Revival Night 3 With Jim Maxwell

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well welcome back everybody god bless you so much I want to say I had more fun preaching last night and I've had in a long time man there was a good spirit that was in the house last night hallelujah it really was and I really enjoyed brother Paul last night before I introduce our next speaker I want to mind everybody guys that this is all going to be exclusive content on Troy Brewer TV and if you haven't plugged into that man I encourage you to do that man you'll get if you don't even know what that is just know that it's every video that we have on video on-demand it costs 30 bucks a month but let me tell you what the 30 bucks a month is that doesn't go to us we have zero overhead we have no overhead at all what that goes to you is that goes into the account that helps us sustain all of the little girls that we have bought all over the world so so this it's the big double whammy if you guys have not yet gone to Troy Brewer TV and signed up for that man I encourage you guys to do that we add 10 to 15 new videos every single month and there are hundreds and hundreds of hours including all of my conferences all of my school of prophecy all of my school to ministry and you can say I signed up before the whole world knew about it amen encourage you guys to do that okay guys look I want to just tell you first of all last night I got high I was telling a whole bunch of cool stories about some of the things that that God has shown me and the message that I preached was called such as I have I give unto you amen and isn't that a good principle guys done that Matt doesn't that want to make you go after God in a whole new way so that you can give away God in a whole new way amen because you can only give away what you have amen I like that you don't pressure are just seem like you're always out doing crazy things what are you doing man I'm going out to the kingdom that's what I'm going a million a story I want to be the one telling the story and I always tell my own stories amen amen this is how good god has been here this is how good god has been there and over the past thirty years in ministry my goodness we have some amazing stories to tell not because we've done amazing things but because how God has shown up and how good and how faithful he is he's so good he's so good and I just fall in love with him over and over and over again the Bible says we have known and we have also believed man when you when you find God in a whole new way and when you know him in a whole new way where you say man I didn't know you were like that oh my gosh then you have a whole new level of faith if you're asking God to increase your faith you're asking God to increase your experience in him amen so the only thing that works is going after Jesus nothing else works amen we just got to go after Jesus who do we got to go after guys well last night I was telling this cool story of this little boy in India that we'd prayed for for years who was blind and we go to this little hillbilly village every time we typically would go to our leprosy colonies and then after spending a day loving on people with leprosy and and and literally hugging people who nobody will touch and shaking hands with people who don't even have hands and taking off our shoes and putting them on the feet of people who barely even have feet and spending a whole day loving on people the way that you should love on people and say just some Jesus is not afraid of you he loves you and he's not ashamed of you and we represent him amen after a whole day of doing that then man you all piled into the big ol bus and you drive for hours like like five hours six hours out into the middle of nowhere and man when you're in the middle of nowhere India you are in something my promise you and then we come to this village and while we're there at this village there's this beautiful little boy by the name of Joshua and Joshua is stone-cold blind blind since birth something really wrong with his eyes so if you weren't here to hear the story I'll just tell you that we had prayed for him and prayed for him we had been there like four years in a row praying for this every time we'd go to that village say is Joshua here and Joshua would be there you always knew Joshua was there because even though I was blind he didn't keep him from going SpiderMonkey all over everything Amen you climb all over everybody and everything and he's all wound up right well he wasn't there that night and Liana asked I said where is he and they said well we already put him in bed and Leanna just insisted please go get him please go wake him up and guys you know I don't know where his house is but it was a ways from where or at and she said I've got to pray for Joshua so they left and they were gone about 30 maybe 45 minutes or so while we were preaching and praying for people and doing our gig and they came back with Joshua and at the end of the night we all begin to pray for him again well pastor Jim got over to him and Liana prayed for him and I prayed for him and pastor Gina zigueira who's late by the way I don't know if y'all know that pastor Gina's a Gary is late is he wait look y'all look ya'll Gina's a Guerra I made it into the house there is hallelujah because I want to tell you there have been three times in my life I have seen somebody hilda blindness and all three times I've been with Pastor Jean there's somebody that there are some people that carry the the presence of God like that and two times was in Mexico and one time was in India and all three times I was with pastor Jean and so we prayed for him pastor Jean prayed for him and listened pastor Jean don't pray easy for anybody okay pastor Jean doesn't have any couth and when he prays for people's like God he pray for him well then after the whole thing was over with pastor Jim who's a lot nicer than past regime he busted out his phone and he took a picture of this little boy and when he did the little boy shouted he would hey and pastor Jim went that little boy just saw that light and I want to show this first picture this is the first picture this is him okay that's him before he could see okay now the next picture that we took he actually blinked and he closed his eyes because the light that was in it let me show you that okay and then as God is my witness pastor Jim begin to just take pictures of him and God begin to restore his sight 100% I want you to show this next picture he's starting to see he's like hey I'm starting to see things I want to show you the next picture there's that kid right there and that brother can see just fine how many more pictures are there because I don't want to get to the last picture yeah that there is out there looking into the light going hey look at my eyes and looking into the light going I can see that that is blowing my mind well guys the Lord completely restored his sight and it was it was a really cool miracle I mean we all were like whoa we're like praise the name of Jesus right and we whoo come on we hook him aside to some died and we act like crazy people so we walked around praise God man we saw God healed a little boy violin okay Nick who's back here he is he's back here today Nick would you raise your hand usually Nick is up here playing bass with us by the way it was great to have Steve stone and play with us tonight what a what a what an honor to have you on the stage Steve I Love You Man and anyway Nick plays in the Josh weathers band and Nick and well the the year before that I had taken Joshua weathers with me and he had stomped all around India with me and then we had gone into that same village and we connected them with pastor Sudhir mohanty right well a lot of my god okay so Pastor Sudhir got connected with them so Josh and his people all got together and they did another missions trip and they went into the same village and they were all out there and Josh didn't know that that little boy had been healed and he told Nick he said this kid this is gonna send crazy baby we're here last year and I swear that kid was blind and so they took a picture of him because he didn't know that he'd been healed on our trip so they took a picture I mean I want to show you this picture okay you can't really see him because that's him right there in the front he's sitting on the front row and guys let me let me zoom this in a little bit that's him sitting on the furrow guys do you see how much darker he is that's because he's been running around outside playing because the brother can see now oh my gosh that is just stupid cool I'm so glad that we have several different stories that go with that one kid with several groups of people who saw that young man get Hilde blindness man I love that ain't that funny can't you just imagine and you know how you know what a dork just weathers is right hey man I swear that came up by huh take a picture of him before I start singing like Whitney Houston he always does Troy Brewer impression so that's my really cool Josh weathers impression all right the person I'm about to introduce to you has been a pastor to me for more than thirty years I first met him in the late 80s the early 90s I got saved in 1989 and I met him not saved and for whatever reason him and his bride loved me and I want to tell you man I was a mess and I was a mess even though I was saved a full of Holy Spirit I really was a mess and I just didn't have a clue about kingdom stuff I learned quickly I did because we jumped into so many things but you hear all these stories about us going all over the world they actually pioneered all that they went to Uganda before we went to Uganda any of y'all that have come to Uganda with us if you've seen all of our villages and all of our orphanages that we've been building for the past 20 years you need to know that 30 years ago they were there and I was so mesmerized by their stories of how miraculous was and couldn't believe I'd never met anybody that actually had the guts to go into a war-torn jungle and it inspired me so much I'm gonna do that and I did it and I want to tell you man there would not be an open door Church there would not be a Troy Brewer ministries it would not be a spark worldwide there would not be an answer international there would not be a troy borough TV if it wasn't for this person I'm about I'm about to introduce and I'm not just saying that it's absolutely legit when I got ready to start this ministry I had a dream and I had a vision and the dream that I had was this pastor Jim was on a tractor and he was sewing in this field and he had a whole bunch of he had a whole bunch of implements behind him and he was just tearing up the ground and it was a whole bunch and there was all these fields that had been plowed and pastor Jim was the one that was on it and I was running trying to catch up with him running running running and then he went over this hill and I couldn't catch up with him anymore and I stopped him dream I looked down and there was a gold coin I went oh cool and I reached down and I picked it up and then I looked and there was two silver coins side by side just a few feet more and I reach down picked them up and put that in my pocket and then it looked like something like a piece of burlap up out of the ground and knocked all the dirt off of it and I pulled it up and it was a big bag of money and I started looking and there was coins in all these fields and I was like what the heck and then I woke up and I went to pastor Jim and I said pastor Jim I had this dream and I told him the dream that I just had and I said pastor Jim I don't know what this means he's opened up the Bible to Matthew 25 which was a parable I had never read in my life I had never heard this parable and he read it out loud to me at his house and he said Troy the kingdom of heaven is like a man that finds a treasure hidden in the field and for the joy thereof he goes him sells all that he has and he purchases it and I said what does that mean and he said you need to sell out and I knew retro I'm fixing going a full time ministry I mean I knew the set he pointed it me pastor Jim did and said you ought to sell out well the harvests that was in my field was first plowed by the person that I want to introduce to you he's still my pastor today he's one of my favorite people in the whole wide world pastor Jim Maxwell could you come up here manna God [Applause] awesome praise the Lord Wow pastor Troy you ain't seen nothing yet God's bigger than we think he is no matter how big you believe he is are y'all ready for what the Lord is about to do to you in you and through you tonight definition of revival we think of revival many times as what happens as a result of revival and we see people saved and healed and delivered and set free and we call that revival but the truth of the matter is those things are the result of revival what revival is is what happens to us individuals as the church and when we are revived we become aware of the greatness and the goodness of God to the point that we're able to do what he's called us to do and that's what's going to happen in this house tonight amen I want to say greetings to you from early Texas our church is called freedom Fellowship and we're in early Texas if you don't know where early Texas is yeah well Brownwood is a suburb of early that's the way we look at it and and I've got some folks from early here I want all the folks Murli just stand up just stand up yeah there's a plea to fellowship box thank you for being here amen the Lord is about to stir something on the inside of you tonight and I want you to prepare your heart to receive it I'm gonna ask my bride to come up here Anita is the reason I am Who I I want her to come up here and I'm gonna ask her I'm asked her to share this vision that took place that she had about 17 years ago now in the years past as we've come to open door Church throughout the years I've always had something stir up in me and cause me to prophesy to you about what God was going to do in this house and through you and I'm seeing those prophecies being fulfilled around the world literally reaching tens of thousands of people but I want you to know that what God has begun to do is still just the beginning of what God is going to do and I want a NIDA to share with you by the way she looks beautiful tonight I want her to share with you the word that the Lord gave her and the business he shot saw back in the year 2000 all right hello god bless you we were in a service about like this the presence of God was very thick have you ever heard of the Shekinah glory it was like that's what we were in the presence of God was so tangible you felt like you could reach out and touch it and I was at the front everyone was at the front we were worshiping God and all of a sudden the Lord gave me a vision and the vision I saw was to the east and I knew it was to the east and what it was it was a massive wall of water I had to look up at it it was a massive wall of water and the Lord spoke to me and he said that is my glory that is my glory and so he said that's the tsunami of my glory that is coming and so I begin studying after that I began studying it and if you go over and you look at Ezekiel chapter 43 you begin to see the end in the very first work were verse it talks about the massive waters coming from the east and when you read a few more scriptures down it talks about that that water is coming from the throne Church the glory of God comes from the throne but that water that tsunami is the glory of God he showed that to me 17 years ago we've seen trickles of that tsunami but I don't believe we've seen the full thing and I believe it's coming man hey man amen amen thank you Lord let me put this somewhere because I believe it up there all that all on the pulpits gonna cause it to slide off if my iPad falls off pastor Troy it's gonna be because of your oil or your all let's stand together dr. gene glad you made it amen we're looking forward to being with you in December we're gonna have a good time Holy Spirit I thank you for your presence I thank you Father for your anointing that comes from heaven we ask Lord right now for your will in heaven to be done in earth we ask father for your anointing to flow freely in this room tonight may every word that has spoken everything that is said and everything that is done tonight be done for your glory I ask father for your Holy Spirit to speak to me and to speak through me the words that each individual need to hear receive and take hold of and Lord we know that you do that by the power of your spirit we surrender our hearts to you we surrender our lives to you and we submit ourselves to the hearing of the word so that we might become what you're calling us to be and what I declare tonight in this room in this house that every person that has walked into this place with the need is going to walk out of this place with the answer I declared that every person that's walked into this place with a need is going to walk out of this place with the answer father I just thank you for that we're not going to stop but we're going to keep on pressing because there is a tsunami of your glory that it's coming to our lives to our world to this house to this nation to this planet and Lord we want to be a part of what you're doing we don't want to be on the side looking out but we want to be in the middle of what you're doing so speak to our hearts tonight and change their lives we ask it in Jesus name Amen you receive that say Amen all right you can be seated but ask if you will turn in your Bible to the book of Hebrews chapter number 10 verse number 35 now most of you that have heard me preach and the people from our church you know me I love to teach on faith I love to talk about what it means to believe God and the reason I do that is because the Word of God says without faith you can't please him and whatever is not of faith is sin so that means faith must be the message that means we must believe what the Word of God says it does us no good to come and hear the word if we're not going to believe what we hear so I admonish you tonight to make up your mind to hear the word but hear it with your spirit man and not with just your own natural understanding because when you hear the word with your spirit it becomes a revealed word or a revelation inside of you that will change you I want to give you three words tonight that are that I want you to remember if you remember absolutely nothing else and it's these three words that simply say don't stop now everybody say don't stop now most people begin a journey of serving God they begin a journey of believing God they begin the journey of a lifestyle of knowing him and in the process of life things happen and when those things happen we are tempted to stop believing we're tempted to stop following we are tempted to stop doing what God's called us to do and when we stop we do not see the end Hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 says therefore do not cast away your confidence which has great reward for you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of God you may receive the promise I have need of endurance the reason that I need endurance is because if I stop now I do not receive the promise go to Hebrews chapter 12 verse number one we're involved in something that the Bible refers to as a race that means that we are running somewhere we are going somewhere Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 says therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance it's called patience let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God I want you to get that picture in your mind Jesus is seated he has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God that's the place of authority he's waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool you and I now have become the body of Christ in the world today and we are the ones that are still running the race let me give you another scripture 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 says do you know know that those who run in a race run all run but one receives the prize and then here's the command run in such a way that you may obtain it run in such a way that you may obtain what are we going to obtain we are going to obtain the promises of God and the only way you can obtain the promise or obtain the prize is by running until you finish the race that means you don't stop now whatever is in front of you whatever the enemy is throwing at you it doesn't matter what it is the command of the Lord is simply this don't stop let me just say this to you tonight if you're in this room and you have sickness in your body don't stop now because there is an end to your sickness I'm just telling you right now there is an end to your sickness because the Word of God says that by His stripes you have already been healed first 2 Peter 2:24 by His stripes you've already been healed so that means there's a place that you can't arrive at where your healing is manifest in your body that means if you are going through that that that physical problem right now you have need of endurance the endurance is not just so you can get your miracle and say well lookie I can go on and do something different no the the endurance is there so that you can continue to believe God in the midst of your sickness so that you can arrive at the end of your race and obtain your healing don't stop now don't stop because you feel bad don't stop because you've heard a bad report don't stop because the doctor says you're gonna die don't stop because you've got pain that you that is that is overwhelming and you don't stop believing the Word of God because the Word of God still says by His stripes you're healed I want everyone in the room right now that needs healing your physical body just to raise your right hand if you can just hold it up hold it up let me look at you all right the Lord is telling you right now don't stop because tonight is a time in this atmosphere and at this presence for you can Seve your miracle all right number of years ago we were passionate in in in Fort Worth the church pastor Troy and Leanna began to attend they were actually our youth pastors at that time and at the we've been there about 13 years and the Lord began to lead us out and and we begin to do revival meetings and in smaller churches and and we began a revival in 1999 in Haskell Texas that supposed to go in four nights and they ended up going 25 weeks and then we went from there to another Church for 21 weeks and we went to a little Church in in Merkel Texas we were there for about 17 weeks I think I think we were there probably 25 or 26 weeks total two different revivals and one night in that service in one of our services and that revival this young lady before the very beginning of the revival she came in and she walked in and and and we didn't know who she was and and I was ministering at the end of the service and I just I just the Lord gave me a word he said though somebody's in this room right now that that has heads cancer has spoken over you just recently and and you've been told that you have cancer and this young girl came up and and we prayed for her and that night the Lord instantly healed her completely of cancer well that young lady's she's a woman now she's living in Utah probably watching us right now still free from cancer I don't understand how everything happens I don't understand why everything happens but I do know that God's Word is absolute and I do know that if you have need the Word of God declares that my God shall supply all of your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus but the key to receiving your miracle is make sure you just don't stop where you are right now the woman with the issue of blood when she heard about Jesus we know what she did she heard about him and then she said something in herself she said if I can just touch the hem of His garment I know that I'll be made whole so what did she do she again to press her way in she did not stop where she was she was persistent in her face she had need of endurance she kept pressing her way in until she arrived at the point for her faith made contact with the anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ and she received her healing and then we know what Jesus did he turned around you know he didn't even know who it was it touched him he said who touched me so we understand that Jesus did not heal her it was her faith in Jesus that heal her and we understand that it was because she was persistent in her faith she pressed her way in she did not stop where she was in that same revival in Merkel Texas I was preaching a message on faith of course and in the middle of my sermon a woman in the church sitting on a few probably about six or seven rows back where that young lady right there is in the gray raise your hand I'm not prophesying this over you this is just where she was sitting the woman died right there and the lady sitting next to her said she's not breathing she doesn't have a pulse she's dead and I'm preaching on faith that's not right so what am I gonna do am I gonna stop now well that's a good time to stop well all I could do was keep on preaching on faith so you know God knows how to give illustrated sermons I think sometimes we give our illustrations instead of letting God be the illustrator and so what we had to do I had no choice because I'm preaching the Word of God about how God honors our faith and so I just go back to her and lay my hands on her and just come in life to come back into her body and it does now the result of that is God confirms his word with signs following you see in the church we've had many people that have just gone up and they've gotten emotional and excited about the move of God and that's okay but that's not where your faith lies and so what we've done we begin to chase signs instead of being Jesus instead of letting the signs follow us we're following the signs amen so when we understand that God confirms his word he does not confirm our word he confirms his word with signs following so if we get our word in line with his word we will see the miracles we will see the signs following so we come to we have to come into agreement with the Word of God now let me just give you another story pastor Troy shared about us going to Uganda back in 1991 we made our first trip to Uganda we got to go to Fort Pillow some of you may even know may remember a pastor KL Dixon and we went to to the church in Fort Portal in those days there was nothing modern there at all I mean in those days the road between between Kampala and Uganda was about normally a two-hour trip it took us 12 hours to get through the jungle and a Land Rover to get there and when we got there we got to preach in a in a crusade to about 30,000 people and it was just an amazing event to see God moving the lines those people because they believed everything the Word of God said and we've got a video back in those days it was VCR okay we've got a video of a young boy that had never walked a day in his life and he had convulsions all the time he had seizures every single night and on the morning after we had the prayer time prayer line the night before the mama comes in and and she comes up to testify and she's got this boy standing beside her and then I've been looking at this boy throughout the entire service and if you've ever been to Uganda you know when they worship they worship I mean they I would say worship you talk about rowdy this I'd seen this young boy about nine years old just dancing and running back and forth in the front just running back and forth and had no idea that he was the boy we had prayed father not before that had never walked and had seizures all of his life the woman who came up and she she said I've got to tell you what the Lord has done is and she's hold it on this boy he's excited because he's moving he's walking he's done things had never done before and she gave the testimony about how he had he had spent all of his life in seizures and he wasn't able to do anything and that night was this first night to not have a seizure and also the first time that he began to leap and walk and run as a normal child you see I don't understand how God does it I just know that he does it because He loves us and His Word is absolute oh we go on and on the testimonies are real the testimonies are there but you see the main thing that counts is if we make a decision to believe what the Word of God says if you believe the Word of God Jesus said over and over again to those that receive miracles in his ministry he said let it be done to you according to your faith but what many of us do we press our way into a certain point we press our way in until we become uncomfortable in our confession we press our way in until we but we we we are confronted by a doubter or non-believer about what we're believing for we press our way in to a certain point and then we say well I don't know maybe it's not going to happen maybe God doesn't want me to be healed maybe it just doesn't work this way and so we stopped I'm here to tell you God's saying something to you right now don't stop now first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 scripture very familiar to a lot of people is simply this says this no temptation has taken you but such as is common to man now that lets me know that in this life there are going to be temptations tests and trials there going to be problems that come our way there's going to be issues in life that we have to deal with but you see what many people do they they take that scripture and they they read that part and they say well this is just the world we live in we are going to have temptation tests and trials and it's going to come to us but the Word of God doesn't stop there because the Word of God continues to say this there's no temptation taken you but such as common to man but God is faithful so when you are trying to believe God for your miracle do not stop at the point of doubt do not stop at the point of unbelief do not stop with the revelation of the problem only continue to press in until you hear what God says about your problem Ephesians chapter chapter two verse one says this and you he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sin how many know that we were all dead at one time but you didn't stop there because a revelation of God's mercy and His grace as love came to you and you made a decision to believe what he said about you and you believe that he is the son of God you believe he came in the flesh therefore you took hold by faith of what he said in his word you didn't stop in your trespasses and sin you didn't stop in your dead way of living but you were made a new creation in Christ because you pressed your way in by faith to believe what Jesus said about who he is and who you are in him we all have needs and if you have a need you in the same world I live in we all have needs but don't stop there Philippians 4:19 my God shall supply all your need all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus maybe you know that there was a tragedy that took place many years ago about 2,000 years ago a terrible tragedy took place the son of the Living God was crucified he was nailed to a cross and he died but he didn't stop there too many of us won't to die and give up and quit because we think it's over but you can never think it's over and be a person of faith because it is never over until it's over at the end of every experience is a miracle you see Jesus when he laid down his life he was crucified for our sins but his faith was in the father to raise him from the dead on the third day Acts chapter 13 verse 30 says he died but verse 30 says but God didn't stop there God raised him from the dead I love this scripture first Corinthians 1:30 1:27 you may be foolish if you are foolish don't stop there you may be weak if you are weak don't stop there because the word says in verse 27 God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put the shame the wise God has chosen the weak things of the world to put the shame the things that are mighty so no matter where you are right now don't stop where you are because God wants to take you from where you are and lead you to where he wants you to be he wants to meet you at the level of faith you're walking in don't condemn yourself because you're not walking in some great faith somebody else is walking in don't condemn yourself because you're not doing what somebody else is doing just let God meet you where you are and take you to the next level in your walk of faith with him don't stop now don't give up now and I just love the first chapter of Genesis for everything is messed up when God shows up the worlds without forming board and it's dark God shows up and he looked at it and he says man it's dark it's bad I don't know what I'm gonna do oh I'm sorry I must have read that wrong let's know what he said he saw how bad it was and he said let there be light when God looks at something dark he doesn't stop there he changes the situation by his word he changes the situation by his word he changes the situation by his word if you are in darkness don't stop there if your world is without form and void and darkness is upon the face of the deep don't stop there do what God does speak something that agrees with God and change it to the will of God alright Hebrews chapter 11 verse 17 says this by faith Abraham when he was tested offered up Isaac and he had received the promises offered up his only begotten son of whom he was said it was said in Isaac your seed shall be called concluding that God was able to raise him up even from the dead from which he also received him in a figurative sense now by faith Abraham offered up Isaac we've got to get this story we got to get understanding of the story God had spoke to Abraham and he said to Abraham when he was a man called Abram and he said I'm going to bless you and I'm going to give you a son and your seed is going to be as the stars of the heaven it's going to be as the sand on the seashore your seed is going to be multiplied it's going to cover the earth and the earth the nations of the world are going to be blessed because of your seed and so by faith Abraham keeps on believing God by faith Abraham hears the word of God by faith Abraham trusts God on a certain level but we do know that Abraham made a big mistake and he didn't do things exactly right because his level of faith was he was still growing in his level of faith but here's the time now when God has done a work in Abraham and Abraham has understand has understood and determined that God is faithful and so God is in covenant with Abraham and Abraham is in covenant with God his name has changed from Abram to Abraham and then he's the he's called the father of many nations and he has one son and so God tells Abraham I want you to take your son Isaac and I want you to take him up to the top of the mountain and I want you to offer him as a sacrifice to me now Abraham could have said but God how you asked me to do this because this is the Sun that you promised that I was going to have my seed was going to come through and the world was going to be blessed because of my seed how can I offer him up for you the Word of God says that Abraham did not stagger at the promise of God in other words when God told him take your son Isaac to the top of the mountain and he said I am going to ask you to offer him as a sacrifice to me here's what Abraham did Genesis chapter 22 let's read this story verse 1 says it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham and said to him Abraham and he said Here I am then he said take now your son your only son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you so Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his own son and he split the wood for the burnt offering it arose to me to the went to the place of which God had told him look at verse forward then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off and Abraham said to his young men stay here with the donkey the lad and I will go yonder and worship and we will come back to you those of you that have been in church very long in the head of read the words sent of the word you know this story but let's look at some things that happen here Abraham was told by God to take Isaac to the top of this mountain and to offer him as a sacrifice abraham believed God and the Word of God says in Hebrews 11 that it was accounted unto him for righteousness that means he believed God no matter what he saw no matter what he experienced he believed God now if we will go back to Hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 we find this we found Sarah she received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age because she judged him faithful who had promised so now Sara judges God faithful and now Abraham judges God faithful and now Abraham is required to do the ultimate sacrifice of obedience but sacrificing his only son Isaac on the altar Abraham had reached a level of faith in his walk right now where he really didn't care what God told him to do he was just going to do it hmm I said Abraham had reached a level of faith in this walk with God at this point that it really didn't matter what God told him to do he was going to do it when you reach that level of faith you'll find out there is no place to stop you have to keep on pressing you have to keep on believing and you have to keep on obeying so Abraham's just the sacrifice ready he gets the altar ready he gets the wood ready he gets the fire in his hand and he begins to go start up the mountain and he says to those that were with him he said y'all stay here I'm taking Isaac and we're going to the top of the mountain we're gonna be there a little ball then we're both coming back God had just told him to kill his son but Abraham's faith was so great that it didn't matter if you did he said I know that God will raise him up because I am in covenant with God and God said this is my promised seed yeah so you know what happened God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him he responds to our faith he responds to what we believe and so we find Abraham now is on one side of this mountain and we understand that God's on the other side of the mountain God is over there on the other side of the mountain Abraham doesn't see God but all Abraham sees is God is going to meet him at the top of the mountain so we understand that now Abraham could easily say I'm I don't know about this I'm not sure we can do this and he could have made it halfway up the mountain and said I just don't think I can lay down the life of this son because God said this son is my promised seed and we can always rest'll eyes and reason our way out of obeying God hello there's always something we can look at and say well I'm going to judge it this way instead of judging what the Word of God says about it but Abraham didn't stop there he kept on walking he kept on pressing he kept on obeying so I believe that it happened a little bit like this for every step that Abraham made up this side of the mountain God was making the same step up the other side of the mountain I believe that every act of obedience on the part of Abraham God was responding to his faith he was responding to his act of obedience so the revelation to that except of this if you don't stop now God won't stop now when he got to the top of the mountain God was coming up on the other side of a mountain with a ram in his hand saying I have the provision for the sacrifice I had the supply I have the answer to your knee all you have to do is keep on believing me keep on pressing your way in keep on trusting me don't stop now we know the story when Abraham got to the top of the mountain he built the altar put the wood on the altar put Isaac on the altar can you imagine what was going through Isaac's mind that was called trust Isaac was a little bit of material he on his way up we found the Word of God says when they were going up the mountain Isaac said father said where's the sacrifice didn't know that it was him for as the sacrifice and Abraham said don't worry about the sacrifice because Jehovah Jireh God will provide I don't see him coming up I don't see the realm I don't see the answer but I know my god I don't see and I don't understand I don't know how it's going to happen but I know that God cannot lie I know that I'm in covenant with him I know that his promise is true I know that you are the promised seed and no matter what happens at the top of the mountain you and I are coming down the mountain together Church don't stop now we're going to be praying for individuals in this room tonight because somebody in this room is going to receive a miracle because you've made up your mind you're not going to stop where you are you're not going to settle in today's a second-rate faith you're not gonna settle into a halfway style of believing God you're going to press your way in until you take hold of the revelation of truth no matter what you feel no matter what you experience you're going to receive what you need from God because you're not going to stop where you are
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 2,704
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: f_vlyND5Yto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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