Principles for Accessing the Revelatory Realm Paul Keith Davis

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we thank you for new beginnings I just feel the spirit of new beginnings in the room I don't know why that is at the end of the year but maybe it's because of the beginning of another year but Lord we just prophesied new beginnings we prophesied new things we speak an agreement with heaven that all things are not going to continue as they have been change is on the horizon we agree with you and then we agree that your name is going to be lifted up that you are going to have your harvest you are going to have your outpouring of the Spirit your bride is going to make herself ready your sons are going to do the greater works we agree with that we prophesy that in agreement with the spirit of prophecy and I pray that you would look no further than this room and those that are watching by streaming to find exactly what you're looking for or give us a grace to make ourself ready I want to be ready I don't want to be one team I don't to be in the balance lacking I'll be this grace for those that are in the room that to be ready so lord give it to us tonight as we move into this service we ask them in Jesus name anybody says I believe we're supposed to know what to expect in 2015 even though there's going to be great change and what I have been prophesying and what I stand by still is that by the Day of Atonement 2015 things will be considerably different than they are now now I can't say that I know what that will look like but I'm hoping that there is going to be some evidence of an outpouring I believe I believe one thing for a certainty that's going to happen is you're going to begin to continue to see separation that the wheat and the tares are being separated the goat and the sheep are being separated the remnant from the from the nominal are being separated the wise from the foolish are being separated this is a time of sifting and change in separation and that's a good thing that is a good thing out you know I wish everybody could be believers and the fullness of the gospel would that be wonderful but reality is that's not the case but those of like and are coming together and you're going to begin to see I believe in the next year or so some unusual alliances some alliances are coming between peoples or groups of people that you wouldn't normally see because the conditions of the of the age are going to require it number one but something we're going to have in common is going to be the gel it's going to be the glue that brings some together that wouldn't normally be brought together and I'm not even sure what all that looks like people that maybe have nothing in common or maybe something from one group or another group will come together but you're going to see that coming this is just some of the things I'm seeing for next year and I'm gonna be sharing a lot of that in Morningstar in new years and Rick said he really wants us to begin to forecast some things so I've been asking the Lord that's just a little taste of some of the things we're getting but I think we can be a lot more specific than that I believe we're supposed to be pretty specific about some of the things that are coming and politically economically whatever I you know I have to agree this you have to agree there's going to be some some testings economically but I don't see the collapse I don't see the economic collapse that others are seeing I thought that would have gotten at least one amen maybe you're all expecting the collapse I don't know but I mean I know there's gonna be hard times I know you know obviously anyone with any you know common sense can realize that if you keep you know spending more money you've got you got problems coming right and a recession could be on the horizon I'm not saying it isn't but I am saying that the body of Christ is going to have what they need to have the harvest I believe that God's not going to allow there to be a total collapse of the economy until we bring in the harvest we can't bring in the harvest without resources right I mean we people need buildings and need airplanes or to go where they're going they need whatever and so I just don't see it yet I do believe there's going to be a total collapse of the economy at some point but I see the harvest is the next major thing on the horizon or where the Lord is going to pour out his spirit and millions and millions of people are going to be saved and you know if I if I could be just totally honest and and open with you since I have been so far bit but I believe our nation will have a great outpouring of the Spirit but I believe in the end the huge majority the people will reject god I hate that I don't want that to be the case but I believe that will happen remember what happened with Jerusalem when when Jerusalem received their Messiah and the Lord Jesus Christ sat on the steps of the temple and taught about the kingdom of God the Son of God that did the greatest miracle ministry the world has ever seen love manifested in flesh Tov the kingdom of God no in the kingdom of his father and they crucified Him I crucified Him and Jerusalem came unto judgment did they not and I believe our nation is about to have one of the great millions are going to get saved millions are going to come out of nominal Christianity into the kingdom I believe that but you know what there's what 300 something million people our nation if we had 10 20 30 million people gets a there's still a lot of people that don't but believe ultimately our nation will not embrace God they'll reject God and unfortunately I hope I'm wrong I pray that I'm wrong but I believe that's when the judgment comes I'll be that's when you're going to see the earthquakes and the different things that have been prophesied but I'm believing for the harvest right this is good news if we don't have good news he's going to write you might say oh that was a downer no it's not a downer it's a good news because everybody has the opportunity to get same narrow is the gate but why does a gate the lease of destruction right I just wish it wasn't that way I wish the pull of the world was not so intense upon people but you know the reality is and this is one of the things that I find most fascinating in the scriptures is that the Lord Jesus Christ will R in the heavens one day in a physical form you believe that if you don't leave the second coming of Christ you're not believing the word Jesus Christ will return period it's going to happen it's a it's an absolute there's no question about it just a matter of when and I know exactly when when he's ready but he's going to set his feet on the Mount of Olives in a physical form he's going to split the mountain in half he's going to he's going to take names everything that he said that he's going to do and then he's going to set up his throne in Jerusalem and his bride will be seated with him on his throne and they were ruled planet Earth for 1,000 years in a utopia with Satan bound and changed cast into the pit of hell right no demons to cast out no sick people to get he'll just utopia with Jesus Christ the Son of God walking planet earth in a physical form where every nation on the under the planet will have to go to Jerusalem once a year to observe Tabernacles he's going to require it are they're going to come under judgment famine in drought and everybody will see the Messiah the Son of God the miracle-working God there was crucified dead but raised again from the dead and Satan will be turned loose after a thousand years and deceive many how how could that be possible how could even so that that's what I realize you know I'm thinking if God pours out his spirit and does all the things that we know he's going to do everybody's going to get saved they should right but the reality is even living in a utopia with Jesus Christ on the earth in human form nations will turn away from God that is heart-wrenching that is that is devastating to me but yet it's through its the scriptures and so we have to go by the word right something is on the horizon and I don't know when I would have loved it if it had already happened by now but I want to hold on I'm just going to believe God that something is coming that we're gonna that we're going to embrace something that's going to change the way we think something that's going to change the way we do church if I can use that term or the way we do gatherings it something's going to be different and I know one of the things it's going to under one of the things that's coming but I'll hold that off for some other time but anyway so what I wanna do tonight is talk about gates doors and veils but I want to be very practical I didn't really realize how personal I began to feel this because I realized that this is what got me into what I'm doing and you know I sat down yesterday my computer and I began to say I want I want personal experiential things and I can give you that have either worked or that I learned over the course of these twenty something years 25 years that can help posture you to access the realm of the Spirit if you if you are not here what I have done in the previous sessions were messages on gates doors and veils the Lord had talked to me when I was in the nation of Wales about the fact that we are about to access the remnant of God is about to access the realm of the Spirit on unprecedented levels and begin to teach me about the fact that as you enter the outer court you go through a gate and that's described very intimately in the book of Exodus and that's the outer court that's what we know to be salvation that's justification by faith that's we have the the altar of incense I mean the brazen altar and and and all of that but then to leave the outer court you go to go into the holy place you go through a door and there was a very intricate detailed description of the door that led you into the holy place that means there's progression that means God's on the move that means you don't camp out in any one place you don't just stay at Passover you don't just say it justification by faith you move into the holy place and you go through a door to access the holy place where the Holy Spirit which is represented by the seven golden lampstand begins to shed light upon the table of showbread which is the bread of his presence the revelation of Jesus Christ to begin to transform you change you purge you get out of you the things of this world that lent lead you to the altar of incense which takes you into the beyond the veil into the Holy of Holies and I believe as a as a corporate body that's where we are believe a lot of people I believe the remnant of God's people have been spending a lot of time in the holy place we know that we're not just out in the justification we've moved on past that we've been in we've been in Pentecost we've been in this print of Kaushal experience but there's life beyond Pentecost and I know don't you don't anyone think I'm in heresy when I say that there's life beyond Pentecost is it Pentecost beyond Passover we don't do away with Passover to go into Pentecost we build on it so therefore we do the same thing with Pentecost we take the foundation we take the structure that has been built inside of us through the Pentecostal experience through the outpouring of the Spirit and then we begin to cultivate that into a place of maturity so we go through the veil into the most holy place which is where the glorious there's an amazing passage that I've been revisiting and then a message on it years ago and I'm going to start revisiting again but it's in the Book of Numbers and it's when Israel missed their door of opportunity they rebelled and you know the twelve spies went in and ten returned with an evil report and God got man he was gonna destroy y'all I remember that he said I'll just wipe them all out and we'll start over he Moses and whatever and Moses interceded you know and in God she changed God's minor or so it seen in the scriptures I don't leaving I think the Lord did all that because he knew exactly what was going to be the heart of most of any way be that as it may finally guys okay be according to your word I will pardon them but as surely as I live I will fill this earth with my glory I stuck with me for a long time and it's kind of resurfaced okay I'm gonna pardon to Moses because you stood in the gap I'll pardon them but as surely as I live I will fill this earth with my glory so that means somewhere along the way Israel was going to be the instrument that was going to fill the earth with his glory right and they miss that opportunity you see that clear implication there and the whole earth it's not yet been filled with his glory so that means we've got to cross over something that was what they were supposed to do they were supposed to cross over the Jordan and step into the promising almost like crossing out of the holy place into the most the real promise is not just a gift of prophecy the promise is to become the tabernacle of God the promise is that you and God can be fully merged as one that's the promise that God would take up full and complete residence in a body of people called the Bride of Christ so the sons of the kingdom and then he will begin to use them to fill this earth with his Lord that's the promise and in order to do that you have to have access correct John was in the spirit of the Lord say and you should begin to see all these places where the realm of the Spirit is access and so I just want to talk about I don't want to go back too much and get bogged down and trying to go over what we did in the last two sessions because I have a lot to share here and I've got 14 points and I'll say at the outset that I don't I don't have them in any certain order I just put them down as they came to me just as I was sitting in my computer the last few days and and just I thought I want to make this personal this is what I can say with some certainty because of my personal experience of course it's biblical too but but I didn't just go find random examples of the scripture and try to utilize am i I utilized what I felt came to me through my study of men and women that have accessed the realm of the Spirit through personal experience through scriptures the Lord is giving it or whatever over the course of 25 years it started for me in 1989 in fact you know when it started for me was when I read this book right here I believe in visions by Kenneth Hagin and you know you just have to know my journey out you know I was an athlete we you know I've always loved God since I was 12 I've loved God I didn't understand it didn't know how to communicate it didn't even know how to feel about it but I did I love God I remember when when I when I kid in school through his Bible on the floor I was looking for lightning to come down and strike us all dead that's kind of how the fear of the Lord I had a buzz you know but but I love God and I tried to pray you know nobody ever taught me how to pray I think one time I heard my mother saying now I lay me down to sleep kind of Prayer so I prayed that until I went to college I'm kidding wasn't quite that bad but anyway you know I didn't know how to pray you know I didn't so but I would read my Bible I finally got a Bible when I graduate high school first Bible and it was one of those living Bibles I tried to read it I read it but I loved God but I didn't know anything about God and in the 1989 when I came around and received the baptism and realized that you know the path I was taking wasn't working that the United in dedup in car wrecks and migraine headaches and you name it out of us you know this is not working so I came back around I began to to and I would receive the Holy Spirit as soon as I did as soon as I received the Holy Spirit not in 89 I started going places I wouldn't have used that language then but but that's what really happened I started having revelatory encounters and and most of them happen at night but they were more real than what I happened in him during the day many of them they were so real that when I would come out of them I would have to reactivate myself to the natural realm that's how and I didn't understand them I didn't know what I was seeing a lot of what I saw in those years is what I preached today but I didn't understand that I was having these I was going in the spirit but I didn't know what it meant to be go in the spirit and so I found Kenneth Hagin and and in this this hunger in me was cultivated but I had no language for it I had no vocabulary to try to articulate what was going on with me but if I could say it now after 25 years when I was basically after then is what I'm after now and that is God encounters I realized that with the realization that the Lord Jesus would let you experience him without dying was was was a was a revelation it was a breakthrough you mean I don't have to die to experience God because that was how that's how simple my my teaching well you know you read some scripture and have some good theological foundations or whatever but there's no relationship there's no experience there's no communication there's no personal in exchange he's way off over there one day you're going to die you go see your maker and the sweet by-and-by that was literally high belief so it was not it was novel it was groundbreaking when I discovered that I don't have to die to meet God that I can on this side of eternity experience the realm of the spirit the more number two that everything in the Bible is true and in 1989 I just said okay Lord I believe your word I don't care if I don't understand it I believe it and I'll stand up for it I will fight for it I believe for it in Lord if I was not tested on that one I mean you know the Lord doesn't forget things you say like that he'll make you he'll make you do it so anyway I discovered Kenneth Hagin and I got to be honest I just started out reading some of this face stuff because that was a new faith was important and I often tell the story is a true story you know someone had give me a book or two or something and I read them and thought that was pretty good so I called up Rhema this is back when I was in business and could afford to do this but I called up Rhema Bible Institute and I just said here's my address send me one of everything Lord Jesus they cost me nine hundred and ninety dollars in 1989-1990 think about how much material that is today the UPS truck pulled up and got the dolly off and that's when I knew I was in trouble I still have them all in storage but somewhere along the way I came across this book I can't remember where somewhere around mid 1989 I suppose and I read this experience can I read it to you I don't normally like to read things when I'm speaking but this this I think hearing it straight from his mouth the way I read it kind of hopefully will set the tone of what I want to share tonight but his meeting for him was after he almost died he had some illness I forgot not what it was he was extremely ill to the point of death even planned his own funeral and the Lord healing and as a result of that he went into the ministry over in East Texas and this particular experience happened on September the 2nd 1950 after had been raining for several for a day or two and not many people came to the tent meeting so he just decided to pray so he kneels on the platform and begins to pray and somewhere in the in the prayer somewhere in the midst of having this prayer he hears an audible voice saying this come up hither come on Lord say that again say that again to us tonight come up hither the voice said it again then I looked and saw Jesus standing where the top of the tent would be as I looked up again the tent had disappeared the folding chairs had disappeared every tent pole had disappeared the pulpit had disappeared and God permitted me to see into the spirit realm Jesus was standing there and I stood in his presence he was holding a crown in his hands this crown was so extraordinarily beautiful that human language cannot begin to describe it Jesus told me this is the soul-winners crown my people are so careless and indifferent this crown is for every one of my children I speak and say go speak to this one or pray for that one but my people are too busy they put it off and souls are lost because they do not obey me when Jesus said that I went before him I knelt down and repented of my failures jesus said to me again come up you seen as if I went with him through the air until we came to a beautiful city we did not actually go into the city but will be held it at close range as one might go up on a mountain and look down on a city in the valley its beauty was beyond words then the Lord takes him to hell he sees a few things there and he goes has a vision of America then he comes back again into the tent and he hears the voice again again I saw Jesus standing where the top of the tent should be and I went to him through the air when I reached him together we continued on to heaven we came to the throne of God and I beheld it in all of its splendor I was not able to look upon the face of God I only beheld his form the first thing that attracted my attention was the rainbow about the throne it was beautiful the second thing I noticed was the winged creatures on either side of the throne they were peculiar looking creatures and as I walked up with Jesus these creatures stood with wings outstretched they were saying something but they ceased and folded their wings they each had eyes a fire set all around their heads and they looked in all directions at once I stood with Jesus in the midst about 18 to 24 feet from the throne I looked at the rainbow first at the winged creatures and then I started to look at the one who sat upon the throne Jesus told me not to look upon his face I could only see a form of the being seated upon the throne Jesus talked with me for nearly an hour I saw him as plainly as I've ever seen anyone in this life I heard him speak and for the first time I actually looked into his eyes many times when relating this experience I'm asked what did his eyes look like all I can say is they look like Wells of living love it seemed as if one couldn't see a half mile deep into them and the tender look of his love is indescribable as I looked into his face and into his eyes I fell at his feet and worshiped how many want that man that'll change you you know if that doesn't change it nothing will right so I kind of set the course to me that that did it that did it right there that that experience right there just seal this median soffit okay you know Lauren I'm not much but you know what I want that you know and I've seen I haven't been to the throne but I've seen the Lord if you told me asked me in 1989 - I think I'd ever see the Lord I don't know what I would have ever said but but but it happened and if I can you can you believe he's not a respecter person right I don't I don't know all the conditions I don't know I can't even begin to fathom what God does or does not require this sometimes it seems to be no reason no no common ground but there but I know that Lord Jesus makes himself available number one number two I know that we're living in a generation where we're going to be given more access in any generation has ever been given I believe that with all my heart I believe for us to bring in the harvest we must be given access to the spirit and if there's things I can do to help facilitate that if there's things I can do to posture myself for that then I want to discover what they are if there are men or women that have gone before me that have accessed that realm I want to know what they did to do it and I began to study that's what kind of set me on the quest I would have the experiences and I would begin to try to understand them and inevitably someone would give me a tape or a book or something about some person and I would find my experience in that book or that that testimony that's what made me start studying people like Smith Wigglesworth and and all the ones before and you know and if some of them discovered that place in God through through great sacrifice I'll never forget reading the book that was written in 1922 when Smith Wigglesworth went to his first major revival under the anointing that he's now famous are he wasn't before known just to help his wife Holly Smith Wigglesworth in he was not a good speaker and and so he would you know carry the horse around and they'd get kids a ride and she would preach the gospel in the street corners working for the Salvation Army in England and and and apparently they had this wonderful love affair and she died she died of course he comes home and finds her dead or however it happened I forget now where they were but he comes in and she's dead and he grabs her out her stiff corpse up and stands up and rebukes death and brings her back and she rebuked him she said what are you doing he can read it for yourself he said you know she said you don't know where I was and I'm going back and so she died and he laid her in her grave and wept for days and finally the Lord showed up the grave one day Senor time of weeping is up get up and going to take the gospel to the four corners of the earth and he said Lord if you give me what she had plus what I have I'll go he said okay I'll give it to you and all of a sudden the supernatural ministry was birth laying on his wife's grave and he goes to New Zealand Auckland New Zealand for the first set of meetings under that commissioning 1922 I've been to the building building a couple of times with meeting was hell such miraculous things began to happen that they extended the meetings from weeks on end and finally the meetings ended and the pastor the host pastor of the meeting was walking with Smith Wigglesworth on the beach and he said I've got to know I've got to know what is the secret of your power with God he said oh you we shouldn't ask me that because of what I got it was laying on my wife's grave he said I sell this high-seas alone he never remarried he lived alone for the rest of his life except when his wife I'm his daughter and her husband traveled with him so that's one way I don't want to go that way I need my wife that's not the way I want to go but I'm saying you know that's the way he went aelon had been having event he got he saved out of alcoholism he began drinking alcohol at the age of five his mother would mix milk with with moonshine to put the kids to sleep so she could party so he was an alcoholic who's an alcoholic by the time he was five it's when I'm inside he started drinking alcohol as a baby she put moonshine in his milk and they would pass out literally so that she could go party and do all the things she wanted to do so he came up in a very very very horrible background but he got saved out of alcoholism and he began to preach the gospel but he began to read the book of Acts one day and he he started asking God you know even though he had some success in evangelism he thought why aren't I seeing what's in the book of Acts and so he decided to go into a closet one day he said I'm not coming out of this closet until I find out the secret to walk with God in these realms of the Spirit and so he stayed all day from morning to until night and finally about dinnertime miss Allen started cooking and he began to smell the stew in the biscuits coming under the corner of the other of the of the door and he comes out of the other of his prayer closet not having had a revelation and he sits down at the table and he puts one spoonful of stew in his mouth and I have the audio-video testimony of him telling the story he said I didn't even get it out of my mouth he said as soon as I put it in my mouth the Lord said you sure did give up off easy so he spit it out went back in the closet told his wife to lock the door from the outside said I'm not coming out till I've met God state he said I don't know if I was there for hours or days he said that multiple times he said I don't know how long I was there hours or days until one at one moment that closet that I was sitting in and a pair of overalls was filled with the glory of God that's illuminating light came out of heaven and luminate it around me and an audible voice began to speak and his testimony is that he stopped the voice and said wait just a minute I don't want to forget any of this and the Lord stopped while he found a pencil a little broken pencil and his overall Bibbs bit the wood off the round the pencil so he could get to the lead tore a corner off of a old wooden box it was in the closet and said okay now do them again and wrote them down on a piece of cardboard thirteen things the Lord said if you'll do these thirteen things I'll give you the same power I gave Peter James and John his testimony is that when he drew a line through the 13th one that's when the crazy miracles started happening but it wasn't just about miracles although we want miracles don't misunderstand that it was about access it was about a walk he was about a communion and people could say what they will but they Alan died a righteous man I'm not saying he was perfect by any stretch of the imagination because righteous man Mariah would were that her he had buried five over six children and had this desire to to be in ministry she had a desire to not be a ministry I'm sorry she had a desire to go to Bible School to serve the Lord but because her father was killed in a farming accident it was all hands on deck and all the children had to go to work and she ended up marrying a man that had been wounded in the Civil War and he was angry and bitter and he ended up she ended up marrying him and they had six children and they lived kind of in poverty and it's very difficult on her her marriage was difficult and then her children became sick and they began to die one by one until five of the six children died and there she is herself ill down to about ninety pounds I've read could barely speak above a whisper she turns around one day in her little wooden cottage somewhere in Ohio and there stands the Lord Jesus Christ that changes everything and he said to her why aren't you in my vineyard she said well Lord I'm a woman I always like to say well I'm pretty sure you knew that don't you think jesus knew she was a woman when he came when he showed up can you me up they didn't tell me I was I won't tell a story I'm a woman so apparently he didn't have a problem with that right so I don't guess I do and so he said the second time weren't you my vineyard she said lord I I don't know your word and she pointed to the wall of her little cabin and there on the wall was a Bible that she said was supernaturally imposed with the glory of God emanating from it and she said well my eyes fell upon it I understood it from Genesis to revelations then he said a third time weren't you my vineyard she said Lord you give me the power you gave those Galilean fishermen I'll go he did and she did 44 years of miracle ministry there's not one thing an apostle does that she didn't do I believe she was an apostle I believe it if you go study the Apostles of the Bible tell me once she birthed churches she did the miraculous she healed the sick she brought revelatory truth she preached about the eschatology in time there is a one thing that an apostle is supposed to do she didn't do that's just my personal view she didn't ever call herself an apostle she just called herself a believer and the most wonderful thing you don't have to call yourself anything just let what you do describe who you are right in the realm of the Spirit what about Roland buck this Assembly of God pastor that had had known no words from Bob Jones or anybody else say just was preaching his little Assembly of God Church in Boise Idaho and and and just preparing on a Saturday night for a Sunday morning message he lays his head upon the back of his arm just to pray for a minute about 10 o'clock at night before he went home to be go to bed and get ready for the Sunday morning service and he said the moment his forehead touched the back of his arm he was no longer in his office he was standing in the throne room and I've been there I've been to his office I've spoken with his daughter his widow his son the church secretary that was his church secretary at the time I've spoken to members of the church friends of the family it was a real experience he was given 120 future events that all happened in sequence in sequence not to mention the Gabriel began to appear to him 27 times over the next two and a half years now those are just some of the ones I can talk about William Branham I could talk about some of the others ago it just got the list goes on and on and on and on but they did something right somehow something you might say what did roll em up do well here's here's what he thought I have a video of him speaking at the end of his life because he apparently been asked the question why did God choose you to access the realm of the Spirit why did he choose you to allow Gabriel to come in and meet with and of course he didn't give all of his accolades of his theology theological degrees or anything he said the only thing I can figure is God is a family man he said I spent several years with a very deliberate intentional approach to restore families and he said I restored something like six hundred families over a period of years he thinks that's the one thing that caught God's attention that he restored families families who were about to break up divorces or whatever that was what he said so you know we don't always know the criteria we don't always know exactly what but here's what some of the things that I believe number one you have to believe that you are a spiritual being with a right to that realm do you believe that do you have you have a right to go to the island if you don't if you don't say yes something's wrong you have to believe that you have a right to access the realm of the Spirit that's your birthright that's your privilege that's because you're a son from a son I can go into my father's house right blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:3 who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ just as he chose us in him before the foundation world that would be holy and blameless before him so therefore there it is right there your blessings are in heavenly places so what does it mean our number one there's more than one have any place heavenly place is correct somebody myself how many heavens are they I have no clue have absolutely no idea I know some people that's seven or whatever I I can't say I don't know but it says heavenly places it's in the same way that there's multiple places in the spirit there's multiple ways of getting there and I'm going to say this at this point in case I forget to say it but I suspect anyone that's here anyone this believes what I preach anyone that that is able to grasp the things that that we teach in the in the area of the kingdom is more revelatory than you think because with because what we teach requires revelation I've had no I've had numerous people say I don't get revelation and I thought why are you here because you must have some revelation or you wouldn't be hungry you wouldn't be grasping you wouldn't feel the desire and pull of the Spirit for what we're preaching if you didn't have a measure of Revelation right so don't undersell yourself if you if you are believing for this you have had revelation now what your warning is what I want to I want an angel to show up and stand in front of me you know I almost give me a heart attack but survive it you know we want the heavens to open in Jesus I want all that too but you know there are men and women that lived their entire life and had one or two of those experiences one or two and unless you were someone like William Randall motely but so my deal is but I do believe you can have revelatory you can access the realm of the Spirit I was just thinking today how many times just recently just over the course of the last month or two where I would have a dream about somebody I thought man I haven't thought about them in 10 years and then two days later somebody says you know if so-and-so east know 10 years ago and they tell me something about them or I would I would have this some buddies would come to my mind and I man I haven't even thought of them since college and all of a sudden some friends send some note or some email or some Facebook posts and they're talking about this you ever done that and that's that's supernatural that's God trying to cultivate the revelatory realm with you you might say well it wasn't earth-shaking well it was if it's him getting your attention if it's him trying to let you know okay I'm here I'm concerned about you I'm involved in what's going on with you and I'm letting you know these things ahead of time because this is what we got to go with this thing so number one point number one that I believe in here again I said this earlier I was sitting in I did not put these in the order of preference these are just the order that they came to my mind so I don't want you to think this is the number one thing this is just the one that first one that came to my mind growing up in God moving from outer Court to holy place than moving beyond the veil into the most holy place understanding the realms of the Spirit one of the things that I learned most from Bob Jones was understanding the realms of the spirit you know I didn't ever ask for a relationship with Bob but God just gave it to me I me I literally literally I just woke up one day and he was in my house I'm not and I look back on it I'm thinking how did that ever happen but it was just it was just God it was just a god thing but I began to understand this was a man who lived in the realm that his language the reason so many people had aren't hard time understanding him is because he spoke the language of the Spirit he didn't know another language he didn't know how to talk to you and I like we talked to one another because he lived in the ramit and then he spoke in parables and if you don't understand parables and symbols you never you couldn't follow Bob I can't tell you how many dozens and dozens and I'm sure Brad - well Bobby give somebody a word and he always would say this do you understand what I said and the people say yes yeah and Bob would walk away they come to me and say what did he say give you in that's true oh you mean you lied to the Prophet he's talking you understood it he said I weren't about to tell him I didn't ever clue what he said because he spoke the language of the Spirit my deal is I want to know the language of the Spirit I want to grow up therefore leaving the teachings about the Christ I'm sorry not leaving the teachings I left that the most important work therefore leaving the elementary teachings about the Christ let us press on to maturity not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and faith towards God and instruction about washing and laying on hands and the resurrection of that eternal judgment so Paul called elementary principles in this we will do if God permits were in the case of those who have once been enlightened Salvation have tasted the heavenly gift sanctification have been partakers of the Holy Spirit baptism the Holy Spirit and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come in union with Christ some I'm often asked what I what do I believe the next major move of the Spirit will be and I believe it will be the tasting of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come we've had a we've had the event we've had a justification message that's been predominant we've had the sanctification message that was predominant we've had the baptism we've lived for 100 years in a Pentecostal age and at each juncture that those outpourings came there was a major breakthrough there was a breakthrough anointing that broke through the just shall live by faith it was a breakthrough anointing that broke through sanctification by the washing of the water Lord there's a breakthrough anointing at Azusa Street that brought the baptism of Holy Spirit we're about to have one more breakthrough we haven't had it yet we're about to have one more breakthrough it's going to break us in to the tasting of the good word of God and the powers of the age to come if I won't to have to understand the powers of the age to come I need to understand accessing that realm of the Spirit you might say what does it mean to taste the powers of the age come that means and on this side of eternity we will taste demonstrate experience millennial power that's what it means every commentator even conservative commentators will tell you Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 5 is speaking about tasting experiencing not the fullness but a portion of millennial experiences you know we need to understand when I did days of Noah and I realize now I'm not going to finish all this tonight so I'm not going to feel pressured to do it I'm gonna do as far as I can well we'll pick it up on the next SOS ed okay but I want to do it justice I don't want to feel rushed to get all 14 in tonight and I'm not going to I can tell already but I when I did the study on the days of Noah I began to read historical books about how much of human history how much of human history involved the supernatural on a daily basis now we've got to realize for 1,500 years before the flood and almost 1500 years after the flood there were giants on the earth for over a millennia before the flood angels were cohabitating with women so we're talking about half of human history that we had angels walking around we had giants were right and the Bible says don't we have now tombs and have they found graves of corpses and skeletons and everything else 9 feet tall ten feet tall in America Wisconsin Ohio Arizona where they have family so they're there and so yet we start talking about something supernatural and we just people go ballistic the idea you mean that angels would come or whatever listen the world is after that I have never in my life seen so many supernatural stories on TV everything's a vampire or a werewolf nowadays what's up with that in that the truth if they're not a werewolf or a vampire a witch of course they got good witches and bad witches are you kidding me black witches and white which I mean black magic white magic that's what they call it huh I watched a couple I had to be honest I confess I repent I had to know I just had I had to know what was this all about you know so I watched a couple just get a feel of it tasting the good Word of God and the powers of what does it mean to taste the good word of God that means Revelation is coming tasting the good word of God means that we're about to have a word put in our mouth a word that has never been prophesied on the earth God has something to say to this generation that's never been said there have been secrets and mysteries reserved Jesus sets a vile cezzah this is in Daniel chapter 12 among many places that there was something reserved the Bible calls it hidden manna and what do you do with manna you put in your mouth you're going to taste the good word of God you're going to taste the revelation of Jesus Christ and begin to prophesy that and when you do is going to be confirmed and validated by miracles signs and wonders from the Millennial realm you might say what is the millennial power look like well one day Philip was one place and a few minutes later he was somewhere else right one day Peter walked down the streets and whatever was coming out of him heal the sick and save the lost I would say that's tasting the powers of the age to come there's many other things I believe Mariah would with Ed ur was an example of one who tasted the powers of the age to come Philippians chapter 3 verse 12 now not that I have already obtained it I have already become perfect but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which I was laid hold of by Jesus Christ brethren I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind reaching forward to what lies ahead I press own that's what I was after I press on towards the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ that means he didn't just camp out at salvation you know the Lord has been talking to me recently on this issue of cessationism that we have been to neutral on it we've been too silent on the issue the Lord is challenging me to challenge the church that it's not okay to believe in cessationism it's not okay to believe that God doesn't heal the sick it's not okay to believe that it doesn't feel people with the spirit it's not okay to believe that it doesn't have vision visions or dreams or revelation in fact that's very contrary to the word in the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all mankind and your sons and daughters will prophesy and your young men will see dreams and so on it goes there see visions and no men dream dreams and etc etc etc so to say that doesn't have today is its content as a lie and I'm not going to be okay with that lie anymore I'm not going to be okay even in a setting where that's supposed to be politically correct it's not okay to say God is not the same yesterday today and forever now once you get that under your belt you'll begin to access the realm of the Spirit because deep in the heart of so many people is still this little issue did it really end I mean you have to be absolutely there has to be no doubt about it listen I believe you do believe it till you have to be believe it Jesus if he ever heal someone he will always heal somebody right if you ever gave a man a vision he'll give him another man a vision if you ever sent an angel he'll send more right that's just the nature of God because he's unchangeable he cannot lie it's impossible the Bible says for God to lie why because if he says something is true if it wasn't true when he said it he will be when he's finished I'm not sure what that theology was but I but I believe it right if he said anyway you might say well the sun's come up in the east and the west that would be a lie to us but not to God because in the morning it'll be coming up in the West he said it right so so that's he's creator gonna press on we got to move don't ever be satisfied of who you are which kind of brings me to the next point I will move a little bit faster hunger Hunger being hungry those that hunger and thirst for spiritual things will be satisfied I remember in 1994 Wanda and I were two in a Morningstar conference 3,000 people there and and it's one of the first ones Paul Cain came to and I'm not gonna give a disclaimer about Paul I believe he was a prophet and believe he has an incredible gift even though he got in some trouble we're believing that he'll be restored completely but it may be but I will never forget it because he called one or not by name and I had you know I had been wanting to see that because I had been hearing the tapes of William Branham and I wanted to see somebody do it and there he was I watched him in that meeting call a man and a woman out I'll never forget it they were right in the middle section he calls them out and he says you're you have a son sitting right there his name is this another son his name is this and another son his name is this and they were born on this date this date and this day I was pretty impressed so that kind of made me feel a little bit better when he called one and not by name but one of the scriptures he gave was Joel to 2600 to me to give you the scripture Joel 226 he prophesized some other things but Joe 226 says you shall have plenty to eat and be satisfied and praise the name of the LORD thy God for he is not wondrously with you for my people should not be put to shame I didn't just feel like that was a promise me I feel like a promise for us we should have plenty to eat and be satisfied I'm not satisfied right now I'm not saying I'm hungry I'm not satisfied with my spiritual experiences I'm not satisfied with my current realm of access I'm not satisfied with my walk with God I want more and he said that you shall have plenty to eat and so before I die I'm gonna be satisfied you need to feel the same way you need to say okay I'm gonna take that word for myself Paul King may not have called you out in the meeting but I'm telling you I'm telling you the Lord told me today to tell you that if you have a desire and a hunger you need to believe that before this thing is over you will be satisfied I'm not going to die hungry I'm not going to die thirsty somewhere along the way I'm gonna be satisfied I may be one that when the day I am satisfied that might be the day I go right Roland block had 120 events that he saw in his life when the hundred and twenty one was over he died so I mean you know that may be the case when but between now and then I'm gonna be hungry with the belief that I will be satisfied hunger without the promise of satisfaction is torment if I was hungry for spiritual things and didn't believe with all my heart that could be satisfied I would be the worst of in the worst cover conditions right I was saying you know what a Christian of the IB drinker or something or huh take drugs right I mean you know something to divorced you diverts your attention but because we are we believe that we'll be satisfied deep calls to the deep at the sound of the waterfall years ago they did a scientific study and this was something was preached back in the 1950s but I believe was William Branham they used to teach it but it's what he was trying to describe the fact that you know if we hungry for something that that something has to be out there we wouldn't hunger for it and they had at that time a little boy there's been this big medical story with this little boy kept eating the erasers off of a pencil and the parents thought something was mentally wrong with him and not only would eat the pencils erasers off of his pencil he would eat the the the petals off of his bicycle edom and they and they took him to this doctor and thought something was mentally wrong with him they found out they did all these tests and found out what it was that he had a deficiency of sulfur and so he somehow his body knew that sulfur was in the racers of pencils and so he ate them deep calls to the deep of the selling Warner Fox so the concept there is if you were hungry for something you wouldn't hunger for it if it wasn't out there to satisfy you if you crave an Apple there has to be an Apple out there somewhere or you wouldn't crave it right if you hook if you crave an orange so if I'm craving hunger in for spiritual experiences they've got to be out there or I wouldn't hunger for them my soul thirsts for God for the Living God when when shall I come and appear before God some 42 to Jesus said to them I am the bread of life he who comes to me will not hunger and he who believes in Me will never thirst either Jesus tell the truth Real ID right simp of him lying so so my deal is to eat for you tonight hold on to your hunger even though the hunger pains are not very pleasant right now right let's be honest about it this mentality Lord you know I would sure like it if today was today you know but you know I shoot for the Sun you hit the stars you know you I've already experienced more in my life than ever dreamed I would yet I'm still more hungry than I was in 1989 but I but I have had more than I ever dreamed it would more than ever dreamed of one so number one was maturity number two is hunger number three examining the lives who have gone before us you might say is out of principle absolutely the book of Hebrews chapter 13 verse seven and eight says this remember those who led you who spoke the Word of God to you and consider the result of their conduct when it says remember their it means to dissect the word is a Greek word that means to dissect to examine to take apart to remember those who led you who spoke the Word of God to you consider the result of their conduct and imitate their faith for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever that is a that is a very valid principle that if you begin to study people that did what you're hungry to do and you dissect their life take it apart understand it literally has the concept of something being studied under a microscope find out how things work and you discover that Jesus because he's the same right so that means if you come to him on the same conditions of faith he'll do for you what he did for them because he's the same yesterday today forever right that's just the truth you might say well you know I just have never had a vision like William Adam well that things aren't over yet right you're still alive there's still hope I'm gonna hold on I'm gonna keep believing I'm gonna believe that I'm gonna see visions like William bout them I'm going to go to my grave kicking and screaming because I believe a so you posture yourself you study the people because Jesus he's going to prove the Lord is going to prove to this generation that he's the same yesterday today for him he's going to prove to this generation that he's the same God that walked the earth 2,000 years ago he's going to prove to everyone once again that he is the resurrection and the life that he will release resurrection power and he's going to find a body of people that will believe him that will allow him to be the same in them that he was through those early apostles it's absolutely going to happen principle number four learning to wait on God now that's a big one and this is including prayer fasting and meditation yes I said it I did say it meditation meditation waiting on God you know that nothing you put a little white tablecloth on your arm and walk and wait on him and serving dinner that means be still know that He is God that's the most difficult spiritual discipline but one of the most rewarding I was reading something I was very honored that weight tailed you guys remember Wade Taylor he passed away went home to be the Lord but his daughter asked me to write a foreword for or an endorsement for this this thing he was working on when he died and it's kind of doing it like a devotional but anyway can I read something to you that he wrote about this subject there are two aspects to waiting on the Lord the first has to do with our withdrawal from all activity and entering into a consciousness of his presence in an attitude of anticipation and worship the second cannot be done without the first whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of God it is possible for us to be shut in with the Lord in the midst of activity this will take time as it does not come easily or at once this higher level of relationship begins with our entering with our entering our set apart place then waiting on the Lord during specific times which are set aside for this purpose the and carrying that presence out of that place into your day-to-day activity did you hear the secret the first step is to begin to truly seek God the truth a true seeking of God is for us to set aside time in which we quietly wait to hear his knock upon the door of our spirit as we begin to wait we should not hear that this is important this helped me when I was learning to wait on God and as we begin to wait we should not fight any thoughts that appear because that was my number one thing thoughts just bombarded my mind he says don't fight them these thoughts being like the air and a glass cannot be pulled out rather something else must be put in to replace them do you get that in other words my mind is full of thoughts and if I want to sit and try not to think that I'm already thinking right so what I need is something else to come in to displace my thoughts that's what he's saying here rather than something else must be replace it or better to displace it our understanding the fact of the omniscient presence the Lord to do this so what he's saying is this number one everyone should have a place where they are alone with God mine's in my chair upstairs in my office you know that's my plus my spot where I go and you know some people is on their knees I tried the knee thing but I was in so much pain I couldn't hear God if he shouted at me so I found a scripture one time where David said I sat before the Lord that's all I needed just one just one scripture is all I needed but if you can needle if you can nail what I do Neal sometimes don't misunderstand me but I mean I'm if I want to spend two hours I'm better off sitting the kneeling and so anyway you know you wait on God and you allow his presence to displace your thoughts and you begin to be filled with a conscious awareness and that's when I do hear the voice I haven't had as many visions but that's when I hear a voice this that is distinct from my own unless you remember when I had the number of 14 things I must we were the names had 14 letters and all that all that came in that place as many other things that came in that place I don't have I haven't had many vision I've had a few but not many visions in that place I've had more just hearing a very clear voice but his point is you go there you discover that place you discover its presence but then when you leave you take it with you even as you go about daily activity you have a conscious awareness of the realm of the Spirit I have done that I you know I've got to get back to that we're even in the mundanes even working out I'm thinking about the Lord even when I'm doing some on the phone there's a part of me that still plugged in I have been in those places I want to get back to that I'm not saying I living it all the time but I know you can do it as well you might say well I'm a housewife with four kids well you know Francis Metcalf did it Francis Metcalf found union with God while raising a house full of kids and in all this chaos and all that goes with that because she discovered that replacing God that you wait on she discovered you know union with the Messiah so I want to give you a couple of things here yet those that wait upon the Lord will gain new strength they will mount up with wings like an eagle all right aren't we talking about being revelatory are we talking about an eagle anointing isn't an eagle anointing what takes us into the realm of the Spirit if you wait upon Lord if you're still beforehand you will mount up with wings of an eagle you will soar and I love this analogy because I've seen it many many times especially when in prayer lines where I can see a person already has eagle's wings I just haven't been using them and the Lord tells me just to get them to spread their wings and after win take them and the wind will take them up above the cares of the world there's a realm right even in this room there's a realm around us this filled with accusation and depression and and all the stuff we hate to deal with and it's around us you can't avoid it but you can go above it and when you mount up with wings of an eagle you go above that realm all of a sudden the clamor goes away the voices cease that accusing voice that depression all the things that go with that remembering the past that's one of the key things in that realm is the spiritual thing that makes you want to keep thinking about issues of the past and having a regret meditate on God here's what you can meditate on I found 14 scriptures I'll give you 11 you can met and these are 11 biblical meditations meditate on the Word of God Joshua 1:8 meditate on God's unfailing love psalm 40:8 9 on god's works and mighty deeds some 77 12 on god's precepts and ways psalm 119 15 meditate on God's decrees psalm 119 23 meditate on God's wonders psalm 119 27 meditate on god's law 1 1997 meditate on God's statutes psalm 119 99 meditate on God's promises 119 148 meditate on God's works in the creation of his hands Psalm 143 5 meditate on the glory splendor and majesty of God's works Psalm 145 verse 5 sometimes you know I will do I will I'm not a scientist I don't have a scientific mind but the scripture says that we understand his divine nature his invisible attributes and his attributes and his eternal power but what he's made so it says in the book of Romans chapter 1 I believe it is we understand his divine attributes his invisible power and his eternal nature by what he has made and sometimes I will sit down even with a science book I'll even pull something up on the internet and I began to look at creation I will meditate on creation I'll meditate on some of these pictures that they have come out with on the Hubble telescope because it says meditate on his wonders meditate on his creation but that's so us it's a wonder and it is I begin to meditate on that I begin to realize he's a big God I mean I just begin to see how huge God is and all of a sudden our problems begin to kind of fade away a little bitter don't seem to be quite as insurmountable as they had been before so I want to encourage you to learn to meditate meditations what you meditate on don't let the New Ager steel our disciplines that belongs to us right now you know I'm not gonna go chant go whatever in him but I set my attention is that a better way of putting it I set my attention on things that involve God I think about his invisible attributes his divine nature and his eternal power number six number five I should say understanding three-dimensional salvation spirit soul and body this is more important than most people realize says in 1st Thessalonians 5:23 now may the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely now if he's praying a prayer saying may the God of peace sanctify you entirely that means that not it's not necessarily a given right may the God of peace sanctify you entirely and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ we know that you know I talked about outer Court holy place Holy of Holies and you know our spirit is born again our spirit is redeemed but you still have a soul which is your mind you will your conscious mind will emotions conscious and imagination that's your soul and you can be born again and have issues in your soul I don't have to explain that to anyone most of you may have read Thrones of the soul with the Lord talked to me about that on the issue of Thrones of the soul but in the holy place I believe is where our soul is sanctified I believe in the holy place where the lampstand and the table of showbread is is where God begins to deal with the issues of the soul I remember one time and now some of you may have heard it but maybe something haven't but I remember in 1996 specifically January of 1996 I had been you know just woke up one day just like you woke up and all hell came against you you know like everything I was feeling all this garbage you know depression discouragement rejection just all of it so I'm thinking okay the devil's after me so I began to rebuke bind and curse not prevented that began to rebuke bind and crush the enemy and he got worse by the day worse by the day this went on for two weeks and the more I bound the more I rebuked the more I cursed the more Singh got so I finally call up Bob Jones and this is the true story I mean the phone rings ring ring and he goes he answered the phone chuckling I was not in the chuckling mood I said Bob I'm in trouble I said I think the devil's trying to kill me something's out yeah I know I saw in a vision I said no Bob I'm not playing cuz he would joke around with you no I'm serious Bob and there's something's going on with me I can't I can't shake it I think this thing's after me so I know I saw in a vision I said come on Bob be sure he said I'm serious I saw it in a vision the Lord is pouring water on the tears of your soul he said fear not for the first harvest is at hand pray to the Lord he'll send the angels and they'll gather them up by the roots who's never heard of such a thing as that the Lord is pouring water on the tears of my soul you know a terror is something that's not good right a terror is something that's an imitation it's a counterfeit so they were there our tears and our salt there they're false emotions they're there things that don't have any lasting value they have no fruit in them and when you David said in sin did my mother conceive me so if we're going to access the realm of the Spirit which is what I'm talking about if we're going to access the realm of the Spirit on a regular basis we are going to have to let the Lord deal with our soul and there are things in your soul that you cannot identify that's why it takes the Lord to pour water on the tears of our soul because there were things I thought were way gone long time ago and yet when he pours water on them and you know I told Bob I survived I've been trying to bind this thing so he can't bind God so my deal is why'd I wait two weeks to call all right you know we got to got this thing over then he said you know if you're not for the first time and I got really excited for just a minute than I realized what he said the first harvest is am like you mean we got to do this again and the answer was yes they're still on going but if we're going to access around the spirit our soul has to be pure we can't have in us ambition we can't have in a self promotion or haughtiness our arrogance our pride our any self-promotion those are issues of the soul and they are hindrances to you and I accessing the realm of the Spirit let's just be honest about it we're just simply not going to be able to go there with that we're gonna have to decide I want you to leave this stuff here to go there I want to stay here because you cannot carry those things we just God's not going to allow it he has allowed that in times past he has allowed people to go into a forefront ministry or have supernatural encounters that had issues of the soul and they ended up in shipwrecked and I bet if any one of them could come back today they would stand here behind this pulpit say listen do this and do that but don't do that if God's trying to deal with an issue of your soul let him have it because if you really insist on going where you're wanting to go and you try to take that garbage with you you will end up in shipwreck it will be something that enemy will exploit and one of the ones I used as an example of that is as Alexander Dowie who was a great man of God I honor him deeply but he went in he went into the forefront he went face-to-face with the devil but he had the issue of the soul and if somebody - two pastors come along one day and say you are Elijah not you have the extrude of Elijah they said you are Elijah he and he believed them he first flew them out of his office but he said I read it myself in his journal he said their words were like a hook embedded in my soul and no matter how hard I tried I could not shake myself from it until one day he stood up in front of 5,000 people clothed themselves with a robe and said I am Elijah the restorer in a costume is life costume is life so God's dealing with the soul and if you're hungry to access the realm of the spirit we're going to have to let our soul be cleansed and purified by the blood and by the word the washing of the water of the word the word is our only antidote it is our only standard by which we measure everything that goes on in our soul and there's okay and here's the deal if God says I pray that you would be sanctified appalled print says this on behalf of the Holy Spirit then there must be a possibility of being fully sanctified spirit soul and body right and every single person I've studied that lived in that realm of the Spirit and stayed there went through that process every single one Kathryn Kuhlman being the most pronounced one that said you know I can take you to the spot where Kathryn Kuhlman died remember that she said that big convention in Tulsa Oklahoma and the maybe Center I have the video VHS probably couldn't play it now but I have it I can take you to the spot where Kathryn Kuhlman died and she said you know you she said um she said we're in this big charismatic convention and we've experienced the Holy Spirit we've been experiencing the gifts of the Spirit that's a wonderful thing to experience the Holy Spirit but have you experienced the yielding of your will to the will of the Father when she said those words that wouldn't me like a dagger I might no obviously not do you know the experience of having yielded your will to the will of the Father then I wasn't minded jesus said not my will but thine be done so one of the most staunch opposition's to your destiny and God as your self will and myself will myself will is going to look after me anyway and I'm gonna have to somewhere along the way say okay you know consider others more important than myself however that works you know I'm not going to put myself out front I mean I'm not going to promote our ministry I'm not whatever whatever the thing is you know we have to yield to that number six and we'll probably stop with this one being continually filled with the Holy Spirit they got to understand I said this earlier and I reiterate it now but these are things that that the Lord has taught me over the years and and you know there's a couple of there's one or two here I probably ought to talk about you know one of the ones is hanging around people that are spiritual have revitol yes I can't I can't I don't know how many but several not dozens but several on several occasions when Bob Jones and I were in the same house sleeping at night we went in experiences together and in every case he knew that I was in his but in a few cases I knew that he was in mine but there were several experiences I had in the spirit when he and I were in the same roof that he was in the experience with me and saw me but I didn't see him then there were others where I saw him and we actually did things together one of the words that was very famous are very popular or whatever the right word would be of Bob's was when he went into the spirit realm to reconnect the power lines from heaven to earth then showing God's desire to re-release the power that we saw in the 50s and I was with him in that I held the lines with him and in my experience it's kind of funny because I had gone up in the spirit and I'm looking around you know trying to see what I see and I look down and here comes Bob he's shooting up and he grabs my arm and we go higher and we went up into the room the spirit together we found these power lines and we were having to hold them together and God was trying to fuse the lines together and that's where we are now I believe I believe God is trying to refuse the power lines together to release back on the earth what had been released a generation ago in the 1950s oh so being around prophetic people can stir things up in the rimless predict it will simple is that having a person that has a seer gift pray for you can open the realm of the spirit may not for everybody but it can it did for Elisha's servant gaze I remember that second Kings chapter 6 our first kings whichever chapter six the haze eye comes out one day and they're surrounded by these armies of the enemy chariots and horsemen and foot soldiers all around haze eye comes out and nervous and fearful and Eli she comes out kind of lets out a big yarnĂ­s at all this more for us and our for them and I'm sure hey guys I went 1-2 like anybody earthly minded right in the Lord and in Elijah's Lord open his eyes and all of a sudden his eyes are opening some armies and chariots of fire and horsemen all around more for Elijah and they were for them right so there is a principle of the Scriptures that someone that carries that gift can pray for you and it can release you now whether that was the only time gaze I saw something or whether that was a one-time deal or it was something that was activated in him I believe I personally believe there can be things activated in you but if you're a good steward of it you can keep it open if you're not it can shut that's what I believe now I don't believe that happens on every case because there's no hard and fast rules but I do believe that you know that doesn't mean you need to go find the best prophet you can find and stand in the prayer line because God sets it up I believe God sets it up I do I believe this is orchestrated by heaven then I you know I used to think that I do I do I remember I'll confess on myself in 1991 I wanted to meet Paul Cain and so I flew down to Bradenton Florida and and I was going a meeting and of course you know it was just things are going on the end in my life that it's like whatever I tried to do it happened it was just one of those deals so I thought I'm gonna meet Paul Cain before this thing's over with and I kept noticing he'd go out a certain door you know I thought okay I'll go position myself between him that door and where he's going and he'll have to walk right past me and I'll talk to him what I will have a conversation that's just how my carnal thinking was 1991 give me a break and so I'm standing there and Paul comes out the door he's gonna have to walk one foot in front of me and I'm thinking okay I'm gonna stop him speak to him and the Holy Spirit said to me if you'll let him go and let me do it I'll give you a relationship with him the hardest thing I've ever done up in that point was to keep my mouth shut when he walked one foot right past me because I'm in my mind I'm thinking if I can just get into pray for me it'll open up the heavens oh my gosh what I really blame but I stood say one word and sure enough you know three years later he calls one a night in a meeting and prophesize over as we begin to have a relationship and different ones and so it goes so I do believe there's a place you know being around prophetic revelatory people can stir your prophetic revelatory gift up it can make you more hungry it can posture you I like what it says in in the book of Acts because I believe we can continually be filled with the Holy Spirit do you believe that acts 2:4 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit began to speak with other tongues as the spirit was giving them utterance acts four then Peter filled with the Holy Spirit said to them rulers and elders of the peak of the people if we were on trial today for what you know bah-bah-bah when the heal the sick man acts 4:31 and when they had prayed the place where they were gathered together was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit being to speak the Word of God with boldness Ephesians 5:18 do not be drunk with wine for that is dissipation but be filled with the Holy Spirit speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs so we can be continually filled every single day you need to ask Lord to fill you fresh and anew of the Holy Spirit if we a there used to be this theology I got the Holy Spirit I got I'm Phil well you may have used up that holy spore ssin and you need some more right and then I remember one time Bob and I were praying for somebody and I've always used this technology when I see it on people but this person comes up and he says you know the Lord keeps filling you with the Holy Spirit but you're leaking I thought that makes perfect sense they had a wound of the soul and every time the guy would feel them or just you know leak right out and so he said let's heal this get the wound heal this seal the crack and then you can be filled with the Holy Spirit and carry it and I have sinned from then till now I see that on people and I'll use that same because I can't think of a better way to say it than that you know what you're getting filled with Holy Spirit but you're not holding on very long you're having a spiritual experience but the fruit of that and the effects of that are you because you're going right back into the thinking of the ways of the world and you're losing the impact and the influence of that in your life whereas we can be continually filled with the holy spirit having our hearts sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ so I can be a good container carrier of the Holy Spirit right one more than I'll shut being a trustworthy steward this is one of the things I find to be one of the most important things I believe for you and I to access seven to be given revelation is what are you going to do with it you need to ask yourself that question right now what am I gonna do it am I gonna put the show on the road and get a website or you know and get a mailing list and are am I going to try to be a good steward if I know what God wants done with a revelation because there's a lot of people that don't need to have a website and a lot of people don't need to a mailing list because God has you hidden for a reason and there are a lot of people out there with websites and ministries that don't need to be I got two men's on the front row on there that's true right first Corinthians 4 verse 1 let a man regard us in this manner as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God and in this case moreover it is required of stewards that wouldn't be found trustworthy one of the main reasons you and I are going to be given access to the realm of the Spirit is because God has something to say he wants to make you his mouthpiece he doesn't want to make me or bread or Arne he wants you to be his mouthpiece he wants you to understand the mysteries of the kingdom and if you're going to access the mysteries of the kingdom you make up your mind right now I won't be a good steward I read something yesterday I believe it was that someone had put on their Facebook page that Catholic Ubu had said and she said one of the secrets of her ministry Arce words to that effect was that she believed in loyalty that she had told the Lord I will be loyal to you to the end I don't care what it costs me I don't care who it he makes me from I am going to made up her mind she was going to be loyal that was the word she used oil but you know that word can also mean trustworthy I want to make up my mind that I'm not going to take God's revelations and use them to my benefit I'm not going to take God's revelations to take up a big offering I'm not going to use God's revelations to try to influence other people to get them to do what I want them to do all these things I've seen firsthand you know I really just want to get the revelation of God and put it out there but to be honest and I'm not trying to - Don that's why we do the webinars free because I just want to get it out there just get the revelation out there Lord I've done my part now it's up to you to see whoever supposed to get it gets it and you make whatever my confused way of putting things are make it make sense to the people let them get the revelation because that's all that matters I feel like that's being a good steward taking the revelation getting it out there the best way possible I've never come to a meeting ill-prepared I've never in 20 years 20 plus years I've never done a meeting I wasn't prepared there's a lot of meetings I didn't do what I prepared but I just have a sin I will never I refuse to go to a meeting unprepared something in me just I just can't do it if I have to stay up all night I'm gonna be ready but the same time you know I'm a good steward of the people be a good steward of your attention I don't to teach you something that's not sound and you know a good steward of the mysteries of the care if we're going to be accessing the very secrets that were shown to Enoch but not reveal until now how important is that to God if he told Daniel Danny I'm gonna show you Revelation there's so profound so great that it will not even be revealed until the land of time generation is going to be concealed how you know if God concealed something it's concealed that means we haven't known it until now and it's so important that I'm not even let anybody know it until the end of time generation and now you and I are here and do we think we can be flippant about that I think that's the that will get you disqualified in a heartbeat if we are careless and consider common the things that the Lord is entrusting to this generation that's why I said what I said earlier that you you're getting more revelation than you know don't discount it don't undermine it don't devalue it because you're bound to be or you wouldn't be here now I know we all want the you know the big stuff and I do too but I'm learning to appreciate the data stuff when I hear his voice here and I'm like okay you're there I realize you're there you know I was driving of the day and something just said slow down you know and all of a sudden the car goes flying by I'm like okay you're there you got an eye on me so I know you're there I'm comforted to know that you're you're communicating with me maybe I'm not getting Gabriel every day but you know what I'll take what I get I want to be a good steward of what I'm getting right I want to be a faithful steward of the revelation the insight the inspiration that you're giving me so Amen lord I just thank you for every person here tonight and I pray that you would make us all trustworthy stewards lord I just pray that you would fill us with insight and inspiration and revelation on the scale we've never seen before you
Channel: Spreading His Word
Views: 17,063
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: Paul Keith Davis, End Time (Belief)
Id: shT1-2GOMCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 10sec (4930 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2015
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