The Victory of Jesus over Burial

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Church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the world to open door Church on a Wednesday night Thank You hallelujah guys I want to welcome everybody and a little bit different when she not here tonight I I was playing guitar here tonight and my my my sleeve kept getting caught in my strings I don't know if y'all saw that and I was like I can't undo my sleeve and then I unplugged and then I plug back in then I unplug my ears and then I couldn't plug my ears back in and just you know people that look cool make it look easy to look cool but it ain't easy tell the person next to you telling say I see that in you tell them that ya guys want to welcome you here this is a very special Passover week the week that is between Palm Sunday and the week that is right before Easter and just take just a second just to talk about Passover here for just a second you're going to be hearing a lot about Passover and I want to tell you that if you grew up a Gentile Texan the way that I grew up you know you probably do not have a big family tradition in Passover you got a family tradition like Hank Williams jr. maybe but you probably do not have a big tradition as far as the Jewish feasts and I want to just tell you something those are not just Jewish feasts those are Kingdom feasts and we're all Kingdom people and I want to just throw out some things and tell you that if you've never been a part of anything like that Matt why don't you use this time as a time to look into those things because they all have tremendous relational value they all have prophetic value listen listen the Passover Seder is a prophetic act guys we believe in the power of prophetic acts amen we truly do believe in that I mean there's a reason why we lay hands on people there's a reason why we anoint people with all there's a reason why we baptize right like well you're not saved if you don't get baptized no no no listen baptism is not a Salvation issue baptism is a victory issue and baptism is a prophetic act I'm telling you it is and so I want to just I want to just encourage you and just tell you that I grew up and I'm not ashamed how I grew up I listen I have never minded being a rata no stinking Gentile I'm telling you I haven't up I'm a bacon eating machine hallelujah with that said you know and being a seventh generation Texan and a sixteenth generation American right on I want to tell you I have missed a lot of incredible Kingdom things that God Almighty has instructed his people to be a part of and part it was like well that was the law of no listen the Passover Seder is not the law the Passover Seder is a prophetic act that represents Jesus it really and truly does and and I want to I want to just say I'm sensitive to the fact that my Jewish brothers and sisters if that's offensive to them and I'm sorry but it is offensive it is offensive and in that and that's the power of all prophetic things the nature of anything prophetic is that it comes with an offense that you have to get past amen and I don't mean any disrespect listen I love Israel and I love my Jewish brothers and sisters and I praise God for them and I pray for them and I celebrate them and this is the only jewelry I wear besides my wedding ring and both of them are Jewish both of them are and I want to say I love I'm not a jewelry guy at all but I'm a Jew guy all right I just don't do the early part at the end of it and I want to just just just tell you that if you have never actually looked into those things look into those things listen there's so much on the web there's so many messianic congregations that you can actually join this time including our pastor Ted van Landingham is doing all kinds of cool stuff this week at multiple churches and I would just encourage you guys to track him down and to see about being a part of something like that like well okay I guess no listen it's not something that you have to do but it's something that you have an opportunity to do and tonight guys I want to talk a little bit about it you know this last Sunday we talked about Palm Sunday and we had rabbi Jason Sobel was here and what a rock star oh yeah I love me some rabbi Jason I'm telling you I do and I'm so grateful for him and he did such a great job on Sunday his prayer for me was so powerful and I meant listen I it was so prophetic and it was so anointed and so full of the power of the Holy Spirit and I'm just grateful I'm grateful to have friends like that within my life you know we grew up I grew up in Joshua Texas and there was not a huge Jewish part of Joshua Texas there just wasn't and again once I got saved and I started looking into the Bible I began to realize that Jesus could have chose any people group in the world to be a part of but he chose the Jews he chose him God Almighty chose the Jews to illustrate his goodness and whenever we look into those things and whenever we study those things like just simply studying the Hebrews learning the Hebrew points to the heart of King Jesus it's amazing that everything east of Jerusalem rights from rights from right to left and everything west of Jerusalem rights from east to west all writings point to Hebrews Amen are you guys tracking with me on that and I travel all over the world and all I can always tell if I'm east of Jerusalem or west of Jerusalem depending on if people right this way or if people right that way Amen that there is something about the Hebrew language that is so special and so amazing and so poetic and so descriptive and it has so many prophetic layers the language does hey listen I again I want to say it one more time man I love being an American and I don't mind I'm very comfortable in the skin that I am and I'm not going to apologize for my race hallelujah nobody should have to apologize for the race nobody should but I want to tell you this listen to me listen we are missing it we are missing a huge part of the kingdom if we do not dive into the understandings of the of the Jews of what God my God Almighty has done through the Jews and if you go ahead and if you allow me to say this as well the reason why the world is full of anti-semitic so the reason why people all over the world hate Jews is very very very interesting to me because I can see one race hating another race because they're a different race I can see that even though even as crazy as that is as ridiculous as that is I can see people being so ignorant that that would happen I can also see people hating a group of people because they're mostly left-wing or they're mostly right-wing I can see people hating a group of people because of all different kinds of things I very familiar with hatred and how hatred works but let me tell you whenever you just hate a Jew you're not hating them because of their race because Jews are every color that there is I don't know if you realize that or not but there are white Jews there are black Jews there are brown Jews there are Abyan Jews man a Jew is anything that you can possibly imagine because among the Jews it's the only race in the world that it's like this what makes you a Jew is not your daddy what makes you a Jew is your mama so you can have a Gentile dad at a Jewish mama and you're still 100% Jewish and Jews have since since they've been scattered all over the world they have mixed with every race that you can possibly imagine so when you had a Jew then you're not hating a race well you're like well I don't like the Jews ideology man the Jews are all over the map man there are Jews that are so left-wing socialists that they're just crazy people and then there are Jews that are right-wing of Attila the Hun right so when you hate Jews you're not hating an ideology I could go on and on and on and on and on but if you're Joe hey tur I want to tell you what it is that you hate you hate their blood the whole Holocaust happened over a blood issue or six million people nearly three million of the six million people were children under the age of 12 were exterminated so that a bloodline could be stopped and the bloodline that is naturally hated among human beings is a bloodline that hates the Messiah because the Messiah is in that bloodline and I'm gonna just tell you this and this gonna make somebody mad and I'm kind of enjoying this thought about making somebody mad but if you hate the Jews you hate Jesus and I want to just there is no way you can hate the blood of Jews and say that you're in love what or that or that you've been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ because the blood of Jesus comes from the blood of the Jews and I want to just man I want to tell you that's a tremendous revelation to me and there's another I'm not gonna be a part of that spirit I ain't no Philistine right I'm not Goliath of Gath I'm not the enemies of God I'm not gonna pick up a rock and hate those people because they don't look like me or act like me that's the example that God Almighty gave to the rest of the world to say this is what it looks like when our God is God amen now here's something else too man guys we have adopted little boys and little girls all over the world and we have found little boys and little girls all over the world that need to be redeemed in every single way a human being can be redeemed and I know something about adoption well there is not very much that triggers my heart more than a little girl who needs a daddy that everybody takes advantage of there is not very much that triggers my passion more than a little boy who never gets a chance to be a little boy and there's a lot of things that are wrong that I just go those things are wrong but those things those kinds of things there's an evil to it that resonates with me that is different than other forms of evil and you can disagree with me with you want to but you're wrong because God Almighty says God Almighty doesn't say if you if you run off a stop sign is that a millstone be tied around your neck and you be cast in the ocean he says this man if you're a Harmar of children it's just better that you are either not born or it's better that you just take a hike so I say all that to say this that whenever it comes to all the little boys and all the little girls that we're helping all over the world I can't tell you how many faces I have in my mind of these dirty little beautiful faces that have mud all over them a dirt all over them and their little crooked smiles and their big hopeful eyes and trusting beautiful brown or blue or whatever color eyes that they have and then I know what it's like when they don't have a name to actually give them my name and say if you don't have a family we'll be your family and if you don't have a mama my wife is willing to be your mama and I also know what it's like to say that if you don't if you don't have a special day that celebrates the day that you came into this world we are going to give you a birthday and we're going to give you a birthday and by the way I can't tell you how many kids I've sized up and going I'm saying you're nine because the orphans don't ever know what their birthday is they don't know what their age is because nobody celebrates their birth are you guys tracking with me so we give all of our kids birthdays we give all of our kids names I don't know I honestly don't know people ask me all the time how many kids have your name like I don't know I I don't know and but I can tell you this the reason where I learned that from the importance of doing that is I learned that from how god of how a God Almighty the father looked over and saw me as an orphan and adopted me through the cross and by the how and by the power of the Holy Spirit into the family of God celebrates my life and gives me his name amen and and now I say this to you okay it's listen the Jews are God's biological children but we the saved Gentiles are God's supernatural children his adopted children are you tracking with me on that that God Almighty came to you and God Almighty came to me and he said you know what I see you and I see that I have not been your father that I you you were born apart from me but I love you and I'm gonna give you life and I'm gonna adopt you into my family I'm gonna give you my name I'm gonna give you my heritage the same as all my other children amen and how tragic would it be we as Gentiles being adopted into the house of God move into the house and hate his biological children can you imagine how heartbreaking that would be to you if you adopted a child and you brought a child let's say from the other side of the world and you brought that adopted child into your house and that kid persecuted your biological children but can you also imagine the favor you would have upon the child that you adopted that loved loved loved your biological children you'd have incredible favor wouldn't you amen this is act like that guys we have incredible favor put upon us as soon as we say father God sir we're going to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and God we're going to love your people and no matter what God we're going to stand with your people and father we're going to do everything that we can do to provoke them to jealousy and show them that our Messiah is actually their Messiah amen look I know it's a lot to think about but I don't encourage you guys to think about that amen one of the things that whenever we look at the cross I preached on the cross here on I don't know what not it was what day though I think it was on a Wednesday night the Wincy before last I think and I preached on power the cross and one of the things that we learned is that I call it the great exchange job 1:21 says the Lord gives and the Lord takes away right okay well that is seen at the power of the cross amen that Jesus took away our sins at the cross that the sin that you and I have against God and the penalty that we had to pay for sin was taken away amen and I want to just tell you that there is a supernatural act that is easy to dismiss that happens whenever Jesus gets on the cross and then he gives up his life and the Bible says and he gave up the spirit and that's an interesting term it's the only place in the whole Bible that uses that phrase for death which means he had total control over when he died nobody murdered him he laid down his life and I'm telling you man he was in one of the things that you need to understand as you this week on your own Bible study time go through Matthew Mark and Luke and John and you read all the events that happen at this week is I promise you he was in full control of the entire situation a real good example of that is whenever he is in the garden and they're all there and they're in the garden of gifts in of Gethsemane which actually means the oil press or the Olive Press right the place where you crush an olive and you get that all out right okay so they're in that kind of garden which means a guarded place a place that had a wall around it and they're there in the midst of all of those beautiful and ancient olive trees and Judas comes walking up and he comes up and he comes nervously walking up to King Jesus and he kisses Judas he kisses Jesus on the face and the Lord said wow you're betraying me with the kiss now go ahead and answer that that's King Jesus saying get ready just go ahead and answer it's the Lord I promise and he's gonna say pay big-time attention to this next part because this is very important that you get this so so aren't you glad that that wasn't your phone there by siccing their phones I have them I need to make sure praise God it's just a day we live in man I get it and I promise so this guy so all sudden all the harrods dudes come up and they're going to arrest him and and brother Peter who Jesus had told him you're gonna deny me he said no I'm not you don't know me if you you tell me in front of my friends did I'm gonna run like a scared Jackrabbit I'm not gonna I'm not gonna deny you that ain't gonna happen and so he's bound to determined and he had this predetermined response that was gonna happen because Jesus told him hey Judas is going to betray me they're gonna come and they're gonna get me they're gonna try me they're gonna kill me and so he said not on my watch that ain't gonna happen and so Peter who had a conceal and carry license if you ever notice all the disciples had swords not very religious is it maybe they were actually dudes yeah they were dudes they were guys they were not Marvel Comics superheroes they actually had weapons on them Peter pulls out his sword and he goes listen he went to cut a brother's head off and the brother was fast and so he ducked like this sideways and it clipped his ear in the brother's ear goes Union JunJun plop plop-plop-plop-plop the guy's screamin and he's kicking and hollering and I imagine at that moment Peter's like see what I'm talking about you see you see what I'm talking about I ain't playing ain't playing it's all it's all in like Donkey Kong I ain't playing and Jesus is not addressing the dude he's not addressing the people there to arrest him he turns to Peter says Peter put that up if you live by the sword you're gonna die by the sword and you're not here to die by the sword today do you not know I could call down 12 legions of angels do you not know that there's actually one angel in the Old Testament that wipes out over a hundred and seventy thousand people one angel this is twelve legions of angels he's like I'm gonna I've got this I don't need your sword and now Peters like okay you do nothing right he just kind of walks off you're been in a place where you just thought I can't do nothing right and Peter's like man I just I don't know what to do and then Jesus reaches down on the ground in front of the men that are there to collect him and they're all in their big and bad mode right and they're ready just to manhandle him in Jesus in front of them reaches down picks up this ear he's like testing one two testing he's like be still be still be still and plants it back on the side of the brothers head in front of the people who are about to arrest him and then he turns to the people who are going to arrest him and he says you're gonna have to let these guys go and it's a lot like the Jedi mind trick because everybody goes yeah yeah we're gonna let these guys go Jesus is in full control of the situation I talked about in full control read it read it don't you imagine he had their attention whenever he put the air back on and then he said you're gonna have to let them go and that was their cue and he's like y'all need to get and they were gone but then the first guy steps up and they don't know what to do are they supposed to arrest him are they not supposed to arrest him because this dude is something else and they're scared of him and so a guy walks up and says in light of just seeing that miracle sir are you Jesus the dude that we came here to arrest and he said I am and they all fell over backwards do you know that story and Jesus is like get up get up come on let's do this it's like work with me you guys are getting here's cutoff you're falling over backwards I need y'all to man up do not think for one second that Jesus Christ the King of Kings and the Lord of lords was hoodwinked by Judas and was overtaken and overthrown by the likes of Herod and his knucklehead cronies Jesus Christ was in full control of the situation all the way up to the moment he gave up his spirit I don't thank God that he was willing do you understand that means he had to intentionally go through everything you can't intentionally go through that ok ok ok this is the part where they're gonna strip me down naked and walk me through ok ok let's do this let's do the F this is part of it yeah Isaiah talked about that it's this in the Book of Psalms it's there we're gonna do this we're gonna walk this out okay okay okay they're gonna rip out my beard before I get there the only physical description of Jesus within the Bible outside of a supernatural form is he had a beard and the only reason we know that is because they pulled it out before he got to the cross yeah this is just a part where I'm not gonna be able to go any further that's okay there's a brother right here he's gonna he's gonna carry my cross this God minding his own business suddenly gets selected like a lightning strike the odds of him being at that place and there he was and he carries the cross and this was an indication that not only is Jesus going to carry a cross but everybody who follows him is gonna have to carry across because as Jesus stumbled forward he was behind him carrying the cross and that is a symbol of the walk that you and I have together within him amen he gets all the way up there to the outside the city gates gets to the places called Golgotha a place that looks like a skull and right outside the city gates you know we think of it in terms of you know he's up on a hill and while that's beautiful it's more than likely he was right down where everybody had to pass by because the Roma I wanted you to see these people and I don't know how high up the cross was but let's just say his feet are like maybe this level and he's high enough where a crowd can actually see him and all of this and this goes on and it goes on hour after hour after hour after hour and all the other things that happened he had to do completely intentional to walk this thing all the way through until the very very very last scripture was fulfilled concerning the Messiah where he said it is finished and then he said okay I'm out of here and he left he could have done that at any part and I don't know if you've ever really considered how incredible Jesus is that he did that because he didn't do it he not he did not do that as God pretending to be a man he did that as God who became a man he did that as a human being in right relationship with God oh he's something else go he's he's incredible there's there's nobody like him he's so good but then something amazing happens and in the book of John I think I I don't know if I wrote down the chapter or not I don't think I did write down the chapter but somewhere in the book of John in verse 30 assistant when Jesus had received the sour wine he said it is finished the last thing he ever tasted on this earth was something terrible his very last experience he went yep that's all the world can give any of us but it's finished boom and he gave up his spirit he intentionally left his body at that point but then verse 31 says this therefore because it was the preparation day that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath for the Sabbath was a high day the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken we need to hurry up and speed up this process they need to hurry up and die because the Sun can't go down upon them because hey it's a it's a it's a feasts we got to get them in the ground before the Sun Goes Down and the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with him but when they came to Jesus and they saw he was already dead they did not break his legs but none of the soldiers but one of the soldiers I'm sorry pierced his side with the spear and immediately everybody say immediately that's a prophetic term for a move of the Holy Spirit what is about to be described is not a natural thing it is a supernatural thing okay this is an immediately blood and water came out and he who is seen has testified and his testimony is true and he knows that he's telling the truth so that you may believe John actually stops and says now wait I know that sounds crazy but I'm telling you I saw this see when we just trans like that in blood and water came without it means nothing to us but when this Jewish brother was writing this down he wrote it down in such a way that he's saying listen I know that this is going to sound crazy but when they pierced his side something happened and supernatural water and supernatural blood came out in a way is not natural it was immediately the same turn that says and suddenly right on a certain move of God that nobody expected nobody expected that he was dead and all you would think would happen when you go what cha and do that it's like yeah he's dead he didn't flinch except for there was something that John is trying to explain here that it's very easy just to look over but you need to know the next two scriptures he stops talking about the Bible and starts saying nah I'm not teasing and this is a true story now I want you to think about that why why is that because the way that he told it doesn't translate in English that's why there's a lot of things if you have any different understanding I know that there's several people here that speak several different languages I barely speak English okay and it's actually arguable if I speak English or not with that said there are things that are lost in translation and this scripture is so lost but there was actually something supernatural that happened when they pierced his side something changed and the sign of the change was water and blood mixed a mixture of water of water and blood that poured out of his body I would imagine the way that the water came out of the rock in front of Moses now if you go back 4,000 years and then whatever the Eternity was before Adam was born and before he sinned if you go back to that there was a time whenever god almighty took Adam and he said Adam I'm gonna cause you to sleep and I'm gonna give you a bride and the bride that I give you will come from out of your side that was a type and a shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross where the father said Jesus I'm going to cause you to sleep but from out of your side I'm going to give you a bride yes right now we are the bride that was born from the side of King Jesus we are the Bride of Christ and we are bone of his bone and we were flesh of his flesh and the indication of it has to do with the water and the blood so all the way through the Word of God and especially as it ramps up into the New Testament we have to understand what water means that we have to understand what blood means now if you guys are ever here during my looking up conference whatever I whenever i i i go off on all the stars and all the constellations and the twelve major signs within the heavens that are up on the line that's called the ecliptic which is the path that the sun goes through there are 12 of those major signs and there is one that represents the power of the Holy Spirit being poured out it is called Aquarius the Water Bearer okay I know you guys track every buy low eateth he's talking about stars he's going to hell this is a cult I told you this was a cult the brothers talking about stars as we wait wait till he gets loud and won't get up and leave you that's what they just wait don't be scared Jesus is the inventor of the Stars and the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork at night and a night other speech and there is no language where their voice is not heard hallelujah well nonetheless the part where everything changes where everything changes his the part where Aquarius shows up and he's pouring out the Holy Spirit and the indication of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit as the sound of many rushing waters when the Holy Spirit showed up there was an immediately or there was a suddenly which which is an indication of a shift in the natural where heaven invades earth a supernatural event and it sounded like rushing water so you're like so what are you talking about I'm talking about water is the power of the Holy Spirit in blood is redemption in forgiveness water is the power of the Holy Spirit and blood is redemption and forgiveness I'm gonna say this one more time everybody say it with me water is the power of the Holy Spirit and blood is redemption and forgiveness so how how was the bride birthed he it's not just Gus look the cross doesn't just give us access to the blood which is redemption and forgiveness which we have to have so that he can call us a beautiful and a clean bride amen but it comes with in tandem with the power of the Holy Spirit and it's not just the power of the Holy Spirit without redemption and it's not just redemption without the Holy Spirit this bride is a warrior bride and she's clean and she's holy and she's powerful all at the same time because she comes from him she comes from him so she's in His image and it's so easy to look that over just go yeah water and blood came out no that's a supernatural event that even trips up the writer and he says now I want to stop her here and I want to tell you I'm telling you right now I'm saw this I saw this with my own two eyes I was there I was standing there next to Mary and this incredible supernatural event happened they poked him in the side and boom something was birthed out of him like I don't even understand what it is well I'm looking at it it's the bride if you hang around me for very often you're going to hear me talk about numbers I love them number three I'm this is the part of the service where Grover comes running out and goes three right this is that three part okay when if we're going to look at what this week is all about we have to look at not just one part of it but there's actually three different parts of it now the God Almighty has designed things in such a way that when he wants to show you what I call well what church folk call fullness but what I call the whole enchilada okay well it's a picture of fullness well what is fullness oh I don't know is this something we say in church okay fullness is the whole enchilada do you know what I mean by the whole enchilada not just a piece of something but the whole thing from gut to gizzard as we used to say in Johnson County from stem to stern from you those of y'all that are from back east amen so whatever it is it means the whole thing from the beginning to the end that's what fullness is it starts off with something but it reaches it reaches its fullest potential that perfect thing and by the way the will of God is described as good everything begins is good at the end of every first day at the first day second day third day fourth day fifth day and six day he said it is good good as always the beginning stages of something right that what is the good will of God what is the acceptable will of God and what is the perfect will of God do you see how there's three different versions of that okay so fullness or the number three represents perfect completion so we see that in God amen there's the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and when you see the father when you see the son and you see the Holy Spirit you see the whole package of God Almighty amen there's man you and I were both born you know I'm not a man you are a human amen I'll call hey man what's going on I have so many girls go I'm not a man like yeah you are you are a human how to loo you lie down I'm not talking about gender I'm talking about you know a species hallelujah so as human beings as human beings we have the body the soul in the spirit the enemy comes in the form of the flesh the world and the devil time comes in past present and future now one of the things I want to just tell you that you begin to study when you study this the middle child is the problem child in this bunch of middle children in here now I want to tell you that the biggest part of the battle happens in the second stage for example the father men there's tons of people who believe in God but they don't know Jesus and you got to know Jesus you got to get in that second stage there's lots of people believe my deliverer is coming my deliverer is standing by right but if you die in Egypt you're never going to experience the Father in the wilderness amen so this is second place that has to be happened whenever it comes a man you got body soul and spirit well you know all of us were born with glorious bodies everybody say amen to that and God Almighty gave us his spirit but the problem is our soul see that's where the battle is man the battle is always about this second place and you don't even qualify for the third place unless you can enter into the second place okay you can see that in time okay maybe you can believe God for your past and maybe you can believe God for your future because most of the churches in that class oh look at what God used to do oh look at what God's going to do someday but they don't walk into power God in the present that's where the battle is is here the Word of God written spoken in living it's one thing to know the Bible but do you hear God speak joy bear do you hear God speak because it ain't enough to believe the Bible you're gonna have to believe Jesus you're gonna have to hear God on my speak the devil knows the Bible but the devil has no relationship with Jesus Christ and I want to tell you something in a relationship you talk to each other amen amen amen see that's where the battle is the temple the outer court the inner court the most holy place God establishes his covenant through Abraham Isaac and Jacob Abraham ruled in rain well knows forget forget that I'm about to say something else I'll get to that in a second see everything I do is planned Joseph Jerry went from Potiphar's house to prison of Pharaohs court the heavens is the Sun the moon and the stars all right and I want just you know tell you that the Sun is constant the stars are constant it's the moon that's always changing amen the monarchy of Israel which was what I was going to say saw rain for 40 years David rain for 40 years and Solomon rain for 40 years and that equals 120 and whenever you see the number 120 that means there's a new normal that means God is going to show up suddenly he's going to happen and there's I pray that was then and this everything changes at 120 how many people were in the upper room guys 120 Moses Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he finally had his awesome apocalypse oh that's terrible no you need to have a daily apocalypse like haha don't say that on me you don't understand the word apocalypse is it means God shows up and goes tada that's what it means the apocalypse means the unveiling that's why it's called revelation it's where a boom oh wow I got it I get it it's incredible it's amazing it's awesome we need to have that happen on a daily basis amen tell the person next to you dude you need a daily apocalypse tell them that the extras of Israel there's Egypt the wilderness and Promised Land right the three closest disciples Peter James and John the three Hebrew children Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the sons of Noah God's provision there's temporary provision there's daily provision and then there's permanent provision that's a big deal guys and that's the difference between the next one which is thirty fold sixty fold in one hundred fold when it comes to fruit bearing I don't want to be a 30-fold Christian I want to be a 100 fold Christian amen when it comes to learning man it's knowledge understanding and wisdom acts 2:22 you man I love that signs miracles and wonders everybody say that signs miracles and wonders a sign is something that points to Jesus but you can explain it away amen man God's you know the Spirit of the Lord shows up and he says I'll David when you hear me moving through the tops of the trees you need to know I'm going before you embattled and then David goes down and then the trees move in a supernatural way and he goes that's a sign for the Lord and some knuckleheads going through that's to win you with me that's what a sign is a miracle is where you go okay I don't have an explanation for that it's got to be God so a sign is when you can have another explanation a miracle is when is when you you can have another explanation except for you say I don't know what it is or I do know what it is either I don't know how that happened or do you know what happened because it's God but I wonder you have no grid for whatsoever and there sometimes you will walk in and wonder by a guy and you'll think it's the devil for a while because you didn't know that God even moved in a place like that you didn't even know that amen and you're like oh my gosh I didn't know that God did that I'll give you a wonder do you know that God you're like sometimes God will tell you to steal something I know he won't yeah well I know he won't God will tell you to walk up to something and just take it if he's in service of it if he's in need of it it's in a Bible you guys know the pot you know you guys know the skirt sir I'm talking about right he says uh listen man we need a donkey he spent the whole day talking about the donkey the other day right and he said I don't know if you know this story or not but he said where are we gonna get that he said just just go and there's gonna be one over there tied up just untie it and bring it to me you're like okay what's gonna happen one of the owners gonna think whenever we take that thing he's just telling the master his need of it can't pay your taxes go catch a fish and look in the fish's mouth look there's a coin okay yeah that wasn't a fish's mouth by the way weird the problem is if that happened to many of us as Americans we would start the brand-new fish mouth Church and we start my god is there how long each other's God or not if there's fishes go for God that'll have just people are stupid so so a Wonder is when you're just like man I don't know dude I know it's just I that's what Wonder is I won't tell you man we have to have childlike wonder if we're gonna have childlike faith a wonder is to shock your system in the gone I think I need to rethink everything amen man you need a Wonder and you need a whole bunch of wonders within your life well guys I want to it's almost time for me to close and I have to hurry up and finish but guys when it comes to the victory of Jesus there are these three parts of it and one is death one is burial and one is resurrection and I'm going to spend about 10 minutes unpacking this part right here and then I'm going to close and if you guys will let me because I promise you if you can grab a hold of this revelation that I'm about to give you man this is a game-changer okay when it comes to death and burial and resurrection there's there's one way that you deal with the shock of when you find out somebody has died but that's completely different in how you deal with the mourning process of a burial how do you deal everybody everybody reacts differently when they get that call that they hope that they would never get and if you live long enough you're gonna get that phone call like well people don't die yeah they do people die amen listen I'm not scared of death or you got scared of death listen I got a bunch of stuff to do I'm planning on leaving living at least another 120 years but if that doesn't work out ya promise you it's okay it's gonna be all right amen okay so I'm not scared of that but I want to just tell you know there have been times where I'm just like you go into this there's always a shock of disbelief of no no no no no no no no it's because you don't have a grid for the world without that person in and you're like no no no no no that didn't happen now I not have those kind of want no no no you're making a mistake just because I just didn't have a place to actually receive that news but by the time you get to the burial when you have the kind of day that is a day of crucifixion we're just it is so dramatic and it's so wrong on so many levels and it's just so bad on so many different levels so there is death burial and resurrection and when it comes to the death part there's one way that you deal with that and there sometimes we deal with that good and sometimes we do with that bad dealing with the shock of the day of the cross but it's completely different when you roll the stone in front of the grave and go it's over and Gaza I want to just I want to just tell you that if you're ever going to have a resurrection or a 100 fold move of God or a most holy place experience you have to be able to be trusted with burial dates okay there are things that you can and cannot afford to think certain conclusions on burial days God is trusting us with those days and all you're going to be able to think of at first is it's not fair it's not fair this is so wrong it's so wrong the injustice of this thing and now you move into this dark place where there's actually a burial and then you walk away from the grave going I have to go home now and I have to now try and figure out how to live my life and and I have to decide if I can even live life anymore and how life is going to taste different after this day of burial if somebody knows what they're doing in a funeral and most preachers do not I'm the worst critic of funerals that you have ever seen I cannot stand 99% of most funerals but if somebody knows what they're doing at a funeral they'll actually give everybody hope and they'll do as much celebrating of life as they will do during the momentum of during the the mourning of death because there's a tension between the appreciation of the life and the the incredible loss there's a Holy Ghost tension within that place that godly people can find and other people cannot find because if you're not careful on your burial days when a worst case scenario happens and the stone is Rove over in front of it and those Roman pigs put their stamp on it and says nobody can break this and they position themselves out front and they there you have a show of strength of did you see what we did and there was nothing you could do about it you have to be very careful with the conclusions that you come to because your head is gonna go crazy your head is gonna go nuts and the Lord is trusting us there are some times when when I come before God and not because guys like when you're in ministry not only are you involved in your mess but you're involved in everybody else's messes and I have to be real careful that I do not let myself ever entertain getting into a hopeless place amen I had to be incredibly careful that I never ever ever entertain I'm gonna get into a hopeless mess though what do you do at the burial the burial is real the burial Israel but it's also up to us if we give up hope or not it's up to us like well how can I have hope that now that this has happened how can I possibly have hope your your hope is not based upon a certain outcome of an event your hope is based upon the character of the Lord Jesus Christ and you have to make that switch I mean this is the way it is whenever you're a baby in Christ you know exactly how things are gonna go and when it doesn't go that way you throw a fit and you're devastated all right we had branch Alan Brewer over in my house last night he's a 2 year old Wow I haven't had a two-year-old my house in a long long time my guy whose kids are 24 and I'm like thing this brother is an avalanche branch the Avalanche and it'd be so cool because he'd be so happy and he was even I don't know his Roman noodles or whatever those are I he was eating something and he's eating them ramen noodles not Roman numerals I'd never said Roman numerals and he got down to the very last one and he was so happy and when there was no more he just threw his plate in there just lost his mind I cannot deal with the devastation of no more ramen noodles I knew the plate would never run out and that's right this is mine man that is awesome and I'm so glad he lives with his parents hallelujah I like man that kids great I love that kid man that that is something else man like wow I forgot about that kind of stuff was just exactly like that we will have outcomes we know it's gonna happen and then the worst-case scenario happens and you've got to roll the stone on it and then you got to step back and you got to go man I've got to be careful that I don't lose my hope Jesus Jesus I know you're trusting me I don't know how I can have hope except for my hope is in you it's not on anything else I don't have a grid for this planet right now but I got a grid for you and I'm not gonna accuse you of anything god there's a part of my flesh and God please forgive me God but there's a part of my flesh that wants to blame you because I know you could have stopped this I know you could have I heard grahamcooke say one time that what God does not stop with his power he will allow in his wisdom I went to a conference I didn't hear anything else after he said that he probably preached another hour and a half and I just sit there thinking about that what God does not stop with his power he allows in his wisdom he's like yeah I could have moved in my power but you know what this is a wiser move in light of a whole bunch of things that you do not understand so I want to show you in the Bible a classic instance a classic example of somebody who had a burial day that did something amazing this is my book of second Samuel and it's a lady that has a very unusual name her name is rizpah RI z pah pah and I'm just gonna I was going to read this but for the sake of time I'm just going to just tell you the story the Gibeonites had been sinned against in a terrible way SAW had done something horrible and there was going to be a price that had to be paid for it and so they rounded up seven of Saul's kids that were born to him of a concubine and you have to understand this was not a wife of Saul this is one of his concubines and concubines had children and that was just kind of a collateral part of the business of having concubines they were not heirs to the throne they were not considered royalty even though they were children of the king and there really wasn't a big place for them within society the concubine herself had no power she was a powerless woman she had no choice you know what her crime was she was good-looking and that was the terrible crime that she had committed was that she looked good enough to where the King wanted her and then the king would take her whenever he want and he would set her apart and say now you just belong to me I'm never going to go into covenant with you but you belong to me you're part of the king's house you're part of the Kings property the children that are born in those situations are special cases and a lot of times they grow up mad and mean because they're sons of the king but they're not heirs of the throne well this is exactly what happens to the sons of concubines whenever the King messes up they gather up all the sons of the king and they torture them and they hang them and kill them in front of everybody and this lady this lady with this amazing name rizpah she goes out there and she lays off she lays down sackcloth and at nighttime there's her boys who she loves with all of her heart hung from the neck and their corpses are hanging there and I want to tell you guys there's not much of a worse burial day than this and that night she made a fire and she camped out and when the Coyotes came and when the wild animals came and when the jackals came man she took rocks and she took sticks and she said I'm still fighting for my boys I'm still fighting for my boys I'm still fighting for my boys and she continued to fight and then the Sun came up and she fell asleep and when she woke up there was buzzards all over the bodies of her boys and she jumped up and she took a stick and she said I'm fighting for my boys I'm fighting for my boys and she would not leave and she camped out there for three months while the bodies of her two boys rotted in the Sun hanging from a rope and she said I will never stop fighting for my boys never and when King David heard about this when he heard that that woman had spent three days in the face of a worst-case scenario that is so horrible that I don't know that any of us in this room could even imagine that but she would not stop fighting King David said go and get them to down and bury them with the Kings they need a different legacy see how she conducted herself in a worst case scenario change her legacy and her heritage are you with me on that now I wanted to say this to you you don't you don't give up in the midst of a worst case scenario so don't you see they're dead yeah I see they're dead and I also see this they still got a mama that fights for him don't you see they're strung up yeah I see they're strung up and they still got a mama that fights for them don't you see your boys strung up on dope yeah I see some dope but she but he's got a mama that's still gotta fight for him don't you see that don't you see strung out on pornography yeah I see that but he's still got a mama he's still got a mom don't you see that your daughters had all these kids now she never been married yes I see all that but she's got a mama who's still gonna fight for her amen don't you see those kids are out there losing their mind and they don't love Jesus amen the devil got him by the devil got him in a noose yeah and you know what don't you see they got a mama that's still gonna fight for him when you when you fight when you fight on these kinds of days it gets the attention of the Most High King and he will change your heritage and he will change your legacy [Applause] the Bible says in Psalms 42 verse 5 why are you cast down to me on my soul why are you disquieted within me hoping God frost you yet praise Him the help of my in the help of my countenance my god this scripture right here is one of my favorite scriptures that shows me the character of King David in the inward battle that he had he would talk to the inside part of himself and say hey soul talk about my soul why are you all freaked out again I can tell you exactly how this is going to end God's going to do something amazing I'm gonna praise Him and since I can't count on you I'll count on him to lift me up that's next level awesomeness [Applause]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 1,270
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: oiMn56D_FNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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