Teaching in Exodus

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well church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the world to open door Church let's go ahead and do that hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of King Jesus man on welcome you here to open door Church a midweek service Wednesday night and call you guys blessed man I'm happy that you guys are here tonight man bless you and call you blessed I have before I get off into the word here tonight I want to I want to make a big deal out of a couple of things one is I want to I want to just in case you're not aware of it or just kind of kind of let you guys be word that Liana has been fighting a tremendous health issue this week and she's actually in the hospital right now and she had surgery a couple of days ago and she just has not done well since then and I need to see a real turnaround on my girlfriend amen and I need to see that happen and I want you guys to stand with me and I would imagine that that Liana is watching right now if she is if she's if she's awake or she's conscious right now she's she will be watching I know that my kids are in or in at the hospital with her and Rhema has been up there the past couple of days non-stop and like well what's wrong with her well honestly we really don't know what's wrong with her and she just had some kind of a bad reaction to something to something to something to something and as much traveling as she's done there just isn't really much telling so we need the Lord to intervene amen man we need the Lord to intervene and and I want to I just want to I want to pray and I want to ask God Almighty to heal her amen you guys you guys ready to do this I mean can we go ahead and get a picture of what we do we got it we got a picture of her up here so you guys ready to do this yeah you know what you can go ahead and stand up if you want to that's fine thank you for doing that thank you now this is what we do man we stand with each other amen and we go after the goodness of God we know that this is not God's heart this is not God's will this is not God's fault it's just the price you pay for being a human being amen and just and just living in the world that we live in so father God sir we come to you Lord and Lord God Almighty I want to lift up my bride and I thank you God for her perfect healing Lord God for her 100% 100 fold healing I pray father God sir that from this our Lord got a mighty Surt at this sickness whatever it is would be broken off of her body Lord God and I pray Lord God Almighty in Jesus name God that you would make a way where there is no way and intervene we rebuke any curse we come against the curse of the enemy in the name of Jesus any threats any words that have been spoken god that is not Kingdom words we condemn those words and we declare father God sir then no weapon formed against us shall prosper we declare father God sir that we do condemn the mouth of the wicked God that this is the heritage of the saints that we thank you God that you've given this to us father God sir your word says blessed is he who considers the poor God that you would deliver us out of times of trouble so I thank you Lord God Almighty that your word is true and father God sir you see your daughter leiana and I thank you God for delivering her out of her sickness and healing her in every way God that a woman can be made whole and I thank you for it God in Jesus name Amen Ursula's give Jesus a great big praise we love you lord i love you lord and tell uliana that we love you we love you be encouraged be encouraged man we bless you in Jesus name now I want to just tell you man if a bunch y'all decide to go find out what hospital she's in if y'all show up y'all are gonna get me in bad trouble so thank you for loving her but y'all stay away from her right now she doesn't have her makeup on and she'll kill me okay she just kill me why are you telling us people I cut off my back okay I'm sorry well one of the greatest things that's ever happened to Darrell night is that I married his sister years ago and I'm sure it was a dream come true and after many prayers we prayed you're like man God answers prayers and I married I married Daniel Darryl's sister I want to tell you I've known Daryl since we were both teenagers I've seen his journey I've seen his walk with the Lord been family with him for 29 years we both shared the same dad for a long and his dad became my dad and darrell has been my brother he's been my good friend he has been a very loyal pastor on my pastoral team he's been a world changer he's been a great uncle to my kids I mean a great all my kids just love him and which shows that my children have no discernment whatsoever but you know what man I've seen I've seen the transformation in Darrell and Mindy's life and have seen seen the man that Jarrell has become and I want to say publicly as I invite him up here how proud I am Adaro and how glad I am that pastor Daryl nine is back in the house guys welcome pastor Daryl man welcome back go my friend I love you man call you bless man so yeah tell me you tell me I'm so happy to be back I was so grateful for everybody's prayers and thoughts and anyway it's just been really really huge so and I couldn't I couldn't stay to wait any longer my heart just couldn't take anymore six weeks I had to come back and recharge and I'm Batman I just can't even imagine you don't dude you're old now I am old but you know I don't feel old I couldn't believe I came back with zero jet lag that's crazy that's never happened and that's a super super naturally I needed out you ever travel internationally that's something that's just listen staged me back and I was done and I was just gone for 10 days you were gone for six weeks dude and so you went to you went to Uganda yep you went to Tanzania yep you hung out with us in Nepal and Katmandu that was a trip wasn't nice yes I was amazing and then man then you left there and you went down with the team and you went to India yes and you met a bunch of our girls that we rescued that's right actually bought last year that's right I'm actually really jealous of that but you should because it was a it was a lot of fun Evette a lot of fun - it was incredible man it was really fun to to be a part of that because in the last few years I've been able to to see them Sudhir always brings them to the children's home and we have about 50 of them at the same time and give them sewing machines and give him the food and everything else that you you know that you do but this time we ask that we can go visit them in their homes or their businesses that you set them up in and so visit with their families and you know just go see him one-on-one and dude wow that was a heartbreaker and you also had and you had our daughter shravani with you yes and what isn't she just extraordinary she was incredible and you know one thing I asked her when she came to she went to Chennai with us first which she's not from there and I said look we're gonna spend a few days in this particular orphan inch and I'm coming I got a lot of places I have to speak to these kids but I said I want you to take at least two or three minutes and just stand before them and just speak to them and that they see what they're going to look like how do it was really good for her she wasn't afraid she just got up she just nailed it she has so much authority that girl just oh my gosh so for her to get up there and tell orphans I'm one of you I was you at one time and you're gonna be me someday yes and plus just when you look at her she's absolutely beautiful super so I know those kids can look and say wow that's what I'm gonna look like someday yeah or I can be like that and so I was very encouraging to the rest of the team too man Josh weather still me she did that in Hyderabad that she came out to their orphanage you know Nick's orphanage and and they're all French and they were scared because they were building this orphanage there and they're like well we don't know what's going to happen and they said that she grabbed a microphone I'll tell you exactly what's gonna happen I'm what's gonna happen yeah I was one of these kids and these people came in and fed me and rescued me and love me and I'm what's gonna happen a lot when I heard that story I was just crazy anyway it was fun - why it's - well man it was I want to tell you - man it was fun to see you I know that you know and that in the trip you know your trip in Nepal was way different than your trip in Uganda and that you are in huge work mode in both places but it was different it was neat to see you after being gone for so long in in Uganda and then kind of go into a different mode when you came in came with us and I meant I meant everything I said up here Darryl when I was talking while ago man I'm so I'm so proud of you man appreciate that really man yeah my heart breaks when I think about just the God's made you to be in the difference I'm telling you there's none of us in this room and he would never tell you this I'm telling you none of us have any idea the difference that this guy's making all over the world I'm telling you it's it's so huge it's so huge well you know it's my privilege my honor but I couldn't do it without the teams I mean sure that the teams the 21 people in Uganda the 14 in in Tanzania and then the 14 or 15 that we had in Nepal and the small team you know it couldn't happen but also couldn't do it with out without triggering ministries doing what they do and so I just have the privilege to go see these things of course even when when I go I represent everyone else and so I get all the cogs and the kids exactly and everything I love that you know every trip I don't know if you've had time to process this yet but you know every trip that I go on I'm very conscious of okay Lord let this change me have you been able to have you been able to nail down any takeaways yet on how that this has changed you and how things are different a perception or something that's different with you have you been have you had TomTom oh yes I mean I'm definitely every time I'm different but when you spend six weeks because God spoke so many prophetic words to me that that I mean I'm gonna be unpacking for a year I'm definitely a different person and even this time I really didn't want to come home I mean I wanted to come home and see my tribe see my family and nothing against the US but I wanted to stay there because of all the great things I mean every day you wake up and it's a completely new day it's a completely gonna blow your mind you know and when one thing that blew my mind was when we went to go visit one of the ladies that the Triborough ministries rescues and so we we get out of the van and there's a few of us and slaty just runs to us and I think she grabs Amy first and she just grabs her and then they're both just standing there for five minutes just bawling and they're just hugging and she's so happy you know for what everything that's happened to her course you know Sudhir's kind of telling me everything that's going on and the house that she lives in was destroyed and TBM rebuilt that of course she was redeemed and so paid off her debt and it's just her and her son so she had actually been she had actually been forced into prostitution she was owned by somebody right and we actually bought her and then built her house and put her in it and all that kind of stuff and he went to that house you went to that I went to that house and then she had a couple of cows that you bought so she could sell the milk it was just her nursing and I'm you know I'm getting told this story as it as her name you're just sitting there hugging and just crying and you know but you can't understand you mean we can never really understand the joy and the appreciation that she has and then I find out that she grew up as an orphan so I'm just sitting there thinking you know my favorite scripture is James 1:27 you know the only true and perfect religion in God's eyes is taking care of orphans and widows and this lady's husband is dead yeah so she's so she's an orphan and a widow you know we're sitting there taking care of her so every day you're just like standing here and watching this stuff happens so your heart my heart just didn't exist anymore it wasn't about breaking my heart I just had to come back and get it rebuilt and go do it again I can I haven't I haven't again this first conversation we've had since he's been back so y'all just y'all welcome to listen if you want to but we're going to talk for a few minutes it is absolutely true so honestly man have you and although traveling you've ever done and I haven't I haven't had this discussion with you yet but I'm just want to tell you my my perception I've never been in a more screwed up place than Nepal well I agree it was really really sad the religion I mean it's just it's very just cartoon it's very goofy it's very God gave me such a passion for them but I also took in to India because India has that same religion and you know everywhere I went that I was going to speak and I'm an encouragers so I'm like I'm just going to speak encouragement but instead God had me speaking the same thing of just you know telling him God sent me here this is why I'm here and as I would finish I would take five minutes to say because they have three million gods you believe there so many different ones and the devil is such a counterfeit and so I would what I was finished I'd spent five minutes and say I want you to understand the God that I'm telling you about is the God above all other gods the only God you know and I would go just off for like five minutes no matter where I would go no matter if we were dedicating a church if we're talking in front of kids it was always the same story you know was like god I just wanted me awesome to just show them because unfortunately they have that religion but it's just because they're looking for God right and you know the devil is like well here's three million just choose just any one you want just don't choose this one right and so yes it's very very important unfortunate but yeah man I you know my whole thing of when I came back was and this was kind of the whole thing I was thinking while I was there is where sin does abound grace much more abounds I was wondering the whole time I was there what kind of new anointing are we qualifying for by stepping foot into this country and sticking a flag in the ground and there's a new anointing and I mean and I feel it I mean I feel it and and just just just look guys you guys you guys watch me all the times you all feel like that there's a change that's going on within my life can you see a change okay well well that's real that you know that change that's happening with me and that change this happening with you is very evident and I can just I can I can seriously feel some next-level breakthroughs in my own life just some new permissions you know I think it was very prophetic man for us to go up to Everest that whole thing of us go into Everest the highest place on the planet Earth and claiming that for the Lord Jesus Christ all the Buddhist temples we went to and all the Hindu temples that we went to and I went there with Gina's a girl we poured holy all we said holy spirit we invite you into this place and we were walking around inviting the Holy Spirit you know into those places while people were worshiping idols if you believe that God hates humanity then you cannot invite him into those places but if you invite him in in those place say Lord please have mercy on these people God do for these people what you've done for me amen yeah well man I know right before I left I was literally I mean I was ready to get out of that out of that I'm just to come home yeah I'm just sitting there waiting for my plane and this Indian Lutheran pastor mom talks to me and you know we were just talking and you showed me you got a hundred people and his in his congregation listened and I just love having this conversation and somehow or another we started talking and he we got came to a point he's saying so are you telling me that you believe that God gives us an unlimited amount of mercy or grace is what you said crazy you think you think that God has an unlimited amount of grace and I'm just looking at him like of course you know like yes he's like really and so we get into this deep conversation really and he is so excited he's like how can I travel with you how can I do whatever I was so here's a so this yeah whatever hybrids whatever you so honestly God so once you think about that that here's a guy we're hey it's one thing to reach a Hindu for for Jesus it's a greater it's it's a whole nother thing to reach a Christian for Jesus what are you telling me God is really that good and God really loves me that much and are you serious you actually believe that and I mean how were first thing that must have been for him to hang around a guy who actually believes that and walks that out and lives it that was that was just I was such a great ending just before I got on the airplane and walked off that's crazy you know he's gonna contact me and everything else and you're right there's no question he's a Christian so it's not but the freedom and everything else I was still blown away by that that I was thinking look I wouldn't be God if he wasn't unlimited grace you know okay well look man will you please guys listen he has something that he can give to us we're the ones that sinning right and the spoils of war belong to the whole camp it doesn't just belong to the warrior that goes in the battle according to the template that David gave when he went out to fight at Ziklag when he came back he actually said the spoils of war are not just for the Warriors that went the spoils of war belongs to the camp that sent us amen so look man you are a pastor in this house you have passed or authority in this house you're a missions pastor you have a tremendous something in you and on you that you didn't have before you left and I would like to ask you to impart that to me and to the rest of the house I want that amen guys I want to ask you guys to stand up if you would so I'm gonna put myself in the position of receiving just like this amen and as as a prophetic act I'm actually gonna hold my hands out and I'm gonna ask the Lord to fill me up with this or whatever it is that he prays and speaks as such as he has he gives them to us you guys ready for that all right here we go father god I just thank you for the opportunity to stand here before you and Lord you know that every good thing only comes from you father I just lift it up to you to you right now the word that the anointing that you have on me and the peace and the joy and the and the courage and the strength and everything else that I impart you every person in this room father that comes tonight on a Colt lines he's still looking for something and so father I pray for a fresh wind and a fresh fire to sit on every head to sit on every person here that there be new wine for everyone yes by the way again thank you Lord for for what you're going to do and father I thank you for what every one of my fellow warriors and saints here for father for these these men and women that have hearts of lions and just again give them the courage just to step out and do whatever it is it is born to do Lord if it's something local if its international whatever it is Lord that she'll just open hearts and you'll open minds and and your open mouth and again lord I thank you for the operator the grace that you have on me and I do thank your father that you are unlimited grace and so father I pray that every person here will leave with something that they didn't have before they can yes and again I just thank you for the honor and the privilege to serve you in this way it and I just impart everything that you've given to me to every one of my brothers and sisters here we just thank you in Jesus name Amen amen welcome home pastor Jerome I Love You Man god of you man thank you so much well gosh I can be seated hallelujah y'all feel free to pat him on the back and tell him that you're proud of him man he has worked so hard these past six weeks and he sacrificed a lot he makes it look very easy but it's not that's what victorious people do victorious people always make it look extremely easy amen and we appreciate you doing that thank you brother guys if you would please open up your Bibles to Exodus chapter 32 and yeah oh yeah excellence chapter 32 I'm gonna read some word here tonight as a matter of fact if you guys will allow me I'm just going to read through the entire chapter and to talk about it and there's gonna be a nice surprise at the end of this but I want to preface this by saying exodus chapter 30 32 is all about the golden calf before it was out on the side of Wall Street in downtown New York before it was there there was and there was another place where it was at and I want to just tell you that if you you and I cannot imagine how glorious how glorious the previous 40 days were for Moses before chapter 32 starts Moses had been to the mountain and for forty days he had spent time with God God literally showed him the back side of him and and Moses had a revelation of the goodness God from present past tense and he sat down and he wrote the beginning in the beginning god boom and he saw all creation whenever he saw the backside of God he saw God from he saw all that God's goodness and by the way that was what the father said to him he said I shall cause my goodness to pass before thee and he saw the goodness of God from that time back or the back side of God that's why he was able to sit down and write the whole Genesis story it's that's pretty cool stuff any guys that's pretty cool stuff I think it's interesting that the Lord would sit down and show Moses past present tense because that's the way the law always deals with us it never deals with us according to our history and ours are I should say according to our destiny the law always deals with us according to our history amen the job of Moses was going to be to deliver the law of the Lord a standard of righteousness that nobody could keep but a standard of righteousness that would reveal to us who truly was righteous when the Messiah would come the true deliverer he starts off of course with the ten commandments and it sets up a set of values the first five of how we are to relate to God in the second five of how we are to relate to each other that was unlike any other nation upon the planet Earth because these value sets or the Ten Commandments did not come from mankind these values came from God Almighty Himself he says this is how you're going to serve me and this is how you're going to serve one another I can't imagine what the anticipation of Moses must have been much like Darrell coming home right now that Darrell must have that Moses must have thought man when I come down from this mountain I can't wait to be among my family and my friends I can't wait and I cannot wait to try and tell them the incredible things and the pattern that God Almighty showed me in the mountain I can't wait I can't wait I I'm actually delivering the words of God and I can't imagine he thought the whole time they were down there worse being and waiting and worse being and waiting and worshiping and waiting but the character of the people was not the same as the character of Moses they waited a little while and they said well God didn't show up so we probably ought to have an orgy that makes sense and they went south and off the rails that quick they took all of their gold that they had plundered from Egypt itself and they created an Egyptian god imagine the irony of that the wealth that God Almighty had given from the enemy to the people who are now redeemed they used to surrender themselves back to the god of the people who had once owned them it's next level messed up so Moses comes out of the cloud of glory and the first thing that he finds is brother Joshua and I want to tell you there's a lot of things that makes Joshua a rock star you think that Joshua is a rock star because he's such a warrior Joshua is a rock star because he's so faithful when nobody else would hang out and wait he hung out and he waited and I know I know how good it was for Moses inside the glory but I can't imagine how bad it was for Joshua outside the glory not having a clue what was going on inside there and hearing something going on down the camp and all he could imagine was worst-case scenarios but he didn't bail I want to tell you those are the people who get promoted those are the people who changed the world those are the people who get the torch the torch handed to them when they didn't know anything else to do except for not to bail and they didn't as such a rare commodity it was the only thing that Joshua had I listened Joshua didn't have a clue what was going on inside the glory and he goes to find out he and we come to find out he didn't have a clue what was going on down the camp he said I think that there's been a killing it sounds like they're all getting killed he said no that's not a war that's a party and we're gonna have to go down and see this and hear here Moses has spent 40 days with the goodness of God and he has to come down and bring the wrath of God first day out of the glory cloud of 40 days of mind-blowing wonder and as good as it can possibly be now he's going to find himself surrounded by knuckleheads here it is Exodus chapter 32 now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain the people gathered together to Aaron and they said to him come make us gods that shall go before us as for this Moses this man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt well we don't know what's becoming him I want to just tell you this as soon as soon as God doesn't work in our timing we think we have a right to twist off and that's something friends that we have to overcome at an early age and the earlier you get over that as soon as you say well I deserve to twist off because I thought God was gonna do this and he didn't do that so I get to twist off now no you don't no you do not Joshua didn't twist off amen so they said well this Moses you know whoever that guy was well he's not here now so why don't you be our leader and I want you to make us gods that will go before us and Aaron said to them okay break off the golden earrings which are in the ears of your wives and your sons and your daughters and bring them to me so all the people broke off the golden earrings which were in their ears they brought them the Aaron and he received the gold from their hand and he fashioned it with an engraving tool and he made a molded calf then they said this is your God o Israel that brought you out of the land of Egypt Wow so when Moses oh and Aaron saw it he built an altar before that Idol and Aaron made a proclamation he said tomorrow is a feast to the Lord meaning this Idol and they rose early on the next day and they offered burnt offerings and they brought peace offerings and the people sat down to eat and to drink and they rose up to play and the Lord says to Moses go get down I won't just tell you I can just imagine that in the glory of the Lord there's been all this wonder there's been a cosmic revelation of how planets were formed there's been the wonder of God walking with man in the cool of the day and then being separated and there's there's some crazy things you know within all this we know that we know that before Satan was called Satan he was called Lucifer and he had fallen and I want to just tell you something he didn't need a sin nature to fall and he still fell and he was cast to earth but the Bible says that the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and it doesn't say how long the devil and his angels lived in that place of total chaos but there came a day when Satan heard the voice of God said let there be light boom and there was light and suddenly the light turned on and I can imagine he must have taken a deep breath because he doesn't know what God is doing he's not in the counsel of God and then the end of the first day happened and then the end of the second day happened and then the end of the third day happened and then the end of the fourth day boom God Almighty created the Sun and the moon and the stars and he's like yes yes yes yes yes and then the fifth day and then on the sixth day in the sight of the serpent he created a man and said I'm giving you dominion all over all things I imagine and this is just pure speculation on my part but I would imagine that the devil must have thought God's gonna give me another chance he's gonna let me rule and reign this is going to be awesome look look look everything's getting formed and then in the sight of the devil he created man and gave him dominion over everything just like he didn't just do that I know he didn't just do that Adam had Eve and Adam and Eve were both created in the image of God God is not Mel God is not female god almighty is seen through both male and female are you guys with me on that I'm not speaking blasphemy it's gonna be alright I know this is a Bible Belt it's gonna be alright it's gonna be okay tell the person he's gonna be okay tell him yeah God Almighty created male and female in His image okay alright so Adam is out doing his business and Lucifer or the serpent he's called now he's still in some kind of a glorious form he wasn't changed he didn't change form until he was cursed when he was cursed his arms and his legs were taken away and he was forced to crawl upon his belly I don't know what he looked like before the curse but it may have been that he was the most beautiful thing he even ever seen I don't have any idea nobody knows but with that said he didn't go to Adam he went to Eve and the reason why he went to Eve is because what's real is Eve had the authority and the curse on her was that she lost the authority to Adam no you never heard that table before have you what's right there in a Bible read it like what you telling me that Eve was second to her somehow no I'm not saying that I'm saying that she was twice as refined from the earth amen but I want to tell you when the curse that came upon her was that her desire would be unto her husband that didn't happen until the curse came but I've never been taught that oh I know religious folk were scared to death of the Bible they won't teach you the Word of God that's why you need to read the word amen so she so she falls she goes to him and tells him to fall and he says okay it's like okay I'm in and then Adams and then God shows up in the cool of the day in the place where he always meets him where they always run to him on this day Adam doesn't run to him he says what you do Adam he said well that woman you gave me says there's there's two issues here Lord I was fine until you showed up and gave me this woman my world was fine until you showed up and gave me this woman that's what Adam said Wow [Music] [Laughter] so Moses all that and it must have been incredible he saw the whole story of Abraham it must have been amazing he he saw that he understood it he's the guy that wrote the first five books of the Bible right Moses wrote all that and then this amazing presence of God changes to where he says Moses go get down for your people whom you brought out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves do you see what God just said to him he's like I'm gonna play this game you all play because you're people that you brought out have corrupted themselves I want to tell you nobody knew the story of Adam and Eve and probably nobody has ever known the story of Adam and Eve better than Moses Moses saw it firsthand and it is amazing to me that the Lord would interact with him that way I don't know what was going on between him and Moses but there was something amazing that was going on amen okay so he says for the people you brought on the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves they have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them they have made themselves a moated calf and they've worshiped it and they sacrificed to it and said this is your God o Israel and brought that brought you out of the land of Egypt and the Lord said to Moses I have seen this people and indeed it is a stiff-necked people in other words I can't make them turn left I can't make them turn right it's the same exact thing that he said Saul Saul why do you persecute me he said who art thou Lord he said I am Jesus whom thou persecute us is it hard for thee to kick against the pricks like what see he had been driving around an ox driven cart that had a cage in the back and the cage was for Christians right you can imagine the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus is in town but it's not monkeys that's in there it's Christians that are in there and the junker that's going around rounding them up is a brother by the name of SAW and you don't you don't just drive oxen the way that you drive horses you drive them with an ox goad and you go them right you take a stick and you get a little pointy place at the end of it and you prick them with it left right and they kick left right and I can imagine that this this journey that Saul was on was going ten times slower than what it should have been because he had an ox that no matter how he go it would just kick back because Jesus Christ said to him is it hard for you to kick against the pricks in other words he's saying you're stiff neck dude I've been trying to turn you I've been trying to turn you and you will my turn you guys with me are you tracking with me I love the Word of God I love it and he said I've seen this people with stiff-necked people now therefore let me alone that my wrath may burn hot against them that I may consume them and I will make you a great nation the first challenge that God offers Moses is this is how you know me you spent 40 days with me I've shown you my goodness for 40 days now I'm gonna show you something different what do you say about that do you do you understand what's happening here because because Moses would have said you know he could have been like okay because I didn't really 1s those people anyway you can make me the most fertile man on the face of the planet that's that okay that works for me but he has a challenge he's seeing something different in God that he knows contradicts the goodness that he has already seen now look it doesn't contradicts God does not contradict God's goodness for him to bring justice as a matter of fact it's a great evil for justice not to be served Amen are you guys tracking with me on that so I don't mean to say that the wrath of God is evil it's not but the wrath of God is not the best that God has to offer and Moses knows that and so the Lord is going to offer him a challenge because the first thing he says to him is now I want you to leave me alone when I get ready to do this meaning he has a right to interfere are you tracking with me he learned something in the presence of God where God went hey by the way since me and your friends we can discuss some things because me and you I've always wanted to have time with a human being the way that I am with you Moses I'm so back I'm proud of you and if I'm saying let's do this I want to stop and consult that with my friend you're welcome to interfere if you want so he preface 'as by saying but he tells him art I will burn in my wrath towards them but he starts off by saying now I want you to leave me alone about that though right okay now therefore let me alone that my wrath may burn hot against them that I might consume them and I will make of you a great nation he's like Moses do you love yourself more than you love these people and do you know me better than what I'm about to show you Moses is something guys and God knows Moses is going to pass this test I'll tell you some good daddy he'll put you in tests that he knows you can pass it then he makes a big deal that you passed the test that's what a good dad does I remember when Ben was little and he wanted to go find an egg I would not hide the egg in such a place where he couldn't find it Ben was a knucklehead and I had to put it right in front of him and he bi I was here it's awesome yeah when a very profound way that's exactly what the Lord is doing with Moses here and Moses pleaded with the Lord his God verse 11 and said Lord why does your ass burn hard against your people whom you have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with mighty hand you see it's like no no no no no no you're the one who did this even if they don't know it and even if you say even if you say I'm the one that did it I know better than that you're the one that did that and that was your goodness for why should the Egyptians speak and say well rob them verse verse twelve guys he watched the Egyptians speak and say well he brought them out from just to harm them or to kill them in the mountains and to consume them with the face of the earth turn from your fierce wrath and relent from this harm to your people he's like God you're gonna have a terrible reputation if you kill these people and they're not gonna know you the way I know you they're going to say that you're bad and you're horrible like all the gods that they serve I have been with you for 40 days and I know how good you are and I know that you're willing and I know you told me not to interfere but I know it's okay if I do so I'm going to say don't do that I want you to think about the depth of relationship you would have to have with God to have confidence to have this kind of a conversation think about it think about the depth of relationship he has to have with God to go that's not a good idea it's incredible to me verse 13 remember Abraham Isaac and Israel and I want to tell you by the way at this point God's like here it comes this is so awesome here it comes yes yes yes this is this is the kind of people I want to have these kind of people right here that don't beg me to get mean for their sake but ask me to be muncipal for my sake I love this man so remember Abraham Isaac and Israel your servants to whom you swore by euro himself and you said I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens and all the land that I've spoken of I give to your descendants and they shall inherit it forever you said those words verse 14 so the Lord relented from the harm which he said he would do to his people now the King James says repented it just means God so God changed his mind Moses talks God out of a Rath mode and talks him into a mercy mode how did he do that he's like because I know your heart and I know the world does not know you and the world needs to know you not according to how you judge the stupidity of these knuckleheads but according to how you bless your people that you put in a covenant with you gods like I said I'm looking for those are kind of people I'm looking for can't tell you something he's still looking for those people today and he's looking to promote those people today and Moses turned and he went down from the mountain verse 15 and the two tablets of the testimony were in his hand and the tablets were written on both sides on the one side and on the other they were written did you know that so it was double sided okay and there was two of them verse 16 now the tablets were the work of God and the writing was the writing of God engraved upon the tablets this was not a profound masterpiece by Moses this was a profound masterpiece by God and when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted he said to Moses there's no there's a noise of war in the camp verse 18 but he said it's nothing to know and it's not the noise of the shout of victory it's not the crowd defeat it's the sound of singing I'm hearing verse 19 so it was that as soon as he came near the camp that he saw the calf in the dancing so Moses anger became hot and he cast the tablets out of his hands and he broke at the foot of the mountain he took the calf which they had made and he burned it in the fire and then he grounded the powder and then he scattered the ashes out on the water and he made them drink it then Moses said to Aaron what did these people do to you that you have brought such a great sin upon them and Aaron said do not let the anger of my lord become hot you know the people you know how they are and then this is one of the most amazing things that is in the Bible Aaron says for they said to me he went this is how it went down okay they said to me make us gods they should go before us as this Moses this man talked about you brought us out of the land of Egypt we don't know what has becoming him then I said to them whoever has any gold let them break it off and they gave it to me and I cast it into fire and this calf came out Aaron is an idiot it's like okay I took the goat but I just turned to find that stupid calf came out what do you do with that verse 25 and when Moses saw that the people were unrestrained for Aaron had not restrained them to the shame among their enemies that Moses stood in the interests of the camp and he said whoever is on the Lord's side come to me and while he's doing this all the sons of Levi are gathering together and let me tell you about the tribe of Levi they're the priests right but they just as soon kill you is pray for you the Levitical priesthood is a mean priesthood see Jesus is not from a Levitical priesthood do you know that do you know that do you know your book of Hebrews do you know that Jesus does not come from the Levitical priesthood right he comes from the priesthood of Melchizedek completely different order the Levitical priesthood is awesome it's incredible but the Levitical priests they can pray for you or they can kill you doesn't matter to them and when they're gathering themselves together it's not to pray for the people they're all bunched up going hey hey hey get over here bust out your knife get ready get ready it's all about to go down verse 27 and then he said to them thus says the Lord God of Israel let every man put his sword on his side and go in and out from the interest - interest to the camp and he let every man kill his brother every man his companion and every man his neighbor he told them and I want to tell you something this is what they thought about Moses because guys the Bible says that Moses was the meekest man in all the earth Moses was a pushover brother Moses had been broken to a degree that very few human beings have ever been broken the way that Moses was broken and the Bible says he was a meekest man in all the earth now I want to tell you that's a strange statement because because that's in the book of Exodus and Moses wrote the book of Exodus that'd be like me riding in my book my biography and Troy Brewer was the most humble human being I ever did see okay but he was moved by the hand of God to write that and he wrote it and you know what they thought they thought he's a pushover we can do anything we want to him man he'll put up with us we don't host this man we know him and he came down from the presence of God and he turned to the Levitical priesthood and he said kill him and they went what do you say I said kill him anyway okay he said go from door to door from tent to tent go in every single house that is not standing with me and wiped them off the face of the planet and they killed 3,000 people while people begged and screamed and said no no no we changed our mind they said no no no no no and Moses stood there and watched that whole different scene than what you can imagine now guys I can go on and I could read the rest of this I will so the sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses and about 3,000 men of the people fell that day and Moses said consecrate yourselves towards the Lord that he might bestow upon you a blessing this day for every man has opposed his son and his brother now I came to pass on the next day that Moses said to the people you have committed a great sin and now I'm gonna go the Lord and perhaps I can make atonement for your sin and Moses returned to the Lord and he said oh these people have committed a great sin and they made for themselves a God of gold yet now if you will forgive their sin but if not I pray God that you would blot me out of your book which you have written I want you to I want you to hang on to that because the offer that God gave him was I'll walk them out and make a nation out of you and Moses are saying wipe me out and make a nation out of them Moses is different I love Moses so much I'm so proud of him I'm just like dad gummit who taught you that she wasn't that demon that raised you it sure wasn't the Moabites she won Jethro that knucklehead the priest and he won a godly priest it sure wasn't any of those people who taught you that listen he learned that in the presence of the Father in 40 days he's like I know how you are your eye I can see past this whole law thing and I see how good you are and you're so willing to lay down your life I want to be like you hmm verse 33 and the Lord said to Moses whoever has sinned against me I'll block him out of my book he's like we're not even gonna talk about that that's not on the table Moses never was verse 34 so therefore go and lead the people of the place of which I've spoken to you and behold my angels shall go before you but nevertheless and the day when I visited for punishment I will punish upon them for their sin so the Lord plagued the people because of what they did and because the calf which Aaron made even though he said he didn't make it so the Lord plagued the people I want to I want to tell you that's not a good ending to that chapter because that chapter should be completely different because Moses and God had something amazing and he had this plan and he saw the whole plan of redemption he saw it and he saw how good god was and he saw that he was willing to lay down his life I don't know if Moses had it all worked out I have no idea what level of revelation he had got promise you it was deep and it was amazing the Torah the first five books of the Bible are very sacred part of the Bible unlike listen all the Bible is is the written word of God so I want to preface what I'm about to say by saying all the Bible is the written word of God so I don't need your hate mail you can keep it to yourself you'd be okay but I want to tell you that the Torah is different those first five books are different there's a code all the way through it I could talk about it you guys know I'm a nut about all this stuff and if I'm not careful I will spin off because I need to make a point here that's not that's not about the code and how it's written and every 50 every 50 words it's every 50 letters it spells Torah T orh or whatever it is right and all the way through it again how the numbers are amazing how how Genesis 1:1 starts off with in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and like so well that's time space and matter and time space and matter was discovered by Einstein Moses was smarter than Einstein in the beginning time God created the heavens space and the earth mattered time space and matter and perfect continuum that's how the Bible starts off that's the preliminary baby steps of the Bible is time-space continuum from a hillbilly from a hillbilly who was a shepherd that's insanity and that's that's the first verse oh it's hmm yeah it's that okay but whenever we look at this chapter the chapter right after Moses has spent the forty days and is so granted so awesomest incredible God brings him out by changing his tone and saying if I show you this what do you say to that he's like I will not give up on your goodness but what if I show you this what do you say that I will not give up on your goodness but why if I show you this and you know it's right still Lord I will not give up on your goodness my god we need to learn that lesson we have to learn that lesson that we will not give up upon the goodness of the Lord we will not everybody say King Jesus I will not give up on your goodness and God was so impressed for Moses so impressed and he commissioned Moses all right then you go fix it he said I will and he went down and killed 3,000 men locked him out and then when we thought we knew you dude is like no no no see that was me before I was in the presence of God but I've been in the presence of God and you're not gonna mess this up oh wow wow wow hang on can we negotiate no no we're not going to negotiate wow it's amazing to me that whenever the Holy Spirit came Peter stood up and preached in downtown Jerusalem and 3,000 people were saved at the gift of the Holy Spirit 3,000 people died at the giving of the law but 3,000 people were saved at the gift of the Holy Ghost Moses showed up very first miracle he did was he turned water into blood which means the party's over Jesus shows up he turns water into wine which means a party zone amen there's a difference between law and grace and you don't want to meet God on a law level the job of the law is to let you know that you are in desperate need of a messiah it's a schoolmaster it's going to teach you a lesson and tell you something you ain't God and you ain't you ain't gonna bring anything that looks like God you need God to bring something that looks like God so that you can stand with God that's the job of the law 613 Old Testament laws lalalalalalalalalalala Lala right one commandment after another Artur come after another after another where you finally say wait wait wait finally you finally supposed to get it okay no human being can actually keep all this right you need a messiah that does not come from you stupid mr. Aaron and say this is what I think God looks like this comes from me no no you need me to put myself in human form to put a face on the Father and that's exactly what Yeshua HaMashiach a man did for us so that we don't have to try and figure out I've seen what men imagine in Buddha I've seen what men imagine in Hindus I've seen what men imagine in human is socialism I've seen it in its murderous and it's horrible every time but Jesus comes as young I got to try and imagine anything I'll just show you this is what the father is all about I'm gonna close on this point and this I've said everything that I've said to close on this one point in this revelation I'm about to share with you guys changed my life I'm somebody that I have a bunch of teams and I'm able to get a lot done and I praise God for that and and I want to tell you I can't abide people that won't that aren't willing to get a lot done I'm not King David is there not a cause and if you don't have a cause get away from me amen but if you're not going if you're not self-motivated and if you're not going to do something for the kingdom that's amazing I am and I'm gonna I'm gonna surround myself with people who are gonna do that okay I say all that to say this there are a lot of things that I plan that I want to accomplish the vision of those things but I learned something from this story right here that absolutely changed my life and it's this the Bible says in Exodus chapter 25 verse 40 that God told him now look that you make the tabernacle after the pattern which I showed you in the mountain right you guys remember that you guys remember that whole story I'm gonna show you I want you this is how you carry my presence not just as a person but as a people these people will carry my presence that's it's mind-boggling concept in the book of Hebrews whenever Stephen stands up and he's just going off I'm sorry this is not in the in the book of Hebrews whoever Paul stands up and Paul is going off he says he says he's talking about those who serve unto the example in the shadow of heavenly things Hebrews chapter eight verse five guys as Moses was admonished of God that when he was about to make the tabernacle to see saith he that you make all things according to the pattern that was showed to you in the mountain okay that's an easy verse to dismiss whenever Stephen stood up and when Stephen was just given his Holy Ghost walkthrough of how the story of redemption works leading to Jesus he said our fathers in Acts chapter 7 verse 44 he says our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness and he had appointed speaking of the Moses that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen okay guys in the book of Hebrews where it says that that Moses did it he pulled it off he built the tabernacle according to the pattern that was shown him in the mountains this is in light of the chapter I just showed you and this is this is what you have to understand the thing that makes Moses a rock star is that he could spend forty days with God and God could give him a plan and then when he was surrounded by knuckleheads he could still pull off the plan and that is no small feat it is one thing if God would have asked him to build the tabernacle when he was in the mountain with God but he said no no when you get back when you get back to all that doubt and unbelief when you get back to fox news headlines and CNN headlines when you get back to what joy bear has to say this week when you get back to new gun laws when you get back to children being massacred at schools when you get back to the Americas pasture diet when you get back to earthquakes and famines and paying bills when you get back to that can you still build the thing that I showed you a pattern of in that other place because Moses did that now that brother Darrell has been with God in a unique way for the past six weeks and God has put something within his heart and let me tell you what it is he showed him a pattern in the mountain that he is his commission now is to walk it out when he's no longer in the mountain are you with me so you and I will go to a conference you and I will go into a time of fasting you and I will have a next level encounter with God biblically or I don't know how that works for you maybe there's just incredible church service like the one we're having right now this is an incredible church service the presence of God is here and then God speaks you you go oh my god that is awesome and God shows you something in your like yes yes yes and that's a pattern he's given you to walk out can you walk that out tomorrow if your boss is a knucklehead can you walk that out in a family that is messed up can you walk that out if you don't have enough money to do this or if you're not healthy enough to do that or if you work so hard to make this thing happen and it didn't happen can you still walk that out according to the pattern that was shown to you in the mountain see when I go on a missions trip yes the trip is the mission but it's only the first part of it every time I go on a missions trip God changes me God shows me something the mission is when I get back and I'm surrounded by people who haven't seen what I've seen and I'm limited as to how far I can think and what I can do I'm limited as to what I can do can i still be trusted to build the tabernacle of God or to carry the presence of God the way that God showed me when I was in that special place now that I'm no longer in that special place that's a big deal I can remember when I first started going to missions trip early in and I would literally cry on the airplane coming back going god our church is gonna hate us for this trip because we fought this church we fought our own church that we found it why do you got to be where you got to go off to do my Africans all the time why are you gonna go off their Mexicans all the time why you got to go off to them Indians all the time why you got to do that right because God's called us to do that and we're all the better for it we know better for it all hell broke loose were you gone that's because you're a bunch of pansies and you need your hand held well it took me about 20 years before I finally started saying that it took me about 16 years actually and I would be so worried I'd be coming back going okay I have got to find a way to him to dig that well I have to I've got to dig that well I remember the very first time that that Daryl Daryl came back from Africa with the vision where Daryl said I'm gonna build wells I'm mom dig wells for the rest of my life and I will never turn my head when I see children drinking green water on the side of the road not on my watch and I had already been in this game for a while I knew I knew I knew what that was that was him saying I'm gonna build the tabernacle according to the pattern that was shown to me in the mountain and I knew he would do it I went yeah yeah dude you're gonna do that you know his goal right now is to dig 50 wells a year that's his goal he's like I'm believing God for that I want to dig 50 wells every year for the rest of my life so that little boys and little girls and women and men do not have to drink green ditch water like okay but I want to just tell you the Lord is trusting him with the loneliness and the exclusiveness of pulling that off when he's here in this place and I wonder what God is trusting you with what thing when's the last time you went to the mountain and you had an encounter with God and you knew man I can this is the way it's supposed to be there's another way this is supposed to be and then you come back and after you see the golden calf and after you hear the party after you talk God out of wiping them out they're talking about wiping you out and you're surrounded with people that don't get it can you still in that place go I will not let loose of the goodness of God that was revealed to me and that place and I'm going to demonstrate his goodness somehow someway in this difficult place friends when God first revealed himself to Moses he imparted something in him that every time you and I read the Torah some of that is imparted into us now and I want to encourage you I have been in that lonely place so many times I saw something that I'm not going to repeat on stage I'm never gonna tell anybody on stage something I saw when I was in this last nation but I made eye contact with the human being that that I will never forget something so dark was going on and I made eye contact with the human being I went that's why I do what I do and when I get back and I said god I'm so offended I raged six hundred and fifty thousand dollars last year and it's just a drop in the bucket what do you want to me what do you want oh no no that's not what he's going to get out of me go ahead lord I don't care if it costs ten billion dollars I don't care I don't care what it cost I don't care how much it is I don't care how we have to lay down our lives I don't care I don't care when I see that picture of that lady run out there to hug you miss Amy and lock arms with you and just go you set me free that woman we find out was an orphan didn't have any family in the world her husband had died she had a little boy she had no legacy she had nothing but I am a slave and a prostitute until Christians showed up paid her debt delivered her from slavery and put her in a house and gave her a life dude that's what I want to do for the rest of my life and I can't forget when I'm around Joey Bear or the host of idiots that the world has to offer like her I can't forget I cannot forget when I'm around the haters in the critics when when when I'm praying and believing and going after things I can't forget when my wife is sick I can't forget when we're struggling with things I can't forget I have to and I have been commissioned and I have been trusted to build the tabernacle according to the pattern that was shown to me in that amazing place because he trusted me with that and that's what made Moses a rock star I'm done let's give the Lord a great big praise man it's good music man just good stuff man that's good music man I just wanna ask y'all to stand up if you would
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 5,054
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: P9AujaMbXEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 24sec (3984 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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