Swiping thru Bumble in your hometown

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[Music] who knows maybe my 2020 won't end as a hot dumpster fire oh no they call me a wide receiver because i'm a catch well they mainly call me bench because that's why i spent most of my season but it's not my fault dude what will our date and my 2014 senior year playoff football game have in common they're both going ot over time damn girl is your heart my acl cause it's torn to pieces and sad that it can no longer pursue its dreams and now i go to every friday night football game just to critique the younger kids playing high school football you should have ran faster braden uh you look like a third string kicker hey i'm girth just like earth but without the g girth speaking of g let me play your g chord i played the one at the park today feeding the birds organic whole grain bread are those sandals i'm pretty sure my dad has those are you september because you're earthwinding fire yeah you could say sarcasm is my love language [Music] no okay it's got some mussels stuff on brock and that's not short for broccoli all eight is red meat meat that is red and meat that is dead psych nine to eat broccoli cause it's all about the gains and meal prep meal prep and chill i hope you're on the pill i'm just kidding whatever you want to be on that's fine you don't have to worry about me cheating unless it's sunday because that's cheat day let's blow out an artery rock rock rock more like block [Music] i'm brently and i just moved here from austin texas with this little guy [Music] talk up i know what i like instant right [Music] cory you ever think about just burning all your cash and then just running off into the wild because i do i mean that's just like 17 but this will be fun life's all about experiences sometimes i just come out here and just watch the stars in my cars does he live out of his car yeah that's mine be a cool adventure it's kind of hot i'm in blader roses are red violets are blue i just bought a model flex how about you oh there's no car there but there could be if you join me tonight on our date oh no me you coconut shrimp manumano aka we split the check split the check did i mention i'm verified verified i think you're worried about the wrong check my guy left [Music] chandler evans i don't think he ever graduated high school oh hold on hold on i saw you about to swipe left don't do that cause i'm mr right no no for real please please don't swipe left hypothetically if you use a credit card that may or may not be your dad's um and i was an atm machine would you swipe on me because you want bumble that's why pl please please yeah no definitely didn't graduate high school it's either yi yi or bg here's the problem with the government no no not the vibe we're going for no thank you now this is a vibe oh hey i'm new to this whole dating app things but maybe you could be the reason i delete mine look i'm just looking for somebody to listen to some tame and make gingerbread houses with my mom taught me how to make this one did i mention i'm a mama's boy i love my mom but before first date i just gotta let you know i'm five eleven but my instagram bios is six two cuz i wanna make your exes jealous i know they're checking did he say six feet i'm in love mom you can stop getting at me found the love of my life you're gonna have grandkids tomorrow damn another left [ __ ] oh i know the ceiling oh damn baby girl we back damn i'm just laying on a chair yo if i got laid on a chair does that mean that low-key just got laid on the chair she don't know what she's missing because i'm too busy dripping nah but if you ain't too busy tripping you should go to the bumble youtube page and check out some of the other content they got a bunch of cool stuff oh [ __ ] that's a homie carter carter we still on for one oak
Channel: Trevor Wallace
Views: 841,213
Rating: 4.9686694 out of 5
Keywords: trevor wallace, trevor walace, travis wallace, white claw, kyle, monster, bang energy, trevor wallace cherdleys
Id: RgnGxd5NjIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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