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what's up guys good I'm gonna say good morning I haven't started a vlog this earlier a long time I'm taking my boy Noah to school are you ready to start your day sure it's like nasty rainy clouds feeling pretty good just I don't think I'm awake I literally think I'm sleep driving vlogging taking you to school slash longer back to bed now alright buddy I love you more than anything I have an awesome day thanks you positive positive thoughts only oh yeah you know the rules ok I love you I love you see you soon ok so I dropped no off at school and my buddy Jerry calls me he's like yo do you have time to come in and test a silent shotgun like a shotgun with a suppressor this bad is I want to go back to sleep I was like yeah let's do that to give you guys an idea how quick I got up this morning I'm wearing jeans that I haven't worn for month like I don't even know where these came from in my old Nike Air Max these are probably two years old or year old I don't know what's up man good morning you do the Big Dawg yeah Clifford so uh I got here before the doors and okay I've got so much worked on this morning it's going off it's crazy when you get up you actually get things done alright so Jerry got me out here bright and early what do we got here man what are we doing we're gonna see the true difference in salvos new 12-gauge suppressor I got an 870 right here we're going to shoot a 3-inch slug through it unsuppressed I'm going to just check and see if there really is a difference in between I wish I wish my camera had a bet this is just a little camera but hopefully the audio look at this thing it's like carrying around a telephone pole now and yeah that's that's a semi-auto running ten 1,100 with the salvo on it so what we're going to do is we're going to run unsuppressed then we're going to run it suppressed and we're going to find out if it really does fight it down or not huh Gerry's my cameraman today so here's where I'm going start with an unsuppressed and let's just hear it hopefully my camera picks up you know a good amount I pull his ears on oh you remember all right let's listen to it pretty darn loud right here we go [Applause] definitely update I mean if they're loud no matter what you can't get away from the noise but there's a huge huge difference you want to hear from back here probably still sounds like a cannon on this camera but guys you got to do it you got to get up you got to live it I'm looking at you right now you um promise you that if you don't get up and just make those first steps to doing what you want to do and what you love to do what you're passionate about what you find in your heart that drives you towards this thing it's not going to happen we have to get up and do it I promise you that the first steps you have to do now maybe a lot of its going to come naturally because of those steps but those first steps you've got to do man I'm telling you guys quit wasting on start really small don't worry about it being a success tomorrow just start small and work your way up part of the fun is climbing that ladder part of the fun and doing what you want to do is climbing up you know what I mean like if you were all the way at the top there's only one place to go that's down so the fun part is just getting there like I don't think I would ever want to consider myself at the top of anything I think half the fun and your motivation comes from wanting to get there and that climb and and the failures and the Falls and going back and forth I mean that is the fun that's the challenge challenges our heart we so I encourage you guys without without ranting too much in this blog to get up take those little steps don't worry about going huge more big and I need all this money to start no just make those steps forward I promise you there's going to be a good thing nothing bad can happen I'm going to start this vlog with some motivations in positivity and and smile more baby you guys know how I work and how I push you guys I want you to be motivated when watching floors I want you to I want you to stop watching this vlog and be like damn I'm ready to go like that's what I want and if you're trying to sleep I'm sorry I don't wanna pump you up too much thank you hard body tacos well something I always get you with your mouth full of food morphing back home Britt made some time now I'm sure you've eating sorry your mouth boy every time I turn the camera hey buddy how's my man it's like Christmas mode Britt's got Christmas music on it is you guys ready are you guys ready Cheers what happened I didn't even realize what happened how'd you get a hold of a tortilla oh you need to bite a mouth into it oh boy a piece we got it I'm hurt yo we have an emergency situation here okay let me give you the lowdown so it's very common to superglue corals so see this little coral without super glued or just blow around the tank it'll go behind the rock and die so todd has been here superglue and little pieces of coral on the tank but the first why don't you tell them what happened oh I've never seen that happen ever oh so how's the superglue has come off somehow and that hang on I gotta get better lighting here somehow it's glued Dory's it's stuck the dories teeth what do we do oh he usually comes to me but he's probably freaking out oh yeah he's got super glue stuck in his mouth where your cleaner sure man they just cleaned that right off they don't want nothing to do with it crazy thing is the fish is still eating fine what it's almost off oh my gosh it's almost off it's oh she's trying well don't eat it there's a net look he's trying to eat the glue again oh that little rasps they're not gonna eat that glued or any finger they think they think oh man so have no idea what to do fish seems fine but it's got glue stuck to it they have little teeth right in the front and it wants the blue route the fish bid on it and I've blurred to its tooth we're still eating fine which is weird I said that's never happen I believe I mean what's the odd all right fish experts what do we do I imagine it will just come off by itself right it doesn't seem to bother it too bad I'm the one that kind of looks like him there's the spot on him man what are we gonna do on this beautiful day honey whoa have some hot coffee hot cup I've already had coffee today you might wanna add a milk I made it strong where's my little boy what are you watching wanted me for are you about to do some coloring we don't know what to do we're about to make our puppets where they show I'll pop it well you're gonna make a puppet I gotta see that we make me a puppet whoa oh please I just want to poop it so bad okay guys we're gonna try something never tried before trying to pulling up the screen it's just so much heat done we're gonna try something never done before and that is the whisper challenge we believe that Joe sugg came up with this idea I'm I'm almost positive that he came up with this so Joe we're gonna try your challenge I think it's super funny everyone on the Internet's done it yeah I'm sure it's no surprise yeah I'm sure that you guys aren't like I've never seen this before I'm sure you've seen is we're gonna do our own little take on it Britney and I both wrote down some our own synthesis is she has to guess what I'm saying while listening to rock music Santa and I chose some 41 because it just rough huh are you ready Wow so I'm gonna read my first line she has to guess what I'm saying you guys will be here you want to go first okay yes and I can hear me okay you ready this is so funny hi kandi smells like chicken you have for me more lives so hard what my god you guys know what I said huh yeah don't look at me this is impossible I did yet how do people get this what ready wait kandi smells like chicken parts Kate sounds like chicken parts close close close kandi smells like chicken parts a smell like chicken parts kandi smells like chicken what you're yelling so uh oh yeah I hear you like mustard in your salad I like my best getting salad good again I hear you like mustard in your salad I hear you like mustard in your salad I love pictures and salads that's like you're saying what was it I hear you like mustard in yourself Oh close that's sore I do another okay you spit too much time in the bathroom you left your chapstick in the bathroom you spend too much time in the bathroom you clogged up the bathroom oh it's so hard in the bathroom so DN you spend too much time you smash the tub but it's so hard you spend too much time in the bathroom you Smit you smudge the chapstick in the bathroom I saw your set you you then too much much on the bathroom the music stopped I couldn't help it can I eat a dinosaur dinosaur Sara sword there is the word and I a dinosaur can I eat a dinosaur yes oh my god you smell like a big bag of dog hair you smell like peanut butter jello you smell like a big bag of dog hair you smell like bastard hair what are you saying you smell like a big bag of dog hair you smell like mcmaster hair you smell like a big bag of dog hair peanut butter jar hair I don't know what she's saying mmm you smell like a big bag of dog hair big Mack from Target you smell like a big knife from Target probably better huh Betty my even close not really oh my gosh uh it's so hard say it nice and clear you smell you smell like a big bag of dog hair big bar jello you smell like a big bag of dog hair what the heck you smell like a Big Mac of jar back of jell-o big bag of dog hair big bag of jar hair huh big bag of dog hair big bag of dog hair yeah mega dog here I knew it the whole time you are a super-duper pooper you are SuperDuper duper there's no way good right right yeah oh my god that's mean any time you love when strangers lick your shirt you love wishes sire sauce and something else I don't know yes you love when strangers like your shirt The Grinch of stole Christmas I suck why when strangers washer and dryer when strangers like your shirt Westchester says something Worcester West your washer Wes well when we when well when when oh yeah love when strangers lick your shirt you love Westchester shirts you love when strangers lick your shirt hahaha you love when strangers lick your shirt that's it hi I heard strangers on the song stop Oh guys so typical I really I mean you're good at it though are you get him right all right try this one maybe when you talk to me I just let your lips I do move my lips a lot I used to be a dental assistant so I watch people's mouths more than I think most people did oh she's got all the tricks okay you forgot to park my pickle wait you forgot to park my pickle you forgot to put my pants oh you forgot to park my pickle you forgot my pickle close really close am i close yeah you forgot to park my pickle you forgot to park my vehicle yeah oh my god I think you I think you have it like a real skill at this I think you do on to professional whisper challenge er whisper chawla Bolton just lip reader I'm a professional yeah that might be a thing do you like pickled peppers on a paper plate I like pickled peppers on a pickled plate I like pickled peppers on a paper plate good enough really it was do you but yeah how do we both put pickles in it that's what I was just thinking wow we love pickles I'm so happy you can't hear me I'm sorry can't hear me I'm done I quit Roman is definitely winning Roman Roman has definitely won this game bubbles ribbons definitely give her pose ha ha ha I wasn't it oh there's definitely old potato salad there's seven old metallica in the fridge yes there's definitely old potato salad in the fridge Oh piece of salad in the fridge there's definitely definitely old potato salad in the fridge potato salad in the fridge it really I'll get better please lock up my sweaty pants police cars and rubber bands please please lock up my sweaty pants Pete what police clogs and rubber bands please lock up my sweaty pants please clawing up my pants please heart I heard please flog no all right let me sit please lock up my sweaty pants please clog up my Twitter pass please lock [ __ ] you I'm so far off on my thing clothes no I got clogged yes there's no clog what this game is rigged please lock up my sweaty pants Twitter's in there oh my god please lock up my sweaty pants please lock up my Twitter pants I keep hearing Twitter please lock up my sweaty pants please lock up my sweatpants you got it yeah what was it sweaty pants oh okay and we 39 drive is that a hamster in your car seat there's a hamster in your closet closes is that is that a hamster in your car seat there's a hamstring your clogs is is that a hamster in your car seat is a hamster in your car seat in your closet car seat car seat car seat yes the hamster in your Kazi get their hands in your clock car seat most people get germs from Disneyland's apple pies most people shop for apple pie clothes really most people get germs from Disneyland's apple pie I'll just read a book most people can't shop for seeds in their apple pie most people get germs from Disneyland's apple pie most people get disease from chips in their apple pie this is so hard germs what huh germs carseats germs chirps germs Trump's jerk whoops germs it's a trick germs chirps there's no word that uses that lip movement and the whole dictionary germs Oh germs it's something chirp chirp germs germs chirp man wait I want to do unto you guys all right this is an old one remember this one like this is back like back in elementary school okay ready what am I saying does it look like I love you it's elephant shoo elephant look over at somebody in class around me like it looks exactly like I love you that was fun I really like him so far I think I still wanna what do you guys think you won I think you got this I think you got this it was messy I don't think there's any Roman Atwood one in the compass they just really just like me really I wish you know okay so we brought out some old fan mail we found some boxes that are actually older than the newer fan mail suite we got that came just ripped open like four boxes so I'm trying to figure out which ones he open and who sent what so forgive me I'm trying to find a couple of letters who's this one from this one this box is from Eric and his girlfriend look at this box look at that Canada's cool yeah whoohoo which one's yours Kane good job no off to set those aside I mean Avery that's actually pretty rare what is going on with these cool boxes oh this is gonna say smile more I see so they sent these cool light up boxes and you can spin it yeah oh that is cool hey I love that what mine is yes your finance oh yeah let me turn the light back on you got it and I got a shark on whoa what the heck are these things how'd you guys open it nope that's Noah's we're gonna save that for him okay there's a really cool and he made these he made these with his own 3d printer they're unbelievable so unique I freaking love you guys you're so creative I know you can't read this yet so your dad or mom will be reading this for you just wanna say enjoy the Ironman Mario and smile more cube he does definitely you have to put it back in the box Gary calls Carrie Carl set his class project which was a little smile mark lot it's kind of cool I'll put it in a smile more store for sure I'm trying to find letters for this stuff somebody sent puzzles it could be little hurricane went through here really fast this is one of the boxes pain had already opened and he got this Hot Wheels the monster truck track in each each item in here is individually Christmas wrap who's that one to can is that mommy oh this is this is mommy oh this is Noah's Noah's gonna have his own little pile more sprinkles just what we need well these are really guys got start sending new drawers for sprinkles you gonna rip it open for me it's a picture of me made up of other pictures that's cool do you like it you don't know what's the thing you don't even care Ukraine candy candy from Ukraine you on trial on how about a Johnny knocker a Crocker Ajay Crocker getting giving you InFocus what's it taste like Kit Kat no like a Nutter Butter mmm is it like like father like son a chocolate hits us hard good oh yeah Alex sent you that Hot Wheels track all this candy that picture her and mommies sprinkles and he says don't forget to smile more literally I don't promote this oh my gosh that's just this you guys know Britney collects sprinkles somebody sent her pounds and pounds and pounds of sprinkles August Rosedale you can snug there in a sealed bag they're just roaring or shoot like a 185 pounds 25 pounds of sprinkles he got the scare hole what are you doing a.m. August Rosedale sent the most wrinkles rcer reaction oh he got I think we got a reaction sweaters falling out of the box when we got it do it again yeah yeah you yeah no you do it if it wasn't so wasteful would totally dump those on you guys right now so we're trying to only open mail to either address the cane or just us tonight but some stuff has no we don't know it tonight so it's kind of hard to do mail and actually we don't usually do it without him but cane he just started it's there Akane oh we were supposed to laughing when we did have Noah but it just got so late yeah this is cool that's alright well said there's a couple things just for him they don't have when he gets here which will be awesome I can tell some of these are older boxes cuz you guys are still sending swedish fish I guarantee I have the largest collections he just pitched in the world this is from Ryan from Flower Mound is this flower mountain flower mound or flower mountain look at this ring he says friends went went went black black black black wash all this is for me yeah his friends all kyoool California wanted to say that I love your blog so much I run a cell phone accessory online store and a weekend flea market you sent the whole store oh my gosh we were complaint I know what this is from I know this is from this one time in the vlog I said like I was buying a bunch of charge I said our charges always disappear somebody sent us a whole box of chargers we should put this in the guest bedroom and anybody every single look at this it's just one USB - all of these that's genius fishing kit fishing worms but get this little fishing kit cane this is awesome you know what we can do our picture we've been wanting to do it's set for left hand you can switch it to right oh this pops up I was gonna say it's so crooked girl I used to fish all the time me and my brother used to fish all the time we grew up fish and then I haven't done it forever last time I did it was with my dad on the river and he said sweetie he's a sweet corn to catch fish Thank You Isaiah for the fish and stuff man you know what Cain and I've been wanting to do this funny picture and I was like we need a little fishing pole and stuff so yeah you put hooks in them and you cast them out from Brian here we go please put and blog oh love the painting I love it it makes me happy I do I love you guys start work please send more artwork I'm pretty good with them scissors boy this is how he opened the fan mail very quickly very cool guys I can't believe how far you go out of your way to send us stuff like all this new toys and stuff it's crazy please honestly I love the artwork the most like you guys got my kids so much toys I don't know what to say I don't even know how I get them Christmas gifts I know what am I gonna do you guys are too long and you guys are just too awesome thank you forever everything said 25 pound bag of sprinkles everything custom like I'm from Jeff what is this King can you open it for me it's like a big big picture or something please put in this blog this is cool you make this light oh that's what he's holding right man you are living it up in here you got your oh the whole ceiling says Kane you got a movie on an iPad your light up how many times of us knees in a vlog give me a little rascal daddy's spot haha we switch sides yeah wow this is oh there's so much space without Kane in our bed Oh guys thank you for hanging out today we up so mad Allen nobodies Who am I kidding Who am I kidding [Music] [Music] guys thank you so much for hanging around today if you're still watching thank you I know this was pretty long I think um hopefully Oh try for a long yeah but a lot of people like new long blogs no longer we're just doing what we're doing guys these kids never go in bed you need to get tired guys anyway thanks for hanging out with us what is that a men oh make me do the Heimlich oh it makes my stomach nauseous what me doing that yeah choking is not cool Jerry the worst is when you have a baby they all choke they don't add eat every every single kid I've ever had all two of them so scary anyway guys we're get off track thank you for watching thanks for hanging out if you actually watched all the way to this part of this vlog thank you so much um whoever you want our little challenge tonight who won that challenge I want that challenge tell us in the comments guys we love you so much we will see you tomorrow thanks for all the support and love smile more just beautiful all right guys we decided outs out of the house I want to let you know what it's like for us as a family to decide on what we want for dinner it easily but it was a bad idea he wanted soap up he is nobody even eats that what's so funny I see no it's just
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,746,339
Rating: 4.9628696 out of 5
Keywords: RomanAtwood, crazy, kid-friendly, family vlogs, ohio, smile, vlog, kid friendly, vlogger, craziest, BEST, new, family friendly, prank, columbus, more, Natural, roman atwood vlogs, Prankster, pranking, roman, atwood, THE, GREATEST, movie, vlogging, daily, day, family fun, vlogs, LA, Born, making, prankster, everyday, family-friendly, Romans, pranks
Id: dDeeHWvuPlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2015
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