Revelation Report LIVE and uncensored with Troy Brewer and Jamie Galloway

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[Music] well hello my friends blessing and peace on you in the mighty name of king jesus welcome welcome welcome to this very special days of awe revelation report i'm troy brewer and i'm coming at you live from my office here in big time burleson texas and uh boom man guys um i'm actually going to be doing something very special with you today i'm going to be taking you into my prophetic word for the year and i'm going to be telling you about some prophetic events that are taking place and i can also tell you this guys jesus christ is coming back soon he is indeed coming back soon and i ca listen i got good news i got good news now first i got some bad news brother jamie galloway is not going to be with me today and he will be with us this next week but his commitments that he's doing right now the brother is traveling and the brother works for a living and uh he's doing a good job at what god has called him to do and who and who god has called him to be but today i'm going to be sharing with you some some events based upon the new year 5782 the year that is coming indeed 2022 some prophetic events concerning 9 11 and what's in the headlines right now and also to the secret son so there's which is another prophetic word in a prophetic theme that god has given me i'm going to be talking to you a little bit about yom kippur because tomorrow is yom kippur sunset tomorrow night is yom kippur the day of atonement and that day has not yet been fulfilled by the lord jesus christ now the atonement has right but the day of atonement the actual feast has not yet been fulfilled jesus will fulfill that at the great white throne judgment and so we're going to talk a little bit about the great white throne judgment today we're going to get into those kinds of principles you're really really going to enjoy this so let me ask you have you liked this yet have you shared this have you commented on it have you let people know hey man i'm watching the revelation report because a double dog dare you to do that also if you have not yet subscribed to us on youtube please please consider doing that and please follow us on facebook that helps things a whole lot i'm watching people from all over the planet earth and i'm seeing men there are oh man there's so many people here so many people here i'm looking at aries argentina hello argentina i bless you brother pablo and put this guy on here boom i'm looking at south africa is on right now i bless you i'm looking at you fallout oklahoma hey blessing of peace on you my friends up in maryland my friends up in oregon have plugged in hello friends big time louisiana is in the house hello amy i call you bless in jesus name um i'm looking at people in virginia right now hello friends i call you bless man i my my good friends up in manitoba canada they are also here i'm looking at tennessee man guys there's people all over the planet earth marshall texas is here look at all these folks way to go billings montana way man also too from the keys in california hello i am so happy happy happy to see you my friends look at all these people arlington texas is here big time texas is here uh okay i'm gonna have to quit this there's just too many people and i'm so grateful hello pamela i call you and i call you blessed in the mighty name of king jesus again be sure be sure and comment on this okay i'm going to talk to you about some wild prophetic things and uh the revelation report is all about going through the book of revelation line up online precept upon precept from faith to faith from glory to glory from everlasting unto everlasting from deep on the deep here a little there little jesus says you have heard it said now i say this those principles of you're going to have to get this in order to get that right um these prerequisites these these things that we have to know it's okay look if i'm going to understand that man i got to set up some some things i've gotta you have to know this first and that is such an important part of living a prophetic life and looking unto jesus and coming to certain conclusions and having a value for the things of the kingdom is that you're like okay i've learned this and this is my history with god and this is the revelation that god gave me and this is the impact that his word made one of the things that we have to do today friends is we have to own the impact we have to own the impact now you people today are not um emotionally intelligent enough to be able to know that you do have to own the impact you have to decide what impacts you and what does not and i'll tell you this my friend in the midst of a worldwide agenda that is demonic in the midst of all kinds of craziness and people put it into the into categories and fight over lesser fight and and stand upon lesser mountains and lesser lesser battlefields that lessen their anointings they're like you know what this is all about politics it's about uh i don't know republican and democrat it's about this it's about that no no no listen keep it the kingdom make sure that your ear is to the air and that you are looking up that you are watchful make sure that you are full of hope and truth and that you're telling people the truth and that when and when the world tells you do not tell the truth say no no i'm going to tell the truth but that you're also giving people hope friends we have a tremendous assignment of hope as the body of king jesus if you're not full of hope you are under the influence of a lie yes you have to own the impact if you don't own the impact that the media has made upon you that these terrible these terrible words and horrible scenarios and what if scenarios you know i was talking to my good friend brian schwartz this morning he says you know what the people of god are moving from a what if scenario to even if scenario what is what are you talking about we're talking about shatter at meshack and bendigo but that that they were the three non-compliant people in the midst of a sea of compliance which their demonic god ordered everyone must be compliant to this and uh there were three of us now you know what and they didn't say what if they said even if they said listen we know that god almighty is able to deliver us but even if he doesn't we will not bow our knee to you we know who we serve we know what our walk is guys we're moving from even if we're moving from what if scenarios into even if scenarios it's the difference between you know a survivor and an overcomer um listen uh you cannot have a surly a a survivalist mentality in this day you have to have a revivalist mentality in this day listen jesus is coming back we are in the days of awe right now we are approaching yom kippur oh pastor troy we don't need to mess into that hear me say this you can't ignore yom kippur you don't ignore yom kippur uh you think you can get away with ignoring young kim poor the day will come we will all stand all of us we will all stand before king jesus you know does the blood of king jesus speak better things than that of the blood of abel or do you know about the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood that that my good friend brother paul wilbur was talking about here at open door church over the past weekend do you know that yom kippur is all a day that is about hey listen i'm going to repent and i'm going to forgive i'm going to repent and i'm going to forgive the lord told me several years ago in 2015 i was stunned by the voice of the lord and that i was seeking the lord i was writing in my journal i was going through the bible i was looking up certain things and all of a sudden boom i heard the voice of the lord now i tend to hear god there's different ways that i hear god and there's different ways that you hear god but i tend to hear god in sentences and i hear i i tend to hear god speaking short phrases uh like the time i heard him say simple solutions to complicated issues it was actually in in a dream that i heard that and i was seeking the lord at the beginning of the new year i was in i was in orange county california and got him i spoke that phrase to me simple solutions to complicated issues after after in this dream seeing this ball of yarn that was all messed up and i looked at it and i immediately began to get frustrated and i was like i'm gonna set it on fire that's what i'm gonna do and i busted out the old lighter when here we go let's set this on fire and all of a sudden before i torched the whole mess i saw a little bitty tiny string spicking up and i reached over and i grabbed it and i yanked and the thing just began to unwind the whole thing did and i went that was so simple and i heard the lord say simple solutions to complicated issues and that's been a key word in my life since then i'm constantly declare that that god almighty says he will make your paths straight that's what that's what he will do so i'm aware of prophetic phrases and i'm aware of things that god speaks to me sometimes i am you know just because god is speaking doesn't mean that you know it my friends and just because you know it doesn't mean that you understand it and just because you understand it doesn't mean that you know what to do with it hallelujah just because you know what to do with it doesn't mean you know what the outcome is going to be and just because you know what the outcome is going to be doesn't mean that it's necessarily going to happen like that it's all part of the prophetic even when it happens to its fullest extent it's still going to happen in either 30-fold 60-fold or 100-fold all of these things we have to learn how to partner with the holy spirit we have to learn how to embrace the lord in these things and continue to grow in trust as we continue to look into him so i heard god speak and 2015 he said meet me on judgment day i thought meet me on judgment day like well you know i'm all about redeeming time maybe god wants me to to get into the holy spirit and get out of this timeline and then get into the timeline of of eternity and maybe he's going to show me something on on all of that and so i thought i need to just find out what that is so i begin to look up judgment day boom first thing comes up arnold schwarzenegger uh judgment day terminator no no no it's not that i began to continue to go through that and look through all that stuff and when i did i came across yom kippur the only thing that i knew about yom kippur was the yom kippur war because i study wars and battlefields all over the planet and i was like i don't even i i honestly was so ignorant i had been pastoring for years and years and years had been doing prophetic teaching and i'm just gonna just be very transparent tell you i was completely ignorant of yom kippur did not have it on my radar anywhere it was not a part of my walk and so i began to study it and begin to learn that it is the day of the that it is the day of atonement it's a very very very serious day and i was being invited in something that was holy that god almighty called it holy it's a feast of the lord it's so not it's not a feast of the jews although the the jews and our israeli brothers and sisters have been faithful throughout the centuries to be stewards of this and i thank god for that but i'm the wild branch i'm the wild branch that was grafted into that magnus and olive tree like why i've never seen fruit like this brother before that brother doesn't look like he matches up he eats bacon and he lives in texas yep that's me i'm the wild branch are there any other wild branches out there hallelujah i have a grandson that we named branch yeah on all this behold i send my servant the branch it's one of the prophetic names of the lord jesus christ um man i feel the lord in talking to you guys i feel the lord i just got out the phone with a whole bunch of people in israel i've been praying with asher and traitor and and ron cantor a bunch of other people we've been praying on this as we go into yom kippur but i heard the lord tell me in 2015 hey meet me on judgment day i saw what it was i begin to learn um it's all about the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood there is no atonement about the blood and i have a revelation of the blood and romans 11 11 i'm like i want to provoke my my israeli friends to jealousy and i'm going to show up in israel and i'm going to the wailing wall and i'm going to fast and pray with the rest of israel and i'm going to show up and i'm going to the wailing wall and i'm going to spend all day long there that's what i'm going to do and i told my i tell my wife honey your your psychotic husband heard god speaking we need to go to israel and pray at the wailing wall and fast and pray on yom kippur she's like okay well she's so cool which by the way she's coming back today from uganda yeah i'll talk to you about that a little bit so i'm like all right man so we went we went 2015. i met jesus there he showed up for me while i was there praying at the wall it's about third hour praying at the wall and the lord showed up and he said troy i told you to meet me here on this day and you're here and i learned something about the invitations of the lord versus the commandments of the lord see when we fast and pray on yom kippur it's it's it's the same as being dressed for the occasion and jesus it's it's not a matter of law you do not have to fast and pray it's not a matter of your salvation it's a matter of god calls this thing holy and you get dressed for that my wife was in front of the queen of toro uganda last week and she dressed up in the most beautiful african dress that she could possibly do so why would you do that if you're from texas and she's actually from california she's been living in texas a lot longer she has california but she loves both her californian and her texas heritage um during a california bone in me by the way just thought i'd throw that actually i love california i'm a nut about california but with that said um why would you do that because you honor the king and the queen when you come before them you honor them you get dressed for the occasion you bring a gift and you say i recognize it is a big deal that you invited me here and the queen mother did invite her there exactly like that god almighty actually king jesus himself talks about matthew chapter 22 verse 11 through 13. he says but when the king came in to see the guests the people that he had invited to the great wedding feast the parable of the wedding feast it says when the king when the king uh went to go see the guests so he will show up for the people that he invited when they show up he says he noticed a man that there was that was not wearing a wedding clothes and he asked him friend how is it that you got in here without wearing wedding clothes and the man had nothing to say see you have nothing to say when you've been invited to something but you say yeah but i do things on my terms when it comes to meeting the king i like to do things on my terms and at this time of day i like to wear my overalls and i like to wear my big old straw hat and i like to wear ranch clothes there's a time of day for instance i wear ranch clothes every day okay but it's not at a wedding okay this is what jesus said in verse 13 of matthew chapter 22 then the king told the attendants tie him up hand and foot and throw him outside into darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth for many are called but few are chosen you know that many are called but fewer chosen scripture that has to do with will you dress for the occasion okay on yom kippur which begins at sundown tomorrow night how you dress for that occasion is to fast from sundown to sundown you don't have to you don't even got to show up you can say hey man listen i'm going to be eating shrimp and uh kick back with my with a drink in my hand and my toes in the sand on some beach somewhere i don't have time for all of that okay the wedding supper parable is exactly talking about that like how in the world could you not think it was a big deal if i invited you and why would you show up on your terms instead of showing up on my terms friends i was there in 2015 2016 2017 2018 and 2019 on yom kippur every year and i would i had decided i was going to go every year for the rest of my life i was going to go and i was going to be in jerusalem on yom kippur um it didn't work out like that because took covet in the world shut down and everybody lost their minds and freaked out and balled up and got on prozac and said hey nobody can do anything until we control you so i am not in the nation of israel at this very moment i'm actually in texas but i will get a dress but i will get dressed for the occasion and uh that's what i'm gonna do i would so encourage you and tell you you need to do that now let me move to saying hello to some people and then i'm going to tell you about 9 11 and talk to you about an incredible thing that has taken a huge huge huge prophetic thing that has to do with 9 11 the imminent return of the lord jesus christ and what god almighty is speaking to me about the year 5782 i want to say greg big hello to my friends man i am seeing sarah the savage is on here i see mindy knight she says hello t-roy hello mindy you know what her husband is my sister's brother which would make her and my brother uh second cousins i'm just teasing that's that's cleburne texas and itasca texas that's not burleson that's not glen rose uh actually that's my sister-in-law and i sure do love you marble falls is on here drew newell is here my goodness i'm so glad that you guys are here and space coast florida is here man i bless you guys i'm so happy to see you friends i want to i i have to throw out there and tell you um at one o'clock here today we're going to be going to the prophetic life and for all my prophetic life friends i'm going to be talking to you specifically about all these prophetic things that are lining up how we look for it how we gather it and then how we kind of go through it there are certain people that that i specifically connect with and by the way jeanne says that she found me on the 700 club yeah i was on the 700 club last week hey thank you genie man the lord bless you we're so happy that you are here today welcome to the revelation report and just for your um i don't know for your information if i can use that term and for everybody else typically what we do is we go line for line through the book of revelation but this is during the days of awe and we're talking about things we're talking about prophetic things we're talking about things that point to the imminent and the glorious return of the lord jesus christ and also too you need to know that typically my good friend jamie galloway joins me here on um on re on the revelation for and he is amazing and i encourage you to join us in the future yeah i mean you're going to like that but right now yeah man we're doing this and the reason why we go through the book of revelation is because if we say that we're going to be prophetic people how can we not be biblically prophetic that's mic drop so what that is right there so praise the name of king jesus yep that's what that all is all right all right so let me let me talk to you about if you heard my prophetic word for the year to come which i delivered um last sunday the sunday before last and then i went off into 9 11 on 9 11 and uh yeah genie yeah god bless you you you're you're so welcome on 9 11 i gave a word concerning 9 11. and i want to tell you one of the hardest words i've ever preached in my whole life because the lord told me i want you to preach a very serious word during these days of awe on 9 11 because one of the prophetic phrases that god gave me for this year is next level 911 revisited that's what he tell me uh he's talking to me a lot about the persecution of the church this is a tremendous year of persecution and pain for the body of king jesus wait a minute i don't want to hear that no you know what uh you need to hear it because i think that the lord is actually disgusted for the most part with how immature the body of king jesus is and friends remain wheat in the field remain do not give in to the weeds right the lord of the harvest is coming you need to learn how to live in a position of shalom this year this is a storm time year for us and here's what we find we find jesus sleeping in the boat i want to tell you what's on the other side i think it's mark chapter four on the other side of this this year this stormy year on the other side of that is the demoniac of gadara that you and i have the authority to speak to cast them out throw them into the pigs that they are and then see a great and mighty revival take place right but we need to learn how to rest with the lord and i'm going to tell you the world whenever whenever they see you and i having hope this year and whenever they see you and i having great stability this year they're going to say the same thing that they said to king jesus why don't you care for us why aren't you aware of the storm that's taken place how could you be so naive how could you not see us suffering the way that we're suffering now listen um the fact that you're in a that you're living a shalom lifestyle and walking in the peace of the lord does not mean that you're naive to the things of this planet that's not what that means what it means is that you're much more aware of the presence of god you're much more aware of your identity in jesus you're much more aware of the assignment and the mandate that god almighty has given you to stay on task which is to get through this and get to the other side then you are of the threat of the storm yes my friends there's a grace on you and i for that this year like we have never seen before it's 12 22 1 2 2 2 hallelujah yeah we're moving into the year 2022 and we're now in the hebrew year 5782 and the pay and the bet right and inside the pay is a bet what is that it's 22 it's 22 22. so if you're like i don't have any idea the craziness you're talking about plug in plug in and buckle your seat belt cupcake because we're not full of the media storm we're full of the presence of king jesus and full of peace in the midst of the storm hallelujah yeah if you're not yet a part of my community called the prophetic life i encourage you to do that at one o'clock today if you are a part of it join me today because i'm going to continue to unpack that so let me finish this up by saying um the word that i gave was 911 next level revisited next level 911 revisited it's a phrase that god gave me the the headlines have been full of 9 11 events this year including the falling of that structure in florida surfside how terrible that horrible tragedy the collapse of a building like what how could that even happen how is that even possible it was built upon the sand surfside and uh it collapsed horrible tragedy and then we saw people actually falling from the sky that was also in the headlines afghanistan is also in the headlines all this the same as it was 20 years ago and what happened immediately following 911 the whole world locked down shut down freaked out balled up and said oh my okay we're also in that time we're also in that hour as well yeah 20 years later 20 years 20 is a number that represents expectancy on the redeemed side it's it's a it's like currency when it comes to prophetic people uh brother graham cook i heard i heard him say that one time like you have to be full of expectancy and hope it's it's mixed up of lots of ingredients which has to do with trust in the character of god it has to do with expectancy has to do with holding on to prophetic words and promises of god it has to do with knowing who god is to you who you are to god um yeah it's mixed up with lots of ingredients like that and all of that um god likes to illustrate that through the number 20. for 20 years the ark rested here before it came into there for 20 years um so and so waited on this for 20 years so and so waited on that you find 20s all throughout the word of god and what you find is is expectancy and then it finally happened boom it finally happened 20 also represents in the negative throughout the word of god in the non-redeemed in the unredeemed place where judgment is going to fall amen if it's redeemed judgment's not going to fall but the blessing of the lord and the presence of god is going to fall the fire of god is going to answer that sacrifice fire always follows sacrifice the blood atonement but in the non in the unredeemed place where judgment will fall it represents not finishing well it represents halfway doing things see samson was supposed to judge israel for 40 years but he only judged for 20. why is that because instead of wiping out the philistines he jumped in bed with them and anytime you get in bed with the enemy you will reproduce more enemies that's what you'll do oh that's a good word hallelujah so i've been seeing that at this convergence of time at 20 years 20 years man 20 years since 9 11 that the events of 9 11 are back in the headlines well the lord told me i want you to preach that before 9 11 because i'm going to confirm it on 9 11 and i preached this word that in 2001 i had a dream i had a it wasn't it wasn't a dream is and i was asleep i had a vision where i was awake and this thing happened and i saw three explosions in new york city i saw one below the ground none of the buildings fell i saw one above the ground some of the buildings fell and then i saw one at ground level and all of the buildings fell that was 2001 when i when i preached that very first message i ever preached in a full-blown church on a sunday morning without a guitar in front of me i've been leaning worship for years and years but i pro but i i preached that at pastor jim maxwell's church who is still my pastor today and i was a youth pastor then and i got up and i gave that word and that was what i gave and i talked about three measures of judgment and said this is what the lord showed me in 93 or 94 the below ground happened and then in 2001 the above ground happened which is 9 11 and some of the buildings fell and i had been praying ever since 2001 that the heart of god would be made manifest instead of the judgment of the lord not not that his judgment is not holy but that's not his greatest desire his greatest desire is atonement is that none should should perish and i've been so i haven't been real public and haven't been super vocal about it i preached it at my church a couple of times i preached it um to uh at our school of supernatural here at different schools of supernatural throughout the country and just said but look let me tell you what what i think my responsibility is in this my role is to say lord remember your covenant and that's what i've been doing the lord told me i want you to tell everybody what i told you and i want you to tell it before 9 11 because i'm going to confirm it on 9 11. i was actually fearful that this thing was going to happen there was going to be a next level horrendous event that was going to take place on 9 11. thankfully it did not and uh praise god for that but let me tell you what did happen in israel on 9 11 in tel aviv in a suburb of tel aviv in a very prophetic place i'm not going to go off into i'll preach this more later and tell you that there was a residence of a big apartment building that heard a mighty thunderous crack boom and they got up and people couldn't open up their windows and couldn't open up the doors they said man there's something with the structure of this building they begin to call and by the way who do you call for help here in the united states you 911. i don't have no idea what it is in israel but they begin to call emergency workers came out um engineers looked at the building and said the structure of this thing has cracked and it's not sound we need to evacuate this place they evacuated everybody 30 hours later the building collapsed and turned to dust and rubble the building collapsed and turned to dust into rubble like wow okay so what are you talking about i'm talking about that happened on 9 11 and 30 hours later we saw the same headlines that we saw 20 years earlier 20 years and two days later that building actually collapsed okay i i according to the hebrew calendar is two days according to the gregor according to the gregorian calendar it's one day and it was 30 hours later here's what i'm going to say i'm going to say that god almighty confirmed that word that i gave and it happened in israel on tel aviv and this is what i would say to you i would say to you and i would say to me that going into this yom kippur going into this prayer and fasting time we need to plead the blood of king jesus we need to declare the goodness of god we need to we need to line up and we need to be dressed for the occasion and the closer and closer that we get to the return of the lord jesus christ the closer and closer we get to that friends the more and more and more we have to line up with king and kingdom and less and less and less with the culture that we actually live in the more and more and more our timing needs to be lined up with heaven's timing and less and less and less of what the world's timing is the bible says that an anti-christ spirit will always seek to change the times yeah right on i pray in the name of king jesus that you would have an isicarian heartbeat that you would live in this aquarium lifestyle that you would know the times and what israel should do and that you would be like john at the last supper that you'd be so madly in love with the lord jesus christ that you would put your ear upon the chest of king jesus listening to his heart beat at the last supper i pray in the name of king jesus that you will not be overwhelmed that you will not be overcome i declare in the name of jesus that you are not fearful that there's a grace on you in this day to be in awe at the goodness of god and to be so full of hope that people think you're crazy i declare that over you i declare stability over your life in the name of king jesus that in these last days right before the glorious and the imminent return of the lord jesus christ that you will walk in the grace that god has given you that you will be able to face persecution with great joy and great stability and that you will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living in jesus name amen boom okay hey listen guys uh you see this number right here if you need a friend or if you need prayer call this number eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight we have people standing by right now here at open door church i pray 24 hours a day it's my special calling center and i want to encourage you guys to call in i also want to encourage you this too if you don't know how to get in alignment with the times and the seasons of the lord we have a very special calendar that that actually causes those things to converge brother hunter would you put that up there for me please sir if you can still hear me put that up there and tell you nope not yom kippur but the calendar i'm talking about okay i'll tell you what since since he has this yeah there you go right there we have that calendar we have the covenant of fire prayers we also have the covenant of fire dvd where i'm talking about israel and talking about how do we stand in prophetic times and seasons and i want to encourage you guys and tell you this hey call in call that number 877-413 and take advantage of that resource and get yourself lined up with god almighty also i want to tell you that tomorrow tomorrow at 12 o'clock i am going to be doing a prophetic wednesday life with brother ron cantor yeah and we're going to be talking about yom kippur yeah we're going to be talking about what that is there were four prophetic signs with yom kippur there are four prophetic signs that's going to be right here across all my social media platforms at 12 o'clock tomorrow central standard time and then again he's going to be with me tomorrow night here at open door church brother you can put that yom kippur slide up please sir he's going to be with us tomorrow night at open door church and uh yeah join us here live and uh go into a time of prayer and fasting with us tomorrow night at sundown at 7 p.m here at open door church we're going to have praise and worship and it's going to be a different night tomorrow night is it's going to be wildly different yeah come out and join us or you can join us live online right here on whatever social media platform that you plugged into all of our services at open door church are always live always online and always free all right my friends that's all the time that i have for today boom next week we will be in revelation chapter 16 as we're talking about the bold judgments the bold judgments i'll be back with my good friend brother jamie galloway for all my friends that are part of the prophetic life i'll be joining you at one o'clock we're gonna have a special time of of you ask me questions and i'm gonna be given answers concerning this whole prophetic time have your questions and and i want you ready to ask me those questions yeah join me at one o'clock it's my private community that you can only join through or by calling eight 877-413-0888 and then at at two o'clock today i'm gonna be going to dfw airport and i'm picking up my bride lyanna brewer she's coming back from uganda east africa and uh we're gonna be going straight to the nearest tex-mex restaurant because i know that she's burning up for some tex-mex all right my friends thank you so much for joining me i call you the head not to tell above and not beneath and highly favor the lord bye-bye everybody all right my friend go ahead brother hunter roll that thing roll it go hunter the outro video you can [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 7,675
Rating: 4.9642859 out of 5
Id: 27dc8AdvBfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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