Exclusive Look at the numbers 1-10

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Church will you join me in welcoming people all over the world to open door Church can do that welcome my friends man I bless you in the mighty name of King Jesus welcome welcome welcome to open door Church in preparation for my conference this week on numbers that preach instead of well what's real is the conference is going to be on a lot different material and my recent discoveries and some fun stuff and we're going to be looking at really deep things I thought I might just use this Sunday since we have three different services to actually go over the numbers 1 through 30 and as kind of a preliminary and before before I do this let me start off by saying this to you that that there is there is a this is kind of a controversial thing and it's not because it's controversy on the kingdom it's because there's a lot of limp-wristed Christianity how's that for a starter amen the reason why this is a controversy people have you we're scared we're scared well I'm scared amen but what if you get into witchcraft I'm following Jesus I'm not gonna get into witchcraft amen man I see that's like past Rory I know you wrote a book on stars and stars is the devil the content something Jesus made the stars to glorify Him amen and the stars is not the devil you hillbilly amen and foking like well you can't listen you can't you can't use numbers to glorify God and you can't use stars to glorify God because the devil does bad things about that well you don't say that about sex oh listen I'm telling you you met your matching me I promise you and once realize these things glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm going to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ with these things and it's a big huge part of the understanding that you and I are living in today is that guys this is a very very very prophetic hour and we can't have a limp-wristed theology that says I'm just scared to look into anything deep can can I just please try and get saved every single Sunday again and that away I'm gonna try and keep up with all my sins so that I can confess all my sins I have my last breath that is madness it is madness so as brother Paul said let us not lay down again the foundations of repentance let's move on amen let's grow up so I want to encourage you and tell you that what I'm about to tell you is not numerology this is the Word of God Almighty this is Kingdom amen and one of the reasons why so many people in the church don't recognize this is because they don't recognize the kingdom and it's very important that we be kingdom people that are madly in love with King Jesus that we be those kind of people who are madly in love with King Jesus and we can't get enough of the King everybody say King Jesus I can't get enough of you that is a great profession to make every single day amen and it's a great thing to openly say well I also want to go ahead and tell you guys this that there there are no power in numbers you can live at 1313 Mockingbird Lane and be a drop dead so doubt Jesus Freak amen you can be born on December the 6th 1966 and still be an awesome man of God I promise you I want to tell you God has such a huge sense of humor it cracks me up I remember when I was a kid I could not get away from the number 666 I was convinced I was gonna grow up and be the Antichrist and no man there's no power in numbers there's not but there is great power and great authority in the Word of God and sometimes numbers are part of the language of God now guys the Bible says in Psalms 29 and that's an interesting number because 29 is a number for mountain climbing amen there are 29 mountains that are listed in the Bible all the way through the Bible there's 29 mountains that are actually named and it just so happens that the world's tallest mountain on the planet Earth has a prophetic name called ever rest amen and if you go to Wikipedia comm and look up Mount ever rest okay if you go to Wikipedia if you look it up it speaks of an eternal Sabbath the tallest mountain in the world if you have an Odyssey and if you have an ear to hear and if you're more into the Word of God in the kingdom then you are into Game of Thrones you'll understand this kind of stuff so if if you go there if you go to Wikipedia calm and you look up Mount Everest if you do that it'll say it's 29,029 feet tall what's the number that represents mountains in the Bible how many mountains are there listed in the Bible how tall is Mount Everest you know why because the mountain is because the author is the same by the way it was also climbed about 29 year-old Sir Edmund Hillary on May the 29th 1953 you're like god you're just showing off now no no he does that and what's amazing he shows off in such a way that he's like if you don't love me you don't get to see it you have to be fascinated with him you have to learn how to listen one of the one of the greatest things that you can learn how to do is take on a very real posture a consecration within your life and say it's time for me to become fascinated with Jesus fascinated I Lord God Almighty sir I want to have my mind blown I want to walk in wonder I want to do that man I just when when you begin to check these things out when you begin to look at these things when you begin to look at Psalms 29 you thought I was you thought I went down a rabbit trail didn't you oh no no no no not me I don't do that I'm like get back get back 20 what was 29 I got it Psalms 29 is that the Bible says the voice of the Lord is upon the waters the voice of the Lord is upon the many waters many times whenever god almighty is speaking to you from this angle and that angle and that angle and that angle in other words the same theme or the same ongoing dialogue that you have between you and the Holy Spirit many times that will happen to me I'll see a billboard I'll catch a phrase in a movie I will read it in the Bible I will turn on television and maybe Joyce Meyer might be preaching on the same thing and then and then my kids bring up a scenario and then I look at my class I look at my watch and the numbers say because I know what the numbers all represent they all say the same thing what is that that's the voice of many rushing waters it's when God Almighty is speaking to you 25 different through 25 different venues the same word the Bible says in the book of Revelation that John heard the voice of many rushing waters and he turned to see the voice in order to in order to to pick up on all the voices that God is speaking to you you have to turn to see it you have to be willing to look into these things the Bible says in the Book of Proverbs that it is the honor that it is the glory of God to conceal a thing but that the honor of Kings is to search out the matter so what I'm saying this and I I'm never ever ever treat my church or the people I'm preaching to like you know you're stupid or you're you're you're too immature no listen this is a grown-up word for you man fall in love with the Lord seek him take on the responsibility and say I am going to learn everything I can possibly learn about God and then I want to experience everything I'm learning about don't just stop at a cerebral knowledge what good is it to learn in the Bible that God is your healer if you never experience healing amen revelation is never supposed to be the goal revelation is the invitation it is also the permission to experience what it was that you were seeking after so if you'd like well I don't really need to know all these numbers no you don't have to know these numbers you don't have to know what symbols are you don't have to understand topology you don't have to look into prophetic things you can live the same life that the rest of world lives but you will have the same results and you can be saved and have real estate in heaven and still be defeated up on this earth unless you bring his kingdom come into your life right now don't wait until you get to heaven to start walking in this thing walk in it now hallelujah walk in it right now amen believe that Jesus Christ actually is resurrected from the dead have the audacity to believe that God is speaking to you right now and if you forgot that guys let me just remind you God is speaking to you right now if I had my prayer here this morning and if I if I could have my heart's desire this morning it would be that every single one of us would hear God speak today and that we would be motivated and activated and we would be supercharged by the grace of God to walk in the thing that God Almighty is speaking to us about so when I first got saved I thought that this was normal Christianity I thought I because because I wasn't a part of church and because I wasn't a part of you know the normal teaching of the body of Christ when I first got saved I actually was just like okay what I do well I went and saw pastor Howard Richardson and you know he's a crazy man and by the way pastor Han huachen is going to be here this Thursday night Thursday night last night of the conference yep I encourage you guys to come but you know he's a prophetic guy he gets up and prophesized to everybody and so I thought I thought that was normal Christianity that you're supposed to everybody supposed to prophesy I didn't know I hadn't been churched out of the kingdom yet so I thought it was normal for everybody to prophesy for everybody to pray for each other and for everybody to have a word for I thought I thought that was normal he he taught on numbers on throughout the Word of God so I thought that that was normal he timelines I thought that that was normal Christianity he he taught on a lot of the things that are the staples of my life that I've been searching out now for over thirty years when I was 19 years old and I first got saved them first got filled with a Holy Ghost amen is there anybody in here who's been filled with the Holy Ghost amen that filling and you it's a it's I wanted to stop and just say this every single Christian has the Holy Spirit amen can I can I please say that because I hate that that a lot of my Pentecostal brothers and sisters do not believe that you have the Holy Ghost if you have to do if you're saved you have the Holy Spirit I promise you but I also want to tell you this to guys there's something more there's something more than receiving the Holy Spirit unto salvation there is also to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit within your life and they're not very many folk could actually sign up for that because that's when things start to get wild and I want to encourage you to sign up for that everybody say I'm a Holy Ghost person amen friends I promise you all the gifts and the power of the Holy Spirit is so real and what's real is man you you cannot live a powerless life in this in this day one of the one of the things that comes with the power of the Holy Spirit and actually learning how to partner with the Holy Spirit in day-to-day life is learning how to be observant now the whole principle of being observant is be ye watchful okay so what does that mean to be watchful it means that you live your entire life with an awareness of God's presence and what God is saying you know look yeah I know that you know liberals and pop culture people and just everybody like okay if you believe God speaks you're insane you won't think so when you get cancer you're not going to go to your Marxist book and try and find a scripture for healing then right now what's real is man they publicly all make fun of us but they privately all call us and so you you need and everybody around you needs you to not live a powerless life like everybody goes through phases everybody goes through bad phases and good phases or times men that you start to get defeated about things there are times that you actually start to partner with something carnal what's real is you just need to go whoa that ain't me that ain't God I'm coming out of that I repent we need to learn we need to learn the beauty and the value of repentance not just feeling miserable over the stupid things that you do but actually tapping into the power of God and given the god-given ability to actually turn away from such things as the Bible says and go that that doesn't work for me that doesn't work for Jesus in me well big huge part of living a consecrated life is living a consecrated life unto I am going to acknowledge him in all of my ways now the Bible says that if we acknowledge him in all of our ways that he will direct our steps and you end up walking in better places because you know this stuff I'm gonna say that again there's a whole bunch of the body of Christ who are good people who have real estate in heaven Jesus is their Lord but they walk in a whole bunch of bad things because they don't know the stuff that I'm about to teach you and they don't know how to observe him in all of their ways one of the ways that you observe God is when you're pumping the gas what's the number ended up and can you shout for Jesus when you see a number like let's just stupid no no no no no that's you bringing your life into submission to the kingdom that's you conform in your life to the image of God's plan now you're not celebrating your number you're not celebrating the number you're celebrating how the number glorifies Jesus and if you don't know the language that God speaks or if you don't recognize the waters of numbers that the voice of the Lord is upon you're never gonna be able you can't do anything without measurement and you can't do anything without things being numbered nothing you know from here to there I took a number of steps that I didn't count that God did count and somehow it glorifies him by the way he has an angel in heaven that's one of the things that were going to learn about is this special angel in heaven that shows up in the Book of Daniel that his job is to do nothing but count things and glorify God with a number well if that's how it is in heaven then it should be that way in earth so I got the numbers 1 through 10 and the first number is the number 1 can't y'all just see Grover running up here what I don't know why I do stupid stuff like that I've I'm trying to be cool and he just doesn't last does it laughs ok number 1 so the number 1 is a number that represents unity all the way through the Word of God and guys I want to say if there's anything that the body of Christ needs a revelation on his unity if the body across didn't learn any other number but the number 1 the final prayer of Jesus would be answered where he said father make them one even as we're one to find the last prayer that jesus prayed in the garden was not for morphine that would have been my prayer about to take me across morphine wasn't what he was worried about what he was worried about is us being unified in it's sad that the church doesn't worry about the things that that the lord is concerned with if we're gonna have the fear of the lord we're gonna be concerned with the things st. with the same things that the father is concerned with and we're gonna love the things that he loves and we're gonna hate the things that he hates and he loves you Nadine he hates disunity one of the things that he lists one of the seven things that he actually lists in the book of Proverbs that God hates what the holy hatred is one that shows discord among the Brethren one that jumps on Facebook and slams other Christians when the unity has to do with superiority priority beginnings and God Almighty Himself now whenever God first made Adam it wasn't very long before the need for Eve arrived and he put that first man to sleep and he made a woman the atom could only dream of but he didn't create it from Adams dream that day he made her from how many ribs guys one and whenever he brought her to him which is what a glorious day that must have been he's like I don't want to show you something this is gonna be a game-changer yeah just I'm really excited to show you this thing here we go and Genesis 222 verse 25 through 25 it says and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man he made a woman and he brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now bone singular of my bones plural and flesh singular of my flesh plural she shall now be called woman which literally means womb man because she was taken out of a man therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and they were both naked and the man and his wife were not ashamed there was no problem as what that means there was naked they were naked and there was no problem it's an amazing amazing verse to me yeah all that is but all of it has to do with unity it has to do with how unified that they were that God's like the reason why this is beautiful is because you too are one and that's always the Father's heart towards all of us is unity Jesus said listen I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna go away he says I got great news for you listen you believe in a father so believe also in me and he says I'm gonna go away to prepare a place for you and he says by the way if that wasn't true I wouldn't tell you that in that cool that Jesus who stops us by the way if it wasn't true I wouldn't be telling you this so this is true I'm gonna go away and I'm gonna I'm going to prepare a place for you and then he says this is my motivation so that where I am you can also be that's not asking too much is it where the Lord is just like do you know what I want more than anything I want us to be together can I tell you all Jesus Hey with a holy hatred everything that separates us from him that's why he created hell I know it's not popular to believe in Hell anymore because people don't mind being separated from God I do God didn't create hell for me he created hell for everything that would separate me from the Lord anything that would try and confuse me and tell me that God isn't good he created hell for so one is unity and God Almighty is looking for unity and friends when it comes to the body of Jesus Christ one of the things I recognize there's so much incredible immaturity of people how people just lash out and go out of their way and have no respect for unity they have much more respect for their own opinion even when they don't know what the heck is going on don't have a clue what's happening and they have much more respect for how they I have I have angry feelings right now and so and they don't understand they do not understand the power of unity guys I have 16 core values I want tell you something I'm mark people I cannot be unified with and by the way you can't be unified with everybody it doesn't matter how much you try I promise you I'm like oh got it got it right there can't be unified so that means there's always gonna be strife there's always going to be problems and that's always going to be battle and here's what's really is the power of God is never gonna flow through us because unity makes us a conduit for God's power now here's the problem you think that okay if I'm going to be unified with you I have to agree with you no that's Texas talking that's not Jesus in Texas we have to be in total agreement and if we're not we will nuke you and I like that but it ain't the kingdom and so you're gonna have to do like okay so how is it so so you think okay so what had to happen in order for Adam to be one with his wife what had to happen is he had to be put to sleep so that the rib could be taken what does that mean it means this God killed him that's exactly what it means the only way you can be unified with anybody is to lay down your life God killed him and God resurrected him and then God multiplying that's exactly what he did and it's exactly that way today for you to be one with anybody you're gonna have to lay down your life you're gonna have to be put to sleep on some things so well I ain't signing up for that okay well then you're not signing up for the power of God you will continue to live a powerless life because unity makes us a conduit for God's power when did the Holy Spirit fall when they were all together and one Accord and that doesn't mean that they were in a Honda it's an old joke I can't believe y'all laughed at that man so one is priority in the beginning what guys God one is priority he's the first and he's the only one who really matters and that means that he is really first in priority first in authority first an absolute preeminence all order and unity starts with God being first and there can be no other basis where there or where order begins to become established revelation 22:13 I'm now fund the Omega the beginning in the end the first and the last amen it all begins with him it all ends with him because I want to I have a bunch more things to say about about the number one like for example the number one is in the Bible 1890 three times so everybody say 1893 I'm sorry I'm telling you a lot I don't have my glasses on it's 1898 that's what it is it's like I know sound right that ain't right 1898 everybody say 1898 well the reason why I'm telling you remember 1898 is because in 1898 Theodore Roosevelt went down to the Longhorn saloon in San Antonio and in San Antonio Texas and he recruited the Rough Riders and he left I don't know if you know about you know the Rough Riders and Theodore Roosevelt and yata in Teddy Roosevelt is one of my top three favorite the United States like oh I don't know nothing about us okay you know about the game of Thrones and Star Wars which by the way I'm not against those things I went saw Star Wars last week has anybody seen the new Star Wars movie man rock my world man loved it I don't care you religious devil if you don't like that amen my point is that this man if how can I live a life wrapping my mind and my heart and everything I am around those things and not wrap my mind in my heart around the kingdom amen these other things are mere entertainment and so no this is not entertainment this is life and guys we live in a culture where drama is everything and we don't even need truth as long as there's drama and the more drama there is the less truth we need so the reason why I point out that the number one is in the Bible exactly one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight times is because I know what happened in 1898 and in 1898 Theodore Roosevelt went down to San Antonio Texas went into the Longhorn saloon and he recruited a bunch of awesome Texans loaded them up went to Cuba and fought the Battle of San Juan Hill in nineteen in 1898 so what there was a big deal and now it's not big news today that was a huge deal was a game-changer for the United States changed everything for us so like well what is the big deal well sam'l on guys can anybody can anybody tell me what San Juan means means st. John okay 1898 represents the number one right guys what's John 1:1 in the beginning was the word that was a word for the United States in 1898 and if you had an eye to see and if you understood the voice of the Lord upon him waters if you understood these waters you knew that God Almighty was speaking a word to unify the nation and that is exactly what happened there was a huge revival that followed that that actually was around the whole premise of unity can I tell you all that God Almighty is doing those kinds of things today and most of the body of Christ just yawns because we're more worried about who wants an airplane and we are about my god we got so many opinions about that I'll tell you something one of these days I'm gonna get me an airplane I don't carry I don't care how many haters there are you guys fly as much as I do man and deal with what all I got that I'm barely standing up here today man and and just tell you this that this is there's a life I'm not I want to just say this right now just as soon as I mentioned that there are so many opinions that wait a minute what's going on what's going on because we thrive on controversy today and it dis unifies us it dis unifies us and we gotta quit it we have to stop that if you want the power of God within your life quit junk quit jumping on the demonic media bandwagon and calling it Jesus because it ain't Jesus well I don't believe that this guy was smart well he probably wasn't smart do you have to be in agreement with them to be unified with them know what you got to do is be put to sleep there it is oh that's never gonna happen I know there's a lot of people it's never gonna happen with and you will continue to be impotent and I'm just trying to help you just trying to tell you man listen I want to I'm such a Texan I want to get involved in every single battle I can possibly an Allen tasting that's not what God's called me to do I had to be in alignment for my assignment and I want to just encourage you and just go man there's lots of stuff you can jump in on there's lots of stuff that you can think about there's lots of stuff and I go whoa wait why am I even thinking about all this that has nothing to do with what God Almighty has given me and that's exactly what King Jesus told Peter as he's walking along talking to him about his last day that is going to glorify the Lord and he's walking along and everything's cool and he's just sorry okay can we talk about John when is this brother gonna die because I want to hear about that day because John was getting on brother Peters nerves these are not Marvel Comics superheroes these are people amen and so and so he's getting on his nerves and he and Jesus said why would you be thinking about how he's gonna live and how he's gonna die that has nothing to do with you and Jesus even said I might just decide the brother might never die how about them apples can you live being offended with him can you walk in the power of God when there's offensive things that come up in your daily press that's a good word for us here today okay I've only got four minutes left and I've just got there one number I got to go through 30 numbers today so we're gonna jump on the fast track the number 2 means a faithful witness so it means being set apart you cannot be a faithful witness unless you're sit apart that's why there's Cain which is different from Abel that's why there's Abraham who's different from a lot that's why there's Isaac who's different from Ishmael that's why this Jacob who's different from Esau and that's why there's the first man Adam who's different from a second man Adam which is king jesus according to first Corinthians 15:45 somebody say amen amen amen amen so there's witnesses all the way through the Word of God that had the number two step on it now the Lord sit down his written Commandments down to his people on two tablets of stone another interesting note is that well in every time that there's something crazy cool going on and God wants there to be a witness he always puts two people there Moses took Joshua with him so there was Moses and Joshua on the Mount of God to get the Ten Commandments two thieves witnessed the crucifixion of the Lord two angels witnessed the resurrection of the Lord two angels witnessed the Ascension of the Lord to represents a faithful witness guys in the book of Revelation in the book of Revelation we have these famous witnesses right how many of them are there there's two so two represents a fan oh man that was good preaching by the way I want to tell you this too just just to kind of blow your mind just a little bit whenever I there's there's a lot I'm a huge fan of George Washington and I really think that he's a prophetic father of our nation he's not just the father of our nation he's actually a prophetic figure there's a whole bunch of stuff I'd like to say to you about that but gods he was he was a faithful witness amen he really ensured he was and guys his birthday is February 22nd yeah guys can I tell y'all this that America was born to be a faithful witness to the United States and one of the things I can tell you this is that the numeric value of the name Jesus and if you don't understand what Gemara is you're gonna have to wait till I teach it to you tomorrow but gematria is basically numerical value of letters okay the name Jesus is also the number eight eight and guys George Washington founded this nation in the year 1776 he was born on February the 22nd okay of the 32nd year of that of that century and I love that but our nation was found in 1776 you know what that is that's eight eight eight which is Jesus times to a faithful witness of Jesus is 1776 by the way 1776 is also two times two times two times two two two I'm here all day guys number three is perfect completion number three is perfect completion now I like to call it the whole enchilada the misnomer illustrates fullness of being complete three is resurrection and the number that God stamps upon divinity okay I'm gonna go through some examples of three and first of all I want to talk to you about the resurrection of Jesus Christ being our salvation is perfectly complete and how God would stamp the number three on it right Jesus rose on the third day the writing on the cross was in three languages there were three crosses on Calvary he was crucified in the third hour there were three hours of darkness at Calvary the last three words of Jesus were it is finished Peter denied Jesus three times before the resurrection he acknowledged Jesus three times after the resurrection and I have been to go Gotha and I can tell you that Golgotha is there's a place called Gordon's Golgotha and the place that is there the place of the skull it's right outside the gate it's exactly where the Bible says it was and it's there and it is at the elevation of 777 feet just thought I'd throw that out there because that blew my mind when I was there I just thought I wonder what the elevation of this place is I got an app on my phone I measure everything well you're just crazy I told you I'm way worse than you think I am promise you so three and guys the Bible is so full of threes I want to just tell you if I could I want to just show you this you guys you guys know the famous straddle turn right there's there's a lot of people including me that believe that that's an authentic relic doesn't matter if it is it doesn't matter if it's not again you don't have to be divided from me if you don't think that it's it if it is an authentic relic it's still only a relic are you guys with me on that all right it's not magic but it's fun amen okay so this is an image of the famous person on the Shroud of Turin and the image on your left is that you're right that's your right thank you very much the image on your right is as is actually a drawing made from the image that was on their right but guys there's a blood stain that is on his forehead do you see what's on his forehead three see if you know how to speak that language and if you know what it means when a name is written on your forehead do you guys know all those scriptures are y'all Kingdom people because it's a big deal well hear the name that's written on the forehead of Jesus in blood is a number because a number represents something and three represents faithful and true perfectly complete all the way done I did what I told you I would do and it's in it's a number three in blood y'all know that Jesus raised three people from the dead three people in the Old Testament were resurrected God spoke from heaven three different times after Paul met Jesus he was blind for three days the Jordan River was parted three times Noah's Ark had three different levels and God told Joshua three times to be courageous Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days three means perfect completion guys I want to go into the number four mmm get past all my amazing notes number four the number four stands for creation and things that are made creation and things that are made okay why because there's four elements earth air fire and water four regions north south east and west four seasons spring summer fall in water for lunar cycles four divisions of the day morning noon evening and night four divisions of man lands tongues families and nations now guys I have an incredible have an incredible chapter in my book numbers that preach on the number four before represents things that are created or it represents all the world right or you guys still tracking with me on that let me see if I can find this scripture here the the fourth time okay so listen this Matthew 24:14 says this I love this and I in this gospel of this kingdom shall be preached in all the world everybody say all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the income okay that term all the world is in the Bible four different times and that's the fourth time and that's Matthew 24:14 the number five is the grace of God now guys when we talk about the grace of God we're not talking about what most people think of when they think of grace grace is god-given ability to overcome something examples of five in Scripture and examples of five being the grace of God to overcome whenever Israel was coming out of Egypt they were ranked in fives did you know that this Exodus chapter 13 verse 18 and you actually have to look into the language of how it's written to be able to discover that whenever David got ready to slay the Giant he picked up how many how many smooth stones guys five you know what Paul says whenever it comes to the church so that there would be unity for the sake of unity he said yet in the church he told everybody look guys I speak in tongues more than any of y'all I'm a tongue talker I promise you that but when it comes to us being unified I had rather speak five words with understanding he's talking about speaking with the power of God the grace of God to to overcome the holy anointing oil has five different ingredients within it there are five animals that were given for sacrifice the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus said take up your bed and walk had five porches on it so five represents grace somebody say amen to that okay the number six the number six here I'm trying to hurry the number six is a number for the flesh of man now the number six is not always a bet I don't want to call that a bad number because it's not but it does have to do with flesh now whenever God is doing a work with human beings because while that represents flesh it also represents humanity and God does not hate your humanity the problem with humanity is that it comes with a carnal nature so sometimes six represents a carnal nature and sometimes the number-6 represents humanity it's like that all the way through the Word of God I'm gonna give you guys some examples man was created on the sixth day the six character in the Bible is the serpent there are six words in Hebrew that we translate into the English word serpent the six commandment of the Ten Commandments as you shall not murder the descendants of Cain only go to the sixth generation then they disappear there are six earthquakes in the Bible and six times Jesus was accused of having a devil when it comes to your body there are six major members within the human body your head your torso your two arms and your two legs the average body contains approximately six quarts of blood the average body the blood travels twelve thousand miles within your body that's two thousand times six every single day average heart beat is 72 times a minute and that's 12 times 6 there are 60,000 miles of blood vessels within your human body depending on how much fat you got on you average lung weighs about 600 grams average lung capacity is 6 liters there are 600 muscles within your body there are six primary systems within your human body skeletal circular muscular nervous digestive and reproductive the standard measure for a man is 6 feet tall the average weight at birth is 6 pounds there's there are over 6 billion people on the planet Earth man is carbon-based and everything as is everything upon earth and all things carbon-based have six protons six neutrons and six electrons six represents humanity the number seven is the most prolific book within it's the most prolific number within the within the entire Bible and there is so much guys when we get to the number seven the book of Revelation is just full of sevens but the number seven is us is is a perfect number now guys there are four perfect numbers I'm going to be preaching on the perfect numbers tomorrow but so number three the number seven the number ten and the number twelve because there's four quadrants of perfection and the number three represents a perfection that happens when you go all the way then the the number seven represents perfection that happens by the Spirit of God the number ten represents perfection that happens when when his kingdom has come and orders and the order of things is set up and the number 12 represents perfection whenever Jesus gets to be the king four different quadrants of Kingdom perfection and again I'll preach on all that Tamar and I but guys when it comes to the number seven seven is the most prolific number within the Bible because and it's the number that represents when God shows up when God is made manifest now friends the Spirit of the Lord is everywhere but the Spirit of the Lord has not made manifest everywhere listen I'm not talking about the omnipresence of God I'm talking about the on me presence of God amen where you can see God where you know God's there well you understand what God is doing when God likes to do that he can't he likes to stamp the number seven on it I'm gonna continue on the number eight represents new beginnings number eight represents new beginnings because there's so many examples of King Jesus bringing so many incredible words about making things new but there are actually eight things in the Bible that God promises he will he will give you that are new things a new song a new name a new heart a new spirit a new tongue a new commandment a new heaven and a new earth examples of new beginnings God preaching all about new beginnings to the number eight is this eight people in the Ark whenever arrested on Ararat circumcision was performed upon the eighth day King David was the eighth son of Jesse Aaron his sons began their ministry on the eighth day the word born appears eight times in the conversation of Jesus with Nicodemus the word water appears eight times in the conversation of Jesus with a woman at the well Elijah performed eight miracles Elijah performed sixteen miracles that's two times eight Jesus rose up on the eighth day that's the first day of the week the title of Jesus as Redeemer shows up exactly eight times in the Bible I could go on and on and on but friends you need to know that the number eight represents new beginnings aren't you glad guys that King Jesus likes to make all things brand new the number nine represents two different things now in the positive it represents fruit-bearing and in the negative it represents judgment now guys it's women it means two different things really guys there's multiple layers of Revelation to every single one of these numbers okay but there tends to be a lot of confusion the number nine and I'm gonna blame that on John Lennon number nine number nine number and I know I'm sorry I'm not gonna blame it on John Lennon I don't know why I do that I'm trying to I was preaching really good and stupid just comes flying out of me examples of nine being fruit bearing a woman gets pregnant for how many months ladies nine months oh yeah that's fruit bearing right for you in order for you to give birth you have the number nine stamped on you mmm that's why there are nine gifts of the Spirit and there are nine fruit of the Holy Spirit zeppelins of nineteen scripture all forms of the word death them this is whenever it comes to judgment now all forms of the word death appear exactly 999 times in the Bible there are nine biblical sieges of Jerusalem and Haggai chapter once God's judgment is poured out upon nine different things and it lists all nine of those things nine people are stoned in the Bible as III want to talk about the ninth of off but I don't I I don't have time to do that the bottom line is this nine represents fruit-bearing when it comes to a movie the Holy Ghost and represents a judgment when we refuse to partner with the Holy Spirit guys how many Supreme Court justices are there nine represents judgment okay number ten number ten number ten perfect order this is the last number and I want to ask the guys a band to come on up here if you would because whenever it comes to whenever God likes to speak a message on there's a new sheriff in town this thing is a mess I'm going to straighten it out he likes to stamp the number ten on it represents the perfect order guys how many Ten Commandments were there see male group listen brother Mel Brooks says there's fifteen he dropped one that ain't true somebody else saw that movie don't talk about King David was the 10th in line from Judah Noah was the tenth descended from Adam Abraham was the tenth descended from Noah the Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 20 and that's 10 times 2 under the law a tithe 10% in Genesis chapter 1 the phrase God said shows up exactly 10 times there are teen there are 10 kingdom parables and Matthew and there are 10 a.m. statements of Christ in the book of John 10 represents [Music] perfect order friends you have 10 fingers because your work belongs to God so don't get that out of order judges chapter 6 verse 26 says and build an altar to the Lord thy God up on the top of this rock in the ordered place order friends you have ten toes because the life that you walk belongs to God don't get that out of order Psalms 37 verse 23 the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord 10 the steps of a good man are ordered an order means number 10 when I look at the word of God and everything I just gave you is just a very top layer level of how rich the word is what happens is once you begin to see this in the word and you begin to understand it then you begin to see it in your life around you and then you begin to realize man God is talking to me and it's so personal it's so incredible one of the things that I'm going to show one of the a bunch of whole bunch of pictures I've got some sweet friends here on the second row and everywhere they go they see license plates to have eight eight eight on it and they always get down they take a picture of it we're following Jesus today the car in front of us has eight eight eight on the back up and you go without you stupid that's just ridiculous know what's real is that's seeking and when you seek you find and when you ask it's answered and when you knock the door is opened unto you my friends I want that I want to encourage you then learn the languages of God learn the Word of God you don't have to be as psychotic as I am heck you can just get my book right on you just go through some nut Wow but you tell me Troy counts the Iams yes Troy counts the AIIMS because I know I've got to go at the end of it it's like one - oh my god there's gonna be I get excited about the word of God and I'm like Lord you hid that for me thank you it is a glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of kings is to search out the matter guys let's all give Jesus a great big praise for being the coolest person ever I love you Jesus [Applause]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 108,956
Rating: 4.9027824 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit, numbers that preach, numbers teaching
Id: LjfiZmWpB9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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