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okay so this wasn't supposed to be a couple's reaction and i wasn't supposed to be dressed like a teacher she's not leaving but i don't feel like i want to hang out with cody and so i have to film a new video i was like can you take the dog inside and she's like yeah sure let's just let's just talk for a little bit longer outside okay well we gotta film this video then so i just taught so if you're thinking whoa she looks professional today it's because i was teaching the youth of america so and now it's time to teach the general public how to make a good ass youtube video today's just hopping on here i don't even know this is about oh you'll see oh wait do you want me in this yeah yeah you're gonna love this this is from 2006 actually there's almost too many shows from this era like i guess there were hits back then but now they kind of seem like some tim robinson sketch or something yeah you know yeah like there's so many it's crazy this one is called parental control oh my god i used to love that chat really yeah okay i love friends of control you don't know what the show is about it's a show where basically the parents of the contestant aren't uh too hot on who their son or daughter are dating and so the parents pick out two new potential partners mom picks that one dad picks that one yep and she goes he or she goes on a date with those people and then afterwards uh they have to decide whether they're gonna stay with the old partner or go with one of the new ones right and right and by the way the parents are sitting in the living room of their home watching these dates on the tv with the current significant other of their child and it sounds like it would be a great show if it was completely unscripted doesn't it if it was a real reality tv show that sounds like a pretty intriguing idea yeah is it unscripted it's completely 100 scripted and it is so absurd that's why i said it reminds me of a sketch because it basically is a sketch watch this hi i'm jim and i own an interior landscaping company and i'm penny and i work with my husband you have an eyelash that's about to fall into your eye okay there's just one big problem uh oh no [Laughter] there's just one big problem her boyfriend is a total scumbag scumbag is a great word come back as well i got in trouble first for calling someone scumbag one time really and i heard it on full house and then i said like oh no they're a scumbag and my parents are like don't say that because it hits so hard it hits they were like where did you why did you just call him a scumbag because he [ __ ] hits all right because he says scum of the earth yeah so this show i'm pretty sure was also for like 10 year olds i definitely watched this when i was like in middle school okay yeah so and i remember a guy like in like the local high school he was on it and like i met him at a like a high school football game when i was in middle school and i was like that's so lame [Music] you like that i like that the director was probably like okay what's just like what's some scum baggy [ __ ] we can have this guy do so he looks like a scumbag just screaming to the camera yeah all right now flex over his teeth and his ass all blurred i don't even know what he looks like no his teeth were the nice teeth but his [ __ ] [ __ ] his ass and his [ __ ] are the only two things i saw about that a-s-s-l-e [ __ ] stop being an [ __ ] hey [ __ ] can you come in here for a second i just know the director was like okay what's how can we make this guy seem like a scumbag why don't you show your butt do it that's like moon the camera yeah that's what people think is is a scumbaggy thing he's like stinky she's your booty yeah you're doing it and also news like this oh [ __ ] wait sorry can you do it again i wasn't filming this is michael she's dating fernando they've been together for five months and mikey loves everything about him but her parents think he's a big nothing a big nothing position look at this wait what don't you guys like about mikey i mean no that's her name her name is mikey sorry fernando well babe we don't like how he's constantly got his stinky little cheeks out let's find out some more about this epic scumbag shall we he is epic hey everybody i'm mikey my boyfriend's name is fernando he's cute fun and he always cracks me up he cracks us up too we crack the camera yeah he doesn't he doesn't really see he cracked us up that's good that's really good thanks this is awesome it's going to be if you know 20 minutes of butt jokes my teacher clothes yeah first of all fernando is gross he likes to lick my daughter like she's a damn lollipop if he listen dad if he's licking your daughter's face in front of you he's licking a lot more oh okay okay that boy was raised by wild dogs and fernando's always peeing wherever he wants what wait he's peeing wherever he went yeah what chilly do you know him i think that whoever wrote the script for this doesn't know what a scumbag is and instead just wrote this guy's character as a dog he goes on dumpsters on cars pretty much anywhere but the toilet that's such a weird like issue i know like it's like maybe find boyfriend he just literally pisses everywhere he can't get him to stop maybe he's got health problems you know like he could have some condition that makes him go pee all the time like diabetes or something it's kind of messed up to make fun of him for that yeah guys i'm on fernando's side and fernando wears his pants so low his ass is always showing the ass like his ass how is the only thing we've gathered from fernando at this point is that like he shows his ass crack how is that his entire personality now he piggies hey fernando crack is whack [Music] they're just like us this is the future this is us and fernando's always doing this stupid fake yawn like he's bored with the world [Music] again like really weird thing the three biggest complaints about fernando are that he looks like a dog he pees like a dog he's like a dog and he yawns yawns like kind of like a dog honestly dogs yawn for weird reasons not because they're tired that's true like if the parents were like yeah and he's always sniffing our butts too he's always sticking his his nose up our [ __ ] and sniffing our buttholes like this guy just has a weird dog fetish he was raised by wolves yeah it's literally just a dog as a human yeah i hate that he's always sticking his nose up our butts he's always scratching his ear with his hind leg okay so uh the next phase of this is the potential new mates right audition for the parents and uh so let's watch a little bit of that how are you doing i made some cookies last night interesting they don't look good at all fair enough fair enough i love that american idol like solidified the fact that in every show where someone is judged they had to have like a mean yeah like joke or me totally like thanks thanks a lot simon cowell yeah thanks wow simon wow making all of us mean i work in radio we have a great voice thank you sexy thank you but my voice isn't even the sexiest thing about me uh what what santa is sitting right there yeah what your husband said what is it this is for your daughter remember weirdo what are you doing i was gonna say you have a really hot voice yeah okay so they do the audition process and the parents pick the potential new mates and uh we find out who the first one is so they each have set me up on a blind date my dad's choice is up first and i know he's gonna pick someone who treats me like a lady i finally figured out why you're trying to get rid of me why is that because i'm getting something you're not oh please right dad dad said oh please come on you know the things that we do i'm [ __ ] my daughter as well what no she's still [ __ ] me too oh you're talking about my wife oh oh right okay you'd be surprised where's my man see this little goblin let's see this little goblin that's actually kind of a sick rose that is see this little goblin jared glad to see you come on in thank you [ __ ] goblin he's a goblin do you like goblins do you want to say it gobbling my nuts oh i like the guy i picked because he's smart he's respectful and he beats the hell out of fernando and just for your information that's fernando when i first saw him i thought this kid had a better shot of getting me pregnant what wait what what kind of a diss is that wait i really don't understand i don't really get that either this guy had a better shot of getting me pregnant i thought he'd have a better shot of letting me suck his dick in if i wanted to i mean if he was down i'm really confused i don't know like what does that mean i'm like like what is it i think he's trying to call him gay i think that's what it was but i mean it's just a weird way to do that yeah it's like like to also bring yourself into the discs yeah as the person getting pregnant as a person who would be getting [ __ ] you're so gay you'd probably love it if i sucked your dick wouldn't you okay so he takes her on a date to an ice rink okay to go skating so what do you like to do for fun um i love to shop and i like going to the beach yeah well i'm actually a surf instructor hi sir the internet for porn it's like fernando's actually pretty funny i think that she should stick with him i think she should too okay so the one-liners in this show are pretty absurd right but that's not the only place that the writers went a little nuts i'm sure you thought that they were gonna go skating at the ice rink right all right i gotta be honest that you are not only ice skating today the reason we got all these pads on is cause we came up with this thing yo tim [Music] her face what the hell are we doing okay i call it power skiing wow power skiing that's something i've never seen before it's kind of cute it's not cute look at this wow power skiing that's something i've never saw before this is so weird like if you were the father and you're watching your own daughter on this date with this guy that's making her do like a jackass stunt you wouldn't you wouldn't be like wow power skiing that's something new i've never seen before i think it seems kind of fun it does seem i mean i guess do you want to go power skating kind of did i [ __ ] up by not taking you power skating yeah well we still have time never stop going on dates that's what they say all right let's go tim your daughter sucks and she's bad at skiing i just didn't even try with that one she's no wit there at all your daughter sucks and also she's bad at skiing oh like sucks dick it was clever this show is cleverer than i am why am i making fun of this the writing is brilliant oh you have your tongue pierced yeah me too that's what your mom said that's pretty funny right how like mid-2000s is that something that like kind of freaks me out is like when guys look like really sweet like that and they have their tongue pierced it's like a weird piercing or like weird tattoos or something like it freaks me out like if fernando had a tongue piercing i'd be like okay cool like that's just fernando's vibe but this guy's like creepy yeah yeah it is weird i don't like him anymore i mean watch this is that real silver let me see it again well there's always a way to tell let me let me show you what the [ __ ] is he doing yeah i'm with fernando on that one i'm totally with fernando what the [ __ ] is he doing she's not even my girlfriend um and i'm kind of like what the [ __ ] is he doing because it's weird because he's biting the piercing that's in her tongue he's he could just put his teeth on the hole in her tongue i mean we didn't even like that's so weird oh you have your tongue pierced same is that real silver you know there's a way you can tell no he said this do you think there's actually a way you can tell by biting it or was he just trying to french her he's not frenching her he's biting her tongue maybe we can touch tongue piercings later they always say that if you touch tongue piercings and they stick together that means it's real silver all right let's see who the mom picked ugh there's my guy let's see this douche bag part two stop she did not choose him she did not choose that guy she did not choose him i'm freaking out stop it what do you mean he's got sick style he has a scarf look at his hair look at his hair wait could you imagine if his head was actually this tall like if his forehead was gigantic this guy's actually a conehead hi matt come on in thanks i picked matt because he's handsome he's smart and mikey is is it justin bobby no that's like busting jobby busting javi she'll have the chicken bowl and i'll just take a caesar salad cool all right thank you so much thanks yeah of course you know i think i think you'll really enjoy it hey ladies love a guy that can rock a scarf yeah and order for them yeah oh even if it's the fact that he ordered her a chicken bowl and then ordered himself a caesar salad and i'll just have the caesar salad i'm trying to watch my figure but she's looking hungry you know so it's kind of like it could be the other way around what do you mean you could be like i think she'll just have the salad yeah true that's true she can have whatever she wants but she seemed to like that yeah she i mean some girls like that i guess i like that i mean you know everybody everybody likes their own thing yeah hopefully she likes chicken bowls i guess a chicken bowl is like the most basic thing what's in a chicken bowl this is a piece of chicken in a bowl it's a like a bowl made out of chicken mashed potatoes inside that sounds awesome holy [ __ ] i think well like we need to top power skiing somehow right how are we gonna how we're gonna top that that was pretty weird how are they gonna out weird that well um maybe playing truth or dare as they eat i was wondering if you'd like to play truth or dare yeah truth or dare i dare him to shut the [ __ ] up actual own that's what i'm saying fernando is just going off script at this point yeah yeah i dare you to shut the [ __ ] up they're like that actually kind of works you're like fernette you you know what that actually works yeah that was pretty good fernie yeah keep it up dude i dare you to shut the [ __ ] up oh my god now mom's mom's tossing the script too that's what i'm saying dad's like this wait sorry what page are we on i'm not seeing these shut the [ __ ] up so the dad's like this dare you to get out of my house [Laughter] they went full ape [ __ ] there they're like just full yeah [ __ ] we were out of jokes jerry springer yeah just i dare you to get the [ __ ] out of my house or if he's like [ __ ] you santa claus you piece of [ __ ] i [ __ ] your daughter in your own bed last night producers are like holy [ __ ] and i [ __ ] your wife right afterwards and then the [ __ ] guy from the audition comes through and goes me too i [ __ ] her too let's just say her tongue ring is real silver okay truth or dare dare okay i dare you to show your kissing technique oh [ __ ] okay okay like on her okay but not with my mouth with my hand really yeah really yeah really i was hoping you were gonna say hand okay all right you are so sexy so i just want to kiss you what wait it's a lot of germs you say yeah it's a lot of germs to do this like that's kind of wild is he talking to it though yeah you're so sexy so i just want to kiss you i've been looking at you all night like why didn't you have to say anything i don't know you should look at you all night so successful is it okay it's like how about more oh yeah baby you know you know you like that i hope she's sanitized recently i feel like i need to sanitize every piece of my body at this point i feel like he got covered in 2006 from this like him being like oh is that okay little one a little bit more i hate this scene you have to hand it to him also this is very uncomfortable it's a good one thank you i hope you like the taste of again again they're like the producer's like fermented actually it kind of works it kind of works okay so now dates kind of winding down what's like a good you know after first first dinner date thing to do ice cream oh yeah movie oh yeah get a tattoo no oh well that's the one they chose stop they do not go get tattoos they certainly do okay i want to get survival of the fittest and cross my shoulder blades because i really like darwinism i really like darwinism yeah i just love evolution i just don't think that you should get survival of the fittest between your shoulder blades and also why did you have to write that down on a napkin also if anything comes along that wipes out most of the species you're gonna be one of those people you i cody i was thinking of a way to make that joke i have a theme on my body so far i have a couple diamonds tattooed already and i really want to get another one because i think they look so good damn who would get the multiple of the same thing tattooed on their body that's so stupid also like that's weird a diamond yeah so yeah she she actually gets it actually looks like she gets this tattoo it's like red and swollen i think she might have actually gotten it and then so big the dude gets a full chest piece that is so big is this like just so pale to the throne oh god it's so funny that would take like five hours to tattoo ideal thing for a first date is like once you've ordered for for a woman then you have to prove how much pain tolerance you have by sitting in a tattoo chair for five hours getting a full chest piece yeah and i'll stick you are yeah what other moves could this guy possibly have he's so suave yeah i hope he sings well i have one more thing for you what is it he looks like ryan cabrera yes that's who it is he's not justin bobby yeah he does he's got one more thing for her though it's a life-size cutout of chris angel um it's called a mating a matu what's good what could that be it's a mature i'll show you fernando will love this i just wrote matt on her arm with an our heart with a marker he spent all his money on [ __ ] this chicken bowl he's like a [ __ ] got you i take you to a nice house restaurant i can't wait for anything else so now she has the task of choosing her next partner is she going to dump the boyfriend fern or stay with him or choose one of the other guys when i give you guys one more chance to try and win my heart matt's full outfit is insane did that belt buckle the skinny jeans absurd the like high top wedges yeah absurd so tell me why should i pick you mikey you should pick me because i think we would look amazing together amazing together manky i think because i think that we look amazing together yeah mikey i'm the guy for you because i could show you the wilder side of life what what does that mean right tongue piercing chill the [ __ ] out okay seriously cool sweater um i'm sorry but matt literally took her to get a tattoo you just dragged her around an ice rink i'm sick of tongue pierco honey we should stay together because these two guys are douchebags i mean he's not wrong he's not wrong i honestly kind of him team matt at this point team fernando really yeah should we make team matt team fernando's shirt yeah sure like when it was like um jennifer anderson against angelina jolie oh yeah i'm down okay now my shirt's just gonna say [ __ ] okay team [ __ ] yeah so first she eliminates one of those let's find out who it is [Music] jared you're really sweet but i think you're too shy for me too shy what really is the time person you should do the wild yeah the wilder side of life i'm gonna have to ask you to leave good i didn't want to date a butterface anyways oh my god wait that was like [ __ ] up i love it i love it a butter face i love it he just she decided he's too shy yeah like they just like didn't stick to the character development at all he's supposed to be this extreme guy that goes atving on the ice and wants to show her the wilderness side of things and then she's like you're too shy for me and then he's like you're a [ __ ] butterface anyways [ __ ] and the guy i choose is [Music] matt yes wait yay [Applause] did you see how fast he left yeah he just pieced out of there he's like all right [ __ ] this [ __ ] this that [ __ ] i don't need her holy [ __ ] again this show is for children for children [ __ ] that [ __ ] i don't need her how's my dick taste man [Music] so they fall in love look at that they share a cheeky little kiss there as fernando takes a nice whiz best doing what he does the only person who committed to his character was fern yep although i am still team matt and i won i'm team fernie and honestly i have to piss right now so i'm gonna go take a good one tree or car i might just do it on the couch honestly by the way guys uh subscribe to kelsey's channel on youtube because she posts videos weekly on there pretty much and uh let's pump her up let's boost it up to a mill that's so kind so let's just get like a couple you know boost me a thousand people subscribe that's all i'm asking for do it i'm hot do it funny cool i have a really good channel cody's in my videos sometimes and i'm hot [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 4,185,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: rZebem-wrNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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