The Power of Prophetic Phrases

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all right all right oh my gosh you guys are all I can't that Charlie was here where is he aunt you troublemaker amen well how is everybody you guys doing good yeah blessing a piece on you man I'm so glad you're here tonight and I call you blessed father God sir we want to come to you and I pray God for the atmosphere of this room and for the atmosphere of this house I pray God for the atmosphere of our hearts and I pray Lord God Almighty sir that you do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or thank Lord and I love you King Jesus and Jesus name we pray everybody here say together Church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the world open door church boom let's do that yep call you blessed welcome welcome welcome man all my friends that are listening on the radio and all my friends that are here and everybody's watching an open door experience com live right now man I bless you guys yes I'm doing a school of prophecy tonight I sure AM guys nice a prophetic night we're going to talk about prophetic things and if you're like I don't know what your school of prophecy is all about what it's about is you there are actually I think that there's 16 of them I have 16 videos so far on Troy Brewer TV that is all of my school of prophecy and I add I add to it every single month and we'll add this video to it I won't say if you guys have not yet signed up for Troy Brewer TV I would encourage you guys to do that it is a buck a day I mean it's like really expensive okay it's a dollar a day it's $30 a month and I want to tell you if you join that you have access to all my videos including all my conferences and the reason why that there's money involved in it is because that becomes my budget to sustain all these little girls that after we were saving all over the world and guys while we have been super super super successful in raising the money to actually liberate the girls we need to do a better job at raising the money that it costs now to take care of them so that they do not go back amen and so you can be a part of that by joining our video on demand and if you see and if you join it here and open door Church at the spark table I'll give you a cool really cool hat my new TBM hats and it's got my signature on it's kind of cool and you'll see so I encourage you guys to think about that and pray about that tonight's video is actually going on TV guys if you would please I want you to open up your Bibles if you would to Matthew chapter 12 and while you're opening up your Bibles there's going to be a while before we get into Matthew chapter 12 but tonight guys in this edition of school of prophecy we're going to talk about different kinds of prophetic themes and while you're turning there let's just go through some of these things because because we all know that there's a such thing as prophetic symbols and guys we need to learn how things are symbols of things how things are types I can remember I can remember back I don't know probably 20 years ago when the great San Francisco earthquake hit and it hit during Game seven of the biggest ball game that there is and then the New York Giants was playing the Oakland A's and there was a 10-day halt and I went man God is speaking in this and I can remember during that there was a huge national event that took place on the ninth day and then on the tenth day the games resumed and the Giants lost in the ACE and the Oakland A's swept them and and I can remember knowing I know number one it happened in Candlestick Park that's a word to the Laodicean Church unless you repent I will remove my candlestick right so it was a word of the church and I can remember thinking as I studied all that out and looked it all up but the Oakland A's represented a Content representing the church but it represented a competitive spirit the a stands for athletic or athletes and and and and Oakland a prideful place Oakland right and that the Giants represented the enemy but you just need to know and there's a whole bunch of cool stuff that goes with all that that was a huge prophetic event and we're gonna talk about prophetic events here in just a minute but if you don't if you don't recognize types and shadows and if you're not into symbols and if you're not gonna study that out even if there is a prophetic event you're not going to know it amen there's this amazing scripture where where Jesus's you know he's having a he's having a bad soul day now I want to tell you there are days in your walk with King Jesus I don't care how spiritual you are I don't care how much you love Jesus I don't care how full of the Holy Spirit you are you're gonna have days where your soul and your body your so and your own body team up against you your soul is your mind your will and your emotions it's it's the part of you that thinks about things and fills things it's the feeling part of you and sometimes man your body will get tired sometimes you know you'll go through a season or there's something going on with your physical body and you're your own literal soul in your own physical body we'll team up against you and Jesus himself had those kinds of days and Jesus was like oh you know what he's just he's just he's actually just being real and he's being vulnerable and then in the midst of that he just says father glorify your name and all the sudden boom there was a tremendous thunder and then a thunder there was a voice and the voice says I have glorified a and I will yet glorify it again God Almighty was saying you're doing good son and you know what I ain't finished yet it was this amazing time where the voice of the Father spoke to his son in a way at a time when Jesus was making himself vulnerable the father showed up in that spot the way that a good father should and he didn't make fun of him he didn't slap him around and say why don't you get with the program he showed up he said you you're doing it you're doing it and I'm gonna do it and listen we're in this thing together amen but what is amazing is there was one group of people a very small group of people like all those 100-fold Christians that heard what had happened and wrote it down and understood exactly what it happened there was some 60 folk Christians standing by and they knew that there was something supernatural going on so they discerned hey the Spirit of God is in this and they decided that it must be an angel speaking those are dangerous people okay they were smart enough to know that God was doing something but they weren't skilled enough to interpret it correctly and there was one group of people are you ready for this they just said it thundered all they knew was the Thunder they never heard the voice within the Thunder and my friends there are incredible things that are happening in the headlines right now and everybody everybody that doesn't have the spirit of the Living God and people who are not prophetic people all they hear is the Thunder but they do not hear the voice within the Thunder we have to be willing guys to get skilled we have to be willing to listen you need to think in terms of okay what the bottle say about every single color if we say the color red what does that mean in the Bible if we say the color blue if we say the color black if we say the color orange if we say the color or whatever what did those what are the symbols of that the trees that are all the way through the Word of God what one of those things symbolize the places all throughout the Word of God every single town has a prophetic significance guys do you know that there are 31 kings there are 31 kings in the promised land and every single one of those things are prophetic symbols for something that you and I deal with that must be defeated and as we begin to learn through the written word of God man how to rightly interpret symbolic truth prophetically guys we live our life as if we're saying this if that was a dream what would it mean you know I'm just so blown away I'm just so blown away with this event that's happened this year in in Las Vegas and then right on the heels of that the terrible thing that's happened in in Napa Valley and I'm within the wine country where where our crops were burned by fire and man I preached a powerful message on Sunday saying do not burn your field amen amen how important it is that you don't burn the field because there's weeds in it amen but man I just you know just just this week just I didn't even search it out and I should have searched it out somebody else searched it out and I put re posted their blog on my Facebook where the were where the brother that that tried to that first initiated all the shooting his name was hey Suz Campos and hey Suz Campos was on the 32nd floor at Mandalay Bay and guys I want to just tell you this mandalay if you look up the word Mandalay it means a controlling or a religious spirit Mandalay alright what thirty second what is that that's the place of covenant 32 represents covenant and it's from that place that place right there where where we are not wearing our wedding ring that we get attacked amen and the brother the brother's name that killed everybody the the demonic coward that he was the guy who killed her the his last name was paddock right paddock means a stony field do you know what camp Post means it means a living field it means a growing field it means a fertile field what are you kidding me no I'm not I'm not making that up and his name is Jesus Jesus Campos he's a type and a shadow of something do you understand what I mean he's a type and a shadow it's not literal he could literally be the devil and still be a type for Jesus amen are you guys with me on that which I don't think he's a devil so I don't want you guys to think that but what I'm saying is we have to be we have to be willing to speak this language and to get and to get skilled I want to just tell you this if you do not have our dream interpretation card that has hundreds of symbols on there and just a simple meeting then you need to get that and then you need to do your own google searches and you need to do your own word search and you need to become somebody that begins to speak this language amen hallelujah besides prophetic symbols we also need to learn about prophetic events and appointments of timing one of the ways of the Spirit of God will move prophetically and by the way like I say man if you're not into prophetic symbols it doesn't matter the timing doesn't matter about anything because you'll be clueless you have to be willing to speak that language and you're gonna have to get past the offense of it and I can I can so remember whenever Princess Diana died you guys remember Princess Diana and you remember when she ban what a what a powerful woman I mean she had so much influence on the world the most famous person on the planet Earth was Princess Diana the most photographed Princess Diana and I remember whenever she died I remember five days after she died Mother Teresa died and you have these a tale of two completely different women one of them died mother Teresa died surrounded by all of her nuns that she had raised up from the time that she was a child and they were all singing Psalms and praising King Jesus while Mother Teresa died Princess Diana died in a tunnel that was 666 feet long after she had a head-on collision with a 13th pillar and she died while people were taking pictures of her broken body I want to tell you that's a type there's a word in that if you had a dream and if in the dream the bride of the king which represents the church died surrounded by paparazzi and paparazzi means the Flies it's the clan of The Lord of the Flies and if you had a dream that the bride of the king whose name is an idol Diana the mother of fertility and that she died in a tunnel that was 666 feet long because of the 13th pillar because she's running around with an Egyptian which represents the enemies of God you would know what that meant but some most said it thundered they saw the headlines but they didn't hear the voice of God within all that so I want to tell you hear me say this God is speaking extraordinary things through the common events around us and he's speaking extraordinary things through the extraordinary events that's going on around us well in the midst of prophetic symbols we learn about prophetic events where we go whoa whoa whoa stop stop this is a game-changer 911 is a prophetic event did God do that no 19 Muslims with little bitty knives did that the only reason they did it was because there were Muslims they had no other motivation and the whole Muslim world danced when the two towers fell and thousands of innocent people were crushed and died terrible deaths well we need to be able to recognize okay this is something I need to stop and I need to pay attention to and I need to search out the matter I can do I can if there was anybody here within the sound of my voice that you were living you were actually a part of open door Church in 2001 when this happened you will know I was actually doing a sermon series called 911 because I couldn't get away from 911 I kept hearing it I didn't have a clue what it was I kept hearing 911 911 911 and I started I started looking up 911 scriptures and the Sunday before the Tuesday which we now know as 911 I preached on Amos 911 because I had no idea something was going to happen on September 11th I went God what are you talking to me about 911 for and on that Tuesday morning I figured out oh this is a huge prophetic event God's been gearing me up for it guys we need to be able to learn prophetic events that the whole world has to pay attention to that the church within our region has to pay attention to and prophetic events that are personal and they don't mean anything to anybody else except for us they're prophetic there are prophetic events guys where the Spirit of the Lord will move upon you and bang he'll show you something and everything lines up and you go wow and it didn't it really doesn't mean anything to anybody else but it's a prophetic event within your life it's a game-changer we need to learn to mark those things and not just yawn in it and just continue on but to look at that go stop I need to let this thing change me I need to soak this thing in mate listen this is a glory of God to conceal a thing but it's the honor of Kings to search out the matter I need to write all this stuff down and I need to pay attention to this because because this is a prophetic event now now guys the word for prophetic events in Hebrew is the word called MOA Dean and part of the problem with translating the Bible literally is that but is that when you translate something literally it doesn't it the meaning is not there the word may be correct and the meaning may be exactly wrong and everybody who looks at every single Bible translation says but is it literal and is it exactly literal if it's exactly literal it's gonna be wrong all right and what are you talking about I'm talking about I talk about Genesis chapter one verse verse 14 that is exactly literal where it says God Almighty created the Sun and the moon and the stars and then it says for signs for seasons for days and for years so God Almighty created the the Sun and the moon and stars according to the first according to the fourteenth verse of the book of Genesis number one for prophetic signs number two for seasons the word is literally seasons but that's not what it means MOA deem doesn't just mean seasons in the sense of you know winter and fall and spring and summer it literally means prophetic appointment and see if you're do you know that but if you're not a Jew and you've been eating bacon all your life you think that God Almighty created the sons of the Moonstar so that you know whenever winter stops and whenever it starts but actually what it means is four prophetic appointments amen so what is a prophetic appointment it's divine timing so there's divine timing that you can count on you can look at the Sun and the moon and the stars and you can actually discern what the timing of the Spirit is but there is also super natural spontaneous divine timing like what are you talking about I'm talking about and all of a sudden God Almighty will speak to you and he'll say call so and so right now and you call so-and-so right then that is a mo Adam whenever the spear of the Lord moves upon you and you do something and then boom it bears huge fruit that's called a mo Adam well the King James boys call that a season and we miss it by calling it a season because it is a completely literal translation you understand what you understand the language that I'm saying so don't put all your stock in a completely literal translation you still have to search it out you have to you have to be willing to get engaged and to search out the Word of God until until all of a sudden something explodes within your spirit divine appointments are huge I can't remember listen a huge part of my walk for a long long time as I begin to grow in prophetic things was God would just tell me go here go there go here go there and sometimes I would figure out why God was telling me to go there but most times I never did and I'm not just talking about you know go to Bertelsen I'm talking about go to England go to Mexico go on the border I Troy go to Costa Rica just go down there I'll meet you there like wow okay where are you going Costa Rica how come I don't know God's just telling me to go there do you know guys that that's part of it that sometimes you know God is speaking to you but you're not really sure it is that he's saying to you and you have to be obedient and the first thing until the second thing begins to make sense to you if the thing that if you can't be obedient in the thing that does make sense don't think for one second you're gonna be obedient and the thing that doesn't make sense man that was a good word right there I'm telling you I was that was worth $30 a month right there I'm telling you another thing that God speaks through his prophetic numbers we know amen we know that God oh my speaks through through through prophetic numbers why why would God speak through numbers because order glorifies God that's why and I just taste something about prophetic numbers man if you start getting into all this and you start learning it you you will turn into a crazy person how many all know what I'm talking about hey man how many of you husbands can actually say your wife is a nut now that she knows all about numbers you know I'm talking about I have so many that Mandy don't know you did in my woman but I can't do anything like number four I'm like okay calm down well it's just so personal it's just so personal I pass the Troy I see one one one everywhere I go I mean I see it everywhere everywhere I go I see one long one like yeah me too that's just weird well it's weird if it's weird and then weird to me that's how God talks to me all the time it's one of the reasons one of the ways that I know that God is right here being he's going to be made manifest in this situation is because he'll stamp one one one on it for me you're like let's just man that's just lunacy oh listen listen we're way worse than that I'll talk about way way worse than that if you start studying the Word of God and if you start letting God Almighty speak to you prophetically through numbers you're gonna start hearing God's speak in a way that will absolutely blow your mind and how how greatly involved he is in your everyday life that you don't think he has a clue about nothing that's huge his prophetic descriptions as we grow as a prophetic community and as we grow to be a prophetic people one of the things that that we need to learn how to do is listen to how people describe things you put some some folk will say well I don't know you know I'm just I there's this going on that's going on or I had a dream and what it looked like to me was this okay the way God tells you or the way God gives you a grace to describe things is also prophetic okay it's not just the words that mean something but the voice or the way the words are expressed also means something and guys we could we're gonna have to spend a whole night on prophetic descriptions and being willing to learn that language amen prophetic acts and actions you need to know the power of a prophetic act the church has not known the power of prophetic acts listen it--like Pastore why would you go to yom kippur why would you go to jerusalem on yom kippur ever every year because it's a prophetic act for me I'm walking out something as an illustration and you need to understand that prophetic people will do weird things as a prophetic act and if you have too much dignity you will miss it oh come on I remember there was a guy that used to come from England super super good friend of mine he's since gone on to heaven by the name of Phil David Lloyd and Phil Phil ran around grahamcooke for years and years and years and I can remember one year he came he had he was a hardcore Brit I mean just had a beautiful British accent you know and he was a Brett Brett Brett Brett Brett the way that I'm a Texan Texan Texan and he was just cool and and and I want kind of stop and just tell you you're supposed to celebrate those things Kingdom people celebrate diversity amen it's a mark listen diversity is God's idea amen and so anyway man I just he'd come and he would talk and he bought and one time he got up and he just said you know there's there's a lot of bondage in the room and and and there was guys our church was a little bitty small and and you know we were in out research so everybody in the church that was there you know we're outreach recipients and and there was just a lot a lot of issues among the people and he told everybody I want everybody to stand up and everybody stood up and he said he said this is what we're gonna do as to show our repentance he was preaching on repentance he said I want everybody to stand up and I want you to literally turn around he said I want you to right now I'm going to count to three and we're going to do this as a prophetic act and whenever we do this the power of God is going to hit us and change they're gonna fall off the people and we're like well that's a little bit stupid talk like you know can I just sit here and listen to your stupid accent I mean why do I got to get up and actually honestly I'm just tell you there were people in the room saying that really it wait stop you're gonna get one is it's the hokey-pokey you want me to stand up and then turn myself about and that's what it's all about really he says yeah you're gonna see you're gonna see so you said everybody stand up and everybody stood up and he said if you are truly turning your back on the thing that it's just that is driving you away from Jesus I want you to turn and I want you to get ready because the power of God is gonna hit you because this is a prophetic act and God honors prophetic acts he's like okay are you ready and everybody's just kind of like yeah yeah he's like ass person next to here you ready like yeah yeah I'm ready you ready yeah I'm ready okay here we go you guys ready one two three everybody turn around and when everybody turned around people started crying the Spirit of God hit the room some people shouted aah like what just happened to me something was released in our house through the power of a silly prophetic act of simply turning around we could go all the way through the Bible and talk about prophetic acts you know just we go all the way through it because we need to learn the power of prophetic acts I don't have much time I have to continue here's another one - prophetic writing here's something guys that you guys need to know about the Bible Jesus said every jot and tittle must be fulfilled meaning not only are the words prophetic but the Dottie's of the eyes and the crossings of the tea are also prophesying so not only are the words prophetic but how the words are written are also prophetic so you can begin to count things you can begin to look at things you can begin to see how words are actually pictures of something else all the way through the Bible and doesn't want to just I want to just throw this out there to you and just tell you this one of the ways that you might be able to release or to activate the prophetic anointing that is in your life and by the way you have a prophetic anointing within your life is maybe you need to begin to journal and maybe you begin to you need to begin to write out some things God's listen to the Lord is the greatest author the world has ever seen his book has been a best-seller for a long time amen in fact books are his idea amen there is a such thing as prophetic writing and I mean like what are you talking about like you know guys you know how I was talking about you know the thirty thirty-two represents we're talking about the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay you know that's a place of covenant it's a place actually a broken covenant like if we get attacked Psalms 91 doesn't work for us when our covenant is broken it was called the it was called the route 91 Harvest Festival and it happened from the 30s the murder came from the 32nd floor it's the place of covenant that must be protected are you guys hearing that because that is a big deal and the brother that tried to warn everybody is a brother by the name of Jesus hey Suz Campos hello nurse I mean how prophetic can an event possibly be when brother Campos means a field that's green and a field that's fertile and the brother panics has shot everybody means Estonian Iraqi field and he hates the harvest Psalms 91 doesn't work if the Covenant doesn't work amen well here's another one prophetic art I'm telling you we have a lot of prophetic art within our house one of the greatest prophetic artists in the world is going to be here open door Church here within the next few weeks she's actually doing a prophetic art class we're talk about look here's what you do when you get into when you get in the Holy Spirit man you let the Holy Spirit lead you but why is it because it's creative now I want to just tell you that one of the ways that prophetic things work is that it works creatively when you prophesy something is created amen so prophetic art is totally legit and I would love to spend a lot of time talking about that and I want to just just tell you that whenever Moses first built the tabernacle and all that a prophetic anointing came upon some people to play instruments a prophetic anointing came upon other people to build certain kinds of things one of the things that happens whenever the Holy Spirit begins to move prophetically is people begin to become creative why because there's life in it and then finally the thing I want to land on today is prophetic language speech and phrases I just have about 10 minutes left here to tell you that one of the one of the key ways that God speaks to me prophetically in my prayer life is through phrases prophetic phrases and if you can if you can just bear with me one of the things that you begin to realize is that a lot of the speech that is in the Bible is just prophetic speech and a lot of times it'll say so that you know Isaiah will show up and he'll do a cameo appearance in Matthew 12 what she does and we guys were about to look at that why because of these because of these key prophetic phrases that Isaiah had said some 500 years before that now they were coming to pass and there was so much weight in the words there was a weight in the words that's C that is a prophetic phrase what uh what I just said and guys if the only language you can speak is Star Wars or if the only language you can speak is you know Texas history or the only language you can speak is whatever I want to just tell you man you're not gonna have a high level efficiency within prophetic things because we need to learn prophetic speech and we need to know when a phrase or when a word has has supernatural weight to it amen an example of that is here's Jesus on the cross and here he is and we all know that Jesus Christ carried the cross we know that Jesus Christ it was his will to do it he decided I should say he was his will to lay his will over to the Father it was the Father's will for for Jesus to do it and Jesus said yes Jesus knew what was going to happen he knew what was going to happen better than anybody else and yet on the cross one of the seven phrases that Jesus cried out from the cross was this my God my God why have you forsaken me and guys a lot of people have had a big time trouble with that man here's Jesus doing everything that the father wants him to do and he's current out why have you forsaken me and if all you know is a literal translation if all you know is a literal translation of that you're not going to understand the tale behind the tape because guys this is so powerful and this is so crazy cool my God my God why have you forsaken me is a prophetic phrase it's a prophetic phrase that is releasing something there's literally power being released by Jesus in it Jesus is not asking the Father why he has forsaken him Jesus is proclaiming the prophetic phrase that was written in Psalms 22 okay now you need to know that in our cool Bible we have 66 books written by 40 possibly 44 different authors across 1500 years of time thirty one thousand one hundred seventy one verses within a King James Bible and I love all that but I want to tell you we're late bloomers to heaven chapters and verses there were not chapters and verses within Jesus's day and you need to know this there weren't even breaks between the words it was all one word there wasn't even spaces between the words it was all one solid word that's prophetic how it's written is prophetic I told you that right amen okay so so in Jesus's day if you wanted to tell somebody hey open up the Bible to Psalms 22 they didn't have Psalms 22 what you would do is you would cry out open up the Bible to the place that begins with my God my God why have you forsaken me and that's how Psalms 22 starts off now let me read to you what is in Psalms 22 my God my God why have you forsaken me I'm just a worm I'm not even a man I'm a reproach of men I'm despised by the people all those who see me ridiculed me and make fun of me they shoot out the lip they shake their head saying he trusts in the Lord let him rescue him let's see if the Lord will deliver him most people do not have any control over the events of their death and most people normal people do not have any control over what people are saying around them at the time of their death but Jesus is no normal person okay because here's the scene I want you guys to understand the scene Jesus is hanging on the cross okay his his feet are pierced his hands are pierced this was written Psalms 22 was written a thousand years before this event and Jews do not crucify people Romans crucified people right so his hands are Pierce his feet are Pierce they are literally casting Lots they're having a lottery over his clothes they're gambling over his clothes right he is surrounded by Romans and guys the Jews call Romans dogs Gentiles or dogs right are you guys with me on that he is everybody's saying well he others he saved why can't he save himself he as his bones are out of joint he's trying to breathe and while he's up to he is yelling a prophetic phrase that is only found in Psalms 22 and let me show you what Psalms 22 says beginning at verse 13 they look at me with their with their mouths like a raging and roaring lion I'm poured out like water all my boom all of my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax of his melted within me my strength is dried up my tongue clings to my jaws you have brought me to the dust of death dogs have surrounded me the congregation of the wicked has enclosed me they have pierced my hands and my feet I can count on my bones they look at me and they stare at me they divide my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots that Psalms 22 which was written a thousand years before Jesus Christ yelled out the prophetic phrase that begins Psalms 22 on the cross the prophetic phrase being my God my God why have you forsaken me prophetic phrases hallelujah hallelujah praising guys let's just give Jesus a great big praise we love you Lord Jesus [Applause] wasn't up there feeling sorry for himself and confused and not understanding what was going on he was in full control of his mind I promise you Matthew chapter 12 we come to a place where he just got through healing the withered hand and it was on the Sabbath and there's an argument that's the kid you be a good guy on the Sabbath and when Jesus knew it he was drew from there and a great multitude follow him and He healed them all that is very very interesting to me anytime the Bible says he couldn't heal any of them because there's one verse that says he went to Nazareth and he could do no miracles there Jesus found a group of people he could do nothing with and then here Jesus finds a group of people that he can do something for everyone what's the difference between those two cultures what's the difference between those two atmospheres what's the difference between the values of those two kinds of people what's the difference between I'm very interested in knowing that so he healed everybody in Matthew chapter 12 which is so cool and so awesome and then he says this he says then he told them listen I don't want you to make me known why that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of Isaiah the prophet saying okay here's what we need to remember these cool prophetic phrases because now they're being fulfilled and these are the prophetic phrases behold my servant whom I have chosen my beloved and whom my soul is well pleased I will put my spirit upon him and he will declare justice the Gentiles he will not quarrel he will not cry out and he will not ignore will anybody hear his voice on the streets a bruised Reed he will not break pay attention to that a smoking flax he will not quench pay attention to that till he sends forth justice of victory and and his name Gentiles will trust now if you're like okay what is this a bruised Reed he will not break and smoking flax he will not quench that's not usual the language is it guys that's weird Oh prophetic language it's just weird I've never I've never used phrases like that in my life I don't know what that means can I just tell you if you don't know if you don't know what it means you don't have to be religious and pretend like you know what it what it means you don't know everything and if you think everybody around you thinks you know everything you're a knucklehead there's nothing wrong with going I don't know what the heck that is amen if you go the international children's Bible and read that same verse everybody tells me all time man dude you make everything so simple read the international children's Bible that's what I do you think I'm kidding I don't I'm a King James guy that refers to you the International children's Bible right on you if you don't like that I want to actually know what it means amen so one of the things that means this so here's here's how the Living Bible puts this he will not crush the weakest read or put out a flickering candle so again the King James boys say a Bruce Reed he will not break a smoking flax he will not quench so it literally means this it literally means where there's a read that's bruised he's not going to go ahead and break it and where there is a candle that's barely flickering and it's struggling he's not gonna go ahead and out while he's clothed in immense power in healing everybody the thing that blows everybody's mind is how general he is to people who are hurting and people who are struggling those two categories bruised reeds people that are hurting and then candles that are that are flickering people that are struggling here's Jesus clothed in immense power as Lincoln said here he is and just going man very nothing I can't do I'm the baddest motor scooter anybody's ever seen and he's the most gentlest person anybody's ever seen at the same exact time and it bosz everybody's mind he's so careful with hurting people bruised reeds and he's so careful with struggling people flickering candles Wow he's healing everybody and walking him perfect Authority nobody's ever seen a human being like this before do you see how that prophetic phrase releases something that is absolutely incredible prophetic phrases have to be spoken in order for the prophecy to be fulfilled I'm gonna say that again prophetic phrases have to be spoken in order for the prophecy to be fulfilled that's why Gabriel whatever he announced the birth the King Jesus he quoted pre chief he quoted key prophetic phrases concerning the kingdom and of his peace there should be no end he calls him son of the Most High he says he you know why his name should be great and he should be called the son of the Most High that's that term son of the Most High is a prophetic phrase that comes out of well it comes out of the Book of Psalms it comes out of 2nd Samuel 7 it comes out of Psalms chapter 2 you guys know that that Psalms 91 is a verbally activated covenant of protection do you know that I will say of the Lord he is my refuge my god in whom I will trust not I will think it not I will read about it but I will say that there are certain things man that you need to cooperate the only way you can cooperate with the Holy Spirit sometimes is to keep your mouth shut somebody say Amen and there are other times the only way you can cooperate with the Holy Spirit is to open your mouth and let it fly and we need to have enough companionship with the Holy Ghost to know when are we supposed to keep her mouth shut and when are we supposed to talk and what are the phrases that we need to release and the environments and the fields that Jesus is trusting us with the very last thing I want to tell you is this this morning as we begin to do our prayer time we all meet our prayer team meets at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings and we go through all of our prayer cards guys we get a huge stack of prayer cards every single week and I want to tell you you should take advantage of that because I promise you if you fill out a card there's gonna be some Jesus Freak and I might end up being one of them that's going to see your card and pray for you in this sanctuary on Wednesday morning so we take that so serious I just can't stand the idea of a church saying write down a prayer and they don't bother to pray for us are you kidding me no no listen we're gonna do that amen and so guys we're getting ready to do that we always have a little powwow in my office it's always fun and we all love each other we all we all love to live life together and it's typically a little celebration I always talk about how happy I am with the past Sunday I haven't been unhappy with a Sunday and so long every Tuesday at the staff meeting and every Wednesday at the prayer meeting I tell everybody just how happy I am just man guys you know just happy with what God is doing he's doing great things amen amen I'm just happy with it and so we always mark that and always make a big deal out of it because if you don't make a big deal out of the right things you'll make a big deal out of the wrong things amen so so we all get together well one of the I'm always searching out prophetic phrases always that's one of the ways that God speaks to me and my prayer directives because at the beginning of the year at the beginning of the year I actually start now at Yom Kippur I start sir I start searching out God what are the phrases for this next year and like right now I'm searching out words for 2018 right because we're actually already into it as far as the Hebrew calendar goes amen and so like I can just tell you right now it's it's the year of the Joshua's I'm telling you and I know that I know that I know that I know there's a bunch of there's a whole bottom about to start doing that everybody's like bring it no y'all are bad you're you're getting me off track all right but I want to know God always gives me phrases like and sometimes the phrase that he'll give me is so powerful it becomes a part of my everyday prayer life even even when the season has passed it's still part of my prophetic language that God has given me I'll tell you this man simple solutions to complicated issues is huge in 2015 when I went on my 10-day put fast the beginning of the year and I sought out King Jesus I had a dream and the dream was it was a ball of yarn and there was this big old ball of yarn and and it was kind of like a Rubik's Cube I had to kind of try and figure out how to untie it and I want to tell you I immediately got so frustrated with it I can't guys I can't do tedious things I'm not a tedious kind of guy I'm just not I mean I I'm a big-picture kind of guy but a little bitty thing those things make me insane they just I'm sorry I'm like that but I just am and I'm looking at this thing and I'm trying to figure out a way how could I got somebody not to this oh yeah you know I merely thought I'm just gonna burn it I'm serious this is part of my dream I'm like where's the lighter this thing is such a mess I'm just gonna just burn it I believe I preached on that this past Sunday amen so in my dream I'm looking by the way I don't preach from other people's theories I preach from my own life and that's what you ought to do too amen you don't try and figure out what everybody needs to hear amen you just need to pay just need to pay attention to what Jesus is saying to you amen because you're supposed to a well of living water is supposed to flow out of your own life amen so man I'm looking at this thing I'm looking around just like hate this see he's making me crazy and I saw one little bitty tiny thread sticking up like this and I grabbed it and I let go and it just went and the whole thing just unwound and I was like well that was simple and I woke up and I had this phrase simple solutions to complicated issues I I think that I walk in authority when it comes to simple solutions and complicated issues because God Almighty gave me that prophetic word he gave me that and so I pray that over your whole I feel people we tell my story your doors the battery deity had it and I say I pray that Jesus simple solutions to complicated issues in the name of Jesus and I believe that the power of God is activated when I say that phrase Jesus believed it amen so this morning I'm walking through here and I was right over here was already some Jesus freaks out here praying adrià was over there I love the listen a jury up man he just I mean he just on his best day he pride he praises if he's devastated just freaks out he's over here praying man all my friends are all out here praying and I was walking right over here and when I got about right here I heard the term just I'm walking along and I hear this phrase divine supplies now the various supplies is not part of my everyday language that's divine supplies I'm like okay so I came around over here and this is my little spot and I want to tell you I don't like it when anybody gets in my spot and prays on Wednesday morning I have to go and talk or anything you know that this is my spot now don't make me get in another spot this is my spot but nobody's afraid of me so I always everybody so somebody typically gets in my spot so I'm trying to hurry up and get out here to my spot before somebody else got to it so I come walking out here and right about here I hear the term divine supplies but so I get over there I busted out my notebook and I wrote down the term divine supplies and by the way that's going to be a big part of my word for 2018 that is a word I'm seeking God for prophetic words for the Moldy more the season we're all in okay and that hint terms just hit me so I went cool cool beans divine supplies I'll put it in quotes so I open up my Bible and when I opened up my Bible I have a Thompson's chain reference Bible okay you don't have any kind of Bible you want I bless it and call it blessed in Jesus name I'm a Thompson chain reference guy and it's how I learned if the whole Bible it's I learned it through the Thompsons chain reference system and so I opened it up and at the back of it the appendix which is huge that has all the chain references I opened it up and flipping through that I just kind of just did this and it just opened up and there's two butterfly wings real butterflies because one of the things God God listen God can talk to you how everyone's one of the ways God lets me know he's there is through butterflies I'm just telling you I've been like s since I was a little boy and I can't tell you how many times that I've gone out and I've had my Bible and while I'm reading a butterfly land on my Bible and I just closed it smash it so I keep those those wings in my volume because I'm a boy don't don't think cuz I like butterflies that I had a boy I promise you I'm a hundred percent boy bang I got me one hallelujah so I've got tons and tons of butterfly wings all through my Bible and so it was a place where there were these butterfly wings I'm like oh wow and I was like way knows our beautiful butterfly wings and then there's a place that's highlighted and it was a Bible study and it was on enduring things from God and the title was divine supplies literally all that happened within 30 seconds God spoke it here I opened up the Bible and God confirmed it through his word yes this is a real word for you and the scripture was in first kings and it was all about how Elisha ate one meal and he carried he went in the of that through that divine supply for 40 days okay dude I want to take something I'm receiving that word I'm receiving that word and that happened this morning God Almighty dropped that prophetic phrase in my life because he knows I'm gonna Stuart it amen now now look I'm gonna start driving everybody crazy talking about hey it's a season of divine supply don't you know this church that we're blessing tonight they're gonna know that it's a season a divine supply they got a $50,000 gift that's coming to them if they don't even know they're gonna say that's God and it is God it is it is the Lord so I closed is just say this man whatever your language is between you and the Lord however that however that actually works for you you need to learn how prophetic speech works in the Word of God and then you need to start marking out your own key phrases that God gives you okay and it might be you know you hear me preach or somebody else preacher you know whatever I'm not saying that you know you have to just hear it supernaturally like I did hear there are a lot of times I hear other people say things like I want to tell you last year guys the term a alignment for assignment boom man that is a huge word in my life and that's a simple phrase alignment for assignment and we put that out at the beginning of the year and I've heard other preachers say that over and over and over again and I don't think it's because they're paying attention to Troy Brewer I just think that that is a word that God Almighty is putting out there alignment for assignment all right my god you you ripping me off and you're preaching my cool prophetic phrases that's the Word of God and people who seek him find him so be looking for prophetic phrases in your life be willing to write those things down be willing to think about it and talk about it and this is this is like something that me and Leona do all the time you know Leon it's like what sorry what's God talking about this that or whatever like and and we do this constantly you need to have people in your life that you can talk about the subjects and the themes that God Almighty is speaking to you so that you can go into the power of those things that's the end of my message guys let's give the Lord of gravy praise [Applause] you
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 17,474
Rating: 4.8874679 out of 5
Keywords: OpenDoor Church, Pastor Troy Brewer, Troy Brewer, Pastor, Sermons, teaching series, Christian, Jesus, God, Love, Bible, sermon series, local pastors, local church sermons, non-denominational teachings, does jesus exist, does god exist, prayer, god, jesus
Id: 59-bVfuGPeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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