Name Above All Names 2: I AM

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Church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the planet earth here to open door Church can you do that for me burning I don't know yet well guys welcome everybody and welcome everybody that's listed on pin fold radio network our friends down in the nation of beliefs a man would call you guys bless Amen everybody that's watching on opened or experienced comm including everybody that's watching live on Facebook right now and I want to remind y'all that if you have not yet shared our live feed to your page man this is a great time to do that help us reach your friends and your haters and your critics and the people who love you most help us reach all those people with the testimony and the power the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ amen he really is the answer to everything guys he really and truly is I love me some some King Jesus I'm so grateful for the presence of the Most High God guys I want to jump right off into the word because we're gonna have a lot we're gonna go through a bunch of stuff today and I love this whole series I haven't done a series like this in years and years on the names of God we call this the name above all names last week guys we talked about the name of King Jesus as I Redeemer and I am a Redemption fanatic I love redeem I'd love anything that has to do with with redemption um redemption does not come from the hearts of men redemption comes from the heart of God Almighty guys the new Bible Dictionary gives us definition it says redemption means deliverance from some evil by payment of a price it's always a selfless price redemption means deliverance from some evil by the payment of a price it's the sinner theme of the entire Bible it's the prophetic story that the heavens declare the glory of God is what Jesus Christ came to bring and who he himself is our Redemption I Redeemer amen as a Redemption which is pronounced read imp shun which sounds perfect because that kind of sounds a little bit hillbilly doesn't it Reed NIM shine hallelujah is the act of buying something back or paying a price or ransom to return something to his possession in other words I'm going to pay a selfless price to put this in the position that's actually supposed to be in now we think about that first first and foremost as we should of our own salvations that God Almighty plucked us out of the hands of hell and put us back in right standing with God Almighty amen gave us real estate in heaven gave us a name that is actually his name gave us his holy spirit all those things were made right and I praise God for that but that's not all that it is it carries the meaning of freeing someone from slavery from chains from prison from bringing someone out of a septic tank and putting them on a throne is something like that which means transformation for every single part of our life because my friends one of the things that I recognize is that redemption changes absolutely everything and not just over time but in fact for all time once redemption has taken place the record of how it was before is no longer in the record of how it is becomes eternal I'm so grateful for that these kinds of concepts do not come from men these kinds of concepts come from heaven itself these kinds of concepts come from the heart of God and guys we need to be fascinated with Redemption we need to be people who constantly go hey wait a minute I haven't been round up about my redemption in a long long time I need to investigate that I need to look into it I need to search it out I need to celebrate it I need to praise God over it amen I want to tell you something if you want to kick off an awesome personal revival have a one day fasting day or two whatever that means to you and say I'm gonna study Redemption and I am going to say from now on I am redeemed amen the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so in other words you don't live your life like the religious Christian world lives you know some day I might be saved no no no listen I am redeemed amen I'm not fighting for victory I'm fighting from victory amen I do have right standing with the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus paid an incredible price for that I'm not going to diminish that I'm gonna make a big deal out of it and I'm gonna live as if I'm so loved by the father that he sent His only begotten Son to die for me amen and what kind of a life should I live if I'm living as if I am redeemed oh my goodness the religious world would call that dangerous I just call it fun amen and go you know what I'm living as if I am saved not as if I'm trying to be saved amen listen it's not my job to get saved Jesus Christ accomplish that for me at the cross amen and then he gave me a grace to have faith within that so I'm in hallelujah and how much more can how much more can Jesus died how much more can Jesus live how much more can Jesus be resurrected what other promises can the Father give to you and I to tell us how important we are to him why don't we just start living according to the thoughts and according to the heart of the Father himself I heard two brothers say that it was just a great man of God he says something amazing he said I cannot afford to have a thought within my head about me that doesn't line up with the father's thoughts towards me Wow like okay what all thoughts do I have about me that the father's thoughts do do not line up with that I know what it is it all falls under a category of not being redeemed so why would I lie to myself why would I deceive myself and say that I'm not redeemed when the father has declared that I am redeemed amen somehow it feels right to say well I'm just a I'm just a horrible dark sinner and it feels right somehow because there's a religious part of all of us that wants to say God's good but my bad is badder than God's good I'm gonna tell you something man your bad is not badder than God's good you're not near as tough as you think you are Amen you're just somebody in desperate need of a savior just like all the rest of us amen well Redemption changes ownership and when things move from the kingdom of Hell to the Kingdom of Heaven the king of kings gets to have his glorious Dominion and he gets to have his will on earth as it is in heaven amen Redemption changes lost people to family hated people to celebrated wicked people to holy Redemption changes lepers bodies to perfect human specimens like me just see if y'all are paying attention ja quiet this morning so y'all can't tell by my tone of voice if I'm happy or mad yet listen I'm in a good mood amen I'm just stopping to get my preach on up in here hallelujah I'm in a great mood I woke up this morning and I went God are you in a good mood he said yes so that gives me permission to be in a good mood Amen hallelujah well through the transformational power of redemption messed up minds become gifted for learning shameful and pitiful people become honored and become confident all of those are acts and works of redemption and the more that you get into what the redeeming power of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us the more mastery you begin to walk in and it's a big huge theme for me right now reigning in life is a huge theme for me right now that God is speaking to me about the the promise and the power and the perspective of reigning in life and I know that that's been abused in a lot of areas and and I'm sorry for that but I'm not going to act like I'm not supposed to reign in life amen but there's this part of the attractive power that God Almighty gives to Kingdom people as he says let your light so shine before men that there ought to be something in your life that says men there's something that that brother has that's amazing and I want to tell you what it doesn't look like it doesn't look like well I'm just a filthy worm just trying to make it to the cross that is a bunch of baloney amen Bob the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so when people say hey why do you have hope you should say because I'm redeemed and redemption is at work within my life that means every shame for every dark every terrible place you know what doesn't have a chance when I'm around amen if I if I will continue to walk out my life as if I am redeemed redemption will have it's perfect work and it transforms everything not just sometimes but for all time and I want to encourage you man to have a personal revival and to wrap your head around redemption for a while to start chewing on it like it's some kind of holy beef jerky just gnaw on it mm only Jesus could redeem us the Bible says in Psalms 49 that no man can by any means redeem his brother or give to God a ransom for him for the redemption of his soul was costly and he should she should cease trying forever can I just tell you something can I just say something only Jesus the Redeemer could bring Redemption and not only did he bring Redemption he is our Redemption it's a lot like understanding Jesus the healer Jesus is the bringer of the healing but the healing is Jesus amen he gives you him a big huge area that many of us need to be healed in is about is all about the power of having a right mind so much of the Word of God is about the power of having a right mind because what's real is if you do not turn over your mind to the Lord Jesus Christ you will pay a terrible price to feel things that are toxic to you you'll give away your marriage you'll give away your life you'll give away everything so that you can feel something amen I want to just tell you guys we have to have an appetite that doesn't come from us but it comes from the heart of God Almighty Himself that we would be filled with the Holy Spirit they would be that we would be powered that we would have the power of the Living God to live in a mastery in this world to where we are not commonly defeated by the things that are common to men that we'd have something different about us that we say dude that's different that's just different is what that is well that comes from the Lord well I thank God for that revelation and for the ongoing discovery of the Redeemer within my life and just say Lord you're just such an awesome Redeemer can I just say something there's no place for shame in your life the body of Christ should never ever ever have anything to do with shaming anybody amen I've had some had some things happen in my life where I just shake my head at how how the body of Christ thinks that because they have a gift that they have the power to shame people the spear of the Lord listen how much shame is there in heaven guy none what there's none in heaven then there should be none on this earth as far as the church is concerned let his kingdom come let his will be done on earth as it is in heaven I remember one time I was in Mexico a pastor gene as a Gary and I was preaching a prophetic conference and it was wildly prophetic and like we always do we had set up to feed everybody we were going to feed everybody and we had these gigantic monster cauldrons beans and rice and I want to tell you that's what heaven looks and smells like to me tortillas beans and rice come from the power of the Holy Ghost I promise you and so we're cooking them guys having just smells so good I love to preach in an atmosphere where you can smell food like oh the glory what we were doing that because people were hungry and it's the right thing to do and if you had the power to do it why would you not do that well we were feeding everybody and the conference was going on and they were cooking on this food and the smell went over off into the village and it smelt so good and there was a prostitute that was standing on the corner starving to death that smelled the food and she came down she put a hoodie over her head and she said in the back to you hoping that nobody would realize who she was waiting for a chance to get to eat because she was hungry well I was up there preaching and all of a sudden I heard the screaming I heard this hollering I heard this you know this big ruckus that was going on and I'm like hey hey hey what's going on and they are dragging this woman and she said no no no and she's crying and these mean church women recognized her as a prostitute and said look at that prostitute and they grabbed her and they drugged her down to my podium while I was preaching to shame her in front of everybody and she's crying and she's got it yo she's like please no no no no no no please don't listen all that woman wanted was something to eat and these mean old church women saw her and jumped on her and grabbed her down to shame her and she said this woman is a prostitute prophesy to her I'm like really like wow there's so many things wrong with that on so many different layers I can't even saw I just said okay okay okay I said honey look at me and she didn't look at me and when she didn't look at me this lady grabbed her by the hair and made her look at me and I was like oh Lord Jesus now I want to just tell you I'm just thinking you know the revelation of the machine gun preacher at this time and it isn't against the prostitute it's against the religious Devils who were treating this woman that way and I was just sitting there and I was just like oh my gosh so I got up and I said okay I'll have a word from the Lord and she was like no no no and all these mean women were saying yes say it say it said and I said in the name of Jesus I call you holy like what and it got quiet I called you holy sanctified free I call you beautiful in the name of Jesus all right guys listen it doesn't take any faith to call a prostitute a prostitute it takes great faith to call a prostitute holy amen like well that's just ridiculous you should at least slapped her around a little bit you do not understand redemption and if you had a revelation of how you've been redeemed you would be happy to dish out redemption Paul put it this way he says we love God because He first loved us if we don't have a revelation of how God Almighty has laid down his life for us we're never gonna be willing to lay down our life for anybody else and they were like what and I got done and I prophesied to her and I put my hands on her and I told her I said honey I know that when you were a little girl it was not your dream to grow up to be a prostitute there's no such thing as a little girl it says hey and when I grew up I want to you know be a prostitute that doesn't happen like I don't know what it's like to be you but I want to tell you something Jesus is offering you freedom and she said yes and I prayed for her and guys I want to just tell you something a demon came out of that woman right there in front of everybody and then I I held her and I embraced her and I prayed for her and I loved on her in front of everybody and then these other women were trying to sneak off I went no no no no no no no I have a word for you wait come back no no listen now it's a party y'all interrupted my whole gig you you started this what's good for the goose is good for the gander y'all need to come here and I went off on how the church needs to have a revelation of how to treat people that you don't condemn people into the body of Christ you love people into the body of Christ and I tell them I said you know what your few girls have been through half of what this lady has been through you'd probably be out there yourself like you don't know what it's like to be her and god almighty is trusting you with His grace and you're using his name in vain like what are you doing and they were like a little siento lo siento okay well I'm gonna prophesy to you and I want you to receive this word they're crying Oh lo siento lo siento I'm sorry I'm sorry like okay well here's what I call you I'll call you girls sweet and declare a new grace upon you to love people that you don't understand I declare in the mighty name of King Jesus I declare it that God Almighty has given you a grace to see people the way that God Almighty sees them through the rose-colored glasses of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ through Redemption amen and to see that well there's a bunch of cool things that happen but that lady this is probably I don't know I'm gonna say it's at least seventeen years ago maybe eighteen years ago the last time I saw her was probably seven or eight years ago and I haven't been to that church in a long long long time and let me tell you something she was leading the dance worship team she led the dance worship team and those meno Church girls those Meno Church girls had a Ministry of feeding and loving on prostitutes that's the true story okay that's what Redemption does you understand the power of redemption that you understand listen that's what the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so listen your starting point is okay I'm redeemed and that changes everything because such as I have I can give unto you amen if redemption is in my life then I can live from a point of being redeemed and I can be as a fountain flowing up as the Bible says I can just be spreading Redemption everywhere I go do to do to do to do hallelujah some good stuff man well I thank God for that revelation but today I'm not talking about Redemption I'm not I'm gonna change the name here and change channels and I want to tell you that as much as I am into being numbered guys you know is that you know this brothers into numbers all right I'm talking about I am in to some numbers I mean I love how God speaks through numbers but I want to tell you it is greater to be named than it is to be numbered so one of the ways I've signed my book all the time numbers that preach I will sign it not only are you numbered but you are also named Troy brewer but you're not actually named Troy brewer that's me no I don't understand what I'm writing anymore and then just becomes a mess if I have lots of time on my hands that's what I do because I think that's funny well when you are known by God you are named by God redeemed people are given names Isaiah 41 fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you are mine redemption and being named goes hand in hand and here's what I want to tell you being redeemed and knowing God by name goes hand in hand in that just good stuff guys this is stuff man we need to wrap our head around today guys we're going to discover the mysterious name I am guys please open up your Bibles if you would to Exodus chapter 3 go ahead and open up your Bibles or turn on your tablet or light up your phone or however that works for you bust out your pewter go to Exodus chapter 3 if you would and we're going to go to Moses and the burning bush Exodus chapter 3 is where we're at now I love this story this story this stories has so many spins to it and there's so much awesome revelation that comes out of this but let's go ahead and listen let's look at this together now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the back of the desert and he came to Horeb the mountain of God and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush so he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire but the bush was not consumed and then Moses said I will now turn aside and I will see this great sight why the bush does not burn so when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look God called to him from the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said Here I am all right I want to just just tell you men on your own time I encourage you guys this week man and especially if if you still have kids that are little within the house or if they're any age at all if you've got kids in the house bust open your Bible and go through Exodus chapter 3 with them and talk with them about it and go through the Word of God with your family or talk about it at your dinner table well we don't talk at our table change that change that have a no phone policy at the dinner table and be a family well I just can't compete pastor Troy win let me call an ambulance when you can compete amen you are the parents hallelujah amen okay Exodus chapter 3 there's a lot of things in this guy's that is so awesome and so incredible but I want you to know that that when one of the things that stands out to me in the midst of this is that God calls his name twice he doesn't call his name once he calls his name twice that's a double tap and all the way through the Word of God word there's a double call it means everything changes from here okay it's like Adam Adam where are you right whenever Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac God called to him said Abraham Abraham I mean stop what you're doing we are going to change course right Jacob Jacob he called out his name twice I could go through this Moses Moses whenever whenever Martha was upset with Mary Jesus said Martha Martha that's Luke chapter 10 after the Lord's Last Supper the Lord predicted Peters an hour and he said Simon Simon that's Luke 22 when Jesus a Christ was on the cross there at the ninth hour just moments before just moments before he said it is finished he cried out LOI LOI as Mark chapter 15 verse 34 he cries out to Saul Saul Saul why do you persecute me so whenever God Almighty calls you name twice it's like this is a really big deal but I want you to pay attention that when God spoke his name to him this is a lot of people this is really easy to miss this it says in verse 2 and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire for the midst of a bush so he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire but the bush wasn't consumed if it's not a consuming fire what kind of a fire is it it's a life-giving fire it's not a fire that takes and consumes it's a fire that gives and he says this then Moses said I will now turn aside and I will see this great sight why the bush does not burn there's a place in our walks with God where God will put something in our sight and he'll say here it is and until we turn to get engaged he will not speak to us there's I don't know how long Moses looked at this bush but there finally came apart in Moses his life maybe it was a day maybe it was a week what if it was a couple of years he went nope nope nope I ain't doing it nope every time I do something like this god I end up in trouble nope nope I ain't doing it nope I don't care nope nope and I want you I want you to carry this over into your own walk now because many times guys the Lord will put something that will agitate you just enough to go okay I will now turn aside to see what this is right and God does not speak to Moses until he disengages from his life to say okay whatever it is I'm gonna check it out and I'm in do you have a burning bush within your life right now that's been there a long long time and gods laat' doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo until you finally will say okay okay I will now turn aside to see what this burning bush is all about I know it's gonna be bad whatever it is right see I want to just tell you something because the position of life that this brother is in is a worst-case scenario for Moses now we always think about it okay Moses grew up this this Jewish kid but he actually grew up as Egyptian and then one day he heard from God and God told him he was going to be a leader and he went to go lead the Jews but the Jews didn't like him right so then he found himself rejected by the Jews and the Egyptians and so he left he got a cool job he became a shepherd okay this one I want you to know in Genesis chapter 43 verse 32 the Bible says Shepherds were an abomination to Egyptians the worst thing that an Egyptian could imagine ever becoming was a shepherd and by the time that this happened Moses had been a shepherd for 40 years he had been on the backside of a forgotten place of a worst case scenario for 40 years of his life he's like that's what got me the last time I checked out what God was messing with me about right Moses was raised up literally on the lap of the devil himself which cracks me up as many of us were right we grew up in a drug culture we grew up in abusive culture we grew up in a violent culture we were raised in a humanistic fashion or we grew up in all this and then the day came we looked over at the People of God and said there's something about me I feel like I belong more with those people over there that I belong with these people that happened to Moses and Moses went through that but Moses actually got a prophetic word because you understand that Moses was a prophet right he got a prophetic word as a deliverer and how Egyptians deliver is they smite and kill so he decided he would deliver him a Jew one day and he went and killed an Egyptian that was beaten on one of the Jews and he went tella and they went yeah we don't like you you were raised in a palace you're not one of us you're one of them and now we own you and so he had to flee he had to flee to different worlds for a world that was a worst-case scenario a shepherd and so I can understand his hesitation I can understand his hesitation to go I know that's God but I don't know if I want to mess with that so finally he says I will turn he's like all right I can't ignore it I can't deny it any longer I will now turn that's a place of repentance right when you turn and he turns and then he says this so when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look God called to him from the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses now what was his response Here I am how you respond to God determines how God is going to respond back to you because Moses said Here I am and then Moses asked him who are you and he went well if you are I am than I am I am right okay let's go ahead and let's check this out guys I want you to look at verse that the rented that tada verse 13 through 17 and Moses said to God indeed when I come to the children of Israel and I say to them the god of your father's has sent me to you and they say to me what is his name what shall I say to them and then God said to Moses I am Who I am and he said thus shall you say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you okay Moses showed up and said Here I am as if as if to say this what more can you expect out of me and God Almighty turned that back around to him and said go tell them I am is here what more can you expect except for me to be self-sustaining self-existing in the here in the right now that's a perfect place to meet me I like that as a matter of fact Moses I like it that you said Here I am so just go and tell them Here I am tada it's a revelation right instead of it's an apocalypse this it's a it's an unveiling it's a Here I am okay I'm finally here that's what Moses are saying well here I am I'm finally here you finally talked me into it and that's what the father is saying to them well here I am you talked me into it now the word I am it's translated from a word Yahweh and I want to tell you it's a powerful powerful powerful name I am Yahweh it means he is or it has the idea of self existing in the right now he's like I'm not just gonna be I not just used to be but I'm right now right here I am and that's a game-changer it's the game-changing presence of God in a way like what you cannot deny and you cannot ignore he's here and you're not gonna argue with him Amen are you guys still here with me the Bible has a lot to say about naming people and naming things and guys I want you to know that the the the word name is is is in the Bible over a thousand times that there are over a thousand scriptures that talk about the importance of naming somebody why because the name gives you access and works like a supernatural key so if you know God is Yahweh or if you know him as I am what does that mean it means this his presence is greater than anything else it's an awareness of his presence and I want you to know that that's what that's what Moses was first saying to God when he says Moses Moses he says well my presence is here and you can have whatever you want out of me he says that's a perfect place for you to meet me so why don't you start calling me I am my presence is here and you can have what you want out of me I am whoa that's crazy cool because guys want to just tell you this our awareness of the presence of God has to grow and grow and grow you need to be very careful how much news media you have within your life III want to just I want to just confront you upon your awareness because you have to steward your awareness you have to steward your awareness and guys our awareness of the presence of God and who he is to us and who we are to him has to be paramount overall the afflicting headlines that come against us yeah but are you aware of this are you aware of that are you where this the Bible says in the last days that men's hearts will fail them for fear because of what they see coming up on the earth they become much more aware of the headlines than they are aware of the presence of God man dude just to be in a situation where we just go look I'm tapped into the presence of God right now like I'm aware of the Lord's presence in this I'm aware I know exactly where God is in this I know see that's the I am to know him as the I am it says chapter 3 verse 4 verse 14 God said to Moses I am Who I am this is what you are to say to the Israelites I am has sent me to you in an amazing that the way that Moses responded to him he said that's a perfect response and you know what this is how I'm gonna respond to you I wonder I wonder how God would show up within our lives if we would just say I'm all the way in I wonder how God Almighty would show up if we just said lord I need to recheck my availability to you Lord I haven't thought about my availability to you in a long long time it's a big part of personal revival I'm thinking about keys to personal revival all the time now because I have to have an ongoing personal revival within my own life amen and one of the keys is this have I checked and have I repented in the areas of awareness to God have I checked and have a repented in areas of availability to God wait a minute God women I what's real Lord is I haven't really been available I have not been aware of you today because my mind has been gauged in so many non kingdom things and I need to repent of that I'm never gonna have any mastery in my life if I'm not gonna allow you in you know in between my my two dadgum ears amen so if I'm okay lord I need to repent of that okay here's another thing to I need to check I need to check my availability to You Lord Here I am Here I am I'm available and I'm here now and I'm sorry I've been off the reservation for a while but I'm back god I want to be available to your call that's what he's saying to you and he says go and tell them I am has sent you God's like you haven't had access to me in 400 years but you do now what are you gonna do with that how will you live your life will you live your life as someone who's loved and redeemed and set free and go over into the promises of God or will you live your life as a slave who has the availability of freedom within his Graf's whereas John the Baptist said the kingdom is at hand but simply never reach out to obtain it I am Jesus completed this statement that he's given to Moses seven times in the Gospel of John there are seven im's of Christ in the Gospel of John the first one is this I am the bread of life he who comes to me shall never hunger that's John chapter 6 verse 35 guys this is the year of bread it's the year five seven seven eight in the Hebrew calendar and the numerical value or the gematria of the name bread is 78 this is the Euro bread what does that mean it means this this is a year of coming before the Lord and being fed by King Jesus this is that year he says I am the one that feeds you I'm the one that sustains you I'm the one that satisfies you that's me I am the bread of life second Jesus said I am the light of the world John chapter 8 verse 12 guys what the Sun is to the earth Jesus Christ is to the human heart Jesus said I am the light of the world he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but they shall have the light of Life he said that during Hanukkah now for those of us who don't have a clue on Hanukkah isn't by the way I want to tell you this brother doesn't if you don't believe I got to show y'all something I just now remember that I got my Hanukkah socks on man Wow I'm a dude I'm I'm in that we'll get you into heaven I don't know what we'll how to live you're just too quiet there's no way I can talk about Hanukkah and not let you know that I have Hanukkah socks on that kind of inside information is just too big amen third Jesus said I am the door the only way that you get in is through him hallelujah fourth jesus said i am the true vine i am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit he says this as long as you're connected to me life will flow through you but as soon as you are no longer connected to me lice life will cease to flow through you hmm fifth jesus said I am The Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd gives his life for the Sheep 6 jesus said in john chapter 11 verse 25 I am the resurrection and the life I love that and seventh jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me I am the way I'm the road that you walk on I'm the stream that you flow through I am that way I am the truth there's no error in me and when you answer error when you simply react to error you cause error it's like you're safe with me you can react to me you can flow with me you are safe in dealing with truth amen and he says and I am the life no one comes to the Father except for through me in John 6 verse 44 he says no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him doesn't want to ask the guys of the band to come up here and I'm going to just tell you this that the Bible says in proverbs chapter 8 verse 10 that the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are safe to know him by name is to know him personally and by personal experience Oh taste and see that the Lord is good tasting is experiencing seeing is perception taste and see that the Lord is good man personally experience this and have your eyes be open to something that you've never ever ever had before the name of the Lord is a strong tower how you know God is your safe place how you know him personally by experience is your safe place it's like all right devil from hell you might have won this battle but you didn't win you didn't you have not won this war okay devil from hell you know what you're so okay good for you you good for you yay for you can I just tell you something I know the name of the Lord and I will remember that I know him personally he has come to me he has walked with me he has talked with me he has filled me with it you know what devil from hell you won today but you've lost for all time hallelujah the name of the Lord is a strong tower so I do know him as Redeemer amen you know him as Redeemer and that's so important for you to run to that when all hell is breaking loose okay hang on just second the name of the Lord to me as a strong tower I know him as my Redeemer I'm redeemed I might be a full-blown knucklehead but I'm saved promise you that so you can't accuse me you can't you can't accuse me of anything devil the name of the Lord is a strong tower to me amen and what are you gonna do with my Redemption what are you gonna do with that huh the name of the Lord Redeemer is a strong tower the name of the Lord I am the awareness of his presence in your right now is a strong tower to you self-existing self-sustaining wholly separate from everything else all by itself in your right now is a strong tower to you I want to ask you guys to stand up I am yesterday today and forever I am the center of everything I am the creator of the universe I am the way the truth and a life I am the light of the world he says I am your salvation I am the bread of life I am the resurrection and the life I am the joy I am the forgiveness I am the grace I am mercy I am hope I am dreams I am life I am love I am courage I am Who I am I'm gonna be who I'm gonna be and I'm here right now I declare the presence of the Most High God is here right now and father God sir we celebrate your presence and we love you Lord we love you King Jesus and we praise you Lord God Almighty sir you just so cool and you're so awesome you're so amazing we love you Lord so let the spirit of Living God move in such a way to where our heart to where our hearts are held hostage with the freedom that Jesus Christ is offering us that we are arrested in such a way that we find life and life everlasting we declare a brand new awareness of the presence of God and I speak that over your lives in the name of Jesus we declare a brand new availability to God that if we want to hear God say I am that we have to say I am here amen that our response to the call of the Father is I am here I am available we declare in the name of Jesus a brand new revelation a brand new personal revival of our awareness of his presence the I am and our availability to him that we will turn in see the Lord turn and see the thing that the Lord is inviting us to come and see so father God sir you're so welcome God to look down into our hearts and love you Lord God I pray father in the name of Jesus God that you'd fire up with some kind of a Holy Ghost nuclear power our availability towards you and our awareness of your I am presence guys during this holy moment just continue just just to receive the presence of God if there's anybody here within the sound of my voice today on this day you want to give your heart to King Jesus I want you to raise your hand high towards heaven and say that's me just right there where you're at boom boom boom boom outstanding outstanding okay listen we're all going to say this prayer together say King Jesus you are my Redeemer and you are my redemption you are my hope forgive me receive me fill me up with your Holy Spirit and your resurrection power from this day forward and Jesus name Amen Church this gives the great I am a great big praise hallelujah friends listen our altars are open up here for anybody that needs prayer if you're somebody that just now gave your heart to King Jesus can I tell you I have a special gift that I want to give you you look something like this it's got a Bible in its guy it's got some cool stuff in it and you can find that at the table there's a connection booth right out there if I have never met you or if you are or if you are a first time visitor I want to invite you over here into this room and I want to sign a book and I want to give it to you again guys are authors open guys don't forget come out and help us be the homeless today at two o'clock I'm gonna be here tonight at 6 p.m. for the 201 class and I'll call y'all the head and not the tail above and not beneath and highly favored to the Lord god bless you guys
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 4,315
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: PlGpnewFOC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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