Our Honeymoon!! Best Place On Earth.

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hey guys welcome to Brittany and eyes official this is like this is our honeymoon we are on our honeymoon and it's crazy because we I did film coming here but I never I never said hello err or introduced what we were doing I just started filming so it's it's kind of a travel thing anyways I the best place to start is it's just the beginning I just want to say hello before that started we're here and it's just unbelievable thank you so much for yeah I should say that this is a super like mental and physical reset this place is is gorgeous let's get here first so let's start the beginning thank you for your love and support on our family and just supporting us through this once again a break again so that we could do this I love you guys thanks for all the support and everything let's jump on that intro [Applause] [Music] okay super tough decision we can take a cab which takes about one hour to get to our resort or there's a helicopter that takes six minutes to get to the resort [Music] guys we are in our room right now and I'm a true okay so there's um a guy that gave us a tour of the room and kind of explained everything to us and I'm just like well I'm speechless here like we've really outdone ourselves on this one and I want to give you a quick tour this room too because I want to remember this forever as well on this video so here we go I obviously just come through the front door it's any other front door and then you walk in and hopefully we don't need this and it's a big open floor and the view is ridiculous dude we got our own pool there's no walls it's wide open this is art that's art it's not a window this is our room and it just goes right out there are no curtains there are no blinds that's it how insane babe like I'm I'm look our bed is like you're just out like we have birds living with us like we got this amazing pool look at this pool it just pours right off the edge shown the time okay Brittany and I were both like I hope there's doors on that bathroom that's long sign and there isn't this is our bathroom okay yeah but like a little wall a little wall so check it out first of all this is super dope because you take a nice relaxing romantic remember this is a honeymoon like this is together ten years we're married and we're on a once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon this is so special to us to see things like this first of all is it real to me it feels fake it feels like I'm dreaming I'm gonna wake up be like June I went to this place and it was mind-blowing so we got our tub with candles and super romantic isn't her sink whatever my throne look literally poop outside basically actually I feel like the toilets the most private spot like you have little plants walking in the shower look I mean you just shower forget this you literally just stand here and shower it doesn't feel it feels pretty comfortable honestly I don't feel like anybody's in the woods with the telescope right there so we've made it and I am freaking mother like I teared up when we but he's showing me this plate burning did too and we just can't believe that we're here like we've done this like I don't even know I don't even know how to explain it I don't know how to explain it but uh yeah I had to do a little throw the room because it's just a special to us and it's so beautiful it is on another level comfort beauty and it's kind of weird like I'm used to like you'd put a/c on if you were hot right there's no a/c like you got some fans you got a fan in our bed which is genius that's Jesus it's our honeymoon film here look at that um so we're just kind of taking it in apparently you can climb this mountain right here too how cool is this guys how cool is this like literally crazy you won't break just pull in let's go let's go I'm pretty Airport I'm airport 'add right now so I need to any cool off trunks on Oh baby let's go no diving the sign says it over there no I totally thought you're in a ballet snack see it's way deeper than you thought I love you so much wait are you saying oh really you're not on your knees that is super deep view is so incredible you guys been on this channel a long time we've never had a pool in our living room I've never had bed in our living room either it's it's I love the open play hey Brett how's the toilet she's taking advantage of I'm in the pool so she has a moment I can't stop it's gonna take me a week just to get used to this view and you probably wall so cameras off I'm not even filming what's going on up here [Music] at all what do you see out there there's quite fish down there is it let's go check this place out that's a venture a little bit no it's hey guys welcome um I shouldn't say well I feel like I'm starting a new vlog we are eventually I mean it's on borrow it's on borrowed time this looks like it used to be something old feel like I'm in video game look at this place Wow not like like a place you'd like wore out in a videogame or adventure and some Laura Croft stuff I don't know if this um we're on the very top this is the restaurant right here on top of us and then there's there's more rooms like ours right there nuts dude okay so what do you do on a honeymoon it's it's I mean besides the obvious like what do you do it's oh there are koi there are koi fish I mean I feel like we have like I'll show you guys later we have like this entire booklet a free literally everything you can think of on this island free uh scuba diving mountain biking uh everything you can think of boating sunset cruise everything and and we're like we do all that on a minute who do we really just disappear and relax for a moment you know I don't know my addiction is to do everything possible but it's like do we just go lay on the beach do we just go sit by the pool do we just shut down for a moment I don't know only time will tell we just really got here it's we just woke up here today it's day two technically and I don't know we're gonna go find the beach we're gonna go find the beach we're up on a mountain yeah way this it's beautiful breathtaking what we're gonna try to find the beach we love the beach palm trees unreal sunshine oh it's so pretty it's like this is crazy dude look how high up we are it's not even like us not to say fall on a beach oh she's almost done you sleep in good state on the beach like you could always stay on a beach but this time we just I don't know we went way outside of our own or like imagine coming to work everyday here like how do you even get up here oh oh I see you little buddy I see you low man well there is like steps in the middle of the road that's cool look at this so forgive me I'm Way like over like I'm I feel like I'm over-exaggerating raining how beautiful this is but I I just can't stop like look like look at the land we're in this is straight a genius just put this sucker in the side of a mountain it's you know somebody like laughed at him when he said this was his idea right a resort and a side of that mountain it's like straight jungle rainforest we made it baby we made it look at this mmm yeah coming up start part we've made it to the view - everybody says welcome to paradise here and it's truly I mean it's I told Britt I was like I was like I feel like he died this would be like heavens waiting room right here this is like please hold spend a little time here before we're ready yeah it's like almost but it's like it's like and on camera on camera it looks like just regular but it's like got black all in it okay another huge reason we came here there's only 29 rooms at this resort so you kind of have a beach to yourself there's a couple people here and there but it's super private a super spot to disappear for us which is huge and it's adults only so not a lot of fan interaction it's very poor it's really a honeymoon and it really feel freaking amazing but on the entertainment side of things like on the entertaining gets entertaining and entertain I don't know it's like it's like I think we're just gonna film our memories on the strip because this is like I don't know how crazy it's gonna be you know right now it's like bath water the water so warm chat Caribbean water how's it feel baby very natural it is uh the water is so warm dude it's totally the truth the hills it doesn't look crystal clear because the sun's not beating down on it but it is come on come on free on the beach I'll pee on it can't meet the Caribbean and the Caribbean which one is it Caribbean or Caribbean Pirates of the Caribbean or parts of the Caribbean ok so you got this flag you stick in the sand that means that we want or whatever yeah don't let it fall over looks like a fall baby what do you want are you hungry [Music] ok we are we're gonna jump onto a boat like we want to get out on a boat see this leg huh all that huge room [Music] [Music] privacy please camera barely got it we just finished the most phenomenal dinner of all time live music it's just incredible there [Music] they lit the candles holy holy romantic are you serious are this flowers chocolates dude that is awesome you had him do that oh thank you yeah I was actually like its really wish told me to go potty but they filled our table with like rose petals and I smells amazing amazing I really do have to go potty though leave me to my throne private private show Oh its ups freaking out sorry you say Kervin maybe you can help us explain like what we're doing today because we don't really know history it's taking a quite the wall get down this path actually it's like you're gonna do like I said mission stuff solution stuff yeah my bath meaning is there like hot springs it's a mystery mystery trip today we're getting oh it's 60 is that Celsius okay then it's hot it's hot okay so we're getting mud baths getting covered in mud thoughtful my soul firma make me look younger basically I said tough to it is like actually gets all the impurities out in your skin so it's no extras you me okay volcanic mud oh boy does it stink actually good for if you got like as one stuff we're not to the smell oh good for that oh wow it smells like fireworks it's awfully this some thick jungle in here water snakes it's like you don't find them around super because I'm actually what we do it oh then I like sulfur yeah actually can see we dismiss it smelling sulfur all there they're gonna stop the self to this so they don't come here is there monkeys in the jungle no means no monkeys they're missing out here yeah this is the spot all these vines Mac we swing it all over this place anybody that was there we live life on the edge you guys yeah life on the edge and literally that's how we do our eyelids actually develop coastal if I we say we live Drive wow that is so friggin pretty this town down here what's this town fall down here is actually called soufflé meaning where we're going meaning sulfur in the air oh yeah that's what it means affair yeah actually the first town to be establishes know what happened like in about the 16th century color that's where the French came to Sarah and what a rough place to come upon you know okay we've arrived it's show you ready zoom in ice this is mud muddy water oh there we go is hot it's just naturally hot water just like a hot spring the water is naturally super hot like sulphur does smell like fireworks or like a stink bomb basically yes all right we gotta get all wet 10 years younger here I come here every day my software better yo this is crazy it's mud it's awesome we just smell like fireworks all day I'm so proud of you for doing this by the way I did not think you'd do this it's cool she wants much younger Rob on gently oh good let it get to your eyes though okay so now we rinse off there's mud in my lens important question is do I look young okay we're taking a small adventure now because the below us under this bridge is where we just were in that mud you can see it all down here and now we're gonna walk up and see where all this muds coming from look at this look at this it's all smoking that water is so hot it's like a very hot hot tub like you've ever sat in a hot tub it feels like that and now this is crazy this is actually crazy you ever seen Lance smoking as an angry volcano man look at that we're gonna just spewing this stuff scalding hot runs all the way down into that little ravine Wow so our driver just came up he said as we were hiking up he said enjoy the romantic walk and the smell and he like [Laughter] this it was like a different planet like them gases are blowing out from the earth dude underneath it's healthy dude that spot over there looks angry you know that is that's that's Earth's part like you're smelling Earth farting that's what that smell is that's wrong this is a volcano oh it's the aftermath yeah this is more like a collapsed crater a collapse crater the spewing from the Earth's bowels since after the last eruption 1766 alright let me try to show you how hot this is look at this look at that boilie hot liquid mud sulfur that baby's hot hot trivia question how can something so destructive build places that are so beautiful island life is so beautiful it's just created by pure first destruction phase you think about you know some point this place was just the end of the world and then it just created this paradise hey Katie Katie Katie what's up oh look at this go oh no you had to drive by here Danny man here we go donkey what's up dude okay we're in this beautiful garden like the craziest jungle II garden I've ever seen in my life I think it's like coconut husks make their their beds look at that place is beautiful all the waters still gray huh whoa I've never seen gray water in my life look at this flower man look at this look at this what it's like a movie scene here like some weird dr. Seuss film so you gotta let grey waters come pouring down off this mountainside look at that that is so pretty we get great up again cool okay so this is so all the water that you just seen in that stream coming off that waterfall goes through a filter and fills these tubs so you said you just plug all and open the drain and you take a bath already plugged on a wall easy enough all right and then you just open it [Music] how's your little back time is unbelievably it's natural it's like just coming right out of the ground oh you're back oh yeah I saw that bubble anyways are bubbles coming out of your pants it's that hot minimum about to complete that was awesome hot like I keep saying that but it's another level pops like your bathtub isn't that hot it's crazy took me a while to get in it and now I'm like just all right like it feels I'm so refreshing that I don't know I get it on a little lock here we're locked in it's like a sauce on maybe starting that little bath that little bath we're in is inside this little building it's so cool it's so dope you know where chocolate comes from it's inside this little guy rolling right off the side of that tree look at him I want to make chocolate now I want to try to make my own chocolate Romans chocolate oh he can't get out Brit I bet I can get him out with a with a hot here hold this yeah so there's a big rat you can't touch me stuff in the fountain look at him he's so cute man come here buddy I'm gonna get you out and get you out climb up you got to climb up come on buddy don't bite me I'm trying to save you come on come on come on come on there he goes he's free he's free don't go back in don't be dumb all right we saved him [Laughter] [Music] the roads are so narrow that if somebody's coming down you have to back out all right what an interesting adventure I'll never ever I think I could walk this path 1 million times and never get sick of it it is unreal just doesn't make sense to me ok so they surprised us like every day whoa that's cool that is awesome super how do you make that we should learn we should take towel animal lessons they're swans so as you probably already noticed we have bit well it may not make sense but we have barely filmed our honeymoon guys I mean this room is truly setup to do nothing like it's it's half outside half inside so you really never you don't feel like you're you're trapped in your hotel room it's like you're annoying me call it hotel room they call it a sanctuary and it really is a place to go to disappear like we have we have went like days without filming anything here so I can't lie like we have barely filmed and like today we wanted to obviously get out for a bit so we did two days before this week did nothing we ate we relaxed we swam we slept we have had we've done a lot of fun photo shoots but we have like truly disappeared mentally physically as just been amazing like amazing so I I just can't express how wonderful it has been off camera has been wonderful so we're filming what we film what would really just like let's just live a little and enjoy it together off record so that's really cool it's a different it's a different life for used to filming everything so much so Lee we're not used to being kid lists so I'm going in hello buddies look at this man it's hard to believe Ohio even exists when you're in places like this like how do you just end up in weirdest the weirdest places man beautiful so we're gonna wash up grab a shower after we swim we're going to I desperately want to rent some snorkel gear and do some snorkeling so maybe we hit the reef or something Brent might lay out and yeah that's pretty much been our schedule it's just like not doing much so thanks for being here guys so much checking my just - mr. Krabs - its mr. Krabs you got any money give me give him a dollar come a dollar all right guys you know that I love the ocean I love being in it and I don't think I've ever done a trip to the ocean where I don't go under that water and do a little filming so right now I've rented snorkel gear which is crazy because I have like my own my stuff like you know like you find a mat and when you do it a lot you find stuff you love it's long story but I didn't bring it anyway it's gonna be great it's diving this absolutely beautiful water hopefully I can show you just how clear this water is and see some cool fish [Music] [Music] as usual the ocean absolutely I'm not gonna lie like usually you'd have to go to like a snorkel place to see stuff like that but it's like right out literally right off the beach of the resort which is crazy to have that kind of stuff and the rental gear was awesome it's great best trick ever is like and that guy's literally is our honeymoon currently right this moment we our bags have already been taken to the airport we we spin in its prior to telling us what we spent an entire seven days here that was seven days and what we film is really what we did the first three days I think we just said like photo shoot sunlight around us today we literally didn't like we left to eat and stuff but we didn't do anything we laid and did nothing which was like I never thought like mentally and physically I could feel this reset like I'm ready to go home and grind but like I didn't realize it's like so so neat it is wonderful first though well you have to take a honeymoon we all might this trip this trip was booked like two weeks before we actually came here we didn't know what we wanted to do or if we would even do anything cuz we did we got married in Hawaii to really like that's already our trip but coming here I realize just how insane just this is like this is wonderful like truly you guys know we like to do everything entertaining for you crazy I like to do fun things this trip was like really not about that it was about us disappearing and we got to do that like it's so so wonderful so thank you so much for allowing us to do that and coming along with us especially if you're watching now like your you've been with us a long time we can never thank you guys enough for that your love and support watching with your family sharing with your friends that's that's awesome so yeah we're literally about to it's crazy they take our bed takes so long to get to the airport from here they take our bags early cuz it doesn't fit on a helicopter and we literally have like a little battery and I put our suitcase when we get to the airport when we meet up with them yeah we're like about to leave here so we'll see you guys back yeah we jump in the pool do something yeah kiss my house donkey I miss donkey splashy yeah so next time we see you guys will be at our home in Ohio we're super excited and yeah we'll see you guys then thank you again so so much we love you guys thank you for everything you are beautiful you're one of a kind [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,062,004
Rating: 4.9554262 out of 5
Keywords: Married, husband, wife, Roman Atwood, Brittney Atwood, Honeymoon, travel, island, St. Lucia, family, friendly, vlog, inspire, motivate, motivational, fun, happy
Id: sc_Ee3Ev9jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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