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[Music] hey hey God hey hey guys how the heck are you we are headed to the dentist my buddy put you just not putting your shoes on should have a very nice long vlog for you today it's beautiful out the trees are changing colors the fall is happening look at all the color hey really don't do that I love the dynast it's my man scuffle you want to run in with mommy yeah okay come on all right let's see if we mister come on you open that door for me please he misses you mom give me my keys let me see that I am that hand hmm like you got both hands mom I can hear you jingling he's worried about you hey we're gonna go get pancakes and sausage oh hey don't you go dying on me [Laughter] he's like I'm not leaving mom hey Google good breakfast with me I'll get you five thousand pancakes and a semi-truck you want five thousand pancakes do you want five eggs I would just want yeah you're so easy to please let's go you roll all my chapstick out you finally got Kane out of the I never seen like so attached to mommy today finally got out we're gonna go get breakfast while she's getting her teeth clean and we'll go back and pick her up okay yeah and then you're gonna be you mean you want to get your teeth cleaned okay let's do it do we got this awesome sunshine today what should we do we should definitely take advantage of it King beat me once twice daddy won that one are you hungry you're not hungry cuz daddy just ordered a dump truck full of food like a whole still accurate no we're gonna eat and then for dessert for dessert and you've got a Tutsi role on standby that's too much butter can you spread it on okay there's no way we can eat all this food not just spread it there you go get all over [Music] so modest with it I ate too much you gotta pick me up me carry me can you pick me up what oh oh my gosh you got me you got oh you got me I got you okay okay guys crazy story so we were just at the dentist picking up Britt Cain actually got his teeth cleaned and I missed the whole thing because I got out of the car drop my Brent like how long am i had this when we were in LA brand-new basically dropped it crushed it won't even come on basically I missed all of Kings Dennis stuff he did so good he wouldn't got his teeth clean show me your teeth look at them pearly whites so I've got this camera on backup forgive me if there's a little blurriness today it is my old blurry camera so here we go we didn't mean to intrude mama what's wrong don't don't give me no attitude this this is what you're struggling with you give up so easy to know I've been does handyman need to stop by do I need to call him yeah this house is obviously a madhouse we got to get out of here how long you guys gonna be here what's it doing it's going in the recovery mode yeah I just want to put it out of his misery so that's like when you step on a bug on accidents later you just want to kill it yeah this sounds good right I was so excited like I thought I fixed it should've known you're not the best fixing I fixed your life all right so after removing the whole front of the camera on accident with the screwdriver it's on it's completely on it I think it's working it's focusing everything the only thing is if I turn it off it's like super commitment I think it's game over ready let's just see not bad all right now doc let's not be negative here but the thought is that she did it on her own guys smile more peekaboo yo I was just sitting here getting gas and I saw breaking the whole world like did you see her did you okay so we're running out real quick we were supposed to do this on the way home but my blog camera broke all the way home got this camera we are going to Grandma and Rhonda are there duck why do we call her dumb is it weird that we call her duck maman we're gonna play an old-fashioned prank on him you've probably seen this prank before we didn't come up with this prank but I think it's the perfect thing to do to them we're gonna take the old Windex bottle and empty it out fill it with blue Gatorade and then I'm gonna drink the Windex I would imagine that at least duck is gonna freak out grandma it's so hard to get a reaction out of her well you're gonna be sick junk Winx so like I got you guys okay so we're gonna play a little gag on today hopefully there's still there when we get back that's why in the vlog I said how long you gonna be here she said they're gonna be there how did I guess you would want this they should make one that seats like thirty kids a whole bus oh I got two colors thinking we could make some it'd be about the color you know the color Windex that well yeah I think this is it in between really yeah all right I'm not gonna argue with you but that's pretty amazing that you know that huh mommy there's something chasing me something chasing me we're back home the ladies are out there yeah they're not they're not gonna be like that's not the blue bag I just forgot how to film it I can't rap you're out of coma if you're just filming again this thumbs up oh my god it looks just so you bring them in here okay ask me something about whatever it was asking did we for the trashcans whatever and then I'll take this out the brochure yeah when they come out but you don't really smell good oh my god let me make sure it's against them Brittany just took them back there Windex GoPro I don't know how this is gonna work all right well you see the girl yeah get you guys Windex you've been complaining that you haven't had windows that's really good Roman you can't drink that oh that wait doesn't that have what check oh this is the good stuff what's that stuff with the a he's a nitwit oh no way Roman you're gonna get sick my god he's an idiot it's better than you think dude all the kids are doing it would you mind handing me my 20 minutes I'm gonna feel great this is like the new yeah this is the new thing everyone's doing it he makes something up he wouldn't drink it if it wasn't mixed everything you can have the rest from the windows he'll uh it's probably sticky but ghostly my teen are you mean the Windex [Laughter] heart attack she just met that's pretty legit well I'm glad I'm glad I got you at least I knew mama went topless [Music] we all sticky you didn't know all right I think we're gonna have a beautiful sunset tonight you know grill out some steaks real fast I mean that's your call spins on a whole story you want to be 12 [Laughter] what are you doing eatin we kind of skip through dinner my mom stopped by what we can show me some we uh yeah my mom stopped by which is great oh cool okay so apparently you freeze these and then put it in any drink and I'll turn into a slushie right we're gonna find out okay freeze it up I'll be back okay you know what daddy's gonna do daddy's gonna go finally go get a haircut once no I'm not you want me to Cain's upset I'm not getting smile more on the soda how about if I do it how about if you do it I'll do it yeah you do smile on the side of your hand no you need both of us what do you think guys should we both do it how about I get more and you get smile and then we'll take a picture side by side us a smile more you just get opposite side yeah okay we'll think about it let's see what these guys think I'll be right back bye you can stay with mommy lucky ducky I'll see you guys soon I love you baby get my boy yeah thanks that was loud I hope that you guys can sit back during this vlog right now and think of some of the things you're thankful for think of some of the things that you have that is awesome in your life you know it's so easy so I do it all the time I think of a negative traffic thing oh my god I gotta take care of this and I gotta fix this problem but when you actually think about how good you have it man life is awesome it's awesome don't worry about that don't even worry man we're didn't ever change anything just realize how good you have it you have it good okay it's kind of like I always tell you guys man keep a big smile on your face keep moving forward things will get better I know I haven't thrown this stuff at you for a while I've laid off a little bit I know the haters love when I talk about this stuff because it gives them something to hate on you know people don't like to be told what to do no matter what it is me telling you to think positive and smile baby that's telling you what to do so it actually irritates a lot of people but that's who I am and that's what I live by and that's what I push on you guys want you to realize how good you have it no matter how bad it is it's gonna get better right let's do it we can do it together you know so I got to tell you my son Kane really wants me to put smile more on the side of my head I kind of long my hair what has been this long forever why don't you guys tell me what do you think we should do smile more soon yeah giant lizard yeah oh my gosh your head oh man I should surprise him that's what I should do well I'm a new boy again you just took a couple years off me man thank you thank you okay tear it up tear it up I usually take rafters down so you'd have to reinforce that man sorry just at his wisdom teeth pulled out yesterday you should take it easy [Laughter] are they frozen yet six hours yeah I lost my hair look like a you all right do you like it thank you guys working on whoa what do you mean um see that right there yeah huh it's gotta go you got to put the shaft in the holes I get it I am gonna dive in the shower at first artist nasty hair off my face and then I'm making a big plate of chips and cheese because I'm craving it and I can't live without it don't act like that I see your popcorn back there don't even say it's Kane's I knew it I need you'd say that I look a little better than yeah okay tell me I never loved it at first because it's so long here and not here they're so short at first I liked it all right so I tried to have a nice little shower and Britney decided to have a party while I was gone are you kidding me with all this cheese cane are they still not frozen it's all right dude we'll do it tomorrow look at this mess all I want to do is come out and make chips and cheese that's it come here you want cherry some trips and cheese ring a little too long nope just right alright guys I am gonna use the rest of this night not just to edit this vlog but to edit the new prank we still have a couple days but it's gonna be worth it I hope maybe maybe not you probably not gonna like it either way I'm really enjoying the Edit and I'm having fun with it it was like 12 cameras don't lie you asked me since we have a few days I want to do something really fun a couple days until the prank comes out I want to do something really fun I got a kick out of this so somebody tweeted this today and I here's what I want to do watch this yeah I don't know why I got such a kick out of that it's awesome so the kid runs out opens his door and tells his whole neighborhood that Roman hat was got a new prank I love it I thought it was hilarious so here's what I want to do for everybody that wants to participate I will be retweeting all the best videos you guys telling other people that Roman has a prank coming out and tweet it I don't want you to at me like at Roman Atwood video I want you to like he wrote telling the neighborhood about hashtag Romans new prank so hashtag Romans new prank I think it would be really fun have fun with it creative I'm gonna be sharing them on all my social networks and probably the best ones right here inside the vlogs so I should probably give this dude a shout-out but I don't know if he posted it let me see here I think it's a traffic Chris is the guy that posted that and kind of inspired this whole idea let's start some social media love guys let's start basically it's the soldiers prepare for battle baby let's tell the world make your coolest videos hashtag Romans new prank and I'm gonna start flooding them I'm gonna start sharing them tweeting them let's get it trending like like let's start a trend people start sending video this is gonna be awesome I'm trying to do longer vlogs I have some massive things coming this weekend for you I just can't wait to share it with you it's killing me I love you guys thanks again send your videos hashtag Romans new prank we're gonna have fun with it I love you smile more you're freaking awesome Britney had to get some serious work done and now her arms are what happened to you can you clap [Laughter]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 8,473,498
Rating: 4.9255862 out of 5
Keywords: vlogs, smile, everyday, day, prankster, new, THE, Romans, pranks, kid-friendly, ohio, vlogger, RomanAtwood, LA, pranking, roman atwood vlogs, vlog, family vlogs, GREATEST, family fun, columbus, family-friendly, family friendly, atwood, roman, Born, movie, Natural, crazy, daily, more, Prankster, prank, making, kid friendly, BEST, craziest, vlogging
Id: zuB8Io8_nbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2015
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