The Parable of The Ten Virgins - Part 1

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grab your Bibles tonight Church and turn if you would to Matthew chapter 25 Matthew 25 and we will read verses 1 to 13 and get into tonight's study of this parable very famous parable one of the more recognizable parables and I'm talking about of course the parable of the ten virgins the parable of the ten virgins by the time we come to the end of the next few weeks you'll understand more about why 10 and why are they referred to in the parable as virgins and why Jesus taught this particular parable this is a timeless parable but I got to tell you in light of our generation right now tonight think of it you and I believer or non-believer you and I tonight or as the close as close to Jesus is coming as any other generation that has ever been right now think of it no one has ever been closer to the return of Jesus Christ than you and I right now and if I say it again that you and I right now are even closer still it's amazing to think it is awesome to think the hope of the Christian is the return of Jesus Christ so the parable of the ten virgins Matthew chapter 25 beginning at verse one follow along with me in your Bibles Jesus said then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened unto ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom now five of them were wise and five were foolish those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps but while the groom was delayed they all slumbered and slept verse six and that midnight a cry was heard behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said to the wise give us some of your oil for our lamps or gone out but the wise answered saying nope lest there should not be enough for us and you but go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut verse 11 afterward the other virgins came also saying Lord Lord open to us but he answered and said assuredly I say to you I do not know you watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming amazing announcement regarding the events of the last days and I hope tonight that you understand things a little bit more we're going to methodically march our way through this if you're taking notes tonight jot this down if you would regarding the parable of the ten virgins number one is found in verses 1 through 5 and that is know what you believe when you write that down please Christian know what you believe know this it is absolutely critical that you understand what the Bible says regarding this big word eschatology eschatology means the study of future events as recorded in the Bible to know this numerous times in the Bible either Jesus Christ himself or maybe it's one of the prophets or one of the Apostles will write to us and say don't be ignorant about this very thing why because as we approach listen everybody what I love about tonight's message by the way you don't have to be a Christian to agree with us tonight you just have to have your eyes open listen as we approach what the Bible is recorded which will be indicators of the last day's events that seem to be held off for a while and people are wondering and people are guessing and questioning but once the end time events began the Bible says they're going to go very quick with succession of time very fast in fact you remember when Jesus said in the book of Revelation two thousand years ago he said behold I come quickly and you've read that you've wondered what two thousand years as quick that's not what he said unfortunately the Bible for us anyway was not written in English English is a very poor language when you're trying to read the Bible the Bible is written in Hebrew and Greek and a little bit of Aramaic when Jesus says behold I come quickly the word in the Greek means behold when these things start to happen man I'm going to come fast it's not that I'm going to come soon he's saying when the endtime events begin to tick or click off when you start to see these things and you can point the chapter in verse of your Bible and the headline news Jesus said I'm coming fast it won't be long so this is a tremendous challenge as Christians we need to know what we believe because as the world around us begins to question and ask questions and to make fun of or to believe and what the Bible has to say they're going to come to us for answers and we're to know them they're going to get their answers from us as we lead them in the Word of God first thing mark it down if you would the first two verses then the kingdom of heaven remember what that means the Kingdom of Heaven or the kingdom of God is interchangeable it means the church age from the day of Pentecost to the departure of the church the church age Jesus says the kingdom of heaven kingdom of God shall be likened if I were to tell you what it's going to be like Jesus said it's like this ten virgins who took their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom now five of them verse two says were wise and five were foolish stop right there the Bible says in Hosea chapter four verse six that my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge you've got ten virgins in the parable Jesus's point is to communicate to us which what he lands and verse 13 is to be ready watch it's a very powerful word we'll get to it in a week or two or three the word means to be wide-eyed vigilant scanning the horizon this is the way a believer supposed to be living in every age of the Christian Church always scanning current events knowing the Word of God having a pulse as it were on the culture locally and the culture globally know what's going on now we've got to fight our human nature to bury our head in the sand it is human nature to not want to know we love good news don't tell me bad news and understand that I understand that but Jesus is telling us the good news is what's coming it's what we possess in our heart but the best of news is yet coming Christ is coming back the Bible says Jesus is going to return and but why do we believe this oh you crazy Christians well we are crazy for a reason the reason is Jesus said I'm coming back and so yeah we're crazy about it we talk about it we dream about it we pray about it and we get ready about it it's pretty exciting but be careful because God says my people are destroyed for a lack of not knowing what they should know I think you'll agree with me that you and I are living an amazing biblical times and my goodness the relevance of it all I don't have the time to go down but now I'm going to run off just a few things but as the world around us is marching towards a progressiveness think about the world right now thinks it's being liberated there's a lot of people super happy in the world right now with the way things are going you understand that they think these are going fantastic well you may not think so but wait a minute you should think so you should think things are going amazing you see it's your perspective if you're looking at the world saying oh my goodness all this stuff's happening isn't fantastic versus the Christian who's looking at the world saying well look at all this stuff happening isn't it fantastic because the Bible said there'd be days like this you see the difference one group is saying utopia is coming and it's all around the world we're looking for super leaders these days global leaders we're looking for people someone to pull us out of all the Earth's trauma and look if you know history that's how Adolf Hitler came into power he promised the German nation economic recovery and peace and pride in the German way of thinking in the German way of living and the Germans were in a severe depression it was very very bad for the German people and listen always in a time of deep depression it is the human nature to reach out and grab on to hope grab on to something or someone and you'll neither grab on to Jesus or you'll grab on to this woman or this man or this gold or silver or whatever you'll grab on to something for hope and what we want to argue with you tonight is we want you to grab onto Jesus for Hope because listen he will never never let you down ever and the great thing is when the world seems to be at its darkest moment Christ will come Christ will return and we'll talk about this tonight but biblically the day's an age in which you and I live in right now have been predicted in the Bible mark this down Bible students you need to remember tonight as we go through this study that in your Bible 27% of your Bible is written to that topic are dedicated to the topic I should say of eschatology Bible prophecy that's amazing listen I'm not here to beat up on anybody but the Jehovah Witnesses do not have 27% of their writings dedicated to Bible prophecy same with Mormonism Buddhism Hinduism Islam none of them the Bible has 27 percent a quarter of the Bible is dedicated to God telling you about the future in advance and Jesus by the way said it this way I have told you these things before they come to pass that when they do come to pass you will know that I they go at me that I am the eternal God Wow that's awesome only God can tell the future in advance with perfect accuracy God doesn't come close coming close makes you a false prophet God hits the nail on the head every time and so if you're a skeptic tonight if you're a doubter and I appreciate that I respect that you need to look at this 27 percent of Bible prophecy why should you trust in the God of the Bible why should you give him your life why should you lean on him for your salvation and forgiveness number one reason in my book it's how I got saved personally a mess is not too different than the one you're hearing tonight is that God is a prophetic God if he's God and look I believe this only the God who knows all things should be worthy of your worship and God says read on that's right I'm going to tell you 27 percent of what's going to happen in the world I'm going to write it down to my book and by the way 100 percent of it is everything that matters so that you can know that I'm the one that is awesome to thank and I love that he in a sense he's pre-recorded his word to us that we might know now this topic gets a lot of people kind of concerned because it either will spawn in you faith or it will cause someone to push back there's no gray area in this and for example listen to this 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 3 says knowing this first can you mark this down Church second Peter 3 verse 3 and I'm going to ask you as I read this verse are we not living in these days 2nd Peter 3:3 knowing this first wake up understand something don't be offended that scoffers will come in the last days walking according to their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming or translation my grandma thought he was going to come back right for since the father's have fallen asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning oh man people have been talking about Jesus coming back for so long where is the promise of his coming the word means yeah he said it the Bible says it ain't going to happen scoffers mockers making fun of what God has promised Church are we living in that age it is awesome it is amazing I've told you before I want to say it again you find somebody making fun of Jesus coming back give them a kiss hug them give them a Bible turn to 2nd Peter 3:3 and say man dude you're in the Bible right here look it's talking about you right here it's amazing you're making fun of Jesus returning look this your name right here what's your name Joe Joe I bet I know your last name scuff er all right hi Joe scoffer listen Christian these are crazy days but when somebody says oh man Jesus is coming at whooo hey get my hug it's amazing God's Word anticipates this the point of the parable tonight is not by the way regarding pre-tribulation rapture view or mid-tribulation rapture view or post-tribulation rapture view we'll talk about that in later studies it's not about various views it's all about understanding that you need to be ready to meet Christ you need to be ready to meet Jesus and it's all important so know what you believe it's very important Luke chapter 12 verse 42 listen to how important it is for you and I to know what we believe and maybe I should put it this way we better know what we claim to believe right because how can you really believe something if you can't defend it now I won't do this right now we'll reserve the test later but what if I were to walk up to you and say as a Christian now listen this is what this is fundamental Christianity if I were to walk up to you and say can you define for me sin you should be able to boom boom boom boom he's why well because you need to know what Jesus did on the cross regarding that said how can you appreciate Jesus if you don't what he did regarding sin if I were to walk up to you and ask you tell me about sanctification what oh well then how do you know the power of it in your life if you know what the Bible says about are you with me these are fundamental these are things that are so basic that to be really a Christian you you know what you believe you need to know and you need to be able to defend it I'm not saying you need to be a theologian I'm saying listen look when you see somebody in love they have spent so much time looking at each other he can say of her she's got a little more right there and when she smiles as a dimple there and you know what when you look at her this eyes a little bit more blue than that I mean he'll tell you stuff add nausea to you it's just like tint TMI what because they're in love and they they study each other and she'll know his middle name even and it's just amazing do you remember that show I don't think it's around anymore but when I was a little kid growing up I was just a baby when there was a program called the newlywed game remember that and they would ask questions like you know stuff like that does your wife you know have a birthmark and they start it's all very funny no stuff but it's pretty bad if the guy's married to his wife and the guy gets the wrong answer he goes up the answer is a wrong answer but your wife's middle name oh not good as a Christian you should know what God has done for you why because someone's going to ask us what makes you a Christian you better have the answer Jesus said or the Word of God says my parrot my people perish my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge so this is very very important ok Luke 12 42 and the Lord said who then is a faithful and wise steward who knows how to govern their life whom is master will make over his household he's talking about when he returns to give them their portion of food in due season blessed is that servant whom his master will find him so doing when he comes he's talking about himself when he returns truly I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has but if that servant says in his heart notice it doesn't come out of his mouth it's in his heart it says doctrine is his way of thinking my master delays his coming I don't think he's coming back soon notice the result of that kind of thinking he begins to beat the male and female servants and to eat and drink and be drunk the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and in an hour when he's not aware and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers what's important about this statement Jesus makes now listen carefully are you listening Jesus this word in Luke 12 Jesus is not saying that this person was a believer and goes to hell or gets lost because something happened what's here is that there's a person who says they believe they're in the gathering of the true believers they look like a believer they might talk like a believer but they're not holding listen they're not holding truly in action the doctrines of the believer the teachings you see it's he says in his heart I don't think my Lord's coming back you notice that he looks just like us but he's not excited about the Lord's return he could care less and how would you know well I don't know unless you follow him around town and if you've followed him around town look he begins to be very or he is very sloppy about his witness regarding Jesus he's living like the world he's violent look Jesus said that person is very slack they beat people though they're mean they're drunk they're living for themselves now you might sit here tonight and say well I don't beat people and okay well fill-in-the-blank it could be that you're so impressed with yourself there's no room for God in your life it could be that you're trusting in your money it no place for God okay very very important Jesus is not saying someone's going to lose your salvation this person never had it I've been convinced personally you guys in Scripture that I know this may raise some eyebrows but I got I it's my personal experience and the more and more I see people I'm convinced from Scripture not from my emotions that one of the great hallmarks of who is a real Christian is that they believe and they understand what the Bible says regarding Jesus's return they're excited about it I can't imagine any person saying man I don't want Jesus come back now now look I understand it if you if you're engaged in your weddings next weekend I understand that guy that guy's praying God give me one more week well your just one more wait for one more week I always tell the groom right before we walk down the aisle man let's pray brother okay Lord bless us and oh Jesus come back to come back even now and you can see the groom the husband did he never says Amen huh you you could feel them you can feel them like and I'd like to add to that prayer Lord just give me one night please haha but the believer wants Jesus to return how can you say you're a believer and you're driving up excuses and hoping he doesn't come back now I know this this big spiritual response is going to be I want my friends to get saved I understand that God wants your friends to get saved more than you do let the timing be in God's hand you be faithful you pray for your friends you share Jesus with them but come on let's get out of here I mean let's let's blow this place right he knows what he's doing so get excited about his coming it's exciting thing to think about first John now I'm gonna give you a bunch of verses you ready to write these now first John chapter 3 verse 1 first John 3:1 first John 3:1 says behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us you had a circle the word us this is serious by the way John is speaking to believers only believers so how beautiful is this John San Wow has God loved us big time or what that we yet a circle the word we should be called children got a circle that word of God whoo therefore the world does not know us in that true they think we're they think we're from Mars because it did not know him beloved now we are the children of God and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be like pause right there at that comma well I have red hair in heaven will I be taller you know what will I look like the Bible says we don't know what we're gonna look like exactly but it's heaven hello we're gonna look cuter than what we do now thank God gonna be upgrade I don't think it might even work around heaven honey that guy's is ugly a sin oh wait we're in heaven there's no all right not gonna happen we're all going to be beautiful it's gonna be amazing miracle but it doesn't tell us how we're gonna look it does not yet been revealed what we will be like but we know this that when he is revealed there's a hint the moment he reveals himself now look listen everybody Bible students this dovetails with all over so other scriptures of the prophetic revelation we know this that when is revealed we will be like him right look at it for we shall see him we'll see him as he listen when he comes in that instant we're going to be changed we'll talk about this in a moment you see well check he hasn't come for 2,000 years it could be another 2,000 years it's not going to be another 2,000 years there's no way well how do you know one very important clue the nation of Israel was born a second time as a nation on May 14th 1948 and Jesus the scriptures throughout Scripture announces that in the last days before he returns Israel we brought back from all the nations of the world into their ancient land their ancient dwelling place think of that Israel's been there now how many years 60 something years never think of that there's a lot of other things that we could talk about we're going to be speaking more in depth on these things that come the month of September encourage you to be here to learn from all that but we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is verse 3 and everyone who has this what hope in him that's notice capital age the Lord purifies himself what does that mean stay away from stuff that's going to hurt your walk with God if bubbles comes up says hey what do you do enhance him run if you can't handle your computer throw it in the pool I'm serious I'm dead serious it cost 1200 bucks I would rather pay 1,200 bucks and throw the computer in the pool then mess up your life and let me tell you if you're married and you're messing around on your computer looking at things you ought not to be looking at if you pay if you're married or not you shouldn't be looking at that stuff let me tell you throw on the computer ways a lot cheaper than a divorce attorney get it out because you know what that awesome verse says because the Lord's coming back you don't know when but we're so excited about being like him that we know that he could come back at any time and we're waiting and so that keeps us from getting into trouble imagine just imagine now look I am sure this could get on the internet people edit it out and change it around and make me say things that I'm not saying did you hear what he said what I'm saying is let's pretend what if you knew Jesus was coming back at three o'clock tomorrow I did not say Jesus is coming back at three o'clock tomorrow I say let's just pretend what would you do right now I know what I would do right now I'd shut this service down because most of you are already saved and I would do what I should be doing anyway and that is going all up and down my street knocking on every neighbor's door just like you would have there's a fire I should do that anyway right Jesus is coming back to make lots of arcades I believe in them right but shouldn't we have that understood look the Bible teaches he could come in a moment you're not even aware of and one of the great indicators of the last day's events one of them is Israel's back in the land not to mention global economic collapse and the dissolving of borders that's that's internationally you know that's going on and the Bible warned about that amazing the Bible also says in the last days before Christ returns people will trust in gold and silver do you know no you just got there from a commercial on TV no that's in the Bible then that amazing we're so used to now Jack oh yeah okay good good Bible prophecy being fulfilled it's true man it's amazing it's awesome proverbs 29:18 says where there is no prophetic vision that people cast off restraint listen Jesus is coming back get ready it acts as a purifying agent to the believers life I mean look I don't wanna offend anybody I'm not picking on anybody I don't know anybody regarding this but if somebody said to me I'm a Christian and I don't think Jesus is coming back you know what I don't want to hang out with you I mean you're not gonna be in heaven together and all that's fine but you know what if you don't if you're not if you're not excited you could be you could get in trouble you know you could get in trouble if you think he's not coming back who said Jesus said I don't want to go on Luke's Gospel you start to slack off be ready now I know some of your thinking man there's a quench your quenching me thou shalt not thou shalt not but have you read the Bible thou gets to do now gets to do now gets to do a lot of stuff and by the way the stuff that's thou shalt not if you notice all the stuff that thou shalt not the the thou shalt not if you follow it all the way through uh it kind of goes like this thou shalt not do this so thou shalt not get shot in the head right thou shalt not do this so thou shalt not wind up in jail or go to prison all you like thinking of who Minnie's gods quenching me he's trying to keep you out of hell and death and the prison and everything think of that it's awesome another verse are you writing these down I worked hard to get these verses me to write these down Titus 2:13 looking for the Blessed hope this is awesome be vigilant scanning the horizon for the Blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior who Jesus Christ is the Bible the Bible says look for him be looking for him watch for him it's awesome it's glorious now church this parable that we're going to eventually get to is about the coming of the Lord and it's probably good I'm going to need all you to look at me because I'm not smart enough to communicate it to you I gotta show you Jesus is first coming okay you're gonna have crash course and eschatology right now Jesus is first coming according to biblical studies is we would normally say in the manger in Bethlehem I okay you're close officially his first coming was on Palm Sunday week when he was presented as King on April 6th 32 ad it was a Sunday morning in Israel that is where he visited his temple remember that week he turned the money changers over and he yelled and shouted my house my father's house shall be called a house of prayer but you've made it a den of thieves remember that week Jesus announced I am light of the world Jesus then announces I am the bread of life remember when the priest would pour the water out of the urn down the steps of the temple Jesus stands right there when that's going on in Jesus shouts of the people and says I am the living water all these things going on that week it was his first coming if you were in seminary course and the professor asked you what are defined describe the first coming of Christ you would say passion week Palm Sunday this was as for its what he presented himself to the nation and it's the only time in jesus' ministry career where he allowed worship to take place publicly every every time before that he kept it quiet remember that that's his first coming his second coming listen his second coming hasn't happened yet his second coming is to the same location coming back same direction he's not right and not read the fine print first time he was on a donkey remember the second time revelation 19 he's on a white horse okay and the first coming was as Savior Messiah and the second coming is as judge as king okay and it's awesome his second coming is when Christ returns again to not only Israel but to Terra Firma literally the earth ground are you with me he will go through the eastern gate or the golden gate the one right now that is on CNN that sealed up it's all bricked up the Bible says in the Book of Ezekiel when Christ returns from the atmosphere from the heavens he's going to blow that gate wide open there's gonna be a neat day that's gonna be awesome he's going to go through that he's going to establish his kingdom the Bible says for 1000 years the political reign of Jesus Christ has to happen he has to sit on the throne of David he's never done that and throughout scripture eschatology Bible prophecy declares that the Messiah savior of Israel of the world must sit upon the throne of David tonight Jesus is sitting on the throne of his father in heaven he's got to sit on an earthly rule throne in Jerusalem the throne of David that is awesome a cool thing is to remember when David said the Lord said unto my lord you it's awesome I'm going way off notes or we're in trouble read the Book of Ezekiel it freaked you out it's awesome and if you've read it you remember who's this prince who's this prince who's when Jesus is on the throne for a thousand years there's some Prince also that's with him listen key David said I saw the Lord and the Lord said to my lord sit thou at their right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool David in the Millennium is the Prince of the King day Jesus sits on the throne of David his genealogical bloodline fulfilling Bible prophecy Jesus is the King David is the Prince the Lord said unto my lord it answers commentary on the Bible perfectly it's so exciting to see that it's going to happen you're gonna see it you will so if you're a believer if you're not a believer you're not going to see this we're talking about the rapture we want to focus on what could happen even now so 1st Thessalonians 4 we're going to run through this together I want you to listen to this first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 but I do not want you to be ignorant brethren concern concerning those who have fallen asleep or died believers who have died lest you sorrow as others who have no hope for watch get your pen ready for if we circle the word we these are the famous five we statements of Paul you might want to write that down Paul's famous we statements and I'm going to tell you why they're famous verse 14 is one of them for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so God will bring with him those who allow me to say it this way died in Jesus okay verse 15 for this we say to you by the word of the Lord that number three we who are alive and remain excuse me Paul what Paul are you listening everybody 2,000 years ago the Apostle Paul said we who are alive and remain at the coming of the Lord what is he saying Paul believed Jesus could come back in his day and he's excited about it are you your 2000 years closer will remain unto the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have died why how come what's that verse 16 for the Lord Himself not an angel the Lord's coming will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God don't confuse this with the trumpet of the angel in the book of Revelation the trumpet of God there's two of them I'm giving you more information than what you need to have one trumpet of God calls the nation of Israel together the last trumpet of God the second one calls the church together don't confuse this trumpet of the Lord here with the trumpets of the book of Revelation a lot of people do they get all goofy those trumpets are blown by angels this is the trumpet of whom the Lord the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first that is their physical bodies will come out of the ground who the Christians my uncle got bit by a shark he was a believer what's going to happen to him he's coming out of the ocean he's going to come out by the way just because you can't see Uncle Fred because he got you know bit in Australia somewhere and there's pieces of him fragmented all over the oceans just because you can't see that doesn't mean that he that his body parts haven't ceased to exist they're there they're dust there they're wet but they're dust God's going to speak and I love this because God is the great perfect biologist engineer designer I mean look around you he's going to shout the trumpets going to go and the dead those who died believe it in Jesus listen their bodies have to come back together the Bible says they'll be glorified in resurrection at the same moment that the Lord when he comes for the church I'll read in a moment he brings those who have died in Jesus so look if your Uncle Fred or whatever his name was a moment ago got got eaten by a shark in Australia his bodies floating around somewhere but the moment he died the real him the part that makes you move this part went to be with the Lord instantly the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord that fast we may hold your funeral here but you're not here people come up oh man dude over the museum I understand the emotion the Ek he's not here it's just a turtle shell so to speak the turtle's gone it's just the show he is with the Lord okay this body was built for this world the part that animates you and drives you that's the spirit of who you are that's the soul of who you are when Jesus comes back in the rapture he brings those he's going to bring my mom my sister my dad and your loved one who trusted Christ he's going to bring them and their body is going to be resurrected in glory and it's all going to happen in a twinkling of an eye we're going to be walking around and this bow and there goes Uncle Fred what and what the Bible look we're going to be right behind them watch this it says verse 16 for the Lord of self descend arcangel verse 17 then we that's the fourth we statement of Paul then we notice not them Paul - speaking of himself then we who are alive and remain shall be there is that famous word raptured caught up in Latin it's the word rapture rapture together with them in the clouds and that's not a cloudy day people it's a cloudy day the Lord could come back this is his own bliss is God's glory he's going to bring it with them to meet the Lord in the air notice we don't meet Jesus on terra firma that's not the second coming church listen the rapture is not the second coming in the first come in he comes to the temple the second coming he comes to the temple in Jerusalem the rapture is in between the first and a second coming the rapture and the second coming is at least seven years apart probably longer I'm guessing I don't know but at least seven two physical appearances to Planet Earth one and atmospheric arrival to receive us and then back where did I leave off verse 17 keep going verse 17 and thus number five we shall always be with the Lord verse 18 are you with me therefore when you think about Jesus returning freaked-out foam at the mouth and cry like a baby no it says therefore comfort one another with these words what does that mean expect them to return and it's going to happen we're not going to know the day or the hour we're not going to know as Christians we're not going to know the dear they are that's why I need to be ready jesus said this he and he's the one who introduced the rapture John 14:1 sounds like first Thessalonians 4 Jesus and John 14:1 says let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me for in my father's house are many mansions dwelling places and if it were not so I would have told you I love this watch I go to prepare a place for you thank God he didn't go down the streets he didn't go to some Island someplace he didn't go to you know I don't know as much as I love Maui he didn't go to Maui he's not some secret place out in the ocean hidden away that no one's ever discovered he's buried no he went back to his father and he's been preparing a place there to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also it's all about him picking us up and taking us to heaven look at Luke 21 34 you okay we're almost done I mean we're not well we're almost out of time we're not almost done Luke 21 34 jesus said be careful because your hearts could be weighed down with dissipation drunkenness and anxieties of life anxieties of life and isn't that a plague of our generation right now tension stress anxiety attacks nervous breakdowns because of everything happening Wow don't you love the Bible it's awesome and that day will close in on you unexpectedly like a trap for it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth watch this so well there you go no there's no hope for us read verse 36 and be quiet about it be always on the watch and pray that you may escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man look at verse 36 that is awesome yeah all this stuff is coming but jesus said don't panic go to verse 36 pray that you are ready to scape all that stuff that's I mean I'm going to give you very quickly the famous five passages of deliverance in first Thessalonians first Thessalonians it's amazing Paul he's only there for four weeks in Thessalonica one of the oldest cities in the world still it's still going today he's there for four weeks and he teaches them about the security of their salvation and the return of Jesus Christ that's awesome you ready there's five of them you guys okay okay number one first Thessalonians chapter one verse ten wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come the word wrath is tribulation or indignation God's judgment on earth has nothing to do with Hell has nothing to do with anything else but God's indignation on earth what does it say number one he's going to deliver us from the wrath to come Christian you will not go through the tribulation period the Bible says so you cannot experience the wrath of God it won't happen can't happen number two first Thessalonians 2:19 for what is our hope or joy or crown rejoicing is it not even you in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ at his coming number three chapter three verse 13 first Thessalonians so that he may establish your hearts blameless and holiness before our God and father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints remember Uncle Fred that got bit down there in Australia he's coming back his body will be resurrected in that moment you and I will be meeting them in heaven or meeting them in the atmosphere we just read a number four we just read it a moment ago in 1st Thessalonians 4 verses 13 through 18 number 5 1st Thessalonians 5 1 through 9 listen to this oh this is awesome this is awesome but concerning the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I should write to you you won't need me to tell you a thing for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night listen for when they say not we when they say peace and safety gosh things are going great isn't it fantastic things have never been better when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman have you ever seen a pregnant woman when it first one hits it's like uh get the car yeah but honey we're in the middle of movie get the car and they shall not escape but notice they but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief you are all sons of light and sons of the day we are not in the night or no nor darkness therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober be vigilant for those who sleep sleep at night for those who get drunk get drunk at night but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation why for God did not appoint us to wrath indignation judgment but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ our awesome or what don't let anyone tell you Christian oh you know nobody knows like a thief of the night do talk about yourself don't lay that on me Paul said concerning the times and the seasons you won't need me to tell you anything Church this is awesome are you with me no man knows the day or the hour but the Bible says right here concerning the times in the seasons every Christians gonna know it what does that mean we're gonna feel it something's going on I've looked at the Bible this is what's happening in the world something's cooking won't be long well what day I don't know what hour who knows but the times and the seasons it's like think about it four times a year the seasons change and you can feel it I know we're having a heat wave and all that stuff that may wear you up early this morning it was cold this morning and it kind of felt like fall in the middle of summer made me think about that jesus said in Revelation 3:10 because you've kept my commandment to persevere I will also keep you from the hour of trial which will come upon the whole world to test those who dwell in the face of the earth is that awesome it's amazing we have so much more to go and so little time to to do this um what we'll do we'll bring some of these other verses over to next week study but let's let's end where we where we started in 2nd Peter 3 verse 3 remember that it says knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days remember the guy that you're gonna go give a kiss and a hut to your stupid Christians oh you've been talked about Jessica no forever just get your fantastic keep talking like that you're fulfilling Bible prophecy it makes me just get all excited well you guys there's a movie either out or coming out that I do not want you to go see because I don't want you to give them their money give them your money and frankly yelling you should see it anyway but that's not my business isn't but there's a movie coming out called rapture Palooza have you heard it anybody heard about it raise your hand cuz I need to kind of take a little poll here like about maybe 10 of you have heard about that's a good thing it stars Hollywood star people I don't know who it is but they're people that people know and um the the movie supposedly begins with some girls saying man everything's been messed up since the rapture happened I mean that all this stuff happened and like Satan's walking around tempting people and drinking and and all this kind of stuff and there's big fireballs falling from the sky killing people and they're laughing about this and that and and then at the end of this tribulation period Jesus Christ is returning and some star in the show accidentally shoots off his gun and kills Jesus in midair and falls falls to the ground man do I kill Jesus and everybody's laughing and carrying on and it's called the movie it's it's big stars and it's coming out of Hollywood of course and it's called rapture Palooza now listen to this for a second when I when I heard about this the first thought that came to mind was what I'd like what a bunch of cowards because if they really wanted to be cool if they really wanted to be a hip and fun and cool and crazy then they should have done something about Muhammad or a lot of course they'll never do that because they'll all be dead by morning right but they can pick on Christians because we don't riot we don't cut people's ears off and stuff like that we just don't do that why our God doesn't need to be defended he's he can figure of himself but my but my point is isn't it amazing with all that's going on in the world right now that Hollywood's coming out right now with a movie called rapture Palooza making fun of the return of Jesus Christ and my next thought was that's awesome because jesus said there will be days like this there'll be days like this my Jesus said you can close your Bible in fact you can stand right now once you stand I want to read to you a hymn kind of it's a little bit of a parody one of my bible expositor heroes is a tremendous man of God by the name of Donald great Barnhouse if you ever find a Donald gray Barnhouse book buy it Donald gray Barnhouse and Donald Gray Barnhouse loved the understanding of what is called the doctrine of imminency meaning the Scripture teaches Jesus is going to come for his people without warning unlike the first coming where there were hundreds of scriptures unlike the second coming where there's hundreds of scriptures that must be fulfilled first there are no preceding fulfillments for the rapture to take place could happen tonight it's awesome by the way first coming deals with the nation of Israel second coming deals with the nation of Israel the rapture deals with the Gentile Church so Donald gray Barnhouse there's a old hymn it's called is it the crowning day and it goes like this Jesus may come today glad day glad day and I would see my friend dangers and troubles would end if Jesus should come today glad day glad day is that the crowning day I'll live for today nor anxious be Jesus my Lord I soon shall see that's only if you believe what the Bible says about Jesus is soon returned if tonight you're saying well I don't I think I'm going to get raptured at the end of the tribulation I'm going to look for the Antichrist first listen to this that him won't work for you then so Donnell grade Barnhouse rewrote to him for those who don't believe that Jesus could come at any moment this ain't the crowning day Jesus cannot come today sad day sad day and I won't see my friend dangers and troubles won't end today because Jesus can't come today sad day sad day today is not the crowning day I won't live for today and anxious I'll be the beast and the false prophet I soon shall see sad day sad day today is not the coming today where's the Blessed hope and the glorious appearing of your great gun and Savior if you don't think you can come back any moment father we thank you for your word it is awesome it's so illuminating and at the same time for some shocking I love the fact that it's more current than tomorrow's newspaper and I pray father in this place right here right now are those that are watching right now that maybe your Holy Spirit is speaking to them and letting them know that there's a deep sense of anxiety in their own heart that they may not be ready to meet you if you came tonight and if that's true you don't even have to come tonight for them they could die right now and them not being ready still true nonetheless Lord I pray that you would speak and convict and lead and guide right now friends tonight if you are doubtful or wondering or a little bit scared about Jesus is soon coming that's the Holy Spirit that anxiety that tension I want you to know you feel that right now because that's the Holy Spirit speaking to you internally that you need to get ready and you're not ready so right now right where you're at you can say Jesus this terrifies me and I don't want it to terrify me I can't say it's my Blessed hope but I want to be able to say it I'm asking you Jesus to receive me my sins my life my lustful thoughts my anger my temper my my whatever and I ask you Jesus to take my sins from me now you died for them on the cross but I need your forgiveness appropriated to me I give you my sins I confess them to you and I want you to change my life I want you to take control of my life Jesus reveal yourself to me be so real to me I open my heart to you now I've had I've had other relationships I have relationships now but I don't have one with the Living God and now Lord I ask you to come into my life and Jesus
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 95,276
Rating: 4.8200359 out of 5
Keywords: Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Real Life, Ready, Rapture, Be Ready
Id: N1C8-cPWL7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2013
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