you're out surfing the world wide web your isp verizon comcast i don't know whatever you got they can see every single website you go to even if you're on incognito mode and they can sell that data to other parties now i don't know what websites you go to they're probably weird as [ __ ] i look at some weird stuff too we all do it's the internet i don't want other people knowing that right that's where expressvpn comes in when you use expressvpn it reroutes your connection through a secure server so that nobody can see what websites are going to your isp malicious hackers your neighbors steve i don't know maybe he's got some crazy hacking device he can't see it when you're using expressvpn take that steve it could not be easier you download it on your computer and you just hit the button and you're connected you can also use it to unblock content that's only available in certain parts of the world for example rick and morty if you like that show it's available on netflix in the uk so you can connect to a uk server and then boom binge away so if you want to try you can get three months free by clicking the link in the description or going to codyco okay so these these videos i picked out i hand picked these videos i think you have a couple too right mm-hmm so i actually found some good ones and these are kind of a lot of them are in the same vein of surprising someone with something that they've been missing in their life or surprising parents grandparents that [ __ ] always gets to me for some reason and so that's what we're gonna do today okay you ready yep i'm so excited i told cody i i don't think i've ever been so excited to film a video okay ready by the way some of these might have copyrighted music we might have to put music sad music over top of them so you won't hear the volume so i'm hoping this still works for you at home [Music] for god [Music] how are you not bawling your [ __ ] i thought i was gonna look to my right and just see water works i can't fake it um i'm look at me i don't know just spend the day with your dog stop making a tick tock out of it it's his last day on earth so spend it with him don't exploit him okay that's fair that's actually totally fair i didn't see it like that at all i just thought that she wanted the memory of the last day you can take pictures like do something for yourself like don't i don't know okay that's fair i think that's fair actually wow you're a heart i might cry a lot you're bawling my eyes out and you're like i might cry a lot but i don't exploit your dog's death i'm i'm i know when to cry okay that's fair [Music] okay that that lasting was a little bit weird i shouldn't remove this it makes me sad [Music] yo i'm gonna give a big rip to alfie well same obviously like i know that's sad like the idea of a dog dying like really makes me sad yeah like a lot yeah i just don't like this doesn't make me sad okay that's fair i i was that one kind of ruined me honestly really that one ruined me when i watched it with the first time i wept this i think this is going to be a more of a try to make kelsey cry challenge it might be i'll cry at any point but like if i'm being tested on it i can really hold it in oh these get me usually my always you're my forever you're my [Music] reality [Music] you my that's it anything no i lab is laughing a little bit i don't know it's just like reeling in buddy he's like what the [ __ ] i'm like going through these like kel's gonna [ __ ] lose out of that one i'm gonna lose it at that one and lose it and that you're just ripping on him listen i i'm kind of a i'm a tough cookie okay what's wrong with me do i did i grow a second heart or some [ __ ] no i just i'm i'm usually with my emotions and so i cry when i want to i don't cry when i have to ah subtle diss there settle this but i don't take that okay okay moving on by the way this guy if you didn't see that james could get a replay of that the tears literally squirting out of his eyes that's like the hardest i've ever seen anyone cry i was laughing when he was crying like i was i couldn't stop laughing which like that's how you want like your husband you want your husband to be crying tears of joy when they see you walking down the aisle 100 but um you don't want it to be uncomfortable yeah you know yeah yeah like you wanna you wanna see like a little tears you wanna be like you wanna see something like this you wanna see something like this yeah but a real man would save the tears until he's watching tick tocks of other people getting married later no no i mean at the end of this video if i don't cry at any of these i will make myself cry at the end just to okay just first yeah next step my parents divorced last year their bedroom had stayed the same since [Music] it's too bad you'll never know yeah i can't tell her how i feel because she has someone who makes her happy [Music] what the [ __ ] is wrong with me man come here i just you know i got a lot i got a lot stocked up and right here i gotta get them out i cry just you know dirt throughout the day regularly so i don't have to get any tears out i mean why didn't that one do it for you um i just thought it was nice yeah i thought it was nice too they maybe could have talked to a designer they didn't they did what she liked my favorite was watching her like move the pictures around like that's the most mom thing ever yeah okay this one's called when i drive 16 hours when i drive 16 hours halfway across the country to surprise my parents thanks for the reaction dad okay hey dad hi emily what's up why did you put that in there it's just for a little laugh by this point we'd both be in shambles so [Laughter] this one hat this one has to get you this one has i think has gotten me before right [Music] guys you're going to be you're going to be like it's a lot of [Music] times [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he was putting the earphones back in he's like okay come on next one next time all right grandparents okay next come on i want to win babe snap the [ __ ] out of it okay let's get back into it oh that's what she said yeah she was like i was wondering why i thought that's kind of a bad sign honestly i was wondering why you weren't drunk our parents would say the same thing to us and you know that they'd be like water you sure yeah sick or something okay okay ready okay ready yeah this [Music] why thank you all so much merry christmas christmas i love you grandma a [ __ ] time ah it's okay i haven't got me i'm gonna have to blow my nose honestly i'm feeling it like i'm so [ __ ] jealous it's either that i want to be crying oh it's either that or coveted you know that is that's it that's all i had wait really what do you mean wait really i thought i had a [ __ ] arsenal here teardrop jerkers okay let's look at the ones that i saved now i've already seen these so i wasn't expecting to cry at these ones [Laughter] okay [Music] there's something about seeing a grown man like say mama mama it makes me want to [ __ ] just melt down i know well i didn't cry a single time you no you're welling up right now i can see i'm not welling up yeah there's a layer there's a layer of glass over your eyes that's cause i'm just sitting here like come on kelsey just forcing my eyes feel something please okay guys i mean that's i think that's it i mean i i i did what i came here to do i cried it out and we're good and um i think we're both more [Music] you guys i just want to say that i am so happy to be doing this with you guys and i know i didn't cry a lot during that time but what's most important here is that i feel emotion and i'm so sorry i don't know i don't cry i don't know what to believe anymore i don't how am i supposed to believe any time you cry now because you didn't believe me that's all real that is not real that just is when you stare for too long and just stare at something for too long and don't blink all right guys thanks for watching hopefully you maybe hopefully i'm hoping that i'm not the only one that cried i'm hoping one of you maybe shed one tear during one of these let me know if you did and um we'll see you guys next time thank you love you guys [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,961,679
Rating: 4.9778671 out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: nifMk7nt6p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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