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hey guys I must start vlogging one more time I'm gonna start vlogging hey hey guys hey guys welcome to the Atwood Thanksgiving I I'm gonna do that again hey hey guys welcome to the Atwoods Thanksgiving I've actually decided to cancel the whole thing and just play call of duty today that's it I told everybody to go home I don't want to eat I just want to play some video games with my boy right you just won't play video games all day yeah me too let's just do that you know Thanksgiving you know we can do it next year right no we're gonna have Thanksgiving today guys welcome to our Thanksgiving thanks for watching mama yeah you ever just take a rest you ever just sleep and relax I did earlier I got a little nap in John my couch I figured use in there taking my picture haha Ron are you ready for the Thanksgiving Brit you ready cut your head off yeah with all this stress I'm gonna take these things out of my mouth yeah any stupid whitening strips on my hand oh yeah oh yeah okay guys a couple things number one today's vlog should be very raw I mean very raw I want this to be and one of the reasons I'm doing this because I want this to be a memory for my family I want to be able to watch this blog ten years from now and actually see what we did and what we're doing so we're a little behind schedule as always uh we are just preparing the house we have so much to do so little time to do it came you want to help me finish this tree five days dude five days we haven't finished this tree you want to do it right now let's do it the ladder I know I got to get that out of here too just want to thank you guys for being here today and yesterday and you're here tomorrow we are just gonna be home with the family all day which to me perfect exactly what I want to do today do you think they're out the truck yeah I think so too yesterday we got we finally got the little hooks for the bulbs you put on the tree guys literally I think we were excited to set up the tree but we weren't excited to decorate it I got your big bulb kane picked this giant bulb out yesterday made us get it I mean with physical force he made us now we need a tree to go with it I know what kind of tree would you even put that on Wow a big tree that is a big ball so before the before the family gets here the girls are finishing up all the food which looks unbelievable guys holy cow and then Kane and I my buddy we're gonna finish the tree just wanna leave it right there that's fine you can we'll find a spot for it maybe we had the feeling fit maybe we hang it on the ceiling fan hook yeah that'd be cool right here look into the bulb or on the camera it looks pretty cool you gonna hook it yep yeah I really hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving I know that it's only celebrated here in America it's Thanksgiving only in the US no okay mother that's perfect great job put it put it wherever you want decisions decisions oh it's good to me can't hand me your uh your blue bulb pan it to me no let me see it don't tell mom don't tell on me oh yeah you like it I like that do you like it came let's check it out that looks really good yeah now we move the ladder what do you think nice nice she holding a big knife in her hand that's Kane's pick I'm gonna leave it alright okay I gotta come down and play I gotta come down and steal a smile more table this is gonna be our wonderful Thanksgiving table right here it's as good as any bump bump bump bump huh guys while I'm down here I want to give a super big thank you yesterday Brittany and I announced that we're doing a huge toy drive this year and the the feedback we're getting already has been overwhelming in just one day I mean people hitting us up from other states saying that they're doing toy drives and they're gonna personally drive all the toys that they get to us December 19th Brittany I will be on location in the address in the description of this video I'm putting the address that's where Brittany and I are going to be live we're gonna we're going to be there at the toy drive to deliver all the toys you guys can come help us you can come hang out take pictures it's just going to be a hangout we're not like we're not going to be there to be rushed around like we're just gonna hang out with everybody that shows up so come December 19th bring your toys and you can ship toys to the address below as well but I really just want to thank you guys for being a part of this I told you I want to make this between you and us we can make this the biggest toy drive they've ever seen and the donations already have been so cool so thank you for participating if you want to get in on it don't forget I'll put the address below where you can actually ship a toy and show up December 19th live we will be there it's gonna be really fun I can't wait to do this oh you know what else I got hang on I gotta run up and grab it Harry's actually sent us a bunch of giveaway stuff let me see you guys we do this like every month but they give it they sent us stuff to give away this kit actually I think they give us what five of them five of their holiday kids these are like but you can only get them during the holidays I guess but hang on I'm just here's how I'm gonna do it just five random comments on this video is gonna win their holiday package they're Harry's holiday package which you get all this stuff so extra razors heavy blade you know Harry's always hooking us up hooking you guys up and they sent us a bunch to give away so we're going to do that today as well so many cool things going on if you and then I guess if you don't want to participate in the giveaway you can simply go to harrys.com use promo code Roman or OMA in and get five dollars off these kits so you can check that out as well heavy-duty razor systems the bombs you guys know the drill go check that out as well that will be in the description below so lots to check out lots to do let's continue Thanksgiving five random comments are going to get a free package and then if you guys want to check it out go to the website harrys.com if you know anybody needs a great razor this is an incredible Christmas gift actually I mean a lot of people I know are asking for these for Christmas cuz I keep getting them this place is freakin wrecked guys who remembers who remembers what this basement looked like when we moved in who remembers wow what a change it has to be at least one six you're thinking I don't know it looks amazing but I'm on this is my gloves yeah I don't know that's it yeah I got it ready I'm gonna do this one-handed Oh all overnight you why is give it to us the turkey has hair under at arms yeah got on pants where would you like her right here oh my gosh Sam how did you know it was a her why didn't you cut the tail off cuz it put what yes the tails the best part may never had a cat before huh shoo I don't know tell anymore here okay guys I need suggestions Britt do I get rid of this table and put this here or would you just like me to set it up here I think this is fine yeah yeah you have sufficient yeah we can stare and look at tomorrow's lunch I need big help can you open that for me please that the one we're using is that the one we're using that's for all the kids so Brittany got a tablecloth that comes with crowns and you can color the whole thing and everyone gets a placemat you know who's gonna love this my dad my dad will sit there and coat you give it up hey Kane we it's a wave oh yeah we can take the sides it's perfect hey Kane do me a big favor hey pick up all your little cars and put them in that box okay can you put a little tape on there yeah I was thinking this is the kids table but this is just the atwood family table right here this is how we're gonna do it this year it's so nice outside guys it's warm you don't even need a coat today you help me carry all these chairs in thanks buddy take it all the way in don't stop do you get there this year's Thanksgiving is a lot different than most traditional Thanksgivings because our family is so spread out this year everyone's got different parties to go to different families to visit so everyone's kind of just peppering in and out of our house throughout the whole day so we're not gonna have that like huge family sit-down dinner it's just gonna be like visiting with everybody throughout the day what oh are you thankful for me yeah thankful for you I think okay what do you mean don't talk about my baby like that time to stock that fridge up this baby has been empty we got to check it out I fell for all these old fashioned like glass sodas hey no oh hope you guys are having such a good day man I hope you had a great Thanksgiving I know well you don't actually celebrate Thanksgiving but I hope you had a great day just the same alright that looks better even got a little juice bucks for the kids how many you guys dress up for the holidays like uh your parents are you yourself just make you dress up I loved having Thanksgiving at home that is where my stuff I don't do anything extra if you're wondering why this chair is always in front of the toilet it's because Kane plays while he's gone bloody he plays on his iPad right here I know he's already part of the the Millennials just you on the side if I should do something extra before the family gets here or just go like this just go just go run on out with style this is me I'm just gonna go like this or I'm just being lazy I can't decide hi my mom and pops just got here Happy Thanksgiving Thanksgiving and you said these are homemade yeah well they're Dee Ann's recipe but you made them let me brush yeah what is it just rolls get them cane kiss me oh you got a boo-boo little baby yeah Ganim cane show who's boss around this house Oh Oh too slow Joe he's now wow that's a lot of food guys I don't know how many you think we're feeding but you want me go get the chainsaw baby how about the hot cheese in there I need a serrated blade alright guys here is our table and it looks amazing you're not holding back are ya you're in you ready I think everyone's about ready um-hum you're a bit eaten today I had a couple pieces of cheese what are you doing coming prepared I'm not gonna blow anything up look to prayer helmet just in case you guys are new to the channel I blew up a turkey years ago this is long forgotten everyone might - of it it's close to her all right that was when you were 12 I was 12 well the one I did on YouTube was yeah you'll bless it in that we can have a good year this year and well we're ready well let's eat you don't need a helmet I promise everyone's safe in this house just don't worry about the cameras I set up around the house don't be shy the table is fully you know olive oil you think I'm looking to cholera - we thought you might we've had you in mind when we need it I am thankful for is it are you making your thankful list oh we didn't bring up our decorations how's the food guys great I was up all night making all this you know that where did that uh everybody's loving the table everybody was kung fu fighting tintin tintin tintin tintin we gonna color there you go I got a color something hey what's up guys [ __ ] dick he's got his cheese dip every single time so Dale brought you guys know that after Thanksgiving is Black Friday it's actually probably Black Friday as you're watching this and why everybody releases all their ads Britney her mom go out every are you gonna take a camera tonight Black Friday shopping sure it's gonna featuring hasn't been that bad lately because they do it like late now you know that dick there's a that much newspaper in ten weeks look at this I'm seeing see deals here babe I don't know what I mean I thought you'd like a nice fit I thought you'd like a nice necklace or something Thanksgiving proposal would you think I was talking about these I know listen to him I'm not getting anything oh come here Britt is going out she does traditional black bottle sales with her mom I'm trying blog hopefully you get some craziest sometimes it's not that bad I'm 36 and it's gonna be me too bad UK oh my god I'm gonna go get no okay oh I love you don't do that yeah I don't know if I can handle it oh you break me you're getting too big I love you yeah I'm here I'll see you soon okay I'm gonna go get Noah whew is stinky out here I was like farm animals okay I love you be careful hey well blog for these guys hey well maybe I can make someone oh my gosh I hope and now for the serious part of the vlog one of the hardest parts about any holidays for me is not having my son Noah all the time it's hard I mean it's hard enough during a normal day but it's really hard during the holidays you're with family and we're very family-oriented everything I do revolves around my family for some reason the holidays makes it really really hard like hard I can't want to wake up with my kids I want to want to do everything with my kids and it really is hard to not be with them 24 hours a day so holidays especially I don't know it's tough it's hard it's hard on me I want to sound like a baby but this is not like honestly my life and I miss my kids all the time I don't have that privilege I'll being with my son Noah every day so positive side of things is I am going to get Noah right now so I'm super excited about that he'll be joining us for the rest of the evening and see ya oh good I just want to let you guys know that's one of my hardest things I'm fighting it's not me with my kids all stuff it's hard it's hard on me I hate it hate it so much you go surprise Kane he's gonna be so happy I don't know oh maybe they're hiding boy you missed all kids closely kids are asleep dang they really wanted to see you but they loved hmm where could they be are you pulled huh get up man that stinks the kids went to sleep could've totally had so much fun with them plus they got this giant bag of candy man I'm gonna eat all this candy right now that'll get one out oh man look at this bag of chocolate no uh that got to out man look at this giant bag of toys I got for you guys I know oh there is he Cana asked for Noah all day all day man asking roll then oh cool all right I'm counting everybody hide hide hide hide good spots this time you want to count with me okay you three gotta hide ya downstairs or upstairs oh the whole house no garage okay we've been hanging seat for a while it's my turn to count go okay three four five six seven eight nine ten all right here we come ready yeah let's get them a did it dad it down it down it see nobody in here you guys want a serious game behind go seek I am her put that down somebody sure those are evidence they gotta be up here oh you okay oh this games tearing this family apart this would be a really hard spot to find some kids you think thick in there you know how I would find out if someone's in your game I'd make them laugh yeah gotta make that alone over in there why don't you part roll out and see if anyone laughs yeah okay ready really quiet and listen for any noises okay I don't hear anybody whoa look at this giant bag of cars anybody want to play with cars they're not in here that would get them out all right let's keep looking he's one of the hardest hunts of the night right here how about this who'd you find uh you bust Oh Andale two for one ah you see Noah we're looking for the hardest one now oh that would have been a good spot check in there the manhunt continues no fun in here whoa ah come on play all right you must be downstairs guys wait hey wait and pick up mom and we are walking into our first store there's not a line out the door up to place just to like everywhere it yeah everything is usually left it's not too bad there are all over the store it has not been crazy busy so I haven't blogged munch munch munch munch we should come out so it hasn't been crazy busy so we haven't vlogged much and we're kind of looking for Christmas stuff so just hard we're going on Walmart now yeah that should be fun so I'm guessing I'll just pull my camera out and see what we see Black Friday this is okay so we missed most of the I think citing poor things um but they have these really cool like bow and arrow things it's not like that kickboxing that's what our little monster Kane needs something he can hit and punch and get his aggression out Oh hockey game yeah that's pretty there's some pretty cool stuff here yeah I do not need any more sprinkles oh my god don't let him go stop red tasted his ass you don't know I still might move I'm blue I'm gonna like mighty roar good cover all right house Wars funny yeah let's get laughter that's your arm behind your back guess what holy crap shaking the guy ran right by me and everyone's like stop him stop him and I'm just like grab my camera like I'm not gonna stop him but I'll film it so it's just like there's a bunch of cops there's a squad that just pulled in it's higher than its height everyone said he was on drugs don't do drugs kids that's where it will never end anything good there's literally like 10 cops trying to get this guy out of the car into the ambulance okay so we're done officially done done we got not everything we needed or wanted to get on sale but oh well most of it what I don't have a home hired I'm ready to go home eat and go to sleep all right guys mommy is back how was it I can't believe you caught somebody get arrested but it wasn't that busy no it wasn't that bad at all um I think the longest line was Sonnen was like 15 20 minutes well it's not bad at all yeah we had a we had a good time we definitely trashed the place it is guys we're gonna get the kids but you know yet heyno then I'll go over Noah hey bring it out of my bed you break it out of my bed boy I think this is the first time the upstairs doesn't look that bad it doesn't look too bad hmm good night little man love yeah me too ah sleepy mm-hmm you'll never admit it mm-hmm so today was Thanksgiving man get plenty of reasons to be thankful mm-hmm think about it did you actually think about it today like man I'm thankful to have my calendar we are wrapping up our night guys putting it to bed it's late Mike it's way too late you have to sleep at least till 9:30 it's like death to kids man if somebody told me I have to sleep in the maraad be like ha once upon a time daddy and King went on a big fishing trip big fishing trip and we had to go get fishing poles Wow hooks what worms not gummy worms no real worse Oh do you think fish like worms don't know I think they do King caught a fish how big how big was your fish that that big yeah oh my gosh Cain was winning so daddy casted his big ol gummy worm out there how big do you think daddy's fish was that big bla oh my fish why going that big yeah she said I was just wondering when you're gonna get home I said silly mommy we're coming home when all the gummy worms are done so she said okay I love you I love you guys um Happy Thanksgiving one last time I'm trying to find a good spot for the light there's no good spot how's that we are we love you and you know what I noticed tonight like the more I wanted to like just vlog everything it's like when my family's around you guys know if you watch a long time when the family's around I usually set the camera down and I just enjoy our time together and that happened to me tonight like I filmed a lot but I didn't film as much as I wanted to like I wanted to film all night but I don't know I just we just visited and I don't think all that should be on camera Oh Britney's already asleep I literally on the entire dress I missed you oh you have been out with I was a little scare that guy literally ran right by me I don't get that I can't believe that was like catching catch him watch out let's just grab the cam huh blog it do it for the blog I know we love you guys um have you ever been Black Friday shopping you guys ever done it like what's some crazy stories and you've seen like what's the craziest thing you've seen in public that's what I want to know today hope you had a wonderful day with your family and friends and we love you we will see you tomorrow smile more do the click thing for me here what are you talking about I am what well I'm on the side I'd shot Gary for John toy drive who put the sticker on and cut you out who blindfolded Lee put this sticker on him the
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 14,695,012
Rating: 4.9012775 out of 5
Keywords: GREATEST, vlog, vlogging, Romans, pranking, prank, vlogger, crazy, BEST, Born, movie, Natural, THE, LA, vlogs, family-friendly, Prankster, family vlogs, columbus, ohio, making, RomanAtwood, smile, everyday, more, prankster, new, family fun, roman atwood vlogs, kid-friendly, pranks, atwood, family friendly, craziest, roman, kid friendly, day, daily
Id: uWqXRJsVf5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2015
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