Special Update October 1st

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well hello my friends blessing peace on you and the mighty name of king jesus welcome welcome welcome troy brewer and leanna brewer look this thing isn't really set up for two people uh we're out at our ranch and i got a great little studio here my my media team has set us up but it's not all set up for two people so you have to squish up against me today you just want me to score something i do you know i do guys god bless you so much and welcome welcome welcome i wanted to just i had to come in and i've got i've got some praise reports i've got some big wins we've been celebrating wins today in a really big way right and i gotta i got some cool things to share with you my favorite days when we sell great wins yeah now i'm all about celebrating lynn's too i called giles tell you i called jaws and i saw that he's actually on here guys i'm gonna have to put my giant old man glasses on which is so dirty i know that well i've been i've been out dove hunting and this morning i just drove back from west texas i just now got back from west texas we were out at redemption ranch and we're going to be making the big public announcement of the vision for redemption ranch what we're doing and how we're doing it in october sometime and i'm really looking forward to it but we've already uh we've already got it going as much as we can get it going and it's a lot of work and we're out there working out and playing in the mud it rained the whole time we always always act like it's work you guys are out there playing in the mud i i like that and it's a lot of fun i and we part of it is high fence i went out to the high fence yesterday i was all by my big boy self and i rode the fence and acted like a real ranch guy and went out there and did that and found some holes some predator holes and covered them up and you know you've done that with me a bunch of times where we cut fence and we fixed fence and we did i've been out riding fences right okay it is a song desperado come on sister they've been married for me a long time it's so good to see everybody i see adriel is on here thanks for the invite pt but you wouldn't have showed up you wouldn't show up you'd have to leave your house dude man whatever thanks for the invite i'm looking at it either yeah i see that giles is actually on here giles is on here right and that's really cool i'm looking at all kinds of people from all over guys will y'all please let us know where it is that you're watching from will you please type in and say hey i'm watching from tim buck too right he's our favorite photographer yeah he's the open door photographer he goes on all of our missions trips he goes to all the stuff with spark worldwide uh he's the guy that does all the photography on sunday uh he is uh he's he's a good good good guy and i'm actually him yeah he doesn't obviously he could obviously he's not making enough money to try and make me look good so call him blessed california is here in the house i see alabama is here in the house aaron jacobs is here he's out there blowing his trumpet somewhere i don't know what what part of the world he's in but augustus georgia is here that's good i see my friends from switzerland is here hello switzerland oh that's look adriel is aguera so right on i see california is here fort worth west hollywood is here hello west hollywood so happy to see you miss tina we love you call you blessed i am looking at sunny boring oregon listen oregon's not boring i tell you that every time no that's the name of her town is boring as in like making a cave right or yeah right on digging for goat yeah i think so florida is here in the house philippines are here here philmont new york is here another new york big time j-town texas is here i came all the way from folsom california man johnny cash you and johnny cash man i went to prison once that's awesome man philadelphia is here and that's really cool all kinds of people from all over the world kerbville is here kerrville i'm coming to see you next week i'm going to be down there next week and i'm going to be with paul wilbur and we're going to be at the coming king prayer garden and we're going to be there for a shabbat service and me and paul wilbur are going to be down there doing that which is going to be crazy cool so come out and see us and tell me hey are you going to be there really you're going to show up and you're like adriel i mean you don't want to go anywhere look i want to show you what happens if i switch this camera yeah do you like that yes it's easier than looking at something there you don't know but it's no i i know when i oh because there's a monitor over here yeah ain't it a big deal to have professional people there's a little bit easier for us yeah i'm such a pro well guys i want to welcome you here today god bless you so much troy and liana brewer coming at you and um we want to share a couple of awesome victories in between tons of work we were out at redemption ranch last night went out there to do a star party last night and we couldn't do it because it rained but uh that's okay there's still a big uh team of people that's out there feeding a whole bunch of dove hunters out there and uh they're doing that uh pastor jerry is leading that at the same exact time all of our teams here are working and doing incredible things i've been on the phone this morning with matt i've got to share a huge testimony of something of a big breakthrough that we've had i've been on the phone with people from all over the world today it's huge breakthroughs but i want to start lana with on wednesday night right before i got on the stage right before i got on the stage uh to to do the wednesday night service um you and i were in my office you get a phone call from your team in uganda yes and tell us about that what happened yeah um that morning we had rescued a baby a three-week-old baby that was found in a refugee camp um and not in our district again we're getting babies that are not in our district but she was found in a latrine pit and um which is a septic system and uh it's just a miracle that she's alive just a miracle and they were able to to rescue her and bring her and she's perfect she's just perfect literally pulled that kid out of a septic tank she's like two weeks old she's three weeks old so so the tradition in east africa is that if a mama dies in childbirth they let the child die and uh because they they're afraid that the baby is a curse and so we came across this like three years ago no it's been longer than that now it's been five it hadn't been five years five years ago really i'm sorry it's been six years ago a few a few days ago yeah six years because i'm old yeah so anyway goodness of mercy or five are you serious there's no way those babies are five they're big oh i'm missing i know leona just got back from uganda and yeah anyway well yeah you'll take it for the team i'm the one that's taking it for the team man anyway um but the bottom line is we came across this and we partner with a very good friend of ours that we've been good friends with she's like a sister to us and her name is peace rujaruza her husband patrick actually um was our very first he was a youth pastor when we first met him 25 years ago and uh he was the very first translator i ever had in uganda he did an amazing job and then i miraculously ran across him in london england like five years after that where i was preaching in london and uh he was out in the audience leona said that's patrick i'm like that ain't patrick from uganda that's crazy and the more i preached the more i kept looking at him going i think that actually is him it'd been five years since we'd seen him and of course we were not in uganda now we were in england like how weird for a texan to me to uganda in england right and i said patrick is that you and he stood up said yes please i stopped preaching everything got done off stage we hugged each other in front of everybody it was a cool mom like how are you i just started talking to her like yo hang on a minute you know like a thousand people in the church y'all hang on a minute i got to talk to this guy and everybody was laughing it was amazing but peace literally uh well his his beautiful bride piece um got with lyanna and just said look we can do this we have land will you help us we told them yes we would help us we would help them and we started rescuing babies we started putting the word out that if you hear of any village where there are babies where they're going to let a baby die because the mama died you need to contact us we'll come get that baby this baby that we rescued on wednesday literally pulled out of a septic tank literally so it's it's kind of like kind of like the hole that an outhouse goes over it's it's it's a latrine pit and um pulled this baby out and she is number one she was alive and number two um she's fine she's fine she's perfect she's fine and so we had that baby and now we have 58 babies in our home there yes i have 58 babies yes they all didn't they don't all live in the babies home when they turn to we are building forever homes we're on our eighth forever home yeah and they all have mamas so we take on the responsibility of once we get these kids they're our responsibility for the rest for the rest of their lives and then they stay in a baby's home for two years and they're raised and they're raised by a bunch of mama girls and that are awesome and then when they turn two we put them in a home with a family and we build these beautiful houses that we would be proud for our children to grow up in beautiful places incredible and we place a mama in there and then we put i think eight kids yes and a nanny eight kids a mama and a nanny in there and then that's their mama for the rest of their life that's their forever home for the week we actually call those forever yeah we do that's where they live when they grow up when they go to college that's going to be the home that they come to um when they move out when they have their own kids that's going to be the home that they bring their kids to that's their grandmother that's that and so we we do that anyway uh what did what did we end up naming this baby that we just pulled out of the septic tank her name is paula we have a we have a granddaughter named paula we do her name was paula and that's her legacy yeah she always wanted to go with me there and so the very first employee we ever had at open door church was our best friend paula ledbetter and uh she passed away when she was 37 um we were all we were all the same age and so it's a long time ago whenever whenever she died but she suddenly died unexpectedly and um her boys grew up they have a great daddy paula had an awesome husband john ledbetter who i went to high school with and um in fact saw him on wednesday night at church yeah he's looking good he is love him his boys grew up he has three amazing boys that we love with all our heart and one of paula's paula's oldest son jc married our youngest daughter yeah and so we're just so like this right so again it's more apollo's legacy um uh jc and and rhema's first baby uh they named paula it's paula jane ledbetter you're you're lyanna jane brewer right so it was named our our our grandbaby was named after the two grandmothers paula who was your best friend in the whole world and then also leanna and so here's another paula yes that's a big deal okay i got another and by the way for everybody who supports us everybody that prays for us everybody that calls the number and you give and you do all that kind of stuff i'm telling you that um you're you are already a part of that you are truly truly truly a part of that um i'm looking around here because i got another big huge testimony i've got to tell you that is so awesome it was good somebody says man it's good to see john sure was sharon sure do love you by the way uh i love her by the way i love her so awesome yep so many good stuff so people people are commenting on that and i'm so happy so so can you guys stand some more good news because i've got some more so uh matt shelton and giles and your brother daryl who is our missions pastor at open door church and he also runs spark worldwide which is your organization serving protecting and raising kids right that's what we do that's what we do sister that's it um she actually well anyway they went down to our lahaba school which is which is in the amazon it's in leticia columbia it shares the city leticia shares a border there's a border that goes right down through it and part of it's in brazil and the other part of it is in colombia and then across the amazon river is peru and i don't know how many times you've been down there you've been down there you've been down there more times than i have but i do too i mean honestly it's like a place i could live i i love it there i love it and if i lived on the amazon i would go fishing every single day i would fish for you and you could eat it she doesn't eat fish no no yeah this is a serious defect she has um she's leanna burr is basically perfect in every way except for she doesn't eat fish that is cool it's totally jesus so um anyway uh while they were there this time they went across the border and they went into the brazilian side which is not something we typically do we don't typically go there and do a work we don't typically go over there and and do stuff like that so um but giles went over there and daryl went over there and they went over there our friend pastor julio down there has a brother on the brazilian side he's doing a work and he's working with children that are prostitutes on the brazilian side and people come from all over the world to go to that part of the world and to molest those kids to pay money and to legally molest those children that's called sexual tourism and it's one of the big things that we've been fighting um it is it is totally horrific and these these children that are owned by the cartel um you can't okay whenever whenever we round up these kids and start to feed them one of the stories that this pastor shared is okay we started preparing good food for them they can't eat it they won't eat it because they literally eat dog food okay they're they are fed dog food they are literally fed dog food so these kids have never had anything good to eat so like a good meal would be like uh cheetos which is like a good meal for me you know so and and i do have to share my cheetos anyway rounding up these kids he's like look we can do a work here uh giles and uh daryl spent some time with a ten-year-old little girl that's a prostitute and she just broke their heart in such a big way and she's only 10 she's a 10 year old little girl who is having her body sold and they're just like we got to do something so they will they know about a house pastor julio's brother knows about a house got a big wall around it like we could take in as many as 60 children we could take in as many as 60. and um but you know we're going to buy the house we're going to do this we have to do that we've already got a team of people to work it we've already got a school within 20 minutes of that place we have already have a school and we can do the same school there that we're doing here all this stuff um bottom line is uh they wanted 85 000 for it they said they'd take 55 000 for it somebody today gave us a check for 55 000 bucks it's fabulous and we're going to buy that house so fantastic it's just crazy guys can you imagine that there there are children right now up to 60 kids not not to mention hundreds and hundreds over the decades that right this second have no hope have no have no one in the world who will protect them and bless them and love them in a right way and be a daddy to them they have no idea that there are people in texas and all these people that are watching all over the world that support us and and support our ministry partners in this have no idea that we're coming to get them and we're fixing to buy that house we have the money to buy that house so that's so amazing that is so good it is good and it's also good too that i have a team of people that don't get outraged and mad every time we go on a trip and come back and say i know you've got a list this big but we're fixing to add to that list because we do that every single month and we've done that every single month for 26 years at open door church we've driven everybody around us crazy we've ran a lot of people off like you can't do that that's too dangerous we don't have enough money we don't do whatever that's what money is for that is what money is for that's what it's for it's we're not a bank and that's not what we're meant to be and anyway i'm just again it's a tremendous monster win i i'm so grateful and i haven't even been to that house but that has been such a burden for me yeah and i came back and told everybody guys we're doing this let's go let's go let's buy that house let's go let's go we have the it just the lord just trusts us with that and again today today on this day somebody gave us a check for 55 thousand dollars for us to buy that house that's amazing and we haven't even we haven't even campaigned for it we haven't been making a big deal out of this just privately behind because we have so many other projects that are public and but privately we also have a ton of these projects as well that all we need is the money to do it and i mean that's it we already have the teams we already we have everything lined up we just got to have the money to do that and we just trust that god will do that and he does and he does look at how much jesus loves those kids yeah he does and whoever that was i i know who it was but i'm not going to say publicly who it was i don't know if that person is watching right now but i want you to hear me say publicly uh that we love you and we're grateful for you uh we know you're not made out of money and you did this and uh the lord sees it it's a big deal it's a it's a big deal yeah it's an investment into the kingdom that god it just it blesses his heart it blesses his heart it sure does you know i think of all the times of the parable of the the talent and he says i'm trusting you with this i want a return and the return is these kids say yep yep this is what god has called us to do and you know last last week when i was out at redemption ranch i was talking to uh there was this old guy that was there and he was really cool he was from shasta california he was from mount shasta and i didn't know him but he came out to the dove hunt and and uh he's lived in texas for a long time and uh but he graduated high school in 69 and uh yeah i was like wow summer 69 apollo 11. are you kidding me you graduate you were in northern california in 69 yeah like you talked about not and he's not far from san francisco i mean like hippieville man like dude you had a front row seat and anyway i was talking to him he's a fascinating guy and he he was he was asking me about these kinds of stories of what we do and how we do it and he said something he said he said troy most people live their whole life work their butt off their entire life and then everything they work for doesn't matter a minute after they die and he pointed at me and said but some people that's not the case for and i told him i said bro i get a lot of credit for a lot of things because i'm the face in front of the camera and i'm the voice behind the microphone that i i should not get credit for that at all i'm surrounded by so many good people we have so many partners and i just like people like giles and daryl if listen they were busy busy busy on a missions trip with 10 million things to do and they just heard about this and they just went let's go over the border and let's just go see and let's go stick our nose in that and let's just go see what we can do and thank god for brave people man that's what we do on every trip it's not just we don't just go and do the we're checking our boxes no we're going because we're looking to where god is sending us this this last trip to africa that we went to we wound up taking five different people to the hospital because they've been shut down they've been isolated they've been in a village don't know how to even get to the hospital don't have the means to go to the hospital and had we not gone looking for them and it wasn't just that we were bored and had nothing else to do it was god was saying hey i want you to go here. and there was literal lives saved because we were in the right place at the right time and that's what god will do for you if you will just if you have a yes in your spirit he will come on he will keep using you and using you and using you and using it and he'll grow it and grow it and grow it and you just have to have a yes you can't have a okay i'm only willing to do this much only willing to get this invested in and i'm only willing to say yes to these things that we have said yes to things that i'm still praying that god when he shows up i'm gonna be so excited because he's gonna do it because if i suggest it's because his heart and so we still have a lot of things on our list that are gonna be accomplished this year in jesus name and um but they're things that he puts on our hearts and he does that for all of us so if you're somebody who who donates and says you know all i have is this little bit it doesn't matter your little bit because he presses it down and shakes it down that's right and causes it to run over he's the multiplier you are just the one that he's given the scene he's given you the seed to sew that's all that we're doing is a little bit yeah we're just doing a little bit it's just it's just a yes yes yeah and then and then god does this with it and and honestly i mean there's a lot of people who partner with us and and are just like you know i wish i could give more about listen whatever it isn't about that the fact that you said yes big deal it is and and i'm not doing this to as a plea for more money i'm actually doing this to just to give you guys praise report you know we get a front row seat for this kind of stuff every single day and and it's remarkable i mean it's truly remarkable we're going to be uh leaving here in just a few minutes we're going out to a really cool lodge and there's a whole bunch of people coming in from all over the state and we're going to do a big star party tonight we actually do that as a fundraiser we do that and again the money doesn't go to us you know the money goes straight into troy brewer ministries and we do that and and it's one of the ways that we raise money to so that we can we so that we have the backing and the finances and the funding behind all the yeses that we have because we say the yes first we don't wait until we have the money to do something we say yes and then god gives us the money yes and we learned that a long time ago and again it runs off people of lesser faith it runs off um it runs off people who do not want to be activated and who don't not want to take action it runs those people off and and that's actually been a good thing it's it's it's been a difficult thing we love everyone we really and truly do but there are people that we we just don't want to work with yep like there's 7 billion people on the planet and you can sit around and debate and criticize for the rest of your life but you're gonna have to do that somewhere else because we're busy we're busy and we got stuff to do and there's and and something else too leona is that we we get in the lanes that the lord tells us to get into knowing that god is going to continue to bring his stuff and he does because he can trust us not to question it and we just go wow it's just like those five people that you came across that were deathly sick in their little shacks out in their little grass huts out in africa like okay well this is why god sent me on this trip yes i have a mile long list of things i have to accomplish while i'm here i have a million people that i have to visit including a king and a queen a real king a real queen but um this is why god sent me here and the lord has trusted me with this yes and i'm not gonna go i'm sorry i'm too busy you know we have to do this this doesn't fit in my body yeah it doesn't fit my budget yeah which by the way you don't give a rip about a budget leanna called me i need ten thousand dollars she literally called me several times because we had to put all these people in the hospital yeah you know i took a certain no i didn't know it was going until two days before i went yeah that's another thing hey husbands how would you like that um it's a sunday and she's like you know what i think i need to go to uganda tomorrow okay that sounds awesome i'm like okay i i'm not gonna protect you from jesus it takes days you got you got your brain scrubbed right you know what i'm talking about might be why i have such a bad sign yeah um allergies probably didn't help ending that i've had that done today you got you got your cover test you got you got your plane ticket i did pull out money but i didn't pull out enough because i really did not have my head wrapped around the trip but we did including including tractors and all that kind of so again i just i want to just and then while all that happened you rescued judah judah a two-year-old little boy while you were there rescued him and got him and got him into your house and um little boy never slept on a bed he cried and cried so he had to sleep on the ground and pulled him out of the bed put him on the ground because because he wasn't just pulling yeah exactly right just covered him up because he he never slept in a bed and he never and got all of his places on his body where he'd been abused so bad got those things doctored up and fixed up and then he started running and playing with all the other kids he did yeah he did and you know a lot of times you see those videos this might be tmi i don't know but you see the videos of the kids on tv with the really swollen bellies and um it's because they're malnutritioned and it's because they're full of war they're full of worms and so it's just like a puppy dog a little judah was completely full of worms so we got that taken care of and man that kid is a rock star i get to talk to peace frequently and uh by the way for you prayer warriors out there she is praying and and hoping they'll give her her the visa way waiver so that she can hear from my women's conference november 5th and 6th and then ending up on the 7th so pray me pray with me that she can get here because i would love love love to have her here people are saying that they can't hear you talk can everybody else here leanna can you guys hear her now she doesn't speak very loud and she gets further and further away from a microphone and that's just what she does yeah she i was gonna say she is so i don't know if maybe it says maybe maybe that your mic is not on maybe um it's it's interesting uh uh 30 minutes into this we're just not finding that out so anyway i'm sorry about that so i know that this one's on can you guys hear that yeah well can you guys hear that yeah people are saying no that they cannot hear you okay that's all right that's crazy i'm sorry about that you hear the background of me let me see if i can turn this bad boy up like this right on everybody's like no did that help a light came on yeah i like him i didn't see a light come on he did okay well anyway the bottom line is guys yes i can see your pretty face i can it says we can hear she's just way softer you just got to talk around on the mic i know that that mic works i checked it before okay so just sit like this yeah exactly everybody's like turn her up guys there's nobody in here but us and i would have to get behind that microphone and i'd i'd have to go through the camera and go what the heck and you don't want me to do that no all right it's okay we'll get tech support up here next time everybody's saying that they can hear from from uh this one just give me your mic because you're really loud so if i do that then look there's a microphone yeah that doesn't look good all right so i'm sure people can hear you if you'll just put your if you just said they can't they can't they can't they don't know baby she's pretty sure they know it's better when she leans towards your mic okay well i'm gonna have to get a tech over here these guys are going to work on my mics they're going to have to help me and they will they'll they will because they love me right on so everybody's like switch mics no i'm not going to people are mean you just switch my chairs that is funny so listen listen guys i want to um i'm getting ready to close this up but i want to tell you that again we're we have a front row seat for so many good things and we are seeing god do so many things and and i want you just to have hope and if you're plugged into a bunch of media that's not telling you good stuff unplug yes yeah unplug from that for all you guys that are part of the prophetic life as soon as we finish this i'm going to do a quick prophetic life and get with you guys and let you guys ask me questions and uh we'll end up doing all that um but uh the bottom line is and if you're not a part of the prophetic life community you should join it go to troybrewer.com go to uh call us whatever eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight tonight we're going to be with a private party of people out at uh a lodge and we are gonna be doing a star party and going through how the heavens declare the glory of god we have our food outreaches tomorrow tomorrow night i'm gonna be at the texas two step in glen rose texas and we're gonna be raising money for answer international and that's gonna be a fun event sunday morning we're gonna be at open door church and uh dave reaver is going to be joining us going to be there yay dave reaver is going to be joining us superhero yeah just a superhero really really really big deal and he's going to be with he's going to be sharing the stage with us on sunday morning sunday afternoon i'm preaching to our soak school our school of supernatural and i'm going to be doing that on sunday afternoon on monday morning you and i are going to be filming all day and we're filming all of our all of our um reverse the curse uh conference thing that we're doing it's it's an online conference that we're going to be doing it's free it's online it's going to be across all of this alan uh diddio right the d.o right i think his name is de dio allen de dio de di it's because you're always making fun of adriel for not being able to say brewer he can't say brewer and i say is a gary perfect you you do somebody say listen to your wife troy i i am listening how can i listen man right on so anyway um but uh that's gonna be on monday and then we start a whole new week after that tuesdays is when our weeks begin on tuesday and it's just because but we're going to start a whole new week and then off we go and then next week we're going to be in kerrville with paul wilbur so anyway guys be watching and for all my friends that are on the prophetic life we're fixing to go to the prophetic life here in just a moment switch over there to that again it's a private community for everybody that is partnering with us you're making a tremendous difference yes you are thank you thank you thank you and we are so grateful and we are just we're just jazzed is what we are we're just jazzed we're just fired up hey look matt frazier is on here matt frazier how are you man matt we have got to get together man and so i tried to call you today yeah run on but i was out in timbuktu hey if if i can also tell you too um i talked to a guy today a jim caviezel right the actor right um he wants to get with me on some stuff and he's got a new movie about sex trafficking coming out and that's exciting and and i love that and there you go man so guys i'm gonna let you guys go i'm gonna go over to the prophetic life and uh troy and leona brewer from third stage ranch signing off we call you the head and not the till above and not beneath and highly favored of the lord bye guys bye-bye everybody god bless you so much
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 5,600
Rating: 4.9887323 out of 5
Id: RJl8K_z5T-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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