The prophetic intimacy of dreaming Part 2

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Church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the world let's listen to open door church on the radio boom let's do that man welcome everybody on the pin phone radio network at our flagship station right here in big-time DFW Texas 91.3 FM Bible School radio and the 60 some-odd other stations that were on coast to coast our two radio stations down in the nation of Belize everybody that's watching on Facebook live right now and everybody that's watching an open door experience comm and I'd love to remind you guys that if y'all have not yet shared our live feed over to your page man please go ahead and do that and that'll make you a rock star evangelist and help us reach your friends and your haters hallelujah all right well I'm going to but I asked you guys if you guys got your Bibles here tonight go ahead and open them up to the Book of Daniel and we're gonna be talking about the Book of Daniel Book of Daniel is a crazy cool book and as a matter of fact there's a lot of our Jewish brothers and sisters don't they don't like the book Daniel they don't like it because it has a kind of a babylonian flair to it and it's wildly messianic and it just screams Jesus and so there's a lot of our beautiful Jewish brothers and sisters who have not yet had Joseph revealed to them as their brother amen are you guys with me on that you just follow me on that they will know that's going to happen there's going to be a tremendous revival in Israel there's gonna be a tremendous revival in Israel I guess we need to support the body of Christ in Israel in such a tremendous way we need to support Israel I mean guys we if you cut me I will first bleed red white and blue but if I have to I'll just read I'll just bleed white and blue and I love me some Israel I promise you I do I love the fulfillment of the scriptures 2000 years of the whole world mocking the Bible said that is the most ludicrous thing you could ever imagine that after 2000 years and the language hasn't even existed in thousands of years but those Jewish people would mysteriously all show up at the same time in reform a nation that will never happened well it happened it happened 70 years ago this year this is the 70th anniversary not only is it the 70th anniversary is also the 50th anniversary of the Jews gaining control of Jerusalem again not only that my friends is also the 100th year anniversary of the Belfour declaration which is when England for a small amount of time had its act together and declared that the Jews are coming back to Israel a national it was a big deal when the most powerful nation in the world a hundred years ago stood up and said Israel is about to be reborn you're here on the one-year anniversary of Trump moving the embassy back to Jerusalem where it goes this is a crazy prophetic time I love the day and I love the hour that all of us are living in so guys we're talking about dreams we're talking about the Book of Daniel tonight I want to just ask you how many of you guys have been dreamers here lately you've just been having crazy dreams how many of y'all are seeing dreams turned up in your life like you've never seen where are you people how are you people are just kind of like freaked out over how much you're dreaming yeah man I've been having yes me too me too sure have and God has been speaking to me incredibly and through dreams and to be able to know the difference between prophecy and visions and dreams right there's all different kinds of dreams and maybe that's something we probably ought to do maybe within the next few coming weeks you know like there are waking dreams waking dreams or where the Bible talks so the Bible describes a lot of waking dreams where you're having a dream and you wake up a waking dream is a different kind of dream it's the kind of dream that you're having when you actually wake up so that it's the first thing you think about right on but not all prophetic dreams are like that a lot of prophetic dreams we have are not waking dreams they happen there's there's a place in your spirit that the Bible talks about your rains you know rains the rains like the horse right the reins of your spirit and the Bible Citizen Book of Psalms the Psalms chapter 18 David declare the Lord guides my reins through instruction in the night seasons I'm getting turned this way I'm getting turned that way I'm getting sped up I'm getting slowed down and there's actually a process that you partner with God in your sleep time that that's how that works no there's all different kinds of dreams and I love different kinds of dreams and I love the different ways that God speaks you know Psalms 29 the voice of the Lord is upon the waters the voice of the Lord is upon the many waters you know God is speaking to you through so many events a few minutes ago there's a beautiful lady that's in here a brand-new friend I just met her for the first time today I had a lady came here I interviewed on a radio show and she was just she was an extraordinary lady I was so impressed with her I was like wow and I just told her I'm so proud of you I'm so poor I'm always amazed at what people go through and how people will still love Jesus and get past their own offense and get past their own heart and get past being shattered someplace we just shattered and be able to get past that somehow like only the Holy Ghost can take you past that and get into a place man where you're alive again in anyway she gave me her book and it was the only book she had she only has one book I could cuz her first order hasn't come in and she wrote it out to me and she told me she loved me and she told me she appreciated me and she wrote this book out to me and it's a it's a it's amazing and today whenever she wrote that out to me the Lord tell me so what you're going to give that to somebody tonight and I knew that wasn't God but then I met this lady before the service and I instantly knew that's how I'm supposed to give that book to I'm gonna go I'm gonna go get that book and I was like don't let me forget Lord and Lord said I want right after the offering God said told you you got to give her that book so we just gave her that book and you know what that is that's not just a gesture on my part that's God speaking to her amen there's a word in her for that that in this time of brokenness he's given her gifts amen he has a word specifically tailored for her during this hour and God is speaking to us and I don't care how he speaks to us just as long as he talks amen and I love it well Daniel Daniel was weird for a whole bunch of number there's a million different reasons why Daniel was weird one of the reasons why Daniel was weird is because the first chapter is the first chapter but after the first chapter you can't count on the chapters because they're out of order it's kind of like it's like a movie that recently there's been some movies that's like this what's the name of that last war movie that came out Dunkirk Dunkirk is a great example I don't know if y'all seen that movie I loved that movie that movie blew my mind all right what yeah I love that movie okay but what's weird is you watch the whole movie in about halfway through the movie you figure out oh this is different times is this time this time and not to come back to this time now it's going forward this time and if the story is told correctly that the timing of when things happen doesn't really matter as long as the story is told correctly and that's a very prophetic understanding that's the next level prophetic and and the guy who made the Dunkirk movie man has tapped into something of actually how the Bible works in a whole lot of ways and as a matter of fact the eunuch the Ethiopian eunuch addressed this in the book of Acts when he was in Jerusalem the brother got him a copy of Isaiah you know everybody didn't have a copy of the Bible and everybody didn't have a copy of the book of the Bible you had to go to the synagogue and somebody would have that and it was a big deal y'all it was a big deal and so him being a man of authority and a man of means he went all the way to Jerusalem for the feast because he was Jewish by the way you can be white and be Jewish you can be black and be Jewish you can be Arabian and be Jewish you can be every color of the rainbow and still be Jewish it's amazing to me I love that guys aren't you grateful that heaven is not about one race and praise the name of Jesus because I'm so kind of Hein 57 I don't know what I am I'd be like calling the DNA people I got 2% of that okay so he's a Ethiopian eunuch and he's pulled over on the side of the road because you can't read in the back of a bumpy chariot you know you get car sickness so he had chariot sickness and he pulls over he's reading the book of Isaiah and Philip comes walking up because the spear of the Lord told him get out of get out of bed and to go to a place where there was no people and he had the audacity to believe it was God in and he did it yeah are you crazy enough to do that if God if God woke you up in the middle of night and you felt like God was telling you go to the desert would you do that or would you argue to say it's 2 o'clock good morning and there ain't nobody in the desert the Bible says and immediately Philip arose that's what makes Philip a rock star right there yeah he had four daughters that were prophets but it's because he lived a prophetic lifestyle no it was a prophecy wasn't just an event for him hearing God speak and obeying the Lord when he didn't have a clue what was going on was part of the regular program do you have to have everything explained to you before you can obey the Lord because you can't be prophetic if that's what it's going to be I want to encourage you to go after an unexplainable life and have things within your life that you just cannot explain man you just can't Wow did y'all hear that wow that was cool listen I just have my own theme music where everywhere I go Frank turn your phone off that was you you know that was you take a hit for whoever it is around you and say it was you man that's what I'm talking about I Love You Man I love you brother okay you see how childish I am you can't do things like that around me because I'll spin off for a long time okay all right god that was cool though it was like perfect timing it was like a Holy Spirit going man that's cool [Laughter] so Phyllis shows up you thought I'd lost it now I'm back and this brother is reading the book of Isaiah and he's declaring the book of Isaiah is a train wreck he's so disappointed because you know he asked everybody what's the most prophetic book what is it what do you think it is what's the creme de la creme that talks about the Messiah what is it anyway Isaiah he's like well then let me buy one the brother buys his own copy of Isaiah it's an animal skin rolled up and there's been some crazy scribe that has spent his whole world making every single jot and tittle perfect and he's disappointed with it because he's like who's dude talking about he's talking about himself we're talking about somebody else there's a past present or future tense this book is like Dunkirk right is it right now is it back then is it next day and is he sometimes he talks about himself in first person second person and third person who can know this what what is this madness this is not how you write a book and the Bible says Phillips said do you know what you're reading and he said how can i unless somebody shows me and the Bible says at that scripture Philip preached Jesus Jesus is the one that mean that brings the past the present and future together because he's the one who was the one who is and the one who is yet to come that's why he's holy holy holy amen amen he's the one that brings it all together and so and so you need to understand that a lot of people have a lot of big problems with the Book of Daniel because it has a Babylonian kind of style about it because it was written in Babylon and some of our Jewish brothers and sisters don't think it's legitimate because it wasn't written in Israel it was written in Babylon ok but also too because like we're the third chapter ought to be it's like the sixth chapter and we're the something else ought to be it's just it's just a mess man and in daniel is so next level and he's so far out there he doesn't care he's not trying to be a brilliant writer so in Daniel chapter 2 it's talking about the prophet Daniel and his friends in the and the dilemma that he found himself in as if as if he wasn't in enough trouble already because you have to understand that before there was ever a zoo there was a zoo and the zoo was in Babylon and it was a zoo of human beings that Nebuchadnezzar had Nebuchadnezzar had a trophy club of human beings who were the brightest and who were the royalty of all the nations that he had conquered so that when you visited him he would say oh let's bring out the Jews here they come yeah come out Shadrach Meshach Abednego Daniel come out yeah hello how are you yeah these high slaughtered their family I burned their City these are the best the best of that people aren't they beautiful they're awesome oh look over here there's these people hey y'all come over here oh yeah how would you like to be a part of Nebuchadnezzar's human zoo because that's what Daniel was you have to understand in order for Daniel to qualify to be a part of that he had to be a part of the royalty he was royal okay he had blood he had royal blood within within his veins he was smart and he had to be good-looking Daniel saw his city besieged he saw his city burned horrible things happen in Jerusalem before they finally came over the wall on the 9th of of horrible unspeakable things begin to happen and then it didn't get any better once the Babylonians entered the city they did what they were really good at they raped they pillaged they divided children apart they grabbed ahold of the king and they took him to go see Nebuchadnezzar and they said ok take a good look at your children and he did and then they poked his eyes out so that the last thing that he saw was the murder of his children they murdered his children in front of him and poked his eyes out so that the last vision he had was of his children dying that's Nebuchadnezzar how would you like to have to be forced to live with that monster and be paraded around by him oh wait wait yeah I don't know if you know this either by the way your body will be mutilated because you will be a eunuch we're gonna take that away from you too we're gonna take your country away from you your family away from you your city away from you we're gonna take your people away from you and we're also going to destroy your body for our entertainment that's Daniel I wonder I wonder if you could have the character that Daniel had if that had happened to you Daniel is off the chain there's only two people in all the Bible besides King Jesus that it tells their whole life story and there's no sin recorded and Daniel is one of them Wow it's not that he didn't sin he was a human being but God gives him such a place of honor that there's no biblical record of anything that that brother ever messed up because he was next level awesome way next level awesome I mean I've thought about Daniel a lot and thought you know because he's an example of a 100-fold man of God he's not a 30-fold he's not a 60-fold he's a 100 fold man of God and if there's anybody who has the right to live hurt it's him and he doesn't one of I wasn't planning on sharing this but I'm not gonna say the name so I am gonna share this one one precious person in Uganda that I love with all my heart who I've known since she was a little girl and she is very very very special to Liana and I she's she's she's she's an extraordinary she's an extraordinary young person whenever Liana and the team got to Uganda she was there and we're so happy to see her and we're to love and honor and the team's lovin on her and she gets with Liana and she says I need to talk with you and she says okay she's I need to show you somebody he says what happened and she has a baby and this baby is like seven months old we went honey we didn't know that you have a baby and she's like I I don't want you to be ashamed of me you know something happened and and now I have a beautiful baby well we end up talking to her about her beautiful baby and somebody raped her and this is somebody that we try really hard to protect this is somebody that we love with all of our heart and Leanna was obviously broken over this because Liana really loves this girl and when she brought her baby out her attitude as she began to explain she says no no this is a blessing to me the Lord has the Lord has blessed me with this baby I love this baby with all my heart she named this baby Shadrach and the reason why she named the baby Shadrach is because she said I had been through the fire but I have not been burnt lazy her attitude is this is East Africa women get raped here this is this is not going to define me I've been through the fire but I've not been burned what a privilege to know these people what a privilege and you know there are people like this woman that I'm talking about no other way she's oh I call her woman she's something she's 17 she's not very old I I think about this young lady and I think about people that we know all over the world and how that they live life still trusting God in the midst of a world that is so messed up well you you can't show me anybody in the Bible that lived in a more messed up world than brother Daniel and there he is standing with God seeing miracles happen an extreme awesome character next-level dreamer finally put in charge of all the wise men to such a degree that 400 years after his death the wise men were still looking for the we're still looking for the Messiah read it in the Stars and showed up at the birth of King Jesus yeah he had he had he had influence on the wise men for 400 years after he was gone because he was in charge of the wise men the Bible says that fact is in Daniel chapter 2 verse says and he was put in charge of the wise men so he's in a bad place and it's a rough place and the Bible says in Daniel chapter 2 verse 20 I'm gonna before I before I read this I want to just kind of tell you what had happened Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and the dream was next-level and he woke up and he said okay I got to know what this dream is and he got all the wise men together and he said tell me my dream they said well tell us the dream and I'll tell you he doesn't know if you can't tell me my dream that I'm not gonna trust you to tell me what the answer is they went well that's not how it works dude you got to tell us the dream he says this is how it works I'm gonna kill y'all and he went to slaying all those Jokers well then they went to kill Benny went to kill Daniel and Daniel said what's your hurry hold your horses dude says this he says go ask the King if he'll give me a day to seek the Lord and let me seek the Lord and let me come back I know a God in heaven who is a revealer of Secrets so the next day he comes back and Nebuchadnezzar who is a world-class fit thrower he's throwing a fit and everybody's freaking out because there's no telling what he's gonna do if he's throwing a fit and and he comes he comes in and he says no can either I got a dream for you he said well yeah tell me what I dream and he says ok what you saw was you saw John statue and it had a head of gold and it had it had I had arms of silver and then had a belly of brass and then it had legs of iron and then I had had two had feet that was kind of a mixture between iron and clay mixed and he stood up and it rose up and it ruled the whole world and it was awesome and then what you saw was a stone that was not kyun by man's hand come flying out of this mountain they hit it as feet and destroy it and that is what you dreamed Oh King Nebuchadnezzar and I can just imagine the dramatic pause and everybody turns their head to Nebuchadnezzar and he's like okay continue that is a WoW moment y'all okay here's what most of us would have done ain't telling you squat you killed my family you mutilated my body you have robbed me and every way a man can be robbed go to hell go directly to hell do not pass go do not collect $200 go to hell that's not what Daniel did here's what Daniel did I'm gonna be reading to you and Daniel chapter 2 verse 20 through Georgia's amazing telescope lenses Wow a Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever for wisdom and mitre his and he changes the times and the seasons he removes kings and raises up kings oh he has tremendous prophetic understanding that at the scenes at the times were where seasons are changing authorities are also changing he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding he reveals deep and secret things he knows what is in the darkness and light dwells within him I thank you and praise you O God of my father's you have given me wisdom and my and you've now made known to me what we asked of you for you have made known to us the kings to man been the king answered and said to Daniel verse 26 whose name was beltasar he said are you able to make known to me the dream which I've seen in the interpretation and Daniel answered in the prison of the king and he said the secret which the king has demanded the wise men the astrologers the magicians the soothsayers well they cannot declare to the king but there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets and he's made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days your dream and the visions of your head upon your bed were these for you O king thoughts came to your mind while you were upon your bed about what would come to pass after this and he who reveals secrets has made known to you what it will be but as for me the secret has not been revealed to me because I have more wisdom than any other living but for our sakes who make known the interpretation to the king and that you may know the thoughts of your hearts he's like God didn't give me this I'm smart God gave me this because my life is on the line Daniel man Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel the brother the brother is something I mean he is next level awesome now what I want you to pay attention to is whenever his understanding of going after prophecy and I one say he had to have the information of the dream or else his life was on the line but that's not what he said he did he went after the heart of God where secret things are he wasn't just looking for information he had to have the information because he would die but he didn't go looking for information he went after the heart of God where secrets are the key to prophetic dreaming is all about learning the secrets of God and the secret things are hidden in secret places that you have to meet God there and I want to tell you this my friends when you're asking God for a secret you're asking him for intimacy and this is a key to prophetic living if you're going to be somebody that God speaks to secretly and privately you're gonna have to want to know him from the inside out when you're asking God for secrets you're asking for intimacy intimacy is not for everybody intimacy is for secrets God Almighty designed intimacy so that it would be secret and so that it would have to be pursued and if it doesn't have to be pursued and if it isn't secret it is an intimacy it's just sex you guys with me y'all been growing up for a long time you're gonna be our own good God he just said sex did you hear that let's leave this year is the year that we're supposed to live behind the wall amen okay so I wanted to only show this graphic brother hunter who's the next level brother he's showing us and if you would man would you please put on the monitor in front of me to know the not that graphic okay you want to show me that graphic I'll look at that graphic because that's a cool graphic that's worth looking at right there by the way there was this French dude they got his head cut off one time and he had they asked him he wouldn't read led this revolt and they said you have any last requests he said yeah holding my head up it really is it really is worth looking at and I love that that's true story okay this is the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had and I want to just kind of show you something here and showing him look you have you know after you have the Egyptians you have the Babylonians and God doesn't even count the Egyptians in this which is hilarious to me okay guys I know you had your chance so it starts off the Babylonians then you have the Medes and the Persians and after the Medes and the Persians and you have the Greeks and at the Greeks you have the Romans all right and then after the Romans you have something that is an iron represents the Romans and after the Romans you have something that is mixed and it's something like the world that we're living in today and I like it America the American America is very Roman istic and and that's not something for us to celebrate because because Rome is not the friend of God at all you know the Bible talks about the great prostitute that sits upon the Seven Hills well Rome is called the city of seven hills all right it's Rome and we are very very very Roman style Western thinking is a Roman understanding it's it's Greek but it's the Romans that built the roads that took it to the whole world okay well what's cool is all these different kingdoms represent the world's super powers right but then this is the latter part of the dream latter part of dream looks like this go ahead and go ahead and turn for me brother he sees a stone that's not bait about man's hands that hits the feet and topples the whole thing okay number one I'd like to point out don't you love it that God loves to slay Giants with stones the reason why David went after the giant with a stone was because he had a next-level revelation of this I'm telling you he he never he never used a sling and a stone after Goliath Goliath this is Goliath and David had a next-level revelation of this okay he spent a lot of time with the Lord amen I love me some King David by the way but also too what's great is that stone that's the kingdom of heaven and it is the ultimate superpower and that's what god almighty is saying there's gonna be all these superpowers that are made by men but there's gonna be one that comes from heaven that topples all the others and it's the ultimate superpower the kingdom that you and I are operating in right now and someday we will see in its fullness is the ultimate superpower amen okay I want to show you guys this other graph now this is what the Year looks like okay so if you were part of the conference if you've been here you know I've been I'm teaching this a lot I want you to get this and want you to study this I want you do your own Google searches on this be careful on your Google searches I don't know if you've been seeing all this stuff where if you ask you go hey Siri tell me about Mohamed they'll say Muhammad ya de yeah and if you ask hey Siri asked me about Jesus it says sorry we can't answer that you know they go way out of their way Google goes way out of their way to try and keep Jesus out of stuff yeah so and I promise man the Lord is aware of that and you need to be aware of it but here's what you and I do by the way I'm not against Google I'm just letting you know that Google does not love King Jesus alright and they're proud of it okay so the first year looks like an ox head the second here looks like a 10th floor plan or a tenth or floor plan the third year looks like a foot the fourth year looks like a tent door the fifth year looks like a man with his arms raised the six year looks like a tent peg the seventh year looks like a sword or it looks like a plough and then the eighth year looks like a tent wall okay so it's the year of the wall there's two things that you guys need to recognize it if you how many you guys saw my prophetic Wincey today okay dude it's all about the wall this year this is this is the eighth year okay this is the 78th year right both agree both a Gregorian calendar and the Hebrew calendar converge on the number eight this year eight is huge right well eight in the Hebrew represents a secret place it represents behind the wall now five seven seven eight is also the numerical value of to dream so this is a year of the dreamers in the wall now it sounds like I'm talking about politics it sounds like I'm talking about the headlines I am talking about the headlines but I'm talking about a kingdom move that is bleeding over into the headlines for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world even his eternal power and Godhead are clearly seen so that they are without excuse being understood by the things that are made as Romans once funny that you can actually see the kingdom through natural things amen so all of this warfare that's going on about the dreamers and the wall is actually happening in DC at the same exact time right right Trump is tell them there ain't gonna be no dreamers if there ain't gonna be a wall it's amazing to me this is the year of the dreamers and this is the year of the law prophetically and it's like and also it's the topic of every single news headline well that should be our prophetic news as well okay now here's what I want to what I want to throw at you is this if you're going to be a dreamer if there's going to be the year dreaming you've got to learn how to get behind the wall with the Lord the two of those things go together if you're going to go after if you're going to ask God to reveal to you secrets and you have to have secrets between you and the Lord now Joseph didn't know that Joseph is a different kind of dreamer he's way next level and his story is so much like so much like Daniels that it's easy to get him mixed up it really is because there are a lot alike but with that said when he was a young man God gave him all kinds of dreams that were supposed to be secret that were between him and God and he went to his parents and went to his family and he went and told everybody hey God tell me you're gonna bow down and worship me and God said okay no more dreams for you and he doesn't have any more dreams after that now he has interpretation of other people's dreams but the Lord couldn't trust him with dreams can tell you something you need to be able to be trusted with with God's dreams there needs to be some stuff that's going on between you and God that's not going on between anybody else and by the way you don't have to have an Amen Corner for everything what Amen Corner did Daniel have Amen you don't have to form a mob for you to have victory I'm telling you you don't you don't have to have everybody else's approval you don't have to have everybody else's understanding you just don't it's nice to have those things that I'm grateful for when I do have those things but I had better have some things going on between me and King Jesus that's going on between the two of us that he doesn't hate sorry I'm not sharing this with anybody else this is a me and you thing Amen well that's what it means to live behind the wall to live in the secret places are to abide in the secret place Psalms one Amen to learn to live in that place to learn to live behind the wall or have something some powerful intimate thing going on between you and the Lord well that's what makes you a dreamer because you're not going to go after information you're going to go after the Lord's heart and God is going to begin to show you his heart but I want to tell you for him to show you his heart is going to be a private thing that you will walk out in confidence publicly the whole point of intimacy there's there's all different there's I would love to just I need to do a big sermon series on intimacy because there's I got this top ten points of why intimacy why did God invincible see I mean you ever just thought about that well kind of what kind of a cool dude would do that and what were you what were you thinking when you did that Wow one of these things is this man is is that what happens powerfully privately you walk out confidently publicly and that's how everything in the kingdom works if you don't have a powerful private life with God you don't have a powerful public life with God amen so Daniel understood this and you know why I'm grateful to the Lord because they have mutilated his body in such a way he couldn't be intimate with a woman ever and God went that's okay I have some secret places for you Daniel I got some I have some secret places brother that's going to blow your mind and it's going to put you in a position that non-owner you've got to rule and reign in this generation you're gonna outlive this king and the next couple of Kings after you and after you're dead you're still going to rule and reign in this ungodly place to where these pagans are going to be looking for the Messiah think about how crazy that is so when we're asking God for secrets were asking him for intimacy and this is what real Christianity is all about real Christianity what it all comes down to is it comes down to what's going on between you and the Father through Jesus Christ powered by the Holy Spirit and if you don't have that you have a religion you have to have something going on you you can't you can't just read the Bible about people who know God you have to know God you can't just know people that know God you have to know God and you can't just study people and go well I really want an answer you know one yet but I thought the people who didn't know you were cool God will say I never knew you that verse that everybody scared of at verse everybody's like I'm so scared of that Lord we did this in your name we did that in your name we did this in your name and Jesus said I never knew you I'm not scared of that verse I'm knowing all you got to do is know him in that verse you will not be fulfilled in that verse and that's not a hard thing to do he makes himself available to anybody that wants to know him but not everybody wants to know him a lot of people want is mojo a lot of people want his blessing but do you want to know him hey listen when it comes to turning up prophetic gifts and when it turns when it comes to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and when it comes to next level power walking in the kingdom it's not just about the skillsets of the gifts and it certainly isn't about the prophetic information it is about going after the heart of the father and there is no replacement for that and if you're and if you're not somebody who's not madly intrigued in Supernatural wonder about how awesome the Father's heart is towards you it's time for you to start being that kind of a person it's time for you instead of devoting all all your time and all your resources to the next JK Rowling's books and spending all your time trying to learn all those people and all that men get fascinated in the wonder and in the joy of the Father's heart towards you and then you're going to start being in the right place at the right time and the right miracles are going to start happening in your life and people are going to look at you and just think it's so easy for you because they see your glory but they don't know your story and let's just give the Lord a great big praise this good I want to I want to unpack one dream and and and I want to apologize for preaching so good tonight but I don't think I will I think I'll just go that was awesome Oh so I want to unpack a dream where is brother Tim Bragg brother Tim Bragg where are you my friend gots Tim Braga's in the house [Applause] Tim Bragg is one of our pastors in training he's an up-and-coming pastor here and he's one of my favorite people on the face of planet and I love me some Tim Bragg really do really do love you man and then do what you're doing what you're doing with the food bank is crazy cool man there's so many miracles happening with a Food Bank right now it's good right on right on won't be very much longer guys will be will be anointing him with all and doing that publicly and by the way we're not holding off on that because we have any reservations about it we're holding off on that because we want it to be really special that's another lesson of intimacy by the way man you need you need to learn how to be fascinated with God amen you got to hold off on some things if you want it to be really special amen so we're holding off man yeah you're awesome dude I'm excited I'm excited for you man I'm excited for you and I'm excited about you know what you bring to the house and what God is doing through you and for you and with you so before we start talking about how awesome God is at the food bank let's just stick on track okay because I'm about to start going off man I feel the Lord man it just feels good here tonight a man don't y'all just feel good tonight just there's a piece that's in here there's a way that the Holy Spirit I'll tell you it's been a very stressful day for me I had a next-level stressful day man at about 4 o'clock I couldn't remember my name I couldn't remember anybody else's name and I do that when I can start getting stressed out I can try man I can't remember Leanna's name it just affects the product I don't have brain damage I don't know if y'all know that or not like wow we never knew yeah now you know and so hanging around George this George you're right it's George's fault okay so you had a you had a dream and by the way you're the Lord is really an honor gee man to be like a next-level dreamer I mean that's like happened and you're started walking in that and that's crazy cool so all right let's hear it what do you got so we were in a 15-passenger van pass throws was driving you were ride shotgun Europe in the front there's a four people in the front row I was on the second row and then there was pastor Jerry everyone the rows of packed behind me pastor Jerry was behind me in momma Virginia don't know anyone else on the van we're driving you're on you're not on the phone but you're talking to God like you're on the phone I mean in your face everything was I'll do that I just got I got it got a guy I mean and you looked at Otis he said got it God and then you told us she said don't go to that church we'll just send him a check God's got bigger plans for us and then you said man I just got done writing a book and it's gonna go beyond and then we're driving the guy in the front of me says I went off the off the van so we pulled over we let him off I got up and got in his seat and then we kept driving we get to the stadium and it's packed I mean everyone was there you get up to the plate the first pitch you not get out of the part not out of the stadium you know that completed out and everyone's just the state was going crazy then I wake up you knocked it out first hit out of the park completely that's definitely a dream I cannot hit a ball to save my life I played I played baseball first grade all the way to seventh grade and not only every now and then they'd let me play a half inning because I was the worst baseball player anybody ever saw but I love the game and I'd love to sit on the bench and you know mess around my friends everybody loved me on their team but I was worthless okay okay okay okay all right so it starts off and it's the leadership of the church and a 15-passenger van okay so typically my first thing I think of is typically you know cars and vehicles and those kinds of things those things typically tend to represent ministry I need my topology card so I can cheat some how do I have one up here but that but that tends to represent ministry and and it's amazing to me hey man you got one right here look at George look at look at how helpful he is yeah man the brother Thank You George or somebody confident here you see that these two guys all they do is fight okay he stole this from somebody you know he did he stole that okay started from your wife yeah right on thank you sweetie the Lord bless you George I was not talking to you then yeah so so let me use your glasses on your topology card but anyway cars thing to represent ministries and and that sort of thing I think it's interesting this a 15-passenger van it's got the number 15 stamped on it 15 is a number for concentration and it has to mean it means consecrated towards a specific purpose has to do with amoA team all the modems are on the 15th one so when you meet the Lord for a certain season for a certain something you meet him on the 15th so it has to do consecrated purpose and moving forward right and so you're on the second row there's people in the first row I'm on the front row which is appropriate that's kind of cool I like that and pastor Otis is traffic whatever bless y'all that are new you're like this guy oh yeah I'm way worse than you think I'm just teasing though okay I know people in churches are not allowed to be funny we break that rule here yeah we do and we run off people who don't like to be funny we run those people off because because we're involved in very hard things and if you're not involved in hard things boo on you you should be involved in very hard things that are breaking your heart if you're doing the kingdom stuff you are and you're gonna quit taking yourself so seriously if you'll start taking the plight of other human beings seriously amen amen so so so anyway and then we were going and then I heard from God I was talking to God I had the hotline to God to the Father and I said God at God and everybody just knows you have choice weird he talks to God God talks to him and that's awesome and then I redirected this ministry and said we're not going to that church will support it will bless it but we what was the wording wait you got to talk about this we'll just send them a check okay God's got something bigger for us God's got something bigger for us and then what I said and then after he said I just got done finishing my book and it's gonna go beyond okay then I okay and I thought that was weird when I was writing in my journal go to that church we're not gonna do that we'll just send it a check because I just got through writing a book and God's gonna go beyond okay and then and then somebody who was in leadership said I don't want to go there pull over and let us out right the guy on the front row got out and then that's when I moved into his spot on the first row and then you moved up from the second row to the first right y'all catching all that I here's what's real is where we're going not everybody this witness is going to want to go there and it's okay man listen I want to I want to just kind of unpack this I don't sit around worrying about that man because I bless people when they leave I don't tell people you can you can do there are 7 billion people on this planet they can go I mean there's 7 billion with the be people on this planet and I do not sit around begging people to come to church I'm not gonna do that oh please be a part of what we're doing please please nope nope nope I did that for years and years and years and I will never do that again amen know what's real is it's not for everybody to go where it is that we're going and there are sometimes men you'll have people with you for certain phases and they're perfect but they're not perfect for the next phase and then you don't cuss those people when they leave amen sometimes frankly Church works for people in certain seasons and then it doesn't work in other seasons for oh you're a pastor you can't say that no I'm saying it because I am a pastor amen that won't listen the gathering of saints should work all the time but what's real is men you got your commitment level to certain things in church and in church life will change from time to time it just will and if you don't know that it's because you don't have a life amen I don't want to church full of a bunch of losers that doesn't have anything other than church to do come on really man you need to be in the workplace you need to be making a tremendous difference you need to be talented you need to be involved in politics you need to be writing next level books man you need to be changing the world that's what you ought to be doing you need to be making money you got to be passing down a legacy you got to be buying and paying off houses man you got to be helping other people buy and pay off houses you should be busy busy busy that it's actually a sacrifice for you to come here you have to prioritize this place this that's how it is for me amen so I get it okay so then I got a little bit wound up didn't uh I don't know yeah so then so then whenever you so we let these people off and then you change seats you know what there's a promotion that's going to come because of your faithfulness I know as I see that there's a promotion that's gonna come because of your faithfulness and because of the prayers a mama Virginia and and the leadership of pastor Jerry amen and so so then instead of going in that place we went to a baseball stadium and and then when we got there it went straight into the stadium and everybody I mean they were in it was there's not a open seat there in the entire stadium and then you were at the plate the first pitch and it went out of the ballpark first pitch I even the next day I asked for another dream to see where the ball went I wanted in I wanted to know if it was going into the water I wanted to know if it was where were we look what Phil were you have that dream it's not gonna hit anywhere for a while it's just gonna keep going okay all right so what do you think guys yeah okay so so George I want you to stand up and where's brother laughs you guys got a microphone who wants to who wants to take a shot at the interpretation of that right on so we got my brother right there man hey man what's your name I'm so glad you're here Michael I bless you and call you blessed in Jesus name you are a rock star dude do you get brother Michael of the microphone please what do you got the baseball represents the new direction that you're going the ball is not gonna land because you're going with God amen and it's gonna travel like light ever since he said light go it's never stopped see the new language was being revealed to you right now it's been revealed to the new sword that everybody here is fixing to get and that sword is gonna slice through all of the fear that has been coming across the church all of the doubt that has been coming across the church there were no longer be you will walk so free and in such an understanding because of the new language that God released inside of us and the one Accord in Genesis when they were building Tower to Bible and he said I got to separate them because they're gonna do it and launch gave their language back in acts so that's that's you it's it's the new the new direction you're going you're firing off a male announcer thanks man I want to tell you one of the things one of the things that when I think of baseball man because baseball to me is so much like the kingdom its first stage second stage in third stage before you come home outer core inner court most holy place now about a Faith Hope Love right all right past present future you got to go through the three stages before you get home and I've always thought about that as baseball I've always thought that's very interesting to me okay so so pastor lest you got somebody man oh you got a brother out there in front of you so right there so do you not have a microphone on you less less do you not have your act together tonight George stole it George or Eastern that so posture Otis what do you got man well were you not paying attention I was paying attention kick but I well I'll tell you this here's one big thing I got pay attention don't give an interpretation do no no no I've got one I've got one okay alright well I do know this is driving I was driving and 15 also means overcoming death so so that's one way we did that I mean over coming down but the the bus means the church also yeah it does so you know that's you know wherever you're going we're going we're going with you so I mean how about y'all [Applause] somebody else somebody else want to take a stab at some mama Virginia there's given mama Virginia the microphone now mama Virginia is in charge of all my predecessors and don't ever make her mad because she'll pray there there are two women in this house well actually besides Leanna there are two women in this house that I'm scared of okay and pastor Gloria is one of the I don't I don't want doing anything to ever make pasta Gloria mad because she has such favor with God and and you know what she just deserves to be honored in such a tremendous way and she's such a rock star and and Momma Virginia is like that she she just is a holy woman I mean she just is holy and so so what do you have ladybug is okay you let the guy off because he didn't want to go in the same direction that the Lord told you and he said I just wrote a book okay the book I believe is the book on redeeming eternity okay and that's gonna be your best seller and that book teaches all of us how we can go back in time and put the stamp of redemption over any kind of trauma that we've been through and the Lord will redeem it you taught us that you get into that ballpark and you hit that ball which is the story of redemption going back into time and it goes all over the world all over the world part the part that really excites me out of that too was hey it's okay we'll send them a check that you know guys someone just tell you man I want to support ministries all over this world I want to help so many people don't you just want to just help people amen don't you want to just be able to write some ridiculous stupid checks man yeah I do to you man okay all right somebody else somebody else take a stab at it yeah man man Hannah do you got a word Hannah what do you got man wait stop does everybody here know who everybody in here know who Hannah is Hannah Hannah is my friend and Hannah loves the Lord with all of her heart when I moved into the church in downtown Joshua she lived in the house next Sheik actually came with the church okay and she was there and she was there on the front door the very first time she's like my name is Hannah and this is where I go to church and I better like this church and I went okay dude well welcome man and so we started hanging out with Hannah and Hannah is a good good good good girl all right so what do you got Hannah we got did it turn off oh man that sound guys sabotaging you Hannah look at him back there doesn't that guy look look look terrible okay when you know we're talking about the baseball fields and stuff yep like when he said the first second third yep all I could think of ways was like how the church was before we got in this building to like where yo like when when y'all were at the building on 1902 series days then second base and then this one is like third base yes that's outstanding guys give her a credit and that's good that's good now if that was good look look man you just got to go after this I'll let you I'll let you name and get this troublemaker out here Oh John but y'all get him too well listen man this is this is what you got to do and it has to be safe because this is not a science it's a relationship amen all these things that are prophetic it's not a science it's a relationship it all happens relationally so something that you got to go through and so you have to have you have to have a tribe of people that you live life with that it's safe to talk out something whereas you know like if Tim is telling me pastor I think this this this this I'm like well maybe but that's probably pizza no all right and they're not being offense with that or and he could be right and I could be saying no and then maybe a month from now go do that brother was right this is this is this is a relational tribal thing and I'm telling you man if you're not living with prophetic people and if you're not hanging out with prophetic people you need to get yourself live in life with people who are going after God amen all right so so what I got John what he got so in the order of the dream Tim you said that you're looking off at this church you're saying don't stop we'll just send them a check well we do that we are periodically sending money out to other churches yes and I think that's very relevant to the foundation of a favor that you have with regard to the success of the book but the other thing that struck me is is when you go into a stadium and there's a game being played there are two sides you have the church on one side and you have the unchurched on the other side so the impact does not go just be to those of us who know but to those who don't that's that's good alright ok friends my gosh ok so so you're starting to feel the spirit of prophecy right ok the spirit of prophecy is a testimony of Jesus so all you have to do is tune into who Jesus is which is all about the heart of the Father Jesus Liz a prophetic life stop saying I'm fixated in wonder on the father and I don't do it unless I see the father do it and I don't say it unless I see the father say I'm telling you guys I'm telling you I'm telling y'all I think that King David lived a life like that just like just like the rock that was thrown at the Giant and then Daniel later on unpacked that right on I think that everything that Daniel did everything I'm sorry everything that David did I think he did it because he had seen Jesus do it like well wait a minute wait a minute stop you do know he murdered a dude and ran off with a guy's wife you do know that yeah and I know also too that the father did that for us because see her husband was a Gentile she was in covenant with the Gentile and he killed off that relationship and then he went into covenant with her that's what Jesus did for me right you guys tracking so I mean everything that he did is a type and a shadow even in the midst of his stupidity he live in such a life with the Lord continually set before him that he's literally becoming what it is he's beholding all right you guys stand up that's a good place to hand right there that was good stand up here with me man
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 20,088
Rating: 4.8657718 out of 5
Id: ipL3LGVA0vU
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Length: 58min 53sec (3533 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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