Making Tracks | Troy Brewer | OpenDoor Church

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church will you join me in welcoming the whole planet earth to big time burleson texas on a wednesday night y'all this is the open door experience boom awesome man man god bless you so much my friends i call you blessed in the mighty name of king jesus everybody that's watching all over the world they're like where is that this is texas hallelujah we bless you and call you blessed and all of our friends that are watching again all over the planet earth man we're so grateful that you joined us here today i'm so grateful that my friends have joined up here tonight and i'm also super grateful that we're doing these midweek services again right it's good yeah man we need this so tonight guys i'm going to be talking to you about a whole lot of things one of the things that that i know that when it comes to preaching the word of god is a good preacher preaches out of his overflow what i mean by that is you can only give out what the lord has been giving you now and i'm constantly just kind of paying attention to the things that god's talking to me about and and i don't want to open up the word of god and look for a sermon ever again for the rest of my life i want to open up the word of god and look for jesus every single time that i open it up and i decided a long time ago i will never read the bible again looking for a sermon ever ever man i'm just going to pay attention to i'm going to live a life of consecration i'm going to live a life of dedication i'm going to live a life of contemplation right where i'm constantly thinking about the kingdom i'm constantly searching for the king and for kingdom and then i'm going to let god fill me up with whatever he wants me to with whatever he wants to fill me up with and then when i get in front of y'all i'm just going to go blah now i'm going to try really hard not to do that but tonight i think it's going to be that jesus said that you will become as a well springing up i've been doing a lot of tv shows today i've been filming all day long today did over five hours of filming today and went through all the content of all of that didn't use notes for anything just went man god is just really speaking to my heart right now about so many different things but but we are going to do a lot of bible thumping tonight so if you have your bibles i want you to get them out and i will if you're if you're somebody that wants to take notes i encourage you to do that but i'm going to actually start off with a shameless plug for my book numbers that preach not because i'm trying to sell my wares but actually because i need to talk to you about the number six tonight and i've got some pretty good notes in here and we know that the number six is a number that represents the flesh of man whenever the spirit of the lord does a work in the midst of humanity he likes to do he likes to stamp the number six on that one is unity two is a faithful witness three is perfect completion or the whole enchilada right four is creation five is grace and six is the mess of humanity now when it comes to the works of the flesh that means how as a brute beast you operate without the spirit of the living god which means you are a soul man i appreciate john belushi but i am not a soul man hallelujah nobody knows what i'm talking about da da da da da da yeah right well i don't sing i'm a soul man i sing i'm a spirit man that's what i see right and uh though i love the blues brothers i'll get some hate mail over that that's okay and i i recognize that the thing that makes us animalistic is our soul and our souls must be bishop by the spirit of the living god our souls must be bishop how we think our lens has to be corrected constantly and this is the walk what's real is every single person that's watching this that's watching this has sexuality to deal with it doesn't make you bad at all but it makes you somebody that is going to have to for the rest of your life allow the spirit of the lord to deal with you concerning your sexuality concerning what you're mad about concerning what you're whatever whatever whatever your passions are what's what makes you animalistic where if you just if you feel this thing then you just gotta do that thing is your soul because your soul is all about your survival but your spirit is all about you being an overcomer and god almighty is moving the body of king jesus today from a surviving soulish mentality to an overcoming spirit mentality that instead of going what if what if what if we start saying even if even if even if and we're moving from that and because the body of king jesus at large has been a big fat burpee baby and has has reveled in our immaturity we have moved into a phase where that wine skin doesn't work anymore and we're going to have to grow up tell the person next to you it's okay to grow up tell them that well the number six has an amazing pattern all throughout history and the scriptures as being god's watermark for an authentic production of flesh right on galatians chapter 5 verse 16-18 says this i say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh so when you're dealing with flesh you're dealing with a miniature goliath of gath that proudly boasts of what it can do and how tough it is that's your flesh you're dealing with something in direct opposition of god's plan that's your flesh god's purpose and even his presence it's no wonder that goliath is marked with so many sixes goliath was six cubits tall in what the bible calls a span he produced a child with six fingers upon each hand he spear his spearhead weighed in at 600 shekels of iron that's first samuel 17. so anytime you see flesh and things that have to do with the flesh of man or god doing a work in the midst of humanity it has a number six stepped on it so are we there guys you guys understand that another fascinating six stamped up on goliath is what first samuel 17 describes as the six pieces of armor so he had six pieces of armor but god but god says when he says put on the full armor of god that's by the spirit there's seven pieces seven is always by the spirit and that's ephesians chapter six verse eighteen praying always this is a this is the last one praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints like okay i can do that so the six is always represented as flesh the seven is always represented as the spirit of the lord well i'm saying all this to say that there's lots and lots of examples of six and i was just looking at this and i'll just get my book up here and just read out of this you know sex and the body of man there's six major members within the human body the average body contains approximately six quarts of blood in the average body the blood travels twelve thousand miles in one day that's two thousand times six the average human heart beats 72 times a minute that's 12 times six there are sixty thousand miles of blood vessels within a human body the average long way 600 grams there are 600 muscles within a human body there are six primary systems within the human body the standard measure for a man is six feet the average weight at birth is six pounds and when you die they put you six feet down this is a good book i like this book numbers that preach i actually do i actually do like this book and and whenever i look at all this i can't help when i look at god of my duna work overcoming our six with our seven right overcoming our flesh and our soul with our spirit and then also too that the lord is not mad at me for being human he's not mad at you for being human he expects you to serve him but he understands that you're human you do not have to run away from god because of your humanity i was talking about this today on one of my podcasts or tv shows i was on i was like look guys um the best thing to do when you have a passion that is out of control is to run to jesus with it and say look at this mess and he'll go oh yeah yeah that's a mess right there he's not going to say i hate your guts he's going to say troy i want to jump in on that will you trust me with that that's what he's going to do he's he's so amazing he's so good y'all he's just he's truly truly truly good uh i look at you know six in the planet of man the earth travels 1 600 miles in one day as in its orbit around the sun and it travels at 66 666 miles an hour yeah the earth weighs six and then i don't know how many zeros there are behind it and that's called short tons you can just look all you can google all that all these sixes that are involved in it but then we get to the sixth book of the new testament and the sixth the sixth book of the new testament has the name man in it it is roman right it has the name man in it romans in the book of romans man is the sixth word in romans 6 6 the word man is the sixth word as a matter of fact i was looking all this up today and i would like to share some of this with you i want to share with you all six verses in the book of romans that the sixth word is the word man are you is that all right if i do this kind of weirdo stuff because because this is good stuff um i think it's good i really do like what's the point okay hear jesus in this because there's perfect order in this and if you don't like the order part of it then just hear the scripture let me give you the scripture okay romans 2 1 therefore you are excused you are inexcusable oh man the sixth word in romans 2 if you judge somebody for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself for you who judges practices the same things you literally bring condemnation upon you in the ways that you judge you open yourself up to judgment because of how you judge well nobody likes that verse let's move on romans 2 3 and think it's now this old man sixth word that judges them which do such things it does and you do the same thing that you shall escape the judgment of god is that what you think he's like see this whole thing about how you cast judgment upon people is a big deal which means we have to be responsible for changing our lens and seeing people the way that the father sees them and i want to tell you that's hard it's not natural the only way that you can do that is to lay down your life that's why this is a marriage it's a marriage y'all that's why you're called the bride of christ i'm a hairy-legged boy and i'm still called the bride of christ i am this guy on the front row is a hairy-legged boy you're called the bride of christ my brother he's wearing shorts some good-looking legs all right can we cut that out of the that's my flesh i told you it's out of control okay now your flesh your flesh is something that you have to lay down your life to overcome and that's the way that any marriage works the only way a marriage can work is if both people are willing to lay down their life over and over and over and over and over again for each other because it is not natural for a man to live with a woman and be compatible it's not it's not dude it's not now it's natural for a man to want a woman but it's not natural for a man to be able to live with a woman and so you the only way that you can do that is to actually lay down your life and um that's how marriage works well that's how it works in your covenant and in your fidelity with the lord your god you hear what i'm saying your fidelity means everything how you overcome and how you stick with god no matter what is everything the only way you can do that is to lay down your life which means when you have the right to do something else you say i'm how i serve the lord in this is i don't do that thing i please the lord instead of pleasing my flesh and it's hard and it's real and that's where it is real romans chapter 2 verse 6 is the next one who will render to every man according to his deeds it's like okay you don't want to walk in the spirit then let me tell you what you're going to be judged by you're not going to be judged by the blood of jesus and his holiness and his righteousness that's not going to be the standard your standard is going to be according to what you have done and i can tell you this whatever you have done and however many times that you've done it and you think it's a good thing it will never match the holiness of jesus which means that you are not compatible with him and god can only live with what he is compatible with here's another one the next one is romans chapter 3 verse 28 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law there's 613 old testament laws 613 laws that the jews go by and um depending upon what denomination of jew you are just like their denominations of christians depending on how your orthodox works how or if you're not orthodox or you're this whatever you may make a big deal out of the ten commandments not make a big deal out of something else you may make a big deal out of certain things with the nutella and certain other things you're like no that's i don't think that that's the walk whatever that is and what's really is this what jesus says if you break one of them then you've broken all of them and you're in desperate need of a savior so it's like look it's good to live a life of integrity but it doesn't make you saved it's good not to murder folk sure is which by the way is the sixth of the ten commandments right it's good not to do this or good not to do that it is good to do this it is good to do that but none of those things have anything to do with the holiness of god the only way you can have access to that is by faith and how what does that mean it means this it's like lord i see you and you're worth trusting i believe you that's the essence of faith is choosing to believe what jesus says and who he is to us and and in who we are to him instead of how we feel and what the world says and what our history says faith it's not natural the only way that you can operate in faith is to lay down your life and go i feel like this i have the right to do that i this that all those kinds of things how can i not do that you know i was watching the movie heat the other day which is a michael mann movie i like movies according to the directors and the producers and i'm into all that i like michael mann movies and the movie heat is a is an amazing movie to me the drama that's in it and there comes a place where the antagonist which is played by robert de niro and the protagonists um are they're they're about to they're about to have a showdown and he's going to get away and all he has to do to get away to get away with the girl to get away with the money and to never be seen again is all he has to do is leave but he knows he has a chance to kill this guy who killed his friend and he's like yeah and he turns off the road he's on and he goes to go kill waingrow and i'm like there it is right there it is he has freedom he's got redemption in the sense of you know the rest of his life is going to be good he's got an island and a beautiful woman waiting for him on this and he can't resist the urge to murder i'm like my god how we need the spirit of the lord how we need faith how we need to be able to lay down our lives and walk this walk romans chapter 3 verse 28 again says therefore we complete we conclude that a man that's the sixth word is justified by faith without the deeds of the law all right romans 5 7 this is the fifth one i'm going to include a whole bunch of scriptures in this one because i'm going to read i'm going to read several because this is just good news for scarcely for a righteous man one will die yet pear adventure for a good man some would even dare to die but god commanded his love towards us and that while we were yet sinners christ died for us he's like number one people won't people aren't willing to die for anybody but then sometimes somebody is willing to die for somebody or for a good cause but this this is how radical the father's heart is towards us and this is how radical jesus is towards us that while we were at our very worst he laid down his life for us it's like it's it's it's extraordinary to me i can't tell you how much i love that for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to god by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved okay what is that saved in the life okay reconciliation if you look up the word reconcile it literally means the removal of all hostility so you were reconciled when you were the enemy of god god stepped in at the blood of the cross and stepped in and said i choose to lay down my life and never be mad at you again i will never be angry at you again i'm pouring out all my wrath upon my son and i'm looking at you and you are my enemy and now we are reconciled that doesn't mean that you're saved it means that you have access to being saved see reconciliation is not the same as redemption redemption is the upgrade so what does that mean it means this any witch or warlock can be saved today you think of whatever crazy thing that somebody is out doing somebody out worshiping the devil right now and in in the midst of a panic in the midst of a pentagram while they are blaspheming god they can stop what they're doing and say jesus save me and he'll say okay because i'm not mad at you that's that's reconciliation and it's radical it's really and truly radical um i've seen that happen i'm not seeing somebody worshiping a pentagram but i've seen god almighty save witches and warlocks who were hardcore devil worshipers and i'm seeing them do it and they were blown away when i tell them you do know god's not mad at you for being a knucklehead right it's just you're on the wrong team and you can be saved you could literally ask him to save you right now right this second with that demon in you with your mind dark with all that trash that's connected to your physical body right now you can literally ask him because see you've been reconciled to him you have free access to his gift of life but you can only access it by trusting what he says instead of what you think about him faith and that's where it's real because you can't fake faith you either have it or you don't i think i'm preaching good in here tonight one time one time leanna and i was in portland we were either in portland or we were in seattle and i was doing a conference on numbers and uh we were at this church the church was a very conservative extremely conservative basically amish church and had they had a radical couple of people on there that taught their pastor into letting me and lyanna come and preach on numbers and because they trusted these people they said yeah and then all these people bought tickets and they're like okay who are all these people like well um one group calls in and says hey um we are the witches coven down the road um part of us are wiccan and part of us worship the devil but we love this cat's view on numbers would we be welcome would we be welcome in that church and they called me pastor troy pastor what do we do what do we do what do we do it's like call him back and tell him come tell them to come they don't get the microphone i got the microphone they don't get to they don't get to own the atmosphere the holy spirit's going to own the atmosphere let them come so they ain't gonna hurt nothing like well okay okay okay well what do we do what do we do what do we do and like you know i'm thinking you know if this is texas what you do is you arm yourself and if they act stupid you shoot them but this ain't texas so you guys are like what are we gonna do what are we gonna do like okay so i'm like i don't know you know you guys figure that out come on we gotta edit that out by the way that can't go to europe i'm gonna do this so we know where to edit thank you tell you what i think and it's probably not good i tell you what i think so but they didn't now they came loaded for every single one of them a basket that has a free book in it that signed i want to go through my book and underline things for every one of them i want to put a prophetic word in every single one of them and i want to treat them like kings like queens [Applause] which i don't blame them i honestly i don't but they came and there was 13 of them oh see and they did that to intimidate me because they think i believe that there's power in numbers because i wrote a numbers book no no there's power in jesus there's no power in numbers of i don't know what you what who leads you guys what's the name of your cool little devil group what is that called they were all just sitting there and their leader said we do not have a name i went that's prophetic we need to change that we need to change that and i said well i'd like to and guys can we please welcome the the coven of nameless people that have come in here can we just celebrate them for just a minute everybody's like that dude is a trip get him out that stop him turn off his mic and i got up and i preached some numbers that night okay i want to tell you man i preach to everybody there but i preached those 13 and i kept telling them jesus is coming after you he loves you and you are not so bad and so wicked and so spooky that you think you can run off jesus he loves you and he's coming to get you and you're gonna start having dreams and visions if jesus is gonna start showing up everywhere you're liable to be standing in a pentagram and jesus show up and say what's up you don't think he can invade that he's reconciled you he has removed all hostility and he's coming after you repent repent the second night the second night only four of them came two couples came and the third night one couple came and they both gave their hearts to king jesus this reconciliation so the last verse in the book of romans that the sixth word is the word man is actually romans 6 6. okay knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin that is so beautiful to me and it's the sixth word is man there are six verses in the book of romans which is the sixth book of the new testament that the sixth word is the word man and the last one is romans 6 6. gee edith it's like it's like there's actually a pattern to this i don't know it's starting to get weird no there is there's a designer to this and if there's a design there is a designer and he's holy and he's one all together beautiful and he's so swinging cool just love him okay now i'm going to change gears a little bit if you guys will put up with me and i want to talk to you everyone just just throw something out of left field let's talk about dinosaur tracks for a minute can we do that yeah is that okay with y'all i want to talk about dinosaur tracks i want to talk about famous tracks i'm from glen rose texas this has to do with my sunroom by the way and it does you're about to find out you're going to go ah it's amazing how he tied all that together you will you watch be prepared to be impressed okay can we take that off too let me do this yeah showing them where to edit that's true thing i'm doing there by the way yeah because we think at least i think that's funny they won't think that's funny on tv but there are a bunch anyway so stop it it's late [Laughter] so i live out glen rose texas glen rose texas is a world famous for dinosaur tracks you know dr carl ball has been pointing out for years and years and years look there are human tracks next to the dinosaur tracks everybody's like you're crazy it's crazy now it's all over the news everywhere if somebody else finds it it's totally legit if a christian finds it they're like brothers just look it up look it up they just discovered some new human foot tricks foot footprints here anyway all this kind of stuff and and i've been thinking about how dr carl ball actually laid down that road and just so grateful for him now um when i moved out to glen rose uh just right near my 50th birthday in 2016. we moved out there and i moved from joshua and i've never lived anywhere but joshua my whole life big time j-town fighting owls because nothing is meaner or scarier or more intimidating than an owl better than a wampus cats right better not okay so anyway man we we moved out there and i've been going out to glen rose my whole life and i'm a big fossil guy my daddy was a big fossil guy i love that kind of stuff and then as we move from 2016 to 2017 i went on my 10-day fast i i'm just gonna make something up and say it was my fourth or fifth or sixth or seventh day of fasting because i actually don't remember which day it was i wish i had marked that but the theme of my 10-day fast on that day was increase my tracks increase my footprints that was my theme was god i'm asking you lord to please begin to trust me with a greater footprint and he did that year in a tremendous way but on that day while i was fasting and praying i was walking from my house down to the back part of my property and i was walking and because it was january the tall grass that was typically there was not there and i saw this odd looking rock that was sticking up out of the ground and i went over to it and i started messing with it and i started messing with it messing with them and then like the he-man i am i yanked up this giant rock and i was looking at it and it looked like an arrowhead in a really weird way and i was like there's no way literally you know it weighs 600 shekels it would have to be you know goliath of gath and i'm like what is this and i turned it over and it was a dinosaur track it's not just a dinosaur track it's the positive of a dinosaur track which is especially rare which means okay there was a dinosaur track and by the way it's the track of an anthrocanthosaurus which is what runs around out there right anthrocanthosaurus and also brontosaurus and then some other sediment went into it and then it was dislodged and it's literally the positive it's not the negative it's the positive and it's like whoa so um it was a tremendous testimony to me i was fasting and asking the lord to increase my footprint and and i found a dinosaur track it's like what the are you kidding me so i went and drilled a giant hole in my fireplace and put it in the fireplace i want to show you a picture of it if you're ever at my house and like that's that's it that's in my fireplace at my house i found that and i dug that up with my bare manly hands okay and it is a true dinosaur track okay and i was like okay i i don't know anybody else that has a dinosaur track in their dadgum fireplace i do that i found on a day i was fasting it was a tremendous sign to me it was it was like i mean i hooked him aside and shun died and freaked out and did what i do right okay in that same kind of spirit there are certain kind of tracks that are absolutely once there's a footprint there everything changes okay this is a biblical principle that once there is a footprint within a certain place ownership changes that back in the 1960s whenever our president john f kennedy got up and said we shall send a man to the moon simply because it is there right okay and he began the space race and he went after all that and then it happened in 69 in 1969 in the famous famous summer of 69. neil armstrong stepped foot on the moon and this is his picture of that footprint okay and then this is a picture of the world's most famous track and it's not even on the earth it's on the moon now here's the dill pickle prophetically it was made by a guy whose name is arm strong there's a whole bunch of prophetic pictures in this but let me just throw this out to you neil armstrong gets up there and he's like okay six hours after he landed he climbs down six hours later he climbs down gets on the last rung of the ladder and he says that's one small step for man one giant leap from mankind remember that he's the man on the moon the man on the moon that's one small step for man sixth word the sixth word was the word man because he's the man on the moon president nixon calls him i'm not a crook i don't know what he said so anyway he calls him and he says he says i got a call i got to call these guys and i you know he's like is everybody really that anyway is that mad at me over this that's crazy so he calls him and he says hey i gotta call him and he's like no where is all happy right or that's an amazing thing it was like televised all over the world that president nixon is talking to this dude when he dialed the number he dialed the number in front of the entire world live first live telephone conversation broadcast all over the world through satellite and it's from the white house to the moon and he dials 666 look it up there i double dog dare y'all to look it up so what is that it is it has to do with the mighty arm of either the flesh of man or the spirit of god and you have to decide those things neil armstrong that's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind today i went to and i typed up the word mankind it's in the bible six times sure did i start laughing my head off that's why i can't live around people that's why i can't have neighbors i can't i had neighbors for 25 years in joshua now i thought i was crazy i'd be out walking around the fire with my sword and my prayer pistol and crying out to god and i would hear that look at him and i'd see in the dark and they'd be hiding behind the fence eyeballing me like you ain't seen nothing yet man i'm about to get my praise on man and luke chapter 1 verse 46 through 51 in the song of mary mary said my soul magnifies the lord and my spirit has rejoiced in god my savior for he has regarded the lowly state of his maidservant for behold henceforth all generations are going to call me blessed for he who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is his name and his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation he has shown strength with his arm he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts yeah that right there was a declaration in the summer of 69 that there's about to be a mighty move of god by the strength of the arm of the lord for mankind and it happened it's called the jesus movement hello nurse y'all still here so what she was saying is everything changes from here and he's done it with a strong arm guys whenever chuck yeager broke the sound barrier we became a people that travel past the speed of sound whenever roger bannister first broke the four minute mile suddenly runners from all over the world began to do it nobody thought it was possible and once once god did it once one guy did it everybody began to do it i've done it many times i'm sorry when joshua steps into the promised land and he put his foot on that and he brought the camp of israel with him that suddenly became god's people's property this is the land that we get to live in and there's a new standard there's a new sheriff in town and there's a new way that we're going to live and i'm going to put my foot up on it king jesus i you know i don't know if any of you guys have ever been with me to israel but one of the things that we do is we go to gilgal and you get up on top of the mountain and look down the rocks of the camp of joshua are still there because it never rains there and it's in the shape of a footprint he set up his camp and did rocks all over israel in the shape of a giant footprint because he went look god we're putting our feet on it this is what we're doing we're leaving tracks here and the tracks that we're leaving here is not just our breakthrough it's for generation to generation behind us and this is why your walk matters this is why it's important friends that you do not fall out during this difficult day that you and i are living in this is why you do not listen to your hate mail this is why you do not listen to your critics this is why you do not listen to the fear mongers knowing that the same people that are selling the cure are also selling the fear and this is why you do not do that this is why you don't ball up you do not shut down you don't freak out you don't check out you don't get on prozac you don't have wine night every night in netflix that's going to be my walk with god and by the way i hope through god that god that that king jesus will move so that we can all smoke dope and freedom here you know what your assignment is not that your assignment is not to be medicated your assignment is not to just go to sleep and i just need to become comfortably mom and get through the day no listen you're stepping into new things that are for generation of generation behind you this is not about you it's about the people behind us you have generations there are people that you do not know who are counting on you to walk the walk that you are walking today in 2011 when i nearly walked away from this church after a mountain of hell had come against me and and honest to god nearly killed me i mean literally it's a miracle it didn't kill me and when that happened to me in 2011 and i wanted to walk away and i was a wreck in every way that a person could be a wreck friends i weighed over 400 pounds that's how overweight i was man i was good looking as a fat man i wish y'all have seen it brian dobson saw it he'll testify he's like yeah it was glorious i i i was an emotional wreck i was freaked out i was bankrupt i didn't know what i was going to do or how i was going to do it and i had a man of god speak into me and tell me troy nobody else is coming this is not about you it's about all the people that god is going to bring into this thing and you've got to do this and i didn't know you then and i knew john led better then i knew a couple of other people here but i can just tell you this i didn't know you and and guys i wonder what things are hinging upon you winning the battle that you're going through right now i wonder what those things are um i'm gonna write a book uh in 2022 that is on the prophetic value of battlefields all over the world and almost my first book is going to be on american battlefields because i go to battlefields to pray warfare prayers like last year you're crazy you know no no if you get cancer you want a dude like me going up on your behalf praying warfare prayers and and i want to tell you something i hate mail i get all the time you need to stop using that toxic masculine words you know man dude i responded to some hate mail yesterday i said okay here's the deal we'll quit using warfare words okay we'll just drop that as long as we can still keep the book of revelation is that okay with you is that all right honey okay no not okay too bad i'm starting to get mad right now there's there's woke idiots all right cut that out too i don't like that we don't like that that's not nice so i forgot what i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted by that hate mail from yesterday no man you you you're going to have to step into the thing that god has told you to step into and you've got to walk that walk friends because you you have to step into it and it is literally one small step for man but one giant leap for mankind that is such a prophetic phrase it is so like oh wow it's just it's just me taking one step but all of humanity just stepped into human beings go to the moon now you set a new standard you said a new thing is what you do i i want to tell you that as i get ready to close on this i've got to say to you that that you have to understand the importance of yes you have flesh yes you have fear and i'm not minimizing anything anybody is going through any anything guys i'm not and i'm so sorry for whatever devastation has come your way and whatever that looks like and i'm i'm not making fun of you and just saying why don't you just suck it up that's not what i'm saying because i don't know what it's like to be you and i'm amazed at the things that people actually go through i'm actually amazed at that and i'm just like king jesus my goodness now that i've said that we're sinned is abound grace does much more about and wherever there is a six a seven can do a work in that the spirit of the living god can do a work in the midst of your flesh i'm looking at i have there's four or five good friends of mine that are in here that i'm looking at that are widows that your husbands have passed away or just so recently and i'm like my god and i pray for you i promise you i do pray for you and love you and thank god for you and thank god for your walk and for the choices that you make i have no idea what it's like to be you i'm hoping and praying that uh leanna will outlive me right on and that's one of the things that we talk about a lot you know you you we've been married for 32 years and we're both in our 50s now it's okay hey listen if if i kill over tomorrow this this this this this all this is taken care of yada yada community it's like that's horrible no no no listen we go the way of all men as king david said i'm not afraid of death whatsoever i've already asked jesus to meet me there he'll be there he's he's pretty dadgum faithful right and i don't have to wait until the moment i'm dying to ask jesus to be with me i can invite him into my death day right now because he is not subject to time oh i'm crazy and i've already invited him to be made manifest to me on my death day that it's a party let it be and i saw that happen with my daddy i saw that happen i saw it happen i've seen it and so but by the way can i just tell you this but even if [Applause] i will serve the lord until my last breath even it i'm not going to live in fear of that anyway i have this talk okay this this this i've already told leanna hey listen i want to talk to all the all the single men in here that are rich don't even wait till i'm cold before you start hitting on my wife she's gonna need somebody to take care of her and i've already told leanna listen once i'm gone i'm gone and i call you blessed and she's like don't say that that's horrible now that i've said that i'm obviously being silly and and i just want to just just say this you have got you must understand the importance of your track and putting your foot on the new thing that when the world is saying no no no god almighty still saying go go go and when you've had something devastating happen to you and some hell has come against you and you're devastating like i never imagined having to live in this i'm so sorry for that but i don't want to tell you this there's somebody that jesus can be to you in that that he can't be to me and the rest of us and whatever it is that we're going through he's different for us and tell you this your life is still worth living you're a lot like baby paula remember baby baby paula at the beginning of this god that the world would not celebrate you and even throw you into a septic tank and say that's all you're worth that's not what jesus says be full of hope be full of the spirit of the living god and make sure that there's a seven in every single one of your sixes i'm done guys let's give jesus a great big price hallelujah yay
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 2,935
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: n5wpc0X6qiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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