I Ruined Thanksgiving..

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💬 Everyone makes fun of Roman and Brittney’s clothing. Black Friday 20% off SmileMore order: BLACKFRIDAY2018. Monopoly for 15 minutes, Roman wins.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/rgliberty 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
all right let's get this party started welcome to Thanksgiving hey guys hey what's up I'm yeah every once in a while they'll pull the camera daily sup bud Cora you got your Cora Happy Thanksgiving to you too do you like mom's sweater this yeah that's a nice shirt you like do you like know you like Britt's sweater I love that sweater I just said nice sweater who shot the couch Oh implying that it was made out or curtain shot the curtains I'm like no no no anyone that lived through the 70s it's already seen that sweater before oh my gosh roasted potatoes oh she looks at the bat I just spent about five good minutes just being crucified a sweater line you don't like this okay I guess let's just step back uh-huh take a look at the situation maybe you get a shot it's Thanksgiving all right I tried to wear something needs to be grateful about okay your jeans are shredded like look that's your leg yeah did you take your side and then look at your sweater so you pay brand-new good money no heart for this and you look like you look like a Halloween victim like they actually murder they actually they actually look at us together yeah you you blam homeless bomb and she looks nice and they it's proven that your frequency level is lower if you're wearing black look at me come on I'm sure you look like you've lost your tool belt so your head see you and I want to give me five box oh my that's what you have to wear holes Genoese blood on and you got the best Thanksgiving yeah Halloween that's not Thanksgiving should I change no but if thankfully just having a nice shirt with holes in it it's supposed to be like it sure there you go there you go it's Holy spirt got it for me so I really like it that's a plan that's not a writ that's a machine that made that like how I planned abstinence when you try to make something personally look falling apart or fall it's the style guys get over it 19:40 what my dad would say good lord go get some clothes on are you really suffering that bad you gotta wear clothes while you look at the quality difference look at them look at the detail in black here it's like blue grey and then look at your shoes right like it's like they use like just like the cheapest dye they could find on there this is the the roast the Roman outlet today I knew we were having Turkey I didn't know you're having a roast hey if your foods anything like your clothes where you have a look at that sweater leonesse sweater they're amazing I brought you some of the rarest apples in the world my shirt yeah these are ever I shouldn't do an ad form but these are rare okay little pumpkin pie Brittany I was hoping you made she made the money to buy them what we got going on here so no I'm just go Bailey just don't be a we Roman are these on Black Friday sale tomorrow God now that you met Britt we do need to run a code today today's day we will have a Black Friday hood should be pretty big Black Friday's like huge the cheesy day location maybe I've had enough out of you today well you guys get one if there's any left I'm just saying if there's any luck today just being with the family just just that warm comfortable family and delicious foods look at this guy's you've got the ladies working on the real stuff your mouth water Momo look she's got her cast off her brace off good I bet they hope it's not too dry I brought over a whole bushel of romaine lettuce they were just giving it away at the store right so we're gonna have like salads galore what wait I don't even get it good job on that Turkey mom did you make these pies come on anymore you know I mean corn and green bean casserole you didn't make that all right so we got peach and apple over here is a good she got the hook out really you just walked in it's a nice what you really mean that yeah they have all they have all been John ever wear stuff like that so for you that's a nice sweater Dale upgrade from what you normally wear it's sale time everybody's digging every year they get the big giant fat newspapers and all the deals every store and everybody just dig hole rock fan machine for 250 bucks god I hope you whoa daggone blur dadgum blur we're just gonna roll it blurry hope you guys are having an awesome day and I hope you love my sweater that's a good-looking sweater right there part of our duty as a company owner to run our Black Friday Cyber Monday through the weekend sale starting this moment as you're watching this and I azzam now what is it wait what are we doing what did we do last year yeah let's look it up yeah you guys have been obviously asking so much what is the Black Friday sale gonna be what is it blood you want Christmas gifts a lot of you guys want to get it before Christmas a lot of reasons everybody wants a sale so but it's gonna look up what we did last year and see what we can do also while we wait Christmas bulbs are back in stock smile more Christmas bulbs they're awesome they're beautiful yeah what was it so we did 20% off your whole order last year 20% off 20% off right like one per customer so if you put in more than one order you can use that code normally so you can use it for the next four days yeah okay all right guys 20% off everything smile more everything in the store your whole order make sure please make sure you put in the code Black Friday 2018 that will take 20% off your whole order and we are working so hard to make sure your orders get there on time get there by Christmas for them gifts for you know for yourself whatever it is the girl the team here is unbelievable obviously it's Thanksgiving so we're closed it was really just cooling here but um we just can't thank you guys enough with just the social media is flooded with smile more and our celebration of winning our court case for smile more and what a week it is awesome we've seen your Christmas bulbs on your trees and it's just small Moore's unbelief what is not awesome about this look at this look look at this I know we need new ones we need new our guys we need new that's just awesome in your in your description I should huh I'll do that right now if anybody wants to send new art we've got all these walls we started this one but I'd love to just cover this place and you guys I'll put the new p.o box in the dish we change peel boxes so if you wanna stand art want to make something cool for our store you can send it to us and we'll hang it up and please don't send like really heavy and they also sometimes get broke in the mail yeah Ryan so yeah guys thank you so much for your support on our company we love it to death it's so fun to try to build and grow and with the new news we got this week we're actually able to really grow is such a hold back or such like a mental stress and it's really scary like you don't know what's gonna happen it just feels good thank you for your support like so much hey small Moors running a sale guys you don't need any of this you guys yeah you can just go up to swab or yeah there you go you can finally get that sweater you've been wanting bow man really you finally get that hat you've been my baby she's brokenhearted okay guys so feel a little weird about this last time we almost destroyed our entire family over this right here you took it for legs come on give me a break question yeah yeah oh yeah we passed some time to a lot of people come and they've gone and we're busting out a board game for tonight in this this I'm just gonna do my best to cover a little bits and pieces of this because last time last time I've been so embarrassed to film myself because I was up bait literally cried so I'm gonna man up I'm gonna win this game and right now before you continue this video comment who's gonna win all right no don't wait a minute just coming right now you has the throne I do mom won fair and square see just crush Dale went out game on so let's hope by the end of this game we are all still happy smile guess I'll be the race car on the hard Oh Jeff I really want a live stream a family game like this but the two three our live stream of just us playing them yeah right it's so intense right when you thought watching digital games wasn't riding board games this yeah for tonight [Laughter] okay the last time we played this I rolled last and I complain the whole time because they bought all the properties before I could even get there okay you weren't gonna be a baby this time so now you can prove it mom Oh Cora I need some of your wipes the bad roll roll good roll for us good roll for us game just started having you chance good hey Dale didn't get to buy anything yeah yeah the nearest railroad cares take the railroads looking for the big piece so far here's where we're getting some problem dad $14 keep it coming daddy needs a new sweatshirt much guys I can't vlog in play it same time 50/50 from every play or do you don't just put me in a bang keep it comin the first set has been purchased it's all he had one card no I'm I'm sitting like a king right now was a game last time here's the thing none of us own sets of anything mom just landed the first one and put in houses on sale you better start trading I'm glad to know I'm paid for Boardwalk and then I paid for the house again take a sweater oh oh baby Maury demon leap 604 200 cash already I mean nobody's dumb okay I'm on time to make a deal ja okay we're warping ahead things are getting literally working up a sweat so properties are developing I hold green which is tough property to get people to land on mom is sitting here on three dad's sitting on yellow with a deal I accidentally gave him I said well who you wouldn't have yours without mine yeah true and dales just trying Annie I got three hot grilled cheeses for the red I don't need the blue under the ready he needs the red because I need the red and he needs the orange yeah you don't need the railroad you need something you can develop just go to room one for the dad wake me up red wake me up when it's time to make the deal what done no not on red cuz I'm gonna own red he wants orange that weird one oh no you just gave him nothing nothing but look hell I can either hold these and he can never develop which you're gonna destroy the jazz hold tight I know blow him out of the blue before we I'm about to give you a set of red cuz he's got no chance ya got no money then he's gonna give the last of my development line and he's gonna okay she does my red for his two horns which will give me my second set and he'll have his first set and I'm taking his last 100 let's go and you know what I throw you in that extra $20 we'll give you the purple but I want your railroad I can't do the railroad with without the railroad I have no you do you want to develop or not you have how you either you either take this or you go out of the game I'm gonna have to just go out of the game you're gonna go out over this this this is the play and I have to have it I can't I don't need the purple without the railroad I'm sorry taking it I'm good I got house walk you know walking this deal think about it all right Dale finally came to his senses it's a mercy play I mean you just took my deal here we go we got a new set boys let's go I got the money to develop a long hit me for 390 here she's got when I'm coming around to you you might have to take one of them houses off and sell it but I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it the birthplace oh but what if I hit hard place really is that true they'll shine so [Laughter] I'm sitting right here on amiibo I can hit dad I could hit mom it's all up for grabs right now my own property lucky you dog ladies and gentlemen take on the board you guys remember that deal Dale made me for the orange-y developed herds help he just fitted oh he's done he's done I think even mortgaged out it will pay this is where you collect all oh no I thank you here's 178 okay so we're looking good they only needs 950 [Music] it went totally opposite last time he's doing good yeah if you sold everything 591 and some carry mortgage pots go one down now take four to go just we gotta go let's go what's it say I got a double okay and you got out at the chance I missed it oh okay you're the chance go back three spaces I've never even heard lots we should print like the chance dance the Romans property that'd be hilarious do you say believe it what is that oh that's a cheap one that is one thousand dollars I could do it sure you tell us on that read what's wrong I'm gonna do five six seven eight nine dad just hit my ones right great is now on my own sue me in that factory spaces then me and now Britt my beautiful wife hang on hang on how are you gonna make a deal with Jess when you've just landed on my property oh wow you rather give it to ya you have to yeah you don't have to mortgage it no just what's the same thing Oh Romy you should build hotel this is Jess Jessica what five six seven eight oh my yeah my orange you play this game by on yeah or so important orange yeah fifth hit mom on orange and that's gonna hurt yeah that one might hurt I think I won't just put everyone out we got one more survivor is out hey at worst I'm in third place right now true you are hanging it baby boom look I can build even mortgage just some money wait how much is it nine 1000 even 1000 nine days out no that's a snake guys one two third place for houses for just four houses 925 he's got that do so in all of that with just one property I didn't come in a second you came in second she's not over you an orange final hit puts mama out hey guys thank you all right very shot hard president look at that no I don't want to give an upper all right I want to say you came into this game with a different attitude and I'll say this you all are better losers than me whole time yeah I never heard someone so miss but I never feel like a good winner we're not worthy good game GG's with the board and then they'll never think you won yeah yeah stack it all back letting it sit baby count that money for me Oh God well there's a small glimpse into our day our Thanksgiving thank you guys so much for being a part of it it's kind of know I didn't remember what I filmed today to be honest but thanks for being up here a part of our family a part of our company a part of everything that we do thank you for watching I don't know what is going on with you two the videos are like they're either getting seen by you or they're not but we're just gonna keep doing our thing and we'll see what happened thank you guys again Lake for smile mores in the description top of the description and we will see you tomorrow I'm hoping through all our Christmas stuff tomorrow so be another just family hangout day I love you you're beautiful one-of-a-kind you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,423,243
Rating: 4.9484053 out of 5
Keywords: Thanksgiving, Holidays, family, Family Friendly
Id: sg2lBfEmB9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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