Level 3 Spell Tierlist & Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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hello and welcome to another tier list this time for the level three spells available in bould escate 3 first of all I would hope this goes without saying this is my own subjective view of these spells so I can expect lots of you to have different feelings about these spells where they go and that's perfectly fine so I would ask that you give the common courtesy of explaining why I'm wrong comments such as your list is objectively wrong are just to get completely ignored because they added nothing to the conversation and that's the point of these tier lists is to create discussion to we can all share with each other what we find useful about the Spells and maybe some extra information we don't know now how do I rate spells I tried to take several things into account first of all what other spells are on those class spell lists so for example conjure barage is only available to Rangers so I'm going to be comparing this to other Ranger spells secondly does the spell require concentration because that's a very big mechanic in Boulders Gate 3 and well it comes from fifth edition is it useful throughout the game so when we get these spells here we get them at level five now am I only using this at level five will I be using this up until Level 12 at the end of the game does the spell have any utility any extra effects and can it be upcast to give a more powerful version of the spell and if it deals damage what type of damage does it deal generally I will favor lightning and cold damage because that can be doubled from the wet condition also I do kind of prefer radiant damage because radiant damage is very useful in act two there are several enemies who are vulnerable to it also radiant damage is one of the ways to give out radiating orbs which is a very strong debuff you can put onto enemies I do try to tend to avoid taking into account specific items and sub classes because you may just not have found those items might not be possible in your playthrough and perhaps you just don't want to play with a specific subass however there are some spells that just have such a strong link to some sub classes or maybe items that I will mention them but overall I try not to take those into account and I do try to pick an overall tier so if I thought haste was really not useful at level five but is really useful at level 12 I'm going to take somewhere in the middle between s and c I can only put the spell in one place in the tier list I'm not going to split up for every single subass every single level or every single item that could be useful for a spell I'm giving an overall impression of the spell so starting off with animate dead this is available to clerics wizards circle of the spores Druids and oathbreaker paladins for this spell to work you do need a medium or small corse they can't be out there do have to be a corpse which makes sense and we get several options now Gail here is at level 12 so I've got some even extra options but at level five when you can first get the spell you get option of a zombie or a skeleton if you upcast the spell you actually get to Target more corpses Gail is a necromancer so he can create an extra Undead minion at level four it creates three other zombies or skeletons at level five you then get a choice of ghouls either flying or not and then if you you upcast that to level six you can create up to three or four if you're Necromancer these [Music] gos this does not require concentration which is great obviously we've got a use for it at every spell level and these Undead ghouls or zombies or skeletons can have Buffs cast on them such as long Strider now I've already cast Aid on the on the group but I can give them Aid level three perhaps so now they have 10 extra hit points each and now I've got catch a break many people in my party not just the four party members and even if you use the level three or level four version of the spell it's very useful to have an extra body on the field dealing a bit of extra damage and also taking extra damage that isn't going to the rest of your party I'm going to stick this an S tier I don't often use the spell myself but I can see the power of the spell one thing I really like is that we can upcast it at level four five and six and we get extra effects from it and having extra bodies on the field is just really really useful Beacon of Hope is next and this is available to clerics and oath of devotion paladins so what does it do you create an aura and within that aura any healing done gets maximum healing done and everyone has or Allies have advantage on wisdom saving throws and death saving throws now it does require concentration upcasting it doesn't do anything so this works well if you've got area of effect heal not well but you get more use out of it if you use area of effect heals EV there got the maximum of nine healing which isn't a lot really cuz it's um it healing word mass healing word now I'm not in any particular trouble here at the moment but if I do throw a potion of superior healing here we are I can affect multiple people here we get the maximum of 40 healing that's all very well and useful but for me the concentration requirement kind of ruins it because at level three especially for clerics we do have another awesome spell one of them Spirit Guardians get to that later takes concentration now it can probably save you in a pinch some people have said that to me in the past but I so rarely feel the need to cast it sure advantage on death saving throws sounds great but you can almost certainly get someone back up before they die from Death failing death saving throws now the advantage of wisdom saving throws on the other hand is good because any spells that affect wisdom saving throws are often very very powerful and will take your character out of combat and you do not want that to happen but I'm going to leave it in C tier because I think it's a bit too situational I don't find myself needing to take this and as a cleric I probably want to prepare some other spells rather than Beacon of Hope most of the time sto curse this is available to BS clerics Wizards great old one warlocks Earth breaker paladins and warlocks can also get this if they pick the eldrich invocation called sign of ill Omen so it has a melee range you've got several different things it can do so potentially a lot of utility six of these are giving disadvantage on a particular type of saving throw so that's the Charisma Constitution dexterity and so on or we can give an enemy disadvantage on their attack rolls our attack rolls and spells deal in an additional 1d8 necrotic damage to the Target or we can fill them with Dread and they can possibly skip their turn so it does require you to get into melee and it is a wisdom saving throw to resist these and it does require concentration we can upcast them all it does is increase the number of turns which considering these I'm guessing you're going to cast these in combat 10 turns is enough it's pretty much no reason to upcast it now lots of these effects sound good because they are but there are usually other ways to get these we can give disadvantage on Constitution saving throws by inflicting bleeding on a target for dexterity we can knock them prone wisdom we can Daz them with our weapon abilities from the martial well doesn't have to be martial classes but more likely to be martial classes giving disadvantage on attack rolls there a level two spell blindness which doesn't require concentration now that's a constitution saving throw instead of wisdom additional 1d8 damage that's just like Hunter Mark or hex now most of the classes that get besto CSE don't get Hunter's Mark or hex but to use a level three spell slot to do this I do not think is worth it the only one really worth casting I think is dread now they can possibly skip their turn if they fail their wisdom saving through this would be really good on a especially on a boss or this difficult creature so who goes next uh this one so we'll try it so we'll see what happens on their turn fools these oh they passed so then they can attack so it's not even guaranteed that was a 90% chance to work let's just check their yeah they're all 20 okay that's like just a bit unlucky I'm going to leave this down in C tier again the upcasting is pointless it's concentration and most of these classes want to concentrate on something else most of the time most of the effects just aren't worth a level three spell slot blinding Smite is next this is only available to paladins so what does it do you attack an enemy it uses your action and bonus action and a level three spell slot it does an additional 3d8 radiant damage on a hit and if the enemy fails a Constitution saving through they become blinded let's give it a go nice that's not right I mean I would probably have just smited there used the divine Smite there I guess they yeah they' passed their constitution saving thr so they're not blinded and in the end what I did was an additional 3d8 damage I don't particularly like this Smite spell one thing I don't like is that it uses a bonus action now I get that all the Smite spells do that but we're using a level three spell slot and a bonus action if I had just potentially just used my level three spell slot to Smite instead of using this I could have killed him I've got other uses for my bonus action I've got a particular weapon here that gives me an extra bonus action attack I've got Mar from item I might want to jump around I might want to use another spell that used as a bonus action which will come up later going to leave this at C tier I think as a paladin are other level three spells I'd rather cast or just use my level three spell slot to Smite next up is blink blink is available to sorcer Wizards and Arch F warlocks so this can only be used during combat so it uses an action and at the end of your turn there's a 50% chance you'll go to the Ethereal plane while you're there you can't be harmed or seen if you don't pass that then you just stay where you are going to cast this upcasting doesn't do anything so we've got the blink condition and then I'm just skip it in I want to point out Gail is currently concentrating on slow now he didn't disappear so he didn't go to the Ethereal plane so he can still be targeted sword all right he's gone annoyingly in Boulders Gate 3 if you're concentrating and you do blink away you lose concentration which I think is absolute nonsense should not really be happening so what is it good for it is kind of good for defense for whoever's casting it one thing you need to bear in mind is that it completely negates any area of effect damage to your character but if your character isn't there it does mean your other three characters or summons present have to pick up the slack and we'll be targeted instead so really you're just deflecting attacks onto other people so he can't be affected here one cool thing is at the start of your turn after blinking away if you want to you can move up to 20 ft away I do wish that was a bit higher 20 ft isn't very far but you can blink and then take your action as normal and at the end of the turn oh he's gone again one thing to keep in mind though is that he can't benefit from any Buffs either your allies cannot Target anyone who's blinked with anything to help them like healing or Buffs I really really dislike currently that the fact that's blinking breaks concentration for me really can't put it any higher than C because Sorcerers Wizards and warlocks are very often concentrating on something and there are some very important spells in level three even lightning is next this is available to Druids Tempest Dom main cleric storm sorcery Sorcerers and Bs by the magical Secrets warlocks who picked packed of the tone also get this once per long rest at level five so lightning strikes all Targets within range so we got 60ft range the radius we're not actually told the radius it's okay not the smallest radius we've got for an AOE not the largest witnessed assaulting someone and so it does 3d10 damage it can be upcast but extra 1 d10 damage per spell level and of course it's lightning damage so this can be doubled doesn't say it's going to get the two at the edge but actually did good it is a spell that requires concentration but if as long as you maintain it you get a new action over here which actually counts as a cat trip so any items that affects C trips can actually currently affects cool lightning so I can do this again this time the damage should be doubled oh there we are and look at that and oh I love the sound I do want to point out this is an area of effect spell I have seen someone on Reddit saying this oh this wasn't very good because it just does 3d10 damage please please please don't use this on a single Target it would be a waste there's no doubt about that this should be used on multiple targets and if they're wet then it actually that's that's even better so here this has done what 64 88 damage and I can do that again next turn as long as I maintain concentration one thing to keep in mind is that DS don't get very many level three spells and I'm going to get to some of them later that basically aren't very good so compared to the other spells Druids get I think for me this is definitely s tier it's an AOE it's lightning damage it sounds cool and looks cool and I can keep casting it again and again and again it's a very efficient use of a level three spell slot that is for sure next up is conure barrage which is only available to Rangers do bear in mind anytime I mention Rangers or paladins in this tier list they only get these Spells at level 9 so conjure barrage has two different options you can either conjure your melee weapon or your ranged weapon you do 28 damage plus then the normal damage of the weapon that you've selected so this Rangers my Tav Rangers melee weapon is far superior to his ranged weapon we get this quite a lot large cone that's actually a very large cone compared to most cones we get in the game unfortunately it does affect allies so you do have to be very careful with where everyone is fact in fact I've used my bonus action to shove a prone gaale out the way to make sure he doesn't get affected by this one thing to keep in mind is that this takes your whole action now this Ranger is a hunter and at level 11 effectively get another step forward a very good alternative to the to this now I said I wasn't going to include subass too much but considering this is just for Rangers and they only have three different subclasses I think this is actually quite important so to 1/3 of Rangers out there potentially this isn't going to be very useful past level 11 the range of the Whirlwind attack is not as big you can do it twice per action it's basically two attacks and it doesn't affect allies I'm going to leave this at a tier not s tier because this is only available to one class so there's not much competition and and Rangers don't get very many level three spells to choose from but the fact is a third of the subclasses get an alternative feature that's not exactly always better but can be used multiple times per action and in fact constantly and it does affect allies if it didn't affect allies I think I'd put it up to S tier but I'm going to leave it at a tier next up is counter spell available to Sorcerers warlocks Wizards and bars by their magical Secrets this spell is a reaction spell so it's quite difficult to potentially record it but when an enemy tries to cast a spell and sometimes other actions as well you can cast this spell as a reaction to stop it if it was a level three spell or lower it's automatically stopped if it's higher than level three then you have to do a check to stop it instead but you can upcast this so if an enemy is casting a level four spell and you upcast this at level four it automatically stops it so I'm hoping I'll be able to show you that now it does require a reaction so I can't use these and expect to be able to counter spell so here there she goes so she's used command gravel it says level one enchantment spell but I can see she's cast it on four targets which must mean she's cast it at level four I get the option of which level I want to upcast it or cast counter spell app I'm going to use the level four spell slot here we find completely stopped that's it command isn't cast do bear in mind enemy Wizards especially in the Flaming fist do use this on you and it's I find it so annoying when it happens this is another s spell there just you can stop so many bad things from happening that command if it had worked even on just one or two of my party that's half of my actions gone for that round and it can be you know you can stop some very bad things happening to your party opportunity has come up for me to show you counter spell at level three against this command gravel again this time there's a failed counter spell now we don't know how that works because we're not shown and now three of my party have to skip their turn next up is Crusader mantle this is available to war domain clerics at level five BS from their magical secrets and paladins get it at level n so what does it do I've actually already cast it in the previous round so it's a concentration spell and everyone within 30 ft allies within 30 ft gain a 1 D4 bonus to their weapon attacks so if I attack blaz arer here I got an extra 1 D4 and I can do it again and I got an extra 1 D4 this 1d8 is just improved Divine Smite just because I got to a high Paladin level and I've got my off hand ATT no I've got bonus action attack there it is so 1 D4 doesn't sound like much I suppose but if you've got lots of people using weapon attacks then actually that starts to add up now it is concentration I'm hoping we'll be able to pass the saving throws here so if Tav here starts attacking also we got an extra two radiant damage here bam we got some more that was a critical hit do bear in mind this does also get doubled on a critical hit this one's quite heavily dependent on your party setup your party composition if you've only got maybe the Paladin or Wain cleric using the I guess B using weapon attacks then this is almost pointless if you've got maybe three people using weapon weapon attacks then this is quite good because for paladins especially anyway we do need to compare this to Divine Smite Divine Smite will get at level three will get us 48 damage and unless I maintain concentration I'm not well won't necessarily get that much damage from a from all of the additional weapon attacks it also depends on the battle I mean here actually it's probably quite a good use because I got lots of enemies to kill and this fight will will last longer than just two or three turns however if you've got a relatively short fight it's probably better just to take someone out with a Divine Smite rather than spread all the damage out across many different enemies I'm going to put this in B tier for clerics they've got better things to concentrate on for paladins it might just be better to use a spell slot for a Divine Smite just at the right moment but it's not bad it does require concentration so I don't think I want to put it any higher but radiant damage can be very useful daylight is next this is available to cleric Druids sorcerers Bars by the magical Secrets Rangers and paladins so there are two options when you cast daylight one you can enchant an item or weapon a bit like the light C trip or you can create a sphere very lar sphere here when you cast it like this it will dispel magical Darkness I'm actually going to cast it on some armor which you can also do with the light count trip chance item very bright lights lovely bright light one true way oh W that should not have happened oh there we are let's come backoo that took some time so it creates light for us just like the light can trip it dispels magical darkness which is cool but also the reason I've come all the way back here is there are some enemies that have a feature called sunlight sensitivity while in sunlight this creature has disadvantage on attack roles and perception checks trout are enemy that notably have this daylight sensitivity so we're going to start this fight and we should find as long as I'm close enough these guys should have disadvantage on any attack thrs that they do so let's check that yep they have disadvantage there they hit still but they still had that disadvantage use main hand attack disadvantage because of its usefulness also in Act Two Against The Shadow enemies especially I'm going to stick this in a I will say though that towards the end of the game there aren't very many places where this really shines we we don't end up in too many Dark Places either but it doesn't require concentration you can cast it and it's there for the rest of the long rest so it's very very useful next is Elemental weapon this is only available to paladins so what does it do you pick one of the elements we've got acid cold fire lightning and thunder and this goes onto a weapon of your choice this could be yours it could be an allies and that weapon gains a plus one bonus to attack and Deals an additional 1 D4 damage of the chosen element type I'm going to go for lightning I'm concentrating on it and it it's until long rest or until you lose concentration so if I go and attack know I'm going to go Archer you were witnessed assaulting someone so I didn't an additional and at times that time I did an additional three damage so every attack I do going to do an additional 1 D4 damage there we are another 1 D4 damage it's a bit like a better version of magic weapon but I don't particularly care for magic weapon that much the wonderful damage just isn't really enough I understand perhaps if it was higher it would perhaps be too strong but you're likely to lose concentration at some point during your long rest and you don't know when it's going to happen the concentration really kills this for me if I could make every enemy wet then I suppose an extra 24 damage would be good I'll leave it at C tier I guess it has its uses that we can increase the damage of the cold or lightning if we know someone is vulnerable to one of the particular element types I can choose that but again for paladins this Tas to does compete with Divine smites if you can get 50 swings of your weapon then actually this adds up to quite a lot but if you only get like three or four swings before you long rest or you lose concentration then it's been really really really pointless next up is fear available to BS Sorcerers warlocks Wizards trickery domain clerics and Gloom stalker Rangers targets drop everything it'll be their weapons and become fearful to have disadvantage on ability checks and attack RS and a wisdom saving to resist it it is concentration lasts two turns so get a big cone like this doesn't affect allies so try and get those four so we can see three of them failed their saving throws there and you can pick up those weapons if you want and they do run away they're not going to come and harm me in fact I'm going to go pick this up and you could I could have been clever there I could have set this up to have all my allies right next to someone who's fearful so when they walk away they take opportunity attacks and this dude does go next right so let's try and not kill him shall we now Gail isn't the best person to have an opportunity attack with but it can happen so I've really split this fight into two I've now got to kill two people here and then kill those three separately afterwards and it'll be easy to get rid of those three I'm going to leave it at oh I'm torn between A and S definitely a because the effect is very strong it's an AOE doesn't affect allies the reason I'm struggling between A and S is one it's concentration there are lots of concentration spells in the game and secondly only only lasts two turns I think had it lasted longer I'd put it up into s but it's a very strong spell really really good spell to have Bain death is next available to BS clerics Druids and wizards doesn't require concentration it doesn't do anything when upcast so you can put an ally into a protective coma so they become resistant to all damage not immune resistant so will still be hurt by aoe's disease and poison have no effect so you can't Target anyone who is yellow neutral but you can Target an ally you can Target yourself even so I could yeah why not let's uh Target laser sure sh hard would love that so LA's going to hang around there for 10 turns doing nothing if she takes damage it will be halfed unless it's psychic damage but she still takes damage until she gets back up after 10 turns is over you can get someone back up by helping them by using the help action one other slightly easier way out of combat at least just un memorize it un prepare it and then it stops there's only one use I've even I've read of it's completely a pointless spell apart from I suppose to show off this particular use got to keep in mind you can only cast it on allies one way to make someone an ally is by improving their attitude with you so if you give them a whole load of stuff yeah then now green right so now I can put Vol to sleep he doesn't care well sleep filing death so now we can pick po steal oh we failed and he doesn't care so I can try this again what am I to do well at ends I can take what I please so yeah I just steal what I want see yeah you can oh oh no we failed and it doesn't really matter that is complete critical Miss for me I don't care about that one nich use for Fain death it's a level three spell slot like it's I'd love almost love the idea of it it feels like you should be able to be creative with this maybe you can get someone somewhere sneak someone in Oh look The dead but there's no as far as I'm aware there's no use for it it's such a in combat it's such a waste of an action you might as well let someone go down and then just revive them or heal them after all Bs clerics and Druids can all get this so you can have healing word or mass healing word instead just it's such a pointless spell in in the game in Boulders Gate 3 next up is Fireball I'm sure most of you know where this is going to go this can be learned by Sorcerers Wizards light domain clerics and fiend warlocks so what does it do while while this loads in it's an area of effect spell that does 86 damage to everyone inside the radius now I saved this here while I was playing through one of my characters cuz I've got almost like the best possible use for it it hits allies unless I guess you're an evocation wizard let my enemies fall and in this particular instance they will die anyway because of the type of enemy and that one level three level four spell slot it can be upcast and actually does an extra 1d6 damage per spell level above level three this is quite a rare circumstance where these Cur Shadow cursed needle bights explode when they die this needle burst so that really helps but nevertheless use this on a group of enemies is probably not worth using this on a single enemy it requires a dexterity saving throw from the enemies and even if they pass they still take half the damage despite it being fire damage kind of resisted type it's still just over the top in terms of the actual damage done it's just ubiquitous with with Wizards and Dungeons and Dragons how could it not be S tier next up is gaseous form available to Sorcerers warlocks Wizards circle of the spa DRS circle of the land DS get at level five and bars fire the magical secrets so you can transform one person into well some gas and the gas is form is not use for in combat that's not really the point of it it is a concentration spell but lasts until long rest there's no turn limit on this there are two important factors two important points about the spell one it can fly so we can get to wherever we want as long as we can make a path to it and secondly I don't have any ready here but secondly it can fit through any of small gaps that you find so any pipes or small openings in random places the gases form can go through it it can go through any sort of jail bars anything that's b as long as you can see your way somewhere your gases form can go there I guess it's worth pointing out that your strength and dexterity are set to 10 but also resistant to all damage and have advantage on and also have advantage on Constitution strength and dexterity saving throws but we can't do anything else in this form can't attack can't cast spells so in that sense yeah said it's not really going to be that useful in combat but for getting this a strange around but if you're getting around it's really really good very good for exploration does require concentration going to put it at a we can't upcast it to get any extra effects full exploration is very good but it only affects one Ally so it can be quite difficult to get anyone else to follow them and they might be able to go places others can't which has its drawbacks potentially cff of warding is up next this is available to BS clerics and wizards so when you pick Glyph of warding you have different variants we've got some that will cause damage so we got acid cold fire lightning and thunder we've also got the opportunity to have detonation which knocks people back and opportunity to put enemies to sleep the area is quite is pretty decent about the same as FAL the damage on the variants that do damage is 5 d8 so less than Fireball so what will happens you cast it on the ground at the moment the spell hasn't gone off because these NPCs are neutral it only goes off if there is if there is an enemy NBC Someone who is hostile but once it goes off everyone within the area is affected so once I click attack boom it goes off and they make dexterity saving throats fist just been here past and I put them all to sleep elves and half elves are immune to magical sleep so wouldn't work on them doesn't require concentration these enemies are now asleep for two turns so perhaps it would be a good idea to try and get rid of fist jaspen or fist wor first people who are asleep can be shoved awake also it's probably good to show you that if you are within 10 ft of a sleeping enemy you do get a critical hit automatically now bear in mind this is on The Bard and cleric spell lists and for bards especially this is one of their big damaging spells they can get that works well throughout the game we can get this is going into s tier we can get different variants so we we can get the lightning and cold damage which can be doubled we've got the utility of sleep or detonation knocking people back so against the dard I showed earlier you can put that onto their onto their boat and knock potentially quite a lot of them into the water very very quickly the Wizards maybe not s maybe a a but regardless with all the options we get is such a strong spell next up is Grant flight it used to be called fly because that's what it's called in fifth edition I guess they changed the name because there is an action called fly just like they changed the name of the spell jump to enhance leap this is available to Sorcerers warlocks Wizards circle of the land rids and bars V the magical Secret it is a concentration spell and you can Target someone to let them fly on their turn and this lasts for 10 turns only upcasting it does let you target more people but they have to be within small range so I could cast it on Shadow heart and then she has this fly class action and she could fly up to here kind of cool but if acquires an action to cast so now GA can't do on his turn so yeah let's just say we fly up to here I can't see anyone from up here actually this is a really bad space to come up to that is my fault though this not the Spell's fault going to leave this in C here the fact that only lasts 10 turns is really annoying and its concentration so in combat I you know I probably want to be concentrating on something else but I can see that it could be useful trying to Traverse certain terrain some lava or something if you really want to get across a gap then yes we can use this outside of combat gasas form is probably more useful but at least with flight you do get to be able to do everything else so this is kind of the flight combat spell but it's just 10 turns and it's concentration most of the classes all the classes that get this probably want to be concentrating on something else next up is Hast available to Sorcerers Wizards circle of the land rids for the Arctic or grassland variants warlocks who pick pack to the tone get this at level five once per long rest BS can pick this up with their magical secrets and oath of the Vengeance power paladins also get this so what does it do does several things you become hastened so you get a plus two bonus to armor class cool advantage on dexterity saving throws also useful your movement speed is double amazing and it can take one additional action per turn this makes the spell pretty much overpowered for level three spell so we going to cast it on will so yes it does require concentration so do need to try and make sure GA is somewhat safe what makes this so good unlike fifth edition the additional action is a whole additional extra action so I can take after my first action I've used my first action now I can still take two more attacks so anyone who's got three attacks per turn you've got a paladin warlock multiclass packed to the blade or level 11 fighter that's three extra attacks now if the condition ends I'm going to artificially end it early here the person who was hasted not the Caster but the person who has hasted becomes lethargic and they can't do anything on their turn so will just missed his turn there because he was lethargic this is s tier this should really be above now it is concentration but this is the spell that all the other concentration spells have to compete with for the classes that have haste as a spell this is such a strong spell and you can combine this like with Sorcerers can twin this spellcasters who are hasted didn't I didn't even mention the spell casters who are hasted can then cast two spells per turn haste yeah haste is just too good almost too good hunger of haar is up next available to warlocks and bars by the magical secrets so this spell has quite a few different things going on it's got two different types of damage one is if creatures start their turn in the area they take 2d6 cold damage which of course can be increased with the wet condition if enemies and or enemies if creatures end their turn they take 2d6 acid damage the area is difficult to range which is kind of cool because it can make it quite difficult for enemies to get out and it's magical Darkness so witnessed assaulting something that happens with Hunger of haar is if you're outside it and you've got dark vision especially you have advantage on attacks with everyone inside because they are blinded so let's use my dread ambusher here but bear in mind if you go inside then you are going to suffer the effects of this as well now ear is a concentration spell so depending on what happens here okay Wheels outside just bear in mind you can only get advantage on enemies inside if you have dark vision G here does not have dark vision he does not get advantage on this attack for because it's too dark if you combine this with some way to slow enemies down even further such as Grease We should find so there's the 2d6 damage at the top they will try and get out as quickly as they can which is fair enough can't blame them for trying but they will walk through it if they don't have any other choice and it slows them down so they took the 2 to6 Acid damage right they got out took some damage yeah it's pretty cool to between A and S TI I think I'm going to leave it at a it's a very good spell kind of depends a little bit on where your battle is taking place in an outside area with a lot of space enemies can probably get around it quite easily if I'd come back here and force them through a choke point here it' be really really good because they would have to come through and suffer the effects of it next up is Hypnotic pattern available to Sorcerers warlocks and wizards so you have an area of effect and you hypnotize the creatures inside they cannot move or act it is a concentration spell with a wisdom saving through I've kind of got this set up quite nicely with all the enemies within this area it's a very big area which you might think yeah that's good but it affects you and your allies also which is kind of annoying so let's do this got some of them hypnotized not quite as many as I would have liked and so now yeah can't take actions bonus actions or reactions but it's removed when by taking damage so actually this isn't necessarily the best place for to to have done this because at the start of their turns they're going to take damage and they won't be hypnotized anymore so if I want to keep them hypnotized I'm going to have to take down hunger of haer so now three of them will not take actions on their turn kind of cool could be helped but then that takes up an action of an enemy which is fine as long as you've put more than one person under the effect of the spell yes it is a concentration spell unfortunately ah Cal emotions right let's just show you this this is kind of the thing that completely nullifies something like hypnotic pattern you don't see many enemies with that I'm going to leave it at B tier for a few reasons one is concentration two it affects allies and three it only lasts two turns and as soon as anyone takes any damage this is removed so even if you accidentally burn someone they're going to not be hypnotized anymore next up is a lightning Arrow this is only available to Rangers so they only get this at level 9 so Target an enemy oh it doesn't have to be an enemy he targets someone and bear in mind this will affect allies and then around the person you or whatever you've targeted around the target there's an area of effect where anyone standing in that area is also affected you were witnessed assaulting someone so we can see that Gauntlet Edwin was actually the one targeted and she took 48 and 28 damage the two fists the other side of her made a dexterity saving throat because they fail they took 2 d8 damage each for a level three spell slot on a class that's a half Caster that level three spell slots are the maximum I do not think this is very good especially since it actually affects allies as well and it takes up your whole action so I've just done yeah not enough damage really 27 damage and I've used my action and the level three spell slot I would have probably done better just to Target single enemy with my ranged weapon this Ranger my Tav here isn't really built for ranged weapons he's much more about melee attack here but this doesn't really take into account what weapon you're using which you know if I used folley would have done and I can do FY twice in a turn again that's only for Hunter Rangers though for me this is another B tier one good thing is it is lightning damage so you could double it but the damage is just not that high in the first place it's really not inspiring me to be like oh wow I want to use lightning Arrow 28 damage which can be saved when you get this at level 9 that's just not enough had range is somehow being a full Caster class and actually a bit better we get it slightly earlier you get higher level spell slots uh so yeah it's it's fine in the sense that it is an area of effect spell for Rangers but like I said for conji barrage earlier oneir of the class subclasses the hunter Ranger at level 11 gets an alternative to using this essentially next up is lightning bolt this is available to Sorcerers Wizards and bars via the magical Secrets circle of the landroid can also get it if they pick the mountain variety you have a 100t area ahead of you everyone inside has to make an exterity saving Thro or suffer the full 86 damage on a half on a pass they take half the damage this is quite nice these three are in a row now this is lightning damage again and look at that thought level three spell slot on a class that has even higher spell slots available and if we upcast it you do actually do an extra damage you do so much more damage than something like lightning Arrow now we can't always compare spells between classes it's just lightning arrows at the Forefront of my mind since I've just gone over it this is really really cool this is really really good now the shape is very different to something like Fireball which also does 86 damage you do have to have enemies lined up but it's a bit easier to line enemies up here because I can go to any position and try and get multiple enemies within that cone and you can be a bit clever with it sometimes and just clip the edge of an enemy here I didn't need to do that they were just perfectly lined up anyway now it kind of only seems fair if I put Fireball and S TI put lightning bolt up there as well why because lightning damage can be doubled with the wet condition if I'd had Shadow heart cast create water or someone threw a water bottle on these three they would all all three of them would be dead now as I mentioned earlier I am going to be putting lightning damage towards the top m healing word is next which is available to clerics and bars fire the magical Secrets what does it do well it's just like healing word but heals up to six allies within range so if I cast it it uses a bonus action now I have one p oh no two pieces of equipment it didn't show it two pieces of equipment that buff the healing done here so I've now also granted bless and blade Wards to everyone without those items I'd probably put it down B or C it can be quite nice to heal everyone up but the healing done is minimal it's just 1 D4 plus your spell casting modifier now it can be upcast but you're only adding an extra 1 D4 per spell slot above level three with these items but they're very common items very easy to get fairly early on even from The Druids Grove and especially again trying not to include subclasses but someone's going to mention the life cleric out there with the life cleric with all the items perhaps at a I'm going to leave it at B tier it's going to be especially useful if you've got multiple people down and your cleric is still up and you can get multiple people up with a single bonus action but it is a level three spell slot and sometimes it is just going to be better to kill some enemies with if you're a cleric you might want to use Glyph of warding to kill enemies rather than just heal your your allies for like between like five and nine hit points that healing done is awful I suppose you can do both at once but that's two level three spell slots gone when you get that get that at level five that's quite expensive at level 12 it's not so bad is it I'm going to leave this at B tier this the healing done and healing in general in the game is not worth for the healing it's worth using if you've got any any items that give bonuses or if anyone is down really really good to get them back up next up is plant growth available to BS Druids Arch Fay warlocks nature domain clerics Rangers and oath of the ancient paladins so you cast it on an area doesn't cause hostility doesn't require concentration and the enemies inside have their movement speed quartered divided by four now basically it creates a surface so if I create another surface here seen vandalizing someone else's it gets over ritten which is a bit sad so might not even see the effect of being quarted oh no I've got it here as well so plant growth it's going to kind of overwrite it back again so we just stand back leaving Shadow heart oops we'll probably see these guys jump if they can or use Rush attack quite a good choice actually the dash no just [Music] walking so the AI will try and get out of it as best they can which is again fair enough probably what they should be trying to do so now there at your mercy surely he's going to have to move now yeah won't be able to get very far through is turned down so yeah we try and use range attacks one downside I think quite big downside to this is if you do any sort of fire damage it burns away so any for any sort of fire damage gets rid of the surface and it's gone going to put it in B for a couple of reasons it doesn't require const conentration which is why it's you know never going to be lower than b now it is good at kind of some crowd control it's slowing the enemies down but they can and do find ways out of it and a bit like with hung of haer on an enclosed area like more like where my party is now this will be much more useful because the enemies will be forced to go through it so perhaps if you're clever than me you might get more use of it out of a but what I really dislike is the fact that fire damage deletes it but I would have much preferred it if plant growth wasn't taken away by fire damage or any other surfaces next up his protection from energy this is available to cleric Druids Sorcerers Wizards Rangers oath of the Ancients paladins and oath of vengance paladins my my I wish someone would protect me from this spell because it's absolutely awful you touch a creature and Grant it resistance to either acid cold fire lightning or thunder but if acquires concentration and the level three spell slot even if it was until long rest I don't know if I'd want a level three spell slot for this there is a spell protects you from Poison which is a level two spell slot which doesn't require concentration where this requires concentration I just concentration completely kills this and it's only resistance it's not immunity it's not like I can do it for the whole party it's just a single whoops shouldn't have come up here a single Target I don't even want to cast it because just it's just pointless all right give it to himself whatever anyway I don't know how you're going to get any use out of protection from energy this is just one of the worst spells that we've got if you really want resistance to one of those types of damage just take a potion of the relevant type because that lasts until long rest assuming you haven't got any other Elixir and doesn't require concentration you're not going to lose it randomly next is remove curse available to clerics warlocks Wizards bars from the magical secrets and paladins so you touch creature or object to remove all curses and hexes affecting it now the thing is it's not really clear what counts as a curse most of the time now I've ahead of time I've actually cast bestone curse just to show you that it can stop the Stow curse not that enemies cast on you but it's used isn't really in combat so now they're not cursed obviously I want them to be cursed but point is it does remove it there are just some situations where this can help I don't really want to say what they are because it really is very spoilery in terms of some of the storyline or at least to show you how to get the curses but one thing I'm a bit disappointed with is that yeah it's just not clear what is always a curse and I tried looking up some examples of it on on line just to make sure I'm not being crazy here but one thing it doesn't help with for example someone was asking oh look some enemies in actu are Shadow cursed it doesn't help we can't use it to remove the actual Shadow curse itself that's Shadow cursed Undead so you can't use it to remove that it doesn't help down in the HS layer with the four enemies NPCs with the masks on you can't remove the kind of the curse there the HS curse H it just works sometimes with some things sometimes it doesn't kind of going to put it at B tier I mean you can switch it in and out cuz it's kind of a case of of four clerics and warlocks and paladins but I guess it's s tier you can just use it when you need it and when you do need it you really need it but for warlocks and Bs probably seal D tier because you're not going to be using it for like 99% of the game 95% of the game so I'm just going to leave it kind of as I mentioned at the beginning it's always going to be an average I'm not going to have two different remove curses for two different sets of classes so I'm just going to leave it in the middle re vivify is next available to clerics BS find the magical secrets and paladins so you can revive a companion you can't just revive random dead NPCs it must be a playable character something happened to shadowart here so we're going to revive her they come back with a single hit point and then we can try and save them depending on how easy or difficult you find the game you may not have to use this in combat or not I don't tend to have it prepared for combat I try and struggle through if it ever happens and just revive them afterwards of course you can just use a scroller revivify but that costs money you could pay with us that costs money or if you really want to hire one of the minions make them into a cleric and just get them to cast it anyway I think it's fine at a tier not s TI there too many other ways of actually revivifying people and it's not too expensive anyway 200 gold I think most of us can scr up 200 gold if we really really need to next up is sleep storm available to Druids Sorcerers Wizards nature and Tempest domain cercs and bars V the magical Secrets I should also point out storm sorcery Sorcerers always get this and of the land rids if they pick Arctic or Coast will also always have this so what does it do you call for a storm this isn't really good description it says that disrupts concentration of spell casters that's as far as and creates an ice surface actually it knocks people prone very large area in fact that does require [Music] concentration they all fell over and every turn Al let it keep going another storm comes down and then they have to make another saving throw they're start going going to start getting annoyed now unfortunately it doesn't make them work even though there's quite clearly rain falling from the sky oh well do bear in mind this does affect your allies also you were witnessed assaulting someone kind of interestingly creatures that are always flying don't get affected by surfaces but it is overwritten by Blood but when it gets to or any other surface for that matter when it gets the G's turn another set of ice will come down and they've got to try and very carefully walk over the ice so it is difficult terrain they're going very slowly across the ice all right so at the end of the turn there's all of the ice coming down again they fell over when anyone Falls prone in their turn that and their turn ends it's very strong that's why it says it stops concentration is because in Boulders Gate 3 whether we like it or not if you are prone you have lost your concentration if you had it beforehand I'm going to stick this an a TI because of the fact that it's concentration and requires and the fact that it will affect your allies as well so you need to have lots of ranged attacks ready but the effect is good sometimes the area is almost too big you have to be very very careful where you place it but nevertheless a very good crowd control spell next up is slow available to Sorcerers Wizards great old one warlocks knowledge domain clerics and bars via the magical Secrets all wallets can also pick an invocation at level five which is called Maya the mind what does it do Target up to six creatures also when you slow them movement and actions are affected to the AC and dexterity saves go down by two when they're slow they can only take one action or bonus action per turn and only one attack and can't take any reactions and the movement speed is hared so wisdom saving throat to resist now no one else is within range sadly just out of range three of them are now slowed and they can barely move now it has been reported that actually slowed gives a minus two penalty to all saving throws let's just double check that let's use wisdom see yes currently slow as bugs in our favor some enemies do use slow stop them if you can ands minus two to all saving throws at the moment this is being recorded in patch three this might be changed in the future who knows anyway this is me a tier spell problem with it is it really competes with haste it's not like you completely take out enemy actions and usually it's probably better for us to have an extra action so we can kill another enemy rather than slowing them down but it's still such a good crowd control spell next up is speak with dead available to BS and clerics it is also worth pointing out that this can be picked up from the Amulet of lost voices which is available where you find Withers in the same tomb and also there is an item that gives you this I guess it's a spoiler so not we going to say any more than that so you have to Target a corpse if the corpse is too badly damaged or too old the skeleton uh it can't be used you can try and cast it here the corpse does not respond now the thing is not everyone will have something to say also the fact is I killed these people and people who are dead don't like to speak to the people who killed them and some coures in the game just have nothing to say speak with dead is a ritual so it doesn't take a spell slot outside of combat and you're not going to be casting it inside of combat once you've cast it once in the day so it is spoken Corps is start to get highlighted and if you're wondering what that is these are corpses that actually have something to say so this is at walking's rest not too far into the game you can see another one lit up there the Flaming fist mercenary and then we can cast it and you get five questions maximum some corpses you have only five possible questions sometimes there are more than five questions and once you've answer those five questions that's it you cannot cast a spell on that corpse again so here I've got five questions they and now I've actually got more questions after asking one of them sometimes so was the very successful the corpse remains silent if you ask them questions where the answer would come from after their death they don't know and they won't tell you they're not psychic they only give you the knowledge that they had while they were alive the spell is really important because you can find lots of extra information secret ways in there are a few carats with the spell so I killed true Soul God a long time ago and if Starin tries to speak to her the corpse seems willing to speak but not to its killer there are ways around that one way around it is to cast dis guy self on yourself so you look like someone else and then cast speak with dead and the embassy doesn't know alternatively you can get someone who wasn't there Shadow heart wasn't here during the time of the fight and she can ask all the questions she want I'm going to put this in s tier but I would try and find a way to I basically would use your cleric for this you don't need to use a spell known on your bar to do this really especially when there are one item you can wear a necklace and another item that can give you this permanently which is how a Starin is currently trying to cast it but otherwise yeah really really good spell helps you in throughout the game lots of extra information and I think it's a cool spell as well next up is Spirit Guardians for clerics and Bs via the magical secrets and this is basically every cleric's favorite spell so two variance you can either deal necrotic or radiant damage I would say for this game radiant damage is probably going to be the better one because necrotic damage is definitely resisted far more often and there are items that benefit from radiant damage also so you cast it on the initial casting anyone inside the area takes 3d8 damage unless they pass a wisdom saving through if they pass they take half damage still and then as you run around keep going enemies will take damage and there concentration and the enemies will probably avoid Shadow H what we can try and do maybe throw someone into Spirit Guardians so if they end their turn here ah lost anyway if they finish their turn there they would have taken at 3d8 damage enemies can only take the damage once per turn do be careful that you do keep concentration assuming you can you can deal out so much damage over the turns that you have it and you can upcast it to do more damage and for cleric this is the spell that all the other spells are competing for concentration with with such a good damaging spell because once you've cast it on the next turn you can cast Glyph of warding perhaps so you can do damage in multiple ways once you've got Spirit Guardians going one thing I also want to point out that I didn't show you earlier is that while enemies are within the area of spirit Guardians their movement speed is halfed so it's pretty much like difficult to R next up is stinking Cloud available to BS Sorcerers Wizards and fiend warlocks and circle of the lands if they pick the swamp or underd dark land now before I think it was before patch 3 this was bugged and the DC was set at 12 but now it's actually the spellcast spellcasters DC that is used to create a cloud of gas so nauseating it prevents creatures from taking actions if they fail a constitution saving through so let's try and start this upcasting it doesn't do anything it will affect allies so now all four of these who failed their saving throw they cannot now take an action they can still use a bonus action and they can still move but they can't use the actual action start combat witnessed assaulting someone it is a concentration spell so which is why I sent gaale back there now gaale can do something else on his turn he doesn't have to worry about recasting it it does require concentration but say maybe he wants to C I don't know rear Frost keep it simple thank you so now they're not going to do anything with their action so they can use a bonus action they're jumping around but they're not hurting me which I think is pretty awesome and they seemingly just come to the nearest one of your party they don't seem to think ahead any further than that and so now perhaps I can try and throw one of them back in and then no this they're not going to take an action and taking away an action of especially higher level enemies can be very good because they can get two attacks maybe even three if they're a fighter which can be quite debilitating sometimes going to stick this in a because once again it affects allies and requires concentration and it's on classes that have haste mostly potentially can have haste at least it's a decently sized area and really prevents you from being hurt it doesn't deal any damage it's still a very good crowd control spell especially now it uses the spell cast to save DC next up is vampiric touch this is available to warlocks Wizards and Bs for the magical Secret secrets and circle of the land R to pick swamp will also learn this so it requires your concentration very sadly then you touch an enemy to you have to make an attack roll and if you attack if you hit them you do three6 aquatic damage and you also get some hit points back now this person here is held so I'm actually going to do double the damage didn't do that was an accident so I did 30 damage healed myself at 15 kind of cool now it's concentration because in subsequent turns I'll be able to use it again but it just it's just not that good for the most part you probably don't want to have your wizard up close and personal and if it is they're quite likely to be taking damage and forcing lots of constitution saving throws to maintain concentration and it's just against a single Target 3d6 isn't very much even at the lower levels at level five as a warlock or wizard 2 d8 or 2d1 if you got Al blast even higher the damage isn't that good and being healed for half the damage isn't isn't very much either I mean on average 3d6 is 10.5 damage which I'm healing five damage per turn allow me to for getting up close and personal that's not going to heal enough this is an exception right here because of that critical hit guaranteed critical hit I really don't like the spell really think it's DTI the concentration the melee requirement and the damage just isn't very good you can upcast it you deal an additional 1d6 neotic damage for each spell slot above level three but am I going to use vampiric Touch or try and use lightning bolt Fireball probably going to get more use out of the ones up here than I am out of vampiric touch and lastly Warden of Vitality this is available to BS via the magical secrets and paladins so it takes an action to cast it doesn't require concentration and on that turn and the next 10 turns you can use a bonus action to heal someone within range or two 2d6 damage so I mean he himself has actually got the fewest hit points five hit points back what now outside of combat you can cast this faster than once per turn so that's nine turns remaining one SPM grip the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I try that again so I've got seven turns remaining one two 3 four five six seven and you can put it onto a hotkey eight nine anyway the point is you outside of combat you can do it more than once per turn that's pretty cool it's kind of only 2d6 healing so it's not going to save you but it does not require concentration I'm going to put it at a tier I don't think the healing is quite enough to stick it into s tier but in a very difficult fight assuming your Paladin or Bard hasn't gone down you can get someone back up with a bonus action every single turn without expending a spell slot now all you clever people might be thinking ahuh what if I make a life cleric so I've made Las out here a life cleric she has disciple of life so when casting healing spell the target regains additional hit points equal to two plus the Spells level it's just to show that off if I pick a level one Kure wounds take get the 10 and the spell casting modifier and the healing roll and the neition all three awesome so W of Vitality got this here says level three evocation spell but we don't get an extra five hit points every time we cast it so if anyone was wondering about that combination it does not work sadly be amazing if it did so this is my tier list now the level three spells level three is really where the Spells start to kick off there are so many amazing spells in the level three spells and someone made a point last time that I've got more STS spells than CTS spells which probably means I'm doing it wrong I would argue that's not really the case because it's not like every class has access to every single spell like up here we've got one two three of these four of these are available to clerics but they're not mutually exclusive on a single turn I can't use both but I can use Spirit Guardians one turn and Glyph of warding the next I don't need to use Spirit Guardians every single turn outside of combat speak with dead isn't competing with any of these here it's actually a ritual spell even and for the three spells especially I would say it's the case of these are some really good spells I understand their point that perhaps I'm ranking things not quite well enough let me know what you think which of these spells you think deserve to go down or up maybe thank you if you've made it this far and thank you to all the members of my channel and hopefully I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 29,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tierlist, tierlist baldur's gate 3, tierlist baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tierlist, level 3 spells baldur's gate 3, level 3 spells bg3, bg3 level 3 spells, baldurs gate 3 level 3 spells, spell guide bg3, bg3 spell guide
Id: s-9dkHZ3X7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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