The Woman with the Alabaster Flask

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Church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over from the planet Earth to open door Church let's go ahead and let's do that bum bum bum bum bum bum bum hello my friends blesses a piece on you and the money name of King Jesus I want to welcome you here tonight on this el primo Wednesday night and I got some good news and I got some bad news the good news is you're here in church tonight and that my friend is a miracle the bad news is I'm not here in church and I'm suffering for Jesus down in South Texas right now we've had an incredible week this week of extraordinary adventures in the Lord is we took all of our men down for our annual trip down to the Alamo but this year guys we did it quite a bit different in that we actually not only did we go to Alamo but we also want the Goliad and today guys we have been stomping around all over the San Jacinto battlefield just south of Houston Texas and been walking through that it's been historic it's been prophetic we spent some time out at the prayer garden spirit of Lord has done amazing things and I've got a bunch of incredible testimonies to give you as soon as I get back so so we want we are on our way back here tomorrow and I want to say thank you so much man for not being mad at us for living life forward and for going after this saying in an incredible way but I also want to say this to man that this is Texas Independence Day week hallelujah and this coming Friday is Texas Independence Day and again I'm gonna be leaving on Friday for New York City and man New York City are you kidding me no that's correct man I'm actually going to be celebrating Texas Independence in downtown Manhattan with some world-famous bands and they've given me some backstage passes and they they're literally celebrating Texas Independence so it's just a big honor man to get to be invited to these kinds of things and I'm saying yes and amen I want to take the kingdom to all these places and just I don't know it's just gonna be cool to walk around in downtown New York City with my cowboy hat on hallelujah well guys I don't only hear through the miracle of Technology I do have a word that I want to bring you here tonight and over the next 30 minutes we're going to be unpacking something incredible because I've been making a big deal out of the Alamo this week and I've been making a really big deal out of my heroes Travis and Bowie and Crockett and we're gonna be talking about it's a big deal to make a big deal out of the right things and we're going to be talking about the importance or the kingdom understanding of memorials okay when you memorialize something that's either gonna be something that glorifies the Lord or it's going to be something that does not glorify the Lord and it's very important that you and I know how to tell the right story and hang on to the right things guys before we do anything else let's all come before the king father God sir I come to you Lord and I pray father in the mighty name of Jesus I pray Lord God am i sir that you'd fill up this place God with your anointing fill up this place God with your presence Lord God Almighty sir teach us Lord God Almighty just got your word I pray God for a supernatural anointing for next level revelation Lord God with so many different layers and levels of impact God that it affects us in more ways God that we can even know and I love you Lord God and I praise you and I thank you for it father in Jesus name everybody here say together amen okay my friends well guys I'm gonna do something that I have never ever ever done before and I am going to show you a story in the Bible and I'm going to show it it's it happened this one story happens to be in all four of the Gospels and I'm actually going to show you the different spin that the Spirit of the Lord takes through the different four Gospels and we're going to be looking at that so once you if you would I want you to I want you to get ready to do some serious bible thumping with me tonight and i want you to look up matthew chapter 26 Matthew chapter 26 and then I want you guys to look at mark chapter 14 and then once you find Matthew 26 in mark chapter 14 then I want you to go over to Luke chapter 7 and then I want you to hold on to Luke chapter 7 and then after you hold on to Luke after seven then hold on to John chapter 12 now if you're like just kinky but all that it's just too much information it's go okay you know what I'm gonna tell you about it again here within the next few minutes so the first place that we're gonna be at is Matthew chapter 26 now go ahead and just go ahead and just just hang out there and let me just kind of talk to you about the four Gospels okay my friends let's just unpack the book just a little bit now the book as you know is one book but it's not actually one book it's actually 66 different books written by 40 possibly 44 different authors across 1,500 years of time some of them were the poorest of the poor and one of them was the richest man that has ever lived in the history of the planet Earth okay so we got the poorest of the poor we got the richest of the rich we have royalty we have shepherds we have we have some of you some of it being written in Jerusalem some of it being written in different parts of Israel some of it being written as far away as Babylon and yet it all comes together and it's one incredible word and with that we that you and I understand as the written word of God now the point of the written word of God is to identify the spoken word of God and the point of the spoken word of God is to have us to walk in the Living Word of God so if it just ends at the if we're like okay well I got the written word that's all I need no no listen the Scriptures do testify of Jesus and Jesus is the written word of God and the reason why we get to know the written word of God is because Jesus Christ wants to put the Living Word of God within us amen and now my friends we're that book amen we are the written epistle that's what that's what brother Paul calls us we are walking talking Bibles today and just exactly like the Bible our lives are divided between before Jesus Christ and after Jesus Christ now we know that that division in the Bible is the division between the Old Testament and the New Testament now as soon as you get into the New Testament you have the first four books of the Bible are distinctly the four first four books of the New Testament are the tinkly different than the rest of the New Testament the way the first five books of the Old Testament are distinctly different from the rest of the Old Testament in the first five books of the Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy those are the books that are known as the Torah and those five books were written by brother Moses but then when you switch over into the New Testament the New Covenant after the Lord Jesus Christ has been unmasked as the Messiah that was promised for 4,000 years of human history once you get into that the first four books of the New Testament are distinctly different than the rest of the New Testament and these are called the Gospels now the Gospels are the true story the true story of the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ these four books are strictly about the face of the Lord Jesus Christ which is a face that actually reveals the face of the Father and that's the job of the forth of the first four Gospels but what's great is is that the Lord does not hate our humanity and God Almighty uses human beings and whenever God Almighty uses human beings one of the things that he does is he understands that hey if Troy writes a book it's gonna have a unique spin and it's gonna have a unique flavor then say if Leanna writes a book and if Leanna writes a book it's gonna have a unique spin it's going to have a unique flavor then say if pastor Jerry writes a book well he's like no I need this to be absolutely uniform he doesn't want it to be uniform he wanted to be unique he wants it to be unified but he does not want it to be uniform you see my friends God Almighty has a huge value for your uniqueness and just exactly like that Matthew was a completely different human being and had a completely different spin on life than what Mark had Mark was completely different from Luke and Luke was completely different from John and many times they tell the same exact story but what they highlight and what they leave out is completely different than what another brother highlights or leaves out the idea that if the Word of God was true if this was real it would all be exactly the same no if it was fake it would all be exactly the same so it's not fake it's real and when it's real and when it's authentic and when it's genuine then you know what there's going to be a personality that actually goes with it and that's exactly the way that your Bible is now guys I want you if you would please to open up your Bible to the book of Matthew and let's look at Matthew chapter 26 and while you're turning to Matthew chapter 26 while you are doing that I want you just to kind of stop and consider this let's just talk about Matthew and let's talk about Matthew spin okay Matthew is a brother who is not just a little bit Jewish he's a whole lot Jewish I'm talking about this brother is as much Jewish as I am texting this brother was Jewish Jewish Jewish Jewish Jewish and his book was written to the Jews his name is prophetically Matthew which means the gift of God and he wants to show God's gift the Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ to the Jews and he wants to reveal him as the king the book of Matthew actually starts off as a royal bloodline so that he can actually show that you know what Herod was not supposed to be the King dude I promise you Jesus Christ was the legitimate heir to the throne and he is the Messiah who sits upon the throne of David so everything in the book of Matthew is a whole lot more Jewish than will say the Book of Luke okay Luke had a bunch of Greek within him and he had a lot of Greek education within him as well there are a lot of people that actually believe that Luke was a Greek I'm not real sure of that I'm not sure if he was or not I just know that he definitely had a lot of Greek within him and he understood the whole Greek world or the Western world whether he was or whether he's not none of that matters to me I don't care what what race he was but you need to understand that his spin on the same exact stories is going to be different the math you spend because Luke is a different person and Luke has a different audience that's exactly right the reason why the book of Matthew starts off with hey this is the bloodline of the Messiah is because the audience was the Jewish people who were looking for the Messiah but the but the Book of Luke begins with talking to a Roman Authority and you can see oh great Theophilus yada yada yada yada yada and he's actually has a completely different audience and it's not even a Jewish audience it's actually a Greek or it's a Roman audience okay so it's important to understand that all right now here's the story the story that we're going to be looking at today and we're gonna be unpacking it's the memorial story that Jesus Christ Himself made a memorial out of and it has to do with a woman a woman who has a bad reputation but a woman who has a great reputation in heaven she has a terrible reputation on earth but she has an amazing reputation in heaven and the story of the world-famous alabaster box now I'm gonna take you through all four Gospels and I want to tell you I have been I have been the senior pastor of open door Church of 22 years I preached full time since the time I was 19 years old and that was 31 fixing to be 32 years ago and I have never gone through all four Gospels and looked at the same story publicly I do that privately all the time so boom this is brand-new so guys let's look at it through the eyes of Matthew the Jewish brother who sees Jesus as the face of a lion here we go and when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon Matthew 26 verse 6 when he was in the house of Simon the leper a woman came to him having an alabaster flask very costly fragrant oil and she poured it upon the head as he sat at the table but when his disciples saw it they were indignant saying why is all this waste for this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor but when Jesus was aware of it he said to them why do you trouble this woman for she has done a good for for she has done a good work for me for you at the poor with you always but me you do not always have always for importing this fragrant Oh upon my body she did it for my burial assuredly I say to you that wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world what this woman has done will also be towed as a memorial to her Jesus Christ says let me tell you something I'm going to make a big deal out of this for as long as the world turns people who love me are going to make a big deal out of this now what could be such a big deal that Jesus is like no you know what not only are we going to dismiss this I'm going to create a living memorial and we're going to memorialize this woman and this event because this is a really big deal now it's interesting there's a bunch of you as we go through the Gospels you will see what what brother Matthew omits and leaves out one of the things he leaves out is who this woman is another thing that he leaves out is it says when the disciples said he lives out which disciples said it I believe it's the book of John that tells us it was actually Judas that actually says that I don't actually remember we'll have to get we will have to get into that but it leaves out what her name is and leaves out he just leaves the names out that's very very interesting why because because he's more interested in making a point of the memorial you see this King has a different agenda than any other king that anybody has ever seen he is a completely different agenda he has a completely different culture which means he has a completely different set of values now culture is so important culture is how we do things around here and culture is defined by beliefs is defined by habits and it's definer we should say customs and it is also defined by values values are what you make a big deal out of now God Almighty is always interested in bringing the kingdom to earth that's what it is that he wants to do he wants to bring the kingdom to earth and and he does he wants to bring the beliefs of heaven the customs of heaven or the mower deems of heaven and then he wants to bring the values of heaven this is a game changer where God says nobody on this planet values this I am gonna value this and furthermore I'm gonna bring it like it's one of the Ten Commandments this is something you must make a big deal out of what the fact that this woman broke an alabaster box and pour it all on his head why okay he he taps into something amazing here where he says this and guys I want you to look at this if you would please it says in verse in verse 12 for him pouring this fragrant oil upon my body she did it for my burial like what are you talking about Jesus Christ points out that while they are sitting at the table with dignified people and even Simon the leper who had been a Pharisee in one of the other Gospels it Simon the leper is actually called a Pharisee but the brother has got himself some leprosy and he's not allowed to be a Pharisee anymore so he invites Jesus to his house and there's two things I would imagine that he's hoping for number one we will discover within another gospel or another spin of this story that he was hoping this prayer with this that that Jesus was a prophet why was he hoping that he was a prophet because prophets are known to cure people of leprosy that's why so he's thinking man I sure hope that he is a prophet because if he is a prophet that maybe he can heal me in my leprosy and by the way if he's not a prophet then I'll get him in bad trouble and that will put me in good standing with the Pharisees again and here's Jesus in the midst of all these games just cutting straight to the chase and San can I just tell you something we're gonna make a big deal out of this for as long as the gospel is preached we're gonna value this the Bible says that this woman came in and she interrupted the meeting she broke a very expensive of box or flask that was made out of alabaster and she poured the all out of it all over the head of King Jesus and Jesus said you guys don't get it she gets it I am the Messiah and I'm about to die for her this woman had a revelation that was beyond the disciples revelation the disciples had lived with Jesus now for three and a half years for forty-two months they had traveled with King Jesus and they did not have the revelation that this lowly woman had and in fact they didn't even think that she even had access to revelation because of her terrible reputation okay I'm going to break in right here and I'm going to just I'm going to just talk to you and tell you I've done a lot of study on what an alabaster box is and I want to just this is going to sound crazy but believe it or not an alabaster box was typically something that identified a prostitute it was kind of a flask and prostitutes would wear around their neck and they would put all within it that's what they would do now let me just tell you back in ancient days if you or somebody that you were gonna buy a prostitute you would actually look and if a woman was wearing one of these boxes of wolves or I should say a flask of all around her neck that would properly identify her and then once you paid for her to sell her body to you when you got into the room the first thing she would do is she would let down her hair now I want you to think about that as we continue to read guys let's look over now at the book of mark and by the way Matthew is always going to show us King Jesus as the lion the lion is the king the Lion of the tribe of Judah amen the promise bloodline of the Messiah and guys you remember the cherubim there's the face of the lion there's the face of an ox there's the face of a man and there is the face of an eagle okay so let's move over now to the face of the ox which is brother mark when Mark sees Jesus he's amazed at a servant or the way that Jesus carried the burdens of people that's what the face of an ox is all about he's absolutely blown away at the way that Jesus was willing to carry burdens the burden bearing side of Jesus blew the mind of brother mark so this is how he tells the same exact story and this is in Chapter three here we go I'm sorry this is mark chapter 14 beginning at verse three this is Mark's spin and his unique understanding of the same exact story and being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper as he said at the table a woman came having an alabaster flask a very costly oil and then he names the whole spikenard then she broke the flask and she poured it upon his head but there were some who were indignant among themselves and said why was this fragrant oil wasted for it might have been sold for more than 300 d'marie and given to the poor and they criticized her sharply but jesus said leave her alone why are you troubling this woman she has done a good work for me for you have the poor with you always and whatever you wish may be done to them good but me you do not have always she has done what she could she has come beforehand to anoint my body for burial and assuredly I say to you wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world what this woman has done will also be towed as a memorial unto her a memorial ok so he said I promise you this as long as the gospel was preached we're gonna make a big deal out of it well he says it again she's come to prepare my body for burial they didn't have a clue what it was she was talking about this woman had a revelation that Jesus Christ was going to die her was going to actually die for her sins now what prostitutes would do with this all a spot learned is it worked like you know it worked like perfume ok it worked like perfume and this was just kind of something that just well it just it just identified her okay she comes in she comes in she then this time the Bible says he poured all up on his head and this time it says that she came in interrupted the meeting and it also states that she broke the flask I'm gonna just kind of give you one more revelation one more ongoing layer to the revelation of this if she broke the flask that means she was never going to go back to that job again she was never ever ever going to be identified with the subject of prostitution and she was totally being set free to that because she got it that Jesus Christ was about to die for her sins and she wanted to live that life oh my gosh now meanwhile the all the clueless brothers they're all sitting there and they're all mad at her number one nobody invited a woman at this party number two she came in here interrupted number three she came in just started pouring all over Jesus and she's crying and she's throwing a fit like this is ridiculous okay guys let's look over now at Luke's version of this now remember guys there is the face of the Matthew which is the face of the lion then there is Mark which is the face of the ox now we're going to look over at the human side of King Jesus the thing that brute the thing that blew brother Luke's mind was that Jesus Christ had he was so human he was a dude he made him he wasn't God pretending to be a man he was actually God who actually became a man and he was blown away at the humanity of Jesus so here's his amazing version of the story no it's even better and says a sinful woman is forgiven there it is again then one of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him and he went to the Pharisees house he sat down to eat and behold a woman in the city who was a sinner when she knew that Jesus said at the table in the Pharisees house brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil what city was it it was Bethany okay what people what are the famous people that live in the city of Bethany okay Lazarus Martha and Mary live in Bethany okay that's really important and it's and she comes in and she stood at his feet behind him weeping and then she began to wash his feet with her tears and then she wiped them with the hair of her head and then she kissed his feet and anointed them with fragrant oil now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he spoke to himself saying man if this guy was a prophet he would know what kind of woman this is that's touching him and she's a sinner man at this point now we go into the heart of Simon the leper who was sitting there and he's like well not only is this Jesus not a prophet so he can't he certainly can't heal me leprosy but he's not even smart he can't even tell that this is a prostitute my gosh that's absolutely ridiculous and then jesus answered to him and said hey Simon I have something to say to you while all this madness is going on while this woman is pouring all all over here while she is letting down his while she is letting down her hair while she is doing that while she's weeping and crying all over him while she is kissing his feet while she is breaking her alabaster box while she's doing that Jesus answers it says Simon I have something to say to you and she said T and he said teacher said he said well there was a certain creditor who had two debtors one owed five hundred and another owed fifty and when they didn't have when they had nothing with which to repay he freely forgave them both tell me therefore which of them is gonna love him more and Simon said well I guess the one whom he forgave more and he said exactly you have rightly judged then he turned to the woman and said to Simon check this out then he turned to the woman he's talking to Simon but he's looking at the woman now and he said do you see this woman he said I entered into your house you didn't give me any water for my feet and she's washed my feet with her tears and she's watched him with the hair of her head and you didn't give me a kiss but this woman has not ceased to kiss my feet since time that I came in and you didn't anoint my head with all but this woman has anointed my feet with fragrant oil therefore I say to you her sins which are many are now forgiven because she loved very much but to whom little is forgiven the same tends to love very little then he said to her your sins are forgiven and those who sat at the table with them again to say to themselves who is this that he even forgives sins then he said to the woman your faith has saved you go in peace what faith that Jesus Christ was the Messiah and he was going to die for her sins and she got such a revelation boom oh my gosh I know exactly who he is and he loves me and nobody's honoring him I want to honor him I want to bless him and in that place where this woman is blessing him and honoring him he turns to her and says your sins are forgiven before he died on the cross man this was something that was bigger than a timeline this was something that was bigger than anything else this was something Jesus to say we need to make a big deal out of this this woman who has a horrible reputation upon the earth who has made terrible terrible terrible mistakes is honored and chosen in heaven and she has a revelation that even the elite sitting at this very table do not have a revelation of hallelujah for that hallelujah for the way that Jesus sees people that nobody else sees all right now guys let's go to let's go to the book of John brother John the face of the eagle that means when he saw Jesus he saw Jesus as God Almighty he saw him as supernatural the face of the eagle this is his unique spin and his unique version of the same exact story then six days before Passover Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus who had been dead whom he had raised from the dead there they made him a supper and Martha served and Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with him okay now we got a whole different now we know all the players now we know where in Bethany we know that Lazarus is there and we know that Martha is there and Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard anointed the feet of Jesus and watched his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of all I want to stop and I'm going to tell you this it doesn't go on to say I want you to so it included them by name so that they could be honored but also - I want you to see that it also not only didn't do that it doesn't list it as an alabaster flask like wine because that was something that would not make you proud of her I mean he has a completely different he's seeing things the way that Jesus sees things and this is great all right then it says this and one of his disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son who would betray him said why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred and nari and given to the poor I want to just stop but I want you just to consider something there are a lot of people that think that this house was Judas house and that Simon the leper was Judas's dad because this place not only does it list the house but it lists Simon the leper and then it lists did Les Judas Iscariot Simon's son now why would Judas who's now identified as the one are saying and Simon said dude this woman's a sinner and then used the scaritage like this woman's a sinner why because they grew up with her it probably done some business with her and now this woman is going to come busting in and she's going to honor the Lord and one of the disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son who would betray him said why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor and this he said not because he cared for the poor but because he was a thief I want to say that again this he said not because he cared for the poor but because it was a thief seiyya Judas Iscariot the son of Simon was a socialist and he is the father of socialism and this very verse actually defines socialism I'm gonna steal all your money from you because I love the poor but not that they love the poor but because they are thieves this is the beginning of socialism socialism did not begin in the 1800s with Marx socialism began 2,000 years ago with Judas Iscariot number seven but Jesus said leave her alone she has kept this for the day of my burial for the poor you have with you always but me you do not have with you always okay friends it's time for me to wind this up and I gotta wind this up this way number one the only skill set the only way that Mary knew how to honor a man came from a trade that was sinful what do you do you let down your hair you bust out the oil you break out the fragrance that's what you do and that's the only skill set that this woman has on the whole planet Earth and she's not doing this in a nasty way she's doing this in a surfing way and Jesus doesn't say you're not doing that to me he says no no no this is beautiful to me can I just tell you something you and I have lived in a world all of our life and many times we don't have anything else to offer but but but how we can faithfully serve Him even if it comes from the trash that all of us come from and Jesus Christ did not rebuke that woman whenever whenever she broke the alabaster box see she broke the alabaster box you didn't have to break the box to get the oil out of it you didn't have to do that she broke it why she was showing him you've given me a new identity you have made me a woman of dignity you have made me a woman of honor you have given me something nobody else has ever offered me and I see you I know who you are you are the promised Messiah you're the one that's gonna die for me Jesus tells her in the Book of Luke I need you to know honey your sins are forgiven of you I don't see you that way either there's something so it and so beautiful going on between Jesus and Mary and here while she might have had a huge history of being physically intimate with men she now has a true spiritual intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ and everybody else at the table is missing it because they have some other agenda he says no no can't just tell y'all something this is going to be a memorial this is something I'm gonna command the church to make a big deal out of you will not see Mary as a prostitute you will see her as holy you will see her as somebody who's cutting edge and somebody who has a revelation way before anything the disciples did that I know who you are and not only you are not only are you here to do it not only are you here to become the Messiah but you are here to specifically die for me so I specifically want to serve you and there's two ways I'm gonna serve you one is with the only skill sets that I have and number two is I'm going to serve you right here right now by changing my life and breaking that box it's beautiful and unless you see all four spins you don't see the whole story I want to just tell you that I thank God for the uniqueness for the things that are omitted and for the things that are actually put in there of each one of the writers of the Gospels I'm so grateful for it because if I didn't have their spin I wouldn't have the full picture and that's the way that it is with us this whole week I'm down in South Texas with a group of men and I'm trying to talk to the men about the importance of what you make a big deal out of is a big deal and if you don't make a big deal out of the right things you're going to make a big deal of the wrong things the reason why we go to the Alamo every year on March the 6 and our part of the service the pre-dawn service is because they're like no no we will not forget not on my watch I will not forget I will remember the Alamo I would remember the pot the incredible price that has been paid so that I can be free and that I don't have to live in the clutches of Mexico everybody's like Mexico is such a great place yeah that's why there's so many millions of people that flood across the border Mexico is a great people but Mexico has never been a great place because of the government that is there a government that Rob's and steals and puts people down a government where the police are so corrupt that people disappear there is no telling how many hundreds of thousands of people of the Mexican people have been killed by their own government I want to just tell you this I thank God that that's not what I had to grow up in I thank God that there were a hundred and eighty men that stood against an army of 4,000 people and said not on my watch not on my watch just exactly like that King Jesus two thousand years ago made a big deal out of a woman that everybody in the room wanted to dismiss and said no no not only am I gonna make a big deal of this I'm gonna command the church to make a big deal out of this that this woman had a next-level revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ that the smartest guys in the room didn't have a clue about and it just came from her passion and her devotion to him and that she was so amazed that Jesus saw her as pure in his holy when Simon saw her as a sinner when Judas saw her as a sinner Jesus saw her pure and holy and she saw it as a permission for the very first time to live pure and holy guys I want us all to pray father God I pray and the mighty name of King Jesus I pray Lord God Almighty sir I pray Lord God that we would see people God the way that you see people I pray Lord Jesus sir that we would have a next level revelation Lord God Almighty a way next level revelation of who you are and who you are to us personally and I pray God that we would somehow have the Grace and the character and the courage of our sweet sister Mary to say I can break that alabaster box and I never have to go back to that trash again because of how Jesus sees me I love you Lord God and I praise you and thank you in Jesus name guys let's all give King Jesus a great big praise give a great big praise in the house we love you Lord love you King Jesus oh my gosh okay well okay well you know what I'm about to turn this back over I think probably brother George Dawson I think is who it is I'm about to turn this back over to and I want you guys to know man that I love you I love you so much I'm actually gonna be here this coming Sunday I'm coming in tomorrow with the team I'm going to New York but then I'm coming back on Saturday so I will be here on Sunday morning man I want to encourage you guys to be here I'm loving this brand-new sermon series that I'm doing and we're all talking about worldviews and we're talking about the importance of seeing things the way that God sees things and lining up our heart with the way that God sees things yeah man bring your friends bring your family hey man this is gonna be on Facebook tonight and I want to encourage you guys man to share this on Facebook guys don't forget to pray for me I'll call you guys the head not the tail above and not beneath and highly favored of the Lord god bless you my friends bye-bye everybody I love y'all ma bye-bye
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 8,755
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: PpNkI2hWeeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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