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there is just no hope for me right now Oh what's up guys good jeez hey hey hey I love you you're ready to see me it turned into a cake right right yeah Brittany's gonna go out and get everything we need I'm gonna stay here get like look at me I'm all right I think lots of cake icing maybe get some like gummy bears but I cannot breathe Brittany's gonna take the camera take you guys out to get all the cake stuff and I'm gonna stay here with the boys they should you taking this camera yeah I love you bye this song just came on and I was like it's Robin within here right now he'd jump out of the car this is a song last night he was like trying to sing oh my gosh this place is closed okay so that place doesn't open till noon so I got like 40 minutes I'm gonna call Rome and I guess I'll go to like Target that's like next door and see if we need anything from the house better answer the call has been forwarded to an automated voice-messaging system fine okay that was not threesome this is what I need their boxes and then you used to add water so we still have to make them and add water try out for box one box makes 64 cupcakes so I think that should be just thank you okay let's see if Roman has an erection I'm gonna take one box of the icing mix and um let's just see what he says I'm thinking he's gonna say wait that's not what it is and you're gonna need more than this hi mama where's Roman oh let's see if this works hi hey I got it that's cake mix please you have to make it yeah make it I thought it was just like you just scoop it out and put it on so today I'm all you're gonna get hit with the sprinkle cannon huh sprinkle cannon you never done that before I don't know I thought they were with you so yeah I got a nice shower while you're gone I don't know why cuz I'm just gonna get covered in stuff yes what the heck you got some bread did you stop at the market well I've been hit with flour yes I can get you here yes we're gonna load these sprinkles up probably only like that much into that tube and shoot it at me really yeah okay sounds like a good idea that for that full of icing yeah oh my god you got way too much I can already tell you that no we're gonna do like the chest up you're gonna shoot my legs yeah mom yeah arms to your fades in your head yeah we gotta how many this off isn't it like I'm gonna be extra sweet today you think this is gonna be big enough pot let's get our dismantled gingerbread house out of here on to our next baking project no it came broken you ready yo that's one let's just make two and see how much it is and then we can make more well mom I'll just did away with the gingerbread we're gonna eat that sorry now ready watch one this you tough guy huh that's gonna be enough yeah so fluffy chains preparing for battle I'm gonna set up this cannon let's get going doing easier gonna hurt I got even think about that like the pain the pain today did it don't did it it didn't intend why did I buy this thing it's time to break the seal on the sprinkles yep you gonna cut it that low hey smell good Wow wait Louie we didn't put the plug in it oh I don't know if you need to with these yeah don't be back out I want to put a little plug in it what would you say it's a bazooka boys wrong loggin I see I don't know I guess the more the better there's nothing to go really I thought Kane was gonna be sneaking sprinkles over there all right boy oh yeah nice dude that won't even faze this bag no not even faze it we are preparing for spring cold warfare it's me like four cups no one more I just give it to me yeah once you tilt the gun down its gonna start pouring out yeah all right don't spill that I'm gonna get the slo-mo cam setup Noah are you gonna run the slo-mo cam why do I come up with these dumb ideas I just set up a slow-motion camera and why do I make bets with you guys like should I do it yes you guys are gonna say yes every time what are you doing it's amazing I don't know what all this is though I should take that we're short of shorts but I think we're just gonna aim for chest up yeah so but go ahead and like icing my hands like you know what I worry about is if I flex all the sprinkles gonna blow back at you guys oh here we go oh you could have heated it up mm-hmm don't you keep that what am i doing yeah make it nice and thick yeah won't wake up a sprinkle proof vest on oh it's already on the chair yeah not on my back well it's probably better than when you are in Finland that will never live that down you love us not you yeah I see me oh you know what Brittany like sprinkles so much she's perfect purposely turning me into a sprinkle man I'm gonna be so mad if the sprinkles don't stick I can feel all the icing just like the weight is coming down okay we don't need it back here I'm not a baby all right no internet challenge to sprinkle I'm kidding don't do this mmm you're not fire sprinkles at yourself this is how far the Internet's gone I mean whoa why stop the run day slo-mo cam for now I have to teach them what yeah girl well know what you like move something we got it all set up you just push that middle button and then make sure I'm in the shot Wow looks like a white shirt on camera I'm cake boy coming to bake your cake Hey is it your birthday we got to bake your cake so funny dad how's that safety freaking get in I know it's gonna hit me grow my hair you might as well do the math just not my eyes yeah it's so heavy mm-hmm there's no safety on this thing okay three to record shoot wait no I didn't go either well mine went but three to record oh my ear all do it again we'll get more go fill it yeah all that look oh my gosh now letís go all right so she bout tore my ear off with that one oh if you can thought what we're gonna do it again I'm not happy with that we need harder faster more sprinkles good okay ready huh yep thanks three two like stop my well my niece too much wrinkles on you now of a mess I thought it'd be worse so I can shoot my hand so I can shoot you at the hose now this mask that's pretty awesome it's getting like glue how are you gonna get it off you didn't get come off in the shower right it's water-based well I'm gonna get the most of it off nice no it's not just go get in the shower well I want to get the dick of it off do you want my dish salt like Dawn dish soap we'll probably Oh my trick so long well maybe that's good I see what I've done I'll play video games of the kitties you ready to make this gaming video yeah Cain you won't make a gaming video alright guys we're gonna jump right into it we got taters then we're gonna play some Just Cause 3 Noah's on the controller right now and I'm literally filming it with another camera so forgive the quality it's very generic there's people on the bridge there's all trees what other people in the bridge that's perfect here we go see oh my dude where did those people go oh he's drunk look he stuck whoa he's so lucky get him out of there rescue him we're just pulling off going for the double doing the double oh can you do - awesome hitchhikers they need some help no huh no car works just fine lady Oh what she's doing is she doing have it is faster that's a cool car though well she mad I mean to say dirt maybe a yellow interior that's an interesting color pattern what up gonna do something why don't you hook her to it doesn't she since she loves her car so much you take her with you now Drive oh my gosh she won't let go oh oh she wanted was a jealous car he's dangling like a fishing lure oh she let go ding relentless I don't know if any of you guys played just cause to but no and I used to live on it man we used to go right to the airport hooks up to the planes and take off this one we just started this so like you immediately free rum so we've just been goofing off she during the ones we go look at the view it's amazing especially at dark is a good time yeah it's a little town Oh gas station oh they're already or actually I'll get behind this no I want to see it the slow-mo do this though I saw you in trouble you were in trouble boy Oh even if I do straight I've seen birds do that in real life yeah I go straight down on the road actually seen birds do that yeah and die I've seen birds fly straight into the ground and die yeah or a hit a window have you ever seen one hit a window not in real life away on video I remember sitting in class this one classroom maybe two birds the whole year don't hit and our teacher let us go outside never be a dead bird oh dude this was two players you blow that thing up oh my gosh oh dude how are you alive you know you're hurt when there's no audio swimming with the fishies what's really cool these have the rafts at home oh they come out you go to him oh I can't oh you can totally breathe through there go for it rattling the walls you gotta get out of there now God Oh a little more broke that's crazy yeah and play bumper cars yeah you got that your whole car is gonna blow up by the time you get here just making new spots it's my grapple like all these old people don't even know what's going on also it's my turn now everybody leaves me you better come back camera and version yeah sure you guys noticed by now I play inverted which is different than everyone else I know check this guy out sweep it with no sweep yeah he's got no broom go up in your room and get your broom now this guy looks so bored see how he feels about this put them on the bench it doesn't know he has no care for anything all right let's step it up a notch the dude is sitting in thin air listen hey all right not done right now no not done with your magic moves legs all right see how you feel about this see how you feel about this oh oh he's watching he wants it he wants it he want all this guy's good good yeah no care for me all right step it up all right buddy let's see how you like this one yeah what if i hook the van there and then i ramp off there we go bungee jump oh I'll be the scariest situation ever can you imagine three two one Kerry goes the van still up that's Oh a little bit of gameplay for you guys I hope you know Joey didn't have a whole lot of time my brother and his kids are getting ready to come over so we're gonna wrap it up just a little bit before you tell me if you want us to do a lot more of games we have all kinds of fun I think that's my turn face all right guys we're warping into the end of this video I hope you enjoyed the whole vlog come up with some new ideas what can Brittney do why am i doing the stupid stuff I wasn't stupid oh-oh we sought to go skydiving we are but it's winter here we have to travel to that which we're working on guys don't worry we love you guys so much we'll see you tomorrow what's some cool challenges that may be obtuse I'll do more but what's something I think of you you your turn your tongue love you guys you're awesome don't forget it mama here we go here we go Jim whoa whoa it's bad if you guys to watch yesterday's vlog Britney hit my entire face and makeup and the
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 5,749,417
Rating: 4.9408255 out of 5
Keywords: GREATEST, vlog, vlogging, Romans, pranking, prank, vlogger, crazy, BEST, Born, movie, Natural, THE, LA, vlogs, family-friendly, Prankster, family vlogs, columbus, ohio, making, RomanAtwood, smile, everyday, more, prankster, new, family fun, roman atwood vlogs, kid-friendly, pranks, atwood, family friendly, craziest, roman, kid friendly, day, daily
Id: XW0PgzG1v64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2015
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