Baldur's Gate 3 - The Cryomancer (Build Request)

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all right I am back with another video and today I am doing a build request the cryomancer I've been asked a few times to do sort of a cryomancer build so something focusing on ice magic or maybe like an ice fire build and I'm kind of deciding to Encompass that allinone while this build is only going to be focused on Ice damage however you will see there is plenty of opportunities to also gain fire damage as well throughout this video and as such you could make a fire and ice build with this but today I mainly wanted to focus on the cryomancy aspect as that specific request has come up a few times so I hope the people who requested it enjoy this build as far as the gameplay side of things goes this is actually one of the most fun builds you can do playing around with the icy surfaces and various status conditions cuz there's like three or four status conditions revolving around ice and we will get all of them here so you can really see this as like a battlefield control um type of high damage build it's super super fun and if you want an interesting Duo comb combination actually I would recommend pairing this build with my Hellfire pyromancer which you can go and find on the channel it's one of my earlier videos to have a really unique Fire and Ice Dynamic I might actually do maybe another type of Elemental Mage maybe to complete the trifecta I might do lightning next that could be fun but anyways let's get into this build so we are going to be starting off as a sorcerer we're not going to be here very long as we're only really here for a few important utility options let's start off with the can trips first off I'm going to suggest you take our utility can trips friends blade W and Mand and perhaps minor illusion as well obviously we see rare Frost is here but as you can kind of tell by our stats Charisma is not our primary spellcasting stat so there's no reason to get rare Frost here especially when we can reach level two so quickly next up for our spells we're just taking a couple of utility options here that being Shield one of the better utility options in the game and FEA fall which is amazing for traversal obviously we are going to be going with draconic bloodline although storm sorcery could work if you wanted to go that route to get the ability to fly however I want to go draconic bloodline for a very specific reason uh we're going to be grabbing the white dragon ancestry in order to grab armor of agapis this is one of the only ice spells we could have potentially missed but now we're going to be getting it and it's a pretty good one you gain five temporary hit points and deal five cold Jam damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack and this stacks for every spell slot cast and since we're going to be reaching the maximum amount of spell slots we'll be able to get a lot of tankiness and extra cold damage out of this build so it's absolutely worth grabbing the spell as for our draconic bloodline this is kind of what I've gone for here with the face you kind of get these like kind of white scales with the frosty blue highlights in the hair and this is a Dr half elf and this is actually one of the natural skin colors for a Dr halfelf so I felt like this is actually a super super cool looking build it kind of reminds me of um Priscilla from Dark Souls really really cool I quite like it in fact I actually quite like the silver tone on the scales there I think that looks absolutely awesome as for the skills let's get into it real quickly uh we're only going to be having Charisma and wisdom at 10 each we are going to be using both of these stats a little bit but only for grabbing some utility spells not our main damage source which is going to be our intelligence putting that up to a 16 because this is mainly a wizard build so we're going to want to be grabbing a 16 in intelligence as that is going to be our main spell casting stat of I can see it being put up to a 17 and using effel spoon to push it up to an 18 which is actually what I'm going to do with this build cuz we are going to be a little bit feet hungry with this one so we want to get the most out of it so put this to 17 and grab eel's Boon to push it up to 18 total next up is going to be our constitution bumping that up to a 16 to get the most possible Health POS well possible uh this is going to make us a bit more tanky especially since this build can actually be up close and personal and finally we're going to probably have a bit of a weird one here in fact actually I think we can bump wisdom down to X we're literally only using it for one spell and we can bump our dexterity up to 14 so yes a bit of a weird stat spread here but the fact that we can get our dexterity to a decent score our constitution to a decent score our intelligence to an 18 total of e spoon and a Charisma of 10 I feel like this works really really well for us so as for our skill proficiencies I went with the sage background for Arana and history but so we can also grab deception and persuasion here so we have that little bit of extra juice in dialogue right next up at level two we're going to be doing a quick dip over to another subclass just to get our last little piece of utility that we need for this build and we are going with cleric this is going to allow us to grab a few useful can trips that being resistance guidance and thorgy our dialog can trips we're also going to be able to grab our domain here and we're absolutely going Tempest just because it feels like it's a bit more on theme this will get us distruct ra of the storm which as a reaction strike back against an attack creature dealing lightning or thunder damage if and the target takes half damage on a saving throw yes our wisdom is really low so we're very rarely going to get the full damage out of this however might we might as well have it just that little bit of extra damage and it's probably the closest subclass that's on theme however any of these other ones perhaps if you want to go nature or War can also work but Tempest just gets what I'm what I really want here which and Al sorry I'm a bit all over the place but mainly the reason we're going cleric here is for the armor proficiencies this is going to give us light medium Shields and heavy which sorcerer would not normally get so you have a lot more customization options with this build I have medium armor here you could absolutely go for heavy armor if you'd like because Tempest domain gives heavy armor so that's why I'm that's the main reason I suggest it as for your deity since we're mainly a wizard we might as well go mistra from my understanding none of these guys really deal in cold damage maybe TM if you want to go for one of the heads but I'm going to go with myy here and of course we get our one prepared spell which is very obviously going to be create or destroy water for those of you that don't know if you use if you make your enemies wet and then hit them with an ice attack they are vulnerable to it meaning they will do double damage but also if you're casting something that has the ability to inflict the chilled status effect which we will obviously be doing you can actually completely freeze your enemies un looking a new status Effect called Frozen which makes them completely immobile and vulnerable to melee damage so absolutely worth picking this up you could also even create if you're not too into grabbing this level of cleric you can actually create water surfaces by melting your own ice however way you want to do that but I feel like just picking this up here for the armor proficiencies and this spell makes a lot of sense and again since this is a spell that doesn't have like a spell Sav DC this will work just fine and now we're going to be jumping into our main class again we can take these levels in any order we' like it really doesn't matter if you feel like you want to grab this cleric level maybe after grabbing a few levels in Wizard you can absolutely do that here but speaking of we are going to be jumping over to wizard now for the rest of our levels because this is the way we're going to be getting all of our ice spells because wizard gets the most ice related spells in the game and it's one of the and it's the only class that can get via level six ice spells however obviously we've already taken enough multiclass dips otherwise to not be able to get those spells but because we are a wizard we can learn spells from Scrolls and the level six ice spells are available from Scrolls so you will still be able to learn them you just have to find the Scrolls and I personally those two spells are utuk freezing sphere sphere and Wall of ice both of which I have personally found as Scrolls in this game some even as early as Act One depending on like if you get lucky so you can find these Scrolls quite easily so yeah basically this is the best way to get every single ice spell in the game and then some so let's get into the actual spells that we get without Scrolls first up our can trips obviously we want Ray of frost this is a big one we absolutely need this spell if we want to have a solid ranged ice option that we always have access to regardless of our remaining spell slots and the rest can be whatever you like we already have most of our utility can trips here so we can grab light to be able to give ourselves a little bit of light and if you want to kind of reflavor bone chill as being like the chill of death and pretend you're doing ice damage this works it basically is just a way to give disadvantage on attack rolles to our opponents and deal an a damage type that isn't C and just in case our enemy is res to it so this is about as close as we get now next up for our spells well we have a few options here but the obvious one is ice knife this is our main ice damage spell at level one it is going to be super powerful it does piercing and cold damage and creates an icy surface and explodes and hits everyone around the Target super awesome spell that is perfectly on theme uh we're also going to be able to grab enhanced leap long Strider and dis skuy self our utility spells here that are super super great to have on any build magic Missile for a solid non ice damage option if you need it and your last spell can be whatever you like if you want to grab chromatic orb cuz you can throw an ice variant of this it creates an nice surface but obviously would also give you access to other damage types if you find that something is too resistant to ice and you don't have a good way around it this can be used to also create a fire orb as well that can melt your ice if you want to create water surfaces that way so if we're going for that Fire and Ice build this also works here and for our prepared spells I do quite like these options here next up at wizard level two we're going to be choosing our subass and there is only one thing for it we are going evocation this is going to give us a ton of useful features but the most useful feature is when we get straight at level two that being sculpt spells create pockets of sa safety within your evocation spells allies automatically succeed their saving foras against these spells and take no damage from them meaning that you since a lot of our i spells do massive area of effect damage there's no risk that your allies are going to be caught up in them so this is super super important to grab and it's going to make all of our ice spells more powerful in the long run next up we get to choose a couple of more spells and it's really up to you what you grab here I quite like fine familiar just to get that extra little pet because that's always fun the last spell can be literally whatever you want we've kind of run out of things that are on theme so I don't know I mean we already have fog Cloud that could kind of be like a misty Cloud but we already have it uh color spray I don't know just pick whatever you want it really doesn't matter let's go with expeditious Retreat I don't know you never know when you might need to run away and yeah we'll just keep we'll grab magic magic Missile next up at wizard level three we're going to be gaining level two spells and there's a couple of things that I kind of like here so obviously Misty step is a powerful utility spell that you can kind of uh flavor as Mist walking but also I want to grab fantasmal Force now that may seem like a bit of an odd choice but let's actually read it deal damage to a creature each turn for Ty type of damage changes to the last type the creature suffered so you can cast this spell then cast an ice spell and then it's almost as if you frozen them and they've got frostbite taking cold damage every turn uh we haven't got many concentration spells yet so this actually is quite a decent early concentration option that I feel like can actually be on theme uh we're also going to be so we'll slot these two in yeah perfect next up at wizard level four we're going to be grabbing our first feat and of course if at this point you probably would have laid the smackdown on antl so bumping your intelligence up to a 19 total 20 with f spoon is going to work really really nicely here meaning that we have maxed out our intelligence already which is awesome exactly what we're looking for also we can grab another can trip at this level again take whatever you like it really doesn't matter I'm just going to grab shocking shocking grasp so that we have a melee option uh we can you can also grab a couple of more level two spells here and I'm going to recommend gust of wind because you can kind of blow a bit of Frosty Air at your opponents and force them off balance which can make them which will make it a bit easier for them to slip on your ice and then your second spell from here can be whatever you really like there's nothing here that immediately speaks to me so picking up a nice utility spell like mirror image to give yourself a bit more tankiness can absolutely work out and yeah we'll grab that perfect next up at wizard level five we're going to be grabbing some level three spells and there's two really obvious ones sleep storm is going to allow you to call forth a storm that disrupts the concentration of spell casters dces fires and creates a massive ice surface it does require your concentration however I feel like this is a good spell to have for shutting down spellcasters and is on theme and the other one I'm going to tell you to grab is Glyph of warding this lets you set a trap which can be a cold Icy trap Glyph of warding is a super fun spell if you've not tried it before give it a go for it can give you some really interesting Battlefield strategies like if you set up like a glyph of wng in a doorway forcing your enemies to come through it and then them falling for your trap it's super super fun so I quite I quite like having Glyph of watering here especially since it doesn't require concentration to maintain the glyph and we'll grab these both next up at wizard level six we're going to be getting our subclass feature that being potent cantrip your cantrips become harder to invade entirely when a creature succeed it saving throw against one of your krips it still takes half the krips damage but suffers no additional effects so our Ray of frost is going to be getting a nice little buff here we're also going to be able to grab two more spells and for spells that I feel like are on theme I would recommend slow you can kind of make kind of flavor this is you are calling forth an icy blizzard which causes enemies to become colder and therefore slowing them down you can Target up to six creatures and slow them movement speed and actions are affected and the AC and dexterity saves are reduced by two with those dexterity saves being reduced they are much more likely to slip on your icy surfaces meaning they're going to be prone a lot and lose their turns this is a super powerful control spell with this setup and the other option is counter spell I mean it's just a good overall option to have that doesn't really break the theme but isn't isn't really on it either now obviously on most of my Sorcerers I would recommend haste because obviously or not Sorcerers Wizards or spellcasters I would recommend haste but I don't think it works too well here since so many of our ice spells are concentration based so your chances of basically if you cast hastee you are limiting yourself to pretty much not using any of the kit that we're actually here to build so I feel like that doesn't work as well but with slow and other ice spells we're going to be doing a lot of cool stuff I will slot those in yes lovely now at wizard level seven we're going to be getting some more spells our level four spells and of course the obvious choice here is ice storm impel a storm of hail and Ice to crash from the sky covering the ground and striking all objects within range basically creating a big icy surface and also you know dealing a ton of cold and bludgeoning damage uh the other spell OB that comes up obviously is fire Shield allowing yourself to surround yourself in a shield of cold meaning that any that makes you resistance to fire or cold damage depending on which one you choose and will cause any melee attacks against you to be retaliated at with cold damage stacking this with armor of agus makes it so if an enemy dares to come close to you and hit you going to be taking a lot of cold damage in retaliation and the best part about fire Shield is it doesn't require your concentration so it just is an extra buff to your output might as well slot these in kind of running out of decent slots here I would say there's so many good spells for this build at wizard level eight we're going to be able to grab a couple more spells and I also believe yes we're at level five spell SLS at this point and there's another quite obvious choice here we can grab conure minor Elemental which will mean we can summon two ice methods and now the ice methods have some interesting abilities I will show them off at the end of the video but it's super super on theme that we get to summon little ice minions we are truly a frost Witch uh next up this is where it gets a bit tricky because it isn't really an on theme spell that immediately stands out but I quite like grabbing gaseous form basically you can turn yourself or an ally into a tiny gas cloud it can't fall it fits through small openings and is very hard to damage the cloud has advantage on Constitution dexterity and strength saving throws and it lasts into a long rest as long as you maintain concentration basically turn yourself into a little ball of Frosty mist and be able to fly around and engage with them in with the environment in many unique ways it's a super fun spell and I absolutely recommend it we're also going to be grabbing another feat at this level and because we will have our intelligence maxed out at this point with f full spoon obviously we want to grab Elemental Adept cold to be able to ignore resistance resistance to cold damage meaning now we can finally use our full power even against enemies that are going to be giving that would normally give us trouble obviously if you're happy to have 18 uh 18 in for a while there um if you want to grab this first obviously that works but I quite like bumping up our intelligence first and then grabbing this later next up at wizard level 9 we're finally going to be getting level five spells which means we get to grab the two obvious choices that being cone of cold just a massive amount of ice damage and a con in front of you and also conjure Elemental to be able to summon uh either a water Elemental or a water Meridan to be able to deal even more ice damage per turn and gain another companion meaning that you can now have three summoned entities that are all ice themed at once which is super super powerful and really really fun uh we can slot these in here what should we drop mirror image and our final level is wizard level 10 again you could get here sooner if you maybe dropped for cleric level but this is kind of all right to get now anyway we got we get our final subass feature being empowered evocation your grasp of evocation magic has tightened you can now add your intelligence modifier to the damage rolls with any evocation spells meaning that every single one of our spells just got a hell of a lot more powerful we're also going to be able to grab another can trip at this level there's nothing here that's really on theme but if you wanted to grab Firebolt uh kind of going against the theme here but again it could Mount your ice creating water surfaces allowing you to freeze unfreeze and refreeze as much as you like uh we can also grab a couple more Spells at this point again normally this is where we'd be grabbing our level six spells but because we are getting those from Scrolls uh we can't really grab them here unfortunately and there's not really any more spells that are exactly on theme so it becomes to pick your favorites type of moment maybe just grabbing some utility options that you don't have I quite like telekinesis maybe you can flavor this as you're not actually manipulating ice just on its own you're actually just creating ice and then manipulating it with psychic ability like telekinesis but I even I understand that that is a stretch but I still quite like telekinesis here it is is just one of the more fun spells in the game uh and your last option again can be whatever you like there's nothing here that really stands out to me so something maybe like hold person or hold monster might you can flavor it as kind of freezing it in ice making them unable to move but again it's up to you and let's grab I'll grab Telly cuz I like Telly and that is the build now again like I said at the start of this video this is one of the most fun spell uh spellcasting kind of classes I guess in the game as far as being able to use our ice magic to inflict status conditions and deal a bunch of interesting uh kind of effect control effects like our icy surfaces or being able to freeze our enemies but it gets even more interesting when we get into the equipment so let's go over it now we have the cold brim hat I featured this once before and I'm doing so again once per turn any with any condition inflicted on a Target it also applies two turns of encrusted with frost uh encrusted with frost the affected entity has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws which is huge that means they're going to slip on our ice even more uh when there are seven or more turns remaining The Entity must succeed a constitution saving throw or take one to four cold damage and become Frozen Frozen as I said before the affected entity is utterly enameled in ice and is incapacitated if it is dealt blood bludgeoning Thunder or Force damage the ice shatters ending the condition and of course incapacitated means well it just means they cannot move at all it is also removed by the burning status effect now we are going to have other ways of dealing Frozen other than having to stack seven turns of this but it is just a nice little buff that we get as well next up we have the cloak of protection it is just a nice extra option to get us that little bit of extra Armor class bumping us up to a 20 total and looks pretty good with this armor in my opinion when you color it right next up is the ont scale male this adds your full dexterity modifier to your armor class which unfortunately doesn't really matter because we're just having a plus two bonus anyway so it's not really changed but additionally this armor does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks and you're getting a plus one bonus to initiative roles allowing you to set up a bit quicker this is just one of my favorite uh looking kind of um armor options you can get really easily in act to it is one of the most fashionable and one of the most useful across the board so again I just love showing it off here those of you who have come from my dancer relas build or ELR or El atast I don't know I keep it up uh you'll recognize this armor piece but I colored that in purple whereas now I have kind of an icy light blue dye instead which is what it's called the light blue Dy and I really feel like it looks so good with this build but obviously when you're in X3 if you want something a little bit different and I really hope this doesn't get me sort of age restricted or something uh you have the wave mother's robe which will give you resistance to fir in cold damage uh if the wear is standing on a water surface at the start of their turn they heal one to four hit points again most most of the time we're going to have icy services so this doesn't come out much but it does let you cast Creator destroy water and gives you a little bonus to your armor class and even though it's clothing we are a draconic war uh draconic sorcerer so we will do have unarmored defense but again this just feels weird and I don't like wearing it so I'm just going to go back to the one t scale male personally but that is an option for those of you out there you know who I'm talking about anyways uh with that let's move on to the gloves we have Winter's clutches when the wearer deals cold damage inflict two turns of encrusted with frost this Stacks with our cold Brim hat meaning you're going to be able to stack up those infr those uh encrusted with frost uh kind of counters super super quickly and of course since we're pretty much always dealing cold damage you're going to be able to get off those Nova kind of explosions of Frozen pretty often and finally the disintegrating night Walkers now there's a good reason for it this time I know this is just like the one I use all the time but it actually makes a lot of sense here because this is going to prevent us from slipping on our own ice in addition to being able to cast Misty step I mean it would be so stupid if we're creating all of these ice surfaces only to fall on our ass whenever we go near them so it absolutely makes sense to be able to have these here to stop that from happening uh onto our accessories even we're going to be going to the necklace of Elemental augmentation when one of your can trips deal deals cold damage amongst others you add your spell casting modifier to the damage dealt basically meaning our rare Frost is going to be able to do a ton of damage this is like agonizing blast but for Elemental can trips next up the Ring of free action even though we have the disintegrating night Walkers uh the ice surfaces are still counted as difficult to rain and will slow our movement so if we have the ring of free action we ignore those effects and also cannot be paralyzed or restrained this basically means that we are completely unaffected by our own ice surfaces in every regard which is awesome and finally the snowb burst ring when the wearer deals cold damage they also create a 4.5 M circle of ice around the Target or Target plural so basically this means you're going to be able to create even more ice surfaces Beyond just the Spells that actually create them meaning you're going to have a ton of different options for stacking that those ice surfaces all over the battlefield making your enemies trip and fall over and basically be unable to do anything this is probably one of the best control Mages I've ever made uh I'm also since we have our Shield proficiency I thought I would point this one out this is the absolute uh protector you can get this an act to if the weara Bears the absolute brand all damage received from spells is reduced by one so it's a bit more tankiness and I would Ely recommend getting the brand anyway uh you get the standard shield bash we also get the ability to cast fire Shield chill once per long rest without expending a spell slot allowing you to get that buff anyway and that's on theme and still be able to uh use those spell Sals for other things but here's my favorite part of the build the morning Frost you can get this in Act One by completing a little Easter egg hunting side quest which is honestly really fun I love it when these builds come with extra little challenges for you to do to be able to build them and you're going to get a ton of interesting stuff first of all uh this is going to give you a little bit of extra cold damage on Mele attacks so if you're out of spell slots you're not out of options you're also going to get heart of ice when dealing cold damage you always deal an additional one cold damage meaning everything is getting a little buff uh with Insidious cold dealing cold damage with a Spell possibly inflicts chill upon the target the affected en entity becomes vulnerable to cold damage and resistant to fire damage but basically that means we can get our double damage with our ice spells without needing to do the whole water setup if you don't want to go for that cleric dip but I still recommend doing that for everything else I've Illustrated but this is still a nice thing because if we inflict this CH effect that also means we're going to be getting our stacks of in crust of frost as well it's a plus one weapon and also you get to just cast R of frost for free without needing to actually take it as a spellcaster but that's a bit pointless for us but say if you wanted to build like maybe a frosty way of the four elements monk you could get this and actually it would be super cool and finally our final weapon option here it's just the dark fire short bow if we're not going with the way of M's robe which I personally would not uh you can just have this equipped in your off slots to be able to get a little bit of haste if you want it but it's not really important cuz we're mainly here for the resistance to Fire and cold damage and the plus two enchantment we can't actually use it because we're not proficient with bows but we're still going to be able to do that little extra cast of haste regardless so we don't need proficiency and it still gives us the resistances for free so there's no reason not to have it in that off slot so yeah I mean that's the build it is super super fun you are going to have complete control over the battlefield your enemies are going to feel absolutely helpess as they're stumbling around and slipping on your ice and you're going to be doing a ton of damage basically making all your enemies take double damage from your ice spells um it is super super fun and like I say if you grab the Scrolls for the final six level spells you will be able to cast them again that is auk's freezing sphere and um wall of ice which are two powerful spells in their own right now I'm going to quickly before we move on to the kind of end of video stuff let's get into the summons so you have the option if you want to spend a fifth level spell slot to conjure the water Elemental which it gives which conjures an elemental which can use Winter's breath which is just a decent amount of cold damage slam which will do an extra little bit of cold damage with uh bludgeoning damage as well and you know that's basically it but what we're really here for is the water Meridan uh this is going to give you high meal strength if I summon this guy actually we can have a look he's can see you can see has a decent chunk of HP looks really cool wields like a trident which is awesome and again you're going to get high meal strike which is allows you to pierce your creature with with your Frost rimmed Trident dealing a ton of of cold damage and piercing damage while also being able to inflict chill as well so that's just another way to stack that on top if we don't inflict it ourselves we also gain explosive icicle H three Trident forged of glistening ice that pierce the targets and create ice surfaces on impact this is if if um ice knife and scorching Ray fused to create an awesome ice spell you also gain the ability to teleport and heal yourself with healing Vapors exude water Vapors in your general General Elemental dness healing nearby creatures if you're are poisoned the water is Tainted and instead of healing it deals poison damage which is an interesting little bit of interactivity and obviously you just have a regular main hand attack that also does cold damage but honestly just use your ice abilities in addition to this we can and also cast where is it where is it did I forget to prepare it oops hold on uh our ice Elementals there it is let's Stitch magic Missile for now and we'll show off this spell as well yep we can conture our ice methods now you may only see one but once they start moving they will split up and become two they will split up and become two there we go I forgot they don't follow you in the camp so what these little guys are capable of is a few things again they don't have that much HP but they're still a good extra bit of damaging utility they can use freezing claws which is just a regular slashing attack that deals a bit of extra cold damage ice breath allowing them to basically do a very very minor version of cone of cold uh the chromatic orb cold so they get to cast that version of chromatic orb allowing to allowing them to also create icy surfaces and also death burst basically a kamakazi that does a bit of ice damage these are just useful extra utility to have they're a bit of extra Firepower a bit of extra distraction of enemies so they can kind of take the heat off of you so to speak and it's just fun to have anyway and on theme uh so yeah that is the build overall I feel like that you're going to have a lot of fun with this one like I say it's one of the best controll Mages ever you get to deal a ton of different status effects and just feel like an overall super powerful Mage that has a lot of utility uh basically this this video is kind of weird because I'm kind of recording a bunch of videos in the same day to kind of get ahead on like my schedule so I believe I just recorded my Assassin's Creed build that will have gone up a day prior to this one and now I'm recording this one so my head's a little bit all over the place as I'm trying to get these builds done uh like I said I'm still going to be tanking my way through build requests so I've got a few lined up this was one of them and I'm going to be doing probably the recording for the next one in just a minute here but I was quite happy to get this build done and I'm quite impressed with how it turned out I mean I kind of thought that a cry Mage would be a bit boring to build but actually when you really think about it this is super fun like super fun so I really really hope you guys enjoy it uh and I think I just want to kind of say it again I kind of just you know I say this quite a bit now but seriously thank you all for the support uh it's been a wild ride making these videos and I'm still really really enjoying it and every day waking up and kind of like I kind of upload these late at night and then waking up and seeing all the comments you guys leave and having those discussions is super super fun and um really really engaging and I've just been so I've been enjoying it so much so I kind of just wanted to throw that out there just to say you know thanks for being awesome uh we are an awesome community and I feel like this little corner of the internet we've created for ourselves is one of you know just interesting Concepts interesting discussions and a lot of acceptance so I feel like this I'm really really quite proud of what we've managed to build here uh I think that's going to be enough out of me I don't think there's much else for me to say so uh if you want to submit some build requests just feel free to do so I am working my way through a backlog but I'm still willing to continue doing some more um so with that I feel like I am done thank you so much for watching the video and I will see you all next time
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 30,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: skYSYSLM9f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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