Clive Barker's Undying - The Spooky Button

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okay I've been informed that there are some alterations in the time line it's starting to mess with me people are still asking me to do pro Perl doom I don't know what these people are talking about I did pro portal two months ago well this mod kicks ass [Music] I have seen the future of horror his name is Clive Barker oh it's October it's time for spooky games again and instead of playing a terrible game that makes my soul hurt you know like yeah now this time we're an underappreciated classics mode with little game called Clive Barker's undying that Clive Barker game that was well received but didn't sell so good now Clive Barker's Jericho a game I've never played that has a bad reputation undying is a completely different story developed by what used to be dreamworks game studios makers of such hits as oh oh developed by DreamWorks interactive before they got bought out by EA and became part of EA Los Angeles and since they were bought out by EA you can imagine what happened after that [Music] [Music] that was after the studio put out a game I've never played called Medal of Honor Warfighter because it's called [ __ ] warfighter that title screams mediocre modern military shooter and I may be of the opinion that those games are cancer upon first person shooters regardless of their quality then meme isn't dead in this timeline either Jesus on dying isn't like that at all it's a great game probably one of the best horror shooters I've ever played let's go on a journey kids into an abyss of terrifying creatures and family drama it all starts with the Great War I'm tired of traveling or to fight in superstition and its many manifestations even though it was me who chose to debunk folklore and mysticism little did I know I'd end up being labeled as Patrick Galloway the man with endless occult knowledge the more I saw the more I believe there are forces beyond our control creatures not explainable in any human terms things that make my skin crawl naturally Patrick got himself involved in World War one in a special unit led by Jeremiah covenant who wins the award for most ominous biblical name even though I'll be damned if anything in this game comes out of the Bible he gets attacked by a tribe of drew santi some mystical pirate types Oh we'll get to them and you've only got this two-minute intro which is pretty good especially by the standards of intention Unreal 1 stuff I mean look at the character animations anyway Jeremiah saves Patrick's life and he comes into possession of this magic stone that it does stuff like amplify magic powers and this I don't use it a lot there's way better weapons I hadn't given any of this much thought until I came back here to find this letter that Jeremiah wrote me almost six months ago asking me to come back to Ireland and help him out this is not something I'm dying to do for it it may mean the death of me he saved my life though so I owe it to him just hope it's not too late patrick has his reasons which are understandable let me take through some of these locks oh yeah uh he killed the girl or rather someone killed a girl and framed him for it it's uh you'd be amazed how much backstory they wrote for this or supposedly Clive Barker wrote for this and it's good look I don't play games with good stories very often ok and we're in it a big spooky mansion and I mean big this place is ridiculous I didn't know where to put this in the rest of the video but here's Patrick walking backwards right off the bat you got magic powers this is scribing which is the game spooky button you'll just be hanging around someplace and a creepy voice will say cool I'm Patrick Galloway a friend of Jeremiah's sorry it took me so long to get here his letter said it was most urgent Jeremiah was beginning to think that the letter never arrived in your hands he's quite anxious to see [Music] we've all been quite worried I apologize for the look of a house but there's arias caƱete entry of servants LAN Jeremiah let's go with everyone else and the house is much too large for us to clean oh man that's not gonna go well for you guys this family's had so much tragedy I hope you can help him I mean probably not since at this point okay well there's five siblings and three are dead when it's presumed dead and the other is dying in case you didn't think Clive Barker was involved you get a ghostly visit from Aron covenant who was an [ __ ] and he's gonna get his [Music] yeah whatever we got a cool secret shooting gallery to get into i'm played this game in years i don't want to go through the trouble of doing this properly you do five waves and a bonus round and you get the ectoplasm spell early and if you stick with it you get the shotgun early which is extremely useful in the early game it's just that you have to be able to hit these goddamn bats I can live without it Patrick you made it at your service Jeremiah sorry for the delay but I've been abroad what happened to you it seems I've come under the watchful eye of the Reaper my friend I didn't summon you here to watch me die I need your help anything I can do just name it strange events began happening around the manor after sending out my staff they ransacked my estate painting whatever they could carry okay I got you we got to put the fear of God into the staff so they don't steal any of this valuable [ __ ] from dead people or mess up the house or unionized this doesn't seem supernatural but I'll go full Pinkerton on these vaguely Irish [ __ ] of course Jeremiah the only reason I was coming back here is to assist you however I can my thanks to you what that was that someone's like it came from downstairs okay yeah time to crack some skulls Oh God can you describe what you can only see the bonds are broken the world becomes apparent cool we're ten minutes in it's time to fight some supernatural horrors and undying doesn't disappoint these are the howlers the first enemies you'll encounter and they show up pretty frequently for the rest of the game they move quick they do a lot of damage they come in packs have a few variations weak medium strong and give you a good idea of how the enemies in this game will work most monsters aren't pushovers in the beginning of the game really hammers home I won prepared you are for this stuff the enemy AI is actually pretty good most of the time these things roam the countryside like you get a sense while playing this that they occur naturally like they belong these monsters have these long drawn-out but cool kill animations that I've almost never been able to get out of I trade the spacebar and the escape key and the mouse button and sometimes just pauses it's it sucks I don't care for it you'll see these a lot less in the late game when you have all your badass powers the beginning of this game puts you on a knife's edge scraping by with very little health ammo or knowledge of where the [ __ ] you're supposed to go my one big complaint about this game is navigating this giant house it's not like an open-world you have a path to follow but no map you usually have to find a door that'll open for you getting a lot of stuck jammed stuck won't budge if you can deal with that this game has a lot of good stuff that makes up for it time to get out of this obviously haunted house those beasts will often be what in God's name were those things they're called howlers well I've never seen one before tonight I've heard of him for years those weren't natural my friend we're fighting more than superstitions here no [ __ ] when I was a boy I encountered something I can't quite explain you see there was this Isle of standing stones that sits just off the estate someone had carved a sigil into each of the stones something indiscernable father had many books on the occult one of which contained a sketch of them very simple I took my brothers and sisters out to the island and read from my father's book normally I'd say this was a mistake I mean it was you read from creepy books you get creepy [ __ ] but everything that goes on in this game I'd read from the [ __ ] Necronomicon before going near any of this you wake up in your quarters the next morning and get the ectoplasm spell which you're gonna need see spells in this game are good and useful you might have noticed your gun is in your left hand which is somewhat weird your right hand is for spells this messes with me because you have to on the fly be able to switch between about 20 weapons and spells and you don't have enough number keys so I have the same problem I'd have in like Jedi Knight except this game has a weapon wheel hold down a button and it works just like it does in modern games it might be the first time I saw one in a shooter it comes in handy because of all the weapons and spells you'll have to juggle by the end of this game tell me what you know about Lisbon wife she was a fetching young lass quite the fiery temper though she could be Placid and calm one minute and then suddenly she's spittin curses and swinging admirers at you like an animal sounds like Marc out a girl following her mother's death I'd raise Elizabeth like my own okay so this is your fault now she rests with her poor mother at the family mausoleum that groundskeeper claims to have seen her recently oh man seen a ghost is never Gordo [Music] I'd still hit it I'm not out of Elizabeth's room for 10 seconds before [Music] goddamnit I forgot to switch to the ectoplasm the servants in this mansion or I don't see all of them die and there's only like three character models between them but their Crystal Lake camp counselors they're more likely to get dead than the dude with the ambiguous terminal illness you can even kill him yourself but all this time you'll be finding notes with backstory which I can't even begin to get into in this video covenant dad seemed to be pretty obsessed with all this occult stuff probably because his kids went out and performed a horrible ritual that may or may not have turned them all into evil bloodthirsty lunatics and also Otto Kai singer this elizabeth's chapter what are we gonna talk about otto kai singer why do we got to bring that [ __ ] into this Kai singers an Aleister Crowley wannabe actually maybe he's more than that considering all the [ __ ] he gets up to in this game but he's an old enemy of Patrick's because he may or may not be somehow responsible for the murder of an old acquaintance named Gwendolyn which got Patrick exiled from Ireland in the first place anyway Patrick hates Otto with good reason so naturally you have to travel to another dimension from his quarters wait why does he have a bedroom in the covenant estate well that's because Bethany covenant who also hates him but hopes to use him for her own ends brought him here and Bethany is oh god just wait until we get to her you might want to turn off the video now if you're worried about story spoilers because believe it or not this is a narrative driven game and now you're in an eros cool floating void city filled with these I don't know what these are called but I hate them and like the other enemies in this game their attack patterns can be a little hard to read and when they attack you like a surprising amount of projectile based enemies they leave their target and end up hitting you you know like good AI once you get the shotgun they're less of a problem but until that you have to use the Tibetan War kin and you get here which is a golden dragon that shoots ice okay sure it's useful for a while it slows enemies down it's hard to aim and becomes practically useless later in the game still laughs fine I guess infinite ammo oh hi John st. John yeah he's in this game but the game itself doesn't have proper voice credits so I can't say for sure which characters he voices you've also got Lani Manila in that cast I'm sure Otto is John st. John maybe Aeryn - I can't be sure so basically credit your voice actors properly you fight highsinger for a little bit before he runs away you go back to the mansion so you can deal with Elizabeth but to do that you have to go through the mansion some more deal with Aran who's probably your main ghost problem in this game and you can't shoot him but you can use an ether trap to dispel a spirit from whatever map you're on right here you can do that to get an amplifier which you use to improve your spells which of course I use immediately on the ectoplasm because I don't have any good spells yet you head out to the mausoleum only maybe a third of this game takes place at the actual Covenant mansion if that much and by now you'll have silver bullets to take care of the howlers a little easier which for some reason take longer to reload the normal bullets okay game sure here you'll get the invoke spell cast it on a dead monster and it'll rise and fight with you when you cast it the thing ragdolls or okay clearly that's some kind of glitchyness that they included because in this context it's kind of cool says here there's no accounting for what might happen if you cast it on something alive so oh [ __ ] you're really gonna need it because of these [ __ ] skeletons normally skeletons are easy fought or in a horror game these [ __ ] don't die when you put them down so you need to use invoke to permanently kill them and you have to get right in their faces to do that and it costs most of your mana you don't see the bastards much after this section of the game but god damn are they a pain I just run past them rather than waste ammo I've read you can kill them with a headshot from the war cannon but location-based damage in this game seems wonky in that Unreal Engine kind of way where it takes at least two shots to the head to get a headshot this whole Elizabeth section drags on for a long-ass time you'll get the impression that all these chapters are gonna be like this they're not don't get me wrong this is a fairly long game it'll probably take at least 10 hours the first time through I remember this game being harder than it actually is because of the game's first impression where you have nothing but a six-shooter and an ectoplasm spelled with the accuracy a piss from a hard-on there's an abandoned monastery on the island which you have to go through because the monks were in possession of the scythe of the Celt which kills things real good and has a secondary attack that leeches health from your enemies at the cost of mana it's an awesome weapon one of my favorites in the game oh you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me but to get it you have to go through the abandoned monastery the crypts underneath dodging skeletons get mercury and other artifacts cast a spell to send you back in time so you can get a key from this guy here that opens the door in the future and also get the site's itself it turns out human enemies are a lot easier to deal with than monsters you and pistol and for the most part you didn't even need silver bullets till you get to the few of them that shoot fireballs at you then it's time for the good old double barrel like the pistol it has two ammo types regular and phosphorous shells the phosphorous shells will be more important later they got a cool effect to them speaking of effects this snow effect that isn't in the game world and is instead displayed on the camera itself because it would be too resource-intensive and 2001 to have decent heavy snow weather effects it's not a bad solution I guess I kind of like it it does the same thing with rain too so at this monastery as soon as you take the scythe since it's cursed not really for you you're fine but it made a lot of the monks a little crazy as soon as you get it the place starts exploding leading to the ruins you saw before and also you're responsible for killing all the monks here so before you travel back you're fighting their skeletons I'm just saying look at this from the monks perspective this dude just shows up one night boomstick and you and your brothers takes the artifact you've sworn to protect nukes your monastery now he's back hundreds of years later to wreak lll you the monks may have sucked at their job they probably shouldn't have left all this 20th century ammo lying around either but I think they may have gotten shafted harder than anybody else in this story once you get that sight it's time to go back and deal with Lizbeth Lizbeth you have no idea what you've turned into why are you haunting your family so I need opinion I miss cheating by Jeremiah and he will die to finish what must be done do you ever work in the past but you don't know how to stop it runs of Bones and sin oh boy Elizabeth she is a treat don't get anywhere near her you have to wear her down until she's hoping to attack from the scythe and then he'd take her head off which is how you have to deal with all the covenants and I'll be damned if it isn't satisfying to lop their heads off and watch him drop after all the [ __ ] trouble they put you through you get a spell out of this too you run fast that's all it does how dare you [Music] Ambrose a contact encouraged by me of seeing a broken a boat that's not good news for Jeremiah I say so Ambrose covenant isn't so much dead as he is leading Sumter santi pirates in a cove on the island and nobody but it's lighthouse keeper and all these dead servants seem to have noticed them you cannot fast that their santi just before the truce on t invade the estate you go to the standing stones and get the shield spell which at least on normal kind of breaks the game head some of the truce auntie habit too but you can magic it away heavy attacks can immediately break it since we're up against human enemies again it's way easier unless the toss and dynamite you can toss dynamite too it's mostly useful for blowing up walls you get multiples too but they don't work so good and I almost never use them they like roll instead of exploding on impact which is the entire point of those that's okay but want to set something on fire I have phosphorus shells those are good for the killer plants [Music] there are killer plants thanks to Bethany covenant long before you start encountering them in her chapter there are some in her green house because I didn't hate her yet Ambrose was the one who killed Poppa covenant with a pool cue then I guess regrouped on the islands at his pirate caves with his room full of treasure but also this spell skull storm just now look at it when I amplify it all the way [Music] great fun kills stuff good sit close and tell me what trouble my siblings of course lately yes brother what madness is your family cause this time let's remember who started this whole thing Jeremiah a pity you're so weak you can't finish it why do you bring an outsider into family masses afraid you can't stop what you initiate it you give me the stone around your neck or I'll kill your dear friend right here and now fine here's the stone now let him go he's not part of this fight he is where you're wrong you're a stranger to a fight that's over two decades old Jeremiah has everything to do with this no oh no Jeremiah I wasn't done reamer during your whole family yet Ambrose takes your magic rock and transforms into this uh-huh okay here we go down the rabbit hole with this [ __ ] well if you read your journal entries carefully which I don't you'll see the entry for the Gelles of our Stone says if you use it too much a giant dog creature shows up to kill you I've never made this happen in game because I don't use the stone very much and even when I tried to get it to happen it didn't but Ambrose puts it into sacks and does this maybe there's a cut spell for Patrick that'll do that too I haven't seen it there's actually a lot that got cut out of this game which becomes more obvious the further you go into it I can't I can't it's not as bad as Zen it's a bit long but it has some cool set pieces [Music] [Music] you get to fly by the end of it this world is populated by stronger versions of the Cthulhu faces you dealt with before and evil crow monsters that attack you by making you drunk there's a surprising amount of variety to the enemies in this game each chapter could have something wildly different from the last you also get a lightning spell just before leaving for a Neos but I don't know it feels awkward and wimpy flaming skulls work better in all situations what do we have here well I might want to save myself some trouble in the future I spend like an hour going through this other dimension finding artifacts and eventually getting a chi cigar your risk and the mistakes of the past idiot you're opening up Pandora's Box here don't damn humanity with your arrogance on funny that was what that little witch Bethany said to me before I killed her it's a quaint little dance on fabric but I have been waiting too long with his opportunity to be upstaged now your reckless pursuit of power must be stopped yep that's John st. John all right too bad I gotta kick his ass with no trouble whatsoever this is a two stage boss fight the first stage is kicking his ass up here and the second is kicking his ass down here it's a good day today the future could have been so different you know what it's gonna be an episode where John st. John doesn't come up the weird crow monsters are so grateful that they give me a man a well and send me on my way that's nice I hate all of you and to this place now it's time for Erin to bust your balls for a while trying to make it through the manor so you can eventually deal with him first things first I have a surplus of ether traps from visiting the chapel a while back when the drisana attacks I could have gone earlier but it was at that time overrun with ghosts that I didn't feel like dealing with Erin fancies himself an artist and has a studio and yet another part of the mansion you haven't explored yet he's there painting being a dick enough of detail in canvas its entirety [Music] [Music] is that it well no because he was killed by his sister Bethenny who's gonna win me over if she keeps doing awesome stuff like that you have to go to Bethenny's cottage because she put his jaw in there and a key which opens her bedroom which has a secret passage to a torture room where Aaron is he's fast I'm faster you got to get one of his hooks caught on the wall so we get stuck [Music] may take me a few tries but he's getting the chop and Patrick who's been nothing but a badass this entire time gets jump scared and faints letting Bethany take him into the final section of this game which is a rushed mess this is where the game starts to lose me because I played this part a long time ago I remember it being extremely hard because of how much damage the enemies did the fact that the two new weapons were a spear launcher that would never reliably kill something even if you removed 1/3 of the contents of their skull with it and the Phoenix AGG a guided missile that doesn't do enough damage she even begin to compete with the new monsters in this world but I was young and dumb and I didn't use the shield now it's easy you can use other spells too while the shield is up it's only a forward-facing shield but I can have it up toss some flaming skulls block extremely powerful attacks and slice up all these guys with the scythe and only one of them thinks to teleport behind me Bethany is barely a challenge I shooted her a lot more than I probably need to she spawns monsters I kill them eventually I shop her head off and get teleported to well it looks like you've succeeded you are full of surprises Patrick you've apparently learned to harness that Stan's power quite effectively slain my entire family none of what I could not you even bested Kyle singer there must be some vengeful satisfaction area [Music] you might have seen him get his head chopped off and that's usually how covenants are killed but it wasn't with the magic sight and apparently he died in World War one saving Patrick so he died saving Patrick's life but not so there really wasn't much of a risk for him in the first place was there what an [ __ ] he talks for a while but hold on to your butts cuz this is the best moment in this game you should be grateful I'm killing you you won't like the world I've planned once I have the stone and drain the power of this oak King beneath our feet I'll show the world the true meaning of reality you know what Jeremiah you talk too much yeah best moment in the game here's your problem the ritual that the five covenant kids did the standing stones when they were young basically took the seal that was keeping this horrible monster entombed and put it on themselves and now that they're all dead it's got tentacles on the edges of this island that will kill you pretty fast and also this you have to kind of juggle spell-casting shooting it in the [ __ ] shooting it right here in the pad to damage it I use explosives because it's kind of the weak spot but I'm cast in the shield haste and skull storm spells while shooting it with a pistol never really running out of mana this game makes you too powerful but God does it feel great [Music] where I live yo it can't be I'm not done with you yet mm-hmm so there is life after dead I approached her to killed that dog the creature was a guardian a Sentinel of the gate to somewhere some when the Celtic Warrior was just a sacrificial lead on a tomb that was never supposed to be open oh sure I've tried to convince myself that it's all over now the terror the battles I've gotta get away in rest where no one will find me you see I looked into the Brotherhood have seen George I found other monastery scattered all over the world sorry no sequel sold bad great game for the most part it has some flaws navigational stuff some of the weapons are useless and the whole thing falls apart at the end still a lot of fighting work from a now dead studio no wait I have an idea Oh No I've done something stupid and cursed my entire family my sister's a werewolf my brother's a pirate my other sisters uh I don't even know and my other brother is an [ __ ] [Music] I've got bowls of Steel Oh John st. John where will you turn up next [Music] [Music]
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 611,899
Rating: 4.9601727 out of 5
Keywords: cv11, civvie11, civvie's dungeon, civvie, clive barker's undying, undying, ea, dreamworks, horror, halloween, spooky, review, recap, recommendation
Id: OVl8rX6v6jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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