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hey guys welcome back home Columbus Ohio we are here it's our day off what's up dude I know you got a new skateboard whoever brought this to the Meetup I know you're in the vlog but the first words out of his mouth this morning I swear when he opened his eyes he said thank you for bringing me the skateboard that's exactly what he said so thank you so much what what up dude we got a bunch of hooligans over here today Shh Lucy's asleep I don't wake him up anyway guys welcome back it is our day off we get to spend one day at home before we head to Detroit tomorrow is Columbus Ohio actually today if you're watching this and today is nothing but family and fun that is it thanks for coming back guys we love you be such a puppy and has no idea this wasn't here last time you were here no what is it dude you know what so hot out my lenses fogging up oh my god smoke everything welcome to the smile Moore store I just came to steal a hat and a half and I can't find the keys I can't find truck keys don't visit right here ah I shoulda known so you think this place mazie let me see what you got this boy will not get off the skateboard you're gonna be all e'en soon I cannot wait another second we need to go get Noah right now you coming I'll be right back okay keep practicing little man I love you yeah I know how you like buying bikes dude I want to show you my bike all right yeah but it's a bike that you could ride no I ride real motorcycles now yeah this is a real motorcycle check it out dude it's got training wheels that's what you should put on your motorbike huh Honda Grom knows this but he's got training wheels do this you have to worry about falling I don't fall honey I missed you so much man geez knowing I was just on this topic of like when he used to go to preschool and like kindergarten in one of the hardest days of my life that I've never explained to you guys the hardest day for me was the first day I sent Noah off on the school bus by himself that was one of the hardest days for me I couldn't see him off I just couldn't like it was do you remember that not at all we're sorry to see my little boy go off to school I don't know so we got just enough time to grab a little food before everyone starts coming oh we're going to one of my favorite spots that [ __ ] never been right now I'll meet him we're all hungry yeah my camera so blurry the hardest thing to do is to choose what oh man like that every time I get here I know what I want and then I come in I look at them in restaurants are really smart when they put pictures big colorful pictures because then you're confused and then the pictures trigger you to be more hungry and then you order more food after 11:00 so we can order this big basket of chicken we're gonna do it all right so we ordered kind of modest modest today I'm surprised I thought we're gonna order like I mean it's a lot right not that you're gonna split it with me I can't eat all this it's gonna eat some good food we're gonna start our down right and then drop super-fun that's what today is all about family and fun are you okay with that this was gonna be all right are you okay with the day of just family and fun can you handle it we go home and I know we only have two more shows to I get a big break I get to come home for like two weeks so I thought maybe it would be a good time to add a new toy to the outlet house what do you guys think we'll get a new toy he's always like what are you up to dad are you doing I think I think you'll have fun today what is it I'm happy I'm not the only person let's just let's just let's just stop and see what happens you know I know it's up here how about something like this they're getting a TV I don't know now I have one idea I have one even Park no parking this is get you something you can tip I don't know ma'am the house is kind of in need of a big boy toy big boys need big toys what do you think huh that was like that I can't even keep up with your crazy ideas now do your thing just do your thing so here's what we're looking for a man like look this is what we have now and it's great like we have a blast takes us everywhere told me anywhere fun I need something wrong what's a Grom come on you know what a Grom is this fam 125cc street-legal bike Debra dots for the street I play in my yard but we are selling a ton of these it's actually the last one I have rat know it is super cool but I don't I don't think it's me look I'll pose for you tell me why not because I'm like a dirt guy like I want to play in the mud and dirt that's your instinct Backstreet Boys fuzz boy we're looking to like get dirty and then you want to know like I'm gonna tear the pipe right off at hang on when I do that triple backflip I just don't think that one alright so most you guys gonna be like you got and get the fort look at this 450 dude you know I wasn't even gonna hold this thing physically look at that look at that yo get a shot of me standing beside this thing he's like riding a Clydesdale huge crazy fast point so I'm thinking like I don't honestly thinking I'm thinking like maybe what is this one this is one computer a 150 that looks all right that looks like something that we would have fun on and entertain and play yeah well try to be safe come here alright alright no we've got something I know is I that is sick I found your bike for a lady boom yo these are awesome his new bike his new bike imagine how cool is that I actually like it dude it's so cool imagine like while we're on tour we go to all these beautiful cities we never get to see them we're always kind of we don't have a way to get around we have to jump in and over I have a car take us but imagine us whipping these out and just torn everywhere you know why this song was in san andreas grand theft auto and you can actually ride these in san andreas so that's why the song does so well Wow gonna dump bed thanks guys thank you so much man awesome look at that this could be a nice addition right there cool oh you have to use this got it well guys that was pretty spontaneous I'm not gonna lie you pulled a [ __ ] today I pulled a fousey today they call it listen hear me out when I buy something when I buy a toy like that I'm not just buying something for me I'm buying something for our home I'm buying a new addition to our house and our friends and our guests that come over it's always for everybody so this is gonna be a new family member to our home and what would his name be or her name be Lucy first of all you wanna be a boy you want it to be a boy or a girl maybe let's see how it sounds when we start it okay dear it's not even cool that wasn't cool something was happening in my dream that happened what up dude I flash I see you too I see you boy you going under the truck that's hilarious no training wheels on this one baby we gotta go full throttle baby bottle no it's perfect it'll fit you dude you're totally gonna be able to do this soon try again that's it that's it okay remember put down slide up put down slide up I know try again pop it dude you're gonna be doing that in one week 95 degrees today and that's not really the bad part when I say it's really hot in Ohio people are like wow a big deal it's 110 here 95 is very hot person that's not the worst part yeah it's you go that way 95 is not even the worst part it's our humidity we have very high humidity it's very wet and just sticky so we're gonna fill the pool up for the dogs let them have some fun and came a little confusion in last night's vlog when we came home everybody was like who is that sitting on a couch in the background that was Brittany's cousin Caleb wait what does Kane call you Bubba Bubba we all call him above us now but that's who this is he's been helping out a lot around here helping out even packing orders and helping out with Kane while we're gone he's just been a huge help so this is Caleb or above us whatever you'd like to call him welcome to vlogs man Caleb I'll go it that's what what's going on in here man it's starting to look like a little like nobody's taking care of this place you looking like you're playing in the hose boy do it it's so hot we should blow up the big slip-and-slide you want to do that okay hey I'm gonna go put swords and a tank top on like you okay I'm so hot King loves tank tops he's always got a different tank top on and I told him that I got a new take up that I've never worn if I can find it so my suitcase someone apparently when you get it in the Sun it changes to red it changes colors I had no idea when I bought this it did this Brittany was like you know that's gonna change colors right whoa it just changed right in our face Oh in those turned blue ready all black and white all black and white ready go out there and I'll walk out Oh more shirts that do that well I saw it did not but I didn't want to tell you tell me well you think of that Big Mike did okay right here right dad you vlogging it yeah oh man okay I'm like extremely disappointed there is no kickstand on this bike doesn't even make sense to me [ __ ] says you're supposed to just set it down but I don't think that's right I did research on alright so I'm pretty much a complete idiot do you know how to start this thing seriously okay on our fifty there's a key the key turns the bike on right this one I cannot find a key anywhere I'm sitting there thinking I have no business with this dirtbike if I don't even know how to start it boy I literally can't start it don't be mad at me come on that's impossible oh is it really bad I can't even believe you repair any damages I promise I'm used to this here's the thing I doubt there's any damages on it I'm glad you're alright first of all I'm it's fine I just imply listen guys earlier today I was like I gotta get something you can wreck on I was totally kidding oh okay that's not happening whoa I can't believe you can actually tip that thing by hand whoa put in the garage [ __ ] now what you drive it to the garage no way you know many times no one drives this you've driven this dude here's my advice let people drive you around sell your bikes don't drive them anymore oh you're staying cool hey mama how are you buddy I love ya we got no over here power washing the slide we got a setup looks so fun you ready my brother is here you guys can probably tell I'm very happy right now I mean this is where when they say home is where the heart is some massive truth to that guys I hope wherever you are right now you're enjoying your day some my dog is crazy my family is crazy that's why I love them they're fighting right now who gets to go first just go everybody go well that's pretty good little front flip action a belly flop what would you do to be a kid again kids you better be using your time wisely these are the moments more I don't know if that's the moment but as a kid you're like I can't wait to get older or trust me when you're older you want to be a kid so one down the rest up hang on are you teaching [ __ ] how to ride this bike you know it's brand new right yes he said he normally only pedals you like them awesome here's the thing [ __ ] crashes everything point proven be careful hey do you want a helmet dude no I just gotta smile more an element there you go you moving on to the next step dinner and you didn't hesitate we got here some mac and cheese some delicious looking steaks watermelon potatoes beans huh food from last time yeah we always think good when people stand with us I was hungry I couldn't wait on you everybody just freaked out I'm talking my actual family just freaked out if I told him I'd done something my whole life that they'd never heard of so here it is chips rough like regular just salt chips like a regular chip with applesauce you dip it amazing there's got to be one of you that do this I've done it for ever since school since I was in school more applesauce and so it's for junk stirs junkies dude you're about to live just my first ever have an applesauce what right drill it's like a salt sweet okay it's so good it's like a snack what you would expect like because the chips are playing I like the salt mix good yeah all right you know how many kids are gonna cry that's good no you just I I do a lot but start small Wow alright we just finished dinner look at the sunset oh man that sunsets ridiculous so we're just hanging out playing goofing off and joining this beautiful sunset hanging out with the kids look at these guys whoa just hanging out as one big happy family whoa you hoppity hop we're having a competition I just somehow made it to tries from behind here if to go behind the razor I got it in two shots it's Dale's turn he's already taking one shot oh this will be three three right now four comes five Hey how many shots is gonna take you how many get in three three shot all right Dale's on six here we go Oh number eight how didn't nobody get my on camera dang it we let you throw another hundred maybe at one of them maybe we need more proof do you yell like you got it it's up to Big Daddy oh it's up to Big Daddy air to take me out basketballs not really my thing I'm not that good at it but I got that shot I know I got that shot with luck and now they're trying to beat me all right guys if Dad gets this in one shot you beat me this it is far here it is no pressure one-handed Oh Romy you're really gonna keep pretending that you got it into that's right I get one more I get one more fizzy got 3 I get 3 he's really gonna pretend like you got into he did though my dad had never rapped me out if I get this on win like it's over game over because you get off you you can just do it do what anything that's a good mom and dad when they can just tell you you can do anything that's what I tell my boys you can do and be anything Noah so the night is winding down we've had such a good friggin day man so happy to be home really that's look how big his dogs get you don't really notice to see his head to side Kane's head and you're like alright he's turning into a dog who's knows better he's like I'm gonna be back here no it doesn't look real it doesn't look right look how different we could have looked like our dogs could have just looked like this like one slight change and I'll send ya big nosed dog no he's completely humiliated he's completely humiliated look at his face he's looking at me like you post this on my I'm a poop in your bed mm-hmm hey are you gonna look at me look at me yeah are you gonna walk out on stage with me tomorrow you are tomorrow guys actually today if you're watching this is our Columbus show it's just my hometown and Kane says he's gonna walk out on stage with me are you he's nervous but he's gonna do it once upon a time it was odd there was a chicken night and I saw it once upon a time there was a piece of ham and I saw the ham and I bit the hand next on the list is my man know uh how been tickling I was giving you back scratch hey are you gonna walk out on stage with me well you are you're not gonna turn back it's a big crowd we have fun so excited for Columbus man if you're watching this as I'm uploading it's tonight get up and go to the venue it's gonna be so much fun yeah yeah I want to go thanks for that all right guys that is gonna wrap up today's vlog crazy thing Brittany is out we're doing night shifts now at the small more so we have so many orders to get caught up on if you have ordered from the small more store thank you first of all second please be patient I know a lot of you guys were getting your orders like that real fast and some of you are waiting we are we are we literally have six people working full-time and we are even working evenings now Brittany's out there doing work it's been pretty chaotic so thank you for being not only patient but supporting this family and our March and our move of smile more that is gonna wrap up today's vlog fousey do you have a good day bye man that was fun and it was fun these dogs are whooped that's how you know it's a successful day when both dogs will sleep that's success we love you guys of course we will see you tomorrow thank you for everyone coming to Columbus tonight if you're watching when I upload it and thank you guys for everyone that comes to all our tour dates hit me a big thumbs up if you love the home vlogs the best I know tour gets a little repetitive but it is something very huge for my life and in the meet so many of you and hear your stories and be inspiring it's just a big part of me that it feels so good to do this so bear with me we are on a two-week break after two more dates we got Columbus Detroit they want a big two week break so we'll be back to the home blogs having fun we will see you tomorrow hit me in the comments whether you like the home vlogs the tour vlogs what's your favorite vlogs we'll see you then I love you you're beautiful don't forget it last ones love to flash what
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 9,774,882
Rating: 4.9349747 out of 5
Id: 7QlckfctT5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2016
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